Hematite has magical properties. The properties and meaning of the bloodstone stone. History and physical properties

Despite the widespread use of hematite (bloodstone) by jewelers, ordinary people know little about this stone. Meanwhile, he has a very long history and strong magical properties.

Stone history

The stone has the Greek origin of the name: haimatos means "blood". The powder of this stone poured into the water turns the liquid into a dark red color, similar to blood. That is why the stone is also called bloodstone.

For the first time in the annals, the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus, who lived in 315 BC, mentions hematite. But the stone was used earlier, as evidenced by the finds from the times of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

Scientists have found out the origin of the paint on the rock carvings left by primitive people. It was hematite powder.

Deposit and mining of hematite

The mineral is very common, it is mined in different places on the planet. The deposits of this ore are located in hydrothermal veins.

In Russia, hematites are mined in the Kursk region. This ore is used to make iron-carbon steel and pig iron. Hematite ores are found in the Urals, in Kazakhstan, mining is carried out in Ukraine, in the states, in the UK, in Alaska.

The highest quality hematites are mined in the southern part of the USA and Great Britain. In Alaska, ore is raised with beautiful black crystals, the luster of which resembles a diamond, but since the surface is covered with many cracks, this type of bloodstone is not used by jewelers.

Volcanic activity every day brings iron compounds to the surface of the Earth, from which hematite ores are subsequently formed.

In 2004, scientists discovered hematites on Mars. It is possible that the planet owes its red color to this stone.

Varieties of hematites

Hematites are classified in four groups:

  1. Speculator (iron mica);
  2. Martites;
  3. Hematite of the form of a red glass head;
  4. Iron rose.

The specularite has a crystal structure, it is grayish in color, has a bright characteristic luster.

Martites have an unusual shape, more reminiscent of magnetite. The stone has a resinous luster and a similar color.

The kidney-shaped shape of the red glass head is inherent only in this species; the stone is distinguished by bright blotches of scarlet-red blood.

The iron rose is so named because of its unique structure: the mineral consists of flat crystals that generally resemble a rosebud.

physical characteristics

Outwardly, hematite resembles a blood clot, therefore geologists also call it red iron ore. The mineral does not have a single formula, its structure is rather fragile. It is iron oxide, but each type of hematite has its own unique properties.

Hematite ore is found in heliotrope. This is a type of chalcedony, which can be black, of an opaque structure or a dark green hue, and hematite in it appears in bright red or yellow blotches.

Healing properties

Ancient healers used hematites as a treatment for a number of diseases. The warriors wore hematite amulets, sewed amulets into their clothes. Alchemists highly appreciated the healing, magical properties of the gem.

The presence of iron in the stone - the amulet helps to normalize the production of blood cells in the body. With frequent wearing of hematite jewelry, the blood, spleen, kidneys are purified, organs as a whole are strengthened. People with unstable blood pressure need to be careful when wearing hematite jewelry.

The mineral improves sleep, neutralizes the effects of stress, and also evens out the hormones in the body.

In folk medicine, hematite powder is used to remove stones from the bladder. In addition, medical hematite beads or bracelets are recommended to be worn by patients diagnosed with anemia and anemia. The stone helps to reduce tumors, enhances the process of bone marrow recovery.

If you wear a necklace with a bloodstone, your eyesight will improve. For hearing problems, a hematite bracelet will improve the situation.

The magical properties of hematites

Magicians who practice rituals to protect against evil forces often use amulets with hematite. A ring with a gem will be beneficial in a certain situation, but you only need to manage magical properties. The gem is completely unsuitable for people with a weak spirit, since it will simply overwhelm them.

Jewelry with this gem cannot be worn like regular jewelry. The properties of the stone allow you to materialize thoughts. Be sure to take into account the zodiac sign and its features.

If the owner of the bloodstone can reveal the secret of the stone, he will increase his karma and feel how suitable it is. If the relationship with the jewelry does not "add up", you will never wear it.

The peculiarity of the mineral is that it attracts energy, including negative energy. Especially care should be taken with a new decoration, since the stone does not yet distinguish between energy. An inner voice will help.

It is interesting that hematites are considered stones not only for magicians, they are also revered in Christianity. According to legend, red inclusions in the stone symbolize drops of Christ's blood, for which he was nicknamed "the stone of martyrs."

Who is hematite suitable for according to the sign of the zodiac?

