How to open a nail salon from scratch. How to open a manicure at home

What a novice master should know about the intricacies of the procedure for nail extension

Do not be fooled by the seeming
ease of performing the procedure for nail extension. As in any business that requires accuracy, professionalism and attention, there are subtleties here, which you simply cannot do without.

In order for the client to be satisfied with his long and beautiful nails, it is necessary to clearly fulfill all the requirements for the procedure for nail extension.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 96% of popular brands of shampoos contain components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are indicated on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG... These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to stop using the products in which this chemistry is located. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from the Mulsan Cosmetic company. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Personal hygiene requirements for nail extension

  • First of all, this is the strictest hygiene of nails and hands, both for the client and the master himself. Cleanliness of hands before starting the extension is the main key to success. As a rule, an artificial nail extended on the nail plate is there for three weeks, and in case of unscrupulous processing, an infectious process may occur, leading to very disastrous results.
  • The hands of the master and the client should be thoroughly washed with special detergents, and then treated with disinfectants. A characteristic feature of such agents is the effectiveness of action against dermatomycosis, hepatitis B, human immunodeficiency virus and other viral pathogens that pose a danger to human health. These means for quick disinfection include bacillol, sterillium, cutasept and others.
  • During the entire extension procedure, the master should have clean napkins at hand. After each client, the instrument must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.
  • The work table must be clean and tidy. All chemicals are required to have tight-fitting lids for their containers.
  • Lighting also plays an important role when working with clients' nails. The light should be bright and focused so that the master can quickly evaluate the results of his work.

So how do you start building your nails?

First of all, there are special courses where professional instructors will competently teach the technique of nail extension, reveal the main secrets, and also point out any mistakes.

Then, there are a huge number of video tutorials on nail extension. They very competently show what kind of material is recommended to use, and what nail extension techniques exist.

The most popular of them will need to be memorized or written down in order to recommend to the client on occasion.

Before starting work, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the types of materials that will be needed for work. Mainly you need to pay attention to acrylic, gel and silk. In this case, you need to know that the use of this or that material depends on what exactly the client wants.

Acrylic is used for the strength of nails, which remains intact even with fairly serious effects on the nails.

Gel nails are less durable., and may crack on impact. But the gel creates a color that is as close as possible to the natural color of the nail.

Silk is most often used for nail repair.... They cover a cracked nail, applying gel on top.

Extension of nails is carried out in the same way, regardless of the material used for this. In the process, either special forms placed under the nail or plastic tips are used. They are usually glued to the nail, used when the free edge of the nail is absent or with very fragile and thin nails.

Nail extension technique

Before starting the build-up, the upper fatty layer of the nail is removed with a coarse file. This is necessary in order for the artificial nail to anchor well. Then, with the help of special glue, tips are attached to the edges of the nails, on top of which gel or acrylic is applied.

In the case of nail extension without the help of tips, the material is applied directly to the nail. Acrylic hardens naturally, and gel nails are exposed to ultraviolet radiation using special lamps. After complete hardening, the nails are polished, giving them the required shape, and, at the request of the client, varnished.

Fast drying for nails

Equipment designed to accelerate the hardening of the material used in the extension of artificial nails belongs to the category of lamps for fast drying of nails. These lamps are designed to cure gel, acrylic and topcoats thanks to their conveniently built-in palm and foot rest. They significantly speed up the drying of the varnish thanks to the built-in fan, and the built-in timer allows you to adjust the glow time.

Due to their compactness, the lamps occupy a very small area of ​​the desktop. They have found their wide application both in large beauty salons and in private workshops. The lamps are very easy to use, and almost all of them are equipped with a cover that protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Every novice master needs to have an idea of ​​the most practical and common forms of the nail edge. Most often it is an oval, square, pipe, almond or stiletto. Each form is special in its own way, comfortable and beautiful. Of course, the master can only offer the form to his client, and she herself will have to choose, based on practical and aesthetic considerations.

An important aspect is the length of the extended nails. With longer nails, there is more room for the development of the master's imagination when performing artistic modeling or painting. However, not every woman can afford to have long nails due to her profession or work at home. First of all, she should be comfortable and comfortable.

Short nails show beauty and neatness, they are more practical for everyday activities. Therefore, the more active the client's daily activities, the shorter the length of the extended nail is chosen. The most optimal length is from two to five millimeters.

Caring for extended nails

Of course, every woman who has undergone the procedure of nail extension cannot wear them indefinitely, so she needs constant adjustment. Due to the fact that artificial nails are much denser than natural ones, during regrowth a fairly noticeable line appears between the first and the second. This deficiency is simply corrected during the correction process.

For this, there is a special modeling agent that is applied to the regrown part of the natural nail. Almost always, for correction, the same material is used from which the extended nail was previously made. The master should know that in the process of regrowth, a shift in the center of gravity in the artificial nail can occur, which will result in damage to the natural one. Therefore, the center of gravity must be returned to its original position during the correction process.

Video: how to care for extended nails?

What a novice master needs to know about nail extension

You need to know that it is not necessary to do a manicure before extending nails, since the cuticle should not be damaged. The best time for this procedure is three days before or after the build-up.

