What to do if a baby has diarrhea. Diarrhea in babies: what to do so as not to harm the child? When should parents see a doctor

It is not uncommon for mothers to experience digestive upset in children. Teething, overheating, an unfamiliar product introduced into complementary foods can cause diarrhea in babies. In breastfed babies, feces are often liquid. What are the symptoms to distinguish a serious disorder from a physiological phenomenon that passes quickly and without consequences? Why is diarrhea dangerous and how to stop it?

How to tell if a newborn has diarrhea

Until one year old, the appearance of loose stools in children is considered normal, since they receive liquid food. How can a young mother understand that a newborn has diarrhea?

Diarrhea in babies during breastfeeding differs in some of the symptoms:

  • the frequency of bowel movements increases several times - how much should be normal;
  • the consistency of the stool is liquid, watery, frothy;
  • defecation occurs by a sharp ejection;
  • the smell of feces is sour, unpleasant, pronounced;
  • the color of the stool changes. Green diarrhea indicates bacterial infection. The more severe the poisoning in the baby, the greener the stool;
  • in the feces, blood streaks, lumps of mucus, "flakes" can be observed;
  • the temperature rises, vomiting occurs.

You can understand that a baby has diarrhea by his general well-being. If a disturbed appetite, anxiety, tearfulness, pallor, irritability have joined to loose stools, the baby is tormented by colic and gas, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Causes of diarrhea in an infant

The main causes of diarrhea in children, both in infancy and older, are rooted in nutrition.

  1. In breastfed babies, diarrhea is caused by the mother's unbalanced diet. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits, fatty meats, lard, herbs can cause indigestion in the crumbs. By adjusting her table, mommy can relieve the child of unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Baby food. Diarrhea can cause an allergic reaction to the mixture. In babies who have reached six months of age, diarrhea occurs with the introduction of complementary foods. New food puts stress on the stomach and intestines. With a lack of enzymes, a disorder appears. By eliminating foods that are poorly tolerated by the child, diarrhea can be quickly cured.
  3. Lactose or gluten deficiency. Poor absorption of these substances is manifested in weight loss, skin rashes, diarrhea. It will be possible to completely stop diarrhea when lactase enzymes are actively produced.
  4. Teething often provokes diarrhea. This is due to increased salivation and its ingestion in the stomach in large quantities. The work of peristalsis is disrupted, the intestinal walls are irritated, the immunity is weakened. It is not necessary to treat diarrhea of ​​this origin. As soon as the teeth finish erupting, bowel function will return to normal.
  5. Intestinal infection. In a mild form, diarrhea goes away without treatment. In an acute form, the temperature rises, intoxication of the body begins, vomiting, nausea. If the cause of diarrhea is salmonellosis, dysentery or amebiasis, the child runs the risk of severely losing weight, the body becomes dehydrated, and seizures begin due to the high temperature. In such cases, serious treatment of diarrhea is required in the infectious ward with hospitalization of the baby.
  6. Dysbacteriosis is not considered a pathology, but a temporary imbalance between the pathogenic and beneficial environment in the intestine. This is common in newborns. Their digestive system is still immature and vulnerable. In some cases, it is necessary to correct the microflora with probiotics.
  7. Congenital bowel pathologies that cause diarrhea require surgical intervention. Acute pain, gas formation, bloating, high temperature and vomiting are given by appendicitis, peritonitis, volvulus, intestinal obstruction.
  8. Taking antibiotics that violate the microflora causes diarrhea in children and adults.

First aid for babies

Inexperienced mothers are worried and lost, not knowing what to do with diarrhea in babies. There is no time to waste time on experiences. You need to act immediately. Diarrhea, if it is not of a physiological nature and is caused by poisoning, is dangerous due to dehydration of the body, loss of salts and minerals.

In order to restore the water and salt balance, mom needs:

  • when breastfeeding, give the breast more often and give the baby water from a spoon or pipette before the doctor arrives;
  • for artificial people, the mixture is diluted in half and allowed to drink water every 5 minutes;
  • electrolyte solutions help replenish fluid loss. They are bought at a pharmacy and bred according to the instructions;
  • the condition of the intestines will be improved by an infusion of blackberry leaves, bird cherry berries, blueberries, pomegranate peel;
  • if the crumbs have a high fever, they give him an antipyretic.

How to treat diarrhea in babies

You can cure diarrhea in babies by eliminating the cause. It is forbidden to give a newborn medicine on his own. Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate medications when making a diagnosis.


If my mother broke her diet, and there was a loosening of the stool, it is necessary to exclude suspicious foods from the diet. It happens that diarrhea occurs not only due to errors in nutrition. Due to inexperience, mommy may not properly organize feeding, and give the baby only one breast. At the same time, he will not receive additional fat milk. The digestive organs will not cope well with their work, lactose will not be able to digest due to too liquid food, which will cause green diarrhea.

To stop diarrhea due to taking antibiotics, children are prescribed probiotics and prebiotics that restore microflora. Babies under one year old are usually prescribed Linex, Lactobacterin, Probifor, Acipol.


No formula, even the best quality, can replace breast milk. Therefore, artificial mothers should carefully look at the baby's chair. You need to know what diarrhea looks like in babies. Normal stools should be yellow to brown. The color of the stool depends on the mixture on which the child is. Defecation, repeated 5-6 times a day, an unpleasant smell of feces, fever, say diarrhea.

