Children from 7 to 10 years old. New psychological mechanisms. What is the secret of the game

Physical development of a child at 10 years old

Like all parents, are you also surprised at how quickly your child is growing? It seems like recently they saw off to the first grade, and already the first round date - 10 years!
The growth of children at this age: the height of boys is 125.6 - 136.3 cm, of girls - 129-142 cm. (Do not be surprised, but at this age girls really grow faster than boys - girls begin to develop much faster than boys, which will years). The weight of a boy at 10 years old is 27.7 - 34.9 kg, the weight of a girl at 10 years old is 28.2 - 35.1 kg.

It is very important at this age to nurture and maintain self-esteem. So your child will be confident in himself and in his abilities, will be able to find a solution in difficult life situations, will not succumb to the influence of other children and will do what he does not want (vandalism, hooliganism).

Many ten-year-olds behave like adults: they already have such language skills and knowledge that they can formulate thoughtful and organized thoughts, express opinions as adults express them. Therefore, it will be interesting in his company, since he is a good conversationalist. But remember, he is still a child (!) Who wants to run, jump and play.

At the age of ten, there is a poignant moment - against parental control in any of its manifestations. It is very easy to lose credibility. It is worth giving some slack somewhere or, conversely, going too far - and that thin psychological thread that connects you with your child will break. The paradox of this age is that a teenager is more susceptible to the influence of strangers than his own parents. And very many, and very many, influence it. Therefore, it is important to be a friend to your child!

Intellectual development of a child at 10 years old

At this age, children are actively learning - they like to learn new things. Reading skills have already gone beyond learning, and most children enjoy more challenging literature. They learn more and more difficult, incomprehensible words. Their logic is conducive to writing essays and expressing thoughts and criticism on paper. , discuss them, read together! Children are always pleased not only by independent collection of information and research, but also by joint work with their parents. And don't forget to praise! This is very important - the recognition of children's labors.

The need and the ability to bring the work started to the end is already beginning to form.

Research shows that 62-63% of boys choose a profession that they talked about in detail with their parents at the age of 10-12.

Then, in adolescence, they discussed other professions, but, having passed puberty, returned to their former interests. So parents should be especially attentive to the interests of the boy at this age, more often and in more detail to discuss with him what he would like to do professionally. At this age, he makes some crafts (car models, for example), some drawings, collects something, collects. After a couple of years, in adolescence, he will most often forget about all this. But the task of the parents is to fully preserve all this, so that the boy can look at all this, return to all this. Psychotherapist Deborah Tannen emphasizes: “The hobbies and interests of a 10-12-year-old boy come from the depths of his soul, they are generated by his innermost interests and abilities. All later interests are imposed on him by the microsociety, behind them is the desire to please the “inner circle”.


Mothers of ten children should become excellent psychologists by this childhood age. The child grows and changes almost before our eyes. If you are a girl's mother, tell her about growing up, about the first menstruation, prepare for growing up. Boys' mothers should try not to raise infantile sons. And here dad has to help you!

Mom, the microclimate in the family depends on you! Therefore, make every effort to ensure that the child was interested in it at home, with you, and not outside (for the purpose of child safety).

Do you know what your child is interested in ?! Therefore, go to performances, competitions, musicals, interesting show programs together.

And be sure to take some time for yourself! Otherwise, it threatens "professional" burnout ...

Joint weekdays

Your child is 10 years old, which means that you can play quests with your whole family and even come up with them yourself. Any activity is good - so ride a bike, roller-skate, skate, ski together. If dad or mom are fond of rock climbing - it's time to introduce the child to this. (the instructor will help you choose a suitable "rock").

At this age, children love. Therefore, collect your home library or invite your child to visit the municipal library. Also, 10-year-olds still love to be read aloud.

Good gross motor skills allow the child to: football, basketball, gymnastics, ice skating and much more. In computer and video games, this is already a serious contender with increased coordination and reflexes. If before that he did not know anything about musical instruments, then it is worth introducing. Maybe you like it?

At the age of ten it is already possible. This option (provided that the place where you are going to send your son or daughter, proven and worthy) is close to ideal. In the camp, your child is both independent and supervised. You can combine business with pleasure and send your child to a specialized camp - sports or one that specializes in learning foreign languages.

