How to celebrate wedding year How to celebrate the anniversary of a relationship - original ideas. wedding anniversary cake

The first year of family life is always distinguished by a large number of events, troubles and impressions. At this time, the husband and wife get used to each other, create the basis for many years of a happy marriage. Therefore, the first wedding anniversary (chintz wedding) should be celebrated in such a way that you and your soul mate will remember this day for life. You can arrange a holiday at home for two, go on a trip or organize a celebration by inviting relatives and friends to it.

How to celebrate 1 year wedding. Ideas

1. If you have the opportunity, take a day off on this day and spend it only together. Forget about a laptop, tablet, other gadgets and devote time to each other.

2. Start your morning with breakfast in bed, it's so romantic!

3. Give gifts to each other. According to tradition, bed linen, handkerchiefs and other chintz items are given to a chintz wedding, but if you know that such a gift will not please your soulmate, then you should pay attention to other options. But wedding anniversary gifts for friends can already be classic.

4. Write a love letter to your husband (wife). If you wrote, then such a gift will be very symbolic.

5. Exchange new rings. A very practical idea for those who do not wear wedding rings due to their high cost or inconvenience. You can buy simpler rings and wear them all the time.

6. Prepare something from what was on the festive table. A great idea would be to have dinner at the same restaurant, or you can order your wedding dishes from it directly to your home. Or you can cook the first meal your husband had when you first got married.

7. Open a bottle of champagne you had at your wedding. According to tradition, two bottles of champagne are placed on the table of the bride and groom, which the newlyweds take home after the holiday. One bottle is opened for the first, and the second for the birth of a child. After taking a sip of champagne, be sure to make a wish!

8. View your wedding video and photo album.

9. Go for a walk or travel. In summer, the first wedding anniversary can be celebrated in nature: go on a picnic or even go hiking. In winter, you can rent a house outside the city and arrange a dinner for two in front of the fireplace.

10. Have a second honeymoon. You can return to the same place where you were on your first honeymoon, or you can go to another country. It will be a great tradition to celebrate each wedding anniversary in a new country.

11. Arrange a second wedding. If you want to feel like a bride and groom once again, then a symbolic marriage registration is what you need. This service can be ordered when traveling abroad. You will again be united by marriage, but according to the customs of the country to which you will go.

12. Arrange a holiday in the circle of relatives and close friends. You should not invite all the guests who were on, especially if there were too many of them. Invite those who helped you the most during this difficult first year of family life.

13. Say your wedding vows or write new ones. Say these important words in front of the guests at the celebration.

17. If you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary in an interesting and original way, you can give each other an unusual gift-impression. For example: skydiving, martial arts, archery, dog sledding, horse-drawn carriage, etc.

18. Order an original cake. If you have already had a baby, then be sure to add a baby figure to the figurines of the husband and wife.

19. Launch an air lantern or balloons with your wishes into the sky.

20. After the holiday, play. The wife can put on her wedding corset, veil and white stockings - and the image of the bride is ready! If you don’t have accessories from last year, get an erotic bridesmaid costume. By the way, if you have not yet planned the birth of a child, it will be symbolic if you decide to conceive it on your first wedding anniversary.

When choosing an idea on how to celebrate the first wedding anniversary, remember that this day is a great opportunity to make your most incredible dreams come true. After all, with the birth of children, you will undoubtedly begin to devote less time to each other, and you will no longer be able to spend as much money on entertainment as before. Therefore, organize this holiday in such a way that it becomes unique, bright and memorable for your couple.

For loving people, the wedding day is the main event in life, the memory of all life keeps touching and romantic memories associated with this day. Girls attach great importance to the formalization of relations. If for a man an engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry, then he also takes every wedding anniversary seriously.

The day of marriage is the birth of a new happy family, the union of two loving people. And the newlyweds want to celebrate this important day in an unusual and special way. How to celebrate a wedding anniversary, how to please friends and relatives? Let's tell.

Classic wedding anniversary

The most common way to gather all your friends on your wedding anniversary is to invite everyone to a restaurant. He will save the spouses from unnecessary trouble, will allow you to spend this day, accepting congratulations and pleasant words. You can pre-book a banquet hall or a table in a restaurant, depending on the list of guests. Discuss the menu of your holiday with the administrator and make an advance payment. So you can significantly save your budget, because the banquet menu includes discounts on food and drinks. If you are not limited in funds, then give the right to choose to invited guests. They will determine the menu themselves, you will have to pay the bill at the end of the evening. Be prepared for the fact that in this case the cost of orders may be higher than you planned.

