Headache during pregnancy third trimester what to do. Headache pills during pregnancy. What can you do with a headache during pregnancy

Headache and dizziness are common not only in the first but also in the third trimester of pregnancy. This can be explained by the fact that throughout its entire length, significant changes in all organs and systems take place in the woman's body. Simply put, it is physiologically determined.

Why does I have a headache in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?
There are quite a few reasons for headaches in late pregnancy, and often this is not one reason, but a tandem. Some causes will be harmless and easy to get rid of, while others can cause concern and even require medical attention.
The disturbing ones include:

  • hormonal changes;
  • changes in blood pressure, for example, with low (hypotension), dizziness is also added to the headache, and with increased, pressing pain in the temples, nausea, palpitations are not excluded;
  • various pathologies: glaucoma, sinusitis, kidney disease, migraine, etc.

The reasons that do not cause concern are as follows:

  • stress, increased visual and mental stress;
  • physical fatigue, insomnia;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions;
  • eating disorders: abuse of chocolate, tea, coffee, citrus fruits, etc. These products contain certain substances that affect the blood vessels. Fasting can also cause headaches and even dizziness.

How to treat a 3-trimester pregnancy headache?
Before starting treatment, it is important to figure out the cause of the headache. If in one case, the flow of fresh air and food intake will be enough, then in the other, it is necessary to take medications. Medication for pregnancy is extremely limited and should be administered by a leading specialist.
In any case, before taking medication, it is necessary to use conservative methods, for example, ventilate the room and lie down to rest, use a cold compress. If pain occurs from time to time and is characterized by frequency, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Dizziness in the third trimester of pregnancy
The causes of dizziness during this period are not less than the causes of headaches. The most common reason is the uncomfortable position of the pregnant woman, for example, lying on her back. A significantly enlarged uterus and fetus will squeeze large vessels, which contributes to the disruption of general blood flow and cerebral hypoxia.
Prolonged standing in an upright position can also disrupt blood flow. Due to the increased blood flow in the lower body, the brain is robbed.
Jumps in the concentration of glucose in the blood are characteristic of the entire period of pregnancy, and only good and proper nutrition will help to avoid dizziness.
The appearance of dizziness by the end of the third trimester may indicate that the woman's body is preparing for childbirth. Due to the fact that the blood is concentrated in the lower part of the body, the brain experiences oxygen starvation with all the ensuing symptoms.
Dizziness can be considered safe only if it does not cause loss of consciousness and falls of the pregnant woman.

Every fifth pregnant woman faces a headache. This problem manifests itself most clearly in the first three months of bearing a child, but sometimes it also arises at a later date. There are many reasons for this - from natural hormonal changes in the body to serious ailments.

Should I worry if I have a headache during pregnancy? The answer depends primarily on the causes of the malaise. Consider the main factors provoking headaches in expectant mothers and harmless ways to deal with this problem.

The environment, family climate, health problems, daily routine and diet all have a serious impact on the well-being of a woman who is expecting a baby. Headache of varying intensity, including migraine attacks, is both a reaction to individual stimuli and a consequence of a combination of factors.

Diseases and physiological changes

The hormonal changes that occur after conception affect the condition of the blood vessels. This is one of the most common causes of ailment. If the headache that occurs in the first trimester is unstable and mild, the situation does not require medical intervention and is the norm.

Low blood pressure accompanying the onset of pregnancy is another possible cause. The pain is combined with general weakness and dizziness. This picture is typical for.

In the second and third trimester, headache is often caused by the opposite problem - high blood pressure. The condition poses a threat to the health of the mother and child, especially if there are disorders in the functioning of the kidneys (protein in the urine, edema). In this situation, inpatient treatment is recommended for women.

A headache can be caused by an exacerbation of chronic ailments - cervical osteochondrosis or vegetative vascular dystonia. It also accompanies a viral infection, sinusitis, eye diseases and head injuries (concussion, bruises). Among the more dangerous reasons are oncological and benign brain tumors, intracranial hematomas, meningitis.

External provoking factors

When carrying a child, a woman becomes more vulnerable to the effects of environmental factors.

Even a change in weather can cause a long-term headache for an expectant mother. Long journeys involving a change in climate zone have the same effect.

