The use of non-standard physical education equipment in kindergarten. Presentation on the topic "non-standard physical education equipment in the dow"

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“The health of our children largely depends on the organization of physical culture in kindergarten and the family…” N. M. Amosov.

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An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized object-spatial environment, primarily a motor object-spatial environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, transformable. To do this, in our group we use non-standard equipment, made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to activate physical culture and recreational work.

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Purpose: to expand the subject-developing environment by creating new non-standard equipment, from junk material with your own hands, which helps the full development of preschool children Tasks: To motivate children for motor activity through the use of non-traditional equipment in independent activities To develop the expressiveness and beauty of movements To develop creativity, imagination , when using this equipment To generalize and disseminate experience in the creation and use of non-standard equipment for the motor environment

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Requirements for non-standard equipment Non-standard equipment should be: Safe, Maximum efficiency, Easy to use, Compact, Easy to manufacture, Aesthetic.

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Group corner

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In the sports and health center, we have a new product - "Massage Gloves"! This non-standard equipment, made by hand, pleases me and my children. "Massage Gloves"

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"Massage gloves" help to have a positive effect on the growth and development of the child's body, relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation, and calm the nervous system of preschoolers. The kids really liked them! With pleasure and desire, children play and massage themselves and each other! Massage is carried out to increase the general tone of the body, to strengthen the immune system and improve the emotional state of the child.

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To make "Massage Gloves" you need gloves, beads or buttons.

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And also in our group there are other non-standard physical education equipment:

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"FIREWORKS IN A BOTTLE" Material: A plastic bottle filled with confetti, foil, styrofoam pieces, etc., with holes punched into it. Tube for a cocktail. Purpose: To teach proper breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). Usage: The child blows into the tube inserted into the lid. Breathing exercises, in play activities.

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Su-jok massage ball with spring rings The development of fine motor skills is very important for the full development of the brain. Thanks to actions and games for the development of fine motor skills, the child develops coordination of movements, learns to control his body, and concentrate on objects. No one will give a 100% guarantee that only thanks to the constant stimulation of the fingers, the child will speak early or grow up to be a child prodigy. But the development of hand motor skills is one of the simple and effective developmental activities. This is especially important for children with speech delay.

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Material: "Quiet simulator" - on the wall made of self-adhesive film, silhouettes of children's hands and feet are pasted in different variations: "Quiet simulator" Development: development of coordination of movements, spatial perception, understanding of spatial relationships (right - left). Training of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, arms and legs, relaxation.

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"Game - winder" is a useful competitive game for preschool children. They are used to effectively train fine motor skills of the fingers. During the game, dexterity, coordination and speed of movements are improved. Winder games are used both in competitions and in individual work and in the free play activities of children. I bring to your attention the game winder made by hand. "Whose butterfly is faster. "The game is a winder"

Article. From the experience of the teacher of the preschool educational institution "Use of non-standard physical education equipment in a preschool educational institution"

Author: Kichigina Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of MADOU No. 18 “Kindergarten “Ladushki”, Gai, Orenburg Region.
Description. I bring to your attention an article that will be of interest to both teachers of preschool educational institutions, as well as parents. The article talks about how you can make non-standard sports equipment with your own hands and use it in everyday work with children.

The well-being of society now depends on the state of children's health. However, in the last decade, there has been a trend towards the deterioration of the health of the child population around the world. Environmental problems, various negative household factors, chemical additives in food, poor-quality water, physical inactivity are just some of the factors that aggressively affect the health of preschoolers. Based on practical observations, we can note a decrease in children's interest in organized motor activity: their inactivity, unwillingness to take part in outdoor games and exercises.
Based on the opinion of specialists in the field of physical education of preschoolers, who claim that it is at preschool age that health is formed as a result of targeted pedagogical influence, prerequisites are created for the development of endurance, speed-strength qualities, and the activity of the main physiological systems of the body is improved, we can conclude that what is necessary:
1. To increase the interest of children in various types of motor activity;
2. Increase the amount of physical activity of children;
3. Encourage children to independent motor activity;
4. Raise the emotional mood of children.
All of the above tasks can be solved in physical education classes, as well as in games, relay races and independent motor activities of children using non-standard equipment. What is meant by the term "non-standard physical culture equipment"?
Non-standard physical culture equipment- this is equipment made by one's own hands from decommissioned inventory and improvised means and materials.
Working on the problem of increasing the interest of children in various types of motor activity, I decided to diversify the independent motor activity of children with the help of non-standard physical education equipment made by myself from various improvised means and materials, as it allows:
- increase children's interest in performing basic movements and games;
- to develop in children observation, aesthetic perception;
- imagination, visual memory;
- develop a sense of shape and color;
- to promote the formation of physical qualities and motor skills of children.
Of course, certain sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on non-standard equipment.
Non-standard equipment must be:
2.Maximum effective;
3.Convenient to use;
6.Technological and easy to manufacture;
I present to your attention the equipment developed and used in working with the children of our group.
Massage mats and walkways
Goals: development of the muscles of the lower extremities, coordination, dexterity, attention, massage of the reflex zones of the foot; formation of skills of various types of walking, jumping.
Materials: various beads, caps from plastic bottles, penicillin vials, stones, buttons, pencils, wooden sticks, etc.

