Friendship is strong not by flattery but by truth. Presentation on the topic: "Friendship is a great power. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor. You cannot recognize a friend without trouble. Friendship loves work. A tablecloth from the table and friendship floated away. To the enemy." Download for free and without registration

For two months now, the educational process has been in full swing in the country's schools. After the summer holidays, classes at the Pestovskiy legal Orthodox-patriotic club resumed.

Sports training did not stop there even in the summer, but meetings, conversations with clergy, local historians, veterans, interesting people resumed in September. As well as trips that contribute not only to the development of the outlook and internal cohesion of the club members, but also to friendship between the patriotic clubs of other cities, regions, representatives of different nations and peoples of Russia.

In this regard, the trip of representatives of the Orthodox-patriotic club FFF to the Tver region to participate in the holiday of friendship of peoples was significant. Imagine the village of Danilovskoye, the most common one, of which there are a lot in our area. However, such a revival, a large number of people of different nationalities, a colorfully decorated rural house of culture with a banner: "Today is the Day of Friendship of Peoples!" The atmosphere was very friendly. However, this was not always the case. Moreover, in Russia this is perhaps the only case when, quite recently, irreconcilable enemies play football together, asphalt roads, and celebrate holidays. Let's turn to the history of the issue.

Five years ago, in the Nikulinsky rural settlement, a rather serious conflict broke out between representatives of the local youth and the young Chechens living there. Having flared up suddenly, it spread quickly enough, involving more and more participants, and gradually outgrew the scope of a rural settlement. It became known about him in Tver. The conflict was repeatedly tried to extinguish and settle, but the attempts were unsuccessful. It was possible to more or less stabilize the situation only when State Duma deputy Vladimir Vasiliev arrived from Moscow.

As it turned out, the reasons for the clashes are not only, and perhaps not so much, an interethnic motive. The economic component came to the fore: an attempt by some local businessmen to oust competitors of Chechen origin from the timber processing market. When the positions were clear and the dots above the i were placed, the same Vasiliev said: “Well, why are we going only for bad reasons ?! Let's get together for the good! Why not organize a day of friendship and understanding between the youth, the peoples of the country on the Tver land ?! " It has been said and done - for the fifth year in a row, on September 29 in the Tver region, Kalininsky district, the "Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Russia" is held with a concert, sports games, etc., during which young people of different nationalities learn a lot about each other and have an interesting time. The organizer is the Vainakh community, headed by the permanent leader Abdulla Turtuzov, he is also the head of the regional department of the RKNK and a member of the Supreme Council of the RKNK. Let me remind readers that we have already written about how the Pestovsky legal Orthodox-patriotic club concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the Tver public organization Vainakh (it was within the framework of this cooperation that the Pestovsky delegation participated in the holiday as guests of honor).

The holiday of friendship of peoples opened with the most uniting affair - a football match. In a friendly meeting, the footballers of the Vainakh community and the veterans of the Tver Volga team competed against each other. Volga won in a difficult but very correct match. The winners got valuable prizes, which were presented to them with great pleasure by Abdulla Turtuzov, who said that despite the score 3: 1, friendship won.

The solemn meeting in the house of culture was attended by residents of the surrounding villages of different nationalities and religions: adults, youth, children, and, of course, guests of honor: representatives of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, representatives of the movement "Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus" A. Idalbaev and D. Khalidov; assistant to the governor of the Tver region Andrei Gagarin, representatives of the Pestovsky Orthodox-patriotic club and others.

The head of the settlement, Roman Moroshkin, opened the celebrations. He highly appreciated the charitable activities of Chechen and other entrepreneurs, and on behalf of the administration and residents of the settlement he thanked and awarded certificates of honor for their contribution to the settlement of the settlement. “In 2012,” he said, “there was not a single complaint from the local population against the behavior of representatives of the Vainakh and other communities in the district. Although last year there were more than 60 of them. " As you can see, dear readers, such an experience gives quick positive results. It turns out that what unites representatives of different nations and religions is much more than what separates them.

Approximately the same thoughts were expressed by other speakers, noting how important it is to preserve peace and harmony among peoples in a multinational country, how important it is to achieve understanding and respect for each other, for this is a guarantee of the strength and strength of Russia, our common home. It seems to me that the value of such meetings is to get to know each other better, in order to remove the barriers that hinder understanding. Of course, the experience of Tver residents needs to be adopted and broadcast, then, probably, there will be much less interethnic conflicts that periodically arise here and there.

Upon arrival home, the members of the Pestovo Orthodox-Patriotic Club invited the rector of the Church of the Presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Temple (Vyatka village), Priest Alexy (Sokolov), who, as it should be in such cases, served a prayer service before the start of a good deed. After that, a constructive conversation took place, during which, among others, issues of interethnic relations were also touched upon.

Friendship is a great strength. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor. You will not get to know your friend without trouble. Friendship loves business. The tablecloth is off the table and the friendship has drifted away. Do not bow to your enemy, do not regret your life for a friend. A friend's water is better than an enemy's honey. Friendship pays for friendship. Two cats in a sack won't make friends. A small friendship is better than a big fight. Money can't buy a friend. A friend is your mirror. Not in service, but in friendship. For a dear friend, the gate is wide open. They boasted of friends, but he himself did not lag behind.

The tree is supported by the roots, and the man is his friends. The only way to have a friend is to be a friend. Better a faithful friend than a precious stone. Lies ruin friendship, why friendship does not love it. Don't leave your friend in misery. Not years bring people together, but minutes. You can't argue - you can't make friends. Friendship is not a service; and to whom to be friends, to serve. There is no friend - look, found - take care. The clothes are good new, and the friend is old. To give in debt - to lose friendship. An old friend is better than two new ones. A man without a friend is like a land without water. What to chase after, who does not want to know. Life is tight without a friend. There would be pies - there will be friends. Friendship is friendship, but don't go into your pocket. Friendship with care and help is strong. Friendship does not tolerate any deception and breaks where lies begin. A friend in need is a friend doubly.

