How often men desire. The love or sexual attraction of a man. Attraction to a woman

At all times, the relationship between a man and a woman was not easy and resembled a kind of game.

So today - guys and girls are not used to talking directly about their feelings, intentions, just desires.

And this happens not only because it is not customary to talk about such things directly, but also for such a simple reason that men themselves are often not sure of what they want and what they feel. However, human psychology is such that gestures, looks, behavior can give out hidden thoughts.

Therefore, a sufficiently attentive and observant girl can always guess that the guy is not indifferent to her. And words are often completely unnecessary for this.

How to reliably understand that a man wants you. Especially if he does not show this in any way and does not speak about his hidden desires?

Simple signs will say everything for him!

There are simple actions that will definitely give out men's desires. Just do not confuse lust with falling in love - such a delusion often confuses women and girls.

If a man really wants a woman, this suggests that she attracted him with her sexuality, attractiveness, she attracts him and makes him dream, be in sweet fantasies.

But this does not mean at all that the man is in love, has some serious feelings and wants to be with this girl! Perhaps this will come in the future, but sexual lust often goes away after an intimate relationship.

However, a wise woman knows how to turn a man's desire right. And if you use your feminine power correctly, then you can achieve a lot from your beloved.

Of course, if you give yourself up to a man right away, then besides fleeting pleasure, you are unlikely to get anything. And if you show cunning and intelligence, then you can really tie him to yourself and build a good strong relationship.

But for this it is worth learning to recognize the signs that give out male desires. Let's figure out how to understand that a man really wants a woman?

  • She behaves differently with the young lady she attracts, as with the rest.
  • His gaze is literally attracted by a "magnet" to her.
  • He makes compliments, shows other signs of attention.
  • The man is clearly trying to look good when he meets.
  • He is looking for an excuse to gently touch, to be closer to smell a woman.
  • In the general company, this man tries to stand out from others.

There are many more signs, but these are the most obvious. They tell you unmistakably that your friend is clearly attracted. Let's consider each feature separately.

A special attitude is a sure sign!

When communicating with a man in a company, it is easy to notice if he sets you apart from the rest. Pay close attention to how he interacts with other members of your gender - his intonation, speech, expressions, his gestures, where his eyes look.

Therefore, compare these signs with the same, but in relation to you. If they are clearly different, you can draw conclusions.

Look at his gestures. As a rule, during a conversation, a man's hands are at the level of the abdomen or chest.

And when he talks to the woman he really wants, all his gestures will be concentrated in the pelvic area (if he is sitting). This is psychosomatics, and you cannot argue with it: gestures betray inner desires and thoughts.

Also, a man can make involuntary movements of his hips or knees, this happens very naturally and almost imperceptibly for him. And it is the surest sign that mentally he is already making passionate love with you.

The man's speech and voice will also be different. Hear how he speaks to other ladies and compare. If in a conversation with you he tries to be more polite, his voice is softer and quieter, this is also a clear sign of his attraction to you.

The eyes will tell everything!

If a man looks at your lips, neck, chest, legs during a conversation, it is obvious that he wants you. Moreover, such views are often not intentional.

This is how the stronger sex works - his eyes are simply attracted by attractive parts of the female body, there is nothing to be done! So watch out for the eyes that have a lot to say!

This is especially noticeable if you are on the sidelines. When a man desperately wants a woman, he will glance at her every few seconds.

Being in a general company, step aside and try to observe. While he is busy with some of his own affairs or, for example, talking with someone, he will periodically cast glances in your direction.

If you work together, it is especially easy to notice: such a man from time to time will look at your legs, high-heeled shoes, chest. In a conversation about business or something abstract, he will not be focused enough, and it will be easy to understand from his eyes.

Signs of clear attention

In fact, it's not difficult to understand if a man wants you. He will not hide it much.

It is important for women not to show their sympathy and to be modest, mysterious, intrigue and make men suffer in ignorance. But the stronger sex is arranged differently - its representatives are usually very direct, open and persistent.

Most likely, a man will show signs of attention, because he does not just want a woman - he certainly thinks how to get her. And in order to achieve this, you need to persistently look after her, give nice gifts and flowers, say beautiful compliments, and so on.

Having sexual lust will cause him to choose special gifts and speak special words. It will be different from romantic youthful impulses, and certainly have a subtle sexual overtones. So you can reliably and accurately understand what is on the mind of the gentleman.

If he presented you with sexy lingerie, a negligee or a dressing gown - this is already an open offer, and not even a hint. But this rarely happens, more often a man who wants a woman gives her very cute trinkets - soft bears, cute jewelry, bouquets and sweets.

He suddenly became so beautiful ...

Every man understands perfectly well that in order for you to fall into his strong arms, he must be attractive.

So he suddenly changes - he puts on fresh shirts, he always smells good, and you can no longer remember when he was unshaven.

Appearance will give you a direct answer - if he always looks neat and fresh, going to a meeting with you, it is likely that he is attracted and hopes to get you.

Hands stretch like a magnet ...

For every man, the female body is an object of admiration. And if a man wants you, then first of all he will experience an irresistible desire to touch. Distinguishing simple, friendly touches from those with sexual connotations is easy.

If his touches are gentle, very light, often as if accidental, this is a clear sign of sexual desire.

It is also worth knowing the places to which men's hands reach. This place is slightly below the waist (a well-mannered man is unlikely to grab you by the buttocks, although he will certainly have such a desire), hair and neck, face, wrists, hips, knees, legs.

Also, men are always very aroused by the female smell. Therefore, you will be able to notice that a man seeks to smell you - to say something in his ear, while inhaling the smell of your hair, to kiss, to inhale the scent of perfume.

He's better than the rest!

If you are with your chosen man in a common company, and there are other representatives of his gender, then he will obviously try to be better than the rest.

Men by nature are leaders, conquerors, it is very important for them to be the first. So he will do his best to be much better than others in order to achieve your location.

In general, it will not be difficult for a woman to determine that a man wants her very much. Everything in him betrays this desire: the eyes become as if with a drag, the gaze wanders and cannot stop in front of your eyes, he is a little nervous, pays obvious attention and seems to be following you like a predatory animal.

Even the most modest and timid guy will not be able to hide his desire. It is too strong, and one way or another it will still be manifested.

How to use this knowledge is another matter. A woman is born to be admired, to be the object of lust and dreams.

But at the same time, it is worth remaining a woman - to behave with dignity and not vulgarly, not to forget about modesty and manners. Then the man will not only experience a strong sexual desire, but also want something much more ...
Author: Vasilina Serova

Natural couple- relationships between a man and a woman, which arise on the basis of a complementary, stable sexual desire. The mutual attraction that brings a man and a woman together is part of an unmistakable natural program that controls the process of reproduction in a flock and ensures its viability at the genetic level.

The choice of a partner occurs unconsciously, through unconscious smells, chemosignals, which the human body produces in the form of pheromones. These smells carry all the necessary set of information about its carrier for others. This information is instantly read by the ancient regions of the brain responsible for reproduction and ranking in the flock and leaves an unmistakable feeling whether this person is suitable for us for a pair relationship or not.