You can show your imagination and arrange an interesting holiday for yourself. Hire a professional photographer, rent evening gowns and have a James Bond studio photo session. Even if you know how to use a camera and have the latest camera brand available, you will not create high-quality and professional pictures yourself. The operator will give detailed instructions, direct and help create the right mood for a photo shoot. Couple photos are what you need for your wedding anniversary.

Do you want to create a special atmosphere for your holiday? Choose a restaurant with live music. Find out in advance the repertoire that is performed during the banquet, so as not to spoil your mood.

Avoid fuss on the day of the anniversary. Prepare costumes in advance, warn guests about the inadmissibility of being late. The person who is waiting for all those gathered at the table does not look very nice.

If you want to re-indulge on your wedding day, book a beautiful limousine for your trip to the restaurant. Thus, you will feel again those young people in love who have just joined in the desired union. If you have been married for more than 10 years, then a limousine will help you feel new pleasant emotions. After all, the fashion for luxury limousines appeared not so long ago.

Decide for yourself the question of the presence of children at the gala event. If there are many guests, a small child will be uncomfortable in such a society. Let the kid spend this evening with grandparents. And it will be useful and interesting for an older child to visit your anniversary. He will see how many people love and respect his parents, he will understand what tender and touching feelings connect his mom and dad.

Romantic anniversary for two

Arrange an evening of romance and love. For young people who have retained tender feelings for each other, such an anniversary would be the best option. To enjoy each other's company, you do not need a restaurant, guests, or evening dresses. An intimate evening at home together by candlelight and gentle music is the most romantic wedding anniversary.

On this day, warn everyone that you will be busy, postpone everything. Go for a walk in memorable places, visit the park, walk along the familiar streets, stroll along the embankment. After a joint walk, a delicious light dinner will come in handy. At the end of the evening will be an unforgettable and passionate night.

You need to carefully prepare for the evening with the continuation. Buy seductive lingerie and a shirt, a translucent robe and stilettos. Connect your husband to the choice of a spicy outfit, which will help you choose the image in which he dreams of seeing his beloved wife.

creative wedding anniversary

If you do not want to be banal and repeat the scenario of hundreds of couples celebrating their wedding anniversary, arrange an unusual holiday for yourself.
Organize a beautiful ceremony that looks like a real wedding day. The name for such a wedding has already appeared - a second wedding. Employees of the registry offices meet the lovers in love and arrange a wedding for them again. The bride and groom, dressed in wedding suits, stand in front of the registrar and repeat the words of the oath of love and fidelity. The guests shout "Bitterly" and congratulate the young. A small buffet with champagne, a photo as a keepsake and a white dove launching ceremony will return the spouses to their family's birthday, allowing them to re-immerse themselves in an exciting and happy atmosphere.

You can invite those guests who for some reason could not attend it many years ago to a second wedding. Arrange an unusual entertainment program or an interesting walk around the city - everything is in your hands.

Women are delighted with such an idea, but men do not want a repetition of the wedding ceremony. If you really want to live this exciting day again, persuade your husband to take this step. If he stands his ground, you should not go against the grain, a happy wedding will not work without his consent.

A story of all-consuming love

If you want to keep the memory of your anniversary forever, capture this day on film. To make a movie about love, look for a cinematographer with experience in making similar family movies. Talk to him, tell your story. He will help you, advise the storyline and choose locations for filming. Remember your favorite places and cafes where you had your first date.

You don't have to act in a movie, you just be yourself if you act like you do in real life, it's better than any acting. Submit your family archival footage. With their help, the videographer will mount an excellent movie about love, which you can watch with friends on the day of the anniversary. It will be even more interesting to watch a love picture 20 or 30 years later.

Role wedding anniversary

Want to have some fun with your guests? Then an anniversary themed party is for you. You can dress up in costumes of a certain style: disco, cowboys, pirates, Ancient Greece, mafia, the Middle Ages. Such stylistic parties have been gaining popularity in recent years. Spouses can dress up as Zeus and Hera, and guests can dress up in ancient Greek costumes and portray other gods. And you can distribute bright wigs and huge colored glasses to everyone at the entrance. Adults will have fun like children by wearing disco costumes. Not only the costumes will help support the idea of ​​the holiday, but also the right music and entertainment will make your anniversary enchanting and unforgettable.

