How to teach the colors of children: effective methods, interesting ideas and recommendations. How to teach a child to distinguish colors? Games and advice

For a long time I promise to write an article about how to teach a child to distinguish between the colors and about how we did it with Taisia. Judging by the number of questions that come to me, this topic is interested in many moms. This is not surprising, because knowledge of flowers is an integral part of the sensory development of the kid. Acquaintance with color significantly expands the ideas of a child about the world, allows him to classify all the surrounding items in another way - in color. In addition, the ability to distinguish colors opens a new reservoir for interesting educational games in front of a child.

When does a child begins to distinguish between colors?

Experts argue that for the child the world acquires paints for the first 3-4 months of life. Indeed, the child can pay attention to the contrasting drawings, it is not possible to react to rattles of different colors, but about the conscious separation of colors at this age, of course, to speak early. The ability to find a certain color among the others and even more so to call the colors appears at the kid much later not earlier than 1-1.5 years . Well, the exact deadlines depend solely on whether you will pay attention to the study of colors with the child.

Call the colors on time with the baby can already be up to the year, it will not harm from it. Well, after a year, you can enter special "color" games that will be discussed in this article. These games are suitable for kids for 2-3 years, which are still confused in the names of flowers.

Child readiness to memorize color names You can very just check. Playing, with cubes (designer, balls in a dry pool ...), take, for example, a red cube and ask the kid to find exactly same, same. If the child understood you and coped with the task, it can be argued that the colors he distinguishes and is ready to study their names.

Learn color during everyday games and walks

Generally speaking, I am convinced that in order to teach the child to distinguish between the basic colors, there is no big necessity in special occupations, it is enough to regularly call colors during your ordinary games. - Be sure to pronounce the colors of the pencils, build from cubes, designer or mosaic - also do not forget to remember the shades of the details. The same applies to dressing, walks, and other your favorite activities - in conversation constantly call the colors of the objects around you and game materials.

Just remember that "teach colors" is not at all that it is necessary to constantly examine the child "Tell me, what color is it," show, where red ", etc. A child, like any other person, does not like too much when he is satisfied with the test of knowledge, so at first just call the colors and answer your questions "Where is the yellow cube? Here it is!" "Let's draw the grass with a green pencil."

How to teach a child to distinguish colors? Games

In the "sorting" games from the child you need to divide objects into groups, focusing on their color, you are required constantly voice the names of flowers So that they postponed in the head of the baby. What can be sorted? Here are some game options:

    From any unnecessary box, you can make a color sorter, it is enough to puncture the box with colored paper and make a few slots. You can push in the slot to the details of mosaic, multicolored paper clips, buttons, etc. Our sorter is made of box from tea and mosaic details. Occur sometimes I. ready options.

  • We lay out on the floor toys and other small binding items and offer the baby to sort them on the boxes of the corresponding color. Instead of boxes, you can prepare a large sheet of paper with multicolored sections. Our game was much more dynamic when we distributed color sections between Taisia \u200b\u200band her favorite toy. For example, Tasya selected all the red items, and Masha doll is yellow.
  • We find mom-zea for each egg, focusing on the color.

All the testicles fold into the cropped plastic cup attached to the chicken.

Options for color sorting can be invent a huge amount, all of them are not listed here. You can lay out multicolored butterflies on flowers, fruits and vegetables in baskets, and multicolored animals to settle around houses ... By the way, in Pigs of games from readers There are still good.

2. Games from the series "Pick up a couple"

Games from the category "Pick up a couple" are well applicable and to study colors. You can select covers for houses, caps for gnomes or clowns, housing for multicolored men, etc.

You can try this version of the game: decompose in front of the baby in advance the wrong option and ask it to correct the errors.

3. Color lotto.

Games on the Lotto principle are becoming interesting to children about a year with a little. Of course, while the kids do not play for adult rules, but simply pick up the cards to the playing field with pictures.

In a color lotto on each playing field, only one color has pictures. (An example of a color lotto can Download here ). Therefore, to collect such a lotto, the child needs to select the cards of the specified color among the rest and correctly place them on the field.

In a more complicated version, you can simultaneously use 2-3 game fields, as well as learn to compare colored and black and white images, as in the game « Dwarfs and houses» (Ozon., My-Shop., Read.) From the School of Seven Dwarfs.