At the age of 10, your child becomes more interested in the company of peers than in yours. You should not forbid communicating with someone you do not like, criticizing friends and, in general, over-expressing negative emotions in relation to those who surround your offspring. You can be sure that everything will be done exactly the opposite - just out of a sense of contradiction. Even if, try to calmly tell him about it. The wording “I forbid you to communicate with him” is categorically inappropriate. On the contrary, emphasize that you respect his choice, but ask him to pay attention to some character traits that, in your opinion, do not correspond very much to the status of a friend or girlfriend.

Try to come to terms with the fact that your child is gradually moving away from you, do not try to tie him to yourself by force. A certain degree of control is definitely needed. But it is not worth responding with aggression to aggression. A child who actively asserts his own “I” can only be convinced of anything through negotiations. Advise, but don't be intrusive. Be persistent, but don't push too hard - the effect will be just the opposite.

Come up with some kind of joint activities that will be interesting for both you and your child. It happens that the parents of a friend or girlfriend are more respected by the child than his own. The reasons can be very different: from the personal qualities of other people's parents to the fear that a child experiences in front of his dad and mom. At ten or eleven years old, a person is already quite old, and relations with him largely depend on the ability of those who are older to cooperate.

To-do list

  1. Choose a suitable camp for your children during the holidays(preference should be given to sports and recreation or language).
  2. Sign up a child for additional classes(studying of foreign language).
  3. Offer your child extra-curricular creative activities(relevant for mothers of girls, dances are suitable for boys).
  4. Check the condition of children's teeth with a dentist twice a year.
  5. Visit a pediatric dermatologist if, during the period of growing up, the child has problems with the skin.

A crisis at the age of 7 is another stage in the development of a child associated with a change in social status: a preschooler turns into a schoolchild. The main features of this transition period are problems with discipline and compliance with the rules of conduct in society. How to understand that a son or daughter is going through a crisis? Why it happens? How should mom and dad behave to help their offspring? Let's consider the answers to these questions from the point of view of developmental psychology.

The crisis of 7 years is associated with the child's unwillingness to obey generally accepted disciplinary requirements

Crisis manifestations

Going through a crisis of 7-8 years old, a child is preparing for a new stage in life, which will begin when he crosses the school threshold. Overcoming emotional difficulties will help him become a full member of the new environment, accept its rules and realize the benefits. Features of this period:

  • changes in relationships with older family members;
  • communication with peers, each of whom in one way or another is going through a crisis.
  • The transitional stage is characterized by certain patterns of child behavior, the main ones of which are:

    • pretense;
    • agility, restlessness;
    • harmful actions, the motives of which defy logical explanation;
    • imitation of adults;
    • clowning and clowning as ways to attract attention.

    The listed features of the seven-year-old's behavior are complemented by such emotional characteristics as:

    • increased fatigue;
    • irritability;
    • irascibility;
    • absent-mindedness, which often leads to poor performance at school;
    • aggressiveness or opposite traits - isolation, shyness.

    During a crisis period, children begin to relate themselves to their peers:

    • compare themselves to others, often underestimating their own capabilities;
    • looking for authority - unfortunately, in many cases it turns out to be a child with not very good behavior;
    • curse on friends, curry favor with adults, trying to "rise" in their eyes.

    Grimacing and clowning are characteristic signs of a crisis period


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    Mom and Dad can determine that a child is facing a crisis by carefully observing his behavior. The following questionnaire will help to streamline the conclusions and assess the emotional state of the offspring. Answering her questions, you should put "2 points" if the listed traits and features of behavior are constantly manifested, "1 point" - noticeable periodically, "0 points" - they are generally unusual for a child.

    Questionnaire to identify the signs of a crisis 7 years:

    1. Over the past 6-12 months, the baby has changed dramatically.
    2. All the time he tries to "talk" to the elders, is rude.
    3. Lost interest in kindergarten, developing activities in the kindergarten.
    4. He became indifferent to toys that he used to love very much. He is only interested in playing with other children.
    5. He likes to communicate with older children more than with babies.
    6. He fell in love with the game of school, asks a lot about it.
    7. Often quarrels with parents over little things.
    8. Stubborn, defends his opinion in spite of everything.
    9. Clowns, grimaces, speaks "not in his own" voice.
    10. Imitates adults, tries to fulfill their duties.