Divine union of spouses

There are couples who have lived together for more than one year and decide at the turn of the year to get married in church. This step must be taken deliberately, such a decision must be made mutually. Visit the church where you plan to get married in advance, talk to the priest. After a conversation with the holy father, you will definitely understand the seriousness of the wedding and make the right decision. In addition, you need to carefully prepare for the wedding, go through the sacrament and confess.

Meanings of wedding anniversaries

If you're at a loss for ideas or don't know how to celebrate your family's birthday, start with the meaning of an anniversary. This method is as old as the world, but always works flawlessly.

  1. If your family is only one year old, then you are celebrating a print wedding. On this day, cotton shawls or napkins can become attributes of the celebration. They usually give tablecloths, bed linen or towels on this day.
  2. In 2 years from the date of the wedding, a paper wedding is celebrated. And the French consider it leather. On this day, they put on a leather jacket or jacket, a belt or gloves, or you can simply hang a leather handbag on your shoulder.
  3. 3 years from the date of marriage - wheat wedding. The newlyweds dress up in light clothes, decorate themselves with straw accessories. Place small bouquets of golden ripe spikelets on the festive table.
  4. The fourth anniversary is a wax or linen wedding. A very romantic anniversary. The evening will be decorated with wax candles, the spouses put on linen outfits, linen napkins and tablecloths are laid on the table. Guests can come to the anniversary in the same linen clothes.
  5. 5 years together - a wooden anniversary. On this holiday, the relationship between husband and wife has already become stronger and stronger, like a tree. Wooden accessories, interior items and furniture are very appropriate as gifts. The table on this day can be simple in a rustic way, choose a restaurant for a holiday where natural wood is present in the interior.
  6. The sixth anniversary is a cast-iron wedding. In other countries, it is also called candy, and in Latvia, mountain ash. Cast iron symbolizes both strength and brittleness, it does not have the same strength properties as other metals. On this anniversary, everything is given from cast iron: dishes, locks and bars, vases, figurines, souvenirs and caskets.
  7. 7 years from the date of marriage - a copper wedding. Marital marriage acquires value along with the fortress. It was also called woolen. The number seven has always been considered a symbol of happiness and good luck. Therefore, the seventh wedding anniversary was celebrated violently and cheerfully, a copper horseshoe was hung on the door. The couple exchanged copper coins that day. And as a gift they presented cute things: a knitted sweater or socks for the husband, copper bracelets and a necklace for the wife.
  8. 8 years of marriage - a tin wedding. Now the young spouses got to know each other well and finally became close. Relations during this period can sparkle in a new way, like a polished tin. It is customary to give tin boxes, boxes and jars for this anniversary, choosing their design and purpose to your liking.
  9. The ninth anniversary is a faience wedding. The family is now like a ceramic vessel, which is filled with various happy events. Be prepared to receive a lot of ceramic figurines, earthenware sets and vases on this day.
  10. 10 years - the first anniversary of living together. This is a pewter or pink wedding. Tin signifies the strength and flexibility that the couple have learned over ten years to show to each other. Do not forget about your love and tenderness on your wedding anniversary. Let this holiday be decorated with roses and rose petals. As a gift, you can present pewter items: cutlery, coasters, trays and mirrors.
  11. The eleventh anniversary is steel. This marriage is marked by a pure and strong relationship. The storms between the newlyweds subsided and the passions subsided. Gifts are selected according to the meaning of the anniversary: ​​steel jewelry or weapons. During this period, there is a tradition to make repairs or rearrangements in the house.
  12. 12 and 12.5 years old - nickel wedding. It is also considered silk. On this day, it is customary for spouses to visit their favorite places that are related to their union. Walking along the familiar alleys and parks, lovers indulge in memories and impressions of long ago. You can invite close friends for a walk and share this day with them.
  13. Lacy is called 13 years from the date of marriage. No need to indulge in superstition and postpone the celebration of a lace wedding. It is also called lily of the valley. Marriage at this time is fragile, and it must be protected like fine lace. The holiday should be bright and noisy. According to old traditions, on such a day, a husband and wife would plant a birch tree and gird it with a lace belt. Decorate the table with bouquets of lilies of the valley.
  14. 14 years of marriage - an agate wedding anniversary. Agate is a stone fraught with magic and mysticism. It symbolizes the period of new discoveries and knowledge of each other's secrets. Give agate jewelry and souvenirs on the 14th anniversary.
  15. The 15th anniversary is pure and transparent, like crystal. Do not forget about the fragility of crystal glass. Accept crystal glasses, vases and a salad bowl as a gift. But it's nice to think about a significant date and give more serious gifts: household appliances or furniture.

