Schedule feeding 9 month old baby. Food with artificial feeding. How to better build a daily menu

The article we are talking about how the child's diet should be in nine months.

Proper, balanced nutrition is the key to the health of each person. Special attention should be paid to the power of the baby up to the year, when all systems of a small organism are formed.

Baby nutrition 9 months on breastfeeding

The child's nutrition in nine months is only a quarter should consist of breast milk, everything else - the foods entered by the baby.

Mamino Milk still remains an important source of nutrients for the child. However, it is not necessary to neglect the food included in the diet of adults. Breastfeeding must be gradually cutting.

Baby in nine months just need to use cereal, meat dishes, vegetable dishes, fruits. From this age, the child should get acquainted with fish, fermented milk products.

IMPORTANT: Nine-month baby, if there is at least one tooth, it's worth learning to chew small pieces of food - it is better to knead the food fork rather than grind with a blender.

Food of the child in 9 months on artificial feeding

An artistic child more needs to be backed up compared to a child on natural feeding. And for nine-month-old crumbs, it becomes already necessary.

It is important that the frequency of kid feeding is up to 5 times. Perhaps 6 kid feedings.

For balanced baby food, regardless of feeding type, you should draw up a menu for a day, a week, taking into account the products entered by the child.

What porrows can you eat for 9 months?

By nine months, the child must have a variety of food, and even more so use various types of porridge.

To this age, the baby consistently must be introduced:

  • Buckwheat
  • Corn
  • Millet
  • Manka
  • Oatmeal
  • Oatmeal
  • Pearl barley

Porridge at 9 months

In the menu of the nine-month kid, polycompensate sneakers are welcomed. For example, corn-rice.

Cooking time depends on the type of cereals. Less all the time will leave for cooking, more - on the preparation of corn cereal.

Cooking Porridge:

  • Porridge should cook before the robble
  • Pour milk and boil once again
  • Put in porridge small piece of cream oil
  • If necessary, grind porridge with the help of sieve or beat the blender

Recently, there are increasingly occasion of the food allergies of young children. In such cases, the food diary should be conducted, accounting for a child tolerance of a child of a particular type of cereal introduced into its diet.

It is better to prefer the silent porridge. Corps not containing gluten - corn, rice, buckwheat. Porch must be diluted with water or a special mixture used by the baby.

Meat at 9 months

Important: Meat is the main source of iron. The meat is also a source of magnesium, zinc, vitamins, etc. Depending on the type of meat, the amount of animal protein may exceed twenty percent.

The following types of meat may be present to nine-month-old age in the child's nutrition:

  • Turkey
  • Pork
  • Beef
  • Rabbit

In cow's milk and beef contain identical proteins. Therefore, allergic is often manifested for this type of meat. In this case, the beef should be excluded, and instead, to offer the baby dishes prepared independently, or special children canned from the following types of meat:

  • Turkey
  • Non-fat pork
  • horsemeat
  • Rabbit

At the ninth month of the child's life, it is desirable to offer meat with vegetable or several vegetables, combined with croups. Closer to the tenth month, the baby can be used to add a language, liver and heart to meat.

Along with the puree, it is already possible to offer the crumb meat in the form of a souffle, a boiler, meatballs.

Meat Parents can choose both cans of industrial production and cooked independently. In the second case, parents themselves will choose the product from which the food will be cooked - and this is important.

Parents should be remembered that meat should be present in the diet of a nine-month-old child daily.

Vegetables at 9 months

Important: The main source of organic acids are vegetables. They also contain potassium, rich in iron, food fibers, etc.

Almost all vegetables should be introduced to the nine-month old age:

  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cook
  • White cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Carrot
  • Potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Tomatoes
  • Bean
  • Beet

Closer to ten months should try to enter the roots of the spice crumbs. For example, pepper, you can start with a white, bay leaf. It is also worth trying to introduce spicy vegetables. For example, celery or dill, you can parsley, etc.

In the presence of food allergies, the child should prefer light-colored vegetables. It can be cauliflower, patissons, zucchini, etc.

To vegetable dishes in obligatory It is necessary to add oils. For example, corn. Very useful olive oil. You can diversify dishes by ordinary sunflower oil. Oil is preferably refined, deodorized.

The child at this age is important to use dishes:

  • From two or three-four vegetables
  • Vegetable cereal dishes. For example, zucchini and rice, buckwheat and broccoli
  • Dishes from vegetables, crumbs and meat

Fruit at 9 months

Important: Fruits for a child are sugar. Fruit contains a large amount of organic acids. They are rich in dietary fiber.

