What to wear on the road? (Photo). What to wear on a long journey. How to dress for the road: some useful tips for a car enthusiast

Getting ready for your bus travel will help you avoid many inconveniences. The more details you provide, the easier and more comfortable it will be on the road. One of the most important things is planning your wardrobe correctly. We will help you in this matter.

First of all, you should sort the things that you take with you to the bus. If you forget a warm jacket in your suitcase, then no one will take your luggage from the luggage compartment on the road.


Only loose clothing should be taken on the road. You should not wear skinny jeans, trousers, tight shirts. Models with large cutouts and irregular cut should also be avoided. The simpler the T-shirts and sweaters, the more comfortable you will feel in the salon. You should pick up 3-4 units, starting from a T-shirt and ending with a jacket, which can be put on successively on top of each other. Each of these things should be capable of performing the role of outerwear.

The wardrobe material that you select for your trip should be completely natural or with a minimum content of synthetic fibers. For these purposes, cotton, linen and viscose products are excellent. This will allow your skin to breathe and will not produce unwanted sweat odors.

Regardless of the time of the year, be sure to take a warm jacket or jacket, since modern air conditioning of salons can significantly lower the air temperature even in the hottest season. The same recommendation is given to all travelers who go to the mountains.

When forming a travel wardrobe, try to avoid massive jewelry, short skirts, wide belts and accessories with metal inserts. For example, one awkward buckle can ruin your entire trip.

Thermal underwear

The main difficulty of traveling on a bus is the need to be in a sitting position for a long time. For some passengers, this leads to exacerbations of chronic diseases or swelling of the legs. Thanks to modern textile manufacturing technologies, you can avoid the symptoms of blood congestion. Thermal underwear for the legs has a special fiber structure that enhances blood circulation and prevents the formation of edema. It is specially designed for people with a sedentary lifestyle or people with vascular disorders. If a bus trip involves 10 or more hours of travel, then the best option would be to get yourself thermal socks, thermal socks or gaiters. This will allow you to move more comfortably and avoid unpleasant swelling.


For bus travel, trainers, soft slip-on sneakers or comfortable espadrilles are best. In no case should you wear high-heeled shoes or tight-fitting shoes on the road. For several hours of motionless sitting, swollen feet may simply not fit into the usual pair of shoes. Therefore, take care of this in advance.

Even with a well-chosen wardrobe, a warm blanket and a small horseshoe-shaped pillow will not hurt you. These two accessories are essential for regular bus travelers. The transport company "Viabona express" wishes you a pleasant journey.

After booking tickets and hotels for recreation, tourists have the question of what to take with them on a trip from clothes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to stock up on absolutely everyone; it is impossible to predict different scenarios on vacation.

Therefore, experienced travelers / tourists have made a number of recommendations for those who are just starting to spend their holidays in distant and near countries.

Basic tourist wardrobe in summer

First of all, you need to decide on the style - you should not throw everything in suitcases, since an openwork blouse can hardly be combined with sneakers with thick soles.

Therefore, you need to understand exactly how you want to look when traveling:

  • sports style - we take only trousers, skirts and shorts that match sports shoes, you can stock up on T-shirts and T-shirts, baseball caps;
  • romantic nature - tunics, loose capes and shirts, sundresses, open sandals would be an excellent choice;
  • business style - yes, some even on vacation want to be an eternally busy and business person, so light but strict dresses with a closed neckline, capri pants with blouses, trousers and blouses will suit them.

When choosing a wardrobe for summer travel, you need to consider what your vacation plans are - enjoying the sun on the beach or sightseeing and excursions in the mountains. Additionally, it is worth learning about the peculiarities of the climate (for example, the differences in day / night air temperatures) and the local mentality (in some countries, a woman in shorts can look judgmental).

Experienced travelers have highlighted several points that will clarify when packing a suitcase.

Material and color

Summer is hot, so you should give preference to light and white shades of clothing. Yes, it gets dirty quickly, but it can be washed and dried at any time in a few minutes. If you choose clothes made of white natural material with a slight addition of synthetic fibers, then there will be no problems. But:

  • heat will be easier to tolerate;
  • you can often change your image;
  • the combination of tanned skin and white clothing is amazing.

For hot countries, it is completely normal to change clothes several times a day, so there may be several light and white tunics, sundresses, T-shirts.

