If a girl says no, then it means yes

The mindset of the girls is sublime and uncertain. In addition to specifics, they also have such concepts as “I don’t know,” “maybe,” “rather yes than no,” and others. That is why a girl cannot always determine the side in which she needs to incline her answer. A definite conclusion about what the lady had in mind in all situations cannot be made, each answer depends on the specific case.

A common example of a negative answer

Like the entire animal world, a person obeys a number of instincts, which, throughout life, suggest what needs to be done. Sometimes a girl refuses only for the man to show great persistence. In the entire animal kingdom, the female, at the beginning of courtship, runs away from the male, but the male, in turn, has no choice but to run after the female. Show her your agility, agility and strength.

People have the same instinct. The girl must understand that this or that man is courageous, courageous and self-confident. In addition, this behavior leads to even greater emotional feeling and stronger attachment. These rejections help a woman understand a man.

Situational concept of negative response

Also, such an answer may not mean a specific "no", but something like "not now" or "not here." Such denial can be heard in the event that a girl likes a guy, they walk, but the guy demands something more. The girl herself does not mind either, but she, for example, does not like the place. Then refusal will have just that meaning.

The subjective concept of a negative response

Another example can be considered. Perhaps the girl does not like the situation or the time period, but the guy himself. In this case, neither the romantic setting nor the expectation of the passage of time will help. In such a situation, in order for "no" to turn into "yes", you need to work. It is necessary to delicately find out from the girl what kind of men she likes, what character, habits and so on, should be. Just try to change yourself in her eyes.

In the mysterious female soul, the word "no" does not have such a specific meaning as in the male. Therefore, it, of course, can mean in a number of cases and "yes", and many more different options. To understand the answer more specifically, you need not listen to what the woman says, but look at how she says it, because in addition to speech, there is also body language, which is the most vivid demonstration of feelings. And if, pronouncing a word, a girl means a completely different meaning, only body and gesture language can tell you how to act in a given situation.

Name: Vova

For a year and a half he met with his girlfriend, it seemed that nothing in life would separate us. At the end of the summer, they were going to Kerch to her sister, but she was ill, there were problems in the female part, so she had to stay in the city right up to her departure. I asked her for 3 days to visit relatives and for 1 day to go with a savage uncle to the sea, and from there on the trail. day to come to her in Kerch, she resolved without problems.

I called back, corresponded, I was bored, I loved, I received everything in return on the phone, but in the last 2 days before the sea I stopped calling and writing, I was nervous ... trains. To the question "What happened?", She answered me - "I don't love you anymore." There was a shock, then the words followed that they say the day before yesterday she got drunk and went to light at the disco, and the next day with some kind of acquaintance of hers (she said, “he didn't have a girlfriend that night, so I agreed”) went to the camp site ... She said that there was nothing but kisses (she was not allowed, she was treated).

I sat down in a sediment and swallowed words hard and could not believe not a single word. He asked "why did you do this?" She said - "do not come to Kerch, I need time to understand myself."

3 days ago we called up, happily talked about the tickets that I took back to the Dnieper at the end of the summer, laughed, missed and loved. On the trail Day, having driven the whole Crimea by bus, I came to find out what happened in Kerch. I met, asked if it was true, they could not disappear for a year and a half of a relationship in a couple of days. In response, I received such rude words from my beloved person that I almost twisted myself. Namely, the details of that night at the camp site, with a certain, as she put it, "pretzel", that we are currently sitting in a cafe where she melted with her ex-boyfriend before me, about whom I certainly did not know, at the next table, that she had had a very serious relationship before me. About the fact that she often got drunk in her village when I was gone and lit up with just anyone. She said that everything went downhill in relation to me 8 months ago, but in ANY way it was impossible not to tell by her behavior when she was walking together, sleeping, etc.

It was already late, there were no buses to leave, I somehow had to spend the night with her sister, in the morning I went on a ride to the bus station, I could not be around until the evening, I felt sick ... I bought a ticket to Simferopol, got on the bus, and saw how she went to bike (km 6-7 somewhere), said that I forgot the slippers and handed them to me. After I got on the bus, I burst into tears, I ran out, hugged, asked, it's all not true, what I got a push in the chest, and a glance (the impression that I didn’t want this, that something happened that she didn’t tell and it keeps her from me, the look of a person who was very anxious about what had happened).

I cried for several days, could not eat. 1 day I wrote SMS to which at the end I received an answer, do not write to me anymore.

I understand that everything will pass, everything will be forgotten, but it is very difficult at the beginning (communication with friends saves) ...

I would like to ask ... Does it make sense to meet somewhere in a month, talk, they are trying to figure out, do, or not.?

I love it so much that I am ready to forgive everything to her, unless, of course, she told the truth that she didn’t betray me nirazu ...

I can’t understand what could cause such a cruel attitude towards me ... (during the relationship did not walk, did not meet with any of the girls except my beloved).