There are two types of pheromones - attraction and ranking. A man chooses a woman for himself by pheromones of attraction, which signal to him that this female is capable of giving him healthy offspring. Smelling a suitable woman, seeing her (rechecking with a visual analyzer), a man begins to feel sexual attraction to her. For a woman, the primary choice of a man is according to his ranking pheromones, which inform her about the male's social position in society and his ability to provide for her and future children. For a woman to want a man, he must have the right to bite, corresponding to her desire and temperament. A secondary factor in sexual choice is the strength of attraction to a man (attraction pheromones), based on the ability to conceive healthy offspring from him. The male that smells the brightest for her, she lets go of her pheromones, that is, she begins to like him, she begins to want him, begins to seduce him. Female pheromones in a matter of fractions of a second either elicit a complementary response in a man or not.

Being desirable, a woman ties a man to herself on the basis of a natural attraction that lasts an average of 3 years. It was this period that was enough in the primitive flock for the child to become more or less independent and did not require intensive parental care. After 3 years, natural attraction begins to gradually lose its intensity, and sexual attraction between partners begins to fade. A man and a woman no longer desire each other as passionately as they did when they first met. Nevertheless, in a modern world with colossal cultural development, people are able to create deep emotional ties based on common interests and intellectual kinship. Emotional ties in a couple have a beneficial effect on the extension of relationships and sexual life. Content

Natural marriages

Sexual attraction between a man and a woman arises in their libido, that is, in the lower vectors: cutaneous, anal, urethral and muscular. This happens, as a rule, as follows.

Oral people are attracted to visual people, since it is they who, under the great impression, often like to listen to their jokes and receive temporary relief from this in their negative states. But such a union will not be very favorable for the viewer, since it does not contribute to its full-fledged realization. Underdeveloped visual people, trying to get rid of their inner fears, or other strong emotional experiences, like to laugh, it relaxes them. The oralist will be happy to tell funny stories incessantly and to amuse such a spectator, he needs ears. Contrary and unfavorable is the union of the sound and oral vectors in terms of the upper vectors. In this case, the essence of the vectors is even more opposite than in the case of the visual vector, and causes the strongest repulsive stress. Therefore, oralists can create the most successful pair with people without upper vectors.

In the modern world, people often have four or more vectors, therefore, the described tendencies in the relations of the upper vectors, taking into account the attraction of the lower ones, can add up to much more complex combinations that require individual consideration.

Sex drive is a complex mechanism

It should be noted once again that the pair is formed, first of all, on the basis of the lower vectors. Therefore, it is quite possible to find, for example, a sound-visual woman paired with a man without a top.

Often today you can see a pair of two anal-dermal people. In such a pair, the scenario described above is the attraction of the skin to the anality and the anality to the skin. Often in people with several vectors, one vector is more developed than the other and is its natural support both in life and in paired relationships. So, for example, a skin-supported anal-dermal man will be skin-based in a paired scenario with an anally-skinned woman based on anality.

The state of the vectors plays a huge role in the mechanisms of mutual attraction. The described scenarios are triggered when the vectors are approximately at the same level of development. The underdevelopment of the vectors often leads to one or another negative paired life scenarios, such as, for example, the union of the skinner with masochistic tendencies and the anal with sadistic aspirations.

Unnatural marriages

In modern society, one can often observe the relationship between a man and a woman, which are not built on natural attraction, but are created as an artificial union based on various rational calculations. The most common ones are: - leather + leather: these pairs are often found in large cities in the West. This is a marriage of convenience, which, first of all, implies material gain and is often based on a marriage contract, which sets out in detail all the nuances, responsibilities and rights of the spouses. Since there is no natural attraction between the two skinners, very often such couples have sexual relations on the side by mutual consent, since the vivid impressions of the novelty factor very quickly dry up for both partners due to the relatively low libido. These people are usually united by a career or shared hobbies such as sports or travel, as well as common property.

Anal + anal: also most often found in big cities. This union is built largely on strong friendship, respect and affection, which arises from the similarity of the character traits of the two anal sexes. Having the same value system, the same outlook on life, similar habits, they are able to create an artificial couple, which is more reminiscent of the relationship between two old comrades. In such a marriage, there is no passion and sexual tension, there is no variety, and boring routine everyday life begins almost from the very first days.

Male non-verbal sexual cues are pretty primitive - so learning to recognize them isn't that hard.

Not so long ago, summer finally began to resemble summer, and along with the heat comes the time of a lot of pleasant things, including sexual or near-sexual adventures. The sexual activity of human organisms increases in direct proportion to the ambient temperature and inversely to the distance to the nearest beach.

The human body is so arranged that it needs to signal its states and intentions to the surrounding universe. All the more so when it comes to mating games and issues of choosing a sexual partner. Each region of our planet has its own differences in courtship rituals. But if we omit the variations of cultural norms, then the bottom line is a fairly typical set of sexual signals characteristic of almost all nations and peoples.

But first, you need to answer three simple questions, and then move on to practical examples.

Question 1. Why do we need sexual signals at all?

The fact is that sexual courtship is an energetically very expensive process. And under conditions of tough natural selection, this can be too dangerous an investment. I spent a lot of energy on seduction - I didn't have enough energy to escape from a saber-toothed tiger. Failed to reciprocate from the female, and your individual gene recipe is derived from an evolution cookbook, non-renewable. In other words, individuals who poorly read sexual signals and made a mistake in choosing a sexual partner eventually died out without leaving offspring.

Question 2. Are they such hidden, these very sexual signals?

Sexual signals are designed to let others know about your intention. Nature is wise, she will not create an unnecessary system. But nature is one thing, and personal individuality is another. Not all individuals are equally smart. And not all participants in the mating season transmit their signals with the same strength and uniqueness. This is influenced by:

- age features. In childhood, we simply do not notice these signals, in youth we can misinterpret, taking wishful thinking, but in old age ... However, let's not talk about sad things.

- current hormonal state. A young human male who last had sex several years ago will perceive any gesture of the opposite sex as the most explicit invitation.

- individual characteristics. Whatever one may say, but there are people who have a more or less developed flair for the nuances of human communication. Communication in all senses, including sexually. And only experience can help here, but it also has a very limited range of possibilities.

Question 3. Why does not having sexual signals mean guaranteed sex?

In fact, the sex signal has a wider range of purposes than just inviting just anyone to have sex. Conventionally, sexual signals can be divided into three groups. For the sake of simplicity, we will call them level 1, level 2, and level 3 signals. And the signals of the first and second levels are not aimed at sex as such. Their task is to maintain the context of the sexual conversation and move to the third level of signals. Which is just designed for further continuation of contact in bed.

1. Level 1 signals created in order to show that a person of the opposite sex is seen. These are the simplest and most harmless signals. Such as abdominal retraction in men or hair straightening in women. The purpose of such signals is to fix yourself in the focus of a potential partner's attention. Often these are completely unconscious impulses and there is no intention behind them.

2. Level 2 signals speak of a desire to stand out from other sexual competitors. The goal is to show your attractiveness and stand out from the general background.

3. Level 3 signals. The most unambiguous and challenging behavioral signs. They talk about the presence of a clearly defined intention to satisfy sexual arousal.

Let's start with men, since their language of sexual signals is more primitive and it will be easier and faster to overcome it (in the sense of learning).