4. "Colored" days

This method of acquaintance with color is now very popular. It consists in the fact that within one day (and some even stretch this pleasure for a whole week) The child very often "comes out" on the same color, regularly hears his name and, accordingly, quickly remembers. So, on the day of red you with the baby you can dress in red clothes, find all the red toys and even eat red fruits and vegetables. Of course, all this time you will remind a child about what color is on your way. Here is an exemplary list of what you can do in the "Color" day:

    We look at along with the baby in advance selected toys studied color;

  • We put clothes of the appropriate tones;
  • We go around the apartment in search of toys and other objects of the studied color;
  • For a walk, finding the cars we need coloring;
  • Play with color;

  • We consider a book or card with pictures of the color we need ( download Example Cards);

  • We play in the lotto of the specified color (see Higher);
  • Include in the menu products of the studied color (for example, for red Day Suitable: berries, tomatoes, red apples, grenades; for green : grapes, green olives, salad, polka dots, green apples, podlock beans, kiwi, avocado; for yellow : banana, corn, yellow apples, lemon, oil, cheese, pineapple; for white : rice, cottage cheese, manna porridge, milk; for orange : Carrots, Apricot, Pumpkin, Orange)

5. Domana Cards "Colors"

To be honest, I believe that the study of flowers is the easiest and at the same time the most effective method, especially if we are not talking about too "running" tones. The household class requires minimum effort and time, and the colors are remembered almost guaranteed, especially if earlier the kid has already had experience in interaction with cards. Just remember, so that in the month of learned colors did not fly off the child from the head, their names are necessary fasten through other games (Sort by colors, play in lotto, etc.).

What else is important: learn only those shades that you yourself distinguish and the names of which you are really ready to use in your games and conversations. Do not get involved in sets like "100 colors" from "clever". What is the point of learning, for example, a purple shade, if having met him in life, you yourself will most likely call him violet. It only confuses the child.

My daughter and I got for the study of colors on cards in 1 year 4 months (by that time, Tasya had already knew and showed four main colors). According to the cards in a few days, we remembered another 14 colors (total in our arsenal was 18) and began to mention their names in their games. Those who are skeptical about the Domana technique, I can assure that Taisiya still did not forget any of the colors studied then!

Read more about the methods of Domana and about the principles of classes. "Colored" cards can Download here, and buy HERE.

6. Board games

After 2-2.5 years, you can use board games to secure knowledge about colors. Here, for example, a good option:

(Ozon., My-Shop.) and its analogue - game "Figures"I wrote about them before.

Educational cartoons

A good help in learning colors can be developing cartoons. Couple of cartoons on this topic:


Do not forget about books. In the poetic artistic form about the color you can read, for example, in the "Multicolored Book" Marshaca, or at Sheyev in the story "Rooster and paints" (as a rule, published in collections of SUYEEVA).

Each loving parent seeks to make the best and most valuable from what he himself. And if there are no problems with the choice of good and quality things for a child, the questions of pedagogy and education for many parents are important and urgent. This is especially true for those moms and dads who have become for the first time. Questions that interest them can be the most different, but they all are reduced to one: what and how to do to pass the kid necessary for him to know and teach it to some kind of skill. Consider some principles that are successfully applied by other parents for more than a dozen years, and let's try to figure out how to teach the child to distinguish colors.

The optimal age for learning a child to distinguish between colors from 2 to 5 years.

Principles of formation of color-perception functions by the child

Before studying the study of practical advice and techniques, parents need to become familiar with some features of the development of visual functions in children. This will help to enjoy the knowledge gained in the right way.

So, the ability of a child to focus on any facility appears at the age of 2-3 months. It is usually the first thing that the baby will learn to distinguish - the mother's chest. This is due to the fact that at this age the colorlikeness of the children's eye is configured in such a way that the child can clearly see the mother's nipple. The colors that it can distinguish between 2 to 6 months are in the wave range of a wide range: red, pink, brown. The ability to distinguish between the colors of a short wave, blue and green, it appears closer to the seventh month of life, and the full color perception is formed by the child to eight years.

Now that we know the basic principles of the formation of children's perception of the color palette, we can begin to study the recommendations and advice from more experienced parents.

  • Study from early years. Do not mean children's learning abilities. Even if the child still does not know how to say, it does not mean that he is not able to understand something or remember. If you regularly communicate with your baby and tell him what color, for example, his favorite rattle, it is definitely postponed in his head. And in the future, when he can consciously build various words, it will be easier for you to explain the difference between any other color;
  • Bind new knowledge to emotions. Human memory is arranged in such a way that we are best remembered pictures, bright images and emotions. No wonder because the person remembers not what you did for him, but what made him feel. Use this reception in teaching children. For example, start learning colors from your favorite fruit;
  • Practical use. New knowledge should immediately be used by the child. If you learned something new with the baby, try to make it so that it began to apply it in life. Lit red, it means, going to go outside, ask him to bring you my red jacket. The more often you encourage your child to apply what recently learned, the better it will be remembered;
  • Encourage the child to share what he learned with the surrounding. After you learned a new digit or color, let the baby call the grandfather or grandmother and tell about it. Very effectively, this principle works in a bunch with practical application. For example, Dad came from work in the evening and went to wash his hands before eating - let Kroch give him a yellow towel;
  • Speak by different phrases. Always say the color in a different context so that the child does not perceive it as one word: this is a red ball, the ball is red, this is a ball, it is red, etc.;
  • Give up diminishing words (cinema, red);
  • Board with shades - All salad, pink and blue shades are better left for later;
  • Do not start learning a new color until the child is ascending the previous one! (We start with the Red, and then get acquainted with yellow, green, blue).

