What promotes the development of memory. How to improve your memory - training and exercises. Learning to memorize music

Imagine being able to selectively remember anything. The girl's phone, the birthdays of all friends and colleagues, the number of goals scored in each match of this NHL season. You amaze those around you with your outlook and erudition, and they do not even suspect what your secret is.

In the popular series Force Majeure, one of the main characters managed to make a dizzying career precisely due to his phenomenal memory. And this story is not so far from reality. What is your memory capable of? How to develop it to phenomenal performance with 2-3 exercises? More on this later.

How do we remember information and why do we forget it?

From a scientific point of view, memory is the process of obtaining, storing and reproducing information. In the course of memorizing any information, our brain first receives it, then encodes and sends it to storage in order to reproduce it at the moment when this data is needed. Notice the resemblance to computers? After all, they record, store and reproduce information exactly according to the same algorithm. Only here machines are able to reproduce data for sure (if the processor is working correctly), but people are not. Why it happens? Why do we forget what we memorize and desperately try to remember?

Our brain is not a computer, and many of the processes taking place in it have not yet been 100% studied. There are a number of hypotheses that try to explain the phenomenon of "forgetfulness". Here we are talking about forgetting what we were able to "record" in our brain, that is, remember. The most popular is extraction theory. According to her, forgetting is not always the loss of information from memory. There are simply no incentives and effects to extract the data. Accordingly, remembering depends on the keys - it can be a smell, a sound, an image, and much more.

What is human memory capable of?

  • The Chinese Chao Lu was able to remember all the digits of the number "pi". These are 67,980 digits that a 24-year-old student reproduced during the day, not even being distracted by going to the restroom.
  • Autistic artist Stephen Wiltrish was able to depict in detail on canvas the view of London, which opens from an observation deck located at a height of 224 meters.

And these are just two examples of the phenomenal memory of savants - this is what they call people whose memorization abilities are considered to be fantastic. These phenomena cannot yet be explained by science. Among the savants there are healthy people and those who suffer from various diseases, in particular from mental illnesses. At the same time, the four-time winner of the memorization competition in the USA, Nelson Dellis, speaks of the absence of any uniqueness in his personality. The man assures that he has never had a phenomenal memory and everything he has achieved is the result of regular and hard training.

Scientists from the Salk Institute for Biological Research conducted a series of experiments and created a computer model of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for storing the information we remember. After complex calculations, they were able to establish specific values: one hippocampal neuron can store approximately 4.7 bits of information.

Our brain is able to contain the amount of data comparable to all the information posted on the Internet. That is, in theory, we can fit in our memory the entire World Wide Web.

How to develop memory for an adult

First of all, determine the goal: you must understand why you want to develop memory. A specific goal determines the motivation that is necessary for effective memorization and at the same time serves as an incentive for its further reproduction. For example, you want to improve your memory in order to improve the quality of your answers on an exam or stop forgetting to buy everything you need at the store. These are examples of the specific goals you need.

  • Exercises for the development of memory.
  • Mobile applications.
  • Complex methods.
  • Behavior models.

Science does not yet give exact answers and does not explain how to quickly develop memory. We can only be guided by human experience and talk about techniques, exercises, models and programs that have helped improve the memory of millions of people. However, there can be no guarantees in this case: a lot will depend on the individual characteristics of your memory, on your lifestyle and the type of information you remember. In any case, it is possible to talk about the effectiveness of each specific exercise only after it has been “tested” for 1-2 months.

Rating TOP-11 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages ​​including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available are computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school to prepare for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often skip school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest platform for online education. Allows you to get a sought-after online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

The most effective techniques

  • household. This technique involves some changes in lifestyle. It is proposed to abandon shopping lists, notebooks - you must try to remember and try to remember everything you need. Shopping list, phone numbers, friends birthdays and more.
  • Learning foreign languages. According to psychologists, learning a language simultaneously develops memory, quickly and intensively. Some experts even recommend learning 2 languages ​​at the same time. But they are silent about the effectiveness of such training.
  • Books and poetry. Read more books - at the time of reading, the brain always concentrates on details and memorization. No less effective is the memorization of poems and lyrics. Ideally, if they are in a foreign language.
  • Do not give up. Do not rush to open the phone book if you forgot your phone number. Try to make every effort to remember it, and then check with the exact information. Do this all the time.
  • Consider. Solve in your mind the most complex arithmetic problems that you are capable of. Add up the numbers on the numbers of cars that you meet in the stream (but only if you are not a driver). Count the number of birds in a flying flock. The more you count, the better for your memory.