  16. The Turquoise Anniversary is celebrated 18 years after marriage. This year is very significant for spouses, because the family acquires the status of majority. This time for the family can be conflicting and difficult. Children who have matured by this time become more independent and parents have to come to terms with this fact. Celebrate the anniversary quietly, with your family, to get closer and smooth things over.
  17. 20 years - porcelain wedding. Very refined and fragile material, accurately symbolizes the relationship in a couple. Serve the table with porcelain dishes and accept porcelain gifts along with congratulations. Invite all your friends to the festive table and celebrate cheerfully and carefree.
  18. 25th wedding - silver. A quarter of a century behind. Many registry offices hold a ceremony for a married couple on this day. Silver is a noble strong metal that will become a symbol of this holiday. They give jewelry, dishes, interior items for a silver wedding.
  19. The pearl wedding is celebrated on the family's 30th birthday. This anniversary is marked by love, nobility and chastity. It is customary to celebrate this wedding anniversary in the circle of numerous children and grandchildren, so that a warm family atmosphere reigns at the celebration.
  20. 40 years from the date of the wedding - ruby ​​anniversary. The scarlet deep color of the ruby ​​symbolizes the strong love carried by the couple through the years. It has long been customary to give jewelry with this stone for a ruby ​​wedding, now gifts that are useful in everyday life are preferred: a bright red slow cooker or a scarlet vacuum cleaner, a chic ruby ​​blanket or bedspread.
  21. 45 years lived together - a sapphire wedding. This anniversary is held under the motto of fidelity and reliability of marriage. Newlyweds on this day dress in blue outfits. As a gift, give jewelry with sapphire.
  22. A golden wedding means that half a century has been lived together. This anniversary is one of the most important in the life of a married couple. For a golden wedding, spouses give each other wedding rings made of gold with words of love, devotion and confidence in their half.
  23. 55 years together - an emerald wedding. This anniversary, like all subsequent ones, is arranged for elderly spouses by their children and grandchildren.
  24. 60 years of marriage is a diamond anniversary. No wonder the diamond - the most valuable and strong stone has become a symbol of the 60th anniversary. Such a long life together is considered just as rare and valuable. This marriage cannot be destroyed.
  25. 70 years of marriage is a blessed wedding. It is celebrated in the family - among relatives and close people.
  26. 80th anniversary - oak. It is not for nothing that a long-lived tree is considered a symbol of a wedding; it can stand for a century. On this day, grandchildren plant a young oak as a sign of eternal love. It is customary to buy new wooden furniture in the house.

If you are married, then sooner or later the question arises of celebrating your wedding anniversary. You can use any tips, or you can create something unique and inimitable. If you are preparing a surprise for spouses and organizing their anniversary, take into account the peculiarities of their character, tastes and passions.

Another wedding anniversary is an important event, an occasion to repeat the words of love once again and remember the pleasant moments spent together. Preparation for it should begin in advance. And, of course, decide on a place to celebrate. There are a great many options for celebrating an anniversary, as well as the occasions themselves. But the most important thing in the celebration is the very desire to celebrate, renew feelings, tell a loved one about love for him and thank him for reciprocity.

Romantic ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary
  1. Romantic dinner. It can take place in a restaurant, at home, on the roof of a building, in nature in the form of a picnic. Or maybe in a simple pizzeria, because the main thing is the feeling with which you go there and the pleasure of each other's company. If you are preparing dinner at home, then stock up on romantic attributes: numerous hearts, candles, flowers will help the evening to be remembered for a long time.
  2. Time in nature. It can be a walk in the park, admiring the sunset, spending time on a beautiful pond or a boat trip.
  3. Our smaller friends. Communication with animals will fill your souls with touching and gentle feelings. Swimming with dolphins, horseback riding or just feeding ducks will add some romance to your day.
  4. Refresh your memory. Arrange a viewing of photos and videos from the wedding.
  5. Walking tour of places of interest. Visit places where significant events took place for you: the first time they held hands, the first kiss, the first declaration of love. Give the same flowers that you gave on the first date.
  6. "Children's rest". Go to the amusement park, visit the water park, go to the circus, ride the children's railway. Remember your childhood, surrender to feelings and emotions. Enjoy moments like a few years ago. Laugh, fool around, let cotton candy and ice cream get your hands and face dirty. Having fun together will bring you even closer.
Methods requiring capital investment
  1. Photoshoot. Arrange a romantic photo shoot, print photos, decorate your bedroom with them, then every day you will wake up and admire your happy smiles imprinted on them.
  2. Wedding. If there is a desire and funds allow, you can repeat the wedding ceremony again in some other country or in an exotic setting.
  3. Honeymoon. Give yourself another break. Relax on the soft sand by the sea, or go mountain climbing or skiing, depending on the season of your wedding anniversary.
Unique ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary
  1. Kayaking.
  2. Skydiving. It is believed that the fear experienced together strengthens the relationship and sharpens feelings.
  3. Tourist trip. Go hiking with just the two of you, it will give you more time to connect with each other and strengthen your feelings.
  4. Massage. Have a “lazy” day, visit the sauna together and go for a massage. You will relax and enjoy communication with each other.
And remember that the main thing is not how you celebrate the anniversary? and not even whether you remember her at all, the main thing is love. Existing, continuing and strengthening in marriage. Give it to your loved ones every day, not just on your wedding anniversary!