    After the answers to all the questions have been received, the total of points should be added, it will be in the range from 0 to 20. Interpretation of the results:

    1. 0-5 points. This is too little for a seven-year plan. The child is very calm, but this behavior may indicate some lag in psycho-emotional development.
    2. 5-10 points. This result, most likely, does not mean the existence of a crisis. Bad behavior can be due to individual characteristics of character or mistakes in the educational process.
    3. 10-20 points. The offspring has been going through a crisis for 7 years. It is possible to smooth out its manifestations and help the child by changing the system of requirements and the attitude towards him. Otherwise, the crisis can drag on and lead to the formation of negative character traits.

    A child's harsh words and expressions can shock unprepared parents

    Causes of the crisis

    Crises of adolescence, three, seven years have one thing in common - denial. At the same time, each difficult period is characterized by its own characteristics.

    At three years old, the baby is fighting for his independence - the ability to act autonomously. The seven-year-old begins to lose the spontaneity inherent in childhood, an intellectual moment wedges in between an act and an experience. Plus, a difficult adaptation to school is connected.

    Conflict between needs and the environment

    A child of 7-8 years old wants to become an adult more than anything else. This is pushed not only by his internal needs, but also by the cultural environment. Most boys and girls are taught by older family members that going to first grade means growing up.

    Having started attending school, the child sincerely hopes that he has become independent and acquired a new social position. In his opinion, the well-established everyday rules that operated in the "past childhood life" must undergo changes. As a result, he begins to resist them - he wants to decide for himself when and where to go, what to wear, and so on. The child is convinced that he has every right to behave like an adult.

    Loss of childlike spontaneity

    Another aspect of the 7-year crisis is the loss of situational reactions and immediacy. The behavior of children becomes more arbitrary, it is less influenced by external factors. That is why antics, pretense, demeanor appear.

    A boy or girl chooses a role for himself and follows its logic, while his position may absolutely not correspond to the situation. As a result, there are unreasonable mood swings, inconsistency of emotions, changes in behavior, unnatural reactions to certain events.

    The result of the crisis

    Along with difficulties, the offspring is experiencing rapid development. First, in the first period of the crisis, disharmony arises - the child and the environment that surrounds him collide. Then, in the second stage, everything stabilizes. As a result, a new mental formation occurs, which is a new personality structure. Its essence for the crisis of 7 years is the need and the ability to function in society. The offspring strives for a social position, in particular for the position of a school student.

    What should parents do?

    What should the mom and dad of a “crisis” child do? First of all, don't panic. It is important to understand that the critical period will not last long. As a result, instead of antics, the child will learn to act of his own free will in any situation, taking into account external circumstances, but not blindly following them. He will acquire his own position, his opinion, his attitude to various vicissitudes that will arise in life. He constructs his own "I", his inner world with space for imagination and choice of actions.

    To ease the course of the crisis period under the power of understanding parents. You should change your attitude towards the offspring, expanding the boundaries of his freedom. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to understand himself. It is important to take less care and limit the son or daughter - care should be manifested not in total management of the child's life, but in control and cautious guidance.

    The right to make your own decisions

    The main field for the manifestation of negative signs of a seven-year-old crisis is the requirements for a child at school and at home, which he desperately resists internally. After the first bell rings, many actions move into the “need to do” and “must” categories. As a result, the words “I don’t want”, “I will not” are heard more and more often from the lips of the offspring.

    At the age of 7, the child already wants to make many decisions on his own.

    Mom and Dad need to be cunning. Requirements should be formulated in such a way that a son or daughter wants to fulfill them of their own free will. You can call on a character authoritative for the child to help by telling an instructive story in which he found himself in a similar situation and did the right thing.

    By the age of 7, the offspring accumulates a certain amount of life experience, and he is able to make some decisions based on it. If possible, parents should appeal to this experience, and not put pressure on the child with their authority. For example, a child does not want to dress warmly. He needs to be reminded of how he recently froze to death, not equipped for the weather.

    A seven-year-old child already has his own opinion on many issues. You cannot drown it out - on the contrary, you should teach the child to argue reasonably, proving his position. On the one hand, this will force him to justify his demands or refusal to follow the instructions of his elders, and on the other hand, mom and dad will learn to hear and take into account the opinion of their child.

    One of the main problems of the 7-year crisis is disobedience. Parents need to reconsider their position in communicating with their son or daughter. There should be no orders. It is important to conduct a dialogue on an equal footing. The child should be asked questions, be interested in his opinion, given the opportunity to make decisions, and also be responsible for them. For example, if the son refuses to follow the established daily routine, there is no need to force him. Better to ask how long it takes him to do this or that, then adjust the schedule together.