Tasks: walking and running on toes, heels, palms and feet, cross step, jumping.

Trainers "Bilbock"
Materials: plastic bottles for juice, to which soft balls are attached on a cord.
Tasks: catch the ball with a container.

Goals: development of strength and flexibility, improvement of coordination of movements.
Materials: empty spools of thread, knuckles from the bill, cord.
The expander is called a universal simulator. In some countries, expanding the expander has become a recognized sport (stretching steel springs - "strainpooling").
Expanders are used when performing general developmental exercises at an older age.

Goals: development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.
Materials: plastic containers from juice (spirits), filled with cereals and connected to each other.
Tasks: various exercises.

Goals: development of the respiratory apparatus (speech breathing)
Materials: strips of a plastic bag are attached to a wooden stick.
Exercise: blow on the strips, increasing or decreasing the air stream.

Trainers for the prevention of flat feet
Goals: development and strengthening of the muscles of the foot, the impact on the biologically active points of the foot.
Materials: caps from plastic bottles, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, cylinders.

Exercise: picking up lids with your toes or transferring from one container to another; drawing with colored pencils on sheets of paper; skating and grabbing cylinders with the feet.

Projectiles for throwing "Bombs" "Bags"
Target: development of the eye, accuracy, coordination, dexterity, attention.
Materials: sandbags, crocheted bombs and filled with foam rubber.

Exercise: hit the target; carry it don't drop it.

Material: sticks, cord, packages from kinder surprises, a circle sewn from fabric, ropes.

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, dexterity, speed of movements. Cultivating perseverance, perseverance, a positive spirit of competition.
Usage: Can be used in free play activities, in competitions. Children wind a cord with a kinder attached to a stick.
The game "Who is faster?".

Massage with pine cones

Pine cones are much rougher (prickly). We take a bump and squeeze it well in the palm of our hand, then transfer it to the other palm and (repeat the exercise 3-4 times). We put the bump on the palm of our hand and shift it from palm to palm (we perform the exercise 3-4 times). We roll "koloboks" (we perform the exercise 5-6 times). We roll the bump to the elbow bend, change the hand (we perform the exercise 5-6 times).

Trainer "Sun"
Description: The "sun" is made of fabric and stuffed with soft foam rubber. Eyes, nose, mouth - from colored adhesive paper.

Consultation for kindergarten teachers "Use of non-standard physical education equipment"

Kharchikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, educator of MDOU "CRR "Zorka" Kindergarten No. 16, Zheleznogorsk
Description of work: I offer you a Consultation "Use of non-standard physical culture equipment".
This material will be useful to educators and parents. Anyone who is interested in increasing the physical activity of children, maintaining and strengthening the health of children.
Consultation "Use of non-standard physical culture equipment"
Folk wisdom says: "To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong and healthy." Movements form the basis of almost all the activities of the child. Therefore, the preservation and promotion of health should be given special attention. Physical activity is a natural need of the human body. The use of simulators and non-standard equipment contributes to the increase in motor activity.
Equipment made from waste and natural materials (massage machines, walking and running tracks, devices for developing dexterity, coordination, etc.) is especially effective for developing children's interest in physical culture. Non-standard equipment introduces elements of unusualness, arouses children's interest in physical activity, the desire to play with attributes that are new to them. The use of non-standard physical culture equipment allows you to solve the following tasks:
1. Increase the motor activity of children.
2. To form an interest in various types of movements.
3. Improve the skill of self-control.
4. Develop motor skills in children.
5. Develop such qualities as independence, initiative.
6. Develop imagination, fantasy.

Due to the unusualness, brightness, novelty of such aids, children are happy to perform exercises with them and achieve good results. Despite the ease of manufacture, certain requirements are imposed on non-standard equipment. It should be: safe, effective, versatile, compact, aesthetic.
Particular attention should be given to benefits for the prevention of flat feet. Since, with flat feet, the supporting function of the legs deteriorates sharply, the position of the pelvis and spine changes, breathing becomes difficult, which leads to a violation of posture. For this purpose, massage mats and paths are used. They are made from buttons, corks, pebbles, pencils, wooden sticks. Such equipment develops the muscles of the lower extremities, coordination, dexterity, massages the reflex zones of the foot, and stimulates the work of internal organs.

