Hassan abdurrahman ibn khattab what does it mean. Where is Hottabych Square? Magic things and tricks

Works: several Floor: male Nationality: arabic genie Race: spirit Place of residence: bottle, then Moscow Age: 3733 Date of Birth: 1776 BC e. Place of Birth: Arabia Date of death: immortal Family: not married, has a brother Omar Yusuf ibn Hottab Children: there is no data Nickname: Old Man Hottabych Position: senior genie, then artist of the State Circus of the USSR Occupation: wizard, later (based on the film) - circus artist The role is performed by: Nikolay Volkov, Vladimir Tolokonnikov Wikiquote Quotes on Wikiquote

Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab, or Hottabych- genie in the story-fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych" (1938) by Lazar Lagin.


At the time of the events of the story, Hottabych was three thousand seven hundred and thirty-three years old (in the 1956 film, 3732 years and 5 months are indicated).

Little is known about the life of the genie Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab before being imprisoned in a vessel. But from his words, we can conclude that he was one of the faithful jinn (this definition is not found anywhere in the story, but the old man believes in Allah), served Suleiman ibn Daud (was a slave to his ring), was "the lord of bodyguards from jinn", commanding the immeasurable an army of jinn, shaitans and marids. Together with his brother, Omar Yusuf ibn Hottab, he disobeyed Suleiman and was imprisoned in an earthen jug.

During the events of the story (the exact date is not specified), Volka Kostylkov, a pioneer, was found and released. Made a decision to serve my savior.

By the end of the events described in the story, he became interested in radio engineering. In the film, Hottabych becomes a circus illusionist.


Has a brother, Omar Yusuf, to whom he is very attached, despite the terrible nature of the latter. Judging by the data of the questionnaire, which he filled out in the epilogue of the story, he is a complete orphan and single.

Hottabych's personality

"A skinny and dark-skinned old man with a beard to the waist." He is very kind, although very quick-tempered and proud, he sometimes likes to boast. He is capable of deep and sincere affection, has a mobile and crafty mind, and is very emotional.

Hottabych in Oblomov's book

The image of Hottabych was borrowed by the modern Russian writer S. Oblomov and used in the book "The Copper Jug of Old Man Hottabych". Based on this book, the film "Hottabych" was shot.

In film adaptations

1956 film

In folklore

The image of the genie Hottabych, who grants wishes with the help of his beard, has long since become popular. Anecdotes and jokes about Hottabych and Volka have spread, in which "adult themes" are usually exaggerated.

Old man Hottabych wakes up in the morning with a terrible hangover, his head is splitting, as if the cats have shit in his mouth ... He reached for his beard, but it is not there. He wakes up Volka sleeping next to him with trembling hands: - Tell me, O venerable Volka ibn Alyosha, where has my beard gone? Volka replies: - I told you, let's immediately order a liter of vodka. And you are all yours: "another fifty, another fifty" ...

In music

The book about Hottabych, as well as a certain genie emerging from the bottle, are mentioned in the song by Vladimir Vysotsky “Song-tale about the genie” (1967).

The hero of the song, a drunkard, whose main life credo is "If I have decided something, I will definitely drink it" - opens another bottle, from which, to his surprise, a genie appears, inviting him to beat someone for his salvation. The alcoholic remembered “the children's detective -“ Old Man Hottabych ”and asked the genie for wine, and then the palace, but the genie told him:“ We are not trained in such matters, and apart from mordobiti - no miracles! ”. On this basis, a quarrel occurred between them, during which the genie hit the drinker. He called the police. The guards of order “took the sick person out, hands him behind his back, and threw him into the“ black funnel ”in a big way. The further fate of the genie to his "liberator" is unknown:

In the infamous article "What Vysotsky Sings About" the song was for some reason called "A Tale of the Russian Spirit", " who poured out of a wine bottle, but, despite his abilities, “could not do anything against the police”. The police took the "Russian spirit"". An unexpected conclusion is drawn from this: “At first, it’s like joking about the police, which“ wring their hands ”and“ throw a sick person on a grand scale, ”and then there is discontent with the law and justice.".

In animation

Notes (edit)

see also

  • "The Old Man Hottabych", 1956 film

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See what "Hottabych" is in other dictionaries:

    The hero of the story of LI Lagin's fairy tale "The Old Man Hotgabych" (1938). Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hotgab is from the breed of those powerful sorcerers, fantastic creatures who were worshiped in pre-Islamic Arab mythology, who came to life on the pages of magical ... ... Literary heroes

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    hottabych- drug addict. addict addicted to hallucinogens ... Universal Additional Practical Explanatory Dictionary of I. Mostitsky

    Hottabych is a genie named Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab in the story “Old Man Hottabych” (1938) by Lazar Lagin. It was this version of his name that became the most famous. Hottabych, "Hottabych!" musical based on the story of Lagin, with quite significant ... Wikipedia

    The style of this article is not encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to Wikipedia's stylistic guidelines. This term has other meanings, see Hottabych (meanings) ... Wikipedia

Volka and Old Man Hottabych at football. Volka:
- Hottabych, I'm rooting for that team over there, make it win.
- Oh, the most glorious of all youths, you can execute your faithful servant,
but I am powerless here. This is the Russian national football team.
- Well then, let Croatia win against England!