The varnish applied to artificial nails lasts much longer than natural ones. The reason is that the artificial turf is not able to release liquid, which leads to the delamination of the varnish. You can remove varnish from artificial nails using special products that do not contain acetone.

There are contraindications for nail extension

These include pregnancy, hormonal or antibiotic use, and diseases such as diabetes, bowel problems, and fungal nail diseases.

Tools and materials for nail extension

  1. Antiseptic for hand treatment (200ml)
  2. Nail files 80: 100 and 100: 180 (2 pcs.)
  3. ultraviolet lamp
  4. Encryption block
  5. Brushes for coating materials
  6. Tips
  7. Tip cutter
  8. Tips glue
  9. Forms for nail extension
  10. Brush for removing dust from the nail surface
  11. Tips glue
  12. Gel coating, acrylic, silk coating
  13. Manicure tools (scissors, bath, cuticle spatula,
  14. liquid, dissolving tips)
  15. Cuticle oil
  16. Materials for decorating nails

One of the most attractive options for earning money for girls and women is manicure at home as a business. We will tell you where to start, how to find clients and whether it is profitable to do such a business today. There are already quite a lot of beauty salons of various levels around. Is it worth trying to compete with them?

The attractiveness of this business lies precisely in the fact that its relevance is not lost and the need for well-groomed nails only increases. Even men and children apply for such a service, what can we say about thousands of women who want to look beautiful every day? And for a newbie in business, it is also important that a minimum of financial investments are required at the start and they pay off pretty quickly.

Benefits and perspectives

The main difference between manicure and other cosmetic services is that it has a low price. And if you start doing this at home, then the cost turns out to be much lower than in the salon. While maintaining the high quality of work, the foreman is able to create a large customer base in a short time.

Another convenient moment is the ability to provide services not only in your equipped office, but also to go home to the client. True, for the sake of payback, the cost for a manicure will be slightly higher than usual. Therefore, you can combine work in your own place and the field option.

If you are afraid that the business will turn out to be unprofitable, because many manicure rooms are already open around, then look at it from the other side. The number of potential customers does not decrease every day, but only increases. Moreover, their requirements are quite diverse. And if you find your narrow niche and specialization in this business, you can very easily conquer the market.

So, you can offer services:

  1. For men.
  2. Children.
  3. For women.
  4. Perform exclusive treatments.
  5. Apply progressive techniques.

Here you can download it for free as a sample.

Where to begin?

Some people think that if they can take good care of their nails, they can translate this ability into a profitable business. But this is a delusion. In order for a manicure at home as a business to become a truly high-quality service and be attractive to customers, you need to undergo specialized training.

At the same time, it is important to focus not only on the cost and duration of classes, but also on the level of professionalism. We offer these tips for choosing a school:

  • Manicure is taught for about a month or a little longer, but not for one week, in such a short period it is impossible to transfer all the required knowledge and skills.
  • Teachers pay attention not only to the beauty of the issued documents, but also to competent teaching.
  • The program includes a large number of practical lessons.
  • In the classroom, a variety of modern techniques are presented.
  • They also provide special thematic training materials or offer other courses and projects with the aim of your professional growth in the future.

Even after completing basic training, it is advisable to periodically attend such classes for your development and advanced training. So, you will be able to react in time to changes in this area and offer your customers something special.

Another issue that should be resolved before starting a nail business from scratch is the acquisition of experience and work skills. If you have just completed the training, you need to get your hands on it. And this can be done in several ways:

  1. Invite friends, relatives and neighbors for a free manicure or at the cost of the materials used.
  2. Try to work for a while in some beauty salon.

How to write a business plan?

To attract investment or simply open your own beauty parlor, you will need to write a business plan. It usually includes the following sections:

  • Indication of the place of your work - where exactly you are going to provide your services (at home, come to the client, open a separate salon). If this is a home service, then determine which room, balcony or area in the room will be reserved for the workplace. In cases of travel, it is required to indicate the geographical scope (within the city, microdistrict, region, etc.).
  • Schedule - the time spent on clients needs to be calculated somehow in order to display the total working hours, as well as ration your day.
  • Payment method - cash, credit cards, bank accounts or transfers, mobile acquiring.
  • The services you provide to your clients - hardware or manual manicure, pedicure, nail extension using various techniques, decorating the nail plate, medical procedures, etc.

You also need to first conduct a market analysis, find out the preferences of consumers, study the work of competitors, calculate all costs and their return on investment, think over the cost of your services, and much more. This is the only way to understand whether what you want to offer is beneficial. Let's describe the important details in more detail.


In order for your activity to be legal and correct, all documents should be drawn up. This will save you from problems with government agencies, and will also allow you to conclude formal contracts with suppliers of materials for continuous work at a high quality level.

This will require:

  1. Registration of a company or individual entrepreneur with the tax service.
  2. Premises lease agreement or documents confirming ownership.
  3. Conclusions from the sanitary-epidemiological station and the fire inspection.
  4. Permission from the city administration and Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. If you intend to sell related products to customers, then patents or trade permits are also required.
  6. An exact list of the services provided and an indication of their OKVED code (look in the column "and cosmetic services").
  7. Competently drawn up business plan.
  8. Maintenance contracts.
  9. Cash register and required documentation.
  10. Medical book for you and each employee hired, updated twice a year.
  11. Quality certificates for materials and products, without which you are prohibited from using them in your activities (provided by suppliers).