Oh yes, I'm 20, girl 21. She is from a poor family from the village, I am from the center of the city of Dnipro. I always had enough money to provide our whims with my head.

Is it worth striving for a girl if she said she didn’t love?

    I don’t think it’s worth reaching out for a girl who said she didn’t love. Feelings (at least sympathy) either exist or not. I know a couple in which the girl (now a mature woman) did not like the guy and in every possible way resisted the relationship, but the guy eventually won . Yes, they have been living for 15 years already, child, home, work, live and be happy, it would seem. But no, quarrels, scandals, dissatisfaction with life, situation. Because you can't be cute by force. A woman can give in, take pity, in the end, even convince herself that she loves. But this is not love.

    Well, how can I tell you. Anything happens in life. So at first sight I disliked my current husband. He, you see, early in the morning was in a joyful mood. I smeared it.

    And off we go: we began to harass each other.

    Until he argued with his friends what would be my first. I was 14 years old, and he was 23. And I heard this and quickly joined the game. He is a noble womanizer, but they didn’t give me more than 10 years. But the character and language - the snake is especially poisonous.

    It took him 8 (!) Years for me to come on a date.

    Can you imagine how much strength, energy and feelings we have given to each other in this game ?! He even began to gesticulate like me, to speak in my words. I look at him and think: “Damn, it's almost me”.

    And we live normally.

    It happens in different ways. Depends both on the girl and on the man and his methods with which he is trying to conquer the girl. Some girls may not fall in love immediately, but gradually, especially if the man manages to somehow interest them, attract them. And with others it will not work that do not try. Moreover, courtship of such girls can be inconvenient or even annoying. At best, only a friendly disposition can be achieved. Therefore, you need to look at the situation and not impose yourself if the signs of attention shown to the girl are unpleasant.

    Not worth it, the time will come and she herself will come running to you. So it is always, the more you love, the more they score on you, and vice versa.

    As you know, girlish no is not an answer / not a refusal /!

    There are examples when guys sought girls who saw themselves with such a guy only in a nightmare.

    I have real cases. A friend from childhood was so gave up, ”I myself was surprised when I saw this couple. She is a thin, tall, pretty girl, an excellent student, a needlewoman, and he is a little bun. They studied together.

    So love is really evil. Or maybe this is such a goodquot ;? Who knows..

    There are girls who like to be run after them and can specifically say no in order to get more attention. The question is whether a young man needs such a girl, because she will constantly lack attention.

    And sometimes a girl really does not experience feelings, but you can take care of her and open up on the other side and feelings may appear.

    It seems to me that a lot depends on the young man, there are those who are ready to try to fight for their happiness, others give up. My opinion in this matter is: it is worth it or not depends on what this girl is.

Of course, this is not very pleasant, to put it mildly. Moreover, these are probably the most unpleasant and painful words in the life of any person. The girl said that she no longer loves. If these are predictable words, for example, when it has long been clear that the relationship has long been a problem. Frequent conflicts and scandals, quarrels and misunderstandings. In this case, everything could already be expected. But when a girl says she doesn't love me. And it seemed as if nothing boded trouble, then it certainly hurts and unexpectedly to hear such cruel words.

But what is the best way to react to the guy to whom the girl said that she no longer loves. Especially at first, when emotions prevail over feelings and reason. What is the best way to respond to these words. How to behave in this case. How to try to return and save relationships and past feelings, and is it worth doing it at all. There are times when it is worth fighting for relationships and for love. But also, it is important to understand in what cases it is better to accept and let go. So as not to hurt yourself even more. In all these questions and life situations, we will try to help and give advice to guys.

The girl said she didn’t love me.

First of all, your reaction. It is very important that you do not chop off the shoulder. No need to arrange debriefing. Scandals and quarrels will definitely not help the business. On the contrary, it is possible to further aggravate the situation. Heard these words that the girl no longer loves, react correctly and most importantly calmly. Of course, you don't need to show off, like, well, there you go, or I'm stupidly all right. It too. In this case, the girl will think that everything is exactly for your relationship, and that you yourself did not love or appreciate the relationship with her.

She should understand from your reaction that you are not all right about these words. But ... but, one should not aggravate an already difficult situation - clarification of relations and scandals. Just disgust her. Calmly sat down and discussed. What, why, after which all of a sudden, because of what exactly? And most importantly, is there any point in fighting for a relationship. Does the girl who said she no longer love the boy want it? After all, there are different circumstances in which she can say these words.

What are the reasons for these words. In which cases it still makes sense to fight, and in which it is definitely not worth it. Now let's try to understand these points. Why did the girl say she no longer loves me? What are the most common reasons for these words.