Do you need warm clothes

You don't need to think that our grandmothers and mothers, who take a sweater on any trip, simply do not understand anything. In fact, they are wise, because the difference between night and day air temperatures can be large. For example, in Thailand late at night without a jacket it is better not to go out - to freeze from the fresh wind and even get sick easily and easily.

From warm clothes, you need to take a thin, but voluminous jacket or cardigan - this will be enough. And it is better to give preference to a product made of natural wool - it will not allow overheating in the heat, and it will warm you in the cold. Even the densest cotton, linen material will not have the same effect.

Do not reject the umbrella either. Even the most accurate weather forecasts tend not to come true, it will be a shame to be on vacation in a desperate situation (literally), because even a light rain can disrupt all plans.


Any heels, tight / dress shoes should stay at home. Rest should be comfortable, practical for the soul and the whole body, so you need to take with you on your trip:

  • sneakers;
  • sandals;
  • light moccasins;
  • ballet shoes.

They should be lightweight, sleek and flat. It is advisable to purchase inexpensive models - at any time you can discover the loss of your shoes, so it's better to play it safe. By the way, in many countries you will need to take off your shoes before entering churches. Naturally, there are a lot of remaining shoes on the doorstep and it is not surprising that most of the models simply disappear in an unknown direction. A tip from seasoned tourists is to always take duplicate pairs with you.


A must have in a tourist's wardrobe! Wide-brimmed hats, caps, kerchiefs will protect your head from the scorching sun and will not lead to fading of hair color. You can use a thin scarf - it is wrapped like a turban and worn with any clothing.

And the last thing to consider when preparing for a trip in the summer is the peculiarities of the national mentality of the host country.

In many Muslim countries, the open body of a woman / girl is perceived very badly, this annoys local residents and makes their attitude towards guests of the country not too positive.

Thin long-sleeved shirts, skirts, sundresses, trousers - these models will show respect for local traditions.

An additional bonus will be salvation from the scorching sun and prevention of burns. And given that now most of the models are made from natural fabrics, there is no need to fear heatstroke.

Watch the video of what clothes to take with you on a trip to the sea:

Winter travel clothing

Vacation is provided not only in the summer, but in some countries it is better to travel in the winter - there is some charm in the northern beauties. Naturally, you need to think over your wardrobe in advance. And the first thing you need to pay attention to is outerwear. It may be a coat in the form of a sweater, but such a model is only suitable for a trip to Europe, not to Scandinavia.

The best option would be a down jacket - lightweight, does not hinder movement, looks great with both dresses and trousers. Now on sale there are quite modern models that can be easily confused with a classic parka or tweed coat.

But what is worth taking for a winter trip from a basic wardrobe:

  • Pants. A universal option, it will allow you not to stand out from the crowd and be like everyone else. In this case, jeans and a sports jacket will be the best choice, but boring. Tweed trousers, jockey pants with interesting / bright colors or unusual prints will help you to express yourself brightly and stylishly. Such models are combined with down jackets and coats.
  • Dresses. They can be made from fine cashmere, angora wool or tweed, but should be below the knee. It is convenient to move, sit and even run in them, they do not restrict movement and are in harmony with down jackets. If you prefer a warm dress, then you need to take with you a few pairs of warm tights - let them also be made of natural material with a small amount of viscose or other synthetic fibers.
  • Shawls, scarves and hats. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and take whatever you like with you on your winter trip. But you need to know that a knitted hat that covers your ears, a scarf with a national ornament to cover your head during city tours, and a scarf will come in handy.
  • Shoes. According to statistics, boots and high-heeled ankle boots, taken with them "just in case", remain unclaimed for the entire vacation. You can definitely do without them, but you will need comfortable, not narrow boots with a flat sole or a low platform. If the style is strictly sporty, then insulated sneakers with thick soles will come in handy.

For winter travel, you will also need a handbag - it should not be a clutch or a miniature bag for your phone / wallet / mirror, as these models look ridiculous. You need to take with you a voluminous and baggy-looking bag - stylish and practical.

Things to consider when traveling in Europe

Many of our compatriots look simply ridiculous in European countries, they can be distinguished from the local population right away - it is enough to inspect their clothes. In order not to get into a mess, not to cause bewilderment and a smile on the part of local residents of European countries, it is worth remembering the following:

  • Lurex, rhinestones, flounces and ruffles, open shoulders and neckline in the past - only modest and almost faceless outfits will look natural in Europe. It is better to leave the attributes of "luxury" at home or go outside in them at night. You can play with the textures of fabrics, for example, try to combine a thin cashmere coat and a silk skirt. But without experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to look elegant in such an outfit, so it is better not to risk it.
  • Jeans are a must - they are always appropriate, go well with various sweaters and T-shirts, you can wear them to a museum, to a cafe, or to travel on a river boat. Only jeans should be modest - without a scattering of rhinestones, lace inserts and "holes" (yes, torn models are also in the past).
  • Warm sweaters and sweaters. Even if, according to the forecast, there will be sun and heat, this still does not mean anything - the forecasters do not have a direct connection with the "heavenly office", and all other data are conditional. Let the suitcase contain a pair of jackets or sweaters, different in thickness.
  • T-shirts. They are universal - in the event of a sudden cold snap, they can be put under a sweater and insulated, in the heat they will become a real salvation. Large inscriptions, rhinestones, sequins and embroidery should be avoided - everything is neutral or with a minimum of decoration.

When it comes to footwear, sneakers will do. True, if there are shoes with round toes and minimal heels, then this will be the best option - you can go to the museum, go on an excursion, or go to a restaurant. Just don't buy such a model just before the vacation! There is always a chance that the shoes will squeeze and chafe - what a pleasure from the trip, continuous pain and disappointment.

Travel fees by train, bus, car

If everything becomes clear with a suitcase for rest, then what to wear directly on the road remains a mystery. It would seem that timeless jeans and a T-shirt or sweater, coupled with sneakers, should solve the problem, no matter what kind of transport you are going to take. It's actually not that simple.


Its purity can be doubted endlessly, therefore it is necessary to prevent the contact of body parts with the seats in the carriages. On the train, you can lie down, sit down and even walk around the carriage. This mode of transport involves stops during which people go out into the fresh air and stretch their muscles. Comparing everything, you can take with you:

  • tight leggings for a woman or sweatpants for a man - allow you to sit and lie safely in comfortable positions, you can sleep in them, because they do not wrinkle, do not curl, do not expose the body;
  • a classic-cut T-shirt and a thin synthetic sweater - no open neckline, short tops, T-shirts, everything is decent, comfortable, practical and it is not a shame to go to the platform during a stop;
  • light slippers or moccasins - you will definitely need socks as well: hygiene, decency will be fully observed.

The material of clothing should be as natural as possible - sometimes the temperature on trains is so high, even in winter, that it will be uncomfortable in synthetics, sweating will increase, and heatstroke is possible.


Extreme travel - no normal sleeping place, no frequent stops, and abrupt braking of the bus often leads to food stains on clothes. Therefore, on the road, you need not only to put on loose clothing - a T-shirt, leggings / sweatpants / shorts, but also take spare sets with you. Shoes are lightweight and without heels, all materials are natural, but with the addition of a small amount of synthetics, the clothes will not wrinkle.

Even on a summer trip by bus, you should take a thin woolen jacket with you - the nights can be cold, and the air conditioner can be turned on at the request of other passengers.

A car

Ideal because it gives you freedom of choice. You can even go in an evening dress and louboutins, but the usual wardrobe of the traveler will be much more practical. Trousers / shorts and T-shirt / sweater are classic tourist, in which comfortable and free... It is imperative to take a spare set of "outfit" so that it can be changed at any time - drinking and eating "on the go" is extremely inconvenient and often ends in stains on clothes.

Traveling is a fun process. It can be made more comfortable and practical with the right wardrobe. The recommendations of experienced tourists will definitely come in handy, the main thing is to perceive them correctly and adopt them.

The road is always an adventure, and during an adventure anything can happen. A properly selected suit on the road will help you to be ready for anything.

Dress for the journey with the changing weather. Find out in advance the weather forecast for the area where you are going. Pick up the top so that you can remove it in case of warming or throw it on in case of a cold snap. For example, it can be a sweatshirt with a T-shirt or a jacket with a jumper. Take extra clothing with you if possible. When it's cold outside, wear thermal underwear under the bottom. Clothing should not hinder movement, squeeze the abdomen or chest. Sportswear or casual wear is best. Choose discreet and not easily soiled colors: blue, gray, black, brown, purple, burgundy.

Choose clothes made from natural fabrics that “breathe”. Linen, cotton, wool, knitwear are well suited. Avoid fabric clothing that can wrinkle quickly. After half an hour in this outfit, you will look untidy all the way.

Women should not dress too provocatively or vulgarly, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation and not compromise themselves.

The shoes should be comfortable. Discard high heels. Don't wear shoes that are cramped for you. Choose shoes with a comfortable instep support and non-slip soles. Please note that the shoes are made of waterproof material. The entire foot must be completely covered to avoid injury. Take a spare pair of shoes with you.

Do not wear new clothes or shoes on the road. You can ruin it by catching it on a foreign object. Due to the fact that the thing has not yet had time to sit on you, it may be narrow, not comfortable and not familiar.

Discard expensive jewelry. There is a possibility that they will be stolen or lost on the road.

Take with you an umbrella, gloves, spare socks or tights, a hat or cap, sun glasses.

Choose a shoulder bag with plenty of pockets to store documents, money and mobile devices.

Convenience should be the main rule for you. But despite the list of restrictions, try to maintain your own style of clothing designed for the road.

For a long time, journalists, fashion critics and fashion historians screeched from TV screens and the pages of glossy magazines - reproaching and ridiculing Russian women for wearing high-heeled shoes everywhere. At the same time, comparing Russian women with Western and American women who have long lived as conveniently, even to the detriment of beauty and style.

They shouted, shouted and shouted, now on the streets of Russian cities you can see many girls in ballet flats, sneakers, sneakers that look just as ridiculous as the bulk of European women. But today we are not about the style of Russian women or fashion historians and other talkers, but about the principles of choosing a wardrobe for travel.

Travel is a special occasion. Going to another city in Russia or abroad, we get a lot of impressions, but at the same time we experience great stress, both physical and psychological. Therefore, when traveling, it is especially important to think about comfort, sometimes even to the detriment of beauty. The main thing is not to overdo it in the pursuit of comfort!

So how to dress for travel?
If you plan to navigate using an airplane and at the same time, their photos can serve as a good example. Most of the celebrity characters travel, many travel regularly and have gained some personal experience, because in addition to comfort, it is important for them to look good, they will be directed by camera lenses.

Look at the photos of these stars and choose the closest image, taking into account personal characteristics and weather conditions at the time of travel.

If you didn't like anyone, listen to my experience.

How to dress for a trip - personal experience
I will reveal my principles of collecting things for a trip. At one time I was able to travel a lot, so I had to develop my own original approach.

When I travel, I choose clothes in black that contain enough synthetic threads to not wrinkle. I take a minimum of clothes, what is on me, and one more set, in case of an emergency.

I choose shoes that are light, soft, with a small heel, but most importantly, they are made of natural materials. Sneakers with synthetics can make a very unpleasant experience on your trip.

I cover my head with a silk scarf. On a trip, there may be different circumstances, the wind or something else is possible, but you need to look perfect. Believe me, a beautiful and properly tied scarf is much better than tousled hair.

In addition to being tousled, the shawl keeps the hair from dust, and when I arrive at the place, I will of course take a shower, but even without it, my hair will be clean. But that's not all! A headscarf and dark clothing create the image of a believer - maybe a Christian, or maybe a Muslim. Thanks to this image, you will not be distracted by different men, they will communicate with you more respectfully in some regions, and there are many, many more advantages.

That's all about clothing. In addition to clothes, I do not forget about various means for maintaining personal cleanliness and useful little things. The main thing is that it all fits into one beautiful glamorous backpack or small travel bag.

Note: black clothes and a headscarf create the image of a believing woman, but this does not mean that the image is poor! Black clothes can be very luxurious, with decorative elements - with silver or gold embroidery, beads, rhinestones ...

If you are not satisfied with black clothes, this is quite understandable, because the trip is summer, you can choose other colors, but keep in mind that when traveling there are a lot of opportunities to put a small spot and if you chose white clothes, it will be immediately noticeable.

Decorations? They are not needed in the process of moving and in general on the journey from them can be more problems than benefits. A chain or necklace and one ring are enough. Jewelry can attract the attention of thieves and fraudsters, or you can lose them on the beach. Therefore, it is better to decorate yourself, which you buy upon arrival at the local market.

Arriving at the place, and settling in the hotel, I immediately go to the store, where you can buy new clothes. I choose, I buy, because in any case, regardless of the purpose of the trip - a vacation by the sea, or a cultural study of attractions, shops are the most important component of travel, we all visit shops with joy and interest. If so, then why carry a bunch of things with you?