When creating a manicure room at home, you will have to equip a place in accordance with the requirements of the SES and a fire station, as well as transfer real estate from private to commercial. This is not easy, so you can make a patent for the provision of services or register as an individual entrepreneur.

It is important and correct to choose the option of a suitable taxation system. For the manicure business, simplified schemes (STS, patent and UTII) are considered the best. Thanks to this, you will be less likely to keep various accounting documents and pay low taxes.

In order not to have problems with the above authorities, it is required to bring the premises to the specified standards:

  • For the convenience of work, the desired area is about 7-10 sq. m.
  • There is a washbasin and a bathroom.
  • A sterilization area is allocated separately, where you will disinfect instruments and equipment.
  • No carpets.
  • Good ventilation.
  • The walls are lightly finished (panels or plaster).

Analyzing the market

For the success of any enterprise, experienced businessmen first assess the needs of future customers and take into account the activities of existing competitors in their niche. The detailed process is as follows:

  1. Data is collected about manicure masters - for this, ads are studied, similar salons are visited, personal sites and pages on the Internet are viewed.
  2. Next, you need to decide on the services offered. In order to quickly win your customers, it is advisable to choose something that others do not have. And for this you also need to conduct an analysis of competitors and see what they have.
  3. It is important to calculate the prices correctly. To do this, you need to find out how much a manicurist earns in similar conditions. By calculating the price range, you can intelligently vary the ratio of services offered, quality and range to value.
  4. Try to survey your future clientele for their preferences and wishes. To do this, you can talk with friends and acquaintances, as well as create a special survey on the Internet (on your personal page, on social networks, etc.). So, you will find out what it is desirable to strive for in order to find many clients.
  5. Do not forget to evaluate advertising steps from the same competitors. Their marketing approach can be useful to you, or suggest some good idea.
  6. If you study this issue as closely as possible, then the main problems and difficulties in the manicure business are already visible in advance. Therefore, you will be able to think over the ways to solve them in advance.

Start-up capital

Of course, to start your own business, it is not enough just knowledge, skills and abilities. Even having a ready-made client base will not help if you do not have the funds to implement such an undertaking. They can be found in different ways:

  • collect all your savings;
  • ask for a loan from friends;
  • take a loan from a bank;
  • find investors;
  • receive a subsidy from the state through the Employment Center.

Financial expenses

Let's try to decide what is needed to do a manicure at a professional level. To begin with, these will be preliminary expenses.

In or at home in the work area, there must be certain furniture and special equipment.

Name Amount (c.u.)
1. Table 20
2. Two armchairs 150
3. Bedside table or small cabinet for storing tools 50
4. Comfortable hand cushions with spare covers 4
5. Special stand for pedicure 100
6. Magnifying glass table lamp 60
7. Small hood 20
8. UV sterilizer 30
9. Lamp for drying or extending nails 15
Total: 449

In the business of manicure, tools are also important. In addition to the fact that they must always be sterile, the accuracy of your work largely depends on their quality. Therefore, here you should not rely on cheap Chinese counterparts, but immediately purchase professional devices.

And on an ongoing basis, it will periodically need to purchase consumables, with the help of which manicure is done, nails are decorated and various designs are carried out. This may also include medications, nail and hand skin care products, etc. It all depends on what kind of services you provide. It is important that their cost and quality match the level of your business.

Consumable material Amount (c.u.)
1. Antibacterial liquid soap 4
2. Antiseptic in the dispenser 6
3. Disinfectant for equipment and tools 5
4. Blood arrest drugs 5
5. Special liquid for easy cuticle removal 7
6. Hand Soak Solutions 5
7. Special degreaser 4
8. Varnishes, base, topcoat 100
9. A set of materials used for nail extension 60
10. Hand care products 20
11. Nail polish remover 3
12. Cotton pads 1
13. Disposable gloves 5
14. Medical mask 1
15. Paper towels 1
16. Lint-free wipes 6
17. Design material (sequins, rhinestones, velvet, jewelry, powder) 85
Total: 318

In total, in total, you will need about 1140 USD. e. (approximately 64,923 rubles). But a lot depends on the availability of the tools that you have initially (you may not have to purchase something again), as well as on the training stage passed. Additional suggested procedures will affect the list of required equipment.


To estimate how long your initial investment will pay off, you need to do a simple calculation. The amount that consists of all costs is usually evenly divided over six months.

  1. Wasted material.
  2. Communal payments.
  3. Mobile communication.
  4. Advertising.
  5. Travel costs if you have a manicure at a client's home.
  6. Payment for the delivery of goods.
  7. Taxes.
  8. And also calculate your time spent on the work itself and evaluate it within the desired limits.

These figures are the cost of the service. To win and make a profit, you need to double this amount. As a result, you will see how many costs are released per month and the expected income at the same time. After performing simple mathematical calculations, you can estimate how long it will take to get the money back.