Before the nine-month-old age, the baby fruits, as a rule, were present in the form of a puree. It is already necessary to offer a child to nibble a piece of apple or pear, especially if he already has a teeth.

By this time, the following fruits may be entrusted:

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Peach
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Black currant
  • Cherry
  • Sweet cherry

It is advisable not to give the kid to two or three years of citrus - these fruits can cause allergies. It should be remembered that plums are heavy for the digestive system of the kid, and the grapes causes the strongest gas formation.

The presence in the diet of the baby of those or other fruits depends largely on the season. It is possible to use and the jam puree - in this case there is no need to adapt to the season.

Fruits, puree from them can be offered to the baby in its pure form, with cottage cheese, in porridge.

If the baby has food allergies, preference should be given to white color apples, as well as green:

  • Simirenka
  • White filling
  • Antonova

Baby with allergies can be offered:

  • Pear
  • White currant
  • Red currant
  • Yellow cherry
  • Red cherry

Fish at 9 months

The child turned nine months - it is worth starting the introduction of fish in his diet.

You can start the introduction of fish tools from the following varieties:

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Haddock
  • Zander
  • Mintay and others.

In the case of food allergies, fish is not recommended to give a child up to a year.

Kefir at 9 months

After numerous studies, experts began to recommend to introduce dairy products not earlier than nine months.

Start the introduction of kefir costs with 20 ml per day. The maximum number of kefir per day should not exceed 200 ml. Kefir preferably offer a child for dinner.

It is worth paying attention to that this fermented product must be intended exclusively for children. In case the kid refuses to drink kefir, if desired, it is possible to offer it a special mixture - a source.

Cottage cheese child 9 months

Cottage cheese, along with kefir, should not begin to introduce up to nine months baby. Entering this fermented product should be extremely slow.

You must start with a very small portion - at the tip of a teaspoon. It should be gradually increasing the volume of cottage cheese - first 20 g, then a little more - 30-35. The maximum volume to the year should be 50 g. Cottage cheese should be kindergarten.

Important: Children up to a year having food allergies, cottage cheese in the diet is not introduced.

Milk at 9 months

A lot of research was carried out on the topic of benefit and harm of cow milk. Opinions diverge. Most specialists do not recommend giving a child to the milk to two years. The same point of view also adheres to WHO.

Important: A large amount of protein and calcium contained in cow's milk has a strongest load of the kidney kid.

However, some pediatricians believe that the child is worth offering milk pre-diluted with water. Starting from the ninth month, the baby can cook porridge by adding milk in them.

Important: Introduction to the nutrition of a child cow milk should occur extremely slowly, gradually and with the special attention of parents. The protein, which is contained in milk, can cause a strongest allergy from the kid.

In connection with the discrepancy between opinions on the introduction of cow's milk, a child, parents should be made independently, having previously comprehensively examining this issue.

Child power scheme at 9 months

  • For nine months, a child is on a par with porridge, mead, vegetables and fruits, fish, kefirchik and cottage cheese are already introduced. It will help to diversify the Menu Kid
  • To the ninth month, the kid has a wide selection of products that can be interconnected between themselves and offer a child for daily use.
  • The power circuit for each kid will be its own - depending on the types of products introduced into the diet of the crumbs, as well as depending on their number
  • Each mother should decide what time it will offer a child, for example, soup, and at what time, for example, cottage cheese fruit. Adhering to a specific scheme and only changing the set of products, mom will be able to take care of a healthy and balanced nutrition of his baby

Child menu at 9 months

  • For a variety of nutrition of your baby, it is necessary to accommodately approach the daily diet of the child.
  • You should think in detail the crumb menu for a week. It will help you to use the maximum number of products and not repeat.
  • Initially, such a task may seem complex mom. If it is impossible to come up with a varied menu for your baby, on the Internet you can find a huge number of examples of dishes for daily food children of different ages. Taking into account the introduced products to the baby and examples of dishes from the Internet, you can develop a menu first for one day. Then on the second

Child food at 9 months Komarovsky

According to Dr. Komarovsky to nine months, the child must already be introduced:

  • Dairy products
  • Vegetables
  • Egg yolk
  • Fruits

Dr. Komarovsky believes that fermented milk products better offer the kid to lunch, but the porridge is better to give in the last feeding, before bedtime. Kashi is very nutritious - the fastened baby will scatter longer and his sleep will be stronger.