Despite the fact that the speech in this article goes on how to teach the child to distinguish between the colors, the principles set out above are applicable not only for this. Using them, you can learn and letters, and numbers. Below we will look at several effective techniques that will help parents in teaching their children with a color palette.

Five methods

There is a huge number of all kinds of ways, using which you can teach a child for three years to distinguish six colors (red, blue, yellow, green, white and black), and more. But if you delve into their essence, then almost all of them are reduced to five simple pedagogical techniques. We will talk about them below.

  1. Informal learning. The essence of this method is to teach the child in the process of everyday communication. For example, on the road to the park or kindergarten, the baby is offered to consider green machines together, which will pass by him. Naturally, in front of this, the parent should show the crumb, what a green color looks like. The effectiveness of this method lies in the fact that the child is given complete freedom of action, no one limits him. He can do on the road everything he wants, most importantly, so as not to forget to consider green cars. By the way, the number of countable machines is also not important: ten went, and just two - well done!
  2. Creativity. At this stage, it will be necessary to take care that the child appears paints, pencils, markers or plasticine. Ask the crumb to choose the color that he likes the most, and tell me what is the color. Let it be blue. Offer baby together something to draw something, for example, a blue circle. Tell me that this is a blue ball with a lace, and if you do not draw it, the ball will fly into the sky. Ask Karapusa, what color should be a lace if the ball is blue. The same can be done with plasticine. We also read:
  3. Using toys. In specialized stores for children, a huge number of developing toys that help memorize numbers, letters and colors are sold. The most productive of them to memorize colors: pyramids from rings, puzzles and constructors.
  4. Interactive books. Their effectiveness lies in large colorful pictures that attract the attention of the child. As a rule, all sorts of tasks are offered in such guys, which is at the same time being involved in a fascinating game, develops a fine motorcy of his fingers and teaches the color palette. For example, in the book Anna Goncharova, the baby is offered to teach colors in a poetic form, and in the benefit of Oleces, the Zhukov Karapuz can draw directly in the book with their fingers.
  5. Scene games. Come up with simple games in which the child could use his feelings. For example, take two multi-colored balls and make the houses of the same colors for them. Houses can serve painted boxes or sand vessels. Put the balls into the appropriate houses. After all, get them out of there and tell the baby that they went for a walk. Suddenly, the wolf appears from somewhere and wants to eat balls. They urgently need to save! Tell the child that every ball need to quickly return to your house, otherwise they will eat their wolf. The essence of such a game is to cause emotions from the baby, empathy and sympathy. It activates additional brain departments and will help even better remember the desired colors.

The use of these techniques in their various variations will help achieve good results in the shortest possible time, but remember, each child is individual. All kids are developing in different ways, and to compare them with each other in no case. If it seems to you that your crumb is learned not as fast as other kids, do not panic and get upset.

Learning in the game

It is known that faster children learn during the game. Studying colors are no exception. Therefore, if you want to teach a child to distinguish between colors, we advise you to take advantage of the games.

  • Find color.At the initial stage of study, while the child can not yet name colors, you can invite it to find objects of a certain color according to the sample you shown. It is important first to choose the items of the same shade. To do this, you can use cubes, mosaic or designer details;
  • Spread on colors. To do this, you can use buttons or bright beads. In one box, offer the child to fold, for example, large blue buttons, and in another - small blue. If there are buttons of different shades of the same color, then you can ask the baby to lay them out in a row from the brightest to the darkest.
  • Confusion. For the game we will need multicolored handles. Adults remove caps from them and offer a child to help pick the desired caps to certain handles. During the game, you can intentionally choose the wrong cap - the baby will definitely correct you;
  • Cap.Make out of a multicolored cardboard caps and spread them in front of the child. Adult tells the poem: "Food, going to visit the horse in a yellow hat!" - At the same time, the child must choose the cap of the right color and put on his head;
  • Find extra.Among the four balls 3 should be the same color and 1 other. The child needs to find a ball that differs in color from others;
  • Cheerful beads. Make out of colored paper or cardboard circles of different color. Prepare the Bead template and offer the baby to fold its beads to the sample you suggested;
  • Spread balls correctly. An adult pouals multicolored balls on the floor and puts several boxes. In each of the boxes there is a ball of a certain color. Child needs to collect balls and fold them in the appropriate boxes.