Friendship is friendship, but at least give up the other. Friend not tested that the nut is not chopped. A friend argues, but an enemy assent. The friends of our friends are our friends. I knew my friend in joy, do not leave me in sorrow. Don't lose your old one over a new friend. He who seeks a friend without flaws will be left without a friend. Who shares a difficult moment with you is a true friend. Don’t give money, don’t lose friendship. The road to a friend's house is never long. If you laugh at a friend, you will cry at yourself. He called himself a friend - help in trouble. Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth in the face. Lack of trust hurts friendship. We did not agree with the custom, there should be no friendship. A bad friend is like a shadow: you see him only on bright days. Distance does not interfere with friendship. A man without friends is like a falcon without wings.

Friendship is a great strength. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor. You will not get to know your friend without trouble. Friendship loves business. The tablecloth is off the table and the friendship has drifted away. Do not bow to your enemy, do not regret your life for a friend. A friend's water is better than an enemy's honey. Friendship pays for friendship. Two cats in a sack won't make friends. A small friendship is better than a big fight. Money can't buy a friend. A friend is your mirror. Not in service, but in friendship. For a dear friend, the gate is wide open. They boasted of friends, but he himself did not lag behind.

The tree is supported by the roots, and the man is his friends. The only way to have a friend is to be a friend. Better a faithful friend than a precious stone. Lies ruin friendship, why friendship does not love it. Don't leave your friend in misery. Not years bring people together, but minutes. You can't argue - you can't make friends. Friendship is not a service; and to whom to be friends, to serve. There is no friend - look, found - take care. The clothes are good new, and the friend is old. To give in debt - to lose friendship. An old friend is better than two new ones. A man without a friend is like a land without water. What to chase after, who does not want to know. Life is tight without a friend. There would be pies - there will be friends. Friendship is friendship, but don't go into your pocket. Friendship with care and help is strong. Friendship does not tolerate any deception and breaks where lies begin. A friend in need is a friend doubly.

Friendship is friendship, but at least give up the other. Friend not tested that the nut is not chopped. A friend argues, but an enemy assent. The friends of our friends are our friends. I knew my friend in joy, do not leave me in sorrow. Don't lose your old one over a new friend. He who seeks a friend without flaws will be left without a friend. Who shares a difficult moment with you is a true friend. Don’t give money, don’t lose friendship. The road to a friend's house is never long. If you laugh at a friend, you will cry at yourself. He called himself a friend - help in trouble. Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth in the face. Lack of trust hurts friendship. We did not agree with the custom, there should be no friendship. A bad friend is like a shadow: you see him only on bright days. Distance does not interfere with friendship. A man without friends is like a falcon without wings.

Class hour on the topic:

"Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor"

Target: generalize children's ideas about moral relations between people on example of friendship.


Form value orientations, positive moral attitudes.

Develop the ability to defend your point of view, express your opinion.

To cultivate the ability to be friends, a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Equipment: blackboard, bell, paper stars at the rate of 2 stars for each person and 2 stars for the teacher, A4 sheets, black and red markers, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

The target audience : students in grades 7-8.

Students sit around tables in a circle.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Teacher: Let's greet each other with three claps! And before we get down to work, let's work out the rules of our conversation together so that communication is more organized and effective.

So, rule one- the right to speak. What should the person who wants to speak out have to do? - raise your hand, do not shout out.

Second rule- the right to be heard, i.e., respect for the personal opinion of the speaker. When someone says what everyone else is doing? - they listen, do not interrupt, do not comment, do not criticize, do not find out who is right and who is not, everyone is right in his own way, everyone has the right to their own opinion.

Third rule- Attention! This will be the ringing of the bell. Attention means stopping all activity, ending a discussion, working in a group, and more.

And finally rule four- Acquisition of star status. What is its essence? Before the beginning of our conversation, all participants received 2 stars. These stars should appreciate the work and activity of each of you. If you think that you have worked quite actively, you can rightfully keep one star for yourself, and the second must be given to the most active, in your opinion, participant in the conversation. I reserve the right to dispose of two stars as well. The person who has earned the most stars and acquires stellar status.

Teacher: Now let's join hands and promise that in our conversation we will be honest, frank and sincere. Promise? YES!

So, today we will talk about: Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor(writing on the board) and we will try to reveal your ideas about what it is ………

The teacher reads the lines:

What is friendship? Everyone knows?

It may be funny to ask.

Well, what does it mean?

This word? So what is it? L. Izmailov

Questions for students:

1. Do you have a friend? If so, why do you consider him your friend? (the friend is the one to whom we believe, who will not betray, will not let down, is able to support, sympathize, who can be trusted with your secrets ... ..).

2. What character traits of your friend do you value the most? (fidelity help, support….).

3. Why you can be considered a good friend ( I am kind, generous, cheerful, I share everything that I have ……….).

4. What qualities a friend cannot have (negative). Let's split into 2 groups - to the right and to the left of me. Each group receives an assignment to write these negative qualities on a sheet of paper in black marker within a few minutes.

Group work. When the assignment is completed, the teacher asks the children to name the negative qualities. So why can't a friend have them? ( They will interfere not only with friendship, but also with any human relationship. Let's destroy them. We will throw them out of our souls and lives - the children, together with the teacher, tear the paper and throw it into the basket). Guys, if a person knows his shortcomings, he will be able to overcome them. We must strive for this.

5. And now we will try to compile a set of rules for friendship. What rules of friendship would you call:

To help each other;

Do not remember the insult for a long time;

Share with each other;

Do not waste time on trifles;

Trust each other;

Be friendly;

Be able to forgive;

Don't be jealous;

To be honest;

Be loyal ...

Teacher: Okay, but now each of you gets an assignment (before the start of the school hour, each received a sign with the assignment, a blank sheet of paper, markers, felt-tip pens, pencils) to depict the rule of friendship on a sheet of paper, which must be written in red marker, and the rest is your imagination. From these sheets, we will later make the book "Our Class's Friendship Rules."