Who is bloodstone suitable for, and who is contraindicated for? The horoscope says that the gem is ideal for those who were born under the sign of Scorpio, Aries, it is recommended for Capricorns, Aquarius. In terms of energy, bloodstone is completely contraindicated for Gemini, Pisces and Virgo should also avoid such jewelry. Caution in wearing the gem should be shown to the rest of the zodiac signs.

Since the element of the stone is Fire, it can be worn temporarily, mainly in the process of performing spiritual manipulations or meditations. Mages know how to control the energy of the stone, so they can wear it all the time without fear.

Emotional, suspicious and hidden Cancers will gain self-confidence, learn to manage emotions if they periodically wear any kind of jewelry with hematite. People of this sign often dissolve in creativity and find it difficult to quickly navigate in the harsh conditions of reality.

Scorpios have a passionate and irrepressible disposition, they need protection from negative influences. The gem will help to cope with excessive irritability, to protect yourself from enemies, which are many in the environment.

For other signs of the zodiac, bloodstone will become a source of overconfidence. Therefore, such a stone will only give more stubbornness to people strong-willed and aspiring.

Products and decorations

The bloodstone reveals its maximum properties when worn "solo". But if this option is not suitable, you can use silver as a frame. It is almost the only metal that goes with stone. You can also use copper for framing, but in this combination hematite is used for magical actions.

Bloodstone earrings are less common than bracelets, pendants or rings. It is advisable for women to wear a ring with hematite inlaid on the finger of their right hand; men are advised to wear it on the index finger of their left hand.

To always have good luck, you can sew a small crystal of hematite into your clothes or put it under the insole in your shoes. But such a talisman will only benefit the signs of the zodiac for which it is shown.

Wearing a bloodstone pendant awakens your inner voice and enhances your intuition.

A bracelet with a bloodstone is useful for aged people, as the stone enhances hearing. Hearing problems are common among older people and this is the easiest way to make things a little better.

If your eyesight begins to fall, it will not be superfluous to wear hematite beads for some time. Short-term wearing of jewelry with a gem will be beneficial, enhancing a person's energy, helps to be in good shape, gives energy and strength.

The only thing is that lithotherapists strongly advise against wearing a rim (diadem) with hematites because of the magnetic properties of the gem. In addition, any jewelry with this stone should not be worn in direct sunlight, since the crystals quickly and strongly heat up, which can cause burns on exposed skin.

Storage and care

Since the gem is quite fragile due to its structure, jewelry must be worn and stored with care. Impacts and even friction on the surface of the stone are completely unacceptable.

Since the stone accumulates negative energy, it must be periodically cleaned. This is done simply - the stone is washed under running water for several minutes, after which it is wiped off with a soft cloth.

How to distinguish a fake from an original stone

Hematite is inexpensive, but this does not stop scammers who are trying to fake it. Most often, ceramics or hematin (synthetic analogue) are given out for bloodstone.

A real stone, when passed over porcelain or uneven glass, leaves a trace of a cherry-red hue. The absence of traces means that this is a fake.

A black ceramic product is most often passed off as hematite. But it is easy to distinguish fakes - it is lighter than a real stone. It would be useful to check the jewelry with a magnet - the hematin will immediately be attracted.

In a jewelry store, take a close look at the gem in the jewelry. If it is a natural bloodstone, it will certainly show fine cracks with a brown filler or thin crystals on its surface. Such stones do not have a flawless even color. Even a speculator who possesses a mirror-like surface must have rays, threads, strokes.

Hematite is not used for small jewelry because of its fragility.


Hematite is a fairly widespread mineral that is an iron oxide. Another name for this stone is bloodstone. It is believed that both names were obtained by him due to the staining in blood red color of water used for cooling during its processing. Actually, the name hematite comes from the Greek "ema", "heme", which means - blood.

History and legends

Many legends are associated with this stone all over the world. For example, in Christian beliefs, red spots in the mineral were considered the blood of Christ. Hence the idea arose to make amulets from hematite in the form of the face of Christ, where red inclusions looked like blood on his hair.

The magical properties of hematite have been of interest to people all over the world since ancient times. Many are unusually attracted by the property of stone to color water in the color of blood. Even then, the stone was considered the strongest protective talisman.

In Tibet, there was a belief that the stone is able to protect its wearer from damage and the evil eye. It was believed that he provided maximum protection to women.

