Mechanical Engineering Day: meaning, history, celebration. International Day of Mechanical Engineers

On the last Sunday in September, we celebrate a day that a huge number of people directly or indirectly refer to. Mechanical Engineer's Day is of great importance to all of us. The emergence and spread of machines of various types has given us many additional opportunities. Transport, electronics, efficient agriculture - all of this might not have happened if less attention was paid to this area. In the modern world, the field of mechanical engineering includes a huge number of people: from engineers who create projects to ordinary workers who tighten the nuts.

history of the holiday

Mechanical engineering is the basic branch of the economy of any highly developed country, the core of the industry, the most important branch of industry, its industrial and intellectual potential. This event is recorded in official government sources. The first such mention dates back to 1988.

Since then, nothing has changed, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this celebration has also survived in Belarus. The practice has become widespread when in our countries only certain cars are assembled, and the brand itself is founded in another state. Then the holiday partially acquires an international format - this is true if the plant attaches great importance to the celebration and celebrates it on a large scale.

On the last Sunday of September, machine builders from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan celebrate their professional holiday, which dates back to Soviet times. It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days."

In Soviet times, the most honorable and important profession was the profession of a builder. In August 1955, the Government adopted the "Construction Cost Reduction Ordinance". This decree was supposed to improve the quality of construction work, as well as increase the number of residential buildings. On September 6, 1995, a holiday appeared, this was announced to all residents of the country by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR. A year later, on August 12, the Government presented awards and memorable gifts to the distinguished builders.

But no less important is the related industry - mechanical engineering. She is the main part of the entire industry. Every minute of human life is at least a little bit connected with machines. Subways, cars, airplanes - people use all these benefits of civilization all the time. The number of car brands is increasing rapidly. And this is only happening thanks to workers associated with the engineering industry. In 1980, a decree was issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in which significant holidays were determined. It was in this year that the Day of the Mechanical Engineer was first celebrated.

For workers in the machine-building field, the professional holiday is of great importance. It does not have a clearly fixed date. However, it is always celebrated at the end of September. In honor of the workers who donated a large amount of equipment to the country, festive events, concerts and festivities are organized, and veterans are honored. The professional holiday is also celebrated by engineers and workers involved in the production of tools for the agricultural complex, the creation of models of vehicles, items of the defense industry.

Many people underestimate the importance of the profession of mechanical engineering. However, in order, for example, to make a loaf of bread, you will need a large number of machines: a harvester, a seeder, a vehicle, and so on. Machine tools, household appliances, spaceships and air transport - all these devices are the work of engineers and plant workers.

When the Day of Mechanical Engineers in 2016 will be celebrated, festive festivities and rallies will be held in each city, and veteran builders can meet old comrades.

In terms of the level of development of the machine-building industry, the USA ranks first, then Japan and Germany. Russia occupies an honorable eighth place. However, this only proves that Russian engineers have much to strive for in order to conquer the "top" and gain recognition from the leading leaders in mechanical engineering.

Mechanical Engineer's Day in 2016 fell on September 25. Due to the fact that this is a day off, the holiday was not recognized as an official day off by the decree of the Presidium. But it doesn't matter. Mechanical Engineer's Day 2016 will be widely celebrated in Russia, as well as in Belarus and Kurgyzstan. They also consider it their duty to thank the engineers for their many years of work.

Machine Builder's Day, celebrated in Russia annually on the last Sunday of September, was established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 "On Holidays and Memorable Days."

The machine-building complex is the basic branch of the country's economy, closely interconnected with the leading sectors of the economy (fuel and energy complex, transport, communications, agro-industrial complex, military-industrial complex, construction), ensuring their sustainable functioning and filling the consumer market, which is the basis for the development of the technological core of the industry. In the structure of the country's industrial production, the share of mechanical engineering is about 20% (second place, after the fuel and energy complex).

The most important specific indicators of the country's gross domestic product (material consumption, energy intensity, etc.), labor productivity in other sectors of the economy, the level of environmental safety of industrial production and the state's defense capability depend on the level of development of mechanical engineering.

The social significance of mechanical engineering is determined by the fact that the complex unites about 7.5 thousand large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations, as well as about 30 thousand small ones, that is, about 40% of the number of enterprises on an independent balance sheet in industry. The number of employed workers in mechanical engineering is about four million people, which is more than a third of all workers in industry.