Level 1 Sexual Signals

1. Pose

As soon as a man notices a woman whom he likes and whose attention he craves, he immediately tries to acquire the outer contour of a viable male. The stomach is drawn in, the back straightens, the chest straightens, the shoulders rise and spread to the side. The man becomes taller, slimmer and looks more significant. The key task is to become, if not the largest male, then at least larger than usual.

2. Vector of motion

The man's body turns towards the woman who interested him. Men prefer to look danger straight in the eye, and in this case it is true. The man turns to face the woman in order to see her better.

But there are cases when turning is inconvenient for various reasons (the organization of space or moral norms does not allow). However, even here the subconscious mind finds a way out - the feet unfold in the direction of the desired woman. One or both.

3. The need to tidy up clothes

Men tend to straighten their tie. Although the range of signals related to clothing is wider - men begin to unconsciously shake off dust particles, fiddle with shirt cuffs, straighten their jackets - nevertheless, an attempt to straighten a tie is the leader among gestures.

4. Working with hair

Another common symptom is when a man adjusts his hair. Usually this is expressed in smoothing the hair with his hand, which indicates the man's plans to reduce the distance between him and the woman he liked.

Level 2 contact signals.

1. Reducing the distance. The very first sign that a man is trying to stand out among his own kind and attract the attention of a woman he likes is an attempt to get closer. In this case, men use any reason for this.

2. The mating roar of the male. Usually a man begins to speak louder than usual and so that the most successful jokes, sayings, tirades reach the lovely ears of the chosen one. Often men in such a situation start laughing too loudly, even if the joke is pretty bearded.

3. Change of posture. Men either try to spread their legs wider and take a more stable position (flirting and seduction is a duel between a man and fate, and during a duel you need to stand firmly on your feet), or, on the contrary, demonstrate frank imposingness and relaxation. Their poses are either overly stable-symmetrical, or frankly lax-relaxed.

4. Long look. This sign speaks for itself. A man tries to attract a woman's attention by looking at her. Maybe he just has poor eyesight, but usually a long look indicates a desire for reciprocal eye contact. By the nature of the reciprocal look, the man can conclude whether the woman is ready for further rapprochement measures or whether it is necessary to look for another victim.

5. Demonstration of thumbs. This gesture can most often be observed when a man, while talking with a woman, hides his hands in his pockets, but his thumbs stick out. We all know what Doctor Freud could have said about elongated objects sticking out of his trousers. And he is right, but only in part: the demonstration of thumbs, like the demonstration of any oblong object, is not so much erotic as it is hierarchical. Thus, men express their aggressiveness, dominance, and authority. It is no coincidence that such a gesture is often encountered during a purely male conversation. Are they not preoccupied with sexual issues at this time?

Another common option is to place your thumbs behind the belt. But in general, any gestures in the genital area indicate the intimate nature of the conversation. And if the conversation takes place between a man and a woman, then they definitely have a sexual connotation. They may discuss futures prices or talk about environmental or modern education issues, but if their gestures are formed in the lower abdomen, then they are really talking only about mutual sympathy. It's just that the wrong words are being used for this.

Level 3 contact signals.

Here we will focus on signals that have an overtly sexual connotation.

1. Copying gestures. At a certain stage of communication, a man begins to copy the woman's non-verbal behavior. He becomes a kind of her mirror. He repeats her movements, the tilt of the body, the nature of the posture and muscle tone. Even breathing, timbre and speed of speech become identical.

2. Touching and stroking. At the level of contact of the third level, men open their hands. A man will try to touch either his chosen one, or himself, or just some object. Touching and stroking speaks of arousal that has arisen and a desire to realize this excitement. The fact is that with sexual arousal, our skin becomes more sensitive, and we begin to get more pleasure from touching and stroking. We feel more sharply and more deeply feel all the pleasure from this process. Therefore, it is no coincidence that men begin to stroke the stem of a glass of wine. They really would like to stroke the other leg, but until it comes to the end, the pleasure can be obtained from the glass too.

3. Removing clothing. Almost literally. If on the first level a man straightened his tie to look better, then on the third level the tie starts to really interfere. With excitement, the blood circulates more strongly, and the pinched collar of the shirt creates an unconscious sensation of discomfort. At this stage, the tie is no longer straightened, but rather trying to loosen its knot.

Another of the conspiratorial gestures is playing with the clock. The men take off their wristwatches and play with a bracelet. Or they fiddle with buttons, zippers and fasteners on clothes. In other words, a man subconsciously hurries to get rid of his clothes, since the body requires that which is forbidden by morality.

A man is by nature a polygamous hunter. He needs as many sexual sacrifices as possible - and regularly. But this happens not because he can do a lot, but because he wants a lot. In general, their non-verbal sexual signaling is rather primitive and one does not need to have deep knowledge of behavioral psychology in order to understand which of the men is more affected by the hormonal wave.

Of course, male sexual signaling is more diverse than described in the blog, but within the framework of our format, it is not possible to describe absolutely all the nuances and interpretations. However, the most key and common features are named and described.

The division of sexual signals into three levels, by and large, is rather arbitrary, since individual characteristics (age, experience and state of the body) also leave their mark here. Experienced seducers who know the sexual signals can put them into practice by swapping places, using them sooner or later than required by non-verbal psychology, making women feel confused and therefore more vulnerable.

But women, too, do not remain in debt and respond to men with a much more sophisticated, complex and unpredictable system of sexual signals. Which, admittedly, men read with great difficulty.

I will talk about these female secrets in the second part of the blog on hidden sex signals.

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At the first meeting, a man develops a sexual attraction to a woman - he calls this "spark", "love at first sight", but in fact it is a powerful release of testosterone into the bloodstream. The ancient Hindus said: “There are three sources of man's drives: soul, mind and body. Soul attraction breeds friendship. The attraction of minds is respect. The attraction of bodies gives rise to desire ...

The union of the three drives gives rise to love. " When a man wants a woman, he uses all sorts of seduction tricks - he says what she would like to hear, treats her the way she wants. Having darkened a gullible woman with his charms, he creates in her the confidence that she is loved (in fact, she is still only desired). But, having achieved what he wants, he loses interest in the one that he recently longed for. The woman is offended by this behavior. She regards intimacy as the pinnacle of love. She has an unpleasant aftertaste in her soul, as if she was being used.

Sadly, to a certain extent it is - the man used her to relieve sexual tension.

A man can get turned on by seeing an erotic photo or a scene in a movie, a piece of naked body flashing in the neckline of a stranger's clothes, beautiful legs or breasts, and from many other things that are designated by the word releasers (external stimuli that cause sexual arousal). Excitement is accompanied by an erection, which passes after a while. But it happens that a man remains aroused for quite a long time.

When he is in an agitated state, he needs a physiological release. In this case, any woman who is nearby will suit him. She can be a constant partner or a girl whom he is just caring for, but it can also be the one that he sees for the first time.

Sly men know that the cynical sentence: "Shouldn't we sleep?" - will shock and alienate any self-respecting woman, and therefore use the entire arsenal of seduction tricks.