In Egypt, hematite used to make talismans that were supposed to guard their owner. Among other things, traditional scarab beetles were carved from this stone.

In America, the Indians used bloodstone to produce red pigment. It was applied to the face when entering the warpath. Such a coloring based on a magic stone was supposed to give strength and ensure the courage of a warrior.

In Rome, soldiers also believed in the miraculous properties of the bloodstone. Therefore, in their campaigns they took with them figurines of the gods made from it.

In ancient times, it was believed that the most likely to find bloodstains in those places where blood was plentifully shed. First of all, these were the places of battles. Places of sacrifices were also not ignored. It is worth noting that the priests themselves, who participated in the sacrifices, wearing rings without fail with this stone.

Antique times are marked by the manufacture of mirrors from hematite crystals. In the Middle Ages, the opinion began to spread that a mirror made of a mineral was capable of taking away the soul of someone who looked into it.

At the same time, scientists began to argue that hematite would begin to turn red in an environment saturated with methane. Hence, a distinctive feature of the miners of that time arose - buttons made of hematite.

Beginning in the eighteenth century, hematite began to be used for the manufacture of mourning jewelry.


In nature, hematite occurs in several morphological varieties.

  1. Iron mica. It has a scaly fine-crystalline structure and an iron luster.
  2. He is a speculator. Has a crystalline structure, has a silvery-gray luster. It can be used as a decorative stone. Sometimes the name speculator is considered an outdated synonym for iron mica.
  3. Red glass head. It is a red-colored ore, in which kidney-shaped stone inclusions are located. It is this species that is primarily called bloodstone.
  4. Iron rose. Flat crystals, the accumulation of which may resemble tea rose flowers.
  5. Hematite. Fine crystalline mineral. It is characterized by a rather dense arrangement of crystals. Has a brown color.

It should be noted that black varieties of the mineral are most often used for making jewelry.

Medicinal properties

Illustrating the methods of treatment in ancient medicine, hematite was ground into powder, since it was easy enough to do, and used to treat a wide range of diseases. Specifically with this powder treated eye diseases... This medicine has also been recommended to boost immunity and speed up recovery.

Currently, great attention is also paid to the medicinal properties of hematite, namely:

  • it is considered that hematite is able to solve problems with blood circulation, for this it is recommended to apply it to problem areas;
  • often hematite is advised for anemia;
  • it is also believed that it has a positive effect on the kidneys, has the ability to restore tissue;
  • mineral promotes the absorption of iron, has a beneficial effect on the formation of red blood cells;
  • hematite eliminates leg cramps;
  • used as a sedative to relieve anxiety. Eliminates insomnia;
  • it is believed that it has a healing effect in fractures, curvature of the spine;
  • improves the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • able to regulate blood pressure. This feature of the mineral has been proven in practice. Allows you to change the pressure by 15 mm Hg. Art. It is used more often in the form of a bracelet. Moreover, the stone is shown to both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. Reduced pressure stone worn in the first half of the lunar cycle, with increased pressure - in the second;
  • strengthens the nervous system. As a result, stress resistance increases, self-esteem rises, and willpower is strengthened, which allows you to get rid of bad habits.

You should be careful not to harm your health instead of a positive effect. Hematite is not suitable for all people. To determine who is suitable for hematite, you should use a universal method: take a stone in your hand and try to feel your feelings. If you experience any discomfort, it is best not to wear the stone or use it.

Magical properties

The magical properties of hematite are rather ambiguous, sometimes even diametrically opposite. Some people believed in protection from evil forces, while others, on the contrary, believed that the stone attracts them. The universal opinion is that hematite has the effect that a person expects from it. So, if you make a cross from a stone, it will be a powerful talisman. If you make a statue of a demon out of it, it will give extremely negative energy.

Some believe that hematite can have the most powerful effect if it is part of a copper decoration, including bronze or brass.

Aside from gloomy beliefs, one immediately remembers that hematite has always been a stone of happiness... If a person has good intentions, then the bloodstone will certainly help him. It will help to normalize relations with others, improve mood, and develop intuition.

To attract good luck, you can wear a silver ring with hematite, in this case, silver enhances the magical effect of the stone.

In Russia, a bloodstone was hung at the cradle of a child; it was believed that the stone would protect it from damage from bruises and falls.

It is known that hematite is used by a strong half of humanity to attract women.

Hematite has been an unsurpassed amulet against wounds at all times. Amulets were made from it, sewn into clothes or shoes. Some even consecrated the stone in the church and scratched a cross on its surface.

