What are girls interested in guys? Interests of modern women

When faced with failures in communicating with girls and building relationships with them, a guy may wonder what girls are interested in in the opposite sex. Some guys cannot fight off the fair sex, while others, like losers, cannot interest even one girl. Why does this happen? The answer lies in how interesting the guy is to the girl. And in order not to remain on the bench of "substitutes" and "lonely", the men's site site will tell you what kind of guys you need to be in order to interest girls.

How to become an interesting person?

A person is mistaken about the fact that someone should like him in order to finally feel good, needed and fulfilled. Often a person asks the wrong questions, which is why he gets the wrong answers. "How to become an interesting person?" Is one such example. For whom do you want to become an interesting person - for yourself or for those around you?

How to become an interesting person for yourself? You just need to please yourself. Transform your appearance, demeanor, facial expressions, gestures, diction so that you like everything in yourself.

Usually people who change for the sake of their own ideas notice how the people around them begin to take an interest in them. This is quite natural. First, you become a different person, which is already interesting. Second, you radiate self-love, respect and calmness, which is also attractive to anyone. If you are happy with yourself, you will be happy with other people, and this is read on a subconscious level.

Since you like yourself, it means that you will not constantly demand love and attention for yourself, as well as praise and evidence of whether you are a good person or not. You are confident that you are interesting, and you do not need to constantly hear about it from other people.

Things are quite different when a person becomes an interesting person for other people. In this case, he tries to match their ideas. Each friend, acquaintance and close has its own idea of ​​you. Will you manage to meet all the expectations of those around you?

If you are trying to become interesting to someone, then you have to find out other people's expectations in relation to you, and then adjust to them. What if you don't like the other person's expectations? Will you still try to be what a stranger wants to see you, even if he is close and loved? Thus you turn into a slave, from which you can fashion whatever you want. But will it be interesting to communicate with a person who is ready to be what they want to see him, even if he has to become a clown or a bum? Unlikely.

To become an interesting person, you must first become attractive to yourself. Do you like yourself? No? Then start doing something with yourself so that you finally become interested in yourself. Then other people will start to like you, although in this case they will want to mold you into the image that they impose on you. Don't give in. The main thing is that you like yourself. And let those around you accept you as you are, or do not prevent you from living the way you yourself want.

An interesting guy is guided by his opinions and desires. Undoubtedly, the wishes of the girls must also be taken into account, since you can be awkward and ugly, while considering yourself interesting. Girls will pay attention to the guy's external attractiveness and sociability, and then they will begin to see his personality, which he cultivates and develops in himself.

Who is an interesting guy?

Since guys rarely understand common phrases, it is often necessary to speak in direct words what they need to be in order to be considered interesting. So, girls pay attention to such gentlemen:

  1. Clever. And it's not about how many books you've read and what abstruse words you know. It says here that you have certain useful knowledge that you can use in everyday life, solve a problem or make money.
  2. Intelligent or brutal. Here the guy has to be either good or bad. There are girls who love it when guys behave like gentlemen: they pull up chairs for them, open doors, give them their hands, etc. There are ladies who love it when they impudently stick to them, try to hug them, drag them into bed - this causes excitement and the game.
  3. Self-confident. Show-off should be distinguished from confidence. When a guy is confident in himself, he is calm in almost all situations. The girl understands that you can go through a lot with him, and this will not destroy his attitude towards her.
  4. Healthy and beautiful. Girls also look at their appearance. The guy should be neat, clean, in new clothes. He must also be healthy. Who needs sick people?
  5. With good social status. A guy should have friends, and it's good if they are helpful. The presence of useful connections will greatly intrigue the girl.
  6. Emotional and humorous. The guy should be upbeat and cheerful. Girls are also pleased when guys show their emotions. The "stone" face attracts no one. But the ability to emotionally, while controlling your emotions, is always attractive.
  7. Attentive. Many guys are guilty of lack of this quality. But it is attentiveness that makes the guys remember everything that the girls say, what they are interested in, how you can please them.
  8. Generous and caring. If a girl is looking for a guy for a serious relationship, then these qualities are very important. If a girl does not like a guy, then she will use these qualities for her own good.
  9. Active, energetic. Girls look at how promising guys are. The guy may be poor now. However, if he has certain qualities (activity, efficiency, dedication, courage, etc.), correct behavior and readiness to act, then he may turn out to be an excellent party in the future.

