Interesting and unknown facts about women. All the most interesting things in the world

30 facts about women that explain everything

Sexism, chauvinism and sexism do not grow out of the blue. Men and women are really very different, from physiology to psychology.

We have collected 30 most characteristic facts that will help men better understand their women, and women - to explain their own actions.
  • A woman's neck is more flexible than a man's. Therefore, responding to the call, she turns only her head, while the opposite sex is forced to turn around with her whole body.
  • During sex, a woman thinks about whether she looks beautiful. If unsure of herself, she will prefer total darkness.
  • Women breathe with their chests, and men with their stomachs.
  • Women feel uncomfortable if they have free hands. They definitely need something to pull. A handbag, a fan, a book, gloves - they are worn in the hands just for this.
  • Women go up and down the mountain differently than men. They prefer to move sideways, while men simply spread their legs wider.
  • A smoker, unlike a smoker, never holds a cigarette in her mouth, holding it with her lips or teeth. Only in hand.
  • Women blink twice as often as men.
  • A woman's heart is 20% smaller than a man's. But this is only the size of the heart muscle. It does not affect the character of a person in any way. It's just that a woman's body is usually smaller than a man's, and therefore it takes less effort to pump blood.
  • To enlist the trust of a woman, it is enough to hug her for twenty seconds. Don't confuse trust with love. In order to achieve love, you need to make a lot more effort.
  • Women are better organizers than men. They better perceive the humanities and work in multitasking mode.

  • Women have a great need for communication. During the day, they say three times more words than men. It's all because of the pleasure center in the brain. Apparently from this came the statement that women love with their ears.
  • Women have better developed peripheral vision, they see better in the dark.
  • A gait with a characteristic swaying of the hips is due to the fact that in women the pelvic bones are wider apart.
  • Women listen more attentively and longer to the interlocutor. This is all because they have a higher need for communication (see above).
  • For the same reason, women are more successful in negotiations than their masculine counterparts.

  • Englishwoman Ada Lovelace - the very first programmer.
  • There are 100 million fewer women in the world than men. Inequality arises mainly because in Asia, boys are more desirable than girls. Often, women terminate their pregnancies in order not to give birth to girls.
  • In Russia, the situation is reversed. We have nine million more women than men.
  • Women cry five times more than men. On average 30 to 65 times a year.
  • Women lie half as much. On average, only three times a day.

  • The world's largest mother had 69 children. This is the wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev, who lived in the 18th century. She gave birth 27 times. In total, she had sixteen twins, seven triplets and four times she gave birth to quadruplets.
  • Women are more prone to depression and are more likely to attempt suicide than men. But they achieve success in this matter ten times less often. This is because a suicide attempt is more often undertaken to get attention than to get results. Therefore, they choose not very effective methods for settling accounts.
  • Often women ask a question to which there can be no right answer in principle. This is done in order to cause a feeling of guilt in the interlocutor.
  • The inhabitants of ancient Rome applied the sweat of gladiators to their skin, believing that this would make them more beautiful and improve their complexion. How the beauties smelled at the same time, nothing is known about that.
  • It takes a woman, on average, a year in her life to decide what to wear.
  • A woman can become pregnant even a week after sex. But this is due more to the vitality of the spermatozoa than to the amazing abilities of the female body.

Women are incredibly contradictory creatures. They can be strong and feminine, smart and attractive, and also very brave and hardy. We have collected interesting facts about the beautiful half of humanity.

  • In 1147, the Roman Emperor Conrad III conquered the city of Weinsberg. The monk was so generous that he allowed the women to leave the city and take the most precious thing with them. They left, carrying their spouses.
  • The Russian peasant woman Fyodor Vasilyeva is considered the largest mother of many children. Officially, she had 69 children. Fedor gave birth to 16 twins, 7 triplets, and also gave birth to 4 twins 4 times.

  • Today, modern fashionistas love to sunbathe, and a few centuries ago, tanning was absolutely out of trend. Secular beauties tried in every possible way to achieve aristocratic pallor. To achieve this effect, the girls ate nothing but chalk the day before the social event, tightened the corset and even drank vinegar. That is why fainting in Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries among women was a common occurrence.