Somehow Medvedev found an old lamp, and from it - a genie.
- Oh, my lord, order! I will fulfill any desire!
- I want Russia to win international competitions: World Cup in
hockey, UEFA Cup, Eurovision, European football ...
- Oh, no, it's too difficult, besides - several desires at once. Let's
better one.
- Then let there be no corruption in Russia!
The genie thought and said:
- So, what international competitions do you say there?

Awarded the mighty and famous in all countries of the world Hassan
Abdurrahman ibn Khottab with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland third
degree "!
- Oh, my venerable young ruler, Dimka ibn Anatoly! Why is this
disfavor? Why is the order only "third degree"?
- For the "bronze"! ... You baldah, Hottabych! I would not be rooting for Spain, I would bring
our team became European champions, I would have received the first degree!

Hottabych, can you conjure without casting a spell?
- Oh Volka, that's how I always do magic.
- How, after all, you always say: "Trakhtibevdoh"?
- You see, O Volka, this is not exactly a spell, you just will
for several thousand years in a row to fulfill the wishes of different e ...
not such spells you will still utter.

Once a man from Russia who worked in New York (it was in 2001),
bought a bottle, opens it - and there is a genie. Well, the genie says: "I will
any your desire. "The man thinks, thinks, can not think of
answers: "Let me guess tomorrow, and you will fulfill it." Genie to him:

The man went to work the next day, and he worked in one of the towers
WTC, sits, works, thinks to make a guess, suddenly in the window he sees how in
a plane crashes into the adjacent tower. Man:

A man found an old moldy bottle on the beach, opened it - and there was a genie. - So, savior. Make three wishes. - Takes out a notebook. - Just do not rush, I have sclerosis, I will write it down. - I want health! Jinn writes: 1. Elite-class health insurance. - I want to be rich! Jinn writes: 2. Open a one hundred million account with a Swiss bank. - I want a big, serious, romantic love for life! The genie writes: 3. Plane crash at the end of the honeymoon. (C) Roby

Once Old Man Hottabych woke up from a fucking hangover, went up to
the mirror, looks, fuck your mother, no beard. Totally fucked up
asks Volka:
- Volka, where did I fuck my beard?
To which Volka replies:
- I told you, old man, let's immediately order a box of vodka, damn it,
and you all, asshole, 50, 50.

Volka Kostylkov found a bottle at the bottom of the Moscow River.
When he opened it, a gin got out of it and said:
- I listen and obey! My name is Hasan Abdurahman ibn Khattab, or,
in your opinion, Hasan Hottabych. For my release, I will fulfill all yours
- First, show me how you fit in this bottle?
- Easy.
Volka drove the plug back and thought:
- Fuck him with his dad!

A homeless man finds a jug, opens it, a genie gets out from there and says:
- Make any wish.
- I want me to have a house - a luxury villa on the French Riviera, with
marble columns ...
Here the genie interrupts him:
- What are you, a fool? Think at least what you say, look what I myself am

Ghassan Abdurahman ibn Hottab


"It was a skinny and dark-skinned old man with a beard to the waist, in a luxurious turban, a thin white woolen caftan, abundantly embroidered with gold and silver, in snow-white silk trousers and pale pink morocco shoes with high curved toes." The old man was surprisingly quick-tempered and fell into a rage at any trifle, but very quickly calmed down and tried to correct the consequences of his anger. Good-natured and very curious.


Hottabych had a magical beard; when uttering incantations, it was necessary to pluck a hair from the beard and tear it apart. "The old man sighed heavily, tore out one hair, another, a third from his beard, then in his hearts pulled out a whole bundle of it and began to tear them into small pieces with fierceness, uttering something concentrated ..." Often hands were also required for witchcraft. "Then Hottabych began to tickle his fingers in a variety of combinations: now with separate fingers, now with all the fingers of his right hand, now with his left, now with the fingers of both hands, now once with the fingers of his right hand and twice with his left, then vice versa."


The pioneer Volka pulled out an old copper jug ​​from the pond and, opening it, found a genie in it. Djinn Hottabych, in gratitude for his salvation from a thousand-year imprisonment, decides to do good to Volka and fulfill all his wishes.


With tips on the geography exam, Hottabych obtained a re-examination for Volka. So that Volka could get into the cinema for an adult film, the genie conjured a beard for him, and all the spectators came to look at the bearded boy. Hottabych presented the pioneer with a magnificent palace and a caravan of slaves, who had to be urgently removed to avoid trouble. Attempts to create a watch and a phone ended in failure, tk. the wizard did not know how they worked. In the end, the genie got a job as an illusionist in a circus.