Although there are girls who live one day. So give the bad guys who will amuse them, hang on to their ears, tell a lot of interesting things, even promise something that they will never do. Give illusions to such girls, since it is sometimes very difficult for them to build real relationships.

You have to be wrong to be interesting.

People who in their hearts dream of freedom, of life changes for the better, are able to notice interesting opportunities, always positively assess those people who do not fit into the general picture of cultured people. Every day you observe correctly behaving, cultured, usually thinking people. But as soon as a person enters your environment who behaves a little arrogantly, fearlessly, relaxed, even selfish, then arouses more interest than the "right" people. There are a lot of "correct" people, but they live the same way, "as is customary." And the “wrong” person radiates freedom, lack of fear and satisfaction with life.

There are people who become arrogant, and there are those who are simply not afraid to talk about their desires, express an opinion and consider it correct. There are people who try to be modest, and there are those who are not afraid to be sociable, assertive and liberated in their communication. There are people who say what society thinks, and there are those who are happy to express their opinions and are even ready to face misunderstandings.

You have to be wrong to be interesting. You need to be a little arrogant, absolutely fearless, straightforward, slightly selfish, at the same time cheerful, good-natured, respecting others. On the one hand, you give yourself complete freedom, and on the other, you allow other people to be different from you. Everyone is different - and you are interested in communicating with any people, no matter how right and wrong they are.

You have to be wrong to be interesting. Of course, there are people who will not approve of your freedom and freedom in communication. These people are so used to living by generally accepted rules that they are not able to accept the difference that exists between people. Everyone has their own style of communication, slang, demeanor, point of view. And people who live by the rules do not know how to be flexible and free, because they are used to living in only one way.

You don't have to be liked by everyone. If your freedom is not approved, then these people themselves do not want or do not live freely. Are you interested in communicating with those who are boring and uninteresting person? Don't expect everyone's approval. A free person does not expect anyone's approval at all. The main thing is that he approves of himself, likes himself, is interesting to himself. There will certainly be people who will be interested in him, because he is free, fearless, straightforward, at the same time respectful and good-natured. This is a rare combination of qualities. But this is exactly what all people want in communication with others.

What are girls interested in guys in the end?

To interest a girl, you need to know exactly why she needs a gentleman. Each girl is unique in her desires. Some girls will focus on the amount of money guys have, others - on the ability to have fun and interesting communication, still others - on the prospects in relationships with guys, the fourth - on the opportunity to have fun. What the girl wants to achieve in the end, she chooses such a guy.

There is a large category of girls who are ready to date guys who have money. You can be anything here if you know how to make a lot of money and spend it on girls. Beauties agree to put up with your unattractiveness, silence, and even a tendency to cheat, if they understand that you are ready to provide them financially.

Cinema is a universal theme. We start with the question: "Have you been to the cinema *?" We find out what he likes to watch, whether he goes to night sessions, talk about new products and invite to the film - it's in the bag!

Hobbies. For example, you are rollerblading or collecting stamps. In the first case, after a short conversation, you can invite to ride. If he doesn’t know how, promise to teach. In the second - tell a romantic story associated with your favorite brand and invite you to see the collection. In the conversation, do not forget to ask what the girl is interested in, and give time to talk about it.

Literature. Does the girl like to read? If yes, go ahead. What have you read lately? What is your favorite writer? Tell us what you are reading yourself. Maybe you know which book will soon be filmed? Already read a new book from a series she liked? Promise to give to read.

Museums, memorable places. There are a lot of them in any city. You need to pick up a guide and remember the information at least about those you visit most often. Then at any moment you can strike with your intellect something like this: “Do you know that Pushkin (James Bond, Carlson) lived in this house?” We are interested in the lady's favorite places, tell a romantic story about our favorite park and invite you to take a walk.

Bad habits. It is better to talk about "cute" shortcomings: the habit of being constantly late, losing pens, or vice versa - quietly collecting them from all your friends. The main thing is to have fun.