Headache during pregnancy occurs more often when a woman is exposed to physical stimuli - loud noise, strong odors, bright or flickering lights. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke, including passive smoke, exacerbates the problem, so smoking relatives or work colleagues should be asked to take into account the interests of the expectant mother. Stuffiness and lack of oxygen also provoke headaches.

Other reasons

Sometimes pain occurs due to the peculiarities of the woman's lifestyle. In this case, the situation can be easily corrected by making adjustments to it.

Probable causes of headaches in pregnant women:

  • insufficient fluid intake in hot weather;
  • long breaks between meals;
  • abrupt refusal from coffee;
  • the presence in the daily menu of products with dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives;
  • not getting enough sleep or sleeping too long;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • overexertion of the eyes when working at a computer.

Constant stress is also a provoking factor. Conflicts at work or in the family during this period are unacceptable. They not only worsen the general condition of the woman and cause headaches, but also harm the nervous system of the unborn child.

Getting rid of headaches on our own

When the pain has already arisen, you can try to relieve the condition yourself. It is undesirable for pregnant women to take medications unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, it is better to use safe folk methods and recipes:

  1. If you are at home, create a relaxing environment in the room - draw the curtains, turn off the lights, let in fresh air. Place a cool compress on your head or massage your fingertips around the temples and the back of your head in light circular motions. Pay extra attention to the areas where the pain is felt more strongly. You can ask your husband or a relative to give you a back and neck massage.
  2. A good effect is given by washing the head with warm water and taking a shower at a comfortable temperature, better than cool. After that, it is recommended to drink a glass of herbal decoction - mint or chamomile. At low pressure, it is replaced with strong black tea with sugar. A persistent headache during pregnancy is easier to tolerate when a scarf or headscarf is tied tightly around the head.
  3. An urgent way to normalize your well-being is to wash your face with cold water. To enhance the effect, a compress with ice or a damp towel on the forehead and temples will help. It is believed that the pain is reduced by applying cabbage leaves to the head. Before use, they are slightly crumpled so that juice appears, and they are kept in the form of a compress until the condition improves.
  4. Some women benefit from aromatherapy. Suitable oils for her are lavender, juniper, lemongrass, ylang-ylang. They are used in the form of inhalation using an aroma lamp. It is also useful to take warm baths with oils, if there are no contraindications from other organs and the doctor has not prohibited you from such procedures. But remember that essential oils can cause allergies.

What headache medications can pregnant women have?

Most analgesics for expectant mothers are prohibited due to the possible negative effect on the development of the fetus. Such drugs as "Citramon", "Aspirin", "Baralgin", "Spazmalgon" and their derivatives, when taken in the first months of pregnancy, can lead to the formation of heart defects in the child. In the later stages, they worsen blood clotting, which is undesirable for a woman preparing for childbirth.

If the headache is severe and folk methods do not help from it, a single use of medicines based on paracetamol ("Panadol", "Efferalgan") is permissible. In the absence of individual intolerance to the active substance, they are safe and not addictive.

When purchasing preparations, keep in mind that Panadol Extra contains caffeine. For headaches due to hypotension (low blood pressure), it is better to choose it. It is also allowed to take "No-shpy", although it does not always give an analgesic effect.

When should i see a doctor?

Chronic headache during pregnancy should be treated promptly. Constant discomfort causes stress and depression, which negatively affects the health of the unborn child.

Therefore, daily ailments are a reason to consult a neurologist. Adequate treatment in such a situation can only be prescribed by a specialist after discovering the root cause that caused the problem.

The expectant mother should be alert and seek medical help if the headache appears in the morning, is localized only at one point, or is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loss of vision and hearing impairment;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • nausea combined with high blood pressure and edema.

These manifestations may indicate pathologies. In particular, preeclampsia, intracranial hemorrhage, venous thrombosis, infection and brain tumors.

In this situation, emergency delivery is sometimes required to save the life of the mother and child. The sooner the pregnant woman goes to the hospital, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome.

Prevention measures

To normalize well-being with frequent headaches, pregnant women should pay attention to preventive measures. Identifying provoking factors will help prevent relapses.

To do this, a woman should keep a diary of headaches, in which she notes all cases of seizures and the circumstances preceding them. Having identified the pattern, the stimulus is excluded.