Independent work of children.

So, time is up, take your work up and name the rules of friendship in turn. Good fellows!

Teacher: Talking about friendship and friends is talking about all of us. You can't live without friends. DS Likhachev said: “... Friends are created in youth. Remember this! Then it gets harder and harder to make friends. Remember this! "

Teacher: Folk wisdom has preserved for us many proverbs about friendship, name them

(estimated children's answers):

Don't have 100 rubles;

If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it;

An old friend is better than two new ones;

A friend in need is a friend indeed;

Perish yourself, but help your comrade;

The tree is supported by the roots, and the man is kept by his friends ...

Teacher: Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor , how do you understand this? (Only a true friend will tell you the truth, even if it is not very pleasant to you, will help you see yourself from the outside and make the right conclusion, make the right decision, not make a mistake. Friendship is a huge support and support in a person's life.)

The remarkable poet Rasul Gamzatov said the following words:

People, I ask you.

For God's sake,

Do not be shy about your kindness,

There are not so many friends on earth

Be careful not to lose your friends.

Teacher: I think you guys will always remember this.

Teacher: Of all the adventures prepared for us by life, the most important and interesting is to go on a journey inside ourselves ... said F. Fellini. So let's keep quiet and try to look everyone inside ourselves, and think again about what we talked about today, what is the main idea you will take away from the lesson, have your ideas about the subject of discussion changed, what new you have learned today, remember what you felt while discussing See this topic and answer the question (Questions are written on the side of the chalkboard before the event and only open now):

Today I realized that a real friend is that one ... (literally one sentence, a few words on the topic of conversation). Or I, as a person striving for friendship, will ... Thanks!

Teacher: Now it's time to define your star status. Let me remind you that if you think that you worked quite actively, you can rightfully keep one star for yourself, and the second must be given to the most active, in your opinion, participant in the conversation. So, you have a few seconds, proceed, at the signal of the bell, line up in front of the board.

Bell ringing, everyone line up in front of the board.

Teacher: I ask you to raise your stars up. Friends, we greet the active, very active and most active participants in our conversation with three claps.

……… Well done! (Students stay at the blackboard, making a semicircle).

Teacher: So today we talked about friendship. I liked your activity, indifference to the discussed issues that belong to moral categories, they cannot be seen, touched by hands, they must live inside each of us, this is the material from which a person is built.

It is known that time is extensible.

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it up.

Think about it guys!

Teacher: Now let's rate our lesson. At my signal, you need to raise your hand with a certain number of fingers, this will be the score 1 finger - one, 2 - two, 3 - three, 4 - four, 5 - five. We are starting the countdown 5,4,3,2,1, - RATING ... .. Thank you! This is where we end, thank each other with 3 claps. Goodbye, friends, see you soon!

To the presentation)
The DVD-supplement contains a presentation for the lesson and the film "Tree and Cat"
The purpose of the lesson: development of ideas about friendship, friend, virtue, understanding of their meaning in our life


Show the value and necessity of friendship, the importance of friends in the family and social life of a person;

Develop the ability to analyze actions and correlate them with their own and with common human values;

Develop peer collaboration skills;

To foster in schoolchildren a sense of benevolence, emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people.

During the classes:

  1. Slides number 1, 2
- Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to see you again at the lesson on "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture", where we learn:

Think, see, understand

Hear and empathize.

Respect, appreciate, store,

And, of course, LOVE!

In relation to what (to whom) should we educate these qualities? ( to the Orthodox culture, to the traditions of our ancestors, to the history of our native Fatherland, to people, to each other, etc.) We learn this not only in the classroom, but also in our daily life. And, of course, I study with joy and interest with you!

Today we will talk with you, perhaps, about one of the most important qualities for a person - the ability to make friends and cherish friendship. And I think that if we are attentive and diligent, then by the end of the lesson we will be able to understand one of the wise proverbs of the Russian people: "Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor."

2. Slide number 3

Take a close look at the next slide.

What do you see? (icon)

Who is depicted on it? (Jesus Christ)

What is the Savior holding in his hands? (Gospel)

You and I know that the Gospel is not just a book. This is the word of God addressed to man. Did you know that the Gospel also contains words about a friend? What are these words? Let's read them together ("Yes, love one another").

3. Slide number 4.

Let's think about what the word "friend" means. Let's try to find synonyms for this (befriend, friendship, friendly, girlfriend, etc.)

Well done, how many good words you just said! Do you know What was the name of the most important detachment of the princely army in ancient Russia? That's right, squad. Listen to the poem "Kulikovo Field"

(You can give the task in advance to learn this poem to one of the students or 2-3 students)

Kulikovo field, Kulikovo field.

Russian plain, Russian expanse.

Drenched in blood, sown with pain

This field has become a mournful vale.

Russian squads did not spare their lives,

For children to live, for the Fatherland to live.

Dmitry, Prince of Moscow, fought like a vigilante.

For the native land, but for the innocent wives.

Here the swords were first raised by the monks,

Instead of armor, they put schemas on shirts.

Peresvet with Oslyabya did not shame the san,

And they laid down their heads for Holy Russia .

(Yuri Schmidt)

What connects the words friend, friendship, squad between themselves? Right. Ability to unite in difficult times to support each other. After all, together it is easier to endure trouble.

One more important feature should be noted - the relatedness of words friend and another. It would seem that we are all so different in appearance, in character. But how can this interfere with our friendship? Of course not. There is another wonderful word - Buddy from the verb acceptance- "to love, to be friends." Now we understand the meaning of the words spoken in the Gospel: "Yes, love one another."

4. Watching the animated film "The Tree and the Cat"(scriptwriter I. Glebova).

Sample questions after watching the cartoon:

- What is this cartoon about?

- What does this cartoon teach us?

- Did the main characters change after meeting each other?

- Are there any similar examples in our life?

