Day of formation of headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Functions of the headquarters in the internal affairs bodies

The bodies performing the functions of general management of the internal affairs bodies are headquarters units... Their functions have changed in different periods of the development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, but the main purpose of their functioning remains to ensure effective management.

The main condition for organizing the activities of headquarters units is the differentiation of managerial work according to management functions: collection of information, accounting, analysis and forecasting, integrated planning, organization and control.

The formation of headquarters units, their main tasks, and the number of staff are established by regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The headquarters unit is directly subordinate to the head of the internal affairs body. The chief of staff is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position held by the order of the chief of the city railing organ in agreement with the superior subject of management.

The headquarters is a cross-sectoral management body, which, on behalf of the head, prepares projects of management decisions, documents of an analytical nature, provides information support, etc. The main tasks of the headquarters include:

· Organizational support of managerial decisions of the head of the Gorrailinorgan on complex problems of combating crime and protecting public order;

· Comprehensive analysis of information in the field of law and order;

· Coordination of the activities of the departments of the Gorrailinorgan on the implementation of complex law enforcement tasks;

· Organization of work of the duty unit;

· Control and verification of the state of accounting and registration discipline, operational and service and management activities of the departments of the Gorrailinorgan;

· Carrying out information and analytical, accounting and registration and statistical work;

· Communication with the media;

· Introduction of new information technologies on the basis of personal computers and computer networks into the activities of the subdivisions of the Gorrailinorgan;

· Comprehensive planning of organizational measures of the Gorrailinorgan of Internal Affairs, as well as the development of special action plans in case of emergencies;

· Organizational and staff work in cooperation with the personnel service and some other areas.

The activities of the headquarters units are directly related to the implementation of the function of general management of the internal affairs body. At the same time, the headquarters units are not the subjects of management on which the actual leadership is entrusted, since this activity is fully entrusted to the heads of the internal affairs bodies, the heads of territorial and linear departments (departments), the heads of the main departments within the ministry, the Minister of Internal Affairs. cases. The management of the internal affairs body consists in the performance of official duties by a person who is endowed with the necessary powers and bears personal responsibility for organizing the work of the internal affairs body and fulfilling the tasks assigned to it. Consequently, the headquarters unit itself does not exercise leadership, but is assigned to the head for the implementation of management. The main task of the headquarters unit is to ensure the management process of the internal affairs body, including the development of draft managerial decisions of the head of the internal affairs body, the organization of their implementation and control.

The creation of headquarters units in the structure of internal affairs bodies is predetermined by many circumstances.

1. The internal affairs bodies have been assigned important social tasks, which objectively determines the complex management process in all areas of operational and service activities, as well as the need for coordination, which should be carried out centrally.

2. Organization of interaction between services and departments of the internal affairs body with other law enforcement agencies, as well as with government and administrative bodies, organizations and institutions interested in solving problems of law enforcement and combating crime.

3. In the process of functioning of the internal affairs body, complex information flows arise. The diversity of service information requires its constant systematization, analysis and generalization in relation to the current operational situation and the tasks facing the body of internal affairs.

4. Each of the directions of the operational activities of the internal affairs body needs a body that exercises regular control in order to assess the effectiveness of functioning and timely regulation.

5. Organization of law enforcement objectively forms the need for centralized intersectoral planning of the entire set of activities.

6. Problematic situations arising in the course of the activities of the internal affairs body require prompt and timely resolution. They are based, first of all, on the analysis, as well as the preparation of appropriate management decisions, which is the functional responsibility of the headquarters units.

The existence of headquarters units in the structure of the internal affairs body is also due to the need for a centralized solution of complex issues:

· On the organization of service and implementation of technical controls;

· To study and disseminate positive experience in operational and service activities;

· On methodological support and supervision over certain areas of work;

· To ensure preparedness for actions in emergency situations;

· On a regular study of public opinion on the activities of the internal affairs body and others.