  1. Walk more often in the fresh air and ventilate the rooms daily.
  2. Normalize the daily routine so that going to bed and waking up always occur at about the same time.
  3. Do not overexert yourself and rest whenever you feel tired.
  4. Take breaks and light warm-ups every half hour of working at the computer.
  5. Eat often and in small portions, giving preference to natural products.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids.
  7. Do not stay in stuffy or smoky rooms or near sources of noise.
  8. Avoid stressful situations.

If, when carrying a child, a woman has been diagnosed with chronic diseases that give a prolonged headache, it is worth consulting with specialized specialists before conceiving the next children.

This will reduce the risk of the problem worsening in the future. With osteochondrosis, after consulting a doctor, you can visit the pool and perform therapeutic exercises.

In most cases, headache in pregnant women is the result of natural hormonal changes and exposure to various stimuli. But, if it has become unusually long and strong, do not postpone your visit to the doctor.

An attentive attitude to the signals of the body will help to avoid dangerous complications and maintain health.

Useful video on the treatment of headaches during pregnancy

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Headache during pregnancy is a common ailment that accompanies most expectant mothers. From our article you will learn how to get rid of migraines, what medications can be taken in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

According to statistics, every 5 pregnant women face a headache (cephalgia). This condition most often manifests itself in the first 3 months of bearing a baby, but sometimes it also manifests itself at a later date. There are many reasons for the occurrence of ailment, let's figure it out together with them.

The main causes of headaches during pregnancy are:

  • Hormonal changes - such a state is quite natural, because your body develops in such a way as to be able to bear a baby for 9 months. In addition, an increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen affects the tone of the vessels, causing them to spasm.
  • Sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure during magnetic storms or prolonged cloudiness before rain;
  • overwork;
  • emotional exhaustion;
  • severe stress;
  • hunger;
  • stuffiness;
  • thirst;
  • being in a poorly ventilated room;
  • sleep disturbance (insomnia or sleep for more than 10 hours);
  • incorrect posture (usually this is typical for the 3rd trimester).

Even certain foods can cause headaches. For example, eating chocolate or not drinking strong tea can trigger migraines.

Other reasons for the onset of malaise include the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems with the cervical vertebrae, colds and toothache.

Symptoms and treatment of headaches during pregnancy

Cephalalgia has a different classification. Below we will tell you what to do if you have a headache during pregnancy.

Tension pains are inherent in dull and monotonous painful sensations. This creates a feeling as if the head is pulled together with an elastic bandage. Often with this type of ailment, women complain of discomfort from the neck to the back of the head, temples and eye area. During palpation, pain points are felt in the neck and back of the head. Probably nausea, no vomiting. As a rule, the duration of such sensations is from half an hour to an hour and a half.

There is tension pain with mental or physical fatigue, nervous exhaustion, stress. Treatment of this type of cephalalgia consists in eliminating the symptoms with the help of such means:

  • - a drug that reduces psycho-emotional stress and signs of VSD, improves mood, mental performance and sleep. Glycine is useful to prevent frequent headaches due to an unstable nervous system.
  • Valerian - prescribed in case of overexcitation of the nervous system and sleep disorders up to 4 tablets at a time.
  • Plaster-compress "Extraplast" - it contains lavender, eucalyptus, menthol and castor oil. All these substances do not penetrate into the human circulatory system, so they are safe for the fetus. The cooling patch should be applied to dry skin on the forehead or back of the neck so that it does not come into contact with the hair. Each patch is for one-time use only. You cannot keep it on the body longer than 6 hours.

Characteristic black migraine there are prolonged throbbing pains in one half of the head and extending to the eyes. As a rule, the duration of such symptoms ranges from 4 hours to several days.

In some cases, the pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Before an attack, you may notice blurred vision, visual or auditory hallucinations, and taste changes. Any physical activity only intensifies the signs of malaise.

Migraines are caused by irritation of the ganglia and plexus around the head and neck. This condition provokes diseases of the cervical spine, cerebral vessels, and paranasal sinuses.

In the second and third trimesters, you can take several Paracetamol tablets to relieve discomfort. Despite the fact that experimental studies have not confirmed the negative effects of Paracetamol on the formation of the fetus, it is not recommended to take it in the first trimester. It is better to use suppositories instead of the tablet form, since they contain a lower dosage of the active substance, and are allowed for babies from 3 months. A few Valerian tablets can also help manage a mild migraine.