You can determine diarrhea by the nature of the bowel movements:

  • an intestinal infection will cause diarrhea with foam and mucus;
  • diarrhea with blood in a baby - good reason to call an ambulance... It can be provoked by a serious intestinal infection, which can only be fought in a hospital. Doctors will tell you how to treat the baby and what antibiotics to take;
  • watery stools appear with lactose intolerance;
  • white lumps - when overeating infant formula;
  • increased fat content of the stool occurs due to a lack of enzymes.

The change in the usual yellow color of feces to green in babies with artificial feeding can be periodic or constant. If this is a periodic phenomenon, and there is no general malaise, then the body has reacted to a change in diet (switching to a new mixture with a high iron content).

A chair with foam in a baby, mucus and blood in the stool is a serious reason to see a doctor. It is dangerous to treat diarrhea with folk methods in newborns. A qualified doctor will advise on the necessary drugs and the mixture to which the baby should be transferred. If they managed to introduce complementary foods into the diet, they refuse it for the duration of treatment.

When teething

After 5-6 months, babies begin to erupt their teeth. In some babies, they appear at 3-4 months. Stool with diarrhea due to eruption, loose and copious. This is stressful for the child. Infections cling to a weakened body. If the stool is foamy, blood or mucus appears in it, it means that pathogenic bacteria are actively multiplying in the intestines. To treat diarrhea in infants, which occurs during teething, you need to drink plenty of fluids and medications that the doctor will prescribe.

In case of infection

The symptoms of intestinal infection appear depending on the nature of its pathogen. Acute poisoning is especially difficult for newborns. The small intestine becomes inflamed, the child's stool becomes abundant and frequent. The temperature rises dramatically. After passing tests, determining the type of bacteria or viruses that caused diarrhea, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

In case of intestinal poisoning and dysbiosis, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, and give the baby rehydrants. Usually doctors prescribe Humana Electrolyte, Hydrovit, Naturalay. Adsorbents give a good effect. Smecta is considered a popular remedy. It can be given from the first days. It is a natural, safe preparation based on refined clay. Smecta is not absorbed into the bloodstream. It passes through the intestinal tract, completely leaves the baby's body, relieving spasms, pain, and stopping diarrhea. Smecta absorbs toxins and microbes, leaving beneficial bacteria. The medicine is diluted with warm water, stirred until smooth and offered to the baby. If the doctor has prescribed other drugs, including antibiotics, Smecta is given to the child 2 hours after taking the pills.

What is the danger of diarrhea in babies

Severe dehydration is the main danger of diarrhea in children. If the crumb:

  • is rapidly losing weight;
  • does not pee for 4-6 hours;
  • cries without tears;
  • his lips dry out;
  • frequent vomiting with bile appears;
  • eyes and fontanelle sink;
  • he is lethargic and sleepy

need to call an ambulance... This condition threatens not only health, but also the life of the baby. The smaller the child, the more dangerous dehydration is for him. The loss of only 10% of the total body weight of fluid is fatal for a baby.

As you know, frequent and thinning of the stool is considered. In children of the first two months of life, the intestines are not yet sufficiently developed, so it is emptied after each feeding. And this is not considered a pathology if the feces itself are mushy, with white lumps and a sour-milky smell. Moreover, its color normally can be different shades of yellow or yellow-greenish.

The frequency of stool in a child older than three months should not exceed 4 times, and after 6 months of life, the intestines are emptied even less often - up to 3 times a day. In addition, after six months of life, the feces should change their character, becoming more shaped, which is associated with the introduction of complementary foods into the child's diet.

Diarrhea (up to 6 months) is a condition when stool frequency exceeds 10 times a day. In "artificial" at the same age, diarrhea can be considered a bowel movement more than 6 times a day. There are a lot of reasons for this state, the danger lies in the fact that a large amount of both water and salts is lost with feces, without which the body cannot exist. That is why diarrhea in an infant is a reason for active action on the part of parents.

Diarrhea causes

The reasons are conditionally divided into 2 large groups - infectious and non-infectious.

  1. Infectious. They can be caused by viruses (enteroviruses and bacteria and protozoa. The main reason for such diarrhea is violation of hygiene rules when caring for a child (unwashed hands of a caregiver, dirty hands of the baby himself, as well as untreated household items, use of shared toys).

a) Diarrhea caused by viruses. Often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, there is a connection with the use of certain foods by the mother or the child himself. Stool is frequent (with rotavirus infection - up to 20 times a day, sometimes more often), usually gets an unpleasant odor, sometimes changes color. It is often accompanied by vomiting.

b) Diarrhea in an infant with a bacterial origin, caused by E. coli, salmonella, shigella (dysentery bacillus). This is a more rare cause for infants. In this case, the stool is frequent, offensive, its color often changes (with salmonellosis, it is green, similar to swamp mud). The body temperature also rises. There may be vomiting.

c) Diarrhea in severe septic diseases. So, pneumonia can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. But in this case, more frequent breathing appears, in which additional muscles (wings of the nose, intercostal) begin to participate.