Also, the doctor considers it important not to offer the child up to the year of citrus.

Carefully think over the diet of your baby, enter new products - it will help your baby eat right, getting all the nutrients, minerals and trace elements.

The child of the 9-monthly age is already actively exploring the environment, starts to walk, understands the address facing it. Its food also becomes diverse, the list of new products is expanding. Breast milk is still turned on in the menu, but does not take such a main place as the lure.

Child diet to 9 months. Includes almost all major products. All soluble cereals are used, vegetables and meat dishes, fruits, bread. The list of products that are offered at this age does not differ from the type of feeding. The difference is only in quantity. Children who are on feeding with mixtures are offered serving more. This is due, first of all, with the early introduction of lures and increased necessity in the vitamin and mineral complex.

It is this time that is favorable for input to the diet of cottage cheese, kefir and other fermented milk products.

If you enter such a lure before, then an excess of protein in the body will occur, which will negatively affect the work of organs involved in metabolic processes. The risk of developing allergies is also high.

For a day, a child is 9 months. You can give cottage cheese no more than 50 grams. Kefir begin to give from small portions (20-30 ml), gradually aroused volume to 170 ml. It is best to offer his baby for dinner.

One of the new and main supplies in the Child menu 9 months. are seafood, in particular, fish. It is necessary to choose non-fat varieties that will be better absorbed by the digestive organs, for example, Hek or Mintai. Before you cook a dish, fish need to grind and remove bones. In order for the fish to save all the beneficial properties, it must be lowered not in the cold, and in boiling water. Cooking fillets about 20 minutes. After that, you need to remember a piece slightly, and you can feed fish with potato mashed potatoes.

The fourth part of the total power at 9 months. It belongs to mother's milk, the rest of the share must be filled with protein products, vegetable dishes, fruits and juice of them. It is allowed to introduce such spices like parsley, salad, green onions.

The food included in the 9-month-old menu is no longer necessary to bring to a puree state. It is just enough to smoke fork. So the child will learn how to chew on his own.

Daily Child menu 9 months. On natural feeding, it is necessary to include babbling supplies (you can try on milk), soups cooked on meat or vegetables, fruits. You can use crackers, cookies, bread, banana or pear as snacks.

In order to determine how many grams of food should eat baby, you need to know its weight. The body weight should be divided into 9. The result obtained is equal to the number of daily food necessary for full development.

List of offered dishes

The approximate menu for a whole day may look as follows.

  1. The first breakfast, as a rule, includes breast milk. Additional luch is usually not required. The kid can suck about 200 ml of milk. Nothing else should be offered, it will help preserve lactation for a longer time.
  2. The second breakfast (four hours after the first) should consist of any kind of porridge and a dessert made of fruit puree. If the baby constipates, then the consumption of rice porridge should be limited. Buckwheat porridge is the most useful and hypoallergenic, so it is offered no less than three times a week. The total mass of food should be approximately 200 ml.
  3. Lunch must be dense. Most often it includes meat or fish dishes with vegetable puree. For example, a cabbage cube or cauliflower puree. As a beverage, you can offer juice or compote. Fish is recommended to give 1-2 times a week.
  4. As an afternoon, you can offer crackers or fruits.
  5. Dinner is approximately 6 pm. It should be light and nutritious. With breastfeeding, it will be enough to attach a child to the chest and give it a lure in the form of cottage cheese or kefir with a cookie.
  6. Immediately before bedtime, breast milk should be given. Near the mother's breast, the child calms down and is preparing to sleep.

The approximate menu one of the days in the week for the baby is 9 months. May look like this:

  1. In the morning, after awakening, to offer baby breast milk.
  2. Oatmeal porridge and natural fruit juice.
  3. At lunch you can prepare a zucchini puree with boiled meat, compote from apples or kissel.
  4. As a donnet to the diet, you can turn on the pumpkin-apple puree.
  5. Dinner can consist of cottage cheese-carrot casserole.
  6. Before bedtime, it is necessary to give breast milk.

The menu of the 9-month-old child consists of a wide variety of nutrient and healthy dishes. If a baby is breastfeeding, then you do not need to neglect my mother's milk, which you can start and finish the day.

It is important to establish a diet and abandon night feedings. This will help the digestive system to work correctly.