Exercises to improve memory and attention

How to develop memory and attention in an adult with the help of exercises? Do them regularly. It is also important to choose exercises that you like and do not cause intuitive rejection. If you try to improve your memory while suffering and being stressed at the same time, the classes will piss you off and nothing will come of it. We have selected for you some of the most effective, according to experts, exercises.

Schulte tables

They help not only to improve memory, but also to master speed reading. The most widespread is the Schulte table, which is a square with 25 cells, in which numbers from 1 to 25 are placed in a chaotic manner. It is necessary to find all the numbers in order as quickly as possible by silent counting. For each workout, you need to use a new table with a different arrangement of numbers.

Aivazovsky method

It is difficult to imagine how Aivazovsky managed to mentally stop the movement of the wave and transfer it to the picture. Your task will initially be simpler: look at the object for a few moments, then close your eyes and try to imagine it in all its details. Gradually complicate the task: if at first you decided to memorize an electric kettle, then after several trainings, try to reproduce in your memory the complex bas-reliefs of the building that you saw with your own eyes or in a photograph.

film reel

The essence of this exercise is daily attempts to remember everything that happened to you during the day. Ensure silence, break the day into time segments (for starters, for hours, then for every 10-15 minutes). Don't skip segments right away - do your best to remember every phone call and every tea party.

Game of difference

Remember children's educational games, during which the child is asked to find the differences in two pictures? It turns out that they are most effective for the development of memory and attention. Moreover, the mass of such exercises is focused on adults - it is incredibly difficult to find differences here. You can easily find them online on specialized resources and even in mobile applications.

Storing blocks of information

Not only an exercise, but also a frequent necessity. These are cases when we need to remember a block of information, for example, in preparation for an exam. It is important to use mechanical memory here. Accordingly, words and phrases are recommended to be depicted, shown with gestures. In this case, the information must be spoken or rewritten. It is important that in the course of memorization you change the environment - for example, moving from room to room, from one audience to another, and so on.

How to improve your brain and memory by changing your lifestyle

Scientists are convinced that our ability to memorize, store and reproduce information largely depends on the physical and mental state.

Your brain must be on "alert" and have all the necessary resources to work effectively. And in order to develop a phenomenal memory, it is often necessary to change the way of life. Here's what to do first:

  1. Healthy food. Get enough protein and complex carbohydrates - include cereals, nuts, vegetables and fruits in the diet.
  2. Get enough sleep. Do not limit sleep for hours - sleep as much as your body needs. If you want to sleep an hour after you get up, you haven't had enough sleep.
  3. Get rid of stress. It is often worth changing an unloved job, stop communicating with people who annoy you, get out of conflicts. In other words, do your best not to stress yourself.

How to develop the memory of a person who is constantly in a state of stress, sits on a coffee diet, restricts himself in carbohydrates and chronically does not get enough sleep? No way. Your brain needs to rest and find resources to work. These resources are nutrients and vitamins. Eat right, do not deplete the body with diets taken from the Internet, and get enough sleep regularly. Only then will the exercises be most effective.

Exercise Regularly

Practice shows that only systematic training brings results. This is evidenced not only by research, but also by the experience of winners of memorization championships in different countries. All of them noted the average quality of their memory until the moment they began to train regularly.

Do what you like

If an exercise annoys you, don't do it. Find techniques that won't stress you out. There are hundreds of options on the web, dozens of applications have been developed for smartphones. Look for exercises that you enjoy. It is important that you enjoy exercising.

Develop attention and logical thinking

This is as important as reading and learning poetry. Logical thinking is built on gradual perception. Open a textbook on logic - it will in many ways help you not only direct your thinking in the right direction, but also improve memory, attention, concentration.

Exercise and walk more

For a good memory, the quality of cerebral circulation is extremely important. It, in turn, directly depends on oxygen. Therefore, it is recommended to perform as many aerobic exercises as possible (running, squats) and walk more often.

Set goals

It is important to understand what exactly you are training your memory for. Set clear goals, identify problems that you can solve. Motivation is very important not only for the regularity of training, but also for their effectiveness.


Not every person can develop a phenomenal memory - only a few can remember all the digits of the number "pi", even with regular training. But until the processes of memorization, storage and reproduction of information are not studied in detail by science, it is impossible to determine the prospects. You can learn about prospects only by experience.