But a lot will also depend on the number of your clients. To attract them as much as possible, you should use all available resources:

  • Acquaintances, friends, relatives, neighbors.
  • Post ads in the media.
  • Use the Internet - advertising platforms, social networks, blogs, create a business card website, etc.

But remember that getting clients for a manicure is only half the battle. It is also important what quality of service you provide. With good results, people will constantly return and advise the master they like to all their acquaintances.

Promoting your business is a separate skill. To do this, you will have to constantly monitor new trends, fashion, periodically take advanced training courses or expand skills, learn something new.

Maintaining a website or blog on the relevant topic, a ready-made portfolio of successful works, creating a group on social networks will help to quickly attract many potential customers.

Sometimes various promotions, discounts and bonuses for, for example, a holiday, become a good marketing ploy. Use other methods of advertising and promotion as well. All this is necessary for the successful expansion of the client base. And when the influx becomes such that you will no longer be able to cope on your own, you can hire staff and open your own salon.

Video: where to start a manicure master?

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Extension of nails is a popular manicure procedure that allows you not only to improve the appearance of nails, but also to change their shape, increase the length and even correct some significant defects. Various technologies and materials are used for nail extension (for example, gel or acrylic). The extended nails will always be relevant, stylists say. Fashion changes in length, shape and color, but beautiful and well-groomed nails always remain in trend.

In addition, the so-called shellac manicure is now especially popular, which is performed by applying the coating of the same name to the nails. It has all the benefits of nail polish and modeling gel. This product gives nails extra strength, is much more durable than regular polish, and is easy to remove. When removing shellac, there is no need to injure your own nail plate, as when building. Shellac contains no harmful chemicals, so a manicure done with it does not cause allergies or skin irritation. The color scheme of this coating is as varied as that of conventional nail polishes, and the procedure for its application does not take long. Manicure and pedicure with shellac, as with ordinary varnish, can be done on your own at home, but for this you will have to buy additional equipment and consumables, so most people prefer to apply for such services to masters who already have everything they need and a lot of experience work.

Is it possible to make money on the provision of services for nail extension and covering them with shellac without a large investment? In general, the profitability of such a business is quite high. Consumables are relatively inexpensive, and the services of a manicure and pedicure master in beauty salons are quite expensive. However, if you consider the provision of such services not just as additional income, but as a full-fledged business, you will need a certain start-up capital.

Choosing courses on nail extension

First of all, money will be required for training. Finding courses in manicure, pedicure and nail extension in your city will not be difficult. The choice is almost limitless. Such services are offered by various beauty studios, courses at vocational training centers, training centers, image institutes, beauty academies and other organizations with different teaching levels, training periods and the widest range of prices. What to look for when choosing manicure and nail extension courses so as not to regret wasted time and money? Experts advise to start by collecting different feedback from people who have already completed such training. You can find such reviews on local forums, where people actively share their impressions, praise and criticize various masters and courses. Blindly trusting reviews, both good and bad, is also not worth it. Opinions about the same organization can be diametrically opposed. Do not forget that many companies actively use the Internet to advertise themselves and their services, or to remove competitors. Therefore, many reviews may not be true.

Nevertheless, as a result of such viewing of the forums, you will receive data on what offers are in your regional market for the services you are interested in. Finding their sites with addresses, phone numbers and information about the services provided will not be difficult. Many sites provide training programs. You should pay special attention to them. The program should include theoretical lessons on manicure and pedicure, as well as practice. The theoretical part includes an overview of manicure technologies, the basics of sanitation, dermatology, and nail physiology. Do not neglect the theory. Some courses proudly call themselves "short-term" and promise their students to learn all the intricacies of nail extension and manicure in a matter of days and a very modest amount. Moreover, their program includes only practical exercises, without any theory. Do not trust tempting promises and try to save money. After graduating from such training, you will not become good specialists. Find out who conducts training in the courses you are interested in, what education and experience these masters have, whether they take part in various competitions and with what result, how often they themselves improve their qualifications.

Ready-made ideas for your business

It is only at first glance that nail extension, manicure and pedicure seem to be a simple matter that you can learn in a short time and work for your own pleasure. Technologies in the beauty industry are developing at least as fast as in other areas. In addition, changing fashions have an impact. A good specialist should always be aware of the latest trends and constantly improve the quality of his work. By the way, this also applies to you when you yourself begin to provide such services. Good craftsmen invest a large part of their profits in training and improving their skills. Be sure to find out if the cost of consumables is included in the price of the courses or if you will have to pay for them separately.

Finally, figure out how many people will be in the group where the recruitment is currently going. The more students, the less opportunities the master has to pay enough attention to each of them. Accordingly, the quality of education also changes. The optimal number of people in a training group is 6-8. Less recruiting is unprofitable for course organizers, and more is inconvenient for students. It is also worth checking how many years the school or the courses you are considering has been in operation. The longer the better, although this criterion is still not decisive. Often, young masters who are constantly improving their qualifications, who open their own courses, give much more knowledge than “old-timers” who read the program according to the knurled one and do not make any changes to it taking into account the time.