    For a child to become obedient, it is better to use the method of dialogue, rather than orders.

    Childhood preservation

    During the crisis period, there is a transition to the next stage of personality formation, but the offspring is still a child. Do not forget about this. In difficult moments, you can use instructive cartoons, fairy tales, stories. A son or daughter will be happy to follow the positive example of his beloved heroes. This approach will allow mom and dad to shift the authoritarian role from themselves.

    With the beginning of school life, it becomes necessary to spend a lot of time studying. It is difficult for a child to fully immerse himself in the educational process. There should be a place for games in his life. It's good if there is an opportunity to introduce school subjects playfully - for example, letting your son or daughter do what you love, and in the meantime, repeat words or orally solve examples. Letters can be drawn with pencils or crayons. It is important to study with the child, so it will be easier for him to accept new processes and they will become a harmonious part of the daily routine.

    Given the correct attitude of the parents, the crisis of 7 years passes almost imperceptibly. Moreover, during this period, the child can develop human qualities, which will then help him in life. It is important that adult family members adhere to simple rules:

    • explained;
    • listened;
    • consulted;
    • excluded violence;
    • provided personal time;
    • did not treat the child as property.

    In raising a child, the element of physical punishment must be completely excluded.


    Of course, there should be prohibitions in the life of a child, but before introducing a "taboo", one should explain why this should not be done. In addition, it is worthwhile to correctly formulate the rules - in the form of advice or warning, not an order. Thanks to this, the child will feel his equality with the adults.

    Do not be afraid that such an approach will lead to the loss of parental unconditional authority. The son or daughter will continue to listen to the words of their elders on an instinctive level.


    Mom and Dad need to listen carefully to the child without criticism. Let him tell stories, even if they contain fantasy elements, share what interests him. Psychologists note that the fear of public speaking is laid down in childhood, when older family members do not bother to listen to the child or, even worse, laugh at him (we recommend reading :).

    The child begins to gradually become aware of himself as a new part of society, to understand the importance of his role in society. There is no need to deprive him of his significance at home, he should feel like a full member of the family.

    You should be interested in the opinion of your son or daughter - planning your leisure time, making purchases. It is important to involve the offspring in the family budgeting. This will help him understand the value of money. In adolescence, he will not demand them or arbitrarily take them from his parents.

    When parents consult with the child and take into account his opinion, there will be much less conflicts.

    Eliminate Violence

    You can not show violence in relation to the child - neither moral nor physical. Humiliation contributes to the formation of low self-esteem. If a child is very severely punished for disobedience, then in the future he does not know how to say "no" in response to the requests of other people. Severe physical measures of influence sow resentment in a child's soul, which remains for life.

    Provide private time

    The seven-year-old has to stay in the team for a long time and find a common language with different children. Of course, this requires a lot of energy and strength. It is worth giving him the opportunity to be alone. If a child closes the door to his room, there is no need to bother him, let him spend the time as he wants - draw, dance, sing a song, dream up.

    Do not treat the child as property

    For parents who have spent a lot of time and effort raising a child, it is difficult to let him go and stop caring. However, he is not their property, but an individual who has the right to his own characteristics, hobbies, opinions. The worst of all the crisis of seven years is for those children whose parents are strenuously trying to take them under their control. A son or daughter needs help and support, not moralizing and stricter rules. If the situation is very difficult, you should seek the advice of a psychologist who will help you sort out parental feelings.

    Play is one of the most important ways for children to explore the world. This is how, in the game, the younger generations are trained in all living nature. It allows animals to learn vital skills in a safe manner, to adopt the experience gained from their elders and to find their own ways of interacting with the world around them.

    For millennia, mankind has also not come up with a better way of learning than games. The complexity of the requirements for a modern person has led to a variety of games that help hone a wide variety of skills and abilities. More and more of them are those that lead to prolonged inactivity of children. Therefore, outdoor games are so important for children indoors from 7 to 10 years old.

    In children of primary school age, intellectual loads sharply increase, the way of life is fundamentally different from preschool childhood. Regular walks and outdoor activities are replaced by the need to spend many hours in a sedentary state in the school premises and doing homework. Outdoor games are designed to soften this transition for children by providing the physical activity necessary for health.