Start training to see what you are capable of. Progress will be noticeable after 1-2 months, but only on the condition that you can ensure the regularity of classes and feel good during training. Do not forget that you should eat right, sleep well and get into stressful situations as little as possible.

How to develop memory and attention in an adult: exercises, tips and techniques

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To become smarter and improve brain function, you should use the following tips, which are sure to help improve adult memory. Today we will go through the most effective ways to improve memory by activating brain activity. And after you choose the right methods for you, you should find complete information specifically about this method in order to fully apply it in practice.

From the article you will learn the following information:
- The most effective ways to improve memory for an adult;

So, 15 ways to improve memory and brain function adult person.

1. Try to train short-term memory memorizing phone numbers.
This good and simple exercise helps to train short-term memory, which is the first engine of intelligence. Many entrepreneurs and company executives train their memory in this simple way.

2. Want to remember A lot of information, - try to get enough sleep . Healthy sleep is very important for the full functioning of the body.
If it's hard to remember something in the evening, go to bed earlier. Waking up in the morning, you will be surprised to notice that all the necessary information is already “recorded” in the brain. Studies have proven that memory continues to work during sleep. But when the body is tired, it should not be overloaded. Adjust your daily routine.

3. Movement is the engine of development not only the whole body, but also the brain.
New cells in the hippocampus (a part of the brain) grow when a person is in motion, and movement also helps protect existing cells. Studies have shown that a half-hour run every day helps to triple the concentration of elementary attention.

4. Learning foreign languages.
When you speak multiple languages, the brain begins to think, choosing the appropriate words, thereby activating cortical connections. The latter are responsible for all the languages ​​that a person speaks. After that, the managerial area (the prefrontal cortex of the brain) is included in the work, which is directly responsible for choosing the right word. Speaking in different languages, a person willy-nilly forces himself to constantly train his brain. It improves the memory of any adult.

5. Solving logical puzzles and tasks.
Scientists have long proven that solving logical exercises, crossword puzzles and puzzles help reduce the likelihood of developing age-related dementia. That is why doctors always advise older people to take the time to solve crosswords and puzzles. Putting together a puzzle, you train parts of the brain. At the same time, the brain is not fully loaded and is able to think in parallel about something else.

6. Interesting and useful: do needlework.
You increase brain activity and when you train fine motor skills of the hands, mental development also trains. So feel free to take up needlework: beads, knitting, embroidery, sewing - have a positive effect on intelligence. This development of memory is widely used for the development of children at preschool and school age.

7. The erection of the "palace".
In order for the events to be well remembered, it is necessary to carry out an associative series of thoughts, to build a kind of “memory palace” - a technique for better remembering information. You can learn more about this technique in Brian's book How to Develop Absolute Memory. It is based on mental activity aimed at strategic thinking and building something.

8. Exploration of "new ways".
Scientists offer to do exercises for the mind, the purpose of which is to change the course and order of things, the course of events. To complete it, it is enough to go to work by a different route, use the left hand as the main hand, take a shower in the dark, and so on. These actions deprive the processes of nerve cells of the opportunity to atrophy.

9. Coffee enjoyment.
Speaking about ways to improve memory for an adult, you should remember about food that can stimulate brain activity. Experiments have shown that people who drink several cups of coffee every day are less prone to depression. Coffee improves short-term memory as a result of the effects of caffeine on neural connections. However, this method can be used in the absence of contraindications, since caffeine actively affects the heart.

10. Performing the "exam of consciousness" (Pythagorean exercise).
Every day, before falling asleep, analyze in detail the whole day: what did you do well, what are you ashamed of, what would you like to change, and so on. Gradually complicate the “Pythagorean exercise”: return to the last day, the day before last. Restore in memory any nuances, all the details. This method is suitable for those who like to remember and dream, such as looking at old photographs.

11. Games with children (toddlers).
The spontaneity of children is capable of activating creativity in an adult. Playing with children trains the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions (the amygdala). Make it a rule, like a child, to ask questions, to show curiosity - so you will discover a lot of new and informative things for yourself.

12. Drawing and drawing.
To activate attention and increase memory, while talking or thinking, try to draw or draw something. This method is not suitable for everyone, but it is very conducive to focusing a person on a specific thing that trains the brain.