Whether it is worth paying attention to the arrangement and interior of the classrooms where the training is conducted is up to you. Most likely, this criterion cannot be decisive, because it does not in any way indicate the level of education. On the other hand, a class with a luxurious interior in the city center is another plus of several thousand rubles to the cost of education. But what document you will receive at the end of the course is the most important question that should interest you. If you are going to professionally practice manicure, then choose only those courses where they issue a diploma (certificate or certificate) of the state sample.

Some continuing education institutions also offer their graduates a job opportunity after completing their courses. This is a good option if you are not in a hurry to immediately open your "private practice", but want to gain experience first, so as not to experiment on your clients, but to work under the guidance of a more experienced master. Finally, you can go to the educational institution of interest to you as a model and independently assess how well the teachers teach their students.

Opening your own manicure and pedicure cabinet

Ready-made ideas for your business

So, you have chosen courses and completed training, received a document of the established sample, and you even have experience in a new specialty. Now you can think about starting your own business. First, decide on your specialization. The market for such services is oversaturated: training is relatively inexpensive, expensive equipment is not required, and the number of people who are trying to make money on extensions and manicure increases significantly every year. You can select and use only one material for the job. For example, acrylic. This material is cheap, easy to handle, and versatile. But nevertheless, the most preferable is a master who can work with all materials at once.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Gel nails maintain a perfectly smooth surface for a long time, shine and do not turn yellow. In the process of building, the gel does not dry in air, it fits well on the nail plate and spreads evenly over it. Gel polish hardens under an ultraviolet lamp, so it takes longer to work with it than with acrylic. But this material has its drawbacks. Gel is more fragile in structure than acrylic. It is possible to remove the gel from the nail only mechanically, that is, by cutting, which leads to a thinning of the nail. When correcting nails, they are completely replaced. You cannot remove gel nails on your own at home. This is both a disadvantage and an advantage, depending on which side you look from - the client, who in any case has to go to the extension master to correct the regrown nails and pay money again, or the master, who receives additional profit from one and the same client.

Acrylic, unlike gel, is duller and has a matte rather than glossy sheen. Acrylic nails can turn yellow over time. To avoid this, at the end of the procedure, a special gel-based composition is applied to the nails. The good thing about acrylic is that it offers more options for creating different designs. For example, three-dimensional drawings, which are quite popular among clients, can only be done with this material. Acrylic is much more durable than gel, but varnish cannot be removed from acrylic nails with a liquid containing acetone, since the latter dissolves acrylic. When correcting extended nails, acrylic is removed with a special solution, so there is no need to contact a specialist to remove them. But acrylic has one significant drawback. If at first you are going to work from home or rent a place in a beauty salon, then you need to keep in mind that acrylic has a very strong smell.

After you have decided on the presence or absence of specialization in your activity, consider where you will receive clients. There are three options for work: work at home, rent a place in the salon, or open your own office. We do not consider the ability to go home to a client as the equipment that is necessary for building up is rather bulky. In addition, for the convenience of work, you will need special furniture, which you cannot carry with you either.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The first option - working from home (at home) seems to be the most attractive. The master sits at home, does not waste time on the way to the salon and back, does not pay rent for a place, can receive clients at almost any, even the most inopportune time. But keep in mind that working from home is illegal! This is a direct violation of the rules and requirements of almost all regulatory bodies, including SES and firefighters, as well as service companies (Energosbyt, Vodokanal, housing and communal services). Are you still willing to take risks and work illegally? Then you should make friends with your neighbors. It is unlikely that it will be possible to hide from them the increase in the number of your "guests" and the purpose of their visits. Your nearest neighbors in the stairwell may not like this. The unpleasant smells of the materials you use can cause even more discontent. After their first complaint, you will have to prove that you are not engaged in illegal business activities at home and do not bully your neighbors at home. It is difficult to maintain sterility and hygiene at home. Do not forget that you will need special means for disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning, as well as sterilization machines for manicure and pedicure. Finally, when accepting clients at home, you should not count on a large flow and significant profit. People are ready to go to a master at home only if they want to save money. Most clients will prefer to go to a legal beauty salon or nail art studio to be sure of the good quality of the master's work and in compliance with all safety rules.

If you are going to open your own salon, then be prepared to invest a lot in it. We will not dwell on this option in more detail. We will only mention the SES requirements that apply to such facilities. Offices - cosmetic, pedicure, massage, solarium, piercing, tattooing - should be located in separate rooms. It is allowed to combine in one isolated office when combining the performance of manicure and pedicure services, provided that one workplace of the manicure-pedicure master is organized. Pedicure rooms should have at least two foot baths with hot and cold water supply and a separate sink for hand washing. One bath with disposable liners is allowed. Hairdressers should have ancillary, auxiliary and household premises (dressing rooms, rest and dining rooms, bathrooms, storerooms), as well as premises or space for storing equipment, garbage and cut hair. It is allowed to combine a dining room with a dressing room for staff if the number of workers per shift is less than ten people, as well as a combination of a lobby with a cloakroom for visitors and a waiting room.

The room for the operation of tanning salons must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical induction, providing three to four air changes per hour. In the case of installing models equipped with their own ventilation system, it is allowed to organize a natural flow of air into the room. Public utilities organizations that provide hairdressing and beauty services should be equipped with centralized water supply systems, including hot water supply, and sewerage systems.