What does a man filled with desire undertake to achieve what he wants? Exactly what most women regard as infatuation, falling in love and even love: he says compliments and various cute nonsense with an erotic background, he confesses his love. Moreover, he skillfully combines words with action: hugs, kisses, caresses so that the partner also feels sexual arousal.

In the life of every man, there have been cases when he was looking for only pleasure in sex or even just a release of sexual tension, while a woman is more in need of the emotional aspect of intimate relationships. She regards the kisses, hugs and caresses of a man as an expression of his feelings. That is why women are disappointed when, after intercourse, a man immediately loses interest. He can get up and leave, throwing an indifferent: "Goodbye!" or may promise to call, but will not call; or he can call in two weeks, having lied about three boxes, that he was very busy (in fact, he did not even remember about her, but only remembered when he once again "had an itch").

A rare woman will not respond to the ardent embrace of a man she likes. And a rare woman will not feel the fire of desire. But for her, this is not just sex - in the first place are the feelings that she has for a man. If a man is indifferent to her, then his hugs and kisses are unpleasant for her.

Many men use romantic confessions only at the stage of seduction. Some cynical representatives of the stronger sex declare that beautiful words are needed only in order to drag a woman into bed, and after that tenderness is no longer necessary.

If this is the case with your partner, know that he does not love you. He just uses a typically masculine trick: gentle words, declarations of love are just a necessary prelude to sex. Women want to hear them, and men tell them this. But only before "intimacy" or during it.

The behavior of a man in bed and outside of it can be strikingly different: in an intimate setting, he is gentle, affectionate, speaks words of love, but as soon as the sex session ends, it is as if he was replaced. He just whispered: “God, how good it is with you! You are the most desirable, most beloved woman in the world! " - and here he stands at the window and smokes, cold and indifferent, completely alien. If the one who five minutes ago was “the most desirable” turns to him, expecting gentle words, he looks at her with bewilderment, they say, who are you and what do you want from me at all ?!

Many women are in a similar position. It seems that there is a man in her life - and at the same time he is not. He shows up when he wants to, and she waits weeks for his call. When he comes, everything is fine. He says that he loves her and that he was very bored, but was so busy that there was not a single free minute. But he constantly thought about her, remembered and yearned for her. And the woman believes everything that the beloved says.

A man loves with his eyes, and a woman with his ears! The more beautiful words a man says, the more the woman falls in love with him. And at the same time, he does not even think that the words of the beloved are at odds with his actions. If he was so homesick, why didn't he find an opportunity to meet? There are no cases that cannot be postponed, moved. One who loves can neglect even important matters in order to see his beloved. What's the matter! In the name of love, men commit heroic deeds! And here - some banal excuses: "I was very busy", "There was not a single free minute ..." Well, let's say he was really busy, but at least you can call! And besides, things happen during the day. But there are still evenings, nights. Yes, there is no such work until late at night and seven days a week!

It cannot be denied that work is a priority for a man. But a loving man gives himself up to his beloved work not to the detriment of his beloved woman. If he knows that she is bored and is looking forward to him, will he not find an opportunity to meet ?! But most importantly, the lover WANTS to see his beloved himself!

A person in love is very inventive and will find time, even when there is absolutely no time! Lovely women! When a man disappears for two weeks, and then says that he could not even call because he did not have a single free minute, do not believe it! Did he go to the toilet? Have breakfast-lunch-dinner? So he could have found time to call. And he didn’t call because he didn’t want to, because he was busy with something (not work!) That was more interesting for him to communicate with you - for example, he drank beer with friends, went to a sports match, was in a restaurant with another a woman or a friend at a birthday party.

Men catch gullible women, knowing how words of love affect them. Tell him: "I love you!" - and the woman melts. But there is no love! This is just a sexual desire, in a simplified form - a combination of the effects of the male sex hormone testosterone and the so-called Tarkhanov phenomenon - the accumulated sperm presses on the walls of the seminiferous tubules and requires sexual discharge (you will forgive the earthiness). Primitive sex drive can be mistaken for love in the finest words, but alas! - This is not love. In such cases, "I love you" means "I want you", and sometimes even more cynical - "I want sex."

Love is, first of all, spiritual closeness, emotional attraction, a state when it is impossible to live without each other, you want to be with your loved one every second, live his life, his problems and concerns, accept him as he is, with all his shortcomings and dignity, this is respect for the rights of each other, empathy, unity of the soul, finally. And meeting from time to time is not love, it is just sexual release. But how often a woman's desire to be loved puts blinders on her eyes, and she does not see what, it would seem, can be seen with the naked eye!

“You are the way I invented you, what I dreamed about,” - this is how a woman in love perceives her lover. She is really in love, because a woman can fall in love with anyone if she creates the illusion that she is loved and desired! How often banal phrases about sublime love are mistaken for true love - after all, a woman loves with her ears! The tempting serpent in the guise of a man will whisper sweet words to her, twist about three boxes, and she believed and melted.

This does not mean that all men who confess to a woman in love, in fact, have only sexual attraction to her. There are also those who really have sincere and deep feelings. Without a doubt, a truly loving man is also sexually attracted to his beloved, but not only.

A sane person cannot make his life dependent on someone: I can live with him, but not without him. The loss of a loved one is a tragedy, but the end of life is not yet.

When life is "fixated" on one person, and besides him there are no interests - this is not love. It is addiction.

Love is when there is an invisible bond between two people. They need each other so much that they use every free minute at least to hear the voice of their beloved.

Some interesting facts about men.

Admiring a woman's breast prolongs life for men

Regular admiration for a woman's breasts contributes to the prolongation of a man's life, according to researchers from Germany. Scientists conducted a study in which 200 men took part. Experts monitored the subjects for five years.

It turned out that those of them who enjoyed regularly staring at a large-breasted fair sex, as a result, had lower blood pressure, calmer heart rate, which reduced the risk of heart attacks.

Experts have come to the conclusion that admiring female forms is very beneficial for the male body. They calculated that as little as 10 minutes of looking at female forms had an effect on the body comparable to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.

Psychologists have figured out how to quickly calm a man

Psychologists have found a universal calming remedy that our ancestors used in prehistoric times. The researchers concluded that nothing can calm a man down more quickly than the sight of a freshly cooked piece of meat. The researchers linked this conclusion to the circumstances of primitive times, when a man had the role of a breadwinner. The heads of families went hunting to provide their relatives with food. Therefore, they associated the type of cooked meat with the fact that everything is fine in the family, and all relatives are full.

Moreover, fried meat was for them not just food that could quickly satisfy hunger, but also a symbol of home comfort and tranquility. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that in ancient times the whole family gathered together for food, as it was the safest.

Every fifth man in Europe does not love his wife

An unprecedented study was carried out in several European countries, scientists found out how the duration of marriage affects the feelings of spouses. It turned out that men and women who are married often do not have tender feelings for their partner.

In the course of the study, tens of thousands of males were interviewed about relationships with wives and feelings between them. It turned out that every fifth married man loves not his spouse, but another woman.

After interviewing women, experts also found a rather sad situation. It turned out that 20% of the fair sex did not have tender feelings for their spouse.

According to the researchers, the picture of the relationship and feelings of men and women in marriage looks quite dramatic. Most often, over the years, feelings fade away and people continue to live together out of habit or because of other obligations, finding an object of love on the side or living without it at all.