It should be noted the following: with profuse diarrhea, when you are unable to compensate for the loss of fluid in the feces, the child's temperature "normalizes." Moreover, it drops below normal. This is not a favorable sign, but a symptom of dehydration.

2. Non-infectious: caused by a variety of reasons.

Among them there is a species that is considered "relatively physiological" among pediatricians: it is a loose stool lasting one day when a new product is introduced into complementary foods or when teething occurs.

Diarrhea in case of impaired absorption of milk or formula due to a deficiency in the child's body of some enzyme of celiac disease, and so on). In this case, diarrhea occurs already in the first days of life or from the moment the child is transferred to a new mixture. The stool is liquid (less often - mushy), plentiful, has a shiny appearance and an unpleasant odor. The body temperature does not rise.

Diarrhea in an infant may be the result of abnormalities in the development of the intestines or pancreas, biliary tract. Abundant stool, large amount of undigested food, no fever.

Dysbacteriosis. You can talk about it if the mother or child has recently had (not yet 2 months have passed) or are now taking antibiotics. In this case, the body temperature is normal. The stool is thin, it has mucus, maybe greens.

Other causes of diarrhea are more appropriate for adults.

The main task is to ensure the replenishment of fluid and salts lost in the feces. That is, it is imperative to take into account how much water was lost with the stool, what - with the temperature. You need to give the child this amount of liquid to drink, plus give him additional liquid, which is necessary to maintain vital functions (for example, for the first month of life - 140 ml / kg, for the second - 130 ml / kg, after the fourth the calculation is different).

You can drink breast milk, although it is better to transfer the child to a lactose-free or low-lactose mixture ("Humana LP", "Nan lactose-free", "Nestogen low-lactose"). In addition to the mixture, you need to give water, preferably with electrolytes (dissolve a bag of "Humana electrolyte" in 250 ml of water or a bag of "Regidron" powder in a liter of water). Water should be given every 10-15 minutes for a teaspoon. If the child does not vomit, slightly larger volumes (2 teaspoons each) can be given.

The next measure for diarrhea is sorbent. For babies, this is the drug "Smecta" - 1 sachet per 150 ml of water. Children under the age of one year should try to "pour" half of the prepared solution per day.

Lactobacilli: "Bio-Gaia" preparation - 5 drops per day, probiotics "Lacto" and "Bifidumbacterin" in an age dosage, 5 ml of "Entero-Germina" or "Enterofuril" suspension per day.

Moms are always anxious about changes in stool in an infant: they can have different reasons, and it is important to know how to respond correctly to any changes. At the same time, much depends on the age of the child: up to 6 months, liquid stools are considered the norm, and it is very difficult to determine whether there are disturbances in the digestive process. If there is diarrhea in a baby, what should mom do?

Diarrhea in babies is not always a symptom of the disease

In infancy, there is an intensive development of the digestive system, and at this time, various failures may occur. There are 7 main reasons for stool disorders:

  1. Violation of the diet of mother and child. With natural feeding, it turns out that what the mother eats, the child eats, and some foods can cause a sharp negative reaction. Loosening of the stool is often caused by cucumbers, pears, and other fresh vegetables and fruits. When introducing complementary foods, new foods should be given gradually, carefully monitoring how the baby's digestive system reacts to them. can lead to dehydration and should not be taken lightly.
  2. ... They can be of a different nature, but usually the infection is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, a sharp rise in temperature, and a deterioration in general well-being. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to give the child as much fluid as possible and see a doctor as soon as possible for antimicrobial prescription.
  3. ... It most often occurs after taking antibiotics: a violation of the intestinal microflora leads to the fact that food cannot be digested in full, and because of this, the stool is disturbed. One of the common causes of dysbiosis is the uncontrolled use of drugs and dosage violations. Only a doctor can prescribe antibacterial drugs for a child, and parents must strictly follow the instructions.
  4. Congenital intolerance to certain foods. It can be associated with developmental pathologies, for example, the inability to digest lactose. Usually, intolerance is manifested by severe digestive disorders, and the only way to stop them is to refuse natural feeding and switch to special lactose-free
  5. Surgical pathology. This is the most dangerous cause of diarrhea, which is accompanied by fever and vomiting. In case of intestinal obstruction or volvulus, only an operation will help, which should be carried out as soon as possible.
  6. Teething. In children, this process begins at the age of 3 to 6 months and may be accompanied by fever, vomiting, and poor health. Diarrhea in this case is a protective reaction of the body, and the only useful measure will be drinking plenty of fluids.
  7. in the first weeks of life. The first month is the most difficult stage for the formation of the digestive system. At this time, the organs are just beginning to work harmoniously, and during the transition period, diarrhea, colic, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms are possible. Often, nutrition is disturbed due to the fact that the mother often changes her breasts during feeding. In this case, the child receives only "front" milk - it is more liquid and more saturated, which can provoke indigestion.

Thus, diarrhea in newborns and infants under the age of one year can have very different causes and it is important to correctly identify them. Only in this case, you can make the right decision about treatment and not harm the child.

How do you recognize an infection?