In order for training to be successful, always comment on your actions, finish the game immediately as soon as the child shows the first signs of fatigue or loss of interest. And do not forget to praise the baby for every achievement, and then teach a child to distinguish between the colors will not work for you.

Toys to help children learning to distinguish colors

"Hooray. Rainbow". This game for children is 2-3 years old. The baby needs to be correctly, picking them up in color, decompose pictures on the rainbow.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

The game "Flower halves" is also intended for children for 2-3 years. It develops a holistic color perception. The child needs to choose the colors from the colors. You can download pictures on a color printer and cut them.

The video presents recommendations for teaching children from the CPR to distinguish colors. To do with the child at home can be quite successful and getting amazing results. Systematic creative classes have a beneficial effect on the development of attention, imagination, child's memory, shallow motility, thinking, speech, help to develop faster, catchy, and sometimes ahead of peers with which such classes were not conducted.

Mama on a notic!

Girls hello! Today I will tell you how I managed to come into shape, lose weight by 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of complete people. I hope the information will be useful for you!

There are a huge amount of information on the ways of studying colors with young children, as, in fact, the methods themselves. And it is absolutely no wonder! All guys are different. And what is suitable for one baby does not at all mean that it will also be effective for other children. Therefore, the techniques are a great set. And they all deserve attention.

All methods within one article, of course, is impossible to tell. Therefore, what is described below, it is both a small, but very popular sample from the entire presented manifold.

How to learn colors with a child and at what age it can be done fast?

In most cases, the readiness of kids to the study of colors is manifested between 1.5 to 3 years.

And before starting to learn from the crumb of basic colors, it is recommended to carry out a small but very simple test.

It is necessary to prepare "didactic materials" in advance - many objects are the same in shape and size, but different in color (buttons, elements of the designer, cubes, multicolored candies - dragee, etc.). Then the child is then proposed to disassemble these items into separate groups with one characteristic feature. If the baby is easily coping with the sorting of these items in a color sign, it means that he is ready to perceive and study the colors.

Methods of studying colors with preschool children

  • Method of Glen Domana

Glen Doman is a person, a well-known pedagogy in the world. The methods proposed by them on the comprehensive development of intelligence in preschool children are widely and massively used. The kids with whom are engaged in the Domana methodology, in most cases differ in intellectual development from peers who are not familiar with the School of Domana.

One of the directions of the methodology is the study of colors and shades.

The essence of the study is that the crumbs show colored cards, loud and clearly pronouncing the color names. No more than 2 seconds should be triggered to show one card. Every day, such "color" sessions should be about 10, until the kid does not begin to correctly call colors.

  • Methods Mary Montessori.

M. Montessori is a talented and successful teacher. The essence of its pedagogical system is that the child is categorically impossible to make anything. According to the Montessori system, the baby needs to be interested in such a way that he himself wants to learn something new. And for this, all learning is carried out in the form of the game.

Teacher's task is to watch your wards all the time, choosing the most successful moment for the lesson, the duration of which should be no more than three minutes.

To explore the M. Montessori method, you will need colorful plate or cards. The colors and shades should be as much as the crumb will not only learn, but also learn how to determine them on the basis of "darker - lighter" and "bright - lighter is the brightest."

During the classes, it is proposed to choose from pair items (cards, cubes, skiing) the same objects. And when the child is already learning the main colors, it is offered to distribute them along the colors and shades.

  • Method of Friedrich Frebel

Friedrich Wilhelm Fabef - German teacher of the 19th century. The first developed and implemented the idea of \u200b\u200bkindergarten. Just as in the Montessori system, the method of child development is based on a game in any form.

According to the method of fuse, it is necessary to study the color palette from infancy.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare multicolored monophonic balls or balls with a rope attached to each of them. The balls of the balls should be soft, and they themselves are a small form. An ideal option for Frebel is considered a ball associated with woolen threads.

During the game, the baby shows such a ball and called his shade.

The rope is needed so that the ball can be swinging in different directions with mandatory pronouncing loud direction of its movement: up and down, right and left, back and forth. Thus, besides color, the child learns the spatial characteristics.

Another exercise with these same balls allows you to acquaint a child with such concepts as a statement and denial. To do this, it is enough to lay a ball on the palm of your hand, and then hide into the fist, accompanying this simple "focus" comments "Here is the ball. And now it is not ", etc.

Get acquainted with the color of children's books

  • Olesya Zhukova, "Put with my fingers"

This book is designed for the smallest "artists". And you can draw right in it! In the book, many diverse drawing tasks: from simple - to complex. It is also extremely useful, because it gives the baby not only to spend time very fun, but also to practice a small motorcy, at the same time learn colors and their names.