1. She just wants to provoke and push you into actions and deeds for the sake of your relationship and herself. This happens in cases where the guy is too relaxed in the relationship, takes the girl and the relationship for granted. Oh, she's not going anywhere. Oh, she loves me, and now I can relax, not try too hard. Finally, you can already stop running after her and take care of her. She is already mine, and this is forever!

2. But no! The girl constantly needs someone to constantly prove to her that she is a woman. That she is loved and beautiful, that she is needed and appreciated. He gave her compliments and gifts, even if only occasionally, but did. And if you relax too much, and let the relationship go by itself, then their end is already near. There will definitely be someone who will make a girl feel like a girl again!

3. So, it happens that a girl tells a guy that she doesn't like it, in order to check what he will generally do with it. As far as he cares, he might lose her. Does he still need it or is everything already exactly. Will the guy fight for the relationship and for her, or spit and go on living. It happens that a woman just wants to arrange a shock therapy for her man. Like, do not think that you have already achieved me, and that now you do not need to do anything else in the relationship. That I am already all yours and forever.

4. In general, how to understand that this is exactly the case. Just talk to her calmly. If a girl really doesn't love anymore, and really wants to break up, then she won't want to talk too much and explain anything to you. But, if she still wants to maintain a relationship with you, then she will definitely hint to you exactly how to do this. She will tell you for a long time - why she decided so, how you deserve it. Where and what needs to be fixed, and it seems like it will roll.

5. If the girl does just that, then there is still a chance. So she just wants to open your eyes to your mistakes and mistakes. Where and what exactly needs to be fixed in order to return everything. If she just wants you to change for the better, she will let you know. It will show whether she loves you yet or no longer. Do you still have a chance to fix everything or definitely not. If she no longer wants anything, then this will also be felt on her.

6. In this case, if it is visible and understandable, if it is absolutely felt that feelings for you have really disappeared. There's nothing special to do about it. Nothing will help here. It is better to accept, and draw conclusions for the future, for future and future relationships. In order not to make the same mistakes in the future! If a girl no longer loves a guy, then there is definitely nothing to be done. If you continue to bore her, then you will only arouse disgust in her. Better in this case, when you are sure that you are no longer loved - to let go.

7. No matter how much you run, don’t give flowers and gifts, nothing will help. Do not beg for a second chance, there will be no sense. Even if the girl takes pity on you and gives you a second chance, if she has no feelings for you, nothing will come of it. After a while, everything will end exactly the same.

The girl said that she needed time to think.

Better to give her this time to think. You shouldn't bother her too much during this period, but you shouldn't let her completely forget you. It happens that a person is just tired of everything bad in a relationship. And he needs to think and define his feelings. The girl says that she needs time to think, or let's part for a while, or let's take a break in the relationship. Basically in two cases. 1. Bad. 2. Not the worst option. In what cases, most often, these words are spoken.

The girl said she wanted to be alone.

1. Bad option- the girl just does not want to hurt the guy, and tell him that everything, we are parting! He thinks that over time everything will happen by itself. She will just slowly move away, and everything will be decided by itself. In this case, unfortunately, there is nothing to be done. If she has already decided so, then most likely she doesn’t love her anymore. And trying to get it back is useless. You can, of course, fight, well, purely so, in order not to regret later that he did not do everything he could. In order not to regret and not think later - that he could have done something and did not. But unfortunately there will be no sense in this. Although, of course, anything can happen, but that's if you're very lucky.

2. Not the worst option. When a girl says she wants to be alone, or to take a break in a relationship. When she cannot fully understand and decide whether she wants to continue the relationship with the guy or not. Whether she still loves the guy or not. And she takes time, to be alone, in order to understand and feel - she will get bored and if she yearns for her boyfriend. Or, without him, on the contrary, it will only become easier to live. In this case, as luck would have it, either pan or disappeared.

3. What to do in this case? Do not impose, do not strain the girl. But doing nothing is also a bad tactic. Very carefully and unobtrusively let her know that you love her, appreciate that you want to fight for a relationship with her. But everything is smooth, everything depends only on her feelings for you. If you still have feelings, then there is definitely a chance, but if there are no feelings for you, then there is nothing you can do about it. As the saying goes, you can't be cute by force.

4. The most important thing is that you do not need to impose and annoy her. Spend the night under the windows, endlessly demand a meeting, and so on. By such actions, only arouse disgust in her. How many I did not know of such cases, they all ended in nothing. No need to humiliate yourself in vain, let her know that you are ready to fight for a relationship, and that's it. Stay a man! Respect yourself, do not achieve anything good with empty humiliation and annoying persecution. Just make it clear that you have realized your mistakes and are ready to work on yourself and on your relationships.

And then everything depends on her! If feelings remain, then everything will be fine. If not, then no one and nothing will help. Good luck guys in your relationship! I wish you not to hear such words addressed to you. The girl said that she no longer loves. Bad, but not the end of the world, believe me, time will heal everything, I say from my own and other people's experience. Good luck.