The most common infection is rotavirus

One of the most dangerous causes of diarrhea is infection: most often it causes it, however, salmonella, staphylococcus, enterococcus and other bacteria can enter the intestines. Bacterial infection can lead to severe toxicosis and dehydration, so it is important to respond in time to the onset of the disease and provide help as soon as possible. Especially the parents of babies up to six months need to hurry up - dehydration develops rapidly and in rare cases it becomes the cause of death. Diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body to the ingress of foreign microorganisms, and in case of infection, it will be accompanied by several symptoms:

  • Temperature increase. It can reach 39 degrees, and help should be provided as soon as possible. In infants, the temperature is most often measured rectally: the thermometer is lubricated with petroleum jelly and 2 cm is inserted into the anus. Temperature measurement takes 3 minutes.
  • , blood streaks can be observed in it. Discharge becomes frequent and watery.
  • The child becomes lethargic and drowsy, tears do not appear during crying, in addition, the lips and mucous membranes may dry out. All this speaks of dangerous dehydration, and measures must be taken as soon as possible.
  • Repeated refusal to eat. At the same time, the child will be lethargic and pale, signs of general malaise appear.

If there are signs of infection, it is necessary to call an ambulance: the baby and his mother will be hospitalized in a hospital, and intensive therapy will be prescribed to him. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct drugs: you cannot use any "folk remedies" and wait until everything goes away by itself. Moreover, it is impossible to give a small child "adult" medicines: the wrong dosage can lead to additional poisoning and subsequent

An infectious lesion of the body often develops rapidly: literally in a few hours, a temperature appears, vomiting, frequent sharp stools are observed, the child begins to cry and refuses to eat. Repeated vomiting and frequent bowel movements are the most common signs of infection and need to be addressed quickly.

How are digestive pathologies manifested?

Metabolic disorders and problems with production usually develop in the first weeks of life, and frequent loose stools are just one of the signs. Now such pathologies are more and more common: developmental disorders, non-compliance with diet during pregnancy, poor environmental situation - all this leads to the fact that the child's body is not ready to assimilate ordinary food, and special conditions are required.

Metabolic disorders are manifested by slow growth and poor weight gain. Since the baby does not receive enough nutrients, he cannot fully develop, and he needs qualified help as soon as possible. Abnormal enzyme production is indicated, sometimes bloating appears. There are several types of such diseases:

  1. Lactose deficiency. In this case, an infant receiving breast milk or conventional milk formulas suffers from the inability to assimilate lactose - one of the components From the first days of life, diarrhea appears, and it will be greenish in color with the appearance of foam and a sour smell. Vomiting may appear, symptoms of toxicosis develop. The main treatment is the transition to mixtures that do not contain lactose, usually this allows you to completely normalize the state of the digestive system within a month. A late diagnosis can lead to various developmental disorders, so it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible.
  2. ... This is an intolerance to gluten, a protein found in cereals. If not absorbed, it will damage the lining of the intestines, causing diarrhea. Diarrhea will appear after gluten-containing foods are introduced into the diet: these are bread and any baked goods. In this case, the diarrhea will be profuse, the bowel movements will have a pronounced unpleasant odor. At the same time, the abdominal circumference increases, the child's body becomes disproportionate. After giving up gluten, the condition gradually returns to normal.
  3. Cystic fibrosis is a more rare hereditary disease. It manifests itself in the inability to transport chlorine ions, while biological secretions of the respiratory and other systems begin to thicken. The external manifestation will be frequent loose stools, which will be shiny due to undigested fat. Symptoms appear from about the second week of life. Treatment is with special enzymes and a reduced fat diet.

All metabolic deviations require correction as quickly as possible. Modern methods of treatment make it possible to reduce their manifestations to a minimum, and the child will be able to grow and develop normally.

How to deal with dehydration with diarrhea?

Stool color and odor with diarrhea carry maximum information.

Dehydration is one of the most dangerous consequences of diarrhea and must be stopped as soon as possible. A loss of 5% of a child's body weight is considered dangerous, and in infants, a life-threatening condition can develop very quickly. Lethargy, retraction of the fontanelle, in severe cases, the skin becomes flabby, and cyanosis of the nose and fingertips may appear, testifies to severe dehydration. Before the ambulance arrives, parents must help their child cope with dehydration themselves. With a small degree of dehydration, the loss of fluid can be compensated for by various types of fluid:

  • It must be bottled and filtered, and it must also be boiled. The child should be given as much water as possible, this will prevent dire consequences for the heart and brain.
  • Rice broth. This simple remedy has several functions: it replenishes the lack of fluids and binds toxins, in addition, it has a calming effect on the intestinal and gastric mucosa. Often times, taking rice water is a good cure for diarrhea in and of itself.
  • Rehydron is a special water-salt solution that allows you to compensate not only for the loss of fluid, but also to replenish the lost microelements. It is recommended to use water-salt solutions only as directed by a doctor.
  • You can also give unsweetened ones: they do not irritate the intestines. In addition, it is easier to persuade a small child to drink compote than plain water in the right amount.
  • In a difficult situation, you can prepare a water-salt solution yourself: per liter of clean boiled water, you will need 3.5 g of ordinary salt, 2.5 grams of baking soda and 20 g of sugar. You can give such a solution in parallel with ordinary water: the amount should be the same. To combat dehydration, you can not use: gas bubbles further irritate the intestinal mucosa, so that it can only aggravate the process.