A wedding is such an event in the life of every person that does not happen very often (if you're lucky, then only once). However, each year, a specific anniversary can be celebrated by celebrating the time the couple has spent together. In this article, I want to talk about how to celebrate a wedding anniversary.

Method 1. Romance at home

What can be offered to young people who have such an important event in their lives as an anniversary? Why not spend this time together just by making a romantic dinner? To do this, just cook a couple of your favorite dishes, buy good wine and sit together. What can be done at this time? An excellent occasion to look at photos and videos from the wedding, remember how it was, and once again laugh at the funny moments. And let such a day not be fabulous or unusual, but it will definitely be intended exclusively for two. It is also good to take a walk to romantic places in the city or go for a walk to those places that are close and dear to the couple as a memory.

Method 2. Publication

The next tip on how to celebrate your wedding anniversary is to go to your favorite cafe or have dinner at the place where the wedding celebration took place. You can do it alone, or you can invite guests. In the first case, it will again be a romantic dinner, only in a more crowded setting. In the second case, this will be an excellent occasion to again gather all close relatives and friends in one company. The main accompaniments of a big holiday: fun, an abundance of toasts and congratulations. This should not be forgotten.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary in an original way? Why not repeat the wedding celebration? It is best to do this on a round anniversary, say, on a decade of marriage. The wife will be able to become a bride again at least for a day, the husband - the groom. A good time to remember the old days, again feel the same experiences in front of an unknown family path. However, in this case, you will have to spend money to rent a hall for the celebration, buy outfits (although you can appear in the same wedding dress for the bride and suit for the groom), order a photographer, etc. To make the holiday even more unusual, you can organize it in a particular theme.

The next tip on how to celebrate your wedding anniversary is to go explore places unexplored by the couple. It can be just a tour of interesting places in your native country, you can go on a tour abroad. As an option, you can celebrate another anniversary on the seashore or on top of the highest mountain. This option is good because in any case, such a trip will be remembered by the couple for a long time and will delight the eye with colorful photographs for a long time.

How else to celebrate your wedding anniversary? Why not make each other's dream come true? So, for this, you just need to know what your soulmate has been dreaming about for so long. It may be something that, as they say, just does not reach the hands. And maybe an expensive gift (if, of course, finances allow). Skydiving, visiting a beauty salon, horseback riding for two - anything! You need to remember the main rule: in order to receive something, you need to learn how to give.

See below for ideas on how to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Why not have a photo shoot that day? Everything is simple here, you just need to hire a qualified photographer and take a couple of dozen pictures. Great memory for the rest of your life. In addition, the process of photographing is always accompanied by a good mood and fun. But isn't that the main thing on such an important day for two? And to make the photo session even more interesting, you can make it in various styles: romance, cowboys, on a farm, etc. You can arrange photos in a photo book that is relevant for today. It will turn out interesting and original.

If a couple is wondering where to celebrate their wedding anniversary, why not book a nice hotel room for it? And since this event - another anniversary - does not happen so often, you can even fork out and shove by ordering a suite at the best hotel in the city. In the room itself, you can make a romantic dinner for yourself, which will consist not only of your favorite dishes, but also delicacies. And the whole celebration will smoothly flow from the hall to the bedroom and end with a beautiful wedding night.