Modern mechanical engineering is a complex and differentiated industry. The machine-building complex of the Russian Federation unites 12 large complex industries formed by hundreds of highly differentiated sub-industries. Complex branches of mechanical engineering include: heavy, energy and transport engineering; electrical industry; chemical and petroleum engineering; machine-tool and tool industry; instrumentation; Automotive industry; transport and agricultural engineering; road construction and municipal engineering; mechanical engineering for light and food industries and household appliances; aviation industry; shipbuilding industry; communications industry.

The products of mechanical engineering enterprises are usually divided into those intended for civilian consumers and going to the needs of the military-industrial complex (MIC).

According to experts from the rating agency RIA Rating, since November 2014, the Russian machine-building sector has begun to show a continuous downward trend. It is estimated that the total production in the three engineering industries decreased by 8.9% in 2015 compared to 2014, which was the worst indicator in the last six years. The last time a deeper decline was observed in 2009, but then it was much stronger - by 31.2%.

According to experts, the main reason for the decline is the reduction in domestic demand for investment equipment, as well as equipment intended for the consumer market. The production of motor vehicles, freight cars and turbines declined the most.

At the end of 2016, negative production dynamics was again recorded in the Russian engineering industry. However, in 2016 this figure dropped to 0.9%.

Of the twelve machine-building subsectors, production growth was noted in four, while in 2015, production growth was recorded in only two subsectors. The highest growth rate was observed in agricultural engineering due to state support of enterprises in the sub-industry, the factor of import substitution, as well as the improvement of the financial condition of agricultural producers.

Also, the positive dynamics of production in 2016 was recorded in such sub-sectors as "the production of household appliances not included in other groups" and "the production of medical devices, measuring instruments, control, management and testing; optical instruments, photographic and film equipment; watches". In both cases, the main reason for the growth was the factor of import substitution.

The positive dynamics at the end of the year was also noted in the Russian automotive industry. At the same time, for the first time in several years, the production of trucks and buses has grown. Passenger car production declined 7.6%, but Q4 growth was 22.5%, suggesting good prospects for 2017. As in the case of agricultural engineering, state support measures played a significant role in improving the dynamics in the automotive industry.

In the remaining eight subsectors, production declined in 2016. At the same time, in two of them the rate of decline exceeded 10% - in the production of machine tools and in the production of other machinery and equipment for special purposes. The minimum decline was recorded in the production of electrical machines and electrical equipment - only 0.7%.

RIA Rating experts believe that the trend of improving the dynamics of production in mechanical engineering will continue in the future, and by the end of 2017, growth will be recorded. The main factors of growth in the industry in 2017, as in the previous year, will be government support measures, and in addition, a gradual recovery in investment and consumer demand is expected, as well as an improvement in the dynamics of exports of Russian engineering products.

The importance of the labor of machine builders is appreciated by the state. The list of honorary titles of the Russian Federation includes the title "Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation", which is awarded to highly professional workers, engineers and technicians of mechanical engineering organizations, including research, technological and design organizations, for personal merits.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Mechanical Engineer's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of September in Russia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. Holiday in 2019 is September 29. The event is celebrated by employees of mechanical engineering enterprises: engineers, designers, workers.

Mechanical engineering is the backbone of the country's economy. A professional holiday is dedicated to the industry specialists.

Holiday traditions

The management presents the best workers of mechanical engineering enterprises with certificates of honor, diplomas, valuable gifts, for outstanding achievements it confers the title “Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation”.

Exhibitions of photographs and product models are held in cultural institutions. Thematic programs are broadcast on television and radio stations. Festive concerts are held on city squares.

history of the holiday

The event was formalized by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days", as amended by No. 9724-XI dated November 1, 1988. Mechanical Engineer's Day has become a tribute to employees who create machines, equipment, and consumer goods.

About the profession of a mechanical engineer

The path to the profession begins after graduation from a secondary specialized or higher educational institution. Specialists are employed in the metallurgical, oil and gas, chemical and construction sectors. Thanks to their work, electronic devices, equipment for agriculture, food, automotive, light industries are created.

The profession of a mechanical engineer is classified as hazardous to health and life-threatening. Employees are entitled to social protection in the form of visiting sanatoriums and resorts, an increased pension, in proportion to the length of service.


    Happy Mechanical Engineer Day!
    Let your work be noticed and appreciated.
    I wish you inspiration stock
    And flawless creations.

    May you be lucky in work and in life,
    Let every day be interesting.
    Let your creativity beckon flight,
    And let everyday life not cool down your ardor!

    Happy Mechanical Engineer's Day, I congratulate you!
    I wish you success in your career with all my heart.
    I wish everything to be calm at work,
    All mechanisms have always worked smoothly.
    So that there is order in all your affairs,
    And at home, joy, comfort and prosperity reigned.