At the age of 9 months, the child, in its development, passes, in a qualitatively new stage: from passive participation in the life of the family (when he only ate, slept, and besides the maternal arms, he had almost nothing to be), the baby turns to active actions. Kroch chooses new objects of communication, strives for greater independence, more clearly indicates its desires, preferences, tastes - such behavior concerns, including food.

Although the child's body still needs breastfeeding, interest and thrust to the "adult" nutrition is no longer so familiarizing as it was at the beginning of the administration of dust. This is not surprising: in 9 months, the child consumes almost all groups of products present in an adult diet, and he has a certain opinion about each of them. Of course, something can like something more, something is less, and the taste of some dishes can be disgusted at all, but the need for a 9-month-old child is growing together with its activity, and the balance of nutrition at this age plays a very important role.

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to worry if the child categorically refuses there is some foods: the addiction in food is changing quite often even in an adult man - what to talk about the baby, only a few months ago by a shift on the path of gastronomic knowledge.

In addition, at this age, a child can, in a sense, "convincing" relative to some taste addictions: unobtrusively and gradually adding the tastes for it to the most beloved dishes (if they, of course, can be harmoniously combined to taste.

After a few months, the child's nutritional preferences can change dramatically, but as long as the best that parents can make are to maintain interest in the bumping garment, making up a menu from the most beloved products to them and trying to make it diverse, tasty and nutritious.

Purchased or home

In terms of feeding a child, numerous baby food manufacturers come to the rescue of modern mothers: today there are a variety of purees from meat, vegetables and their combinations on the shelves of shops - the main thing is to pick up among them, which is needed by a child at his age. Occasionally use these products, or completely compose from them the Menu of the baby - the choice is only for parents.

Answers to the most important questions about the pricing of young children

At first glance, the benefits of the purchase of food are obvious: specialists-nutritionists, pediatricians, professional technologists are engaged in the development of children's feeding in each case; The quality control of the production and quality of finished products is paid to the quality control of the production and quality of finished products. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the substantial savings of time and effort - to make a varied balanced menu from purchased ready-made children's products much easier and faster than to prepare. However, there are also cons: at the level of counterfeit products, which is sold today in stores and supermarkets, there is a fairly big risk to buy a low-quality product and harvest the baby's health.

The child must contain exclusively fresh, environmentally friendly products - this statement has no doubt and objections. But buying products for the preparation of homemade dishes in the supermarket or on the market, we cannot be 100% confident in the necessary quality - only your own natural economy can give such confidence (which, unfortunately, most of us can not afford Many reasons). Therefore, making a menu for a baby on breastfeeding, parents themselves choose the safest and correct, from their point of view, the way to implement their "gastronomic plans": to buy a product ready-to-eat, or cook a delicious lunch for a little gourmet with your own hands.

Fantasy on the topic of the menu

As practice shows, a menu for a small child is 9 months more convenient to compile for a whole week (especially if you prepare not only for the baby) - it is so spent less forces, time and products: properly corrected ingredients of children's and adult rations, cooking process can be successfully combined , Saving a significant amount of time and energy. Below in the tables contain approximate menus for a week: in a similar way, you can make a huge amount of diet options for your crumbs - and in this case, the flight of your imagination can only be limited to your culinary abilities and child preferences.

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Secrets of cooking delicious dishes

It should be noted that no matter how many children's menu have been at 9 monthly age, all products consumed with only lures to the main nutrition - maternal milk.

Breast milk contains all substances necessary for the final formation of the nervous, immune and digestive systems of the baby, as well as to improve the processes of brain activity, coordinate movements, all types of memory, etc. To one year old, the baby needs 1-2 feeding of the breast: how The rule, such feedings occur in the evening (before bedtime) and in the morning (as soon as the child wakes up) - it serves as a peculiar ritual of the beginning of a new day and its end. During the rest of the time the day - the "green light" lures, which in 3-5 months will acquire the right to be called a full-fledged nutrition of your baby, and therefore it needs to be made as attractive and tasty for a child.