The next clue where to celebrate your wedding anniversary: ​​why not go to nature? There may also be several options for the development of events (however, if the marriage took place in the winter, these tips will most likely not be very relevant). For marriages concluded in the warm season, a great idea is to go with friends and relatives to barbecue in the forest or on the banks of the river. Delicious treats, games and fun (most importantly, do not forget balls, frisbees, badminton and other sports equipment), toasts and congratulations - this is how you can celebrate such a significant event. A slightly different option: a couple can go to nature for a few days, organizing accommodation in a tent. An excellent experience, especially for those who have such a short trip will be the first in their lives. A good time to not only get close and be together, but also to communicate more closely with nature. Mankind today, oh how lacking.

How else can you celebrate your wedding anniversary? So, it's a great idea to organize a themed party. You just need to choose the right topic and inform everyone invited about it in advance. As an option: a theme party in a wedding style. This is an alternative version of the previously described re-marriage. Only here guests can already be allowed to dress up as brides and grooms. Such an offer will especially appeal to invited girls - both single and married.

Another very interesting tip on how to celebrate another wedding anniversary is to hire a limousine for a couple of hours. Everyone will love this idea. The need to search for a place of celebration will immediately disappear. In addition, an unforgettable trip, especially in the night or evening city, will appeal to most couples. Fun, unusual and definitely unforgettable - this is how an anniversary marked in this way will pass.

First Anniversary: ​​Traditions

If couples who have spent some time together know how to celebrate such an important day, then it often becomes quite serious for a young family to look for options on how to celebrate the first wedding anniversary. What can be advised in this case? You can become attached to the fact that this is a print wedding. Therefore, the gifts that need to be given to each other are chintz products. A very interesting ritual for the first anniversary: ​​young people give each other cotton handkerchiefs that are tightly tied into a knot. This is necessary in order for the couple to live happily ever after (handkerchiefs must be kept). Invited guests can do the same: give various chintz items (shawls, bedding, night pajamas with a funny print) to newlyweds.

First Anniversary: ​​Catch up

The next tip on how to celebrate the first wedding anniversary: ​​couples who have not been on their honeymoon should definitely go there. And even if this happens in a year, there will still be no less emotions. In addition, for the year you can save a little money and go to rest, as they say, beautifully.

First Anniversary: ​​A Love Story

And the last tip on how to celebrate the first wedding anniversary: ​​hire a cameraman and make a short film about the couple's love story. Here you can start from the very beginning - the moment the husband and wife met. A great way to not only revive, but also capture memories that will always be dear to the hearts of both members of the young family.

Second anniversary

How to celebrate the 2nd wedding anniversary, which is also popularly called paper? The options here are all the same as described above. However, special attention should be paid to gifts. Years of lapping characters are already behind, but the family is still quite fragile and can tear like a paper sheet. The guests should remind the newlyweds about this. Paper napkins, wallpapers and, of course, money are presented on this day. Alternatively, you can prepare a gift made by yourself using the quilling or origami technique.

Fifth anniversary

A very interesting tip on how to celebrate the 5th wedding anniversary (wooden wedding): plant a tree together. If the time of the marriage of lovers fell on the cold season, you can plant an indoor tree: a fat woman or a bonsai. Also on this anniversary, you can present to the spouses everything that is made of wood: photo frames, decorative wooden utensils, etc. Where can you go to celebrate such an anniversary? A great idea is to rent a wooden house or go to a Russian wooden bath. Guests will definitely like this scenario.

10 years of marriage

What can you tell a couple who wants to know how to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary? This is a tin wedding (also called pink), which symbolizes the strength of marriage bonds. We can say with confidence that this is the first serious anniversary of the family, so it is best to celebrate it on a grand scale. As an option: invite all those guests who were at the wedding. Special attention should be paid to witnesses. What interesting traditions suggest:

  1. The husband must give his wife 11 roses: 10 red (for each year lived together) and one white (as a symbol of hope for a happy life together).
  2. A wife can give her husband a musical gift: to sing his favorite song.
  3. Guests also present the couple with either tin gifts or pink gifts. And it can already be anything.

silver wedding

If a couple has lived together for quite a long time - 25 years, this is a great occasion to celebrate such an important anniversary. This wedding is called silver, so gifts for husband and wife can be given from silver. As for the pair itself, it is most often customary to order paired rings made of this metal for this anniversary. How to spend the celebration itself?

  1. Guests should be exactly 25 people - only the dearest and closest people.
  2. The table must be covered with a white tablecloth, the appliances should only be made of silverware.
  3. The decoration of the hall or room should be bright, shiny - a symbol of family wealth, happiness and, of course, love.
  4. Also, there should be a lot of flowers on the holiday.