The composition and area of ​​premises for hairdressing salons, cosmetic, manicure, pedicure and massage rooms, tanning salons (the requirements for the area of ​​premises were canceled by the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2014 N 4). Manicure room 4.5 m², pedicure room 4.5 m², nail extension room 6.0 m². A room or place for organizing disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments at least 6 m². Room for rest and eating 1.5 m² for 1 person, but not less than 6 m² in hairdressing salons for up to 5 workplaces. Above - for each employee at least 1.5 m². In this case, it is allowed to combine in one room: a room for visitors: a waiting room, a cloakroom for visitors, an administrator's office; manicure room, pedicure room, nail extension room; utility pantries, premises for storing disinfectants, detergents, premises for organizing disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments.

Please note: if you combine premises, then their total area must be at least 9 sq. meters. Forms of work logs kept in a beauty salon: a log of control of the operation of air sterilizers, steam (autoclave) form No. 257 / y, a log of the quality of pre-sterilization treatment No. 366 / y, a log of general cleaning, a log of control of the concentration of working solutions of disinfectants, a log of registration and control of an ultraviolet bactericidal installation, a logbook for recording the receipt and consumption of disinfectants for disinfection measures at facilities.

The best option for a novice nail extension master is renting a room in an already open beauty salon. In this case, you will have to pay rent, but then you will be able to work completely legally, immediately get a clientele (visitors to the beauty salon) and, most importantly, see the work of the beauty salon from the inside, which will help in the future to avoid many mistakes when opening your own salon. The cost of renting a manicure room directly depends on its location. It is best if the salon is located in a large bedroom area close to various recreational and shopping areas (for example, a shopping and entertainment center).

Also, the price is determined by the condition of the premises. Of course, a well-renovated premise will cost more. You can try to save money and rent a room that needs repair. The choice here depends on you, but still investing in the renovation of premises that do not belong to you is still not the best option. Better to spend a little more on rent and choose a well-renovated space where you can immediately receive clients. When choosing a room for a manicure room, correctly calculate the required area. One manicure master needs about 7-10 sq. meters of the total area. You will also need a separate, isolated area for the utility room.

When the premises are found, you can start searching and purchasing equipment and supplies for manicure. It is most profitable to make furniture to order, and for equipment and consumables, contact the wholesale companies. Here the decisive question is the manufacturer and the price. The minimum set of equipment for a manicure room includes a compact and convenient manicure table with drawers for storing everything you need, a lamp for building, comfortable chairs for clients, and pedicure stools. Consumables include a variety of nail polishes, hand creams, nail tips, acrylics, decorative stickers, and more.

As we already mentioned, experts only advise starting your own nail extension business if you already have experience in the industry. If you have previously worked in a salon and accept in the same area, then most likely you will have clients for the first time working for yourself. But you still can't do without investments in advertising. You shouldn't invest in developing your own website, as some professionals advise. A site named is really necessary for a master with a name, but a beginner specialist can do without it. Create your own social media pages where you can post photos of your work and answer questions from potential clients.

Do not forget about business cards with your contacts, which you can give to your first clients or distribute as flyers. Of course, the best advertising in the world is word of mouth. Take care of your reputation, constantly improve the quality of your work, use only the best materials, fulfill your obligations to clients, and they will definitely advise you to their friends and acquaintances.

To open your own business for nail extension, you will need from 300-400 thousand rubles. This money will be spent on training, purchase of supplies and equipment, as well as renting a workplace in a beauty salon. By itself, this business does not have a pronounced seasonal nature. But on the eve of various holidays, the demand for such services increases significantly. In addition, long-lasting nail extension and manicure services are especially in demand in spring and summer (light dresses with bare shoulders and sandals focus on the hands and nails, so they must be well-groomed). The main risk factor in this business is the ever-growing competition. Many craftsmen work illegally and, saving money on rent, dumping, enticing clients and causing a general decline in prices in the market for such services.

To succeed, experts advise beginners in this business to adhere to the following rules. Do not forget that daily practice must be able to combine with theory. You evaluate your work and the proposed designs more critically, this will give you motivation to develop your skills, to receive specialized education in the field of technology and nail design. These investments will pay off handsomely.

Nail extension work is rather monotonous and routine. So that soon you will not get tired of your work, bring creativity to it. Do not copy an infinite number of times a limited selection of designs - come up with new ones, inspired by the work of world famous masters of manicure and pedicure. Do not forget that your work is not only and not so much a hobby as your business, a source of your income. Starting to work for yourself, you stop being just a master, you become an entrepreneur who must plan and budget your income and expenses, be a marketer and advertiser in order to sell your services, a buyer, an accountant, and in the future, quite possibly, a manager. Accordingly, it is necessary to master these roles, which are still new for you.

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Beauty services are a business that every second girl dreams of. But entering an entrepreneurial environment is accompanied by high capital investment and complex organizational issues. This is not available to every lady. In light of these circumstances, starting your own business from a small nail salon, organized right in the apartment, is an ideal solution. Home manicure, as a business, does not require large investments and rental costs. Where to start a business and how to achieve success - he will tell you a detailed business plan.