European men can no longer have children

Europe is on the verge of a serious new demographic crisis, the main cause of which is male infertility. Researchers at the European Science Foundation (ESF) have also found that obesity is the leading cause of infertility in today's young Europeans.

Research has shown that 40% of Europeans aged 18-25 years old have insufficient sperm counts to allow easy and reliable fertilization. At the same time, in 20% of young people the sperm count is lower than the level established by the World Health Organization. This means that it is possible to conceive from them only through the procedure of artificial insemination (IVF).

Scientists, having analyzed the results of more than 70 studies carried out on European material, came to the conclusion that obesity leads to a significant decrease in the production of the male hormone testoterone by the body. Several studies show a clear link between declining testoterone levels and obesity.

In Britain, 42% of men are "overweight" and 24% are considered obese. Accordingly, the difficulties of conception in Britain are very great: every sixth couple is forced to resort to the IVF procedure.

Men get stupid from talking with blondes

When faced with a blonde, men become dumber. Their brain activity is reduced, their IQ is reduced, and their cognitive abilities are slowed down. This is the conclusion reached by French scientists.
Representatives of the stronger sex were shown photographs of charming blondes, after which they were asked to pass intelligence tests. According to scientists, after photographs of blondes, men actually "lost their heads", that is, they thought much worse than after photographs of brunettes.

Scientists believe that men are subconsciously influenced by the stereotype about stupid blondes, and they try to adapt to the interlocutor and not be very clever.

More and more families are falling apart due to romance on the Internet

Increasingly, virtual romances are becoming the cause of family disagreements and divorces, British psychologists say. According to experts, the danger of virtual communication is that a person invents his own way of life, name, profession, age. He is necessarily handsome, smart, gallant, that is, such as he usually is not in life. However, without considering this, men resort to virtual love without thinking about the consequences.

Psychologists believe that women who have discovered their husband's correspondence should not regard a virtual romance as treason, otherwise the family will no longer be able to exist. Having accidentally discovered your spouse's virtual correspondence, try to understand what your man lacks in family relationships.

In such situations, the revelations read on the Internet become useful to both spouses, experts say.

The jealousy of men depends on their height

Scientists have found that small men are more jealous than taller representatives of the stronger sex. In a study conducted by Spanish and Dutch researchers, 549 men and women were asked about their attitudes towards jealousy.

Specifically, scientists have tried to figure out what makes them feel insecure. The results of the study, published in the British scientific journal New Scientist, showed that men worry about attractive, wealthy and powerful rivals.

However, scientists found that the taller a man was, the less jealous he was. Previous studies have shown that tall men are more likely to be more successful in their careers, earn more money, and have more beautiful girlfriends. The researchers believe this is due to the association of tall stature with attractiveness, physical superiority, and good fertility.

Representatives of the stronger sex have always brighter and clearer sexual signals than women. But due to social prohibitions, the manifestation of sexual attraction in men can also be hidden, veiled. In a civilized society, it is customary to hide the signs of sexuality. But people have learned to use secret signals to show the object of passion their interest. They are directed and perceived subconsciously. It is believed that the skill of flirting is mostly used by women. But in fact, representatives of the stronger sex are quite capable of subtly hinting at the desire for intimacy.

At this point, the penis hardens due to the rush of blood to its head. The size of the organ increases in diameter by 2-3 cm and in length by 6-7 cm. With certain physical disorders that prevent sufficient blood flow, a man's sexual desire can pass without physiological arousal. Such diseases include ailments of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, dysfunctions of a neuropsychic nature, stress.

Attraction in the stronger sex is manifested faster and brighter than in women.

In this case, the rate of excitability depends on the amount of hormones in the body and, of course, anthropological factors. The higher the height, for example, the lower the level of sexual arousal. Increased libido is also indicated by excess body hair and a lack of scalp.

In addition to an erection, clear signs of arousal in the stronger sex include pressure surges, facial flushing, hoarse notes in the voice, and dilated pupils.

A woman's excitement is manifested by frequent shallow breathing, parted lips, which she tries to moisturize with her tongue, sweating and trembling of the body, swelling of the nipples, squeezing of the thighs.

Secret desires

In order not to be considered vulgar and obscene in society, people tend to disguise signs of sexual interest:

Action What prompts
Sight The most provocative option is eye-to-eye gaze. Of course, both in business conversations and in friendly communication, it is customary to keep your eyes on the interlocutor. But not as intently and frankly as in the case of erotic sympathy. This look symbolizes the willingness to let the vis-a-vis into your personal space and admit them as a sexual partner. In addition, a lady who does not mind getting to know the interlocutor better may cast furtive glances or gaze intently at his lips. And an interested man glances over the face of a friend, looking for confirmation of a reciprocal interest, because women do not have such a vivid external manifestation of sexual desire.
Smell The production of pheromones is impossible to control. But it is they who explain the unconscious sexual attraction. It is believed that with the help of an attractive scent, nature suggests a genetically suitable partner.
Blush Not only in women, but also in many men, when communicating with an attractive partner, their cheeks turn red. This is one of the clearest signs of sexual interest. That's why blush was invented.
Dilated pupils Another symptom of erotic arousal. If the interlocutor has dilated pupils during communication, it is highly likely that he is interested in more intimate communication. But this sign can be caused by other reasons, it is rash to draw conclusions about a person's sympathy only on its basis.
Accidental touches If your friend or acquaintance is trying to hurt you as if by accident, most likely there is a desire to transfer friendship to a different plane. If a woman touches her hair, winds a lock on her finger, it means that the interlocutor is not indifferent to her. A man in a similar situation ruffles his hair with his hands.
Posture A straightened back and straightened shoulders in a man are a clear indicator of unequivocal interest: next to a pretty lady, every gentleman tries to take a dashing look. At the same time, he slightly protrudes his groin and makes barely noticeable movements with his hips towards the woman he likes. Ladies, too, in the presence of an attractive man, straighten their shoulders, as if showing their beautiful breasts.
Voice With a sexually attractive woman, a representative of the stronger sex of the unconscious person speaks in a lower voice, at a slow pace. In women, the voice, on the contrary, rises slightly, cooing intonations slip.

Gestures and facial expressions during a conversation in sympathetic people of different sexes are synchronized, they seem to "mirror" each other.

This property is used by professional seducers, specially adjusting to the gesticulation of the interlocutor and disposing him to himself.

At the mercy of emotions

Manifestations of sexual attraction in men can also depend on the emotional relationship to the object of passion. So, a man fiddling with a tie is interested in a close acquaintance with a lady, but is not sure about the reciprocity of feelings. The gradual reduction in distance during communication also speaks of erotic interest, but already with faith in success.

If a gentleman in a conversation spreads his arms to the sides or leans on the back of a chair, he wants to embrace the interlocutor.

But if he tries to increase the distance, crosses his legs, keeps his hands in his pockets, or rubs his ear, then the lady is not his type.

Do you want to know how to turn a man on in bed? We have collected the main recommendations

in this article

A woman may also show an emotionally charged erotic interest.