Characteristic feature vascular headache is a throbbing pain in the occipital, parietal, temporal and other areas of the head. Most often, this malaise occurs with hypertension and hypotension, VSD and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

A distinctive feature is the narrowing and spasms of the vessels of the brain, as a result of which cephalalgia is formed. During a hypertensive crisis, a feeling of heaviness in the head, an increasing general weakness and blue lips may be added to the listed symptoms. The occurrence of vascular spasms in the brain is often accompanied by nausea and tinnitus.

How to get rid of discomfort? Use a cold compress on the forehead or the back of the neck to constrict blood vessels, which is beneficial for hypertension.

It is recommended to use a hot compress, as it dilates the blood vessels and improves the condition with low blood pressure. If you are prone to hypotension, try to live a healthy lifestyle, not overeat and get enough sleep. During a crisis, it is best for you to lie down for 40 minutes with a warming compress on your forehead. Or have some coffee.

It is useful to regularly use a contrast shower, as it not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but also normalizes blood pressure.

Diet for headaches during pregnancy

With frequent and severe migraines during pregnancy, you need to review your diet. Often the occurrence of headaches is associated with improper and unbalanced nutrition, the use of such products:

  • bananas;
  • citrus fruits;
  • Chinese cuisine;
  • chicken, pork and beef liver;
  • avocado;
  • processed curds.

Migraine headaches can develop as a result of strict diets, therapeutic or cleansing fasting. Remember, during pregnancy, you need to eat right so that there are no health problems for the fetus and yours.

Proper nutrition and low-calorie foods will help you maintain your weight. Eat plenty of fresh fruit to enrich your body with beneficial vitamins and minerals. If you feel hungry, drink kefir or yogurt.

Smoked and fried foods reduce vascular tone and provoke cephalalgia. They increase the amount of "bad cholesterol", cause cramping and oxygen deprivation. Experts recommend that expectant mothers completely exclude semi-finished products, canned food and sausages from the diet.

Pregnancy headache pills

Severe headaches can be treated with pills. But remember, they cannot be consumed without the permission of a doctor, as some of the drugs can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

What pills can I drink for a headache? Below are the most popular and effective remedies.

If you suffer from low blood pressure, then in this case, you can take Citramon. It contains aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. It is forbidden to take more than 1 tablet a day, otherwise you can harm the fetus.

No-shpa will help to eliminate the pulsation in the temples and the back of the head. This medication effectively copes with severe migraine attacks, osteochondrosis, overwork and stress. Even with a slight tone of the uterus, you can drink this drug. An analogue of No-shpy is Drotaverin, it can also be used as an anesthetic.

If the cephalalgia is caused by a cold, use Paracetamol, Nurofen, or Ibuprofen to relieve it. Antipyretic drugs relieve spasms, body aches, headaches, weakness, and normalize the temperature. Paracetamol is prohibited to use for liver and kidney failure, anemia, thrombocytopenia. The daily norm of tablets is no more than 6 pieces, the duration of therapy is 3 days. In the absence of effectiveness after taking the drugs, you must see a doctor.

Ibuprofen can be taken only in the 2nd trimester; in the early stages, the use of these antipyretic drugs is prohibited.

During pregnancy, you should be careful about your health. The use of many medicines and medicinal herbs is prohibited, since their composition can harm the development of the fetus. You cannot self-medicate and take medications without the approval of a gynecologist. But at the same time, aromatherapy and massage sessions are allowed, which can eliminate the symptoms of ailment.

Folk remedies for headaches during pregnancy

You can cope with cephalgia on your own if you follow our recommendations:

  • When you are at home, create a calm environment. Draw the curtains, turn off the lights, ventilate the room, turn on soft music. Use your fingertips to massage the skin around the temples and the back of the head.
  • Rinse your hair with warm water and shower, then drink a glass of chamomile or mint tea. If you have hypotension, substitute strong sweet black tea for the tea.
  • Washing your face with cold water is an emergency measure for headaches.
  • Enjoy an aromatherapy session using lavender, ylang ylang, juniper, and lemongrass.

A headache is unpleasant for anyone, and it causes even greater suffering to a pregnant woman, since for her many drugs, including pain relievers, are simply prohibited during this period because of the harm they can cause to the fetus. After all, it is at this time that the woman's body begins to take care of the unborn child. He undergoes a complete restructuring, there is a change in the hormonal background.