We can say with confidence that 25 years of marriage is the time when the spouses become so close to each other that they simply cannot imagine life separately. In this case, if the couple did not marry before God, you can get married.

golden wedding

Well, and, probably, the most desired anniversary for all people is a golden wedding. This is the time when the couple lived together for 50 years! However, it often happens that a husband and wife do not want to arrange anything, they are no longer too interested. This should be done for them by their children and grandchildren. In this case, what you need to remember:

  1. The "newlyweds" need to be presented with new wedding rings, which they will again have to exchange in a small prepared ceremony. Old rings in this case become the property of descendants. And this is not surprising, because they are charged with love, tenderness and awe - those feelings that helped the spouses go such a long way together.
  2. Be sure to take the spouses to the place where their marriage was concluded: walk, remember the past.
  3. At the end of the evening, be sure to light thick white candles that will charge the spouses with their energy and give them the strength to live another 50 years together to the delight of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

What is better?

Very often, young families are looking for options on how to celebrate a wedding anniversary together. There is nothing wrong or reprehensible in this. Indeed, at first, when passions are burning, it is even better for a husband and wife to celebrate their day alone with each other. And a little later, when falling in love develops into strong love, and tenderness replaces passion, spouses may want to spend more time with friends and relatives. Here, noisy feasts will be more appropriate. And finally, I still want to remind everyone of a simple truth: you should always do as your heart tells you, and not as others want.

Liana Raymanova

I want to celebrate the first anniversary of the newly-made family in an interesting and fun way. Behind them is a whole year of living together, during which many changes have taken place. The couple got to know each other better, revealed everyday habits, and someone even managed to become parents. In order for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to carefully approach its preparation. How to celebrate the first printed wedding anniversary?

  • You can spend the anniversary both in nature and at home or in a restaurant - it all depends on the season, your preferences and financial capabilities. If the holiday of the "cotton wedding" fell on the summer period, do not miss the opportunity to celebrate the anniversary in nature.
  • In order to involve all guests of the event in competitions, a friendly and welcoming atmosphere should reign at the celebration. The facilitator will help with this - it can be your friend or someone with experience in this area. You can also invite the toastmaster and "DJ".
  • To leave pleasant memories of the holiday, take care of the invitation of the photographer. Bright photos will perfectly complement your family album. And guests will be pleased to receive reminders of how they shared the event with you. You can also create a so-called "press wall", against which guests will take colorful pictures. You can decorate it with the date and names of the spouses, hearts or inscriptions.
  • Props and costumes, the interior and the theme of the competitions - everything should revolve around the main reason - a happy year of marriage. If you decide to spend the first chintz wedding anniversary in the family circle at home, set a chintz tablecloth on the table or place souvenirs and toys made from this material on the shelves. Do not forget that the design is also very important. Strive for a harmonious arrangement of objects in the same style.
  • Think over contests of a different nature: funny and silly, intellectual and serious, so that each guest finds something for himself.

Ideas for a print wedding celebration script with contests

Scenario, usually, consists of the following four components:

  • Greeting spouses and guests, introducing guests to each other (meetings of old acquaintances are possible), explaining the rules of the evening - this is the initial period where guests gather on the eve of the holiday;
  • Gathering guests at a common table, presenting gifts to the newlyweds, pronouncing toasts and congratulatory speeches;
  • Contests and games, shows and songs are the core of the event, the conduct of which determines in what mood the guests will leave the celebration and what they will remember. Don't forget about rest periods and pauses for dancing. Your task is to create an inviting atmosphere, do not force the guests and forcibly bring them to the stage, just try to interest them. An original idea would be to present a presentation on a computer screen: collect all the joint photos and come up with creative captions for them. Do not be afraid to include a video from the archive, because this is the story of your love.
  • Farewell to the guests and gratitude for the arrival - pay attention to the invited. If you want to give the holiday an atmosphere of sincerity and friendliness, at the end give each guest a small surprise, on the gift box of which there will be his name.

Competitions for the celebration of the 1 printed wedding anniversary

Contest "Hugs"

Under cheerful music, a cotton strip 7-8 meters long is tied to the spouses. After that, they stand at a distance from each other and, at the command of the host, begin to spin, wrapping themselves in fabric. When there is no distance left between husband and wife, they kiss to the joyful exclamations and applause of the guests.