I dishes. Soups, soup, vegetable puree

  • The meat broth is better to cook veal from chicken breast or tender pulley (if the child has allergies on the proteins of cow's milk), from the morning: half the breast of 1-1.5 liters of water will be enough - part of the boiled meat and the broth obtained from it can be use for all dayborm, to prepare other menu dishes;
  • Vegetable broth is also better to boil for the whole day - as a rule, it is used in cooking dishes for lunch and dinner, when there is a fish in the feeding menu (meat broth at such days is better not to use).
  • Vegetables for soup are better enough to chop finely - so they boil faster, and the pussy of the soup is thus simply adjusting;
  • Do not forget about the reptile onions - it is useful, gives the soup with an extra fragrance. In the puree soup, you can cut the bow finely, but in a regular soup, it is better to grate it on the grater (the persistent rejection of many children to the boiled bows come from the age of 9-10 months - some "convictions" simply do not like the texture of the boiled bow);
  • Alternate ordinary soup with masculine - the child every time it will be interesting to consume a different food consistency.

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II dishes. Meat and fish cutlets, meatballs, meatballs

All of them are preparing almost the same:

  • Low-fat meat (veal clipping, turkey, rabbit, chicken breast) or carefully peeled white fish (cod, heck, mixtage, pike perch) twice scroll into the meat grinder;
  • Slice of white stale bread to soak in water, squeeze and add to the meat - mix thoroughly (preferably, in a blender - products will be more gentle and homogeneous);
  • Add a little cold water to the consistency needed for the "modeling";
  • And then, depending on the menu:
    • I rolling small balls and fighting them in boiling water (broth) - we get meatballs for soup or boiled meatballs;
    • The same balls in the steamer will turn into steam meatballs;
    • Very tasty steam cutlets will turn out if it is in front of the formation of a stuffing carrot in a small grater in a small grater, a little onion and a very scanty share of garlic (in fish cutlets garlic is undesirable). Similarly, cutlets from offal products are preparing, but they, before scrolling in a meat grinder, you can first boil.

Curd mass and cereal. This menu item is perhaps the most beloved children and the usual food section for them - after all, with these products, kids get acquainted from the very beginning of the dust.

To prepare a porridge, solid (or pasteurized milk, high enough fatness) must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 - and only then begin to boil in this mixture;
Cottage cheese, flew in a blender with various additives in the form of vegetables or fruits, will acquire a gentle consistency if you add some boiled milk into it; Instead of fruits or vegetables, in cottage cheese, you can add a little boiled screwed egg yolk yolk - it will also be very tasty and useful for the nutrition of your baby.

The diet of the 9-month kid is markedly enriched with new dishes. Almost all children at this age begin to receive cottage cheese, kefir and fish. What products can I have a child at 9 months and what can be given from fruits and vegetables? We will talk about this and many other things in our article.

Powered by a child of 9 months, whose menus we will discuss in this article, is becoming increasingly adult. At the same time, Mamino Milk or an adapted mixture of kids receive at least twice: early in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Otherwise, they eat "adults" products, but in a slightly modified form. During the day, children get breakfast, lunch, afternoon school and dinner. We will try to figure out how you can feed the nine-month-old crumb so that the power is diverse and balanced.

For breakfast, it is preferable to give milk porridge so that the child gets used to the kindergarten regime. It can be a special children's porridge from the boxes or prepared by you. If you cook yourself, be sure to dilute the cow's milk in proportion of 1: 3, and better use your milk or mixture. At this age, corn, buckwheat, rice, bunch, oat and wheat porridge are allowed. But the gunka is better to use from the year due to the large content of gluten and fitin. Creamy oil can be added to the caress, some fruit puree (as a sugar substitute) or half of the egg yolk.

Lunch is fundamental in feeding the child at 9 months. The lunch menu should also resemble an "adult". Boil the soup on a vegetable broth with potatoes, zucchild, onion, carrot, cabbage and a swamp. Of course, choose those products that have already been introduced into the diet and caused allergic reactions. The meat is always cooked separately and the blender is peathed into a homogeneous mass, after which it is added to the soup. Instead of the first dish, you can offer kids stew or steam vegetables with half yolk (if not given in the morning) and meat or fish.
From meat, give preference to turkey, rabbit, veal, horse meat. It is possible to introduce chicken and low-fat beef to the diet, as well as by-products: heart, liver, language. As for fish, choose sea grades with white meat: Heck, Cod, Mintai. Always carefully check for the absence of bones and overshadow fish before serving. Fish and meat must be served with a side dish, not as an independent dish.

At the afternoon snack you can offer a child of cottage cheese, kefir, fruits, cookies or juice. This technique must be easy and unobtrusive, so as not to kill appetite before dinner.

As a dinner, you can give a crirke vegetables with meat or fish (if there was a soup for lunch), as well as cottage cheese with fruit (if there was no afternoon) or porridge. During the day, in addition to the milk milk or mixture, offer the baby water, juice (no more than 50 ml) and compote from apples and pears or dried fruits.

