How to celebrate the new year as a child. Home New Year with a small child - “paradise in a hut”. Celebrating New Year outside the city

You already know where you will go with your children for the New Year 2018

If you are wondering where to celebrate the New Year 2018 with children, then you probably want to find an unusual and fabulous option that will surprise both parents and children, will leave in your memory pleasant and fabulous moments experienced in an interesting environment. Let's see where you can go and what is the best choice for meeting your family in 2018.

It will be incredibly interesting for children to go to the countries of northern Europe and meet a real Santa Claus there, plunge into the magical, snowy and beautiful New Year's atmosphere, decorated with a riot of colors and light of New Year's illumination and festive installations. Countries such as:

  1. Finland;
  2. Norway;
  3. Sweden,

They offer a unique New Year's entertainment program for the whole family with festivities, fireworks and winter entertainment.

As for France, it will be better for young people to celebrate the holiday in the capital, but it is better to organize a family, quiet and relaxing holiday in the provinces. When deciding where to celebrate the New Year 2018 with children, you can choose one of the following towns: Bordeaux, Stradzburg, Avalon, Nancy, Champagne. These are all simple provincial cities where you can enjoy the special atmosphere of this country and feel the spirit of European Christmas and New Year.

New Year's Czech Republic deserves special attention. It is being transformed for the holiday, the streets are decorated with illuminations and New Year's installations. The climate here is mild and comfortable for walking along the street. Of course, in the capital, in Prague, prices will be quite high on holidays, and if you travel with the whole family, you can pay a pretty tidy sum, so you can stop in the surrounding towns, no less colorful, and go to fairs and festivities in the capital.

Those who decide where to celebrate the New 2018 with children in an active and fun way should pay attention to the ski resorts in Austria, Spain, Italy, Germany, Andorra, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

You will definitely not be bored here! Tourists are offered ski slopes, skating rinks, toboggan runs and entertainment with animators for very young children. Skating, winter fun and evening festive events will remain in the memory of both adults and children for a long time.

Hot exotic

If you are tired of the winter grayness and darkness, the season of colds and cold weather, then you can rush to the New Year holidays to the sea, to hot countries, which will be greeted with gentle warmth, bright sun, silk waves and velvet beaches. In the resorts of Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Goa, Cuba this time of year is just the season for a comfortable beach holiday.

Unforgettable New Year's Eve parties are organized for tourists. The amazing combination of summer and the New Year tree will be remembered for a long time. Many resorts promise tourists beach foam parties, where it will be interesting for both adults and children, beautifully decorated with festive illumination and installation of the streets, chic New Year's dinners. This is all very tempting and fabulously beautiful.

Choosing where to celebrate the New 2018 with children, you should pay attention to such resorts as:

  1. Thailand. The weather in December and January is just right for a beach holiday. With children, you can go to foam parties or watch a fabulous fireworks.
  2. Vietnam. The resorts of this country are relatively young, but already popular.
  3. Philippines. Despite the fact that the road will be expensive, rest here in winter will delight you with its democratic price.
  4. Goa. For children, this place will be interesting because you can ride and take pictures on a real elephant right on the beach.
  5. Indonesia. There is a fabulous level of service, a variety of New Year's programs and even an exotic way of celebrating the New Year under water.
  6. Maldives. This is truly heaven on earth. It is impossible to think of a better place for families and children. This is an opportunity to spend a fabulous weekend together in seclusion. On New Year's Eve, the hotels host festive events.

How to save money on New Year's Eve in hot countries

It is important to be aware that for the New Year holidays, the prices for flights and accommodation will be much higher. But there are several recommendations, if you follow which, you can save a little:

  1. Tours, tickets or hotel accommodation must be booked a long time in advance, six months in advance or even earlier. So there is an opportunity to pay a lower price for it.
  2. If you plan a vacation in Europe or hot countries for December, before the start of the celebrations or after, closer to mid-January, then the vacation will cost much less.
  3. If you choose a hotel and buy tickets yourself, then they will cost less.
  4. During the holidays, Russian Railways offers discounts on tickets for schoolchildren, this can also be taken into account.

We celebrate a holiday at home

There are many interesting places in Russia that you can and even need to visit with children, but there are special destinations for celebrating the New Year. Karelia can be attributed to such magical and fabulous places. There is wonderful nature, fresh air, real Russian winter.

Veliky Ustyug is the residence of the Russian Father Frost. Here it will certainly not be boring! Hotels, animation, entertainment, everything is created so that the rest here would turn into a fairy tale and remain in the memory for a long time. Kids and parents will have the opportunity to:

  1. Get to know Santa Claus himself.
  2. See how the main wizard lives.
  3. Spend time in the ice hotel.
  4. Ride on a Russian sleigh, in a dog sled.
  5. Learn to ride a horse, ride snow motorcycles, snowmobiles.