How does she do it:

  • He tries, as if by chance, to be close to the object of interest. This is how she shows that she hopes for a hug or even a kiss.
  • Takes a "sacrificial" pose: bending over and showing his neck or raising his arms so that the armpits are visible. This is an assessment of a man as a strong, dominant partner, and a desire to surrender to his power.
  • It can show a desire to seduce the gentleman you like by playing with a shoe or crossing your legs and swinging your feet.
  • Plays with curls and jewelry. It is a secret call for gentle touching.

An "accidentally" sleeping strap or a lace garter opened to the gentleman's eyes also speaks of a desire to "hunt" for an object of interest.

The sexual instinct is one of the most important in human nature, but do not forget that attraction and the subsequent connection are not a guarantee of not only fiery love, but even just tender feelings.

Relationships are based on the partners' ability to guess each other's desires. And sex is no exception. Your chosen one is a tireless lover, moreover, not devoid of charm, a sense of humor, etc. But do you know what he wants in bed?

The first desire is to see Of course, we lovely ladies also want to see. Moreover, we wish not only to watch, but to admire the partner: oblique fathoms in the shoulders, flat stomach, hawk eyes, white teeth, long fingers, strong-willed chin and - sheer nonsense! - growth of about two meters. But (and this is a distinctive feature of women) we are ready to forget about this trifle for a walk under the moonlight and a romantic conversation. And the man always wants to see. Our body, our reaction. Well, what is the difficulty?

The difficulty lies in the fact that for a man, visual stimulation is much more important than gentle touches and gentle words. Simply put, holding a second glance at the rounded hips covered with trousers, he mentally treated their owner with a cocktail, stroked her knee under the table, caught a taxi, opened the doors, took off her shoes, undressed her and made sure that naked she even more aroused. The whole novel ran before his eyes in one second! Naturally, the gentleman is already ablaze with passion. And the woman during this time only managed to thank him for the lit cigarette. She didn’t even think about sex. After all, she has a whole evening ahead of her, so that, after listening to erotic compliments, she has time to get aroused just by the time they are on the threshold of the bedroom.

Exit: Does a man think that there is nothing more exciting than the sight of a woman inflamed with passion? Does he want to have sex in the light? Does he need a waking porn movie? Let's not hinder his desire. Sit your loved one in a comfortable chair, pour a glass of wine (or whatever he likes), light candles and perform a strip dance. The conditions are the same as in strip clubs: he has the right to touch you only if you let him. Do not be lazy before that visit the courses where they teach belly dancing - they are now available in almost all fitness centers. This is good for health: it has been known for a long time that such dances have a very beneficial effect on a woman's sexuality. As a result, you have time to tune in to sex, and he has time to enjoy the erotic spectacle.

The second desire is to follow instinct A healthy man wants sex all the time. This is his biological need. Unlike us, the strong half does not have cyclical hormonal changes that help to "dump" the accumulated excitement, if it was not possible to remove it in another way. Therefore, a man needs sex like air. Otherwise, he is literally ready to climb the wall. Moreover, to bring it to a frenzy, you do not need to wait for years or months - just a few days is quite enough (it is known that in the Middle Ages, monks killed flesh around the clock, mercilessly scourging themselves). In short, when the question of sex is so acute, there is no time for love.

Difficulty: The fact of the matter is that we ourselves bring our partners to a state where they are no longer up to the outpouring of love. After several days of abstinence, the need for sex is so strong that there is not enough patience for long-term caresses, there is no strength to wait until we are “ready”. Everything happens rapidly: the woman does not even have time to feel anything, as everything is already over. She feels deceived, almost humiliated. The man is perplexed: is something wrong again?

There is only one way out: in order for sex to bring you only joy, you need to ... do it more often. First, a somewhat jaded loved one will be more patient and attentive. He, too, will have a need for a long love foreplay in order to be properly aroused. Secondly, both of you will soon develop a kind of reflex to these pleasant activities. Are you used to eating three times a day? So, most likely, you won't be doing well without dinner. So it is with sex. But most importantly, it is impossible to overdo it here: the more sex, the fewer calories!

The third desire is to take the initiative into your own hands. It seems that this is not at all typical for male psychology. But the fact remains. During the day, men play on the stock exchange, spend hours in traffic jams, and in the evening they want one thing - to rest. Not that they turned into amorphous creatures - they just became lethargic in sex.

Difficulty: Even feminists feel that the first intimate impulse must come from a man. It is he who takes full responsibility for sexual relations. And if the man is tired? He doesn't mind having sex, but he doesn't feel like playing a temperamental macho. “Let her do everything herself” - these are the thoughts hovering in his head. But the woman expects that the partner will take the initiative. It can drag on for days, weeks, months ...

Exit: take everything into your own hands! Maybe you will like the role of the queen so much that soon your partner will have to shake it up and make a "coup d'etat." We hope the revolutionary fervor in your bedroom never fades away.

The fourth desire is to please a woman At first glance, this desire is absolutely contrary to all of the above. Nothing like this! When you are hungry, you pounce on any food. But one has only to "kill the worm", as you want to add spices and sauces, taste not only hot, but also a delicious dessert. So are men. After they no longer have the problem to satisfy their sexual hunger by any means, to satisfy the “biological need”, the desire to please their partner automatically appears. In fairness, it should be noted that these good intentions do not always resonate with women.

Difficulty: A man who wants to give his beloved maximum pleasure often has to feel like a sapper in a minefield. Of course, he knows that every woman's sexuality needs to be discovered with her own key. But what is the difference between one and the other, "by eye" or telepathically, he, unfortunately, cannot determine. Therefore, he acts, focusing on what is pleasant to him, or on what the previous partners liked. A woman, on the other hand, firmly believes that a good lover will always understand himself how to give her true pleasure. When this does not happen, he is mentally or even aloud rewarded with the epithets "clumsy", "inattentive", "selfish." And if a man goes ahead to find out her sexual addictions, the woman will most likely refuse to answer - they say, it's too vulgar.

The way out suggests itself. Speak, shout, explain. Do not be afraid that your request is shocking or unpleasant. After all, in this age of sexual enlightenment, it is difficult to surprise someone with something. Surely he already practiced "something like that" or dreamed of trying. In addition, since you are under one blanket, he must now fulfill his program as much as possible - to give you unearthly pleasure. Indeed, in bed he does not need Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya at all, who will not reveal the secrets of her body even on pain of death, but a person who is extremely uninhibited.

The fifth desire is to be loved The potency of men is directly related to their emotional state. They also want warmth and constancy (even if they don't always admit it to themselves and to you).

Difficulty - and not one, but two at once. First: the representatives of the stronger sex share sex and love. Of course, they want to find the one and only. But at the same time, they are sure that the more partners there were in their lives and the richer the sexual experience, the better they realized themselves as men. Second: we women, for some reason, think that men are "thick-skinned" and they do not need romance, tenderness and affection at all. As a result, men who are healthy in all respects lose all interest in sex, realizing that they are attracted to women not as individuals, but as sexual objects. That is why lovers have a higher potency than those whose feelings are not affected. Yes, sometimes we want a man to become something like a steam iron of the latest model, on which you can adjust the temperature level and steam power at your own discretion. And if it is impossible to do this, then the entire male sex immediately receives the status of "lustful monkeys."