For the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle when performing general developmental exercises, I use flags, sultans, bags, dumbbells. During GCD, morning exercises, in individual work. I also use bags to develop balance and coordination. They can be made of fabric and filled with cereals, peas. They can also be used to develop accuracy, eye.

Perfectly develops the eye, dexterity, dexterity, accuracy, coordination simulators "Bilbock". They are a plastic bottle or a plastic glass with a cord tied to it, at the end of which a ball is tied. Task: catch the ball in the bottle.
Various winders are of great interest and desire to use them in their motor activity of children. They develop fine motor skills of hands, speed, dexterity, and a healthy competitive spirit well. They can be made from wooden sticks and ribbons attached to them, at the end of which are toys or any objects. The task of the players: to wind their tape faster than the opponent.
Massage has a great positive effect on the development of motor skills. To develop fine motor skills of the hands, we massage with pencils, chestnuts, walnuts, massage balls.

Competition games can be arranged using the most unusual attributes. This will only help increase interest, develop coordination, balance, dexterity and the appearance of bright positive emotions in children. How much joy caused walking on snowshoes made from plastic bottles. And despite the fragility of the equipment - they quickly fail - it is necessary to use them to create a good mood, develop the spirit of competition and victory! They can also be made from foam rubber washcloths. That is, from any improvised material.
The most important point in the work on preserving and strengthening the health of children is the inclusion of exercises for the development of breathing in various types of children's activities. Breathing is a physiological process on which health in general, physical and mental performance, and endurance depend. In a child, the vital capacity of the lungs is small, and the need for oxygen is large, so the lungs should be specially developed. This will contribute to the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the development of speech, since many sounds require a strong exhalation. These can be such tasks: to depict how an airplane, a steam locomotive is buzzing, a bug, a bee is buzzing, or “dive into the water”, hide and hold your breath. It is useful to inflate balloons, blow into a glass of water, with soap bubbles, blow on butterflies, into a tube with small foam crumbs, confetti. During such classes, it is important to monitor the children so that there is no hyperventilation of the lungs (rapid breathing, changes in complexion, trembling of the hand). Despite the ease of use of non-standard equipment, it is necessary to take into account the following principles:
the equipment can be used both in physical education classes and in independent activities of children;
start exercises from the simplest, gradually move on to more complex ones, and diversify movements;
it is important to alternate exercises so that the load in the movements following each other does not fall on the same muscle groups;
in the process of performing exercises, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health of children, to prevent overload;
in order to foster independence and activity, it is advisable to offer children to come up with exercises themselves, based on their physical capabilities and level of motor skills.
Summarizing the above, I can say with confidence that the use of non-standard equipment really contributes to an increase in interest in physical activity, makes physical education attractive and effective. It is simply necessary to use non-standard equipment in the organization of children's activities.

One of the priorities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is the creation of motivation, training and instilling healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.

An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized subject-spatial environment, primarily a motor subject-developing environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional.

To do this, in our kindergarten No. 63, we use non-standard sports equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to activate physical education and health work.

The task of promoting health is one of the priority areas in the work of the kindergarten. The body's resistance to adverse environmental factors depends not only on the individual characteristics of the child's body, but also on the timely and correct implementation of special health measures.

When designing a subject-spatial environment that contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children, one should proceed from the need to take into account the following factors:

1) individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

2) features of his emotional and personal development;

3) individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs.

Every year, the work of our preschool institution begins with the diagnosis of the physical development and motor activity of children, as a result of which physical culture and health work is carried out, aimed at improving the health of children (hardening events, physical education, sports activities, work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle).

The effectiveness of the classes is influenced by high-quality and deeply thought-out preliminary work on the preparation of all the necessary manuals and equipment that will help to conduct the complex in a lively, emotionally, interesting way. My task is to saturate the space of the gym with inexpensive, non-standard, multifunctional equipment and inventory that meets hygienic, anatomical, physiological, mental, aesthetic, ergonomic and other requirements, which meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards.

I have developed outlines of classes and entertainment using non-standard physical education equipment made by me, which are successfully applied in practice. Under my leadership, in each age group, a sports corner or "Health Corner" was created, where manuals for the development of motor activity are located in an accessible place for children. This is both factory-made sports equipment and non-standard ones made by teachers and parents (tunnels, hemp, dumbbells, multi-colored flat circles, ring throwers, snowshoes, colored tracks, fabric sultans, classics, foam rubber logs, etc.).