Business registration

If we are talking about a manicure business at home, then no permits will be required. For particularly fastidious clients, you can attend to the registration of an individual entrepreneur and the registration of a medical book.

The IP form imposes some obligations on the entrepreneur, in particular, he will have to report to the tax service in accordance with the chosen form of taxation. If the owner of a home nail salon still prefers to issue an individual entrepreneur for pretentious clients, then it is more profitable to apply for a patent, since it does not require drawing up reports and paying additional taxes.

Room selection

You can skip this point of the business plan, since the home nail salon will not require a separately rented space for any purpose. It is enough to have 2-3 free squares in your own apartment. The workplace should have a neat appearance, this rule applies to the entire apartment, the clutter risks scaring away customers.

Another option is a home visit to the client. For mobility, a manicurist just needs to purchase a stylish suitcase that can hold materials and tools.


Before starting a home nail business, you need to purchase some equipment and supplies. You will need:

  • tools (tweezers, buffs, files, spatulas, etc.);
  • equipment (UV lamps, LED lamp for drying gel polish, sterilizer);
  • consumables and care products (forms for nails, varnishes, gel varnishes, liquids for their removal, hand and nail care products);
  • furniture (table and chairs). This item can be omitted if suitable comfortable furniture is available in the house, or the foreman plans to work on call.


How to start a home nail business? Experts advise to start with education and experience. Training in nail service courses is just the basics; to provide more services, you will have to constantly improve, improve your skills by going through master classes. As a result, a home nail salon should include the following assortment:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • extension of the nail plate;
  • coating with gel polish.

In addition, a home salon should provide related services - removal of extended nails, correction, design, and so on. Some clients may be interested in hand and nail care services - scrubbing and baths. It is important to follow current trends in the field of beauty services, to offer clients fashionable novelties.


When forming a price list, you should be guided by the average market prices. Premium-level specialists have the right to offer services at a higher price, novice craftsmen or those with few clients are forced to dump. As you gain experience and a constant circle of clients, the cost of services can be carefully raised.


Manicure at home, as a business, requires only one employee - an entrepreneur and a manicurist rolled into one. The master is required to have the appropriate appearance, special attention to the hands. A perfect manicure will serve as additional advertising and convince the client of the specialist's professionalism.

A good manicurist should be polite and sociable. The skills of a psychologist will help in this business, since clients at a manicure prefer to share personal problems.

In confirmation of the professionalism of the master, it is recommended to take specialized courses and master classes. Periodic professional development will require additional costs, but will quickly pay off. Diplomas and certificates that are present on the wall behind the master's back are a plus to the reputation of a manicure salon at home.

Advertising and customer acquisition

In this business, the main thing is to build up a customer base. In order to expand the circle of clients for free or at minimal cost, home manicure masters use the following methods:

  • You can invite girls for a free manicure and use photos of finished works for your portfolio. If the manicure is of high quality, then the free client will return for a paid service. A portfolio is useful for a catalog or for advertising on the Internet.
  • Popularization of social media gives opportunities for free promotion of the services of a manicure salon at home. A group or public with photographs of finished works (necessarily copyrighted, not someone else's) can attract many clients. Especially if you ask friends and acquaintances to distribute publications among their circles in social networks.
  • Small investments will require the creation of business cards or flyers. Ready-made printing can be left in the mailboxes of neighboring houses, at information stands. Flyers or leaflets should be distributed near the nearest shopping center.
  • Clients will be attracted by the system of discounts and promotions. At first, you can guarantee a free manicure for a brought friend and other tricks.

Costs and profits

The main costs for organizing a nail business at home are the purchase of equipment and materials.

Table. Capital investments

As already mentioned, it is possible to reduce costs by using comfortable home furniture, if available. Saving on consumables and equipment is highly discouraged, as this will reduce the quality of services and may cost the client's health. This will lead to scandal and the formation of a bad reputation.

With the emergence of a client base and the provision of services at the average market price, the entrepreneur's income will be about 25,000-30,000 rubles. per month.

Mastering the demanded profession of a nail service master is within the power of a person of any gender and age.

Before learning how to do a professional manicure, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the chemicals used during the procedure, as well as that there is a margin of patience for working with people.

Self-education is the first step

Before learning how to do manicure professionally, it is useful to turn on the computer at home and learn as much as possible about the profession. This applies not only to the study of manicure techniques and its varieties. It is worth starting with collecting information about the profession, its pros and cons for the master.

Perhaps allergies and aversion to strong odors will put an end to the career of a nail service master. It may happen that households will not want to tolerate visitors in a manicure room at home, and paying for the rent of space for the salon will not be affordable. Or maybe the master's earnings will disappoint and will not cover the costs of training and the formation of a material base.

If the difficulties are not scary, you can start collecting information on how to learn how to do a professional manicure. Videos, articles, and reviews of masters and clients will help. It is worth going to the store and buying professional literature.

Such informational training will help you feel more confident when the time comes to attend courses where already qualified teachers with work experience will help you to learn how to do a manicure professionally.