13. Sociability.
The simplest memory training is communication with different people.
Be an open person, talk to other people, be interested in their news. A person who leads a secluded lifestyle ceases to develop.

14. The healing power of classical art, music.
For the development of memory, concentration of attention, love classical music. Music of other directions affects the body either negatively or neutrally.

15. Aromatherapy.
Inhale the smell of rosemary, its aroma can enhance concentration. The scents of rose and geranium are soothing and have a beneficial effect on memory. And the smells of cypress, lemon and mint are aromatic energy for memory.

It remains for you to choose the appropriate ways to train your memory and improve brain function. And then find out more specifically about the method that is suitable for you.

In this article, we tried to cover the topic for you:

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Memory improvement occurs as a result of constant training of the brain. It is important not only to read a lot, but also to extract maximum information from the literature with details, that is, benefit. How to keep in memory arrays of information? We suggest using a technique called ADV. With its help, you can quickly analyze new information, separate the main from the secondary and simplify the memorization of the text.

What is ADV technique?

The ADV technique is a reliable way to analyze text and remember the most important information from it. The technique is based on highlighting the brief content of the text and its evaluation. Its components: A - abstract, D - dominant, C - conclusion. Let's consider these elements in more detail.


This is a short retelling of the text, consisting of 1-3 paragraphs. An abstract of an article with a volume of 10,000–15,000 characters can be from one paragraph. A brief retelling of the book contains 2-3 paragraphs.

If you are not used to taking notes, you will experience difficulties at first. Therefore, for practice for the first time, make a detailed retelling of what you read, and then shorten it until there is no extra information left in the annotation.


This is a one-sentence answer to the question of what the text is about. Strive to ensure that the dominant suggests the main idea of ​​the author, based on which you can easily recall the necessary information from the text.


Annotations and dominant reflect the author's idea. We are not making value judgments here. In the conclusion, on the contrary, the attitude to the read is expressed. Ideally, in the conclusion, give not only an assessment (“like / dislike”, “useful / useless”), but also describe a plan for further actions.

How to avoid memory mistakes

Although ADV is a simple technique that can be mastered and successfully applied by anyone, mistakes are still made when using it. Here are the common ones so that you can avoid them.

Common mistakes in annotations

  1. Don't use general phrases. They clog memory and interfere with remembering information. Use specifics in your annotation.
  2. Do not rate or interpret the author's text.

Common mistakes in dominants

  1. Too short dominant. A short dominant does not show the difference between this text and others on the same topic. Do not reduce it to a couple of words, but formulate it in detail.
  2. The dominant duplicates the title of the text.
  3. Estimated dominance. Your task is to formulate the essence of the book, and not to evaluate it.

Frequent errors in conclusions

The output contains the following errors:

  1. The conclusion is absent or formulated formally.
  2. There is no analysis in the conclusion, emotions prevail. This is not enough for further use in work.

Now even a complex text that needs to be worked out in a short time will not scare you. After all, you own the ADV technique. Make it a habit to use it. When you read a text that is meaningful to you, formulate an annotation, a dominant, and a conclusion. If desired, write them down in a separate file or notepad. It is very convenient.

The principle also works with respect to any other information, when, at the request of the manager, it is necessary to make a brief analysis of the commercial offer, informational articles or reports.

Exercises to improve memory

To have a good memory, you need to train it constantly. This will help simple exercises.

  • Observation. Watching any phenomenon, try to memorize sounds, phenomena, smells. It is important to focus on the details. First try to remember some incident, even an ordinary walk or meeting, and then try to remember everything in detail. Repeat what happened in reverse order.
  • Learning and retelling. Every day you need to memorize small parts of the text. You need to come up with associations, imagining a picture. As you know, it is easiest to learn in fragments, and not the whole text at once. Then retell what you have learned in detail.
  • invent. Make up stories, events, or stories. Tell your story to several friends, trying to stick to one story.
  • Remember the location of objects. Memorize a list of objects, mentally imagine them, and then try to put the whole picture together like a puzzle.
  • Learn phone numbers all friends, relatives and acquaintances.
    Memorize phone numbers and try to associate them with the place or person you are calling.

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Memory helps us to reproduce once perceived information in situations when we need it most. It is believed that memory develops until about 25 years old, then a stable period is observed, and from 50 years old it gradually begins to fade. However, with constant mental work, a sober memory will be preserved until old age. However, it can still be improved. So, how to develop memory and stimulate mental processes?