In addition, the child should not be given dairy products, cocoa, sweet tea, or other beverages containing sugar. Since the digestion process is impaired, their intake can provoke vomiting. Water or rice water is given gradually so as not to aggravate nausea: it is advisable to give 1-2 tablespoons every 3-5 minutes. If the usual soldering does not give results, then intravenous fluid administration is necessary. Severe dehydration is manifested by convulsions, loss of consciousness, in this case, resuscitation measures are needed, which will be carried out already in the hospital. If the first signs of dehydration are already observed, you need to call the ambulance immediately.

Diarrhea and other stool disorders in infants are by no means a rare occurrence, and it is important to respond correctly, without unnecessary panic, to changes in digestion. A single stool violation does not indicate a disease, just like the Child can react to any stressful situation, a new product in the diet, etc. If minor stool disorders appear, you need to talk about them with a pediatrician or a health visitor.

It is necessary to consult a specialist if violations occur repeatedly, the stool becomes frequent and is accompanied by other signs of the disease: vomiting, deterioration of the general condition. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to fight dehydration, and after the appointment of treatment, strictly follow the prescribed measures. To feed or not feed the baby if the diarrhea is not over yet? Previously, doctors prescribed a "hunger pause", but today this practice has been abandoned. Your doctor will prescribe the correct feeding dosage, especially for breast milk. In addition, increased intake of fluids and water-salt solutions will be prescribed. The correct approach to treatment and adherence to prescriptions will quickly cope with diarrhea and

In the first year of a child's life, the stool has a liquid consistency. This feature is associated with the nature of the diet - up to 5-6 months, the infant's diet consists only of liquid food. After the introduction of complementary foods, feces are not formed immediately, since the gastrointestinal tract gets used to new products. It is possible to identify diarrhea in infants and newborns by characteristic signs and behavior.

What does normal stool look like?

The baby is born with sterile intestines. It does not contain both harmful and beneficial bacteria. During childbirth and the first attachment of the baby to the breast, his intestines are colonized with beneficial microorganisms and antibodies to diseases that the mother has suffered.

Distinguishing normal stool from diarrhea in a child under one year old is not an easy task. Especially in breastfed babies. A nursing mother's diet includes a large list of foods, and the immature digestive system reacts differently to each of them. The frequency of bowel movements also depends on the woman's diet.

The appearance and frequency of bowel movements changes during the first year of life. In the first days after birth, the baby exudes meconium - thick tarry feces of black or dark green color.

As mother's milk or an adapted mixture arrives at 3-4 days of life, the baby's feces acquire a yellowish color, become liquid and heterogeneous. It may contain white flakes (curdled milk),. The newborn goes to the toilet during each feeding or after a meal. The frequency of bowel movements reaches 10 times a day. It is during this period that parents begin to suspect that the baby has diarrhea. in a newborn, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. The amount of stool in children depends on the type of food.


When a baby feeds on breast milk, according to pediatricians, feces can be of any consistency and color. Loose stools in a newborn should not be a concern if he:

  • no foam;
  • pungent odor;
  • blotches of blood;
  • a lot of mucus.

The color of the stool can be yellow, brown, a green tint is allowed. Too frequent heavy stools with white flakes indicates overfeeding of the baby. The immature intestines do not have time to process a large volume of milk. Excess food is excreted in the feces.

By the age of 2 months, the intestinal microflora in the baby returns to normal. Toilet trips are becoming more predictable. The increase in bowel movements in infants 2–5 months old is associated with the mother's nutrition.

By the age of 3 months, the baby's feces acquire a mushy, homogeneous consistency. The frequency of bowel movements is reduced.

With the introduction of complementary foods, the feces are gradually formed and colored brown or. It is allowed to contain particles of fruits and vegetables. This happens if the baby is given unmilled foods. The intestines are not yet mature enough to digest coarse fiber.

Features of the chair in artificial

In children who are fed with formula, feces are denser and darker than in infants, and have an unpleasant odor. Fears are caused by watery light-colored feces. Liquid, homogeneous yellow stool is a variant of the norm for formula-fed babies. Often the shade changes after changing the adapted mixture. Feces in bottle-fed babies can turn green due to the presence of iron in the diet.

Loose stools in infants with a pungent putrid odor is a reason to see a doctor.

Diarrhea symptoms

Diarrhea in an infant is determined by the following signs:

  • watery, slightly colored consistency;
  • change in the smell of bowel movements;
  • the volume of feces has increased;
  • frequency more than 10 times a day (in children from 3 months);
  • restless behavior, crying;
  • lethargy.

In a child of 6-7 months, the first teeth begin to cut. This process is often accompanied by frequent bowel movements, profuse saliva flow, reddening of the gums. The upset stool is explained by the fact that babies pull various objects into their mouths during the period.

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is accompanied by the watery contents of the diaper with fragments of mucus and blood. Green diarrhea during breastfeeding is a normal variant. If feces of this color are accompanied by vomiting and fever, they indicate an intestinal infection. Watery foamy discharge indicates an increased multiplication of Staphylococcus aureus.

If the baby is cheerful, gaining weight, drinks and eats well, loose stools should not cause concern.