Here the New Year is celebrated, observing all the primordially Russian traditions, the time spent here will be very useful and informative for the child.

You can go to the sea or to the mountains for the new year without leaving Russia.

The resorts of Crimea, the city of Sochi - this is where you can unforgettably celebrate the New Year 2018 with children, breathe in the winter sea air and go skiing. There will not be an opportunity to sunbathe on the beaches, but walking in silence along the streets of resort cities, which are insanely popular in summer, almost alone, will bring pleasure. Despite the fact that there are few tourists in the coastal cities at this time, cafes and hotels organize festive events, the streets are decorated with lanterns and Christmas trees.

It will be interesting that migratory birds winter in the region of Evpatoria on the Black Sea. Flocks of swans have chosen the coast during these months, and if you spend holidays here, then communication with nature, flora and fauna will add a lot of pleasant impressions.

St. Petersburg and Moscow

If you plan entertainment events in Moscow, then they will definitely leave a positive and lasting impression. There are many interesting places where you can celebrate the New 2018 with children. But it is important to know that any visit to the exposition or New Year's event must be planned in advance and the tickets will be taken care of, as it will be difficult to get them closer to the holidays.

With children, you can visit the circus, theaters, street fairs and exhibitions organized especially for the holiday. Fabulous installations and fairs are unfolding on the streets of Moscow; these are exactly the places where it is worth celebrating the New Year 2018 with children.

This does not apply to the skating rink on Red Square, which is flooded before the New Year holidays and receives guests without restriction. But it will be difficult to get here on New Year's Eve too because of the large influx of people who wish.

For cultural recreation, the Russian Academic Youth Theater offers its visitors the New Year's performance "The Nutcracker". The doors of the theater will be open on December 31 and January 1 for everyone who wants to get into a fairy tale.

Then you can visit the amazing and modern exhibition of transformers and robots, it will open its doors from mid-December and until the end of winter will be happy to welcome visitors of all ages.

An extensive program for celebrating the New Year is planned in the northern capital. It makes sense to go to St. Petersburg for New Year's festivities with older children. Here guests of the city and local residents will be offered holiday quests, sand animation, many New Year's performances in theaters and in the open air.

But not only the capitals and famous winter resorts of Russia can be of interest to parents and children on holidays. A trip to Kostroma for the New Year will be fascinating, interesting and informative, for example, where you can cheerfully meet 2018 and relax with children.

An interesting fact is that the Snow Maiden comes from Kostroma. This cozy Russian colorful city is being transformed for the holiday. The streets are becoming light, bright and elegant, and a Christmas tree is installed on the central square and wide festivities are organized around it.

Another primordially Russian city that you can visit with children in order to celebrate the New 2018, where the holidays are held according to Russian traditions, is Suzdal. There is simply a fabulous nature and wide open-air winter festivities, fairs and fun for children organized in the open air.

We keep traditions

New Year is a family holiday. It is customary to celebrate it with the family. Often we just have a family dinner with those family members with whom we live under the same roof. But you can add variety and gather the whole family with distant or maybe close relatives in the village. Such a holiday will be held romantically, comfortably and in a New Year's way. Children will be able to frolic in the snowdrifts in the yard, sculpting a snow woman and building a fortress. You can also decorate the Christmas tree on the street, or you can also decorate the house.

With small children, it is not always possible to go somewhere from home. Therefore, you can organize a real holiday within the walls of your own apartment by inviting Santa Claus and Snegurochka or any other heroes that the baby loves. Today, many event agencies offer such services on New Year's Eve and on any day of the winter holidays.

Whatever option parents choose to celebrate the New Year 2018 with their children, the main thing will be the fact that these days the family will get together and the children will receive a share of parental love and attention, which, at times, they lack on weekdays.

Soon, soon a good holiday will come to us - New Year. Every year, since childhood, we have been waiting for this magic: the smell of tangerines, a beautiful Christmas tree, gifts, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, firecrackers, fireworks. And no matter how old you are, most of us are still happy as children. New Year is a holiday from childhood, so your already matured two-year-old child should be imbued with the New Year's atmosphere.

Often, parents of small children do not feel comfortable - after all, the child is only two years old, he is too small, he will not like a noisy holiday, and he is afraid of Santa Claus. And in two years, they are so tired of celebrating the New Year at home that I want to finally have some fun. Two year old child seems like a burden to them.