    Educational and developmental games for younger students help them master the skills of intellectual activity, develop thinking, learn new things easily and with pleasure. Team games, which are actively mastered by children 7-10 years old, give them the skills of social interaction that are essential for life. They teach children to achieve their goals, not to be afraid of difficulties.

    For preschool children, walks on the street, and in many respects, play activities were organized by adults. Although the independence of younger students is increasing, they still need the help of adults to learn new games and spend their free time more productively. Unlike adolescents, they are ready and willing to take part of adults in organizing games.

    Outdoor games

    Children of 7-10 years old are physically stronger and more enduring than preschoolers. Schoolchildren of this age develop the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the ligaments, increase the volume of the lungs, and improve coordination of movements. Therefore, children of this age can play with a fairly large physical activity for a longer time. The games themselves get more complex and more varied.

    It is optimal for health to carry out outdoor games in the fresh air, but our climate and the need for schoolchildren to spend significant time indoors does not always allow this. Therefore, we present several outdoor games for children 7 - 10 years old, which can be carried out both outdoors and in a spacious room.

    Strength exercises are especially helpful for boys of this age. Such as, for example, a tug of war or "Fight of roosters".

    • "Fight of roosters"... A fairly spacious circle is drawn with chalk, inside which two players stand. They should place their hands behind their backs and bend one leg. Jumping on one leg and not helping with their hands, they should try to push the opponent out of the circle. A loss is considered not only to leave the circle, but also if the player stands on two legs or uses his hands.
    • « Draw out your opponent". Two teams line up in a circle against each other. The task of the players for some is to drag the enemy into the circle, for others - to pull out of the circle. This must be done in one to two minutes of individual bouts, pulling the opponent's belt or arms. The one who was defeated in this short fight is eliminated from the game. Several rounds are held and the team with the most players left wins.
    • Girls prefer exercises to develop flexibility, a sense of balance or rhythm. Although the boys willingly take part in them.
    • « Come under the tape". A rope is pulled at the chest level of the children. You need to go under it without hitting it. In a more complicated version, the player must lean back at the same time. Then the rope gradually descends lower and lower until there is only one player left.
    • But most outdoor games, which differ from sports in less stringent rules and a more free composition of participants, are aimed at children of different ages, regardless of gender.
    • « Fisherman". There is one presenter - a “fisherman” with a rope “net”. He stands in the center. The rest of the participants stand in a circle. The fisherman spins the rope on the floor, trying to hurt the players. Their task is to avoid this by jumping up and down.
    • « Atoms, molecules". Schoolchildren move arbitrarily until the presenter's command is heard. He says a number, like three or five. Players "atoms" must immediately unite into "molecules" from the named number of participants. Those who did not manage to get into the "molecules" are eliminated from the game.

    Outdoor games for children. Mom's school.

    Physical education for elementary school

    Children 7-10 years old are in a phase of active growth. Nature has laid down in them the need for active movement, which ensures the harmonious physical development of the forming muscles. And society requires, first of all, intellectual development, which is possible only with schooling. Physical exercises in physical education can not give primary school age students the required level of stress.

    Therefore, in elementary school, they must spend physical education minutes in the classroom and during breaks. They necessarily include exercises for various muscle groups. One of the obligatory recommendations for conducting physical exercises is to conduct them against the background of a positive attitude of schoolchildren. Outdoor games help to ensure this.

    Physical education often includes exercises using various objects.

    1. « Go blind". Several pins are placed in a straight line at an equal and sufficiently large distance (about 80 cm) from each other. The player must go from the beginning to the end of the track without knocking them down.
    2. « Tell a friend". Children are lined up along the desks, and in each row, from end to end, is passed to the music of the pin. The music is stopped from time to time, and the one who has a pin at this moment is eliminated from the game.
    3. « Manage to grab". Schoolchildren are pitted against each other at the greatest possible distance. A chair with pins is placed in the middle between them. At the signal, a couple of children run to the chair at the same time. The winner is the one who grabs the pin.

    Educational games

    Moving exercises can be combined with didactic, teaching goals. They imply clearer rules in comparison with conventional outdoor games and a teaching goal thought out by teachers.