  • Hinton Stef, "Colors + Stickers"

This book allows you to explore the most common colors in the game form. Interesting tasks are provided here: games, reading, sticker sticker. Cocking with this manual, the child learns to distinguish between the shape and shades. In addition, it is possible to get the skill of the very first reading.

  • Anna Goncharova, "Ena and Elya. We study colors »

In this kind book, study the color palette is offered in poetic form and in the form of interesting tasks, which, who, the child feels the resulting lesson better.

  • Feliciti Brooks, "My first words. Play and learn colors »

This is not so much an exciting and informative book for kids, how many great toy book. The book is invited to take part in the real children's adventure and conduct "scientific" experiments right on the pages of the book!

  • Cordier Severin, Badreddin Dolphin, "I will know the world. Colors"

On the pages of this book, the child gets acquainted not only with flowers, but with different shades. But, besides this, the book is also an excellent allowance for the development of the kid's speech, because there is a huge number of plot images that a child will be happy to discuss!

  • Anastasyan Satenik, "Learn Color and Account"

The book is designed for the smallest readers from the year. Talking on it, the baby will not only recognize the shades, but also will receive the skills of a simple account until 10. In this book, bright and entertaining illustrations, and all the tasks are presented in the form of a fascinating game.

Learning, playing

Since the best form of child learning is a game, then learn the color palette is best during the game. Forms and methods for this abound. Only the complete absence of fantasy in an adult can be restricted. Below are some simple examples about how to study with a child shades.

1. Multicolored walk

Very simple and exciting game! In order to start it enough to just go outside.

How to play?

  • Before you go to the street, select some one color with your child.
  • Coming out of the house, offer the baby to find and show you as many items as possible painted in the selected shade. Agree in advance how much exactly needs to find the items of the desired color so that the "round" is considered complete.
  • After "Round" is completed, repeat the game, but already with another tint.
  • In order to complicate the task and add excitement, play with a child for speed: who first unmistakably find the right number of items, the winner.

2. Missing Cube

In order to play this game, you will need 4 cubes, which, naturally, should be of different colors.

  • The first thing to be done is to start building a tower of existing cubes. In the process of this work, you must imperceptibly take a single cube nearby. And be sure to inform the child that the cubes became small. Ask the baby, what color was the missing item. If Kroch answered wrong, he voiced the correct name, the missing item returns "to the construction site", and everything is repeated until the child is annoyed.
  • To complicate the task, the number of cubes in the game increases, the colors become greater, and the cubes are disappeared in an amount of 2-3 pcs.

3. Build Tower

Before starting construction with the child, it is agreed that 2 towers from cubes or the designer of Lego different colors should be built - first one color, then the other.

During construction, it is required to deliberately take the detail of the "wrong" color. The child should notice this "error" and correct it.

4. We select the rope

A few balloons of different color are drawn on paper. It is proposed to determine the child that for the color of each ball and pick up (prick) to it the rope of the same color.

How to study colors with a child - to solve each parent! Methods and methods of studying a huge amount.

The main thing is to choose the faithful and effective way of studying with the baby.

We are surrounded by a huge number of colors, tones and shades. Therefore, teachers and parents must necessarily introduce the kid with the variety of the magical world of paints. It is necessary to know that the child's child independently is capable only to allocate the property of the object - the color, and teach it to play and do with colored rings, figures and poplars - the task of an adult.

The very first colors that the child stands out is red, yellow, blue and green, and only then all the others. Initially, the baby begins to perceive and memorize colors with the help of associations. Its memory stored groups of objects combined with common color. For example: Green - Grasshopper, herb; blue - sky, river; Yellow - Sun, chicken, dandelion. Parents should be remembered that the baby is always easier to build conclusions on the basis of one's own experience. If you, walking with the child, repeat it description of objects and phenomena (grass - green, sky - blue) and play with him in "Questions" ("What else is blue?"), It will not only easily remember the name of the colors, but And learn how to reflect on it. Also, the main attributes - paints and plasticine are indispensable to memorize colors, and the frequent use of them will accelerate the perception and memorization of the child as the main colors and others with which the baby, as a rule, meets much later, for example, gray, white, orange.

We study colors with the smallest

When the baby is born, at first he reacts to bright light and highlights only it. The color perception system matures to 3-4 months, but the color of the crumb is beginning from the first week of life.

At first, his attention attracted the items of the yellow gamma. Further, he begins to delay the look at the objects of orange-red gamma (3-4 months), and then begins to distinguish between blue and green (4-5 months), a slightly later purple (5-6 months). Color view formation is completed by crumbs to 4-5 years. It is then that it is worth paying attention to toys of such colors. You need to start learning from two colors, no more, best let it be red and yellow.