Causes of diarrhea in infants

An upset bowel can cause any disease. Causes of diarrhea in a newborn and baby:

  • intestinal infection;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • taking antipyretics, antibiotics;
  • dysbiosis;
  • overfeeding;
  • congenital gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • introduction of complementary foods;
  • teething;
  • food poisoning;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • allergy;
  • deficiency of enzymes for digesting food;
  • difficulties in the absorption of incoming substances;
  • change of the climatic zone;
  • giardiasis;
  • stress.

During childbirth or while in the hospital, the baby can catch an infection (most often Staphylococcus aureus), which provokes with mucus.

In a one-month-old baby, stool disorder is most often due to a digestive disorder. The intestinal microflora has not yet formed, it is regularly colonized by new microorganisms. Any malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract can provoke dysbiosis and, as a result, diarrhea.

The cause of diarrhea in a newborn and a baby with natural feeding can be the mother's malnutrition.

A common cause of diarrhea in children 2,3,4 months is an inappropriate adapted formula, the transition from breast milk to artificial feeding.

When do you need urgent help?

A pediatrician should be consulted in any case if the baby has loose stools. For children under one year old, dehydration is very dangerous. Emergency medical assistance is required in the following cases:

  • frequent and frothy stools with a strong odor;
  • body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • vomiting with a fountain of bile (more than 3 times);
  • a large amount of mucus in the stool;

You can understand that a baby has dehydration by the symptoms:

  • crying without tears (this symptom does not apply to children under 3 months);
  • confluence of the fontanelle;
  • lack of urination for more than 8 hours;
  • lethargy;
  • dry lips.

What to do if a newborn has loose stools

If diarrhea is accompanied by fever, it is more often applied to the chest and an ambulance is called. The artificial man is given water from a spoon. To prevent electrolyte imbalance, the baby is given a saline solution:

  • Naturalay;
  • Hydrolyte;
  • Pedilight.

These funds are available in powder form. They must be in the home first aid kit.

The popular Rehydron remedy is not suitable for babies under one year old. It has a high concentration of salts.

The daily rate of electrolytes for diarrhea is 100 ml per 1 kg of body weight. If the baby does not drink from a spoon, the solution is poured into the cheek with a syringe without a needle. With frequent vomiting and diarrhea, the child should be given a few milliliters of rehydrants every 5 minutes before the doctor arrives. This will be a home replacement for a saline drip.

Dehydration threatens the life of the baby, therefore, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. The child is given intravenous electrolytes. If the cause of the diarrhea is infection, an intramuscular course of antibiotics is given.

When the baby eats well, does not cry and does not pull its legs to the tummy, watery bowel movements are not a cause for concern. If you have any suspicions and concerns about loose stools in a breastfed baby, you can take a stool test (coprogram) to the laboratory. With the help of the study, the state of the intestinal microflora, the presence or absence of inflammation, infection is determined.

Vomiting and diarrhea in an infant streaked with mucus and blood indicates congenital lactose intolerance. In this case, they are tested for allergens. Loose stools and vomiting with such a problem provokes not only the mixture, but also breast milk, if the mother consumed foods containing lactose. These include milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, beef. A properly selected plant-based mixture or revising the menu can solve the problem.

First aid for diarrhea in infants

Emergency measures in children older than 1 month include soldering the child with an electrolyte solution, chamomile decoction. The liquid is given regularly, in small portions.

Rehydrants are prepared strictly according to the instructions. A solution that is too concentrated can make vomiting and diarrhea worse.

After 6 months, a baby can be given dried fruit compote. Breasts are often offered to breastfed babies. You need to water the baby in any case, even if it turns out to be done through force.

Diarrhea without fever in babies under 6 months old who are breastfed is often associated with the mother's diet. In this case, diarrhea can be stopped by correcting the woman's diet. Laxative products are excluded from the menu: beets, kefir. The cause of diarrhea in infants can be fatty, fried foods with an abundance of preservatives, which the mother used.

Diarrhea after the introduction of complementary foods indicates that the body is not yet ready for this product. New food is not given to the baby until the consistency of the feces is improved. After 5-7 days, complementary foods are resumed starting with a teaspoon of puree. Abrupt introduction of complementary foods and a variety of foods cause intestinal upset.

In a 7–10 month old child, diarrhea is usually associated with teething. If the intestinal disorder is not complicated by an increase, diarrhea is stopped by adjusting the infant's diet. For a while, exclude products with a laxative effect:

  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • fresh kefir.

The baby is given rice porridge, crackers. A cold compress is applied to the gums, a cooling gel is used.

Diarrhea is a reason to exclude juices from the baby's diet. The sugar they contain is poorly absorbed by the intestines, resulting in watery stools.

Treatment of diarrhea in infants

The main remedy for the treatment of diarrhea, uncomplicated by infection, saline solution. It is impossible to stop diarrhea at this age, you can only prevent its consequences. Sometimes treatment is carried out with absorbent agents:

  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb;
  • Novosmectin.

They are not absorbed into the bloodstream and are excreted from the body through feces. Once in the intestines, absorbents bind and remove toxins, viruses and bacteria.

Viral and bacterial infections with high fever are treated with antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Levomycetin.

When caused, prescribe means that normalize the intestinal microflora:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Linex;
  • Acipol;
  • Hilak-Forte.