Probably, most of the healing properties of hematite can be attributed to the magical effect.

The use of hematite by people is inextricably linked with astrology and the signs of the zodiac. It is most favorable for people born under the signs of Scorpio, Cancer and Aries. Those born under the signs of Virgo, Pisces and Gemini, on the contrary, should avoid using it. While this is not an absolute truth, inner feelings are much more important.

Each zodiac sign has its own distinctive features. Scorpios, for example, have a rather harsh and indefatigable character, which makes them many enemies. Hematite helps this sign not only to fight enemies, but also protects against negativity and excessive irritability... Other signs of the zodiac, for example, Cancer - emotional and suspicious, the stone helps to pacify your emotions and focus your thoughts in the right direction.

Numerology says that the stone brings the greatest luck to a person born on the 9th, 18th or 27th.

Checking the authenticity of the stone

Those who want to purchase a piece of jewelry or a talisman made of hematite should be able to determine the authenticity of the stone so as not to run into a fake. Despite the fact that in nature, bloodstone is quite common and very common, it is still easier to fake it than find and process it. This is what unscrupulous manufacturers use.

The very first rule of checking hematite for authenticity is the study of its mass. Due to the high iron content the mineral is heavy enough, which significantly differs from artificial substitutes.

A less convenient, but more reliable way is to apply pressure with a stone over a light, rough surface. Such a surface can be non-glazed porcelain or other ceramic product. A real stone will leave a blood-red trail.

Beware, hematite is a tricky stone for all signs of the zodiac.
There are many mysterious phenomena in the pantry of nature. One of them is hematite stone, the properties, the sign of the zodiac, the sacred essence and other components of which are in eternal contradiction and disagreement with each other. Thanks to this, this stone is loved by magicians and sorcerers.

A black shiny mineral belonging to the group of ornamental stones, one of the most beautiful from the point of view of artists - jewelers, it is iron oxide with a hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale, with the same density, having a metallic luster of a glossy surface.

Hematite properties zodiac sign

The stone has a powerful energy charge. It is no coincidence that medieval magicians and sorcerers used its energy in rituals. The complexity of the nature of the hematite stone determines its properties corresponding to the signs of the zodiac.

Astrology stone

The element of hematite, a stone born in the fire of a volcano, is fire. And it would seem that its belonging to the fire signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius is obvious. Moreover, according to the Svarog circle, hematite protects the palaces of the god Yarilo, which also confirms belonging to the fiery element and indicates the signs of fire.
However, hematite is a stone of the properties of the zodiac sign Cancer and Scorpio, and for other signs it is either unacceptable at all, or is applicable exclusively for meditations aimed at spiritual improvement.
For quivering, emotional and talented Cancers, hematite helps to manage emotions, not to spread thoughts along the tree in a creative flight, to concentrate on the goal and achieve it.
For passionate and irrepressible Scorpios, hematite is a protection from their own negativity and ill-wishers, which harsh and tough Scorpios make in large numbers.

Hematite helps these two signs not to make mistakes, while other signs and especially fire signs acquire excessive self-confidence due to the energy of the stone.

Hematite planet

Hematite is a stone that draws on the properties of the zodiac sign from the power of Mars. Mars is the patron saint of war, the inspirer of people with an active lifestyle. The enterprising and combative people of Mars are unstoppable in achieving their goals. A mineral sewn into the clothes of a warrior of the sign of Scorpio, in battle it is able to strengthen the fighting spirit, protect from wounds and death. But Aries, passionate natures, carried away and often do not attach importance to the validity of the goal, can do a disservice.

Properties of hematite

The eastern horoscope determines the hematite stone of the properties of the zodiac sign, which is similar to the European interpretation, as the stone of the water element, patronizing the signs of water origin, the Monkey and Rooster are especially prominent.

The power of the energy of hematite is addressed only to strong and charismatic people. It is an accumulator of confidence, vitality, optimism and faith in the success of any undertakings.

Hematite stone enhances the properties of the zodiac sign many times over, this is its contradiction, weak signs cannot cope with the help of this mysterious and beautiful stone.