  1. Slide number 5.
Continue the proverbs and explain their meaning:
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

Don't leave your friend ... in misfortune.

For a dear friend ... - the gate is wide open.

The tree is kept by its roots ... and the man is his friends.

What kind of friendship you will make, ... such is the kind of friendship you will lead.

Grief for two - half a mountain, ... joy for two - two joys.

  1. Slides number 6-11.
Teamwork. Signal cards are given to the students and the meaning of each is explained. The task is to correctly determine the meaning of the event depicted in the photo (slides number 7 - 11)

- friendship, mutual assistance

- indifference, cruelty

- quarrel, insult

- loneliness, sadness

  1. Slides 12-14. Lesson summary.
Unfortunately, our lesson has come to an end. I think that each of us learned a lot of useful things for ourselves, and most importantly, we understood what real friendship is.

Let's name the qualities that we must cultivate in ourselves:









A responsibility

It will immediately become easy on the heart,

When to you from afar

A friend will stretch out his palms

To touch lightly ...

And will pass on his smile

Your support and warmth,

It's so good that there is in the world


Thank you, dear guys, for your attention and work in the lesson! Did you enjoy the lesson? What was especially memorable in the lesson? What have you learned? I suggest you draw your mood before and after the lesson

(Below is one of the most common answers children have.)

Assess your work in the lesson:

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Homework.
Creative assignment on the topic: "My friends". Options for completing the assignment:



Drawing, etc.

Sisterhood in honor of the holy Apostle John the Theologian


(the presented material is designed for three sessions)
Lesson 1
All the beautiful things that exist in our world are created by love

Man does it out of love.

When a person plants a garden, builds a house, gives birth to a child,

does he do it out of love or hate?

Where can we see manifestations of love in the world?

In family. When mom and dad love each other

And she came to me.

I have not slept at all

And I could see

How shone in her eyes

Infinite God!

How was the boy able to see God? How did he know it was God?

The boy saw God with his heart. He felt maternal love, he saw the reflection of her soul in his mother's eyes, and love lived in her soul

What does HOPE mean?


If a person does not hope for the best, does not believe that good will triumph over evil, if he is discouraged and does not resist evil, he perishes. As in a fairy tale about two frogs who got into a jug of milk ... One drowned, and the other, who did not resign herself and swam, knocked down the butter and scrambled out of the jug.

Human, who does not believe in a future life with God, does not believe in his immortality, doesn't know why he lives... He does not know why calamities are happening to him. His life is empty and meaningless. To give it meaning, a person wants to have a lot of fun, to get only pleasure from life and from people, he becomes an egoist, love himself, an empty and callous heart ... These destructive feelings settle in his heart and destroy the person himself.


What do Christians believe and hope for?

A summary of the foundations of the Orthodox faith is contained in the Symbol of Faith prayer. It says that ... (Reading the Creed)

Stage twelve.

Love suffers

How is it that the first step is patience and the last is patience? Why is this so? Patience is the most important quality of Love. Without patience, no other good quality and property is possible.

It is not for nothing that all the peoples of the world have developed wonderful and wise sayings about patience. Which?

"There is patience for desire." "Patience and a little effort". "The quieter you go, the further you'll get". "In a hurry, you will make people laugh." "A drop wears away a stone." "And it's done, but stupid."

And there is also one beautiful proverb about patience: "God endured and told us to." This is how important it is to be able to endure: endure pain, endure resentment, endure injustice towards yourself, endure failure, endure inconvenience, etc. Without patience, there can be no love in a person.
You and I have built a beautiful staircase . But where does it lead?

Christ had a beloved disciple named John. This disciple wrote a book - the Gospel of John, which contains the following words: "God is love" (1 John 4:16).

Remember, we said that love is a constructive and creative feeling? God's world was created and exists thanks to God's love. The world in which people live, and the invisible world in which angels live, was created by God. And God treats people as his children, so we say in prayer: "Our Father who art in heaven" ... In heaven - that means in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the invisible, beautiful world, where angels live.

If you overcome all twelve steps of this ladder in your life, you will be able to learn true love for people and become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven:

“When the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the holy Angels with Him, then he will sit down on the throne of His glory, and all nations will be gathered before Him; and he will separate some from others ... Then the King will say to those on His right side: “Come ... inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me .; I was in prison, and you came to me. Then the righteous will say to Him: “Lord! when did we not see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and watered? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you in? or naked and clothed? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and came to You? "And the King will answer them:" Truly, I say to you, just as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me "(Matt. 25, 31-40)

Who do you think Jesus Christ called His brothers?

Us people

And now, when we have a filled staircase in front of us, each participant will come up and write on what step, in his opinion, he is?

God is love

not annoyed

carries everything


not annoyed

believes and hopes

covers everything

does not rejoice in unrighteousness, rejoices in the truth

thinks no evil


not looking for his


does not rage

is not exalted,

not proud


does not envy


Love is longsuffering, merciful, love does not envy, love is not exalted, is not proud, does not rage, does not seek its own, does not get irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice at untruth, but rejoices at the truth, covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything ... Love never fails ... "(1 Cor. 13.4-8)

Sisterhood in honor of the holy Apostle John the Theologian,

(Novogrudok Diocese, Republic of Belarus)

(a lesson on forgiveness for middle school students)
- Forgive me, for Christ's sake ...

- God will forgive, and you forgive me ...
Teacher's word. Last time, guys, we talked about love. Let's remember what it means to "love your neighbor"? Estimated answers: help, give in, wish well, pray, do deeds of mercy, sympathize, rejoice with others, compassionate him, not wish him harm, not envy, endure, forgive ...

Teacher. We said that learning to love one's neighbor is not only a great work of the soul, but also a great joy. Today we will continue the topic “The Soul Must Work” and talk about forgiveness. Tell me, is it easy to ask for forgiveness? Estimated answers: for something - yes, for something - no; but in general it is difficult ...