For each of us, it is developed to varying degrees: for someone to remember information, you only need to hear or see it once, while for someone it will take some time. Therefore, people often wonder how to improve their memory.

There are many ways to develop it. They also brought out a mnemonic method that helps memorize the names of objects using associations. They believed that for better memorization, the concept must be filled with feelings. Remember how we learned to remember the colors of the rainbow with a phrase in which, in fact, the hunter and the pheasant had a very conditional relationship to the rainbow itself. However, inventing such short stories and even fairy tales is a very effective way to memorize rather complex phenomena, concepts and laws.

One of the most popular ways to help find the answer to a question today is through "mind maps" developed by Tony Buzan. Here it is necessary to use thinking, imagination and colors. To create a map, information must be written on a piece of paper in the form of a solar circle with diverging rays that detail the basic information placed in the circle. So you can successfully make plans that are quickly remembered and kept in your head.

To remember complex information faster, reformulate it in your own words and preferably say it out loud. So you remember everything much faster and longer.

Combine methods, use exercises and you will feel how everything works.

The more our content,the richer our inner world,
the wider our perception.

The most mysterious mystery for scientists of the world is memory. Millions of experiments and scientific studies have not led to a solution to this phenomenon.

It is not known how it works, and even where it is located, what its resources are and how much information per day is given to each of us to remember. But only lazy people do not know how to develop memory and strengthen it.

But without this ability, a person would not have come to civilization, and there would have been no opportunity to learn. How would a person adapt to the variability of the world, or would evolution take place, if there were no genetic memory?

Fortunately, this ability is given to us as a gift of nature. We are able to remember and learn. Our thinking is based on it. Information flows to us from a variety of sources, in which various analyzers participate.

Types of human memory

Visual memory allows us to remember what we see, heard is remembered thanks to auditory memory, but we draw information about the location of the body or limbs from the receptors of our muscles, tendons and joints, on which kinesthetic memory is based.

The becoming action of this ability is generated from several steps:

  • The trace constraints at the analyzer boundaries form instantaneous memory. It is quickly fixed in the process of a phenomenon seen, heard and felt by a person.
  • All the necessary information of instantaneous memory passes to another process - to short-term memory, which can be held for several hours. It is subjected to analysis by the brain, and if it is determined as valuable, then it goes, one might say, to a “warehouse”.
  • Essential and repeatedly repeated information leads to the consolidation of memory, so that it becomes long-term. And then the information will be stored and can be reproduced for a lifetime.

The entire human brain is involved in the formation of memory, but the hippocampus, according to scientists, plays a special role.

The hippocampus is part of the limbic system of the brain (olfactory sector). Participates in the mechanisms of the formation of emotions, memory consolidation (i.e., the transition from short-term to long-term).

Its minor pathology can lead to a person's loss of the ability to develop attention and memory. With age, people inevitably lose many abilities, and memorization is no exception.

As a rule, the nearest events are erased, the distant ones are more persistent. But, without strengthening and developing your memory, a person runs the risk of losing it altogether, which will lead to serious problems and diseases. Therefore, various methods of memory development have been developed.

Universal ways to improve memory

The owners of a good memory are envied by many people, and the representatives of humanity with a phenomenal memory are envied by everyone. People spend so much time on envy that can be used to their advantage - for the development of memory.

And it's not that difficult. It is important to understand that this ability, like any human ability, develops and trains in response to a request, that is, if the ability to remember is demanded by life, then it develops.

Holotropic breathing - both relaxation and training

Psychotherapist S. Grof has developed a method by which a person can expand his consciousness and connect to external information flows, after which the development of the hidden capabilities of a person takes place.

This technique allows you to improve physical fitness, reduce nervous tension, remember what happened to a person many years ago, and expand memory capabilities to the desired size. What is not a method for the development of memory?

A person lies down on mats, relaxes, rhythmic trance music is turned on, and he begins to breathe deeper and more often. The brain during holotropic breathing is oversaturated with oxygen, as a result of which a state occurs when the brain stops limiting the flow of information coming from outside.

Even deep in antiquity, shamans used this breathing technique to expand their consciousness and travel into the past or future.

Cramming - the experience of past years

In the royal gymnasium, the ancient Greek language was a compulsory subject, which then no one really knew, but did not think about how to strengthen memory.

It was actually cramming, in which the brain of students was exercised. The fact that the brain, like any other organ, atrophies without developing, remains a fact.