Therefore, there is every reason to believe that head pains can occur during pregnancy and in the event that such symptoms have not been observed before. They can occur early in pregnancy or in the second trimester, and even in the third. In these situations, one should not forget about the double responsibility entrusted to the woman. And be sure to register with the antenatal clinic.


Headache during pregnancy is usually a side effect, but it can last for quite some time. Therefore, if you treat your health correctly, then this factor is completely excluded. You just need to follow all the doctor's prescriptions and not try in any case to "endure" the pain. The most common causes of headache during pregnancy should be considered:

  • hormonal changes. As a result of changes in the hormonal process, which have their own individual characteristics in each organism, and the consequences associated with them;
  • low pressure. Called hypotension, it is most often the cause of headaches in the early stages of pregnancy, with inherent complications, such as toxicosis in the initial stage;
  • high blood pressure. Also, it can often provoke the onset of many negative consequences - in most cases, in the last stages, there is a headache during pregnancy (3 trimester). Why is it possible the appearance of edema, an increase in protein concentration in the urine, and all this can affect the normal processes of fetal development;
  • poor nutrition can cause headaches. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be very selective about food. You should not eat foods that are rich in tyramine and phenylamine;
  • citrus fruits, tea and other foods. There should be a restriction on the use of such foods that contain nuts and chocolate, as well as citrus fruits and yoghurts. Eating bananas and other exotic fruits should be kept to a minimum. During this period, carbonated drinks, tea and coffee, especially strongly brewed ones, should be avoided, as well as food products in which preservatives and flavor enhancers are present;
  • nutrition. It should be timely and divided into more times a day than in the usual regime - it is advisable to do this at least six times. Avoid fasting, which can cause headache attacks. And, of course, in no case should you overeat, since the presence of weight is one of the main causes of hypertension. In addition, weight gain during the period often contributes not only to the appearance of severe headaches, but also all sorts of complications directly during childbirth;
  • physical overload. It is very harmful to overwork, it can affect allergic manifestations, lack of fluid in the body, but also severe attacks of head pain;
  • external factors. A pregnant woman should avoid any external influences, such as loud exclamations, various noises, intensely bright or blinking light, cloying odors - since during this period a woman is highly susceptible to this kind of stimuli that can cause migraine manifestations;
  • weather. Weather conditions, pressure drops, sudden temperature changes have a great influence, when, for example, the thermometer shows minus 30, and the next day - minus ten, or even comes;
  • stress. During pregnancy, a woman needs to be especially careful and not allow any emotional disturbances and negative emotions, as the body already endures a kind of stressful state;
  • bad dream. Lack of good rest, inadequate sleep can "knock down" even a very healthy organism, so you need to sleep the allotted hours to avoid headaches;
  • stuffy rooms. Avoid being in places where there is a large crowd of people, lack of oxygen is a direct consequence of headaches;
  • chronic diseases. Headache can be provoked by the patient's chronic diseases during pregnancy, which were both before and after pregnancy.

More about the reasons

As you know, headaches during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, occur in the form of hormonal changes, when the body does not have time to adapt to a new position.

Also, at the beginning of the period of carrying a child, the body often suffers from a lack of fluid, which leads to pain in the head. The reason for this ailment may be a sharp rejection of caffeine-containing drinks, which also leads to changes in the processes of the body. Not receiving the usual signal, he begins to sound the alarm to his brain. This is where the pain comes from.

The initial stage of pregnancy can be characterized by a change in habits, addictions and tastes. After eating food or inhaling its odors, a pregnant woman may develop toxicosis. For the body, such stressful situations do not pass without leaving a trace, which ultimately manifests itself in headaches and other ailments.

Adapting to new conditions, the woman's body transfers some symptoms from the old state, for example, when menstruation associated with pregnancy stops, the headache syndrome, however, does not disappear. That is, a woman before pregnancy had pains accompanying the onset of menstruation, they may remain so, at least in the early stages.

Also, the female body in a similar state reacts very much to diseases that occur chronically, which may not have bothered for several years. Now, during adaptation, there is a high probability of their exacerbation, so you need to remember this.