The main functions of headquarters units for the implementation of information support, analytical work, monitoring the operational situation, organizing management and planning, ensuring general activities and activities of the leadership, maintaining mobilization readiness and some other functions practically coincide in their content for different levels of management.

The regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia establish the same type of requirements for the implementation of the functions of headquarters. The main structural units of the headquarters are: department (group) of analysis, planning and control, department (group) of information support,media liaison teams, as well as duty units of the internal affairs body.

The department (group) of analysis, planning and control ensures the development of timely, substantiated and rational projects of management decisions. This area of ​​staff work has three interrelated areas.

1. Information and analytical, which consists of:

· In the accumulation, generalization and analysis of information;

· In the complex analysis of information;

· In the organization of sociological, criminological and predictive research;

· In continuous monitoring of the operational situation;

· In the preparation of information, analytical and reference materials);

2. Planning providing the development of:

· Basic plans for the activities of internal affairs bodies for the near future;

· Plans for the period of emergencies;

· Drafts of managerial decisions of the head of the internal affairs body);

3. Control by the headquarters of the Gorrailinorgan suggesting:

· Study and verification of the actual execution of the decisions of the chief;

· Timely adoption of measures to eliminate the revealed deficiencies;

· Assistance in the correct selection and placement of personnel;

· Ensuring the execution of regulations of superior subjects of management;

· Preparation of information documents based on the results of control).

The department (group) of information support carries out the process associated with accounting and registration and statistical work, as well as information support for the management.

TO registration and statistical work refers to:

· Maintaining a single journal of registration of crimes and persons who committed them;

· Organization of work with registration and registration cards for registered, solved and investigated crimes;

· Preparation of statistical reports;

· Checking the completeness of the registration of crimes in the internal affairs body;

· Preparation of statistical data on the state of crime and the results of the fight against it;

· Reconciliation of statistics on crime with the information center;

· Methodological support of accounting and registration work;

Management information support includes:

· Organization of automated accounting of statistical data on the state of crime in the service area;

· Organization of an effective system of communication and exchange of management information;

· Provision of covert management of forces and means of the internal affairs body;

· Introduction of automated control systems and information support;

· Protection of information in systems and means of communication and automation.

The mass media liaison groups organize the interaction of the internal affairs body with the mass media. This activity consists of:

· In establishing business contacts with the media and informing the public about the activities of the internal affairs body;

· In the collection and analysis of published materials on the activities of the internal affairs body;

· In organizing the study of public opinion on the activities of the internal affairs body.

The duty units of the internal affairs body are called upon to solve the problems of operational control of forces and means in the service area. In matters of organizing the management of forces and means in the system of a single deployment in the service area, the chief of the public security militia is in charge of the duty unit. In turn, the chief of staff provides methodological and informational support for the work of the duty unit.

The duty unit of the internal affairs body is a structural element of the headquarters. In the course of their activities, the duty units of the Gorrailinorgan carry out:

· Constant communication with all structural divisions, as well as duty orders in the service area;

· Reception and registration of statements, messages and information about crimes, offenses and emergencies, organization of response to them;

· Informing the leadership of the internal affairs body and higher-ranking subjects of management about crimes and incidents, as well as the measures taken on them;

· Organization of analysis with persons detained for offenses and crimes;

· Ensuring the functioning of the weapons room, control over the safety and accounting of weapons, ammunition and special equipment in the weapons room;

· Organization of the collection of personnel of the internal affairs body on the signal "alarm";

· Organization of urgent actions in case of emergencies.

The hierarchy of management levels presupposes a more complex organizational structure of headquarters than in the city railing organs. So, the structure of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the UVDT includes: information and analytical department(branch), organizational planning department(branch), the Department(branch) combat and mobilization readiness, control(the Department) communications, special equipment and automation, inspection, duty section... The content of the activities of these headquarters on the whole coincides with the activities of the headquarters of the city district organs. At the same time, they are structured in accordance with the tasks of the managerial nature of the specified management level.