The exit is ridiculously trivial. Be very attentive and empathetic towards your partner! After all, femininity lies not only in seductive body shapes and impeccable taste in clothes and makeup, but also in the ability to give a loved one warmth and create an atmosphere of home comfort. It is known that emotional harmony will eventually lead to harmony in bed. It seems that in this aspiration, both men and women decided to unite.

Every woman wants to be loved and adored. When a man looks at his darling with delight - it's worth a lot. In order for personal life to develop harmoniously, both partners must be sexually satisfied. But at the dawn of a relationship, a woman does not always understand what a man wants from her. To understand, it is enough to carefully observe the young man and correctly assess his actions and words. If a man wants a woman, the signs will be quite eloquent.

How to recognize sympathy?

Psychologists identify a number of factors that may indicate that a man has more than just friendly feelings for a woman.

Does a man want a woman?

This question interests every girl at the beginning of a relationship. Of course, the most reliable evidence is an erection that has arisen, but it is not always possible to notice it. Therefore, it is worth looking for other ways to help determine the guy's desire. If a man wants a woman, signs such as the timbre of his voice or gestures will definitely give him away.

How to tell if a guy is horny?

Experts advise paying attention to a number of factors that indicate that a man is aroused.

Confidence of the "male"

If a man wants a woman, the signs cannot be hidden. Every young man tries to show his individuality in order to conquer the girl, but there are still common features. In the presence of his chosen one, a man can straighten his tie or belt and touch his face.

When he keeps his hands on his belt or hips - this is self-confidence and a subconscious call for sex. A man wants a woman to caress these places.

All thoughts are only about one thing ...

If a man wants a woman, the signs will "scream" about it. A young man can persistently call a girl home for some completely stupid reason: watch a movie, evaluate its renovation, or help him with the design of an apartment.

When a man thinks about sex, he can say vulgar phrases that sometimes even turn girls off. But it is worth accepting this, since at the moment he is completely focused on his feelings and desire to possess the chosen one.

Material side

Many girls often think about what are the signs that a man wants a woman. Signs can also relate to the material aspect. Having lunch in a cafe, a young man will definitely pay for his passion, and will not offer her to split the bill equally. This does not mean that the woman is obliged to spend the night with him, but the man hopes that she will appreciate his generosity.

Some secrets of male psychology

It has long been known that representatives of the stronger and weaker sex are different in nature. Therefore, women should not expect from men what they cannot give them. For a relationship to develop harmoniously, girls must take into account some of the characteristics of men.

Young people do not know how to violently show delight and admiration, they prefer to hide their emotions. Even the smallest compliment can be regarded as the highest praise. A woman is unlikely to hear words in excellent form.

Almost all men like to interrupt. They do this not on purpose and do not want to offend or belittle the interlocutor. This manner of communication occurs on a subconscious level. The man's brain is designed in such a way that he is looking for a solution. Therefore, while the girl expounds the essence of the question, he may already think over the answer and skip unnecessary, in his opinion, information.

When talking with a man, you must first state the main idea, and only then proceed to discuss the details.

Young people love to argue, but a woman shouldn't take it as a quarrel or disagreement. There is no need to prove anything to a man if the question is not fundamental. It is much wiser to agree with him and admit the correctness of his arguments.

When a tense situation arises, it is enough for a woman to touch the man and hug him to extinguish the quarrel. This behavior turns off logic and sets it up for emotion.

The most valuable thing is actions!

The behavior of a man who wants a woman is pretty predictable. He will look for meetings with her, call after dates, give flowers and gifts. You should not settle for an intimate relationship without making sure that the young man has serious intentions. If his feelings are sincere, he will definitely prove it with his actions and actions. And when a man needs one-time sex, he is unlikely to take a long time to look after and seek the attention of his passion. Women should remember this in order not to experience the bitter feeling of disappointment later.

At all times, the relationship between a man and a woman was not easy and resembled a kind of game.

So today - guys and girls are not used to talking directly about their feelings, intentions, just desires.

And this happens not only because it is not customary to talk about such things directly, but also for such a simple reason that men themselves are often not sure of what they want and what they feel. However, human psychology is such that gestures, looks, behavior can give out hidden thoughts.

Therefore, a sufficiently attentive and observant girl can always guess that the guy is not indifferent to her. And words are often completely unnecessary for this.

How to reliably understand that a man wants you. Especially if he does not show this in any way and does not speak about his hidden desires?

Simple signs will say everything for him!

There are simple actions that will definitely give out men's desires. Just do not confuse lust with falling in love - such a delusion often confuses women and girls.

If a man really wants a woman, this suggests that she attracted him with her sexuality, attractiveness, she attracts him and makes him dream, be in sweet fantasies.

But this does not mean at all that the man is in love, has some serious feelings and wants to be with this girl! Perhaps this will come in the future, but sexual lust often goes away after an intimate relationship.

However, a wise woman knows how to turn a man's desire right. And if you use your feminine power correctly, then you can achieve a lot from your beloved.

Of course, if you give yourself up to a man right away, then besides fleeting pleasure, you are unlikely to get anything. And if you show cunning and intelligence, then you can really tie him to yourself and build a good strong relationship.

But for this it is worth learning to recognize the signs that give out male desires. Let's figure out how to understand that a man really wants a woman?

  • She behaves differently with the young lady she attracts, as with the rest.
  • His gaze is literally attracted by a "magnet" to her.
  • He makes compliments, shows other signs of attention.
  • The man is clearly trying to look good when he meets.
  • He is looking for an excuse to gently touch, to be closer to smell a woman.
  • In the general company, this man tries to stand out from others.

There are many more signs, but these are the most obvious. They tell you unmistakably that your friend is clearly attracted. Let's consider each feature separately.

A special attitude is a sure sign!

When communicating with a man in a company, it is easy to notice if he sets you apart from the rest. Pay close attention to how he interacts with other members of your gender - his intonation, speech, expressions, his gestures, where his eyes look.

Therefore, compare these signs with the same, but in relation to you. If they are clearly different, you can draw conclusions.

Look at his gestures. As a rule, during a conversation, a man's hands are at the level of the abdomen or chest.

And when he talks to the woman he really wants, all his gestures will be concentrated in the pelvic area (if he is sitting). This is psychosomatics, and you cannot argue with it: gestures betray inner desires and thoughts.

Also, a man can make involuntary movements of his hips or knees, this happens very naturally and almost imperceptibly for him. And it is the surest sign that mentally he is already making passionate love with you.

The eyes will tell everything!

If a man looks at your lips, neck, chest, legs during a conversation, it is obvious that he wants you. Moreover, such views are often not intentional.

This is how the stronger sex works - his eyes are simply attracted by attractive parts of the female body, there is nothing to be done! So watch out for the eyes that have a lot to say!

This is especially noticeable if you are on the sidelines. When a man desperately wants a woman, he will glance at her every few seconds.

Being in a general company, step aside and try to observe. While he is busy with some of his own affairs or, for example, talking with someone, he will periodically cast glances in your direction.

If you work together, it is especially easy to notice: such a man from time to time will look at your legs, high-heeled shoes, chest. In a conversation about business or something abstract, he will not be focused enough, and it will be easy to understand from his eyes.

Signs of clear attention

In fact, it's not difficult to understand if a man wants you. He will not hide it much.