Competition "Chintz tape"

This competition is clearly for active and cheerful guests. Several couples do the following: the man holds the cotton ribbon in his teeth, the woman holds the end of it in her hand. On a signal, the beautiful half of the sex begins to run around the man, wrapping himself and his partner along the axis. Which of the pairs will be quicker, deserves a prize.

Competition "Nice words"

The bride and groom recruit teams from among those invited, come up with a name and slogan for them. Then, in turn, the spouses say pleasant words to each other, compliments, nicknames, and so on. Team members have the right to prompt them.

Competition "Show the picture"

The host distributes photographs to the guests, which depict humorous situations that occurred at weddings. Guests should repeat the picture as plausibly and with humor as possible. The jury can be newlyweds.

Competition "List"

In order to remind the guests about the symbol of the anniversary, the presenter asks to list household items from chintz. It can be a tablecloth, napkins, curtains, handkerchiefs, etc. The most creative ones will be rewarded with a chintz souvenir.

Other ideas

  • Modern newlyweds often include in the holiday program conducting master classes. For example, you can lure guests by painting T-shirts, creating handmade sweets, or painting with oils. Bringing a creative element to the event will surprise the guests.

  • The win-win option would be holding a karaoke party. Arrange a contest for the best singer / singer, let the guest choose the song to perform. So the participants will feel relaxed and at ease.
  • Play the detective quest: give the participants roles, come up with tests by testing their quick wits and dexterity. For such a show, both an apartment and a restaurant are suitable.
  • Think of a theme and dress code. Let it be a circus show (gymnasts, acrobats, clowns) or a fairy tale performance (for example, dress up guests in costumes of Disney characters). Prepare the inventory and the distribution of the roles of everyone, then your holiday is definitely doomed to success!

Festive table decoration

Printed wedding is distinguished by its simplicity and modesty. Don't overdo the preparation of a large list of dishes, enough to make a few useful.

  • Salads, fresh vegetables and fruits, beautiful cuts and original serving - all this will surely be remembered by your guests;
  • Canape is a practical and satisfying snack;
  • Drinks: champagne, wine and cold fresh juices;
  • An unusual cake with inscriptions and figures, ordered or baked at home;
  • Cakes, sweets and lollipops.

If you are worried that your guests will be hungry, order, for example, country-style meat and potatoes or imagine any other hearty dish. Place your pictures and some cute little things on the festive table.

Anniversary celebration for two

Do not be discouraged if the anniversary cannot be celebrated on a large scale. Be sure to celebrate it alone with your soulmate. Here are some tips for celebrating 1 year together after marriage:

  1. Being in a constant cycle of affairs and events, we often forget how important it is to spend evenings with a loved one. Your small family anniversary is a great occasion for this. Order ready-made food (pizza, sushi or burgers), watch a romantic movie, flip through photos from the wedding and feel pleasant nostalgia. It will not be superfluous to make symbolic gifts to each other. If you are fans of “going out”, a gala dinner in some restaurant overlooking the night city is what you need. Feel free to take plane tickets and arrange a second "honeymoon" for yourself. A change of scenery for a few days will only strengthen your relationship.

  1. Do something special on this day: go skydiving, fly in a hot air balloon, ride an ATV, etc. Dedicate this day to yourself and each other: go to the spa for relaxing treatments or just take a trip to an unfamiliar place. Celebrate your anniversary in a way that you will remember for a long time!

Sep 17, 2018 at 11:26 PDT

  1. If the noisy company failed to gather, you can have fun together. Try this game "Which one of you?" by drawing two signs with each other's names. Find a list of questions on the Internet (for example, which of you jokes funnier or gets together longer, etc.), you read them out and immediately raise the sign. At the end, you can calculate how many matches there were and how well you know each other.

Chintz wedding in nature

If you decide to celebrate your 1st wedding anniversary in nature, rent a country house and decorate it. Decorate the veranda with helium balloons, and tie pieces of chintz fabrics to trees and greenery. Celebrating the first calico wedding anniversary in the summer is really great. Funny dancing to modern music, tug of war or bag jumping. Just imagine how good it is to gather with guests in the fresh air, fry kebabs, swim in the lake and take vivid pictures as a keepsake. A feature of such a holiday can be the launch of sky lanterns or a kite. Fireworks launch will be a wonderful memory.

A chintz anniversary is a special day, testifying to a successful start in life together. There are a lot of options for its implementation, so choose the one that suits your desires. By following the advice of the above article, you will be able to organize an event and make the anniversary of the first year of marriage truly bright and memorable!

January 22, 2018, 20:34