At the first symptoms of any diseases of the body, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor and be sure to visit a gynecologist. Studies have proven the importance of the initial period of pregnancy, when the organs of the unborn child are being formed. Therefore, a pregnant woman, under no circumstances, should not take medications for headaches without the agreement of a doctor and try to relieve seizures by other means.

Summing up the reasons for this ailment, one should probably highlight the main thing that is prohibited for a pregnant woman:

  • overwork;
  • binge eating;
  • starvation;
  • emotional overload.

To minimize the consequences, you need to take care of their implementation.


Despite the fact that many medications, including analgesics, are contraindicated for a woman during pregnancy, a headache must be treated. But it is necessary to select the necessary method of treatment only with a doctor. Of course, if the pains are of a one-time nature, then you should not immediately, as they say, sound the alarm, but if the attacks are of a permanent nature, you should not postpone the visit to the antenatal clinic.

Indeed, frequent seizures during pregnancy will certainly become the cause of a depressive state, and this will undoubtedly have an impact on the normal course of pregnancy. Any irritation in such a situation can only aggravate the situation when the female body is already under stress. And then nervousness and tearfulness, sudden changes in mood can become constant companions.

It is advisable that the expectant mother should control her well-being and, if possible, keep records, all this, undoubtedly, in certain situations, can help doctors in establishing a diagnosis and prescribing the correct treatment. At the same time, head pain can be designated during pregnancy as a separate problem that must be controlled. After all, as already mentioned, there are not so many methods of treatment and remedies in this situation. And since the intake of medicines is quite limited, then if possible, do not use them at all, but resort to more gentle methods.

Treatment must be effective and safe.

  • More attention should be paid to maintaining the correct regimen. Pregnant women should rest not only at night, but also during the day.
  • When diagnosing migraine with aura, it is necessary to find out the cause and try to avoid irritants. Then the pains will not bother, or they will not be very strong, which will allow not to use medications.
  • You can apply treatment based on folk recipes using medicinal plants. You will get wonderful tinctures and various decoctions. Aromatic oils can be good helpers in this situation.

As we can see, there are many options, but all of them must be applied only after the doctor's recommendations.

Headache pills: what can you drink?

This ailment can be treated using pills, but, as already mentioned, the choice in this situation in pregnant women is not very large. When choosing a drug, a woman should, first of all, be guided by how harmless it is and how quickly it is excreted from the body. It is believed that it is allowed to drink no-shpa or baby panadol "from the head" of pregnancy. In case of severe attacks, indeed, to stop the pain, you can take these pills. However, then consult a doctor.

True, no-shpa has one drawback, quite often it, simply speaking, does not help. Sometimes some doctors allow citramone to be taken. However, one must not forget that it contains caffeine, therefore, hypertensive patients cannot, and, to put it mildly, it is not entirely undesirable for the fetus.

To relieve headaches, pregnant women can take pure paracetamol, but not derivatives of the drug. It is not recommended to treat them on their own. Try not to be treated with drug groups of analgesics and blood pressure lowering. The first is generally not recommended for use during the entire period of pregnancy. Analgin is quite toxic and the period of elimination from the body is long.

Infrequently, for headaches, pregnant women can use tablets:

  • pentalgin;
  • sumatriptan;
  • nurofen;
  • rizatriptan;
  • Tylenol.

However, the dosage must be strictly observed. You can still treat a headache with fiorinal, but the side effects are alarming, since they relate to the normal development of the fetus and often lead to complex pathologies.


If a woman had problems with headaches before pregnancy, and she knows the reasons for her formation, then it will be easier for her to avoid a repetition of the situation. Although, as you know, her life changes during pregnancy, and here she already requires slightly different approaches to solving the problem. There are general rules of prevention that must be followed:

  • For a night's sleep, it is necessary to devote at least eight hours, it will be extremely useful if a woman finds time to relax during the day.
  • Any physical activity should be excluded, especially heavy objects and things should not be carried and lifted.
  • A pregnant woman should move more, take walks in the fresh air, you can use a special exercise specially designed for this category of patients.
  • If an attack of headaches occurs, you need to immediately postpone all business and open the window or doors to ventilate the room, then sit comfortably on the sofa or lie down. Closing her eyes, a woman should think of something distracted in order to relax. It is advisable to sleep, sleep will certainly cure ailment

Head massage is excellent. It will not be difficult to conduct it yourself. To do this, you need the following. The area where the pain is most pronounced, and this is where you need to start, should be massaged with your fingertips. Then gradually make the transition to other parts of the head. It is advisable to do a similar procedure not only when pain occurs, but also in the mornings and evenings - for prevention purposes.