    1. « I believe - I do not believe»: For children 7 - 10 years old for the development of logical thinking. Children stand in a circle, and the driver throws the ball, while saying a phrase. The one to whom the presenter throws should say “I believe” and catch him. If he considers the statement to be false, then the ball is not caught and “I don’t believe!” Is pronounced. If the reaction was correct, then the players switch roles.
    2. « The words"... Educational game with a ball to consolidate knowledge for children 7-10 years old. One participant throws a ball and sets a theme, such as animals. The one who catches the ball names an animal. Then the person who received the ball throws it to the next of the schoolchildren and sets his own theme.
    3. « Hiding places»: On the development of attention and observation in younger students. Children are given time to look closely at the premises. Then they turn away and close their eyes. One or more facilitators hide several medium-sized objects in the room. Then, to the music, the rest are looking for the hidden. The winners are the ones who find the hidden first; if teams are playing, the winner is the one with the most items.

    Ball games for schoolchildren

    Ball exercises are one of the most popular among children of all ages. Children begin to play with the ball from preschool years, and for the preparatory group they already do it quite well. In children of primary school age, coordination of movements and endurance reach a new level, so exercises with it are already conducted according to more complex rules. Of course, ball exercises can only be carried out in a fairly spacious room without breaking objects.

    1. « Try it, take it away!". Children are divided into two groups. The leader throws in the ball. One group needs to throw the ball to prevent it from falling to the ground. The second part of the children hinders them in every possible way. The player from the second group who grabbed the ball changes roles with the one who dropped it.
    2. « Grab a treat". Real or toy fruits, nuts or sweets are laid out on the table. The children take turns tossing the ball, and before it touches the floor, you need to have time to grab something tasty. Schoolchildren who did not succeed are taken out of the game.
    3. « Green and red". Here you need two medium balls of different colors, for example, green and red. Children are divided into two teams in which a captain is selected. The host gives the signal and the captains throw the balls as far as they can. At the second signal, the players each run after their own ball. The first player to score the ball to the captain scores a point for the team. Then everything is repeated for the next pair of students. Only the captain throws the ball. All actions take place only at the signal of the leader.

    Team games

    As you can see, most of the outdoor games involve team actions. Children 7 - 10 years old are quite ready for this. But guys of this age are still very emotional, they cannot always control their behavior. Therefore, game organizers should consider a few rules.

    The organization of team games should be especially well thought out, since, in contrast to simple outdoor games, it includes a powerful element of competition. This makes the game more emotional and can provoke conflicts in schoolchildren when interacting.

    It is necessary to make sure that the participants have a good understanding of the rules and the purpose of the game, so as not to create a conflict due to their discrepancies among the opposing teams.

    The organizers should try to divide the participants into groups that are approximately equal in strength and skill.

    Objective judging must be ensured as children are highly sensitive to injustice.

    Active exercises should alternate with quieter tasks, uniting in relay games. Because children of this age, with continuous intensive movement for more than 15 minutes, can overwork.

    Competitions for children 7 - 10 years old. Outdoor contests and games for children from 7 to 10 years old.

    Some adults go to play with their children to fulfill their parental duty. Others go to play because it’s right. Some simply refuse, hiding behind that they are too busy or tired. In school or in church, adults only allow children to play if there is time left after important school or spiritual activities to play. As a result, our children, stuffed with knowledge, but emotionally hungry. The following conclusion suggests itself: parents, teachers, children's ministers think that playing with children is a waste of time. Indeed, you can use your time much more productively than playing with children! For very long years, or rather centuries, the game was considered as a pointless pastime, children entertain themselves with the game because there is nothing to do. And today, many adults are convinced that this senseless occupation as a game must be replaced with something more useful as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this point of view is ingrained in many churches.

    It is generally accepted that a game for a child ...

    The game is just fun, so "have fun, children can after church" or "if there is time for games and toys." At the same time, many forget that for the child, God made play a part of his life. Children love to play. If you observe them for a while, you will have no evidence to the contrary. Children only do what they play! And the Bible is a confirmation of this. Talking about the new world shown by God, the prophet Zechariah describes sons and daughters playing in the streets of the new city (Zech. 8: 4, 5).

    What is the secret of the game

    The best way to build relationships with children is to play with them! While playing with your child, you say to him without words: “I understand you. Your needs are very important to me. I love you too". By playing, you show your attitude: “I have time for you. You are important to me. " There are different games: dating games, indoor games, outdoor games, which are divided into categories: active games, games of medium activity and sedentary games. Outdoor play can be used to develop relationships with unbelieving children. How many of them are walking around in the courtyards! It is enough just to offer a few games for children, and a whole gang of children will gather. That is why it is very important to play with children for ministers of children in the church, for parents at home. If you have any questions about how to play with children, the answer can be found in the Children's Mission. Course "How to build relationships with children." The aim of the course is to help you learn how to play correctly with children, come up with new games, and tell interesting stories. And all this so that we, adults, can become a part of the world of children and show them God's love! We want the children of many countries to be saved. And play is the way to their hearts, which, having opened up to you, will be able to open up to Jesus as well.