These drugs can also help manage diarrhea after taking antibacterial drugs.

To establish a chair in a baby, you should not stop breastfeeding. Switching to a tailored mixture will only exacerbate the problem. Pediatrician tips for chronic diarrhea in infants:

  • feed your baby regularly to prevent weakening of the body;
  • if the child is breastfed, meals are taken on demand, and not by the hour;
  • do not introduce new foods into the diet until stool is restored;
  • follow the diet of a nursing mother.

Changes in the consistency of feces and anxiety in a bottle-fed baby are often associated with the fact that the chosen formula does not suit him. A change in diet can solve the problem with stool and relieve the baby from colic.

To prevent diarrhea, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the mixture, and regularly wash toys. Babies are less susceptible to intestinal infections, since breast milk protects the baby from viruses and bacteria. A nursing woman needs to follow a diet so as not to cause a stool disorder in the baby and monitor the reaction to newly introduced foods.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Appoints diagnostics and provides treatment. Group Expert on Inflammatory Diseases. Author of over 300 scientific papers.

The chair of a newborn baby causes a lot of excitement for his loving mother. Firstly, it is one of the most reliable and convenient, and maybe even the most accessible in the first weeks and months of a baby's life, an express method for assessing his health. Secondly, the baby's feces are so different that it makes many of us think repeatedly: is everything okay with him?

One of the most common problems that new mothers face is diarrhea in a newborn. Frequent and loose stools in a child haunt us: how to recognize the norm and pathology and what to do? Today we will discuss these important issues.

What should be the stool of a newborn?

Practice shows that often mothers, due to increased suspiciousness and lack of experience, take the usual bowel movements normal for babies as diarrhea. Therefore, it is necessary to first find out what kind of stool is considered the norm for a newborn?

In general, we recommend that all young parents study this topic separately - and then many anxieties, fears and doubts will disappear by themselves, and you will not seek out non-existent problems from the child. But we will still briefly describe the normal stool of a newborn in this article. And it directly depends on what kind of feeding the baby is and how many months he is.

In the first days after birth, all babies lose their original feces, called meconium in medical terminology. This happens on the first or second day of life, less often (with insufficient nutrition of the baby) - later. Meconium is odorless, but it looks scary - dark green, sometimes almost black resinous color. Then, as new food enters the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn, and with it various microorganisms, children's stool is formed. By the age of three to four months, there is already a certain mode of bowel movements, which is normal for each individual child's body.

At first, the baby's stool will be more liquid and odor-neutral. But as the child grows up, it thickens and begins to smell characteristic. The chair will change with the introduction of complementary foods, and by the year, provided the child has a varied diet, it looks closer to the chair of an adult.

The feces of a breastfed newborn "have the right" to be anything, pediatricians say: frequent, rare, thin and thick, and also varied in color and even contain curdled blotches of undigested milk. Almost entirely, its appearance depends on the diet of a nursing mother, although over time this dependence will gradually decrease. But nevertheless, in the baby's feces, normally there should be no admixtures of mucus, blood (single fragments are permissible as an exception) and undigested food particles, no matter what kind of feeding he is.

Babies can defecate almost after every feeding - that is, 5-6 times a day, but once every few days is also the norm. "Normal" baby stool is mushy, of uniform consistency, yellowish in any shade - from the lightest to the darkest. It has a sour milky smell.

If the baby eats mixtures, then, in comparison with the previous case, his feces will be denser and darker (sometimes, on the contrary, lighter), differ in smell (not for the better) and such a wide variety in consistency and color, as is allowed for a baby, already no. "Arkstvennichki" empty their intestines much less frequently than infants.

Any deviations from these norms may indicate some kind of disturbance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea in a newborn: how to recognize?

It should be noted that there can be no strict criteria for a "normal" baby's stool: this concept is extremely individual, and what is the norm for some, may be a deviation for others. But how, then, to recognize diarrhea in a newborn?

They talk about the development of diarrhea when a child defecates more than 6-12 times a day (or two more often than usual), while the stool becomes quite liquid (thinner than usual), not formed, often almost watery, and the baby experiences obvious discomfort: restless , does not eat or sleep well, does not gain or lose weight enough, is naughty. For children in the first months of life, it is the consistency of the stool that is decisive, and not its frequency.

Pathological loose stools for diarrhea in infants often contain some kind of impurities (mucus or blood), foams, has a pungent, pungent, putrid odor and can cause not only pain in the tummy, but also severe irritation on the baby's skin. Watery or discolored stools indicate a child's health problems.

Causes of diarrhea in newborns

Indigestion in newborns occurs very easily and quickly due to the low activity of the enzymatic system and the failure of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially difficult for the small ventricle to digest fatty foods, including milk (breast milk is not included here).