It is important for women not to show their sympathy and to be modest, mysterious, intrigue and make men suffer in ignorance. But the stronger sex is arranged differently - its representatives are usually very direct, open and persistent.

Most likely, a man will show signs of attention, because he does not just want a woman - he certainly thinks how to get her. And in order to achieve this, you need to persistently look after her, give nice gifts and flowers, say beautiful compliments, and so on.

Having sexual lust will cause him to choose special gifts and speak special words. It will be different from romantic youthful impulses, and certainly have a subtle sexual overtones. So you can reliably and accurately understand what is on the mind of the gentleman.

If he presented you with sexy lingerie, a negligee or a dressing gown - this is already an open offer, and not even a hint. But this rarely happens, more often a man who wants a woman gives her very cute trinkets - soft bears, cute jewelry, bouquets and sweets.

He suddenly became so beautiful ...

Every man understands perfectly well that in order for you to fall into his strong arms, he must be attractive.

So he suddenly changes - he puts on fresh shirts, he always smells good, and you can no longer remember when he was unshaven.

Appearance will give you a direct answer - if he always looks neat and fresh, going to a meeting with you, it is likely that he is attracted and hopes to get you.

Hands stretch like a magnet ...

For every man, the female body is an object of admiration. And if a man wants you, then first of all he will experience an irresistible desire to touch. Distinguishing simple, friendly touches from those with sexual connotations is easy.

If his touches are gentle, very light, often as if accidental, this is a clear sign of sexual desire.

It is also worth knowing the places to which men's hands reach. This place is slightly below the waist (a well-mannered man is unlikely to grab you by the buttocks, although he will certainly have such a desire), hair and neck, face, wrists, hips, knees, legs.

Also, men are always very aroused by the female smell. Therefore, you will be able to notice that a man seeks to smell you - to say something in his ear, while inhaling the smell of your hair, to kiss, to inhale the scent of perfume.

He's better than the rest!

If you are with your chosen man in a common company, and there are other representatives of his gender, then he will obviously try to be better than the rest.

Men by nature are leaders, conquerors, it is very important for them to be the first. So he will do his best to be much better than others in order to achieve your location.

In general, it will not be difficult for a woman to determine that a man wants her very much. Everything in him betrays this desire: the eyes become as if with a drag, the gaze wanders and cannot stop in front of your eyes, he is a little nervous, pays obvious attention and seems to be following you like a predatory animal.

Even the most modest and timid guy will not be able to hide his desire. It is too strong, and one way or another it will still be manifested.

How to use this knowledge is another matter. A woman is born to be admired, to be the object of lust and dreams.

But at the same time, it is worth remaining a woman - to behave with dignity and not vulgarly, not to forget about modesty and manners. Then the man will not only experience a strong sexual desire, but also want something much more ...

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Hello dear readers! Every girl likes it when men pay attention to her. We are especially interested in those young people who try to hide their sympathy. Everything secret attracts with triple power.

Today I will tell you how to understand that a man wants you. You will learn how to see through anyone, even if he carefully conceals his desire, and you will also understand how to properly dispose of new knowledge so as not to frighten off the gentleman.

Let it be important not now, but a harmonious union in the future without the right start is simply impossible. You know about this.


Every girl loves to manipulate the situation. We love to learn other people's secrets in advance.

I am skeptical about sign language, but there are ardent adherents of this theory, and therefore I consider it correct to talk about some of the manifestations, which are usually called evidence of desire.

It all starts with the eyes. If you often catch the eye of a certain man, this means that he is interested in you and is trying to evaluate his potential partner at a distance. While he is afraid to approach and think over a plan for further conquest, and also seeks confirmation that the bastion will sooner or later be taken. He is increasingly observing your behavior and literally cannot take his eyes off.

If, in the company of friends, a young man in love, as a rule, sits down in front of a girl with his legs wide apart, or, turning the toes of his shoes to her, he shows special attention and considers the woman as a sexual partner.

Then he goes on the offensive. In conversation, he can constantly touch his lips and even lick them. Usually this gesture is attributed to women, although representatives of both sexes use it. Observe men, you will definitely notice this gesture for a young man who likes you.

Increasingly, men grow a beard in order to invisibly attract the attention of a girl they like. Such people can twist their mustaches, looking at a woman, and thus show interest in her, even if they are married. Of course, all this happens unconsciously.

If you often notice that a man keeps his hands in his pockets when he talks to you, but at the same time his thumbs remain outside, then he wants you. Sexual desire can also protrude a thumb in a belt or in a pocket. Accidentally touching a watch, hair, or tie can also indicate an incipient desire.

There are many signs that will give out a man. You can learn more about sign language in Alan Pisa's book Sign Language in Love. Flirting signals and courtship basics, how to become more attractive to a man, finding the perfect partner, and much more. You will learn not only to understand body language, but also to use it competently for your own purposes.

Behavior in society

Now let's move on to more explicit metrics. They are more related to the world of psychology than the previous ones. As I said, I'm pretty skeptical about sign language. These indicators will give a clear indication of the desire of the young person.

First of all, a man who has an interest in a girl begins to distinguish her from the crowd. First with a glance, and then trying to communicate with her more and more often. He does not seem to notice those around him and even if he is distracted, he tries to restore contact and communicate with the girl again.

Over time, he will try to take her aside, to create a more intimate atmosphere, so that nothing interferes with the conversation. Perhaps he will even try to kiss her when he is sure that no one will see it.

If a young man often meets a girl who is interesting to him at work, then he tries to invite her on a date as soon as he is ready for it. In the meantime, you can be convinced of the desire of the future partner, noting his behavior in closed private rooms, for example, in an elevator.

In this case, he becomes more constricted, embarrassed or, on the contrary, too bold: he turns around completely, begins to devour you with his eyes.

By the way, if you like a colleague, I can recommend Stephanie Lousy's book How to Fall in Love with Anyone at Work. You will learn how to choose the right partner and make sure that personal relationships do not interfere with your career.

How to use the information

Men do not tend to hide their desire from a girl for a long time, so if he notices that you reciprocate, recognition and reaching a new level are not far off. What is the right way to behave in order for a miracle to happen?

It is very important not to frighten off the new gentleman with your own persistence. You run the risk of being tactless, as a result of which he will lose all interest. For men, unfortunately, this is a common thing. They want to conquer, they are interested in "complex" characters, and therefore, if a girl shows excessive immodesty, the chances of romance are reduced.

I can recommend you a very interesting book "The Language of Flirting and Seduction" by Louise Hay, which includes all methods, ranging from those used in antiquity to ultramodern ones based on new knowledge of psychology. It will be useful to read this, because you will be able to apply the methods not only now, but also in the future.

It is very important to wait until the moment when the man himself is ready to move to another, more frank level. So you will keep his interest and be able to be a real trophy for him, and not an eternal initiator who wants more and more and constantly asks, then live together, then a wedding, or something else. Men quickly get used to the girls' persistence and begin to resist, regardless of their own desires: "It doesn't matter how, but everything will definitely not be the way you want it."

Women like to rush things, but in the end they suffer, because each new step has to be done through a “I don’t want” men, a lot of discussions and a thousand tricks.

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