Taking a warm bath or putting a compress on your head is great for relieving headaches. For preventive purposes, a contrast shower is used to improve overall blood circulation. If such a procedure is done constantly, then this will undoubtedly affect the improvement of the general condition of the pregnant woman. What temperatures can be considered acceptable for a woman, you need to consult a doctor.

When the cause of seizures is physical strain or mental fatigue, it is desirable that the patient mastered meditation. This method will allow you to fully enjoy mental balance, put in order the nervous system.

In addition to these effective and safe procedures for headaches, which will help relieve an attack and serve as an excellent prevention, a woman should not forget about quality nutrition.

Headache: 3 trimester

Many pregnant women go to the doctor with complaints of severe headaches, especially this often occurs in the first and third trimester. And often this ailment occurs in women who have not previously suffered from them. At the beginning of pregnancy, doctors associate this condition, first of all, with hormonal changes in the body. The situation can be aggravated by the presence of incorrect posture, disturbances in the daily routine and excitement in the patient. Other reasons may include a lack of blood sugar, poor sleep, dehydration, frequent coffee consumption, and in large doses.

Headache during pregnancy (2nd trimester) is generally rare. The body, as a rule, begins to move away from the "shock" of hormonal changes, and begins to fully adapt to its new position. In the third trimester, the head begins to ache greatly as a result of the fact that the baby in the womb begins to gain weight and thereby puts more pressure on the spine. In some cases, an ailment can signal the manifestations of preeclampsia, that is, toxicosis of late pregnancy, and its negative consequences.

This phenomenon poses a great danger, both for the pregnant woman and for the fetus, since it can die due to oxygen deprivation; for a woman in labor, a similar outcome is also possible. In this regard, the manifestation of a headache in a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester should be under special control. And it requires an urgent visit to doctors to establish a diagnosis.

Primary headache

Migraine. May be characterized by general weakness and vomiting. It has a clear localization, and can last for quite a long time - up to several days. Why migraine appears is still not completely clear, however, medicine is inclined in favor of the fact that this happens due to excitations of nerve cells in the brain. They, in turn, serve as a provoking factor for the release of chemicals that begin to irritate the cerebral vessels. An important role is played by the level of estrogen, the amount of which begins to fluctuate during hormonal changes.

In the event of such symptoms, the pregnant woman should carefully write down everything (when the pain begins, what kind of weather, at home or on the road, etc.), which will facilitate the early identification of the causes, prevention of recurrence and proper treatment. Considered the most well-known irritants are coffee, sugar substitute, nitrates, preservatives. Smoothing out pain attacks can be in a dark room, which is isolated from all kinds of noises and sounds.

Tension pain. It is characterized by pressure on the head and pain in the scalp, occiput or neck. It is caused, as a rule, by the fact that muscle tightening occurs due to trauma, depression or stress. Often, muscle spasms are associated with a professional occupation, a long stay in one position, for example, at a computer.

There are other reasons for this type of head pain:

  • the pregnant woman sleeps in the wrong and not quite comfortable position for herself, or in an insufficiently warm or unventilated room;
  • grinding teeth during sleep;
  • the presence of colds or viral diseases;
  • mental strain with symptoms of general fatigue;
  • smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol;
  • as a consequence of the abrupt cessation of coffee consumption.

In the presence of such pains, sound sleep helps, as well as massage in the area of ​​the greatest concentration of painful sensations. In case of negative results, you should consult a doctor.

Severe pain

These are manifestations of pain, covering one part of the head, spasmodic and of a short duration. They can spread to the eyes, which is often manifested by tearing and redness of the eyes. You may also observe the presence of puffiness, a red complexion, a runny nose or congestion. They can be repeated periodically - several times during the week. The reason for their appearance is not fully understood. But according to observations, most often they arise from taking medications, at an altitude, for example, on an airplane or on a mountain pass, the effect of high air temperatures or taking a bath. Excessive light and foods with nitrites can be the cause.

Secondary headache

The reason for them in the 3rd trimester may lie in the pathologies of the functionality of the vessels or the brain. In this case, an increase in pressure is characteristic, hemorrhages and meningitis are not excluded. Painful sensations can also be caused by disruptions in the metabolic process, neuralgia and other pathologies.