As a result of ensuring a certain set of professional qualities inherent in the staff of staff units, the concept of "staff culture" has come into practice. The headquarters culture reflects, first of all, the high professionalism of the specialist - the organizer of management.


Lecture 6. Documentation management
in the internal affairs bodies

On this memorable day in 1918, the Information and Instructor Departments were formed within the framework of the Main Directorate of the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD. After a while, the departments were united into one, called the Instructor-Inspector. In 1919, the department was included in the Inspectorate of the Main Police Department. In 1934, after the formation of the NKVD of the USSR, the Main Inspectorate of the NKVD was created, which existed until 1957. In the period from the late 1960s to the early 1980s, the headquarters service was significantly reformed: in 1968-1969, organizational and inspection units were created everywhere, and in 1971-1972 they were transformed into headquarters. Over the years, the headquarters service has undergone significant changes. Only in 1982, headquarters began to function in all departments and ministries of the interior.

On this holiday, we talk with the Acting Chief of Staff of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the CAO GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, Major of the Internal Service Tatyana Petrovna Orlova.

Tatyana Petrovna, what are the main tasks facing modern headquarters in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia?

The task of the headquarters is to organize the interaction of the Directorate with other law enforcement agencies, executive authorities and the anti-terrorist commission, to ensure control over the implementation of federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow and the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District. Preparation of projects and organization of implementation of complex programs, plans, other managerial decisions of the chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate, participation in supporting the activities of the chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate, timely communication to the structural divisions of the assigned tasks and adopted managerial decisions. The headquarters is entrusted with the task of storing, recording and using incoming information, sending information materials about the state of public order, public safety and the fight against crime in the territory of service to state authorities.

By and large, the headquarters is the central link that connects all services of the internal affairs bodies. It is in the headquarters that all information is collected and analyzed, the crime situation on the territory of the district is predicted, it is planned to strengthen the executive discipline in the services and divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate. The headquarters is a "brain" that coordinates and directs the activities of the entire internal affairs body as a whole in the right direction.

Not a single event held by the Department of Internal Affairs goes unnoticed by the headquarters. Despite the fact that the headquarters units do not investigate criminal cases, do not travel to crime scenes, do not detain intruders, nevertheless, their activities are one of the key ones in the system of internal affairs bodies. It is this department that is engaged in improving management activities, drawing up comprehensive analyzes, planning, coordinating and organizing control over the implementation of managerial decisions, departmental and regulatory documents that determine the main tasks of internal affairs bodies and departments.

What qualities, in your opinion, should the staff of the headquarters units have?

An important quality is the ability of employees to find extraordinary ways to solve any problems. At first glance, work in the headquarters may seem routine and boring, but after joining the headquarters, you begin to understand how much depends on you and how important you are for the whole unit.

Work at the headquarters, in addition to being erudite and literate, requires an analytical mind, the ability to think logically and quickly make competent decisions.

Efficiency, attentiveness, dedication and, of course, love for your work - these are the keys to successful work in the headquarters unit!

Tatyana Petrovna, recently organizational and staff measures have taken place in the internal affairs bodies, have they affected the headquarters and which departments are currently included in the structure of the headquarters of the Directorate?

The past organizational and staffing activities did not affect the structure of headquarters units, which are extremely few in number in terms of their staffing structure.

The staff of the ATC headquarters consists of 12 certified employees and 2 civilians. The structure of the ATC headquarters includes: the Inspectorate, numbering 5 chief inspectors, the Analysis and Planning Division, also consisting of 5 employees, and the Accounting Discipline Control Group, which employs 3 employees (of which two are civilians).

The headquarters units in the territorial OMVD are also few in number. They include chiefs of staff, inspectors of the area of ​​accounting and registration discipline and civilian analysts.

Nevertheless, with such modest human resources, we try to fulfill all the tasks set by the management without compromising their quality.