Money. Talking about the cost of daily travel and food, CDs, books is a good opportunity to strike up a conversation. True, you should not drag it out, he will still think that you are a curmudgeon. After a couple of opinions, move on to another topic. For example, food.

Food. From family dinners with grandma's pies to your favorite dishes, exotic seafood, good cafes, barbecues, etc. An invitation to your favorite cafe or out of town on the weekend will be perfectly logical in this case.

Travel, walks. You can talk about your recent trip. Ask where the girl likes to go, drive, her favorite weather for walks, where she would like to visit. What do you like more - a forest, mountains or diving into the unknown depths of the sea for treasures.

Cars, transport. Ask if the girl drives a car. If not, is there a desire? What kind of cars do you like? What other transport would you like to control - a spaceship or an armored personnel carrier? Share your thoughts on your dream car.

Work and study. Tell a couple of funny situations from your work or school experience. Ask about the relationship in the team: are there any common holidays, ask about the boss and teachers. Be sure to find something in common in these stories, there will be something to laugh at.

Recreation. What do you do on the weekend? With any answer to the question, we do not criticize anything, even if the girl does not get up from the couch all day, eating pounds of cakes. Maybe she has a terribly stressful job, and this is compensation for the stress. Your task is to keep the conversation going.

Sport. Start carefully with your favorite sports. If you hear that a girl is engaged in ballet or dancing, do not rush to laugh "at the top of your lungs." Try at home in front of a mirror, standing on tiptoe, raising your legs, sitting down, jumping and at the same time beautifully waving your arms for a couple of hours in a row. Your torment will have nothing to do with ballet, but you will feel the degree of stress. Famous athletes, gyms, types of swimming, sports tourism - there are many topics.

From sports to health. Now is the time to say that it is better to ride bicycles in the fresh air than to sniff glue in basements. You can philosophize a little on this topic together. Unless, of course, the girl yawns during your moralizing lecture.

Religion. Do you believe in God, in fate, are interested in Buddhism, the history of religions, do not even believe in chance, etc.? Do not hesitate, ask: does she believe in predestination from above or thinks that a person independently creates destiny. Feel like your meetings are not accidental? Hint at this. An interesting conversation may result.

Relationship. Here you can ask what kind of guy she would like to meet. What will not tolerate: betrayal, tediousness, greed, etc. In response, express your opinions. Ask about friends, tell about yours. Just do not start scrupulously sorting out your ex-girlfriends.

Children. Kids, younger brothers and sisters, nephews and just acquaintances. There will definitely be something to discuss: funny statements, pranks, whims. If the lady you have chosen is already a mom, the conversation can be endless. You can figure out how serious the person is in front of you.

Gifts, holidays. What is the best holiday? What kind of gifts does he like? Give or receive? About myself - a must. For example: you love winter, New Year, Santa Claus and swimming in an ice-hole under a tangerine rain in some flippers.

Clothing. Be sure to compliment her on the topic of her beautiful appearance. Make fun of your favorite jeans. Ask: how does she feel about the guys working on the podium? Hint that a woman in any dress is beautiful - any real man knows about it.

Pets. The topic is a win-win, unless you just ran into an outright psychopath. Does she have a cat, dog, rat, fish, parrot? Praise! It is mandatory to tell about your pets. Imagine what your favorite iguana and her guinea pigs would do together.

Sex. You can shock a girl by immediately reporting her sexual preferences. True, the result will be extremely dubious. Therefore, wait until your relationship is really close. In the meantime, you can talk about famous couples: do they really fit together.

A woman is therefore interesting for herself, because she is always interested in everything and is always one step ahead of the man!

The life and problems of a modern woman ...

These questions do not leave many people alone. It is good that these questions are not rhetorical or "unanswered". Let's analyze each of the questions in order….

It is most logical to start with the life of modern ladies.

Let's step over the platitudes so as not to obscure the whole meaning of these lines ...

  • Modern women love life!

They love life and appreciate what has appeared in it thanks to technological progress.

  • Lady of Modernity - Purposeful Business - Woman

Who are trying to be as independent as possible. Of course, we are not talking about all women.

There are those that use completely differently: find rich men, spin their heads and buy all the pleasures of life with their money. But let's not delve into the "bad" options.