There may be several reasons for this painful condition. First of all, when diarrhea occurs, it is necessary to establish what exactly caused the violation of the stool in the newborn. This could be:

  • Diet disorder... With the slightest violations of the baby's stool, the mother should mainly analyze her menu. Anything you eat can cause anxiety and loose stools. Vegetables and fruits have this property most of all (if we talk about a healthy diet, which a nursing mother should adhere to): melons, apricots, watermelons, zucchini, etc. product.
  • Intolerance to certain food components... It could be an allergic reaction to certain substances. Recently, cases of intolerance by babies to milk sugar, protein, cereal gluten, etc. have become more frequent. It is possible to determine the "aggressor" with the help of special clinical studies (the pediatrician will send you for tests). Note that this also applies to infant formula - perhaps the newborn's diarrhea has arisen precisely because of the formula that is not suitable for him. The administration of medications can also cause diarrhea.
  • Intestinal infection or SARS... Despite the fact that newborns seem to have little contact with potentially dangerous objects and people in terms of infection (intestinal infection can be of both bacterial and viral nature), there are not so few cases of infection among infants. Moreover, this reason is in the first place. If vomiting also joins diarrhea, especially against the background of an increased body temperature, then it is almost certainly an infection that takes place. With ARVI, other symptoms characteristic of viral diseases appear: cough, runny nose.
  • Dysbacteriosis... And although this diagnosis is not often found abroad, our doctors like to diagnose almost every newborn child with dysbiosis. It is characterized by frequent painful emptying of liquid sour stools with a pungent odor, foam, undigested particles. Dysbacteriosis occurs as a result of a violation of the normal intestinal microflora (more precisely, in the case when beneficial bacteria are unable to resist rapidly developing pathogenic bacteria). This can happen for any of the above reasons, as well as after the use of certain groups of drugs (in particular, antibacterial or laxatives).

It is very rare, but it still happens that diarrhea in a newborn is caused by immune deficiency or physiological pathology in the structure of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Urinary tract infection or appendicitis is not excluded, but these are more "exclusive" reasons. Also, diarrhea can develop against the background of helminthic invasion (in particular giardiasis), which is more typical for older children.

How is diarrhea treated in newborns?

Treatment of diarrhea in infants is determined by the cause that caused the loose stools. If the culprit of stool diarrhea is any product in the diet of a mother or child, then it should be excluded from the menu completely, finding an alternative to it (in the case of formula or milk). Perhaps, for the speedy removal of the toxin from the body, the pediatrician will advise some medicines suitable for newborns.

With an intestinal infection, a diet and drugs are prescribed: antiviral, antibacterial, antipyretic, adsorbing - depending on the exact diagnosis and manifestations of the disease. No remedies for diarrhea at their own discretion can be given to a newborn. Dysbacteriosis is treated with bacterial cultures and adherence to a sparing diet.

It is extremely important not to allow dehydration, which occurs especially quickly in newborns and has extremely serious consequences. The body of a newly born child is much more water than that of an adult, and therefore any loss of fluid (due to vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination or increased sweating) should be replenished immediately. Remember also that along with fluid in case of diarrhea in a newborn, nutrients are also released from the body, which the growing baby really needs. Therefore, it is necessary to act immediately.

A newborn with diarrhea must be given water, special baby drinks or electrolyte drinks - in small portions, but very often (every 5 minutes, a teaspoon). Do not give up breastfeeding, and even try to breastfeed your baby as often as possible, but exclude milk and juices from the baby's diet. A child who is artificially fed or complementary foods should be given mainly water in the acute period, but he should not be allowed to starve. Already 6-8 hours after the start of rehydration, the baby can be fed with the usual mixture, just start by using water for its preparation, gradually adding milk and increasing its concentration until it completely replaces water.

Do not forget about enhanced hygiene during this period: wash the perineum of the crumbs after each emptying, lubricating the skin with baby oil or cream to avoid irritation and diaper rash. Also, watch out for the cleanliness of your own hands when preparing food, carrying out manipulations of caring for a child and any contact with him.

Go to the hospital without delay if newborns show signs of dehydration:

  • excessive excitement and anxiety of the child or sharp wilting and severe weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • cracked lips;
  • intense thirst;
  • smooth fontanelle;
  • scanty urination (or urination occurs less often than every 3 hours);
  • discoloration of urine (it is dark and saturated);
  • increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • sinking eyes;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

It is urgent to go to the hospital if the newborn's diarrhea continues for more than three days without signs of improvement, against the background of persistent diarrhea, the child refuses to drink and eat, and also if the stool contains blood or mucus in large quantities.

Diarrhea in newborns is the norm

And finally, I would like to focus your attention on the fact that you should always focus on the well-being and condition of the baby. If it seems to you that he often walks in large, and rather loose stools, but at the same time the baby feels great, sleeps calmly, eats with appetite and gains weight normally, and the tummy is soft and gases go away well, then most likely there is no reason for concern.

Please note that on the third or fourth day after childbirth, stool disorder in newborns normally occurs, since the intestines that were sterile up to this point began to take food, and bacteria settle in it along with it. The formation of microflora occurs, during which the so-called transient dysbiosis in newborns is noted, which does not require any treatment and does not pose any threat to the baby.

In addition, during the first three months of a child's life, the stool may normally be slightly greenish due to the high content of bilirubin (against the background of physiological jaundice in newborns).

Remember, the crumb is still very small - the enzymatic system is weak and not able to work at full capacity. Give him time and opportunity to adapt to this world - and perhaps over time, the chair will improve. But do not really start pathological conditions: intoxication develops very quickly in newborns and dangerous complications occur. It's always best to take your child to the pediatrician to make sure everything is okay.

Let your little ones feel great, and you will be calm for them!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko