What happened on August 1st. Day of formation of the service of special communications of russia

Published on 08/01/18 00:44 AM

Today, August 1, 2018, they also celebrate the All-Russian Day of the Collector, the Day of the formation of the Special Communications Service of Russia, the Day of Remembrance of Russian soldiers who died in the First World War and other events.

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On this day of the national calendar, the Orthodox honor the memory of the Monk Macrina of Cappadocia, who lived in the 4th century A.D. The holiday is celebrated on August 1, 2018 (July 19, old style).

While still very young, Macrina took a vow of celibacy. A few years later, together with her mother, she took monastic vows, and they settled on the banks of the Iris River so that no one would distract them from their prayers. intcbatch and labors. After a while, having heard about Macrina and her mother Emilia, women began to come to them, wishing to devote their lives to the ministry.

Legend has it that when a girl fell ill, she did not allow a doctor to see her, entrusting her life to the Almighty. And when many women were already desperate, Macrina recovered and was rewarded for the power of faith with the gift of performing miracles, including causing rain.

If the day was clear, the Mokrin ceremony was performed. A woman born on August 1 was named Mokrina. Putting on her best outfit, she sat at home and waited for the peasant girls to bring her ears of corn from their fields. Collecting them in a sheaf, Mokrina went out of the hut and walked with the women to the river. There she threw a sheaf into the water, followed and began to drown the spikelets. The main task was to sink them all before they drift away with the current, otherwise there would be no rain.

The man was forbidden to walk even near the river that day. It was believed that if he even saw the ceremony out of the corner of his eye, he would bring great trouble to the whole village.

If it doesn't rain on Macrina, it will be like this for another 6 weeks; if he did, then for the same period.

What the weather is on this day - so is autumn.

Aspen let down the fluff - the boletus harvest will be rich.

On this day, you cannot:

  • shed blood - neither cattle nor poultry are slaughtered on August 1, otherwise the blood may pass to the descendants;
  • ferment cucumbers or cabbage, put kvass;
  • sell a horse - the rest of the herd may fall ill.

All-Russian day of the collector

The All-Russian Day of the Collector is celebrated annually on August 1. The custom of honoring employees of private security guards dates back to Soviet times. The date has a symbolic meaning: it is timed to coincide with the creation of the service at the State Bank of the USSR - August 1, 1939. She specialized in moving the valuables of a financial institution. The day of the formation of these units became at the same time a professional holiday for its personnel. Soon after the founding of the organ, the tradition of honoring staff was born. It has survived in Russia as well. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the structure underwent significant changes.

Day of the formation of the Special Communications Service of Russia

The day of the formation of the Special Communications Service of Russia is celebrated on August 1. In 2018, FSUE GTSSS turns 79 years old. On June 17, 1939, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR approved Resolution No. 884-145s "On the reorganization of courier communications of the NKVD of the USSR," and on July 29, Resolution No. 1131-210 established the Special Communications Service. The official day of its formation is considered to be August 1, 1939, when the workers began to fulfill their duties. They were supposed to transport highly classified correspondence and precious metals, and during the war, objects of art were added to this list.

Day of Remembrance of Russian Soldiers Who Died in World War I

The warriors who fell in the Great War were undeservedly forgotten. Therefore, in the summer of 2012, at the initiative of a member of the Federation Council A.I. Lisitsin, a proposal was made to supplement the law "On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia" with a new event. On December 26, 2012, the Federation Council approved this proposal. 4 days later, on the 30th, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed Law No. 285-FZ "On Amending Article 1.1 of the Federal Law" On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia " Russian soldiers who died in the First World War.

Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

On May 7, 1998, Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 225 approved the celebration of the Day of Rear Services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on August 1. Events are held annually. In 2018, the date is celebrated for the 21st time.

On February 18, 1700, Peter I issued a decree "On the management of all grain reserves of military men to Okolnich Yazykov, with his name to this part as General-Provision". Thanks to him, a special body was created to supply the army, which provided it with everything it needed: bread, grain, cereals. The rear troops became independent only on August 1, 1941. This happened thanks to the order No. 0257 of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR "On the organization of the Main Directorate of the Rear Services of the Red Army ...". The document was endorsed by I. Stalin. It was the date of ratification of the order that became the starting point in the celebration of the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

On July 29, 2000, the decree "On the 300th anniversary of the Logistics of the Armed Forces" was promulgated. The document was signed by Russian President V. Putin.

World Breastfeeding Week

The World Health Organization decided to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in 1990. This event takes place from 1 to 7 August. Today, this holiday is celebrated in 170 countries. The main goal is to inform all parents about the health of the child. Since breastfeeding has a good effect on the condition and development of any child.

Roman, Tikhon, Stepan, Dmitry, Grigory, Mitrofan, Eugene.

  • 1774 molecular oxygen was first isolated by scientists
  • 1903 - Seraphim of Sarov is listed as a saint
  • 1914 - Russia entered the First World War
  • 1936 opening of the Eleven Summer Olympic Games in Berlin (Germany)
  • 1964 - The state broadcasting company Mayak went on the air for the first time
  • 1994 - Formed a special forces detachment of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Rus"
  • Ada Voytsik 1905 - Soviet film actress
  • Jean Baptiste Lamarck 1744 - French naturalist
  • Valentina Leontyeva 1923 - Soviet TV presenter, People's Artist of the USSR
  • Yves Saint Laurent 1936 - French fashion designer
  • Herman Melville 1819 - American writer.

Monument to the heroes of the First World War in Moscow (Photo: kremlin.ru)

In December 2012, the date of August 1 was added to the number of official memorable dates in Russia, as Day of Remembrance of Russian Soldiers Who Died in World War I 1914-1918... It was established in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2012 "On Amendments to Article 1.1 of the Federal Law" On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia "in order to perpetuate the memory and reflect the merits of Russian soldiers who died in that war.

It must be said that the commemoration of the fallen soldiers began during the years of the war itself, which became the first military conflict on a global scale, simultaneously with the appearance of the first military graves. But during the years of Soviet power in our country, the First World War was viewed only as a clash of imperialist powers.

But since the 1990s, the surge of interest in Russian history and the opportunity to look at the events of the pre-revolutionary period in a different, more comprehensive way, allowed us to move away from a rigid unambiguous interpretation of historical facts. So, the history of the First World War began to be considered from the point of view of its demographic consequences, evaluating this military conflict as the greatest tragedy in people's lives, and about the contribution of this or that country, this or that people to victory.

The Russian Empire, despite its participation in the alliance of the victorious countries (Entente), due to the catastrophic internal situation withdrew from the First World War (after the signing of the separate Brest Peace in 1918), and then was plunged into the most difficult Civil War, the consequences of which for Russia were no less terrible than the consequences of the First World War. That does not negate the valor of the Russian troops on its fronts.

How many of them, known and unknown, are left to lie in the ground? How long did it take to "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!" How many fathers, husbands, sons did not return home? According to rough estimates, this number exceeds 1,600,000. And this is the largest number of casualties among the soldiers and officers of the countries participating in the First World War.

The first military graves began to appear in the western provinces of the Russian Empire back in 1915. Today, mainly, these are the territories of foreign countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine. Also, for the burials of Russian soldiers who fell during the First World War in February 1915, on the lands of the old manor park of the village of Vsekhsvyatskoye near Moscow (now the territory of the Sokol district of Moscow), the All-Russian Bratskoye cemetery was opened and a chapel was consecrated. Until the middle of 1920, burials were made here almost daily. But since after the 1917 revolution the events of the First World War were consigned to oblivion, in the 1930s the cemetery itself was transformed into a park.

Only in 1994, by a decree of the Moscow government, the territory of the former Bratsk cemetery was declared a monument of history and culture and placed under state protection. On the site of the central part of the Bratsk cemetery, the Memorial Park Complex of the Heroes of the First World War was created, on the territory of which various monuments and a chapel were erected in subsequent years.

Traditionally, on August 1, in many Russian and foreign cities, where these military graves have been preserved, memorial services are held for the dead soldiers, flowers are laid at the graves and at the places of fraternal burials. One of the first such events was held in 1989 in Daugavpils, then the Latvian SSR. Since then, on this day, events have been held annually.

In recent years, monuments have been erected on the territory of different regions of Russia, memorials have been opened, chapels have been consecrated in memory of the Russian soldiers who died during that war. For example, in 2014, a monument to the heroes of the First World War was opened in Kaliningrad and in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill.

Flag of the Rear Services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Annually on August 1, a memorable date is celebrated in our country - Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1393 of July 28, 2000. But this professional holiday of all servicemen and civilian personnel related to units and subdivisions of the rear of the Russian Armed Forces has had its official history since 1998, when it was approved by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 225 of May 7, 1998.

The year 1700 was taken as the starting point for the history of the Rear Services of the Armed Forces. Then, on February 18, Peter I signed a decree "On the management of all grain reserves of military men to Okolnich Yazykov, with his name to this part as General-Provision."

The first independent supply body, the Provisions Order, was established, which was in charge of the supply of bread, cereals and grain fodder for the army. He carried out a centralized food supply, which, as you know, is today one of the types of material support for the troops.

In subsequent years, the system of logistics support for the Russian army was improved, including taking into account the experience of wars. Thus, the transport of supply was developed, a system of echeloning stocks was developed, a single quartermaster service was created. During the First World War, front-line and army supply bases were formed, front-line distribution stations operated, which ensured the reception of railway transport from the rear of the country.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the rear services of the Armed Forces of the USSR included: rear units, units and institutions that were part of military units, formations and associations of all types of the Armed Forces; bases and warehouses with inventories; railway, automobile, road, repair, engineering and aerodrome, aviation, medical, veterinary and other rear units and subdivisions of central subordination. They were supervised in a special respect by the respective main and central directorates of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

However, the existing structure of the rear did not meet the requirements of the war. The army and front-line rear were absent, since its maintenance in peacetime was not provided for by the states. Therefore, in the conditions of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, on August 1, 1941, the actual self-determination of the Rear of the Armed Forces took place - the Rear was defined as an independent type or branch of the Armed Forces.

On this day, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin signed the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0257 "On the organization of the Main Directorate of the Logistics of the Red Army ...", which united the headquarters of the Chief of Logistics, the Directorate of VOSO, the Road Administration and the Inspectorate of the Chief of Logistics of the Red Army. The post of Chief of the Rear Services of the Red Army was introduced, to which, in addition to the Main Directorate of the Rear Services of the Red Army, "in all respects" were also subordinated to the Main Quartermaster Directorate, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Sanitary and Veterinary Directorate.

The post of Chief of the Logistics was also introduced in the fronts and armies. Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Lieutenant-General of the Quartermaster Service A.V. Khrulev, his chief of staff - Major General of the Quartermaster Service P.V. Utkin. The consolidation of the entire set of supply, medical and transport structures under one principle made it possible to establish a complex process of logistical support of the army in the field.

The rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, being an integral part of the defense potential of the state and a link between the country's economy and the troops directly consuming manufactured products, is a well-coordinated and efficiently operating mechanism.

In 2010, the structures of the Logistics of the RF Armed Forces were reorganized into a new structure - the system of material and technical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (MTO of the RF Armed Forces), which united two previously independent types of comprehensive support of the armed forces - technical and logistical, which existed in the structure of the Logistics of the Russian Armed Forces. ... Material and technical support is organized and carried out in all types of daily and combat activities, with the aim of maintaining troops and forces in constant readiness to perform tasks as intended.

On August 1, Russia celebrates a professional holiday - Day of the formation of the Service of special communication... This service has its history since 1939, it was renamed many times, and its current name is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Center for Special Communication" (FSUE GTSSS).

The day of creation of FSUE GTSSS is August 1, 1939. It was on this day that the Special Communications Service of the People's Commissariat of Communications began its work, on the basis of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 17, 1939 No. 884-145s "On the reorganization of courier communications of the NKVD of the USSR." According to the same decree, the new service was entrusted with the tasks of transportation and reliable delivery of secret, top secret correspondence and precious metals for all departments (except for the highest party, state and military bodies) "from the center of the country to the districts and back."

These tasks are no less relevant today than they were at the time. And although modern technologies allow you to transfer information almost instantly to anywhere in the world, and the services of various courier companies - any cargo at any distance (and without leaving your office or home), but there is always some important information that can only be transferred " word of mouth ”, and such a valuable“ cargo ”that can only be passed“ from hand to hand ”.

It must be said that to ensure such high reliability and secrecy of the delivery of the necessary information or cargo, messengers, couriers, messengers, etc. have existed for a long time. It is known that in Russia the messenger service was already functioning successfully in the 10th century, and under Peter I, the creation of a military field courier service was formalized by law. The famous Courier Corps was created under Paul I in 1796. After the October Revolution of 1917, although there were global changes in the structures of government, the need for a secret communications service has not disappeared anywhere.

In the first years of Soviet power, a lot of duties fell on courier communications - delivery of secret documents of party and state bodies, transportation of gold and other state currency values, servicing the State Bank of the USSR, cash collection and much more. And every year this list of tasks increased, so soon there was a need to divide field communications into two independent structures. The couriers were left with the transportation of secret correspondence of the highest Soviet, party and military bodies, and ensuring the delivery of secret and top secret correspondence from all other departments, as well as precious metals and various valuables, was entrusted to the USSR People's Commissariat of Communications, which in 1939 created the Special Communications Service for this purpose.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, special communications specialists evacuated important documents and cultural and historical values ​​to the rear, ensured the delivery of correspondence to military units of various fronts, party and Soviet bodies, defense enterprises and scientific institutions. In the post-war years, the duties of the Special Communications Service have greatly expanded - new documents have been developed, changes have been made to existing ones, the geography of delivery has significantly expanded, the volume of shipments has increased ...

Currently, the branch network of FSUE GCCS is located in 70 regional and regional cities of our country, and in other settlements there are branches and points of special communication. The main center of Spetsvyaz is located in Moscow. The delivery geography covers the settlements of Russia, the CIS countries and foreign countries.

And the employees of FSUE GTSSS and today adequately continue the traditions of reliability laid down by generations of special communications operators, ensuring uninterrupted and prompt delivery of secret and valuable correspondence and cargo in the interests of state security and defense, strengthening the economic potential of Russia. And the unique methods of work in the field of special communications, created over decades of successful activity, a developed infrastructure (weapons and special vehicles, a proven technology for working with shipments) and a responsible approach to the work of employees of the Special Communications Service create an impeccable reputation for them.

Guaranteed protection (Photo: cybrain, Shutterstock)

On August 1, our country celebrates the professional holiday of cash collection employees -. On this day in 1939, a collection service was created at the State Bank of the USSR.

Cash collection(from italian incassare- put in a box) - collection and delivery of cash, foreign currency and other valuables to the bank's operating cash desk.

The need to transport and protect money and valuables arose simultaneously with their appearance at the end of the 9th century in Kievan Rus. The main traders and treasurers in ancient Kiev were the prince and the boyars. They also provided the protection of trade caravans with the forces of their squads.

Since those ancient times, money has been transported either by its owners or by people whom they specifically hired and trusted. And always, when there was a lot of money, they were accompanied by armed people, ready to protect them from robbers.

So, in the 16th century, the trading caravans of the Sourozh merchants were accompanied by an impressive guard and were headed by a "head guest" - a representative of the richest merchant stratum, who had a special confidence in the guests' corporation.

However, until the 20th century, special services for the transportation of valuables did not exist in Russia. The protection of state funds during transportation was carried out by military teams, the state post office, and courier service. The protection of private funds in transit was the personal business of banks and merchants. The situation changed after the October Revolution of 1917.

With the emergence of the need to collect cash from trade enterprises, other organizations and deliver them to bank institutions, a variety of it, collection, emerged from the general function of collecting and transporting money, and with it the profession of a collector emerged.

First, the collection was entrusted to the organs of the Cheka OGPU (United State Political Administration), then the courier service of the USSR. On August 1, 1939, on the basis of the order of the Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR, a collection service was created at the State Bank of the USSR.

In 1988, the Russian Collection Association (Association "Rosinkas") was created, which, with the adoption of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" of July 10, 2002, entered the system of the Bank of Russia and is currently the largest cash carrier in the country and other values.

Currently, most commercial banks use the services of the state collection service, but some large credit institutions have their own services.

The growth of the banking sector of the economy inevitably entails an increase in the turnover of funds. The emerging problems of the transportation of valuable goods contribute to the further development of collection services, and, as a result, the requirements for the professionalism of the employees of these services are growing.

Emblem of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA)

The People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) was organized on August 1, 1927, and is therefore celebrated annually in China. Day of the creation of the People's Liberation Army(People's Liberation Army Day).

The current name of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) received in 1946, before that it bore the name of the Workers 'and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, the Eighth Army and the New Fourth Corps.

The PLA comprises the naval forces, air forces, ground forces, missile forces, logistics forces and the People's Armed Militia. And today the Armed Forces of China are considered the largest in number in the world (more than 2 million people in active service).

However, the holiday itself is currently celebrated rather modestly. In recent years, only thematic publications in newspapers and magazines and events for the military, organized at the government level, have reminded of it, although in the past the anniversaries of the founding of the party and the army were very widely celebrated with military parades.

6 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated on August 1. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, days of veneration of the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Orthodox church holidays on August 1

Uncovering of the relics of the Monk Seraphim, the miracle worker of Sarov

Honoring the memory of Saint Seraphim (birth name - Prokhor). A holiday in honor of the uncovering of his relics. The glorification of the saint took place in 1903.

At the beginning of the last century, a new bright candle was lit on the candlestick of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Lord was pleased to send our land a great prayer book, ascetic and miracle worker.

In 1903, the glorification of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov took place, 70 years after his death. On July 19, the saint's birthday, his relics were unveiled with great triumph and placed in a prepared shrine. The long-awaited event was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, who arrived in large numbers in Sarov. Revered very widely even during his lifetime, the Monk Seraphim became one of the most beloved saints of the Orthodox Russian people, just like the Monk Sergius of Radonezh.

The spiritual path of the Monk Seraphim is marked by the great modesty inherent in Russian saints. From childhood, chosen by God, the Sarov ascetic without hesitation and doubt ascends from strength to strength in his striving for spiritual perfection. Eight years of novice labors and eight years of temple service in the dignity of hierodeacon and hieromonk, hermitage and pillage, seclusion and silence replace each other and are crowned with elders. Feats that far exceed natural human capabilities (for example, prayer on a stone for a thousand days and nights) harmoniously and simply enter the life of a saint.

The mystery of lively prayerful communion determines the spiritual heritage of the Monk Seraphim, but he left to the Church one more treasure - short but beautiful instructions, written partly by himself, and partly by those who heard them. Not long before the glorification of the saint, the "Conversation of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov on the Purpose of Christian Life" was found and published in 1903, which took place at the end of November 1831, a little over a year before his repose. This conversation was the most precious contribution of the ascetic to the treasury of Russian patristic teaching. In addition to teaching about the essence of Christian life, it contains a new explanation of many of the most important passages of Holy Scripture.

“Fasting, prayer, vigilance and all other Christian deeds,” taught the Monk, “no matter how good in themselves, but not only doing them is the goal of our Christian life, although they serve as means for achieving it. The true goal of our Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God. "

Once, being in the Spirit of God, the monk saw the entire Russian land, and it was filled and, as it were, covered with the incense of the prayers of believers praying to the Lord.

In the descriptions of the life and deeds of Saint Seraphim, there are many testimonies of the blessed gift of insight, which he used to arouse in people repentance for sins and moral correction.

“The Lord revealed to me,” he said, “that there will be a time when the bishops of the Russian Land and other clergymen will shy away from preserving Orthodoxy in all its purity, and for that the wrath of God will strike them. For three days I stood, asked the Lord to have mercy on them and asked that it is better to deprive me, poor Seraphim, of the Kingdom of Heaven than to punish them. But the Lord did not bow to the request of the wretched Seraphim and said that he would not have mercy on them, for they would teach the teachings and commandments of men, but their hearts would stand far from Me ”.

Showing the blessed gifts and power of God to people, the Monk Seraphim edified those who came to him how to walk the narrow path of salvation. He commanded obedience to his spiritual children and he himself was faithful to him until the end of his life. Having spent his whole life in exploits that were beyond the strength of ordinary people, he advised to follow the patristic "royal (middle) path" and not take on excessively difficult deeds: “one should not take a higher measure of heroic deeds; and try to make our friend - our flesh - faithful and capable of creating virtues. "

The monk considered prayer to be the most important feat and means to the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.

"Every virtue, done for Christ's sake, gives the blessings of the Holy Spirit, but ... prayer most of all brings the Spirit of God, and it is most convenient for everyone to correct it."

The Monk Seraphim advised during the Divine Services to stand in the church now with closed eyes, now to turn his gaze to an image or a burning candle, and, expressing this thought, offered a wonderful comparison of human life with a wax candle.

If the holy elder was complained about the impossibility of fulfilling the prayer rule, then he advised to pray constantly: both during labor, and walking somewhere, and even in bed. And if anyone has the time, said the Monk, let him add other soulful prayers and readings of the canons, akathists, psalms, the Gospel and the Apostle. He advised the saint to study the order of worship and keep it in mind.

The Monk Seraphim considered long prayer rules optional and gave his Diveyevo community an easy rule. The Mother of God forbade Fr. Seraphim oblige novices to read long akathists, so as not to impose unnecessary burden on the weak. But at the same time, the saint strictly reminded that prayer should not be formal: "Those monks who do not combine external prayer with internal prayer are not monks, but black firebrands!" The Seraphim rule became famous for those laity who, due to life circumstances, cannot read the usual morning and evening prayers: in the morning, before dinner and in the evening, read our Father three times, three times - “Virgin Mary, rejoice”, once “I believe”; doing the necessary things, from morning to lunchtime do the Jesus Prayer: "Lord, Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner" or simply "Lord, have mercy", and from lunch to evening - "Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner" or "Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. "


Venerable Macrina of Cappadocia

Dedicated to the sister of St. Basil the Great - Macrina (Thekla). She lived in the 4th century. She had the gift of miracles.

The Monk Macrina, sister of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa, was born in Cappadocia at the beginning of the 4th century. Her mother, Emilia, saw in a dream an Angel who named the unborn Thekla, in honor of the holy First Martyr Thekla. Saint Emilia fulfilled the will of God and named her daughter Thekla. Other relatives named the girl Macrina, in honor of her grandmother, who suffered during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Maximian Galeria.

In addition to Macrina, the family had nine more children. Saint Emilia herself supervised the upbringing and education of her eldest daughter, taught her to read and write from the Holy Books and the Psalms of David, choosing those examples from the Holy Books that edified her in piety and a godly life. Saint Emilia taught her daughter to attend church services and to pray at home. Macrina was also taught the correct housekeeping and various handicrafts. She never remained idle and did not participate in children's games and amusements.

When Macrina grew up, her parents betrothed her to a pious young man, but the groom soon died. Many young people sought to marry her, but Macrina refused everyone, choosing a virgin life and not wanting to change the memory of the deceased groom. The Monk Macrina lived in the house of her parents, helping them to do their housework together with the maids as an elder: she carefully supervised the upbringing and education of her younger brothers and sisters. After the death of her father, she became the main support for the family.

When all the children grew up and left their home, Saint Macrina convinced her mother, Saint Emilia, to leave the world, set the slaves free and retire to a nunnery. Some of the handmaidens followed their example. Having taken monastic vows, they lived together, as one family, prayed together, worked together, had everything in common, no different from each other in their way of life.

After the death of her mother, Saint Macrina directed the sisters of the monastery. She was deeply respected by all who knew her. Severity towards oneself and abstinence in everything was inherent in the saint throughout her life. She slept on planks and had no property. Saint Macrina was awarded the gift of miracles. There was an incident (told by the sisters of the monastery to Saint Gregory of Nyssa after the death of Saint Macrina) when she healed a girl who had a thorn in her eye by kissing this sore eye. Through the prayers of the saint, in her monastery during the famine the wheat needed to feed the sisters did not become scarce.

Saint Macrina died in 380, up to her last breath offering prayers of thanks to the Lord for the blessings received from Him throughout her life. The saint was buried in the same grave with her parents.

Blessed Prince Roman (Olegovich) of Ryazan

Feast of the holy Ryazan prince Roman - the defender of the Motherland and the Christian faith during the Tatar yoke. He was sentenced to martyrdom for refusing to accept the Tatar faith in 1270. The glorification of the saint began immediately after his death.

The holy noble prince Roman Olegovich Ryazansky was from a clan of princes who, during the Tatar yoke, became famous as defenders of the Christian faith and the Fatherland. Both of his grandfathers died for the Fatherland in the battle with Batu. Raised in love for the holy faith (the prince lived in tears and prayers) and his homeland, the prince took care of his ruined and oppressed subjects with all his might, protected them from violence and robbery of the Khan's Baskaks (tax collectors). The Baskaks hated the saint and slandered him before the Tatar Khan Mengu-Timur. Roman Olegovich was summoned to the Horde, where Khan Mengu-Timur announced that he must choose one of two: either martyrdom or the Tatar faith. The noble prince replied that a Christian cannot change a true faith to a false one. For his firmness in the confession of faith, he was subjected to cruel tortures: they cut off his tongue, gouged out his eyes, cut off his ears and lips, cut off his arms and legs, flayed his skin and, having chopped off his head, planted it on a spear. This happened in 1270.

The veneration of the prince-martyr began immediately after his death. The chronicle says about the saint: "Buy yourself the passion of the Kingdom of Heaven and the crown is pleasant from the hand of the Lord with his relative, the Grand Duke of Chernigov Mikhail Vsevolodovich, having suffered for Christ for the Orthodox Christian faith."

Since 1854, a procession and a prayer service have been held in Ryazan on the feast day of St. Roman. In 1861, in Ryazan, a church was consecrated in honor of the noble Prince Roman.

Venerable Paisius of the Caves

Honoring the memory of Paisiy, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. The holy relics are in the Far (Theodosius) caves.

The Monk Paisius of the Caves was a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. It is known from the general canon of the Kiev Caves monk who rests in the Far Caves that he was bound by like-mindedness and brotherly love with the Monk Mercury (information about him on November 24). Both saints were inseparable, lived in one cell, and after death they were placed in one coffin. At present, their relics rest in separate shrines.

Blessed Stefan Lazarevich New (High) and his mother, princess Militsa (in the Holy Baptism of Euphrosyne), Serbian

It is considered the day of memory of the son and wife of the Serbian prince Lazar.

Blessed Saint Stephen Lazarevich, High (c. 1377 - 1427), despot (ruler) of Serbia, was born around 1377 as the eldest son of the noble Serbian sovereigns, the great martyr Lazarus and Saint Militsa.

After his father fell in the Battle of Kosovo, in 1389 he became Prince of Serbia. At this time, he was forced to recognize himself as a vassal of the Turkish Sultan, but tried to strengthen the central government and unite the Serbian lands.

Striving to free himself from Turkish dependence, he entered into an alliance with the king of Hungary, from which he achieved the cession of Belgrade at the cost of the actual recognition of the Hungarian protectorate over Serbia. Stephen made Belgrade the capital of his state.
Since 1402, he gained independence from the Turks and began to be titled as a despot. Since 1426, Stephen's power extended to the Mukachevo dominion, where he patronized Christianity.

He knew how to maintain favorable relations with both Turks and Hungarians, showing himself to be a skillful diplomat and warrior. He managed to save the country from destruction and even expand the territory of his possessions to the Sava and Danube and the Adriatic Sea. He also developed the economy, especially mining; under him book writing developed. The holy despot showed himself to be a zealous temple builder - he built the monasteries of Manasia, Rudenitsa, Koporin, Veluje; church in Belgrade. He became a great benefactor of enslaved fellow tribesmen, spending the treasury to help those in need.
I honored the memory of my holy parent and the Serbian soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kosovo.
He died peacefully on July 19 (August 1), 1427.

The life of the holy despot was written by his contemporary, Constantine the Philosopher, after a wonderful vision that happened to him: Stephen himself appeared and ordered Constantine to write this life. In the writings compiled shortly after the death of the despot, he is already referred to as a saint; called "blessed and holy" in the Serbian genealogy, written around 1597 and in another, compiled in the second half of the 17th century. At the end of the 16th century, Serbian monks in their correspondence with Pope Clement VIII indicated that the "holy despot body" was in the Ravanitsa monastery. There are numerous images of St. Stephen in the old Serbian church murals, where he is presented with a halo and the signature "holy king."

Since the 15th century, the veneration of Saint Stephen also spread to Russia, where he is indicated as a saint in the liturgical manuscripts. Since the 17th century, he has been mentioned among the saints and in some Czech monthly passages. Some art scholars even believe that his sculpture was placed among the Hungarian rulers in the Roman Catholic monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos on Ptujska Gora.

Metropolitan Demetrius of Belgrade, being a serious church historian, proposed to the Councils of Bishops of the Kingdom of Serbia in 1907 and 1912 to include the name of despot Stefan Lazarevich in the diptych of saints. His contribution to the building of new churches and to the development of bookishness were indicated as the main reasons for this at that time. However, the issue was not resolved due to the impending Balkan, and then the First World War. Only at the extraordinary Council of Bishops in Pec on August 26-27, 1924, the issue was again raised by the Serbian Patriarch Demetrius. At the Council, unanimity was not reached: there were voices about the creation of a commission, a number of bishops - Metropolitan Barnabas of Skopia, Bishops of Bitol Joseph, Temishvarsky George, Vrshatsky Hilarion, Rash-Prizrensky Mikhail, Zhichsky Ephraim and Bachsky Irenaeus - spoke in favor of a sober and cautious approach. Finally, at the vigil on July 19, 1927, Patriarch Demetrius proclaimed despot Stephen a saint, inviting the Council to enter his name in the diptych of saints. Then the patriarch wrote a service for him.

Saint Dius of Constantinople

It is the day of remembrance of the holy hegumen Diy. He possessed the gift of miracles.

The Monk Dius was born in the city of Syrian Antioch at the end of the 4th century into a pious Christian family. From a young age he was distinguished by abstinence, took food in small quantities and not every day, he pacified his flesh with vigilance and unceasing prayers. For such feats, the Lord bestowed on Saint Dius dispassion and the gift of miracles.

In a vision, the Lord commanded Saint Dius to go to Constantinople and serve Him and people there. Saint Dius settled outside the city in a secluded place where people were afraid to live. The Monk Dius courageously fought against evil spirits who tried to drive him out of that place. He conquered them with prayer and a firm hope for God's help. Having prayed fervently, the saint thrust his rod into the ground, asking the Lord to give life to the dry staff, if He is pleased to see Diya abiding in that place. The Lord heard the prayer of His saint: the staff gave roots, began to grow and eventually turned into a huge oak tree, which stood for a long time even after the death of Saint Dius.

The local residents began to come to the righteous for advice, guidance, and asked for healing from mental and physical illnesses. Saint Dius healed ailments by prayer, and gave what donated to him to the poor, strangers and the sick.

The rumor about Saint Dius reached the emperor Theodosius the Younger. He came to Saint Dius for a blessing together with Patriarch Atticus of Constantinople (406-425). The emperor wished that a monastery should be built on the site of the exploits of Saint Dius, and he gave funds for its construction. The patriarch consecrated the monk to the priesthood and made him abbot. Soon a large number of monastic brethren gathered to Saint Dius. The monastery needed a well. It was dug for a long time and without success. Through the prayer of the monk, the Lord drained out a source of pure water, which soon filled the entire well. Once the saint, having prayed, resurrected a drowned man. The Lord performed many other miracles through His saint.

In extreme old age, the Monk Dyus fell seriously ill. He bade farewell to the brethren, received the Holy Mysteries and lay on his bed as if he were dead. His Holiness Patriarch Atticus (Cheese Saturday Commemoration) and Patriarch Alexander of Antioch, who was in Constantinople, arrived at the monastery for the funeral. The holy elder unexpectedly rose from his deathbed and said: "The Lord has given me fifteen more years of life." The joy of the brethren was great.

Saint Dius really lived for another 15 years, helping everyone with advice, instruction, healing the sick, caring for the poor and strangers. Shortly before his death, a bright man in priestly clothing appeared to him in the altar of the church and warned him of the impending day of death. Having thanked the Lord for the notification, Saint Dius quietly died and was buried in his monastery (about 430 A.D.)

The Lord blesses the poor, the hungry, the weeping, the reviled, under the condition that all this is for the Son of Man; It means that it is a life surrounded by all kinds of needs and deprivations. Joy, contentment, honor, according to this word, are not good; yes it is. But while a person rests in them, he does not realize it. Only when he frees himself from their charm, he sees that they are not representatives of the good, but only its ghosts.

The soul cannot do without consolations, but they are not in the sensual; cannot do without treasures, but they are not in gold and silver, not in magnificent houses and clothes, not in this outer fullness; can not do without honor, but it is not in the servile bows of the people. There are other joys, other contentment, other honor - spiritual, akin to the soul. Whoever finds them will not want the outside; yes, not only will he not want, but will despise and hate them for the sake of the fact that they block the spiritual, do not allow them to be seen, keep the soul in darkness, intoxication, in ghosts. That is why such people everywhere prefer poverty, sorrow and obscurity, feeling good among them, as if in some safe fence from the charm of the charms of the world. What about the one to whom all this goes by itself? To be in relation to everything, according to the word of the Holy Apostle, as having nothing.

The whole gospel is beautiful, but the two extracts we read today, Matthew and Mark, are out of the ordinary, amazing. Evangelist Matthew tells about the words of Christ. The Lord says: “All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and to whom the Son wants to reveal. " God can only be known through the Son of God. All people who do not know Jesus Christ, but say that they believe in God, in fact ...

Today you will learn about the most important holidays in certain countries. Indeed, on this day, any state celebrates a significant event. To keep abreast of all the holidays, we recommend that you read this article.

Holidays in Russia August 1, 2019

Home Front Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The Day of the Rear Services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was approved back in 1998 on May 7. The order was accepted by the Ministry of Defense. Today, this event is celebrated annually on August 1st. By our time, the armed forces of the Russian Federation are the most important and effective potential of the state.

The country's economy and troops are closely linked. It is worth noting that the logistics headquarters consists of nine central directorates and three central command services.

Day of formation of the service of special communications of Russia

Back in 1939, the inhabitants of our country celebrated the "Day of the formation of the special communications service of Russia." However, much later, the name changed slightly. Every year, some residents of Russia celebrate this holiday. A couple of years ago, a special service was set up to deliver secret jewelry, etc. This process had to take place in secret.

Today, technology has gone so far that the supply and transmission of any information or accessories does not bring any problems, but quite the opposite. Any item can be delivered from one point of the world to another in a few hours or even days.

All-Russian day of the collector

To celebrate the holiday "Day of the All-Russian collector" some employees gather annually on August 1. This service was created in 19393 at the State Bank of the USSR. Since at that time it was necessary to transport and deliver money safely.

We needed a special guard to transport funds from one point to another. All these actions took place in Kievan Rus. Only then did merchants appear, who in turn became princes and boyars.

After creating a new service, some of the wealthy hired people to transport money. Thus, the profession of inspector arose.

Rest of the World Holidays August 1, 2019

Civil Day in Canada

Every year on August 1, residents of Canada celebrate the "Civic Day". On this day, all residents of the country do not go to work. The holiday is considered official. This event does not carry any revolutionary speculation. The main idea of ​​the holiday is that all Canadians need a weekend to relax. Accordingly, the authorities chose the first of August.

Also, it is worth noting that in 1869, a special record appeared in Toronto, which indicated that residents of Canada needed a short summer vacation. Consequently, we came to a consensus to celebrate the new event.

Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet and language

In 2001, by order of Heydar Aliyev, the holiday "Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet of the language" was approved. After this time, this event is celebrated annually on August 1. Earlier, Azerbaijanis used the Arabic alphabet. However, as soon as the Bolsheviks came to power, the times in Azerbaijan changed dramatically. The authorities began to conduct cosmopopolitan experiments with traditions, etc. After a certain time, the Russian language was established in Azerbaijan as the state language.

However, in the twenties, certain reforms took place in Azerbaijan. The old Arabic alphabet was changed to Azerbaijani. Several years later, the authorities decided to use the Cyrillic alphabet. It should be noted that the Azerbaijani alphabet has changed three times.

Confederation Day - a national holiday in Switzerland

The oldest holiday is considered "Confederation Day in Switzerland". This event is celebrated annually on 1 August.

This holiday has been recognized as official since the seventies of the nineteenth century. However, already in 1994, this day was declared non-working. Celebrations are organized for this event. Bonfires are traditionally lit.

Emancipation Day in Jamaica

Throughout Britain, the so-called "Day of Emancipation" is celebrated annually on August 1. It was customary to celebrate this event in the Caribbean. Since on this day, many residents of this regional region do not work.

For 160 years, Jamaica has wanted freedom in its territory. Previously, complete slavery reigned here. So, in 1834, slavery was officially abolished. All slaves were completely free.

Day of the creation of the People's Liberation Army of China

In 1927, on August 1, the celebration of the "Day of the Creation of the People's Liberation Army of China" was organized. This holiday is celebrated annually throughout the country.

Only in 1946, the name of the holiday was changed. Prior to that, it had the name of the "Workers 'and Peasants' Revolutionary Army". Today, this holiday is celebrated mainly by military personnel.

Day of Lammas (Lughnasad)

A significant holiday called "Lammas Day" is celebrated annually on 1 August. This holiday was mainly celebrated by artisans. Lugnasad was considered the god of the Celtic pantheon. He was in turn the patron saint of agriculture. At this time, various harvesting works were carried out. The first harvest was being gathered. Almost all members of the community took part here.

On August 1, all family members put on special outfits and went out to the ceremony. On the day of the celebration of this event, some women were distributing cottage cheese cheeses, which brought happiness to all those people who were at that time in the summer pasture.

The main feature of the holiday is the gathering of the Scots at the top of the mountain. Previously, sacrifices were made and games were held in the mountains. The tradition is still preserved in Scotland. On this day, it is customary to light bonfires on the top of the mountain and dance around.

Feast of the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Kamal

The Gregorian calendar annually celebrates the beginning of the month of Kamal on August 1. Translated, the word Kamal means "Perfection".

The nineteen-month Bahá'í calendar celebrates an important holiday called "The nineteenth day of the month Kamal." During this time, Abdu'l-Bahá instructs to speak with eloquent speech. Many believers celebrate this holiday according to all religious rules.

Other holidays 1 August 2019

World Breastfeeding Week

The World Health Organization decided to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in 1990. This event takes place from 1 to 7 August. Today, this holiday is celebrated in 170 countries.

The main goal is to inform all parents about the health of the child. Since breastfeeding has a good effect on the condition and development of any child.

Uncovering of the relics of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov

At the beginning of the last century, a new candle was lit on the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. After the miracle worker Seraphim of Sarov died, the glorification of the prayer book took place. This happened in 1903.

The wonderworker and ascetic Seraphim of Sarov was canonized on the nineteenth of July. It was on the day of the memory of the Saint that his relics were revealed and were, in turn, placed in a prepared shrine. Various miracles took place on this day. People who were seriously ill could be healed.

August 1, 2019 in the folk calendar

Macrinus day, Mokrin

This significant event is celebrated by the entire Orthodox people. Every year on August 1, believers celebrate the so-called "Macrinin Day". The well-known Saint Basil the Great was the brother of Macrina of Cappadocia.

Parents raised their children in strictness and obedience. It is worth noting an important fact that Sjavtaya Makrina often spent time in prayer. Legend has it that Macrina could not appear in front of the doctors, so she prayed to be healed. The prayer was heard and Saint Macrina was completely healed.

Name days August 1

Roman, Tikhon, Stepan, Dmitry, Grigory, Mitrofan, Eugene.

Significant events of August 1 in history

  • 1774 molecular oxygen was first isolated by scientists
  • 1903 - Seraphim of Sarov is listed as a saint
  • 1914 - Russia entered the First World War
  • 1936 opening of the Eleven Summer Olympic Games in Berlin (Germany)
  • 1964 - The state broadcasting company Mayak went on the air for the first time
  • 1994 - Formed a special forces detachment of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Rus"

Were born on this day

  1. Ada Voytsik 1905 - Soviet film actress
  2. Jean Baptiste Lamarck 1744 - French naturalist
  3. Valentina Leontyeva 1923 - Soviet TV presenter, People's Artist of the USSR
  4. Yves Saint Laurent 1936 - French fashion designer
  5. Herman Melville 1819 - American writer.

Day of memory of Russian soldiers
Among the official memorable dates of the Russian Federation there is one, not all soldiers and officers are remembered, but only those who died in the First World War.

One of the largest military conflicts of the early twentieth century led to the appearance of a large number of graves. The memory of the victims began to be honored while the war was going on.

After 1917, they practically did not remember it, they called it Imperialist, the burial places of those killed in 1914-1918 were practically forgotten. Today funeral services are held, the graves of dead soldiers are being cleaned, and commemorative events are organized.

Home Front Day of the Russian Armed Forces
In 2000, the President of Russia issued a decree on the introduction of a new holiday, his goal is to emphasize the important role played by home front workers on an equal basis with the military.

Logistic structures today operate in all types and branches of Russian troops, in districts and fleets, military formations and military units.

Day of Education of the Special Communications Service
The history of the Russian special communications services dates back to 1939, over the decades the names, goals and objectives have changed.

Courier service, which appeared in the 1940s, delivered secret mail, precious metals. She continues to perform the same tasks today, and on the day of the holiday, employees receive congratulations and awards for impeccable service.

All-Russian day of the collector
Another Russian holiday that dates back to 1939. At that time, a special service was created at the State Bank of the USSR, which was engaged in the collection of funds.

Cash collection employees still carry out their duties related to the risk of life. In honor of the holiday, concert programs are organized for them, words of gratitude are heard, and well-deserved awards are presented.

Holidays around the world

Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet and language (Azerbaijan)
In 2001, a new holiday appeared in independent Azerbaijan. It is known that the Arabic alphabet was used on the territory of this country during the time of the Russian Empire.

After the establishment of the power of the Soviets, experiments began to be carried out with the language, such as the introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet, the new Azerbaijani alphabet in the Latin script, and the return to the Cyrillic alphabet. Since 2001, a decree has been in effect in the independent state of Azerbaijan, in accordance with which language norms are developed.

Confederation Day (Switzerland)
This is the name of the Independence Day in Switzerland; it is one of the oldest on the planet. Its history begins in 1291, when three Swiss cantons came to the decision to unite.

In addition to solemn speeches made by politicians, they arrange enchanting light shows, light lamps and bonfires.

Holidays according to the national calendar August 1, 2019

Macrinus day
Remembered by the Orthodox Church Macrina Cappadocia, who lived in the IV century. Together with her brother, Basil the Great, she grew up in obedience and faith in God.

She accepted monasticism, together with her mother founded a monastery, which grew rapidly, as many girls and women wanted to devote themselves to serving God. In Russia, the name "Makrina" was altered in its own way - "Mokrina", since at this time of the year the rains had already begun.

Among the Orthodox - Macrina, Gregory, Varlaam, Dmitry, Mitrofan, Roman, Tikhon, Eugene, Seraphim.

For Catholics - Peter, Alphonse, Maria, Justina.

Events in the history of this number

527 - the new emperor of Byzantium.
An important state post in the Byzantine Empire was occupied by Justinian I, a reformer and military leader, one of the most prominent politicians of his time.

1461 - the new king of England.
The royal throne was occupied by Edward I, nicknamed Long-Legged, remained in history as a peacemaker, while strengthening the central authority, passed several important laws.

1774 - the discovery of oxygen.
We can say that the discovery of the century was made by Joseph Priestley, an English chemist. Oxygen, discovered by him, takes its place in the chemical periodic table and plays the most important role in life.

1914 - Germany declared war on the Russian Empire.
Thus, Russia once again, against its will, was drawn into a military conflict, how the First World War ended for Germany today is known to everyone.

Celebrities born on this day

10 BC - Roman Emperor Claudius.

1545 - Scottish educator and reformer Andrew Melville.

1818 - Maria Mitchell, a woman astronomer from the United States.

1923 - "Aunt Valya", presenter and announcer Valentina Leontyeva.