- a family holiday, therefore, it is unreasonable to leave a two-year-old child with grandparents to have fun separately. In addition, your parents are people too, and the New Year may want to celebrate in some other way, and not in caring for your child. And think about your little one, this is the first New Year's Eve in his life when he will perceive everything that happens quite meaningfully, because a two-year-old child is already “big”. Therefore, let's try to celebrate the New Year with a two-year-old baby.

Most of all, children of this age like to help their mother, to feel their importance in any process. Therefore, start decorating your house, buy more multi-colored tinsel, ask the child to serve you one at a time, you can put a Christmas tree on the walls from it and hang toys, decorate curtains and doors. Imagine. A two-year-old child is already happy to help even to fantasize!

The second procedure, beloved by all children, is decorating the Christmas tree. It's great if this New Year's tree with a child is real, so that you can smell the needles - the smell of the New Year, but there is no big trouble if you put an artificial one, but there must be a Christmas tree in the house! What is the New Year with a child without his most important guest?

Secure the tree as securely as possible so that it cannot fall on the child in any way. It is worth considering carefully the choice of Christmas tree decorations - they can be unbreakable. The best option if the toys are edible. Now in the store you can find a wide variety of chocolate toys in the form of various figurines, mushroom cookies, tangerines, apples - whatever, depending on what a two-year-old child is already eating, if he or one of your guests still decides to try tooth Christmas tree toy.

A 2-year-old can help you, decorate the Christmas tree. Ask your child to give you toys, for example, "Give me a bunny", if the child already knows the colors or shapes, then "Give me a white bunny", "round mandarin." This game develops attentiveness, you repeat words, colors, shapes of objects. If the child is already talking, you can, on the contrary, ask him what color the toy he is giving you. Most children enjoy showing off their knowledge.

Do not forget about the garland, because the magic of the New Year is given precisely by the multi-colored lamps on the tree. What a New Year without a friendly - "Christmas tree, light up" ?! A two-year-old will happily shout it out with you.

So, the tree is decorated, it's time to think about who your child will be on New Year's Eve. At this age, he will not be able to tell you that he wants to be a mouse, a snowflake or a musketeer, so it is your task to come up with an image and make a costume. Now on the Internet you can find a huge number of costume options. Can be sewn by yourself or purchased from the store. Assess your capabilities. And, of course, remember that in a suit made by mom, your child will always be unique, because the suit was made with great love and diligence.

And then suddenly it turns out that three identical bunnies will come to you for the New Year, which one is yours !? The costume is invented, it is important that the child is familiar with the character he will represent. If this is Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Malvina, Fairy - read the child a fairy tale in which this hero is involved. That is, the child should know who he was dressed up, it will be interesting for him, believe me!

The holiday preparations are over. It remains to decide: where and with whom to celebrate the New Year with a child? The simplest and least expensive option is to celebrate in a small family circle. Only the people closest to the child, perhaps, apart from the parents, also grandparents. In this case, you will not need to cook a lot of food. If you decide to invite friends with children, or go to friends yourself, then make sure that all the children are interested in the holiday.

At first, if you intend to give gifts, then only all the children, so that there are no quarrels and fights, and secondly, you need to think over a plan of activities for children, that is, some kind of contests, dances, etc., so that your children do not remain "abandoned" v . Of course, there is no need to "overload" the kids, they should have time to unwrap gifts, play with them enough.

About Santa Claus New Year invitations, there is no unequivocal recommendation, since many children already at the age of two perceive it adequately. But, nevertheless, most are still afraid of a discharged stranger's uncle (even if it is one of their own), so weigh everything carefully so as not to scare the child. But if, before the holiday, the child happily looked at the picture with Santa Claus and waited impatiently - when will he come? - it will be very upsetting if the child does not wait for Santa Claus.

According to psychologists, children are easier to perceive Snow Maiden, so if you really want a New Year's character with gifts (and the child does not perceive strangers well, and Santa Claus too), then it is best to consider the Snow Maiden. Simply by explaining to the child that his grandfather had urgent matters, he sent his granddaughter, and next New Year they will definitely come together. There are a lot of options! You can play with this situation with the toy Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. "Grandfather Frost came and brought you gifts."

About the children's menu... Best of all, if you have the opportunity to set the table for the children separately, so that it does not have those products that the children cannot, but really want if they see them at the common table. You need to feed only at the beginning of the banquet, then the child, as he wants to eat something, will be able to take it from the children's table without terrorizing the parents.

Plenty of fruit, bake a pie or cake - a little sweetness in the New Year will not hurt the child, but just a little bit (if one of the invited children is not allergic to sweets, find out in advance)! Dried fruit compote, jelly, juice, perhaps some small dough puffs with chicken inside. Improvise. But remember to eat healthy children.