Important: headache attacks can also occur due to the fact that a woman drank alcohol before pregnancy and had a long experience of a smoker, and then abruptly gave up bad habits.

Treatment in the third trimester

It is very risky to carry out therapy in this period. Since, late pregnancy is characterized by a thinning of the placenta, which performs a protective function. Therefore, when choosing drugs, this factor should be taken into account. Aromatherapy can be used as well as head and neck massages.

Headache can occur due to:

  • adaptation of the female body to hormonal changes during pregnancy (an increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen affects the tone of the vessels, sometimes causing their spasms);
  • a sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure in a pregnant woman during magnetic storms or prolonged cloudiness before rain;
  • emotional stress or overwork;
  • feelings of hunger or thirst;
  • stuffiness and stuffiness in the air in the room;
  • lack of sleep or, conversely, oversleeping (sleep more than 10 hours);
  • incorrect posture, in particular, in the third trimester.

Certain foods can also cause pregnancy headaches, such as chocolate, or avoiding certain foods, such as coffee or strong tea.

In other cases, pain syndrome can be observed with problems with blood vessels (for example, with vegetative-vascular dystonia), with cervical vertebrae (for example, with cervical osteochondrosis or any injuries of the cervical spine), as well as with colds, inflammatory (infectious) diseases (ARI and ARVI, sinusitis, meningitis and others) and together with toothache.

The causes of headaches during pregnancy are varied and numerous. The main thing is to determine the nature of pain during pregnancy in order to find the correct and effective treatment for them without harm and negative consequences for the fetus.

Symptoms and Treatment of Various Types of Headaches During Pregnancy

Stress pain characterized by a dull, monotonous pain, the head seems to be pulled together by an elastic band.

Patients often complain of pain that spreads from the neck to the back of the head, temples, and eye area. On palpation, pain points are felt in the back of the head and neck. Nausea is possible, vomiting is absent. The duration of such a headache is from 30 minutes to 1-1.5 hours.

There is tension pain during physical and mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, during or after stressful situations.

Treatment for tension headaches during pregnancy is symptomatic relief. The following tools will help in this.

It is also useful to train the tone of the vascular walls with the help of a contrast shower, but most importantly, do not overdo it, the water should not be very cold, but only slightly cool, i.e. room temperature.

Acupressure massage that relieves various headaches

Self-massage of biologically active points of the body will help to cope with headaches during pregnancy, without resorting to the use of medications that are dangerous for the child.

Liu Hongsheng will tell the secrets of traditional Chinese medicine, and clearly tell where are the very points, the massage of which will soothe the headache.

Dr. Hongsheng, using the example of the first point on his hand, will show how to massage them, and then he will indicate only the points themselves, which, according to the same principle, need to be massaged for just a few minutes.

What to do if you have a severe headache during pregnancy?

Paracetamol (children's Panadol suppositories or syrup, Efferalgan suppositories or syrup) is able to penetrate the placental barrier. Although until now there has been no negative effect of paracetamol on the fetus, it is necessary to take it only as a last resort, when the pain does not subside for a long time.

What headache medications are contraindicated in pregnancy?

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Citramon, Ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Nurofen, Brufen), Diclofenac (Diclonat, Dicloran, Ortofen), Indomethacin, Ketoprofen (Ketonal, Flamax) and other similar drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

These drugs can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

The use of the necessary doses for high-quality pain relief in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal defects (cleft palate, heart disease). The appointment of these drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, some of these drugs can be prescribed, but only with a strict assessment of the risks and benefits for the mother and the fetus, and only in small doses and for a short time.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the necessary doses of the drug can cause inhibition of labor, premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, poor blood clotting in the mother, which threatens with large blood loss during childbirth, and administration immediately before childbirth itself can cause intracranial hemorrhages, especially in premature babies. The appointment of the above medications in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.


  • continues for several days in a row?
  • occurs often enough and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting?
  • very sharp and sharp?

or accompanied by:

  • an increase in body temperature to 38 ° C or more?
  • a condition where it is impossible to press the chin to the chest?
  • weakness of arms and legs or their numbness?
  • difficult speech?
  • vision problems and poor coordination?

Then you need to see a doctor immediately!