You will probably be surprised: what lessons can be here? The most ordinary. Through communication with an adult, a child can already receive useful information in infancy. And for its development it is very important, what the significance of the mother attaches to the knowledge of the world. Of course, there will be even a lot of time before the kid will start calling colors and group them, but we can assume that, showing the crumb toy and not forgetting to say what kind of color it, you have already begun to train it. It is known that the psyche of the child is very plastic, and at the age of 1 year, especially, so it is important to remember that while you give information, it is simply postponed in the head. The child grows, and when the brain will be ready for assimilation, memorization, and then - and to action with color, these processes will be much easier to pass, because attentive mom from the earliest age introduced his baby with the flowers of toys. When such a child is growing, most likely, they will say "grabs all the raid", and it will be an excellent result of your efforts.

We teach colors: 1-1.5 years

Your baby was 1 year old - a period started, which is called early, or walking childhood. The child is very active and is ready for new impressions, but his informative processes are still very imperfect. Playing with your favorite toys, the baby is able to allocate only one property of the subject - then he will like most; It can be a form or size. As for the color, then for the recognition of the item, it does not yet have any importance, and the baby will not be able to identify the toy on it. This should be considered when classes not overload a child with information. That is, you can continue to actively acquaint crook with color, carrying out the very "bookmark" of information, but now it will happen much more fun and rather will bring its fruits. After all, earlier the baby lay in the crib, Agukaal and only allowed you to describe the surrounding items. Now he himself takes an active part in the games, aboves colored pyramid rings, trying to build turrets from cubes.

It is also necessary to pay attention to drawing. At this age, the crumb fastens a pencil firmly in the palm of his palm, but the joy of drawing is manifested clean on the emotional level, because it is not capable of portraying something definite.

Learn Colors: 1.5-2 years

By 2 years, the formation of a color perception system as a separate feature of the subject, but not all children are able to allocate and understand it, but only those adult worked on whose development.

Continuing to repeat the colors of toys and other items that surround the baby, we can push the child to contact your thinking and memory: "Bring me, please, yellow cube, blue ball, a red bow, etc.".

The ability to draw drawing at this age is almost no different from the previous one, but here you can use the tendency of the child to the imitation: you can spend a line on a sheet with a color pencil so that the crumb will do the same thing - it will be his first steps to the visual creativity. This also includes drawing with fingers, colored crayons, and wide brushes can be greatly depicted blots and strokes, once again pronouncing, what kind of paint takes the baby.

At the age of 2 years, the entire arsenal of toys is actively used, with the help of which the color names can be fixed: Mom and the baby build a towers from cubes ("Let's put a red cube on blue"), collect a pyramid ("Give me, please, yellow ring") Or, drawing felt-faucers, pick up each felt-powder suitable cap cap.

Learn Colors: 2-3 years

With proper training on the third year of life, a child can distinguish all the basic colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Now you are opening up much more opportunities for learning and development. The baby will be included with interest in all the new games that you offer him, and from 3 years the game will be the leading activity of the child's life.

Now there are a large number of diverse games and toys that allow you to continue learning colors at this age. Since by 3 years, the child can already highlight such properties of the object as a form and color, the Dienes blocks are well suited for games for studying the colors at this age - this is a set of plastic geometric shapes that are combined by several signs, such as color, shape, the size. Playing with them, the baby learns to allocate the property of the subject, in this case the color, to summarize or separate the subject from others.

Also at this age it is necessary to pay attention to the ability of the child to classify by the dedicated sign. You can put 3-4 sheets of paper of different colors and the rotor - cut from the paper figurines of the same 3 or 4 colors from paper. Let the baby determine what sheets which figures are suitable in color. Similar games can be invented with other toys - cubes, pyramid rings, designer details, etc.

So, you can summarize how the child's thinking develops on the third year of life with respect to color perception:

color is perceived meaningful - as a separate sign of the subject;
The kid acquires the ability to classify colors on a specified sign.

Time of conducting

Classes with a child at this age is better to spend in the morning after breakfast in the interval between 8.30 to 9.30 hours or in the evening - from 16.00 to 17.00. In preschool institutions, teachers, carrying out classes with the group, try to adhere to the same time interval, because it is proved that it is at that time the kids are very active, their brain is more susceptible to information.

As for the duration of occupations, it is necessary to know that the younger than the child, the shorter will be a "lesson": it may even be a minute, and it is completely normal - these are the features of attention and perception of kids. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, its temperament. Children are fattened, too active even in preschool age can not focus on the fact that they are shown or what they are taught. If your baby is just like this, then the lesson will last as much as the focus of the crumbs. Naturally, when the child will grow, he will need to develop abatinity, otherwise it will constantly "turn in the clouds" and will not remember anything.