    The development of a child 7 years old from birth undergoes many changes. From a little toddler, he turns into a schoolboy. The proportions between body parts are close to those of adults. He speaks well, expresses his thoughts logically, can read and learns to write in words. At the same time, children are going through a difficult transition period. Their life circumstances are changing, not everyone is able to easily adapt to school activities, a new team. Therefore, parents should be especially attentive to their babies at this age.

    Physical development of children at 7 years old

    The proportions of the body in children of the seventh year of life are close to those of adults. Their arms and legs are strongly stretched, the torso, relative to the rest of the body, becomes shorter. The skeleton is growing rapidly, and the muscles are still poorly developed. Therefore, prolonged static loads lead to posture disorders. Children need to properly organize their workplace, take breaks during lessons. Exercise during breaks is of great importance. It's not bad if the child goes to the sports section.

    Seven-year-olds can withstand intense physical activity. They walk several kilometers, you can safely take them on one-day hikes. A child can run at a fast pace for about 30-40 meters. Jumps from a spot by 40 cm, and from a run - by a meter. Bounces easily on the right and left legs. Plays with the ball, can easily hit the target from several meters. Children can jump rope, ride a two-wheeled bicycle, swim. The nervous system and reflexes are still poorly developed, they do not yet control all movements. Therefore, children cannot quickly perform exercises, start on a signal.

    Fine motor skills of the hands are intensively developing, but not yet perfect. Therefore, during the lessons, the hands of the children get tired. It is easier for a kid to write and draw large letters and shapes in a notebook. Parallel and straight lines are not very accurate. It is sometimes difficult for children to correctly determine and display the slope of a letter on paper, to write out complex elements. But sculpting, applique, stringing beads, puzzles, folding constructors in kids are much better than before. Pay as much attention as possible to applied studies. They will help develop fine motor skills and improve writing in children.

    Development of speech and thinking in a 7-year-old child

    The seventh year of life is the time of the final formation of literary speech. Children already pronounce all the letters, they know how to express themselves in complex sentences. They clearly and logically express their thoughts, know how to conduct dialogues. The vocabulary of a younger student is large, reaching several thousand words. Children should be taught to pronounce long monologues, retell the material learned, the texts read. Speech should be formed according to the laws of a literary, and not a simple spoken language.

    In the seventh year, the child continues to actively perceive new information. He quickly remembers and analyzes the material, learns well. In the process of mental activity, the seven-year-olds use different types of thinking:

    • Visual-effective
    • Visual-figurative
    • Visual-schematic
    • Verbally logical.

    The main type of thinking continues to be the visual-figurative, which gradually replaces the visual-effective, which is characteristic of the younger age. Children perceive information better when they see specific objects and visual aids in front of them. They are able to perceive them as a whole, they are guided in schematic images (visual-schematic thinking). They know how to highlight the main properties of objects, group them together according to these criteria. The child is better able to perceive the conditions of the task if he sees an image in front of him, controls the result of his work with the help of a visual demonstration. Verbal-logical thinking is only in the initial stage of development, it will finally be formed only in adolescence.

    Memory and attention

    Children at 7 years old best remember material that interests them or elicits an emotional response. After a year, they improve their voluntary memory, and will be able to learn even what they don't like too much. In the younger preschool age, mechanical memorization functions well. This helps children learn new material quickly. But don't rely heavily on mechanical memory. If the kid gets used to cramming without understanding the material, in the future it will be difficult for him to learn. Explain to the student what he is learning. Then the memory will become better, and the ability to assimilate large amounts of information will increase.

    Younger schoolchildren have attention problems. They are easily distracted by stimuli. It is still difficult for children to concentrate on one lesson, they are enough for ten or twenty minutes. A child can be attentively engaged in business that is far from study, but interesting to him personally. For example, a boy or girl in class draws in a notebook or on a desk, instead of reading. Attention develops in children in different ways. Some people concentrate on something longer, but it is more difficult to switch. For others, the function of switching from one task to another works well, but they have difficulty concentrating. This function will be fully formed in the baby in a year or two.