Then, when the trip is over, I choose two sets of clothes to take with me, and the rest is sent home by mail. Therefore, it is funny for me to look at the celebrities I see at the airport, and at the same time they carry a backpack, a huge bag on wheels and some other handbag. You're a star! Are you so poor or stupid as to make yourself a beast of burden?

Here are so many different dressing ideas for your trip.

Next time, Militta will tell you in detail what little things you need to take with you on your trip, how to choose the best backpack and bag. In addition, I will share with you my personal experience of traveling by car and by bus.

Travel is becoming more accessible, distances between cities are being covered faster and faster. A rare modern girl has not wondered how to dress for a trip: ladies go on vacation and on business trips, improve their cultural level and improve their health.

The purpose of the trip, the duration of the journey, and, of course, the chosen mode of transport, will determine the choice of a fashionable image on the road. Let's figure out in this article how to take into account all the nuances of road life in your outfit without changing the style.

Basic rules of clothing for travel

Regardless of how much distance you are going to cover and on what, initially there are a few important tips to follow. This will filter out unsuitable wardrobe items.

  • Preference for plant materials

Cotton, linen, viscose, lyocell - these natural fabrics and their analogues will help you maintain optimal air exchange and temperature conditions. This is an important factor to consider when going on a tourist trip.

Even if such clothes wrinkle more, it will still be stuffy and uncomfortable in a polyester dress or trousers on the road. In some cases, even skin irritation is possible.

If it is critical for you that the clothes do not wrinkle too much, the content of synthetic threads: nylon or elastane is acceptable. Read the label carefully, the amount of synthetics should not exceed the three percent threshold.

  • Low-heeled shoes

It is easy to choose the right low shoes for any set: all kinds of moccasins, loafers, sandals, ballet flats, espadrilles, sneakers are at your disposal.

It is better to exclude sneakers from the list because of the laces. Shoes should be such that it does not take much time and effort to take off and put them on. Probably, on the way to a busy excursion trip, you will repeatedly want to quickly take off your shoes from your tired feet, and put them on again as soon as necessary.

  • A backpack instead of a handbag

As a maximum, a shoulder bag. Hands-free travel is required.

It is not necessary to choose a voluminous travel backpack if you do not plan to fit all your luggage in it. Manufacturers provide fashionistas with a wide selection of compact and feminine urban backpacks.

To travel by rail

If you have to get to your destination by train , Wear lightweight khaki knee-length cotton shorts. Combine with a bright, opaque shirt.

A convenient option would be a shirt, the sleeves of which can be opened to their full length, and if necessary, shortened using a special fastener.

By air

If you plan to travel by plane, do not wear warm and tight clothes. Getting undressed and dressed in the confined space of the cabin is problematic. It is better to wear a light dress or a sundress that does not drag anywhere and without decorative elements. Even if you get a little cold during the flight, the stewardess will gladly offer you a blanket.

Intercity buses

If you are planning a long bus ride, opt for a maxi skirt made of cotton or linen. You will not be able to change clothes on the way, and if it is cool from the air conditioner in the cabin, the skirt will cover your legs and warm you. If it's stuffy, linen and cotton will provide air exchange. In addition, the skirt can always be lifted, gently exposing the knees.

You can complement the skirt with a top with straps. Be sure to take a thin cardigan with you.

On a journey to holy places

If you are planning to go on a pilgrimage trip, give preference to dull clothing that covers the body. Please note that, as in church, no trousers, much less shorts, are worn to holy places.

Opt for a slim, long-sleeved, knee-length dress. Don't use makeup.

During the cold season

The above tips are perfect when choosing how to dress for summer travel. The winter months require special solutions.

Woolen items are the best to keep you warm. But it can be stuffy indoors in wool clothes. You can take off your woolen sweater and put it next to it, but you get a voluminous extra baggage.

Our advice is to use high-tech fabrics. Wear special thermal underwear under your main clothing. If necessary, you can undress in transport and stay only in it: modern thermal underwear is made in beautiful colors and interesting cut.

Video gallery

We bring to your attention several useful videos on the topic of the article. In them you will see even more ready-made stylish images in which it will be convenient to spend more than one hour, getting on a long-awaited vacation. Including, you will see a report from the scene: fashionistas at train stations and airports.