With calm, abypical kids will be made easier, and classes will be longer.

Classes with children

  • Up to 1 year 2-5 minutes.
  • From 1 to 2 years to 10 minutes.
  • From 2 to 3 years 10-20 minutes.

A child under 3 years old is extremely active in his actions: he himself plays with a pyramid, folds color cards, builds a tower from cubes. But independently he is not able to study the colors and understand how to play with color figures. Therefore, remember: it is very important that at that time an adult was near, told, explained, taught.

In games with color, as in any other, it is important to create a joyful mood in a child, then he will always work the Association that classes are fun and great. It will take this mood to learning activities when it goes to school.

In class, avoid diminishing words in relation to color. "Red" and "green" should be replaced with "red" and "green" so that the baby initially perceived and pronounced correctly.
If your child draws a pink wolf or a yellow sky, you should not forbid it: remember that the child expresses its emotional state.

You are engaged in the baby studying color every day, and today he has no mood, he caprizes, does not listen to you and runs away? Do not force it - try to play any other game, so as not to spoil your mood or to him: At this age, the children go on their feelings, and nothing will make them do if they do not want.

In addition to the main colors, do not forget to acquaint the child with other, found less often: Pink, gray, purple, otherwise the templates are firmly fastened in thinking of the baby, and pink color he can call red, and violet - blue, because they are similar, and the real name is the child does not know.

Educational games

  • Up to 1 year

Above the baby's bed must be sure to hang the suspension of colored rattles or mobile. It can also be toys that are fastened to the bedrs of the bed. Periodically change the toys and do not forget to call the color of the suspension. The baby is more quickly mastering what he sees and hears constantly.

Sewing a crumb, show him colored socks, hats, mittens and call their colors. Let the kid consider them and swells.

In half a year, the child is able to find a look at the subject of which you say: Show him a red ball, play with him, then ask: "And where is the red ball?"

By 9-10 months, the child independently finds the toy that you are hidden with it. Ask him to find, for example, a blue balloon. Do not forget to repeat what a ball he found, and praise the baby.

Closer to 1 year, the child knows how to collect a pyramid. Do it together and comment on how the ring should be put on, serve him rings, say what color they are. Ask to give you a green ring.

Without memorizing and memorization - so far simply for the purpose of familiarization - you can paint with paints (using a wide brush, apply on a sheet of smears and blots) and sculpt from plasticine, not forgetting to call colors.

  • 1-1.5 years

Color beloved toys. At this age, the baby already has a favorite toy. Describing their child in games, clarify what color they are: "Who is? Bear! Bear which? Brown…"; "Who's that? Frog. What a frog? Green ", etc.

Color lives in a book. Read and consider books with large images: the sun (yellow), frog (green), hare (white / gray), tuchka (blue), river (blue), teddy bear (brown), tomato (red), etc. Comment on the child everything you see. Constantly repeat the colors and ask the baby questions what color.

Colored balls. Show baby 2 small balls, plastic or rubber, such as yellow and blue. Play with the child, ride each other balls, show, compare: "This is a yellow ball, this is a blue ball." Repeat several times: "On, Sasha, a yellow ball. Give mom, give a yellow ball, and now give, please, blue, etc. ".

  • 1.5-2 years

Dominics and men. Cut large houses from color cardboard (let it be 5 red, yellow, blue, green and blue houses) and prepare small cardboard little men (silhouettes) for them. Ask a child to rinse the little men by houses, which is where it suits.

Rugs. Take the sheet of colored paper, in the middle of the stencil cut the range of medium sized. Sheet with a round hole stick to cardboard, separately glue a circle to have a solid base. Tell your child that this is a red rug, in which the mice missed the hole, but it can be closed. Show how it can be done. The circle will fit very well to the rug. Make several such "rugs" and "patches".

Magic bags.Sew 4-5 colors bags and cut the figures from double-sided cardboard. It can be asterisks or just geometric figures - circles, squares, triangles. Spread together with the baby figurines on the pages: red in red, yellow in yellow, green in green.

There is another version of this game. Yellow figures for a yellow bag Make in the form of small sun, blue - in the shape of clouds, red - apples, blue - asterisks. The baby will deliver great pleasure again and again pull out color figures and shove them back.

The poem about the rainbow will help you begin to learn the basic colors that the child will begin to use.


Rainbow in the sky of Spring Hanging,
Fun from the sky on the ground looked.
We smiled joyfully in response:
- Rainbow Rainbow, Peresvet color.
The rainbow in the sky is not long hung,
From the sky to the ground, he watched for a long time:
Melted ...
What did she leave everyone for memory?
Red poppies,
Yellow Sand,
Green burned
On the branch sheet.
Purple beetle
Heats Boca.
Blue splash
River in the coast.
Orange Sun.
Forest warrets.
And the Skvorta is blue ... Eyes.
(V. Stepanov)

Try to pronounce the names of the colors clearly and leisurely: there is nothing touching than to watch, like your baby, even recently so inconsistent, deliberates what you are talking!