Dear colleagues! The management, the Council of Veterans and the Public Council under the Internal Affairs Directorate for the SAO Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow congratulate the veterans, acting staff of the headquarters on their professional holiday! We wish you health, confidence in the future, strength to overcome the hardships of life, vigor, excellent mood, success in the service and personal happiness for many years!

Press group of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District

Holiday October 7 - Day of the formation of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

This professional holiday has its roots in the distant past, namely in 1918. It was in it that on October 7, within the framework of the Main Directorate of the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia (NKVD), two important were created - information and instructor departments. And if you take a closer look at ours, then in 1982 headquarters units were created in all departments and ministries of the interior. And at the same time, one must bear in mind the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation itself. It is quite complex and multifaceted. The republics of Russia have their own ministries (Tatarstan, Bashkiria or the same Crimea), we have federal districts, regional and regional departments of internal affairs. With all of them, headquarters units are operating today. The main tasks of which are - carrying out operational and preventive work to prevent all kinds of crimes, including anti-terrorist operations, ensuring effective and close communication when interacting with law enforcement agencies, and assisting them in investigating crimes.
All structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not so easy to manage, even based on their number. Let's remember the USSR. Its Interior Ministry included one million one hundred six thousand 472 employees of various ranks. After the collapse of the country, whose rightful successor was the Russian Federation, the number decreased, but almost imperceptibly - one million eighty nine thousand 870 people. That is, we have 129 Russians per one policeman, but in territorial terms, one policeman is assigned to fifteen square kilometers. It's hard to keep track of everything, as they say. This is why headquarters units are needed, which develop strategy and tactics and themselves control all work to combat crime in the country. Plus, they also prepare collegia, meetings on topical issues of activities at both the central and republican, regional and regional levels. Implementation assigned to the headquarters units will become even more complicated in connection with the beginning of the reduction by the decision of President V.V. Putin of the ranks of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is planned to bring the numerical strength to approximately nine hundred thousand.
The work of the headquarters units today has its advantages. Thanks to their efforts, the number of homicides in the country fell from 23 percent in 2001 to 8 percent in 2014. In Moscow, the detection rate for this type of serious crime has increased from 78.5 percent to 83. But one cannot but reckon with the negative. In particular, the head of state V.V. Putin is dissatisfied with the overall level of crime detection, which is 44 percent, while in European countries the figure is 45-47 percent. And the main drawback of the headquarters units lies in the lack of the proper level of professionalism of their employees. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country as a whole is now working to raise it.
Nevertheless, the headquarters units were very lucky. On November 10, 1917, in the Land of Soviets, a workers 'and peasants' militia was formed by a government decree. And it is on this date that the Day of employees of the internal affairs bodies, previously called the Day of Soviet Militia, is widely celebrated in Russia. So it turns out that the headquarters units have two holidays, following one after the other with an interval of almost a month. Congratulations, awards, prizes and gifts. And then difficult everyday life sets in again, the task of which is to achieve a sharp reduction in all types of crimes throughout Russia.

Congratulations on the day of the headquarters


Congratulations on the Day of the Staff Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation! In worries about order in the state, about the safety of citizens, your working days go by, and I want to wish you not to be tired, to be not only employees of the same headquarters, but also to be friendly comrades, and when it happens to take a break from official duties, to live happily and freely!

You give your best in the service without a trace, give the strength and work of the mind to the country and you, our respected intercessors, today we unanimously congratulate you on the Day of the headquarters of Russia! Be unforgiving to those who break the law and be generous to loved ones!

To those who do not allow the "twilight" of crime to overwhelm society, on the Day of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, we address the warmest wishes! However, your hearts are so hot ... But let them still have not only firmness, but also faith in the best and love!

At the headquarters, as always, work is in full swing, it seems, give free rein to these people, they will work around the clock! But with such a stressful business, you need to know the rest! Allow yourself to relax a little today, in our friendly company, and at the same time we will congratulate you on the Day of Headquarters Units!