The preschool institution has a separate sports hall, a lined sports ground on the street, a treadmill. All this contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

"Health from above is given to us,
Learn, baby, to take care of him"

The colorful multifunctional equipment installed in the gym not only causes great delight in children, but also allows you to expand the possibilities for performing various movements and exercises.

We achieve through non-standard equipment, introducing elements of unusualness, thereby arousing interest, a desire to play with new attributes for them. Children with great pleasure climb, run, jump, perform all kinds of exercises, play outdoor games. Therefore, it is essential to satisfy the child's need for movement. It serves as an important condition for the formation of all systems and functions of the body, one of the ways of understanding the world, orientation in it, as well as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.

We believe that movement is the basis of health, therefore we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • create a developing environment by introducing non-standard equipment;
  • help to accumulate knowledge experience to strengthen his physical and mental health;
  • stimulate to include in the process of motor activity, encourage him to self-knowledge, create conditions for the internal activity of the individual;
  • direct the joint work of the entire teaching staff and parents on the development and hardening of the body;
  • to form the skills of self-regulation of the behavior of a preschooler, aimed at the conscious preservation and strengthening of their health, and this allows them to be physically, mentally and socially more prosperous in the transition from the artificially structured environment of the preschool educational institution to situations of the real world, everyday life.

As practice has shown, the developmental environment alone already makes it possible to increase motor activity, to push the preschooler to a movement made of his own free will, desire, without coercion. Therefore, one of the first tasks in the work on physical development was the design of the hall in order to give it a bright, unusual look and do everything possible so that it does not resemble a government building with a Swedish wall, balls and shelves.

Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health work. The manuals and non-standard equipment developed in our kindergarten are simple and inexpensive. The use of these aids and equipment increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to apply a differentiated method of working with children with various pathologies.



Racks with 4 crossbeams.

Description: Waste material made of oilcloths, a cardboard tube with holes and hooks for changing the height.

I will lift my leg deftly, and I will slip through the window


Description: fabric is stuffed on the hoop, the other end is free

Purpose of use: develops coordination of movements, dexterity, courage, the ability to climb on all fours, leaning on the palms and knees in a confined space to navigate in it.

Don't be afraid of the dark, crawl through the tunnels

Green racks

Description: cardboard tube with holes

Purpose of use: develop flexibility, coordination, exercise in crawling, climbing, walking, jumping, orientation in space.

Racks are multifunctional. With preschoolers of older age, national sports games "Nimble little dzhigit", "Dzhigitovka" are held

Relay race on the Ossetian theme: "Tunnel in the mountains"

4. Hemp

Description: natural cuts of different heights

Purpose of use: ATS reinforcement: jumping, walking, running

From stump to stump, that's the whole lesson
I’ll run between the fir trees and get into the woods

Towers with eagles

Purpose of use: raises interest in the competition. The ability to be agile and fast.

Relay races "Papakha Atsamaza", "Dzhigitovka", etc.

Towers stand majestically looking

colorful balls

Description: 2 fishing lines are stretched from wall to wall, 10 multi-colored balls are threaded on them, which can be moved. The length of the lines is 6 meters.

Purpose of use: prevention in violation of posture, the development of ATS

The balls move with the help of a gymnastic stick or a hoop.

Reach for the ball and walk with it

Skis from plastic bottles

Description: the bottles are cut so that the foot enters, the edges are pasted over with colored electrical tape.

Purpose of use: develops coordination of movements, physical qualities

In relay games, such as "On the mountain ski trail"


Description: white plastic bottles, decorated with a narrow colored ribbon, filled with water, 150-200g each

Physical qualities: strength, dexterity, develops coordination of movements.

Multicolored plane circles

Description: cardboard

Purpose of use: the development of ATS: buckles, throwing

We will take dumbbells in our hands, and exercise
Who quickly rushes through the snow, fails, is not afraid


Description: two pieces of burlap 1m by 1m

In games - relay races, fun games in the winter

All summer we stood, waiting for winter, waited for the time, rushed from the mountain

circus hoops

Description: under the ceiling, 2 hoops are suspended on a fishing line, the height of the hoops is adjustable

Purpose of use: development of ATS: throwing and catching the ball, bags through the hoop.

Our ball is not simple, it flies into a hoop - an arrow

11. Classics

Description: made of leatherette

Purpose of use: development of ATS

In individual work, games, relay races

I love classes very much and I jump like a squirrel

12. Log

Description: foam log covered with leatherette

Purpose of use: development in coordination of movements, relaxation orientation

Here lies a log - it has been waiting for us for a long time

13. Foam bars

Purpose of use: development of ATS

In individual work, relay races

14. Fabric sultans

15. Colored tracks


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Level of physical development 2009-2010

Beginning of the year

The end of the year