    So, in the seventh year of life, the intelligence of a student is already well developed. Here are the skills he should have in first grade:

    • Be able to read (at least by syllables)
    • Be able to count up to 100, know simple arithmetic functions within 20
    • Write in words
    • To be able to establish logical connections between the main features of objects, to reproduce them according to the model
    • Be able to use logic in thought processes
    • Correctly evaluate the actions of people and your own
    • Have advanced hand coordination and fine motor skills
    • Understand and retell children's stories, fairy tales
    • Have the desire to acquire new knowledge, be ready and make efforts to this.

    A psychologist, a good school teacher, will help to correctly assess the level of development of a student. It is important for parents to understand that all children develop according to their own plan, each has its own abilities and characteristics. You cannot put too much pressure on children in the first year of school. It is better to use positive motivations for learning than punishment.

    Emotional development and social connections

    The age-related characteristics of the development of the psyche and emotions in children at the age of 7 are associated with the next change in the circumstances of their life. This year they form:

    • Own worldview
    • Ethical and aesthetic standards
    • Personal motivation
    • Ability to adhere to generally accepted rules and norms
    • Self-esteem and personal consciousness

    In the seventh year of life, the intellect begins to control the emotions of children. They begin to realize the motives of their own behavior, the state of their psyche. The information obtained in the learning process greatly helps in this difficult matter.

    A seven-year-old child continues to devote a lot of time to role-playing games. This is not only a method of development, but also a way of communicating with peers. Children have a highly developed imagination, but they no longer fully identify themselves with fictional characters. Rather, children in the seventh year of life embody films, play roles like actors. Gradually lessons, acquiring new knowledge will replace the game. Communication between children will turn into verbal, and interaction - into solving common problems.

    School lessons, mastering new knowledge, strongly influence the formation of personality. The child compares his current level of knowledge and skills with what he was able to do a year ago. Parents need to emphasize these positive changes, create a positive motivation for the student for further learning. School performance can greatly affect your child's future self-esteem. Successful study raises self-esteem, gives pleasure from one's own success. Poor grades in school make children depressed. There is no need to swear if the child does not study well. Emphasize in communication with your baby that you love him. And you can achieve success with a little more effort.


    The crisis of seven years in children is associated with the awareness of their social role. They begin to understand their own place in society, they form relationships with adults and peers in a new way. The experiences and feelings of a student become deeper than that of a child. He forms his own inner world based on worldview, external circumstances and personal emotions. Often the behavior of children becomes strange, strained, “artificial”. They are not very good at hiding their experiences. Children again become capricious, become hot-tempered, take a position of denial. Mood swings will soon subside when the child becomes aware of his new self and learns to cope with new emotions. For some children, the crisis period lasts several months, while others will need a year or two to establish emotional stability.

    Seven Years Old Mode

    Regime and normal relations in the family will help to ensure the correct development of the child at the age of 7. Children need time to relax and to practice. The student should sleep about 10 hours, go to bed no later than nine in the evening. After school, you should rest for a few hours. It is best to sit down for lessons at 16 o'clock. Do your homework for no more than an hour. A break should be done every 25-30 minutes. For a better perception of the material, visual materials are needed. A table with examples of addition and subtraction, a colorful alphabet on the wall will help.

    The baby should have a personal space in the house. Even if the apartment is small, try to give him a corner with a desk or writing table, a curbstone. The child should have a place where he will hide his notebooks, books, coloring books, cars and dolls. After all, for the seven-year plan, toys and teaching aids are equally important. In his cognitive activity, play and learning are still very closely intertwined. To develop attentiveness and perseverance in the student, try to properly equip his workplace. During lessons, children should not be distracted by anything. Do not place the table in front of a window to avoid distraction. The light should fall from the left side. Buy a desk lamp, install it so that it does not interfere and its light falls on the workplace.

    Don't ignore childhood experiences. Listen to everything the kid has to say about school, about his friends. Communicate with him "in an adult way", talk about friendship, responsibilities, plans for the future. Praise the little student often for all his achievements. Children develop well and learn if they feel comfortable and cozy at home. On weekends, it is advisable to spend more time with your baby, plan a country trip in the summer, go to the cinema together in the winter or watch an interesting video. Do not spare your time for children, because every minute invested in them will come back later and become a support in their adult life.