Kumu is useful Hematite

Wear in silver
Male amulet
Female -
Charm with a conspiracy
Partially useful
a lion
Female - amulet jewelry
Amulet, decoration

The second, common name for the stone is hematite - "bloodstone". Its peculiarity is that in the aquatic environment, the black mineral gives the liquid a red tint. This natural phenomenon immediately earned the stone a bad name. Therefore, many legends and superstitions immediately developed around hematite, which could not fail to attract the attention of sorcerers and shamans.

Stone history

In ancient times, hematite was searched for in those places where battles took place, and blood was shed. The first mention of hematite appeared in a book written by the Babylonian author Azhaliy, in the 1st century BC. It was considered then the most powerful protective stone:

  • In Tibet, women with his help protected themselves from damage and the evil eye.
  • The Egyptians made talismans from it and used it in religious rituals.
  • The Indians rubbed the mineral and put dust on their face when they went out to battle, to give strength and courage.
  • The Romans, entering the battle, wore figurines of gods made of this material, believing that success in battle depended on this.

In the ancient world, mirrors were made from hematite, but medieval magicians assumed that a stone can take away a soul from an ordinary person if you look at it for a long time. Further, after the 18th century, it became the main material for the manufacture of mourning jewelry.

Mineral types

In nature, you can find several formations of the mineral:

  • Iron mica. A stone that resembles scales in color and structure.
  • Red glass head. Hematite is interspersed into lumps of red ore.
  • Iron rose. A bunch of dark flat stones that looks like a rose.
  • Hematite. A type of stone with a brown tint.
  • He is a speculator. A gray stone with a silver tint, occasionally it was used as a decorative one.

For jewelry, craftsmen preferred black stone.

Healing properties

Hematite stone can be ground to a powdery state, so traditional healers applied it to sore spots. Its main value was the treatment of diseases associated with the circulatory system. It was believed that it promotes the rapid absorption of iron.

Hematite jewelry was worn by those who had problems with blood pressure, it helped to normalize blood pressure. With increased pressure, the stone was worn on the waning moon, with low pressure, on the contrary, on the growing one.

For people who have a tendency to addictions, alcohol or smoking, hematite is useful for its property to strengthen willpower in the fight against them. It also helps to restore the nervous system under stress.

In general, it was believed that this stone is able to balance, help people achieve harmony and perfection. But if a person experiences discomfort from contact with him, it means that the mineral does not suit him, and should not be worn.

Meaning in magic

Opinion was divided over the magical properties of the hematite stone. Some believe that he helps to fight injustice, protects and protects, while others believe that he himself personifies evil spirits. And still others believe that the meaning of the stone depends on what kind of appearance the person himself will give it: the hematite cross, for example, protects, and the demon statuette, on the contrary, has negative energy.

Among those who are suitable for products made of hematite are people with bright thoughts. He helps them develop intuition and original thinking.

The stone was in great demand among the military. For them, he was a unique amulet against injury and death on the battlefield.

Different cultures have attributed different properties and meanings to hematite. One thing is certain - the stone has a certain strength and significance in the fate of a person.

Influence of the stone on the signs of the zodiac

If someone decides to choose a hematite stone, the sign of the zodiac is of great importance here. According to the horoscope for Libra, Virgo and Gemini, it is contraindicated, because they have the weakest characteristic qualities and an unstable psyche. Scorpions are the first to whom hematite stone is suitable; women are advised to wear a ring with copper-framed hematite on the index finger of the left hand, for men on the right.

All other signs of the zodiac are better off wearing hematite in a silver frame. Also, the stone is used by practicing clairvoyants and psychics, extracting magical natural power. It is only after the rituals that hematite should not be worn. In addition, for psychologists and psychoanalysts in practice, he is also able to help. To do this, it is enough to keep a figurine or a pyramid in the workplace.

Who should wear hematite

Hematite stone, the properties and value of which are unique, can be used:

  • Magicians and psychics to protect against the effects of otherworldly forces after the rituals.
  • Strong people who know how to manage the situation; but the powerful energy of the stone can suppress the weak.
  • Those who do not fit a stone according to the sign of the zodiac should not wear it. If it does, you shouldn't wear hematite jewelry too often.

The meaning of the stone is such that thoughts of its owner can be realized. Therefore, you need to be careful.

Before purchasing jewelry with hematite, you should listen to your inner voice. If your intuition tells you that you shouldn't buy it, then it will not work.

When choosing jewelry made of hematite, you need to pay attention to its authenticity. If you run a natural stone over the surface of the glass, it will leave a red mark. It is worth noting that the hematite stone in the photo looks impressive and luxurious. Silver jewelry with hematite can complement a beautiful feminine image, but it is not recommended to choose jewelry for the head from it.