  • In ancient Greece, girls were not given personal names. The baby was given their family name. For example, if the father of a newborn was called Julius, then the girl was called Julia. In the event that another daughter was born in the family, she was given ordinal premenuses: Segunda (second) and so on.

  • As you know, only a man can take the papacy. But not everyone knows that for several years the Pope was a woman named Joanna.

  • In the 15th century, the back curved in the form of the Latin letter “S” was considered the standard of female attractiveness. Among other things, a beautiful girl, by the standards of that time, should have had a high forehead and a rounded pale face. Thus, in order to bring themselves closer to the ideal, the fair sex shaved their hair at the back of their heads and plucked their eyebrows. The same as the well-known Mona Lisa.

  • Did you know that during black and white television, in order to highlight the speaker's lips and cheekbones, make-up artists painted them with green lipstick and blush.
  • At the 1932 Olympics, an athlete named Stanislav Volosevich performed. She was the first to run a hundred meters, setting a world record. However, the most interesting thing is that Stanislava hid her gender until the end of her days. The deception was revealed only in the mid-1950s. During the autopsy of the athlete's body, doctors discovered that by sex she was a man. At the same time, Stanislava had a set of both male and female chromosomes.

  • The first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace. It was she who, in the 19th century, developed a scheme of operations, thanks to which computers were created.

  • A very interesting law was adopted by the authorities of Ireland. According to this law, every girl can propose to the man she likes to marry her. In the event that the potential spouse refuses the proposal, he must pay a fine.

  • The Sheikh of Brunei is considered the owner of the largest harem in the world. More than 700 women of different ages and nationalities live in his harem.
  • Teresa Wauh holds the record for the most husbands. A woman has been married 60 times.

We offer for reading a selection of the most amazing facts about the beautiful half of humanity.

  • On average, a woman speaks about 20,000 words a day. Man - 13 thousand words less.
  • After intercourse, a man seems to a woman more attractive and strong. In men, on the contrary, it seems to them that their partner has become less sexual.
  • Most women during the wedding ceremony, or rather, going to the altar, smile, while most men frown. According to scientists, this is due to the ability to hide your excitement and stress in different ways. And if men, in order not to fall from experiences in the registry office, make a severe grimace, then women smile with all 32 teeth.
  • The number of women who regret their marriage a week after the wedding is 22%.
  • According to statistics, beautiful women after 25 often become unhappy. It turns out that a woman's happiness is inversely proportional to her beauty.
  • Women more easily experience unrequited or unrequited love. According to statistics, most cases of suicide on the basis of love suffering are committed by men. Women, on the other hand, are more emotionally resistant to this heart problem and find solace in other things.
  • According to crime statistics, it is married women who are more likely to break the law. In men, on the contrary, most crimes are committed by bachelors.
  • A woman spends about a year of her life deciding what to wear.

  • On average, women cry 30 to 60 times a year.
  • It is interesting that shoes with heels were the first to be worn by men, back in the 17th century. Women picked up this fashion later and only in order to look more masculine. And now high heels are one of the main components of female attractiveness, femininity and sexuality.

  • Women have more taste buds than men.
  • Women breathe with their chests, while men breathe with their stomachs.
  • Women are proven to be the best organizers. They are able to multitask faster and more efficiently than the strong half of humanity.
  • Women see better in the dark because they have better peripheral vision.

  • Women are more successful in negotiations than their male counterparts. And all from the fact that they listen more attentively to the interlocutor, feeling the need for communication and obtaining new information.

Showing her hands, the woman holds them out with her palms down. Perhaps, in order for the interlocutor to appreciate a beautiful manicure? Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

A woman's neck is more flexible than a man's. Therefore, responding to the call, she turns only her head, while the opposite sex is forced to turn around with her whole body.

During sex, a woman thinks about whether she looks beautiful. If unsure of herself, she will prefer total darkness.

Women breathe with their chests, and men with their stomachs.

Women feel uncomfortable if they have free hands. They definitely need something to pull. A handbag, a fan, a book, gloves - they are worn in the hands just for this.

Women go up and down the mountain differently than men. They prefer to move sideways, while men simply spread their legs wider.

A smoker, unlike a smoker, never holds a cigarette in her mouth, holding it with her lips or teeth. Only in hand.

Women blink twice as often as men.