Teacher. Yes, for many it is very difficult, especially if the person is sure that he is right. But if you and I recall some of the events of the Old Testament times, we will be able to make sure that many troubles on earth began precisely from someone's unwillingness to repent and ask for forgiveness. Students recall Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel ...

Teacher. What events in New Testament history suggest the same? (Judas betrays Christ and commits suicide. There was another example in the history of the Old Testament when a brother forgave his brothers and saved them from starvation. Who is this? ( Joseph) His forgiveness and gentleness led the brothers to repentance.

Teacher: The Lord forgives everyone who repents and asks for forgiveness. For our admonition, He gives us the "Parable of the Prodigal Son." ( Reproduction of a picture on the screen Rembrandt "The Return of the Prodigal Son"). Let's remember, guys, a parable and answer the questions:

- Why did the son repent and ask for forgiveness?(Realized my sin before my father)

- Was your son ashamed?(Yes, he realized that he did not deserve such love; he offended a kind and loving father; he asks: "Take me among your servants" ...)

- Why did the father gladly forgive his son?(Loved him!)

- What would have happened to the son if the father had not forgiven him? (The son could return to a sinful life and die.)

Output: Forgiving those who have offended us, we not only protect ourselves from the diseases of anger, rancor, but also save our offenders from further sins, give them a chance to reform and return to goodness. The Lord Himself, as a loving Father, is always ready to forgive any repentant sinner.

Teacher. Tell me guys, if someone does not improve, how many times do you need to forgive him? Let's find out how the Lord Himself teaches us to act in such situations.

Some of the students tells a pre-prepared homework assignment ("The Lord's Teachings on forgiving offenses" - see Matthew 18: 21-25):

Once the Apostle Peter asked the Lord: “How many times will I forgive my brother who sins against me? Will seven times be enough? " “Not up to seven,” Christ replied, “but up to seventy-seven times. Anyone who forgives a brother receives forgiveness from God for that. He, like a king who forgives his servants, forgives them in the same way and as much as they forgive offenses to their brothers. "

Once a king was settling accounts with his slaves. And when he did this calculation, they brought to him one person who owed him 10,000 talents. And since he did not have anything to pay, the king ordered to sell all his estate, wife and children and pay off the debt. Then the debtor fell at the feet of the king and prayed to him: "Be patient, sir, be patient with me, I will pay you everything." And the sovereign took pity on the slave, forgave him the debt. But the slave, leaving the royal palaces, met one of his comrades, who owed him a hundred denarii, and, seizing him by the throat, began to choke him, saying: "Give me what you owe." The comrade, having freed himself from him, fell at his feet and asked: "Be patient with me, I will give everything to you." But he did not want to endure and handed him over to prison until he repaid the debt. Seeing this, his companions were very upset and reported everything to the emperor. Then the sovereign summoned him to him and said: “An evil slave! Have I forgiven you for your debt? Shouldn't you have forgiven your comrade and pardoned him just as I pardoned you? " And the king was angry with him and gave him to the torturers for torment until he gave him all the debt. Likewise, the Heavenly Father will do to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from the heart of his transgression.

Teacher helps the guys to make a conclusion

The chant sounds - the prayer "Our Father"

Teacher: Every Orthodox Christian knows this prayer, it was given to us by the Lord Himself. What lines of this prayer speaks of forgiveness? And how should these words be understood?

AND LEAVE US OUR DEBTS, LIKE AND WE LEAVE OUR DEBTOR ... ( as much as we forgive, so much will we be forgiven)

It is not easy to forgive and ask for forgiveness. From a pure heart, this is done by the one who has been gifted with the ability to love one's neighbor, who is trying to acquire Christian virtues.

Teacher. How many of you remember the life of the Monk Father Seraphim of Sarov? Then he tells how three robbers came to his cell and began to demand money, and then they beat him terribly.

Teacher. What did Father Seraphim do as soon as the robbers fled? (Having freed himself from the bonds, he first of all prayed for forgiveness of the robbers. And when the robbers were caught, Seraphim of Sarov demanded not to be punished, otherwise he would leave Sarov).

Teacher. Why did Father Seraphim forgive the robbers for obvious evil? (They were overtaken by the judgment not of a human, but of God: in a thunderstorm, their houses were simultaneously burned down. And the robbers, seeing the meekness, gentleness and love of the monk, repented and changed their lives). To each reverend. Seraphim Sarovsky used the words "My joy". In everyone I saw the image of God. How nice it would be for all of us to learn from Father Seraphim of love for people!

You can treat the children with crackers, consecrated at the relics of the monk, and offer to pray to the saint in your own words: “Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us. With your prayers, may the Lord strengthen us in the desire to become meek, peaceful, gentle, learn to ask for forgiveness and forgive. "

Teacher materials.

It is very good to live according to the commandments of God. But sometimes it doesn't work out the way you want. It happens that he himself did not notice how he broke some commandment. Either he deceived, or quarreled, or was lazy, or did not listen to his parents. What then is to be done? Do not be alarmed, everything can be fixed if you want. You love God, and you are ashamed of the fact that you STUFFED HIM.

First, you need to overcome your fear, laziness, resentment, admit your sin, and then come to terms with the one whom you offended. Of course, it can be difficult to overcome yourself and ask for forgiveness. But what a relief you feel afterwards - how a mountain falls off your shoulders! Here is a case from his life told by one priest - priest Alexander Schmemann:

“When I was little, I had a friend with whom we played together almost every day. Our favorite game was toy soldiers. We had a whole army of tin soldiers, cars, tanks, cannons. We placed them for hours, built bridges and roads, moved our troops. Once they gave me a small machine gun. It was a special machine gun: it was placed on the back of a small donkey, and it could be removed, installed for shooting, and then loaded onto the donkey again. I liked the machine gun so much that I bragged about it all and scratched out a small cross on the donkey's back, invisible to anyone when the machine gun was in place. My friend also really liked the new machine gun. We played merrily together, but when they began to remove our troops, there was no machine gun. I was very upset, I looked everywhere, asked everyone, but the machine gun disappeared.