Tatiana Kulinich

Bloodstone is a common colloquial name for the mineral hematite. Its traditional name is also associated with blood, because "gem" is translated from Greek exactly as blood. Hematite is a type of iron ore. It is silvery or dark gray in some varieties of hematite and dark red in others. These two types differ only in the physical structure, the structure of the crystals of the mineral, therefore, they have the same esoteric properties. There are many fakes of hematite on the market today. Lithotherapists recommend an easy way to verify its authenticity. If you draw a line on earthenware or porcelain using real hematite, it will have a red or cherry color.

General characteristics of hematite

In astrology and esotericism, iron is considered the main metal of the warlike Mars. The deep red color of hematite also corresponds to this planet. This means that this stone is suitable for solving all the problems that require a Martian male energy. This is the development of physical strength, endurance, and an increase in self-esteem, and health promotion. Hematite is one of the minerals that promote recovery from lingering illnesses and mental trauma. For this purpose, even in Ancient Persia, magicians advised to wash the body with water infused with hematite.

Bloodstone develops in its owner an iron steadfastness, unbreakable willpower. Shown to people suffering from their own indecision, excessive tact, which makes them constantly sacrifice their interests for the sake of others. Hematite is a stone worth using for people whose jobs require constant competition. In such individuals, hematite strengthens the will to win, teaches them to ignore the hatred or envy of others. At the same time, the bloodstone will not give its owner an insult. Esotericists claim that a person who decides to insult the owner of this mineral will severely regret it. Despite its aggressive energy of Mars, this stone teaches self-control. No wonder he was considered a talisman of high-ranking warriors, commanders, whose courage had to be combined with wisdom.

Bloodstone is an excellent talisman for the signs ruled by Mars: Aries and Scorpio. He is also recommended by another representative of the element of Fire, Leo and Sagittarius. With caution, it should be worn by mutable signs of Water and Air, Pisces and Gemini.

The magical properties of bloodstone

  • Esotericists emphasize the strong protective properties of this stone. It is believed that it not only protects against human malice and black magic, but also from any pollution of the aura. For this reason, bloodstone is good for people living in energetically polluted places: in the centers of large cities, near cemeteries, places where negative events took place in the past. Hematite is also an excellent energy cleanser at home.
  • An excellent talisman for people whose work requires excellent physical shape: athletes, coaches, police officers, etc. Preserves from injury, the development of occupational diseases. Also suitable for physicians, especially surgeons, that is, those who most affect the patient's body.
  • Teaches you to defend your interests in any situation. It prompts its owner to find a way out where all paths seem closed to others. Bloodstone is a mineral of tenacity that ultimately brings victory.
  • Mirror negative emotions directed at its owner and return them to the ill-wisher. Many stones have protective properties, but they work by absorbing and neutralizing negativity. Hematites with a shiny, mirrored surface return the negative to the one from whom it came.
  • Saves from attacks of hypochondria, constant fears for health. It is indicated for the elderly who are too worried about their well-being.

The healing properties of hematite

  • Promotes the normalization of blood pressure, relieves obsessive tracking of him, the fear of high blood pressure.
  • Calms the nerves of its owner. Helps with obsessive thoughts, poor sleep, anxiety.
  • Helps in the treatment of all diseases associated with changes in the normal composition of the blood: anemia, hemophilia, leukemia.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Hematite stone for relationships

One of the essential minerals for men suffering from potency problems. Hematite not only helps to get rid of physiological diseases, but also solves psychological difficulties that harm a normal sex life. Bloodstone fuels sexual desire and instills confidence in its owner. For this reason, this stone is recommended for those young couples who are just preparing to enter adulthood. Bloodstone will help you realize whether a person or two lovers are really ready for the first sex, or if it's worth the wait.

Hematite is also perfect for more mature couples, whose sexual desire began to fade after many years of marriage. He reignites the flame of passion. Lithotherapists argue that blood is an excellent talisman for those who tend to overestimate the friendship and spiritual intimacy between partners and underestimate the sexual side of relationships. Hematite relieves the fear of one's own body and emotions, which is behind such problems. It returns to earth and teaches its owner to see in sexuality not just the satisfaction of base instincts, but the highest pleasure.

Tatiana Kulinich for https://junona.pro

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