A woman's heart is 20% smaller than a man's. But this is only the size of the heart muscle. It does not affect the character of a person in any way. It's just that a woman's body is usually smaller than a man's, and therefore it takes less effort to pump blood.

To enlist the trust of a woman, it is enough to hug her for twenty seconds. Don't confuse trust with love. In order to achieve love, you need to make a lot more effort.

Women are better organizers than men. They better perceive the humanities and work in multitasking mode.

Women have a great need for communication. During the day, they say three times more words than men. It's all because of the pleasure center in the brain. Apparently from this came the statement that women love with their ears.

Women have better developed peripheral vision, they see better in the dark.

A gait with a characteristic swaying of the hips is due to the fact that in women the pelvic bones are wider apart.

Women listen more attentively and longer to the interlocutor. This is all because they have a higher need for communication (see above).

For the same reason, women are more successful in negotiations than their masculine counterparts.

Englishwoman Ada Lovelace - the very first programmer.

There are 100 million fewer women in the world than men. Inequality arises mainly because in Asia, boys are more desirable than girls. Often, women terminate their pregnancies in order not to give birth to girls.

In Russia, the situation is reversed. We have nine million more women than men.

Women cry five times more than men. On average 30 to 65 times a year.

Women lie half as much. On average, only three times a day.

The world's largest mother had 69 children. This is the wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev, who lived in the 18th century. She gave birth 27 times. In total, she had sixteen twins, seven triplets and four times she gave birth to quadruplets.

Women are more prone to depression and are more likely to attempt suicide than men. But they achieve success in this matter ten times less often. This is because a suicide attempt is more often undertaken to get attention than to get results. Therefore, they choose not very effective methods for settling accounts.

Often women ask a question to which there can be no right answer in principle. This is done in order to cause a feeling of guilt in the interlocutor.

The inhabitants of ancient Rome applied the sweat of gladiators to their skin, believing that this would make them more beautiful and improve their complexion. How the beauties smelled at the same time, nothing is known about that.

It takes a woman, on average, a year in her life to decide what to wear.

A woman can become pregnant even a week after sex. But this is due more to the vitality of the spermatozoa than to the amazing abilities of the female body.

We bring to your attention the most interesting and informative facts about a woman: her psychology, body, behavior, habits, and female happiness.

1) If a man goes on a trip for a week, he will take very few clothes with him, and he will wear some things for several days in a row. If a woman packs a suitcase for a week, she will take with her three times more things than she needs, since she still does not know what exactly she will wear on a given day.

According to studies, it has been proven that a woman is about 120 hours per year looks in the mirror, it's a whole 5 days! And for about a year in her whole life, she decides what to wear.

2) A woman will never become scratch the back of your head, pondering the answer to a difficult question, as men often do. Women do not like to show in any way that they are puzzled. They also simply do not want to ruin their hair with such a casual gesture.

Facts about female psychology

3) It is an undoubted fact that a woman feels uncomfortable if she does not hold anything in her hands, going somewhere, so she is always and everywhere carries a bag.

4) Women desperately need to cry from time to time, because this is the easiest way relieve stress. It is also a fact that women cry 30 to 64 times a year, while men cry only 6-17 times.

5) Women always ask questions that no clear answer because that's how they can make men feel guilty.

6) Women are hard are going through that fact, that they are wrong. That is why they do not apologize so often, but if this happens, a man should enjoy the moment.

Women very stubborn and like to think that they always right.

7) The curiosity of women is manifested at any moment by the fact that, for example, they always need pick up the phone ringing phone, even if they are busy with something important. After all, what if they were going to tell her that she had won the lottery?

8) According to statistics, the fact is that a woman pronounces on average 20 thousand words per day. women really like to talk and it can go on indefinitely. Perhaps this is because they hate silence and want to break it at any cost. This is where gossip and rumors are born.

By the way, if a woman went to visit her best friend, whom she had not seen for a long time, she could stay there for a long time. And even after that, when she comes home, she may well call her and continue the conversation for another couple of hours.

Facts about the female body

9) It is a well-known fact that in her entire life a woman eats approximately 2-3 kg .

10) Women blink approximately 2 times more often than men.

11) This fact is of interest to the stronger sex: A woman will trust more someone who at least her 15 seconds.

12) Attention, warning fact: 80% wrinkles a woman gets by letting her face sunbathe.