What vegetables can a child in 9 months

Vegetables still make up the basis of the crook. They are rich in vitamins, trace elements and contribute to the normalization of the chair in children. It is recommended to prepare them for a pair, in the oven or serve in steamed with the addition of olive or sunflower oil. Tour meats or fish are usually served to vegetables.
So, what vegetables can be a child at 9 months: cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, white cabbage, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, swallow, onion, green peas. Be careful when used in a large white cabbage and peas, as they can cause colic. Bright vegetables: pumpkin, swallow and carrots - can cause allergies. Potatoes during self-preparation is better to hold a few hours in cold water, since a large amount of starch is harmful to the child and can cause an allergic reaction.

What fruits can a child at 9 months

Fruits are a source of vitamins, a pleasant dessert and an excellent sugar substitute in dishes. They can be added to porridge, cottage cheese and even combine with vegetables (for example, pumpkin with an apple, carrot with an apple). What fruits can be offered by a child at 9 months: green apples, pears, bananas, plums, apricots, peaches. Green apples, plums and pears are considered hypoallergenic, whereas the rest can cause allergies. Enter them in the diet gradually and follow the reaction of the child. Even if there are no rashes on the skin, do not offer a child too much fruit.

Is it possible to kid at 9 months of persimmary, citruses and berries, many parents are interested, especially if summer or autumn in the yard. It all depends on your child. If the lure was introduced early, from 4 to 5 months, if the crumb was already met with all the main products (vegetables, milk, meat, fish) and he never had allergies on the lure, you can try to give it "forbidden" fruits. Persimmune and citrus literally in the amount of one teaspoon. From berries give preference to gooseberries, white and red currant.

Remember that raspberry, strawberries, strawberries, as well as all citrus sitrus are the strongest allergens. If your toddler is allergic, do not give him these fruits at all.

What kind of fish can be a child at 9 months

In the choice of fish, always give preference with marine varieties with white meat, they are more useful, since they contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and useful fats. It is a cod, Mintai, Heck, also come Piksha, Kambala, pike perch. If you are cooking on your own, thoroughly beat it and remove all the bones, then boil to a couple and make a puree out of it. It is necessary to enter fish for the first time very small doses, since this product is the strongest allergen. At 9 months you can arrange one or two "fish" days, and on the day to offer a crude no more than 30 - 50 g.

From 9 months, the baby can be given ordinary food, several times a day. Maternal milk or dairy mixes are also necessary, but they make up 25-30% in the total food.


All products for the child must carefully sew and be fresh, it is not allowed to use packaging with impaired integrity.

The power mode and the kid menu are made up by parents on their own, based on the features of development and preferences. It is impossible to give smoked, bold and fried, seasoning with sauces, ketchups and mayonsees ready meals.

In necessarily included:

  • Bread is the best choice of cereal grains;
  • With a low fatness percentage: kefirs, yogurts and cottage cheese - everything can be prepared independently;
  • Kashi varies daily - oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, wheat, rice;
  • Turkey, beef - not fat, veal, chicken, sometimes pork;
  • Well cooked white fish - Heck, Cod, Marine Okun, Mintai, Sudak;
  • Oil to add to finished dishes - olive, corn, sunflower;
  • Fruits - bananas, pears, apples, peaches, apricots. See - is not manifested by allergies;
  • Potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, young peas and others. Cooking until readiness, baked or packed.

To introduce new products in necessary in small portions - any ingredient may cause an allergic response of the body.

Food for children is not solicing for 9 months, but in porridge and desserts do not add sugar. At this age, the child eats 5, 6 times a day with an interval of 4 hours.

Approximate menu by day

Every day the food must be different in order not to bother. It should be obsessed with the child and find out what dishes he gives preference, and what he does not like at all. Rejected products can be repeated, with frequency - once a week. Perhaps in subsequent feedings, a small person tying the useful ingredient. To do this, make a menu for a week and for every day.

For meals, any convenient time is selected and distributed by the hour.


  • Maternal milk or ready mix;
  • Swimming porridge - well coiled + small crackers;
  • Mashed carriage + steam pumpkin steam cutlets;
  • Cottage cheese with the addition of fruit;
  • Repetition of the first morning diet.


  • 1/2 egg yolk + rice porridge, can be given separately or mix;
  • Vegetable soup with chicken breast + apple juice;
  • Potatoes with the addition of spinach.