Everything that you do cannot be listed so at once! Let's just say that society is behind you - like a stone wall, and if a misfortune happens suddenly - you will lend a helping hand and punish those responsible! On the Day of Russian headquarters units, please accept my most sincere congratulations, wishes for professional growth and personal happiness!

A festive breeze has flown into the serious headquarters today, and with it the call to celebrate the Day of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation! Thank you guys for giving the country your reliable shoulder, sometimes taking risks and always going to the bitter end! May Fate be favorable to you, give you all the desired blessings and save you!

We don't know much about your work, but its importance can hardly be exaggerated! Without modesty, I congratulate you on the Day of Headquarters Units and wish you to stay longer in the glorious ranks of the keepers of the laws and the peace of society! Keep up the good work, do not hang your nose and easily, always and everywhere get your way!

Congratulations on the Day of Staff Units! You have worked for the good of the people a lot, and there is still a lot to be done ... So let good luck await you in any business! May hopes come true, and trouble never appears at the door! Even if it is sometimes difficult, remember how many people you are loyal defenders and act according to honor!

You have chosen a thorny, but worthy path, and this is not the first year that you have been disappearing at the headquarters, and many people can say good words about you, but you still won’t get used to the well-deserved praise! On the Day of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, I cannot be silent, and I want to embarrass you with an assurance that our country is supported by such people! And I wish you long, just golden years!

From colleagues and relatives, from friends, today you will hear a lot of congratulations on the Day of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I, deeply respecting you, dare not stand aside! I wish you to walk through life like a tiger and always keep the lion's heart warm!


Russia, or, as it is called in abbreviated form, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a special state structure. It was created to solve massive political problems. All people involved in this serious activity annually celebrate their professional holiday on October 7 - the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Origin story

For the first time, the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia appeared as an official holiday in 1918. The reason for its emergence was the formation of two structures: an information and instructor department. A year later, they merged into one and received a new name - the instructor-inspector department.

Main tasks

As mentioned earlier, the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually. The date of its celebration is known to few, but everyone should know the main tasks performed by this complex structure:

  • Fast solution of the crime.
  • Terror prevention.
  • Closure of drug dens and other organizations prohibited by law.
  • Analysis of crime and methods of combating it.
  • Development of new strategies for maintaining public order.

The employees of the structure are engaged in these and many other important tasks.That is why the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is of an official nature and is celebrated by people involved in this body.

How is it celebrated?

The seventh of October is considered to be a working day. Only some units of the heroes of the occasion have a rest on this day. In television programs and on radio stations, pleasant congratulations and words of gratitude are heard for the work done. On the weekend closest to this holiday, you can see thematic concerts with the participation of pop stars.

On this day, those who have distinguished themselves especially over the past year are assigned new military ranks, awarded with certificates of honor and mementos.

The Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is, first of all, a professional holiday. Therefore, after a hard day, workers in this area organize small corporate parties. And they deserve these minutes of rest, because every day they stand guard over the state order, sometimes risking their lives.


Autumn, early October - it is this time that is the most long-awaited for workers in the political sphere. During this period, an all-Russian holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Congratulations on this day are heard from the bosses, colleagues and loved ones. It is enough to say or write on a postcard a few phrases that will evoke pleasant emotions and melt persistent hearts. Congratulations might look like this:

“A headquarters worker is not the easiest profession. Leading people requires special talent, wisdom, and effort. We wish you that these qualities are always present in abundance and contribute to further advancement on the career ladder. Be happy, healthy and strong! "

“What is the most important thing in achieving success in such an important industry as serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Seemingly physical fitness and analytical skills. In fact, for this you need to love your job, have a caring family that provides a reliable rear, and good health. Let these three important whales always be present in your life! "

“Your service is dangerous and difficult. Let there be no room for misery in it. Each completed task will bring you only the joy of victory. Thank you for protecting our Motherland from terror, crime and drug addiction. Knowing that you are on guard, we sleep well! "

There are many holidays in different fields of activity. Each of them is very important. It is worth not forgetting who relatives and friends work, and timely congratulate them on their professional dates.!