Attend manicure training courses

The beauty industry calls on new recruits daily. The competition in this market is quite high, but today this economic niche is still not fully occupied.

Many nail service masters, in parallel with their main work, conduct special training courses for everyone, conduct practical exercises and give lectures on how to learn how to do a manicure professionally.

The benefits of the courses are undeniable: the work of a beginner will be appreciated by a specialist who will share his experience, reveal several secrets of professional skill, advise materials and tools, and save you from gross mistakes.

Upon completion of the training, a document, diploma or certificate confirming the training will be issued. The presence of this paper will help to strengthen the confidence in the master, because the client does not work with a self-taught person, but a certified specialist.

Get a manicure with a high-level master

Experience suggests that studying theory and taking courses, even with practical exercises, which, by the way, will not be so many, is not enough.

The desire to save time and money is natural for a thrifty person, so the idea that a certified nail service master will go to do a manicure for himself to another master seems strange.

And yet it is worth doing this at least in order to understand from our own experience what feelings the client can cause this or that manipulation of the master.

The second argument in favor of visiting other people's salons is collecting information about competitors. It is not necessary to declare from the doorway that a newly-made master came to the manicure. On the contrary, the tactics of a scout asking unobtrusive questions about manipulations, tools, firms, materials will help to find out a lot of useful things about how to learn how to do a manicure professionally. Lessons can be learned not only through courses and personal experience.

In order not to be a "shoemaker without boots", the master must himself demonstrate well-groomed hands as a visiting card.

A high-level manicurist needs to regularly spend time in his schedule, considering the cost of it as an investment in the capital of the future business.

Anatomy of the nail - the alphabet of the manicurist

Beginners are too much concerned about the rules for applying shellac and processing the cuticle, ignoring the elementary physiology of the nail, considering this as unnecessary information.

This neglect of the health of others' hands can harm the well-being of clients and one's own reputation. Often at advanced training seminars, experienced masters present cannot answer the question of what is where the side rollers are located and how to deal with the ingrowth of the nail plate into the tissue.

The provision of manicure services is mistakenly perceived by many as a purely aesthetic procedure, which can negatively affect the reputation of the master and the health of the client.

Customer complaints are a signal for the master to learn more

Customers sometimes complain that after visiting a beauty salon, their nails began to look worse, deformed, and stopped growing. Experience shows that, in spite of any excuses of the masters, the share of their fault in the deterioration of the quality of nails is very significant.

If a client complains that the nail plate has become wavy, many masters advise them to take vitamins and salt baths. Meanwhile, such a deformation of the nail is associated with an unprofessional approach to manicure, in which excessive efforts were made to push back the cuticle, which injured delicate tissues.

A common customer complaint is the deterioration of the quality of nails after removing the gel polish. Unscrupulous salons comment on this in the spirit of "you knew what you signed up for", hinting that thinning and dry nails are inevitable and occurred due to the natural effects of chemical compounds and abrasive files.

Meanwhile, such consequences are more likely associated with their unprofessional actions and an aggressive approach to the procedure for applying and removing material.

Why is the base of regular customers not being formed?

If a client has not become a regular, this does not always mean that he is moody. For example, many visitors to nail salons had to deal with situations when gel polish chipped off nails after a week.

Overly greedy craftsmen explain this trouble by the fact that the client's palms were too wet with sweat, so he would have to do an expensive procedure more often than once every two weeks.

In fact, the fault for the instability of the coating lies with the master, who made mistakes when applying the material or offered the client the shape of the free edge of the nail that did not correspond to his lifestyle or the state of the plate.

Ignorance of many basic things will do a bad job to the salon's reputation and alienate current and potential customers.

People are different, but the master is one

Since nail service is a sphere of activity for the provision of services, it means that one virtuoso work with a file and a brush will not be enough. Interaction with people who come to get a manicure and pedicure may not be possible if the master does not have patience for human qualities, be it character, anatomical features or hygiene habits.

Before puzzling over the question of how to learn how to do a professional manicure, it is important to know the answer to the question of how to accept people as they are.

For a squeamish person, the profession of a nail service master can become a source of disgust, not pleasure and earnings.

Constantly improve

A professional is not someone who has a comprehensive understanding of his business. It is possible to possess all the knowledge today, but tomorrow it may become irrelevant. Manicure training should not end with training courses.

A constant striving for improvement, enrichment of our own experience, attending seminars from the best masters will help to remain a true professional today and tomorrow.

Master related professions

It is advisable to master at least minimal artistic skills that can come in handy in case the client asks to perform

Many salons today offer sliders for nails, stickers, and stamp patterns, but what can compare with exclusive painting and stucco molding, the ability to create which will raise the service to a higher level?

You should not perceive the profession of a manicurist as a mechanical performance of hygienic procedures and an unquestioning embodiment of only the wishes of the client. So she will soon become boring.

If you approach work with imagination, boldly and respectfully offer clients your aesthetic vision, protect the health of visitors and your reputation, the profession can become not only a source of constant income, but also the key to inspired self-discovery and creative joy.

It turns out that the question of how to learn how to do a professional manicure should be asked not only by a beginner, but also by an experienced master.