Hottabych's brother is Omar Yusuf ibn Hottab, taken out of a jug by Volka's friend Zhenya, an unattractive old man with an evil face and eyes burning like hot coals. He promised that Zhenya would die of old age and immediately turned him into an ancient old man. Having envied Hottabych's gold teeth, he conjured diamond ones for himself. I wanted to personally check what the moon looks like and, despite persuasion, went into space. Due to its low body weight, it turned into an artificial satellite of the Earth.

L. Lagin. Old Man Hottabych. - M .: Children's literature, 1973.

People come to Jerusalem for the sake of the Old City, and usually they get to the Old City through the Jaffa Gate. Excursions begin from the square at the Jaffa Gate; many tourists always crowd here. I don’t know how many of them, at least for the sake of boredom, paid attention to the plaque with the name of the square: Omar ibn-Khattab square. Those of the "Russian-speaking" who read the tablet probably immediately shared this news with friends: "Look, look, the square named after old man Hottabych!"

Strictly speaking, the cute hero of L. Lagin's fairy tale was called Gassan Abdurahman, and Omar Yusuf ibn-Hottab was his younger brother with a bad character, who at the end of the book turned into an artificial satellite of the Earth. However, neither one nor the other has nothing to do with the topic of my story.

Because this square is named after Omar ibn Khattab (581-644), whose name is customary among Muslims to pronounce with deep respect and the obligatory saying "may Allah be pleased with him." Respect for Omar is what he deserves. First, he was one of those rich and noble inhabitants of Mecca who not only knew Muhammad personally, but also recognized him as a prophet. By the way, Omar converted to Islam after a personal meeting with Muhammad, whom he had previously wanted to kill as a preacher of a hostile doctrine. A tricky question for those who consider themselves Orthodox Christians: which of the Christian saints had a similar fate: from a persecutor of the righteous faith, he turned into its defender and builder?

Secondly, Muslims revere Omar ibn Khattab as the second righteous caliph (that is, the deputy of the Prophet on earth). And even the fact that Omar did not become the first of the caliphs is credited to him. After the death of Muhammad in 632, the question arose of choosing a successor to the Prophet. In order to avoid a possible quarrel and even a civil war, Omar personally and publicly acknowledged the primacy of his rival Abu Bakra (572 - 634) by shaking his hand first. Abu Bakr thus became the first caliph. And two years later, after the death of Abu Bakr, Omar ibn Khattab became the second caliph.

Thirdly, Omar ibn Khattab can be considered the founder of the Arab empire and Muslim statehood. The fact is that under his predecessor, the power of Islam was consolidated only on the Arabian Peninsula. Under Omar, the successful conquests of the surrounding countries began. On August 20, 636, Arab troops defeated the Byzantine army at the Battle of Yarmouk and captured Damascus. In December of the same year, they defeated the Persian troops (armed with even war elephants). Jerusalem was taken in 637, and in 639-641 a relatively small detachment of Arab cavalry conquered Egypt.

Thus, a large territory was ruled by Muslims, and on it were many peoples professing different religions. Largely thanks to the efforts of Omar ibn Khattab, an order was established in this territory that ensured prosperity and stability. In the conquered countries, local customs and local languages ​​were preserved. The forcible conversion of Christians, Persians and Jews to Islam was prohibited. At the same time, it would be wrong to talk about the absolute tolerance of Muslims. The adherents of the "true faith" had definite and significant advantages.

Under Omar, a tax system was established, which has basically survived to this day in all Muslim countries. This system provided not only the collection of money for the central government, but was, as we would say now, "socially oriented". Large funds remained in the hands of the governors and went to help the poor and disabled, as well as to develop Muslim education.

Under Caliph Omar, the Muslim chronology was also widely introduced. The Muslim year consisted of 12 lunar months, that is, 354 days. The date of Muhammad's resettlement from Mecca to Medina (July 16, 622) was taken as the beginning of the chronology. This calendar is still used in all Muslim states.

The square in the Old City named after Omar ibn Khattab is also well deserved. By taking the city away from the Byzantines, he lifted the 500-year ban on Jews from settling in Jerusalem. Moreover, since the Byzantine authorities deliberately turned the territory of the Temple Mount into a landfill, by order of the Caliph, this landfill was cleared. Jews were allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. The place where the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple was located was noted, and after the death of Omar ibn Khattab, in 685-705, a mosque with a gilded dome was built on this place, which is now called either the "Dome on the Rock" or "Mosque Omar ". This gilded dome appears in almost all photographs of the Old City. It is mistakenly believed by many to be the dome of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In fact, Al-Aqsa is located on the southern edge of the Temple Mount and its dome is not gold, but gray.