No, no one offers to study the ancient Greek language for the younger generation or the elderly, but memorizing poems, prose, excerpts from works for the development of memory is a great way. And if you want to remember not only five words or numbers in a sequence, but, for example, thirty or more, then daily quatrains will lead to amazing results not only in memory development, but also in quick memorization of information.

Not all cramming is easy. And the question of how to develop memory should be an individual approach. Someone can memorize information by presenting it on a mental screen, while it is more convenient for someone to present a color range or memorize it by touch.

There are many methods of memorization, and everyone can find a way to which he is more inclined. The human brain is anatomically divided into areas that are responsible for different processes, each person has some area developed more than the other. Your sympathy for one or another way of developing memory depends on what you do best.

Mnemonics - effective and fun

Experts say that the brain is trained not when information is remembered, but when trying to implement memories.

Mnemonics is a technique for the development of memory, which includes two directions (chains and Cicero), which allow developing the processes of memory. The whole memorization technique is based on working with images.

For example, in order to memorize a few words, they need to be associated with objects that are well known to you in your room. Remembering successively these objects, the words associated with them pop up in the brain. This memorization technique has an excellent effect on the development of memory and attention.

If you need to connect a group of words, then the chain method, that is, fantastic connections, can be memorized. For example, the words umbrella, boat, horse, bicycle are easy to remember by linking them in the imagination in this way: the umbrella covered the boat in which the horse was sitting on a bicycle. Unrealistic, but easy to remember.

When using mnemonics, it is very important to observe rhythm and uniformity, that is, the associative series is built in an absurd sequence for all words in the same way.

Try checking your memory using this method. If you liked this method and carried away, then the question of how to strengthen memory has already been resolved. Strengthen in this way, each time increasing the number of words.

Eidetic - for children and adults

How to develop phenomenal memory is well explained by eidetics.

This method of memorization was demonstrated by eidetic Steven Wiltsher, who is able to draw in detail the entire line of the horizon of an unfamiliar city, having seen it once.

This technique is used in schools in the United States and Europe, where weak students become excellent students in a few lessons.

The secret of this method lies in positive imagination and fantasy. The brighter the figurative thinking is developed in a child or an adult, the easier it is to remember and reproduce information.

First of all, this method develops the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for imaginative thinking, which, of course, is directly related to the development of memory and attention.

Specially designed exercises are used. For example, the game "Fist, finger." Two hands stretched forward, the right is clenched into a fist, and the left shows that everything is fine. After clapping your hands, you should show that everything is fine with the right hand. After each clap, the position of the hands changes, while the frequency of claps should be increased.

There are many such exercises aimed at developing photographic memory or static memory, which relate to short-term memorization, and after some manipulations, you can remember information for a long time.

Exercises are designed to develop attention and memory, which is important, since developing memory and attention is a great way to train brain activity. Eidetics combines mnemonics, pictograms, physical exercises, and many more techniques.

Learning to memorize music

One could ask Mozart about how to develop musical memory, who managed not only to play once heard music, but also to transfer it to notes. There is no such possibility, but experts have developed a technique for memorizing sounds.

It begins with simple exercises of tapping a certain rhythm on the table with a pencil. All music is based on rhythm. Therefore, starting with simple tapping, and ending with whole works, you can work out a sense of rhythm in any person.

Those wishing to continue their musical education are greatly helped by the technology of the 19th century in the style of Beletsky. By the way, developing musical abilities, there will be no need to think about how to strengthen memory, everything happens at an automatic level.

School of memorization by Samvel Gharibyan

Samvel Gharibyan became the world record holder in memorization and wrote a book on how to quickly develop memory for any person. According to his method, you can become a walking encyclopedia, quickly learn foreign languages ​​and make a career.

In the eighties of the last century, Samvel created his own memorization school, the careers of many of his students experienced a fantastic rise. Samvel has developed his own methodology, and guarantees that it is suitable for everyone without exception.

Memorization according to Garibyan is based on creating an image for each word that carries a personal emotion for a person.

Samvel knows firsthand how to quickly develop memory by memorizing foreign words. For example, in Hebrew, air conditioning sounds like “mozgan”. For Samvel, this word is easy to remember if you imagine that conditioning is necessary in the brain. After that, we all already know that air conditioning in Hebrew sounds like “mozgan”.