13) Taller women are more likely to get sick cancer.

14) An interesting fact is that if a woman responds to her name, she only turns his head when, like a man, he turns his whole body towards the caller. This is due to the fact that the neck of women is more mobile.

15) A woman prefers her man read her wishes in her eyes, which is why understanding between the sexes is sometimes quite difficult.

16) Indiana University School of Medicine Researchers discovered the fact that men process the sounds they hear with only one side of the brain, while women use both for this purpose. That's probably why women do the best listeners than the stronger sex.

17) Women do not like to show men that they are eat a lot, so if a woman is very hungry, she will prefer to eat alone. It is also a fact that 30% women have a passion for inedible things.

18) In the bathroom 10 times more women's cosmetics and various women's personal care products than men's items. By the way, a man will not be able to answer you what most of these things are intended for.

Facts about women's behavior

19) Women love to buy things on sale, even if they don’t need them at all. For example, when you see a bag with 75% discount, a woman will not be able to pass by her indifferently, even if a similar handbag has long been gathering dust in her closet.

20) Of all, all but one inherited fortunes from their husbands or fathers.

21) The average woman is able to keep a secret 47 hours and 15 minutes.

22) In Russia on 9 million more women than men.

23) The historical fact that women began to wear heels, imitating men to look taller and more masculine.

24) Israel is the only country in the world where women serve in the army.

25) Woman's heart beats faster than a man's heart, and it's also a fact that women also have more taste buds on their tongues.

26) The woman who had her first successful womb transplant got pregnant in 2013.

27) The record fact of pregnancy: the number of children born to one woman is 69. The record mother gave birth 27 times: 16 twins (twins), 7 triplets and 4 quadruplets. Unfortunately, she did not capture her pregnancy in the photo, which is a pity, because there is nothing happier for a mother than the memory of her pregnancy. To prevent this from happening to you, dear future mothers, it is worth doing a photo session while pregnant, so that later you can remember these happy moments of your life.

Fact about women's happiness

Women are happy when men are unhappy

Men prefer women to share their joys with them. At the same time, the female half of humanity likes it when members of the opposite sex share their grief and grievances.

It would seem that again representatives of both sexes cannot find a common language. But, as scientists have clarified, the most important thing in a relationship is that partners learn to properly relate to the emotions of the other, regardless of whether your significant other is happy or moping.

It is not difficult to understand why men take pleasure in the joy of their girlfriend or wife. However, the fact that women like it when the stronger sex is angry, sad or preoccupied is a little puzzling.

But, as he claims Shiri Cohen(Shiri Cohen) is an American psychologist and researcher at the Massachusetts General Hospital, which is exactly what scientists came to during the study.

Researchers interviewed 156 couples, who were asked to recall experiences in a relationship that upset them, and compared the reactions of the participants.

As the survey showed, women are more often involved in conflict. They get more satisfaction if the partner is upset and shares his feelings. Obviously, a man's willingness to share negative experiences is a sign for women that he is paying more attention to relationships.

Guys, on the other hand, experience exactly the opposite feelings at the moments when a conflict arises. They see it as a threat to the relationship. Satisfaction with relationships among the representatives of the stronger sex was associated with the ability to correctly perceive the positive emotions of his partner. At the same time, there is a fact that if a man was well aware when a woman was angry or upset, women were more likely to say that they were satisfied with the relationship.

Experts also found out such a fact that the more responsive representatives of both sexes were to the feelings of a partner, the happier the couple was.

Controversial fact - Who is smarter: a man or a woman?

And, despite the fact that the reaction of many is approximately the following: “Is a woman really smarter in a relationship?” Research proves the fact that this is true. As a rule, it is the woman who lays the emotional foundation in any couple.

However, a lot depends on the man. Experts are sure that sometimes excessive passivity on the part of the stronger sex can harm relationships.

Linda Blair, a clinical psychologist and author of a number of studies, argues that a long-term and happy marriage is formed as a result of work on the relationship by both partners.

Happiness comes only if the partner has the very notorious female wisdom, and the partner is smart enough to understand what A happy relationship is, above all, a relationship in which both partners are patient.

However, more often than not, a slightly different fact is revealed: a woman invests more in a relationship than a partner. This is due to the fact that initially men are focused on fertilizing as many individuals of the opposite sex as possible.