When, two days later, we were playing together again, I suddenly saw a machine gun in the army of my comrade. I couldn't believe my eyes.

This is my machine gun! - I said.

No, my, - answered the friend. - They gave me one too.

I couldn't say anything. I saw a badge I had scratched on the donkey's back. I knew it was my machine gun. My friend was silent. He knew what I knew. I also knew that he knew that I knew. Both of us were suddenly bored. We didn't know how to play together. The next day my friend did not come. He did not come for another two or three days. Suddenly he came again. He looked straight into my eyes and said:

Forgive me. I took your machine gun. Take him!

I don’t need a machine gun! Let it be shared! Let's play together! ”I shouted.

I was so happy, I felt so good at heart. It was as if a cold, hard lump had melted into my heart. It became fun, like at Easter. My comrade was just as happy: he repented, and like a stone fell from his soul. Joy and friendship have returned to us ”. (From the book of the priest Mikhail Shpolyansky "Let's live with God")


At what point did the purity of the relationship break down between friends? Children's answers.

What did this lead to? Children's answers.

Was it easy for Sasha's friend to ask for forgiveness? Children's answers.

What does the expression “a stone fell from the soul” mean? (the soul was cleansed) Answers of the children.

However, asking forgiveness from loved ones is not all. You need to ask God for forgiveness for your sin. It is imperative to confess and try to improve.

Teacher. So what does the word FORGIVE mean?

To forgive means to stop being angry or offended at another person, to stop blaming him for anything, to forget the insult, to restore good relations, to stop anger and revenge. Forgiveness is very beneficial: it helps to overcome what is harmful to our soul. Let’s choose from the words on the chalkboard those sinful qualities that are overcome in us when we forgive the offender.











Anyone who does not know how to forgive and takes offense for a long time only harms himself. It is much easier and better to live by forgiving others. Then peace and joy reign in a person's soul.

Teacher. Failure to forgive often leads to dire consequences. There are a lot of fights, wars, tears, quarrels on earth, because some people do not know how to give in and do not want to forgive each other.

  • The girl accidentally pushed two standing boys. One knew how to forgive, and the other did not. One immediately forgave the girl, while the other was offended by her and got angry. Think of what will happen next, how can it all end for a boy who did not know how to forgive? (Will hit or push in response, crying, scandal, hospital, girl's parents, police, heaviness in the soul)
Can you guys give examples from the life around you, when unforgiveness of offenses led to sad consequences?

One example: An old woman was buried in a village church. One could feel a kind of tense expectation among the fellow villagers gathered in the temple. A memorial service was served, people prayed and now and then looked at the doors, as if they were waiting for someone. And suddenly an old man appeared at the door. He took off his cap and hesitantly crossed the threshold of the temple. “He has come!” One of those present sighed with relief. The general tension seemed to be replaced by quiet joy. When the coffin was taken out of the church, we asked one of the parishioners about what we had seen. It turned out that the old man and the old woman are brother and sister. For more than thirty years they lived in this village across the road, houses had windows to windows. And for ten years they did not speak to each other. Once there was a quarrel between them because of their father's inheritance. The old woman wanted to make peace with her brother, but he - not in any! "I will never forgive!" - he promised her. How hard it was to live not only for them, but also for their fellow villagers. And only death, which will not have mercy on anyone, reconciled them. Here, at the tomb, he said his quiet "FORGIVE ..." It's scary to die with unrepentant sins of unforgiveness and memory malice in your soul. This is how the words of the prayer are recalled "and leave us our debts, as if we also leave our debtors ..."

Teacher. You ask, is there any point in asking for forgiveness from an already deceased person? There is. Sometimes the awareness of one's guilt comes too late, when the person is no longer there. You begin to understand that even a good word was not said in time, and offended the person many times with his callousness, his inattention. And the heart will burn with eternal repentance. In such cases, you need to mentally ask the deceased for forgiveness and try to repent.

This is what happened to the boy, whose message I invite you to listen carefully and learn from him a lesson for life.

Hello dear and beloved grandmother!

So I am writing you a letter. You didn't even ask, but I sat down and write. I live well, but I miss you very much. I remember how I wrote an essay last year and wrote about your hands in it, because I peeped and copied it from Nadya Mitroshkina. And I myself have not experienced anything like that.

Granny, my dear, I now remember your hands and all your wrinkles. I even remember how they smell - pancakes and the sun. I am a very bad person, and you loved me “for nothing”. I didn’t know how to love you even “for what”. And now I have learned to love you. But you don't know that.

Grandma, dear, I will become good, really, really! You won't be ashamed of me. And I will try to become what I always seemed to you.

I am now very ashamed ... You forgive me for the fact that I did not want to write you letters, for the fact that I did not go to see you when you were in the hospital. I ran away to the cinema, and told my mother that the teacher had left us for extra classes. I didn’t know how to think that you might simply not be.

I remember how you told me in the hospital that a person is alive as long as he is remembered. I will remember you for a long, long time, always!

I just comfort myself that now, when you died, it doesn't hurt ... Forgive me ... (From the book by S. F. Ivanova "Introduction to the Temple of the Word")

Teacher. What made the boy sit down at this letter and find such words to express his feelings? ( Repentance and Conscience). Yes, it is very important to ask for forgiveness with repentance. Repentance is a firm determination to change your life for the better, it is also a gracious cleansing of the soul in the Sacrament of Confession, for sin is poison for the soul. Can you give examples of how peace and joy reign in the soul from forgiveness? Children's answers.

Teacher. The Lord Himself gives us an example of gentleness, meekness, forgiveness and love. Do you remember guys from the history of the New Testament that there was no fault of the Savior. The evil enemies of the Lord - the Sadducees and Pharisees - crucified Him on the Cross. They triumphed and mocked Him. And He meekly looked at them from the height of the Cross. His torment was intolerable. But even at these moments His heart was full of gentleness. He raised his eyes to Heaven and meekly said: "Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing."