Here's how to develop a phenomenal memory without making a titanic effort. Try to test your memory by remembering this word tomorrow and in a month. Memorizing twenty words a day will allow you to learn a foreign language in a surprisingly short time. In addition, such techniques allow you to quickly memorize information of any nature.

Alexander the Great possessed an incredible ability to memorize, he knew all his soldiers by name, Adolf Hitler had a phenomenal photographic memory, which allowed him to remember the faces of all the people he met, we have already talked about Mozart, and there are many such people even today. Most likely, they know the secrets of how to develop their memory.

Learning speed reading is absolutely not torment

Teaching the technique of speed reading is based on a serious scientific basis. It was developed with the participation of psycholinguist V. Leontiev and psychologist L. Grimaka.

This really effective technique, where science and methodology are involved, significantly enhances the principle of speed reading and memory development.

Experts say that there are five shortcomings in the traditional method of reading that prevent people from mastering speed reading, and memory development is significantly reduced:

  • How to develop memory and attention, if users of the traditional way of reading often use a return eye movement (regression) to re-read a text that is not entirely clear? What can be the development of memory and attention in such a rhythm?
  • The lack of a flexible reading program, when texts are read equally slowly, even if some of them require fast reading.
  • The main obstacle to fast reading is articulation, that is, the sound of the text at the time when a person reads it to himself. Many mentally pronounce the text while reading. This defect takes too much time from the reader. This is the most difficult defect to correct, but thanks to the speed reading program, it is corrected over time.
  • The fourth disadvantage is that people capture a small field of view when reading. This is the area that is perceived by the eyes at the stage of fixation (stop).
  • Lack of attention, which is the catalyst for the reading process. Without attention, there is no fast reading. Therefore, the development of memory and speed reading are so interconnected. After all, memory without attention also cannot exist.

Small explanations

Regression elimination has been proven to double reading speed and triple comprehension. But, if part of the text is incomprehensible, then you can go back only after the text has been rethought by the reader within two minutes. This will no longer be a regression, but a meaningful return. Conducting an analysis of one's reading automatically rejects the question of how to strengthen memory.

The development of memory and speed reading are also firmly connected by the fact that the application of the latter involves the program of the integral reading algorithm, which determines the sequence of mental activity when reading a text when it is memorized:

  • title of the text, article, book;
  • the author of the proposed or selected work;
  • source (book, newspaper, internet);
  • the problem to which the text is devoted;
  • facts mentioned in the text;
  • features considered in the construction of the text;
  • novelty, which is learned from the written text.

All this at first is marked with a pencil and numbered until the analysis reaches automatism. It is unlikely that after such manipulations, anyone will have doubts that the development of memory and speed reading are dependent on each other.

Well, the ways of remembering information are listed, and the reader's brain will decide on its own.

These are the questions everyone asks sooner or later. And this is understandable, because every day huge flows of information pass through us, and therefore it is not at all surprising that we constantly forget something: either the telephone number of the clinic, or the shopping list, or the bus number, or the birthday of a loved one.

The development of memory is extremely important not only in everyday life, but also in professional activities. After all, we must remember what we need to do, with whom to meet, and for most professions, memory is a very valuable tool. Those who have it above average have an advantage.

Developing memory is not so difficult, and even quite real. In one of the previous articles - How to develop memory, attention and speed reading, I offered multimedia manuals prepared by professional psychologists and containing practical exercises. This article will present the rules, the observance of which will provide the brain with the best working conditions, as well as ways to develop memory.

Memory development. Rules:

The first rule of memory development: Ensure regular sufficient oxygenation of your blood. Blood must carry enough oxygen to ensure high activity and efficiency of the brain, and hence a good memory. How to do it? At least one day a week should be spent outdoors. Mental work should be interrupted for small "oxygen" pauses, open the window for 1-2 minutes. It is impossible to work mentally in an unventilated or smoky room. And of course, move more and play sports, physical activity improves overall blood circulation and the brain as well.

The second rule of memory development: Enough sleep. This ensures the normal functioning of the brain. During sleep, processes occur with the participation of the most important neurotransmitter (a substance with the help of which the nerve impulse is transmitted between neurons). Without proper sleep, memory is chemically unable to function at its full capacity. In addition, the human brain is tuned to the biological rhythms of day and night, so you need to sleep at night - it is in the dark that the brain cells are completely restored. An adult should sleep 7-8 hours a day, a teenager - 9.