2-3 years

Draw together.Draw a simple pencil sun, cloud, orange, let them be a big sizes - each figure on a separate album sheet. Ask a child that he sees what color Sunshine, ask to take a suitable pencil and paint it. If necessary, help the baby and do it together.

Color train. Take a large cube, for example, red (it can be a detail of a designer or a plastic cube). Tell your child that now you will build a train with him. The train consists of wagons. Looking for the rest of the cubes and put them on each other. The first major cube will be the "head" of the train, the rest - cars. In the same principle, combining figures or cubes in color, you can build towers and cities.

Multicolored city. For this game, you will need figurines of different shapes - square, triangular, rectangular, the devices are perfectly suitable. Build, for example, from green cubes fence, and behind it builds houses: small and large - red, blue and yellow. Do not forget to correlate the shapes in color - on the red house we put the red roof (triangular figurine), etc. Build colored houses with the child.

Riddles for children

One of the first assistants of children in the knowledge of the surrounding world will be riddles. They help develop memory - by systematic repetition, thinking - forcing the child to contact your own experience to find an answer, imagination, vocabulary. Well, if the answer will be, as it is called, "at hand": the mouse can be shown in the book, the frog is true, on the lake and so on.

Look in the book.
What do you see? - Mouse.
It happens white
But most often ... (gray)

Frog jumps on the swamp.
She is all the time on the hunt.
Farewell, mosquito unferty!
And the frog color ... (green)

From shell, from diaper
Little chicken got out.
Oh, funny what you are
OUR KOMICS ... (Yellow)

Grow out in the summer in the meadow.
I can rip it.
Take a flower home -
Belling ... (Blue)
(E. Duke)

Colors of rainbow

Training with the help of poems greatly facilitates understanding and expands the vocabulary of the child. Children listen poems with pleasure, they are easier to remember and postponed in the subconscious. For successful learning, it is necessary to know the individual features of your baby: some remember better when they see the color, object, wallpaper, other children can distract pictures. Watch your child, determine what is better for him.

The paints today are terribly tired:
Rainbow in the sky they painted.
Worked for a long time over rainbow paint,
The rainbow came out beautiful, as in a fairy tale.
All multicolored - here is the beauty!
You admire what colors:

Red radish has grown in bed,
Near the tomatoes - red guys.
Red tulips on the window are standing
Red banners behind the window are burning.

Orange Lisiece
All night carrots dream -
On the fox, the tail is similar:
Orange too.

Yellow sun looks on the ground,
Yellow sunflower behind the sun watches.
Yellow pears on branches hang.
Yellow leaves from trees fly.

We grow green onions
And green cucumbers
And outside the green meadow
And whitewash houses.
With a green roof every home
And it lives a cheerful gnome
In green trousers new
From the leaves of maples.

Blue eyes from my dolls,
And the sky over us is still pigeons.
It is blue, like thousands of eyes.
We look at the sky, and the sky is on us.

In the blue sea - island,
The path to the island is far away.
And the flower grows on it -
Blue-blue cornflower.

Purple violet tired of living in the forest.
I will break her and mom on the birthday of Birth.
With purple lilac she will live
On the table in a beautiful vase near the window.
(A. Wenger)

With successful learning by 2-3 years, the child knows and calls the main colors of the spectrum. Games with color not only will deliver joy and give a good mood, but also become an important component of the development of its cognitive system and sensory processes. So the parents can safely start the fun lessons of all colors of the rainbow!

Collecting education plays an important role in the development of the child. And not only because the baby is important to learn to distinguish colors, but also because from this moment the development of aesthetic perception begins. Although it seems to us quite simple, the children are not so easy to learn the necessary information. The cartoons of a very important channel will be helped here.

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Colored helicopters. We teach colors and figures. Developing cartoons for children.


In the cartoons of this developing channel, the main principle of any training is applied - submission of information in the game form. Watch online Cartoons "Fun Study Flowers" on our site will be interested in kids aged 2-4 years. Older children are usually interesting gaming rollers with a full-fledged story. A very important channel has collected a wide variety of cartoons devoted to the study of colors for kids. For example, children will probably become interested in funny cars of different colors, which go around the city, arrange races, etc. There are rollers in which the kids are taught not only to distinguish between colors, but also to collect in some parts - these are puzzles dedicated to cheerful machines of different colors. There are also cartoons in which other characters appear instead of machines - for example, a boat. Moreover, such videos are built on the principle of virtual coloring.