Teacher... Yes, it happens that people hurt each other - sometimes in word, sometimes - in deed. Both the offended and the offenders suffer from resentment. There is only one worthy way to be reconciled, to make amends - to sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness. “Forgive me” - these words a person always uttered in moments of reconciliation. He also spoke in the most difficult and dangerous moments of his life. If a merchant or a peasant in the old days left somewhere for a long time, then at parting he bowed low to his relatives and neighbors, asking them for forgiveness. He asked for forgiveness and the warrior leaving for the campaign. “Forgive me, Orthodox people,” said the fisherman, setting off to sea for a catch. No one wanted him remembered dashingly... It was easier to live and serve in a foreign land with a clear conscience. He asked forgiveness from people for his grievances and the old man before his death. Relatives cried and asked for forgiveness from him. Mutual forgiveness purified souls. Please note: when we part with a person and do not know if we will ever see him, we do not say goodbye, but say goodbye. Now you understand what is hidden behind this word. There is a day in the Church calendar when everyone should make peace and ask each other for forgiveness for offenses. It - Forgiveness Sunday. It happens on the last day of Maslenitsa, on the Sunday before Great Lent. During the divine service on this day, there is an rite of general forgiveness in the church, when both clergy and laity ask for forgiveness from each other. “Forgive me,” say, for example, neighbors to neighbors and bow low. They are answered: "God will forgive you, and you forgive me." The good custom of the Forgiveness Resurrection reconciles people. Great Lent begins with repentance, with the purification of the soul.

Homework will be unusual: on the eve of the holiday, remember everyone you are offended at for something and try to forgive them with all your heart. Remember also those whom you yourself have offended, and on the day of Forgiveness Resurrection ask them for forgiveness.

Now let's ask each other for forgiveness, because surely, willingly or unwillingly, we were unfair to each other. Guys get up, and each asks for forgiveness from a neighbor on a desk according to the order of Forgiveness Resurrection, and the teacher begins first, addressing all the children: "Forgive me, for Christ's sake ...".

Bells ringing.

Additional material for the lesson in elementary grades .

Reading (or staging) fairy tales by A. Neyolova "Thousands of flowers".

On the bank of the merry brook there was a pretty flower of a thousand flowers. One day, a trickle, playing, splashed a few droplets on him. The thousand flowers got angry and shouted: “Ugly stream, how dare you splash! All my dress is soaked! Get out, I don't want to play with you anymore.

Don't be angry, I accidentally did it, - the trickle apologized. - Be patient a little, the sun will dry you.

But the flower did not want to listen to anything and did not forgive the trickle. Offended by the trickle and turned in the other direction. Spring was replaced by a sultry summer ... The Thousand Blossom was exhausted from thirst; his pretty green dress was dusty and stained. In a semi-wilted flower, one could hardly recognize the once beautiful thousand flowers. Here he remembered a flower about his old friend and, sighing, said: "If I had a stream now, he would give me drink and wash me, and I would become as pretty a flower as before."

Here I decided to call the flower a trickle and ask him for forgiveness, but from weakness I could not cry out loudly ... At that time, as if on purpose, there was no rain or dew - the flower withers day by day, and soon the children found it completely dry in the grass.

Teacher: There is great wisdom in this children's fairy tale. Which of the proverbs does it consist in? On the desk several proverbs, one of them - "Every quarrel is red with reconciliation."

Chugreeva Tatiana Petrovna,

teacher of the history of social studies MBOU secondary school No. 5 in Pushkino

honored teacher of the Russian Federation

(Moscow region)

(lesson with workshop elements)
The application DVD contains

2 folders: songs and lyrics by S. Kopylova
The purpose of the lesson:

1) educational: to acquaint students with the Christian understanding of love and service, based on the Holy Scriptures;

2) developing: to develop the ability of students to analytically perceive information, that is, communication skills, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions;

3) educational: spiritual and moral education of students, the vision of the beauty of Christianity.

Lesson type: practical work using the elements of the workshop.


  1. each student has a selection of information material for work in the lesson, printed in advance, which includes lines from the Gospel, a reproduction from the icon "Trinity" by St. Andrey Rublev, author's songs of spiritual content by Svetlana Kopylova, etc.

  2. guitar for singing songs or audio recording of songs by Svetlana Kopylova.
On the desk a cross is drawn in a circle. On the horizontal beam there is a cross in rectangles: at its top there is "God", at the intersection with the vertical beam - "man", in the lower part - "neighbor". Arrows are drawn between them: from God to man, three arrows from man - to himself, God and neighbor. In the course of the lesson, leaflets with quotes from the Gospel, written in advance on paper, are sequentially attached with a magnet or tape in four sectors. In the upper left quarter - quote # 1, in the upper right side - quote # 2, in the lower left side - quote # 3, in the lower right side - quote # 4.

During the classes

Teacher: The topic of our lesson is Love and Service. When I said these words, you must have had some feelings, associations. In this regard - the first task .

Task number 1: For a minute, I ask you to write down in your notebooks: what are these feelings, associations, maybe synonymous words, and, probably, some intended actions associated with the words "love" and "service".

Scoring: after the appointed time pupils voice what they have written, and teacher writes it down on the left side of the blackboard, suppose words like responsibility, self-sacrifice, mercy, and so on.

Teacher: And now I want to ask, does any of you know the two most important commandments of Christians? (love for God, love for neighbor)

Now I will clarify what problem I set in this lesson:

Lesson objective- to see how Christianity defines:

  1. God's love for man,

  2. man's love for God,

  3. a person's love for himself (after all, he is his closest to himself)

  4. and a person to his neighbor.
In order not to lose sight of our problem, we will draw up a diagram (it is drawn on the board in advance, and the students receive it in the printout)

Let's talk about God's love for man.

Listen to this song first: (the teacher or student is singing to the guitar or listening to the recording of the song performed by Svetlana Kopylova "Footprints in the sand" (folder "Songs", Appendix 1).