The third rule of memory development: Do not smoke! Of course, a smoker who trains memory has a greater ability in this regard than a non-smoker who does not train it. However, if we take people under all equal conditions, then it should be recognized that tobacco impairs memory. This has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. So the desire to develop memory is a good reason to quit smoking.

The fourth rule of memory development: Avoid alcohol! If you want to keep all the flexibility of your mind, you need to avoid alcohol. It is undeniable that drinking alcohol leads to a weakening of memory. The more alcohol consumed, the less fixation. Everyone knows that it is very difficult to restore in the head the events that took place in a state of intoxication. A simple dinner, “flavored” with wine, reduces the ability to memorize for several hours. All alcohol should be avoided, even wine and beer, if you need to study something, attend classes or participate in a conference.

The fifth rule of memory development: Eat right. Numerous experiments have made it possible to determine that chemical activity is accompanied by a loss of phosphoric acid and calcium salts. It is necessary to compensate for these losses: cheese (special fermenting masses, Swiss, Dutch and chester), eggs, grain sprouts, almonds, nuts bring the necessary balance of phosphorus-calcium to the body.

During intense mental effort, it is necessary to eat food: rich in protein (meat, eggs, liver, fish), well digestible (grilled meat, steamed or water-boiled vegetables), avoiding fatty, floury, sweet foods. One should eat a little at a time, a full stomach weakens the mental faculties.

A healthy lifestyle that includes nutrition for memory, avoiding bad habits, healthy sleep and physical activity is the most natural rule for preserving memory for many years.

Memory development. Ways:

If you want to remember something, focus on the process of remembering. Listen, think, draw parallels with your own life or with the knowledge already gained. The more your own thoughts and feelings get hooked on the information flow, the more likely you are to remember what is really important.

If you forgot something: a number from the report, the meaning of a word, the name of the singer, the phone number of your parents, before you immediately go to the right folder, dictionary, Internet or phone book, try to remember what you forgot yourself for several minutes.

If you need to remember something important, create some image in your mind about it, perhaps funny or amusing. It is much easier for the brain to remember something unusual. You can even draw the resulting image.

When memorizing numbers, it is most convenient to either memorize them by breaking them into small groups, or try to build some associations in your mind. For example, let's take the number 2467. 2+4=6, the six is ​​followed by the seven. this method of memorizing numbers turned out to be the most effective.

A good way to remember something better and faster is to try to explain to another person what you need to remember or understand yourself. The brain will remember information better if you pronounce it.

Free time (for example, if you are standing in line) devote to solving the simplest arithmetic problems in your mind.

Daily scrolling in the mind of all the events of the past day will help you develop your memory. Remember them down to the smallest details and the smallest details. In addition, you should evaluate your own actions committed that day, asking yourself the following questions: “What did I do today? What didn't he do right? What actions deserve condemnation and require rocking? What should be rejoicing?

Read books - it's good! When reading, the brain concentrates, involuntarily remembers the details.

Learn poetry. At school, torture is not just out of harm. The method is reliable and time-tested. But it is better to learn what you like. For example, the lyrics of your favorite song. It is best to remember the material that we already partially know. New materials must go through a process of awareness.

Remember - to memorize without understanding, without seeing the images before your eyes, without retelling the text in your own words, is unprofitable. Further RAM cramming will not work. In the same way, it is unprofitable to teach “for tomorrow” or “before the exam”, etc. If you put the arrow on “forever” when memorizing, you will win.

Repetition is the mother of learning. You better not say. Only it is better to repeat not five times in a row immediately after reading, but once within five days. And better at night.

Suppose someone tells you his name. Try to connect this name with what is already familiar and be sure to add something from yourself: “Ksenia. Like Ksenia Sobchak, only a brunette, married and does not lead Dom-2. And the nose is similar. Believe me, this new friend Xenia will be remembered for a long time.

Do something with your hands. Women: weave baubles, cross-stitch. Men: hammer in a nail, change plumbing without resorting to the help of a professional - all these actions activate the brain and memory.

Psychologists have proven that the study of foreign languages ​​is the best way to prevent senile insanity, and hence to improve memory.

Our emotional state is also connected with the development of memory. Happiness leads to improved memory and contributes to a fuller and deeper perception of information. For every new joy in life, your memory will thank you.

Don't be lazy. A lazy person, both in thoughts and in actions, does not have a good memory.

Think about what prospects a good memory opens up for us, what you can achieve thanks to it. This will encourage you to develop it.

Neurobics will help maintain and develop your memory.