Mechanical Engineer's Day in 2019 what date is celebrated - September 25, 2019

The history of this Russian professional holiday begins in 1980, when a special decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR introduced the annual celebration of the Machine Builder Day on the last Sunday of September. It is clear that the Day of the Mechanical Engineer is most widely celebrated in those cities and towns of our country where enterprises of this industry prevail or are city-forming. Various festive events, tournaments, rallies, concerts and competitions are held here. Although, probably, this is not entirely correct, because all other sectors of the economy depend on the development of mechanical engineering, on its work. It can be said without exaggeration that mechanical engineering products directly affect every person. Therefore, if you have friends who are working on the production of cars, machine tools or even ordinary door locks, be sure to congratulate them on the last Sunday of the first autumn month. In 2019, the Day of the Mechanical Engineer in Russia will be celebrated on September 25.

What is mechanical engineering

Let's first define what exactly is mechanical engineering. However, the answer to this question lies in the very name of this industry. Mechanical engineering is a branch of heavy industry that produces all kinds of machines, tools, instruments, as well as consumer goods and products for defense purposes.

But, since mechanical engineering is an extremely capacious and extensive concept, it, in turn, is also usually subdivided into separate groups: general secondary, heavy, precision engineering, repair of machinery and equipment, as well as the production of metal products and blanks.

But that's not all. Each group related to mechanical engineering is also divided into different subgroups. General mechanical engineering includes the following types of mechanical engineering:

  • transport - railway, aviation, shipbuilding, rockets and spaceships;
  • agricultural;
  • chemical;
  • timber industry
  • construction and utilities;
  • production of technological equipment.

Heavy engineering includes:

  • Mining engineering
  • Metallurgical engineering
  • Power engineering

Secondary engineering is:

  • automotive industry;
  • manufacture of tractors;
  • production of machine tools;
  • robotics;
  • production of equipment for light industry;
  • tool production;
  • production of equipment for the food industry;
  • production of household machines and appliances.

Precision engineering includes:

  • production of radio engineering and electronics;
  • instrumentation;
  • production of electrical equipment.

Production of metal products and blanks:

  • production of hardware - metal products for mass consumption: nails, metal ropes, wire, fasteners, etc .;
  • manufacture of metal hardware and cutlery, fittings, locks and keys.

Representatives of all these professions also have the right to celebrate Mechanical Engineer's Day in 2019.

Development of mechanical engineering in Russia

For the first time, mechanical engineering was singled out as a separate industry in the 18th century. Although in fact it has always existed. Indeed, after all, the manufacture of any tool of production, even a stone ax, is also in fact mechanical engineering. And what can we say about the times when more precise instruments and instruments appeared, for example, a sundial or hourglass, not to mention mechanical watches? Man has always tried to make his work and his life easier with the help of various devices, and in fact, this was also mechanical engineering. But it was in the 18th century that England began to produce "machines for the production of machines", which brought mechanical engineering to a completely different level. It was the development of mechanical engineering that gave impetus to the emergence of industrial capitalism, which completely rebuilt all social and production relations.

Unfortunately, in Russia in the 18th century, mechanical engineering was rather weak, it was very dependent on the import of equipment and it was mainly foreign specialists who worked on it. Russian mechanical engineering was focused mainly on agriculture, it produced simple equipment for it. And in terms of its technical level, up to the beginning of the 20th century, Russian mechanical engineering was much inferior to its Western competitors. A small number of cars and metal-cutting machines were produced in Russia, and any more complex equipment had to be imported from abroad.

Nowadays, in 2019, the machine-building industry in Russia is the basic element of the country's economy; it is in close interaction with other industries - the fuel and energy, military-industrial and agro-industrial complex, transport, communications, and construction. If we talk about the structure of industrial production, machine building in Russia is in second place after the fuel and energy complex and occupies more than 20% in terms of its specific weight. This is not surprising, because not only the volume of the gross domestic product of any country, but also its defense capability depends on the development of mechanical engineering. Therefore, the development of mechanical engineering in 2019 remains one of the main and priority areas in the socio-economic policy pursued by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.

The three main segments of Russian mechanical engineering - transport, electronics and the heavy industry segment - are not entirely in an equal position. The situation is most favorable in transport engineering, which unites the automotive industry, shipbuilding and the industry related to the aerospace industry. Although it must be said that the Russian automotive industry is now mainly engaged in the assembly of cars of Western brands. But the heavy engineering industry is going through a serious crisis: the machine-tool and tool industries are in an almost dying state, although factories and enterprises focused on the raw materials, energy or metallurgical industries can still function normally.