Unprinted song lyrics all students have (folder "Lyrics", Appendix 1)

Teacher: How did you understand: whose footprints were lost in the sand and why? A believing person - a Christian knows that Jesus Christ loves him with sacrificial love. The Monk Andrei Rublev showed this very clearly in the icon "Trinity" he painted. Look carefully at this icon (a reproduction of the icon is in the handout for each student). Do you see that there are two sacrificial bowls on the icon?

Assignment for children- find these bowls.

The one on the table with the head of a lamb, of course, is called by the disciples. The second, formed by the silhouettes of the lateral figures of angels, if they do not find, is shown by the teacher.

Teacher(summary of the conversation) : In this bowl is the figure of Christ, we recognize Him by the colors of His clothes. Andrei Rublev shows the scene of the Eternal Council, when there is still no man, but there is a plan, the idea of ​​creating a man (in the beginning there was the Logos). And God is already ready for man to sacrifice his Son. Look, He Himself - Jesus Christ is ready to get up, go and sacrifice Himself. The icon painter shows us this with the following method: the Son of God rests his hand on the table: this is what a person does when he is going to get up and walk, and two straightened fingers mean that the Son of God will become the Son of Man and will be martyred on the cross. And all this is for the sake of a man who has fallen away from God, in the name of his salvation. This is how the Lord Himself tells us about it through the Gospel: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His soul for the ransom of many” (Matthew 20:28).

Quote # 1. Attaches these words to the board in the upper left quarter of the circle, where the arrow from God to man is indicated

Teacher: And what about a man? How is he supposed to love God? Can he justify this Great Sacrifice with his love? Christianity has an answer to this question. Let's try to figure it out. Listen to one more song("Cripple" by S. Kopylova - folder "Songs", Appendix 2)

Unprinted song lyrics all students have (folder "Lyrics", Appendix 2)

Teacher: how did the Lord create this man?

Talking to students it will sound, of course, that man was created by a physical cripple, but was he unhappy? That he was born, roughly speaking, a freak, was the will of God. But this person does not grumble, does not suffer, humbly accepts this will. We listen to this song and do not cry with pity for this person, but quietly and joyfully watch him and understand that he was happy because he could love God and do His will. And the soul of this person will be taken under the roof of God, as it is sung in this song. You will say that all this is invented, that it is easy to say - live a cripple and be glad that in reality this cannot be, but listen to a poem by a real person. it Olga Skorokhodova- our contemporary. She does not hear and does not see, that was the will of God, so that after an illness she would lose both her hearing and her sight, but did not lose the Kingdom of God in herself.
Poem by Olga Skorokhodova

Others think - those who hear sounds,

Those who see the sun, stars and moon

How can she describe beauty without sight?

How will he understand sounds and spring without hearing?

I will smell and dew cool,

I catch a slight rustle of leaves with my fingers.

Drowning in the gloom, I will walk through the garden

And ready to dream, and say: "I love" ...

I will see with my mind, I will hear with my feelings,

And I will clothe the world with a dream ...

Will each of the sighted describe beauty,

Will it smile clearly at a bright ray?

I have no hearing, I have no sight, but I have more -

Feelings of living spaces:

Flexible and obedient burning inspiration

I have woven a colorful pattern of life.

Teacher: So what is man's love for God? The Lord Himself tells people about this: “He who has My commandments and keeps them, he loves Me ... He who does not love Me does not keep My words” (John 14:21, 24).

Quote # 2 attached to the board in the upper right sector, where the arrow from man to God

Teacher: Love for God is the humble fulfillment of His commandments. "A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit" (Psalm 50:19). But you will tell me that this is a heavy cross for a person - to live only according to the commandments of God. Let's look at this issue from the other side. Listen to one more song("Sly" S. Kopylova - folder "Songs", Appendix 3)

Unprinted song lyrics all students have (folder "Lyrics", Appendix 3)

Teacher: What is this song about?

Students' answers. In the conversation, we come to the conclusion that the song is about how you can save yourself, and therefore about love for yourself.

Teacher:"Love your neighbor as yourself." The closest to a person is himself, therefore, a person must love himself. Recently, a lot of wrong practices have been built on this, that is, instead of love, it is proposed to please yourself: eat well, dress well, not overload yourself with unnecessary responsibilities, watch your body. Is this a way of salvation? Christians know that this is not the case. Jesus Christ says:

Quote # 3, which the teacher attaches on the board in the lower left sector of the diagram: "And he who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me." (Matthew 10:38). Let us once again recall the lines from the song: “The cross cannot save a stranger”, “everyone has their own cross”, “God knows: why are you carrying this seemingly heavy cross”. “Love yourself” means deny yourself and serve people. Believers know that God loves a person, and everything that He sends by His will will be for the salvation of a person, it means to love yourself - it is to do the will of God again, honestly carry your cross and not rush into the “alluring forest”. Everything is surprisingly interconnected, and so that we can see how this circle closes let's hear one more song("Window" by S. Kopylov - folder "Songs", Appendix 4)

Unprinted song lyrics all students have (folder "Lyrics", appendix 4)

Teacher:“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. There is no more love than if a man lay down his life for his friends ”(John 15: 12-13).

Teacher reads these lines and attaches the last pre-written Gospel saying in the lower right sector of the diagram(quote # 4)

Teacher: So, the circle is closed: love for God, for oneself, for one's neighbor and God's love for man - all this is nothing but Service.“He who says,“ I love God, ”but hates his brother, is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he sees, how can he love God, whom he does not see " (1 John 4:20). Christians believe and wait for the coming of Christ, they know that He will come and will judge people. “I give all judgment to my Son,” says God. Why? Because only He who Himself was a Man and Himself during this earthly life humbly bore his cross can judge a person justly and objectively. Love and service are not what, but who. Love and service is God, and He will judge us by how much we know how to love and serve, which means how much we strive to unite with God. Teacher
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