  • A modern woman is able to do three things at once.

She appreciates time, but she will never save it on appearance. A woman manages to simultaneously lull the child and paint her lips while talking on the phone, switching it to a speakerphone. The husbands of such women are no longer surprised at such "wisdom", because they are accustomed to them. Somewhere and in something, as men themselves admit, they are very jealous of women.

What is a woman living in the twenty-first century interested in?

We will analyze this point by point to make it easier to understand. Both the woman and her interests. We look, draw conclusions, build a holistic picture of “a woman on the planet”.


If you give a woman the opportunity to make a choice between spying on her husband or spying on fashion trends…. Women will choose the second option! It is so important for her to be fashionable and stylish that a woman will even "turn off" the obsession with thoughts that a man can change her.


Almost all women consider cosmetics as “the second type of clothing”. Almost any woman will never go out if she has lost her favorite mascara, or left her coolest lipstick with a friend. Cosmetics are something that a woman finds it very difficult to refuse.


In this art form, the woman is the undoubted leader. Only she has the patience to turn over the pages of cookbooks for hours, looking for "zest" in the recipes. How she loves to delight her family and friends with her masterpieces! And she doesn't even remember how much she hates the kitchen. A woman is so pleased when her work is appreciated….


It is in the online world that women can express themselves without much hesitation, realize themselves, not be ashamed of circumstances and the past. On the Internet, many women not only find their halves, but also "fill" the list of friends and like-minded people. Or they can join interest groups to find answers to their questions.


Perhaps, without her, there would be no sentimental natures, romantics and inspired personalities. Women are not at all embarrassed by the fact that most of them adore musical directions with a pop slant. After all, it is in the lyrics of such songs that you can, as they say, find yourself, your life, put on the lines.


But what about without plots? A woman is very distracted by a good movie. Not necessarily melodramatic.

In general, as it turned out, films calm the nervous system of women. They know how to fit into the film and not notice the environment.

Men often carry a grudge…. Or rather, in a sense, women are jealous of films. Some go to the actors.



Instead of medicine! It happens ... - she takes the money and hurries to the nearest hypermarkets. One is boring. And until all the finances are spent, the woman will not leave the building she has visited. She would have stayed there, but they would not be allowed. And finances are never endless, unfortunately. The habit of going around the aisles of a hypermarket a couple of times is not surprising. The main thing is shopping.

The problems of a modern woman in her life


Often a woman does not like what she does at work, albeit officially. She gets so bored that she gets a huge dose of burnout. Disgust for work, apathy wakes up. All of this can quickly turn into depression.

Own housing

The apartment is a wonderful gift of fate. And not only women dream of having their own living space. Even if the people with whom they live are very good - you always want to separate.

Sexual relationship

Not all men strive to satisfy their partner. Yes, selfishness is present in them, you shouldn't even argue with that. A man can say that he will do everything to make it pleasant for his beloved, and he himself can only take care of his desires. Women are offended if men do not believe in their headache, or lack of mood. It happens, in fact, and such! Women are not dolls.

Family relationships

Character, incompatibility, differences of opinion, fatigue from everyday life. All this is seriously exhausting and annoying. But no family lives without it. It is not necessary to get used to it, but to accept or begin to take such a "circumstance" for granted.


Quarrels with girlfriends are very painful. As if they did not quarrel, but parted forever and ever. And you can't not quarrel, and quarrels are bad. But women will not change in any way in this. They are so arranged, although it sounds corny.

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Nowadays, almost every woman cannot imagine her life without the Internet. There are practically no such representatives of the fair sex who would not be registered in at least one of the social networks and with their help would not communicate with their friends and relatives. This is quite natural, since who, if not girls, loves communication and can discuss new movies or their shopping trips with their beloved friend for a long time. Women of all ages are interested in learning something new about their friends and classmates, or simply looking at news or beautiful photos on the Internet. Or maybe she wants another child and she is interested in reading about the second pregnancy.

Passion for health

In addition to communication, women are attracted by the desire to always remain young and beautiful. And for this, as you know, you need to take care of yourself, eat right and pay due attention to health. Girls often search on the Internet for recipes for preparing healthy food and menus for newfangled diets. Older women seek medical advice and use traditional medicine recipes. And young mothers are looking on the Internet for advice on the care and upbringing of children. Moreover, all this can be found very quickly, it is worth, just go to the women's magazine , dedicated to health.