  • Rated buckwheat prepared with pumpkin + fresh berries juice;
  • Fraga from vegetables + meat temp;
  • Cauliflower puree + Suucharik.


  • Quail egg-cooked egg + semolina porridge, melt thick;
  • Veal boiled with zucchini for a couple + of strawberry kissel;
  • Casserole from cottage cheese and carrots.


  • Oatmeal + baked apple;
  • Chicken soup with vegetables;
  • Puree from vegetables.


  • Rice porridge + rubbed apple and pumpkin;
  • Soup with turkey meatballs + boiled potatoes;
  • Cauliflower puree.


  • Oatmeal + carrot juice;
  • Fish for a pair with rice + compote from apples;
  • Kefir or sweet crackers with milk;

Always, morning taking includes maternal milk or a ready-made mixture, and the late dinner repeats it.

Pasteurized milk, on the basis of which boiled the camp is slightly diluted with water.

Requirements for processing

The quality of food directly depends on the shelf life, storage time and method of preparation. Feed the child at 9 months is recommended by natural ingredients prepared immediately before use.


Due to the high content of vitamins and iron, it is recommended for infants with a reduced hemoglobin in the blood. In nine months, children must regularly use meat.

Minced meatballs or the kitlet is better to do at home, with your own hands. Child food sediments should be resorted to emergency cases, with long walks and trips.

White fish

Be sure to present a fish that has a low fat content. The day is chosen, and it replaces the meat dish. Fish is boiled in water or pair and served with the desired garnish, preferably with vegetable. In the future, it prepares small cutlets and meatballs. They will complement the diet, and will cause crumbs.


Vegetable, perfectly likes to vegetables, and the creamy is added to karya.

Dairy products

The optimal option is nine months, to enter the child of a baby kefir and cottage cheese.

Milk cow

This product is better suitable for cooking. In its pure form, without adding water, milk can overload the kidneys. It contains a large amount of protein and calcium.

  1. In nine months, the baby already appears the front teeth, and he will be able to eat an apple or a pear.
  2. Between feeding, you can drink: water, juices, kissel or compote;
  3. For diversity of nutrition in Kashk, fruits and berries should be added.


Until 9 months, the kid's menu was mashedral and mousses, pieces of different products are gradually introduced from this age.


  • Non-fat meat are passed twice through the meat grinder;
  • To the mass is added a piece of white bread sweat in water;
  • Everything is mixed;
  • Meatballs rolled out of the minced meat, fall into boiling water and cook.

By this way, you can make meatballs from fish for a child in nine months.

Preparation of a dish:

  • Fish is baked in foil, in the oven;
  • After readiness, all the bones are removed;
  • Cook vegetables or potatoes;
  • All can be mixed or served separately.


  • Groats fall asleep in boiling water - the cooking time for each view is different;
  • It flows heated milk and is brought to a boiling;
  • Porridge is removed from the fire, a teaspoon of cream oil is added and stirred.

Vegetable stew:

  • Cook the zucchini, carrots, potatoes in water or on meat broth;
  • Fill with vegetable oil;
  • Add boiled egg yolk and mix everything.

Fruit salad for child 9 months:

  • In a mixer or manually, crushing: ripe banana without specks, boiled carrots, sweet apple - to homogeneous consistency;
  • Add a little honey;
  • If the dessert is thick, then it is bred by a suitable liquid.

Green peas soup soup:

  • 2 tablespoons of green peas;
  • 1 tablespoon of rice;
  • 2 teaspoons of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of water.

Polka dots connect with boiled rice, grind a blender or arched manually. Add broth, bring everything to a boil. In the finished soup put the butter and feed the baby.

The approximate menu of the child in 9 months will help parents feed the baby on time and maintain his health, in accordance with the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Do not be afraid that the digestive system of the baby is not yet ready for the absorption of such food, it is necessary for further development.
New, delicious dishes will help the crumb rapidly grow up, stand on the legs and learn to speak. Proper nutrition in combination with developing techniques is a harmonious development and happy childhood.

It is important to observe the measure - not to overflow a nine-month-old child, not to impose a meal, whatever it is delicious. Krocho buses as much as he himself wants and erect those products that will like the first stage of transition to a new power system.

Recipes of delicious, right and useful dishes are not a problem. The baby will be cheerful, fed and satisfied, and mom is waiting for the time of new and interesting experiments.