Passion for beauty and fashion

According to statistics, every woman has visited a women's website dedicated to beauty and fashion at least once in her life. Which is quite natural, because we all want to be the first to know about the latest in cosmetics, fashionable hairstyles this year and the advice of leading cosmetologists and stylists. And how many times have we visited the women's website in search of new ideas for our wardrobe, when we did not know what to wear for the next celebration. On the women's website, you can find almost everything, from new fashion trends to tips for decorating your home. When making repairs or, simply, wanting to change something in your environment, be sure to visit such a site. There you will definitely find many useful tips on how to choose curtains, wallpaper, furniture or dishes. The Internet has long become an indispensable assistant for most women, both in everyday life and in matters of the heart. For the help of sites for women, women often turn to women with problems in their personal lives or are simply single. Indeed, the site contains a lot of discussions on the topic of psychology and the relationship between a man and a woman, and some of these tips have already helped to establish a personal life or make peace with relatives.

As a result, the Internet can give a woman the support that she will not receive even from the closest person. And sometimes, a woman simply finds something important and useful, something of her own and is infinitely happy about it. What else is needed for female happiness?

What are the main female interests? Part 2.

The first part of the article discussed why women consider their relationship with a man to be their main interest. I think women are no less interested in their own appearance, and this is reflected in the results of the survey - the second place in the rating. Let's discuss why this is so.

So, let me remind you of the survey itself.

The main female interests are:

1. Relationship with a man - 20.92%
2. Own appearance - 19.61%
3. Maternity - 12.75%
4. Sex - 11.11%
5. Conversations with girlfriends - 8.50%
6. Career - 7.52%
7. Household - 5.88%
8. Fashion - 5.56%
9. Hobbies - 5.23%
10. Business - 2.94%

I would not be surprised to see interest in their own appearance among women in the first place in the survey. Everything is connected. The prettier, more attractive, sexier the young lady, the easier it is to establish relationships with men. Women understand this and use it skillfully.

The following factors contribute to close attention to one's appearance.

1. The entire fashion industry is aimed at decorating your own appearance, looking attractive.
2. Cosmetics exist only for one thing - to beautify the face and body, again to be attractive.
3. Women's magazines. The main theme is your own appearance. How to become slim, lose weight, what else can you put on makeup, or what else to rub into the "problem areas". In men's magazines, mostly photographs of women with good looks, preferably without clothes. There are practically no naked hairy men in women's magazines, there are beautiful women who already use miraculous diets, ointments, paints, weight loss programs, which is why they are so slender and beautiful. Readers see someone else's beauty and want to put their own appearance in order.

Beliefs and Beliefs.

Medical cosmetology is based on pathological care of one's appearance.

Looking in the mirror, women will always find what is wrong in the reflection, where it is necessary to reduce, and where it would be good to increase. This is exactly what cosmetologists do for good money, because beauty is expensive.
Many women believe that having their breasts augmented by surgery by several sizes, they will be simply irresistible and popular with men. Perhaps the feminists are right when they say that a person comes first, and a breast later? But women do not believe them, so they want to be beautiful in appearance that they boldly go under the surgeon's knife.

It is obvious that behind such attention to one's own appearance is the conviction: men can be attracted, first of all, by a beautiful body. Not personal qualities, not positive character traits, but appearance. Accordingly, what do women exhibit in the first place to attract male attention? Body or your positive personality traits? Is the answer obvious?
Therefore, one's own appearance is an important female interest, immediately after relationships with men. Probably, the logic is as follows: if the appearance is not good, then you cannot build relationships with men.

"What you want from us is what we show." One woman's opinion.

This is the answer that explains the reason for such an interest in their own appearance. Indeed, for whom are women trying so hard? Sometimes they answer - for themselves. This is only partly true. The girl would start to dress up, paint at a disco or a nightclub, if there were no men at all. What for? Show off in front of other young ladies? They will not appreciate it, they themselves are. Therefore, the desire to please a man, to attract his attention with your appearance is the main motive of women in taking care of their face and body.