All the contests are over, the kids have played enough, they danced around the Christmas tree, considered the gifts, time to sleep! There are two diametrically opposed opinions of parents - some believe that the child should be put to bed as usual, others for allowing the baby to wait for the twelve o'clock chimes. Determine for yourself whose position is closer to you.

Maybe it's worth a two-year-old to meet first day of new year with joyful exclamations: "Hurray, Happy New Year!", and look out of the window the lights of the New Year's fireworks. It's up to you to decide. And now the children are laid, adults can relax a little and have fun like an adult, just not loudly, so as not to wake up the peacefully sleeping children. You can play adult games, sing karaoke, watch New Year's programs!

Happy New Year!!!

Tyumina Olga

We all come from childhood, and regardless of our age, already from October-November, each of us with trepidation begins to await the approach of the most fabulous holiday - the New Year. The appearance of a child in many respects changes the family way of life: young parents now need to make adjustments to the usual New Year's rituals, taking into account the daily routine and the comfort of the environment surrounding the baby. But don't be upset! The holiday will not be worse, it will just be different. Parents of older children face a different task: to help the little ones feel the magical atmosphere of the holiday and give them bright New Year's impressions. In this article, we will tell you how to celebrate the New Year with a small child so that all family members are happy.

How to celebrate the New Year with your baby?

If your child is less than three years old, it is unlikely that he will be able to be present at a common table until midnight, because at this age it is extremely important for children to adhere to the daily routine and the usual environment around. And the younger your toddler, the stricter this rule.

The little ones still do not really understand the meaning of the holiday, but even the smallest will be pleased to look at the decorated Christmas tree and garland lights, touch the colorful toys, and listen to New Year's songs. Tell your child about the upcoming holiday - it will be pleasant and interesting for him to listen to you.

Try to spend New Years Eve without fuss. If you plan salads all day without paying attention to the child, it is likely that by the evening he will be capricious, and will sleep poorly at night. Be sure to take a walk on December 31, let the baby breathe in the fresh air, and the older children run around in plenty - then the night will be calm for you.

For parents of young children, staying awake all New Year's Eve, as it once was in the old days, is an unaffordable luxury. But this should not stop you from having a fun celebration: a few extra hours later than your usual bedtime will be enough.

In order to have an interesting time after the chiming clock and making wishes, prepare in advance. Each family has its own preferences: some will want to relax while watching traditional New Year's movies (choose the most positive and favorite pictures), others will enjoy playing fun board games. Husband and wife, celebrating the New Year together, can be advised to arrange a romantic night with candles, bath and massage. This will certainly not be the worst option than a feast next to the TV and its characters who have been fed up with it for many years.

The plus of a quiet New Year's celebration is the opportunity to take the whole family for a walk in the morning, when the whole city is still asleep. And the following days of New Year's holidays can be diversified with trips to nature, trips to children's centers, exhibitions, circus and theater.

Below are more detailed tips on how to celebrate the New Year with a small child, depending on his age.

The first New Year of the child: how to celebrate the holiday with a toddler under one year old?

Usually, the question “how to celebrate the New Year with a newborn” is rarely asked for obvious reasons. If your baby is only a few weeks old, you will probably not be at all until the holiday. The crumb often wakes up at night, so it is difficult to predict whether it will be possible to sit at the New Year's table during the chimes. Take it for granted and just adjust to your baby's rhythms. Do not worry that the baby will sleep poorly due to firecrackers and fireworks: until about 3 months, his hearing is not yet receptive to low frequencies of sound.

Celebrating the New Year with a child who has not yet celebrated his first birthday must necessarily take place in a narrow circle; at home, with grandparents or close family friends. The kid does not yet particularly need vivid impressions, the main thing for him is the presence of his mother nearby, a familiar environment, a calm sleep at a usual time. However, you can please your child and at the same time pay attention to his development by letting him touch the tinsel, needles and bark of the Christmas tree. It will be interesting for the kid to feel the various textures of the attributes of the New Year's holiday. Take care of the safety of the little "sliders" - hide all breakable toys and wires.

When guests come, and the baby is awake, be sure to take him in your arms; whether you are at home or away New Years, consider retiring with your baby to calm him down or breastfeed. It is highly likely that he will be overexcited from new impressions, scared or cry.

When planning your New Year's table menu, give preference to easy-to-prepare meals. Hardly anyone expects incredible culinary feats from the baby's mother. If possible, order some of the treats at a trusted restaurant.

It is important for a nursing mother to be careful not to get carried away with tasty, but harmful dishes. Avoid eating foods with chemical additives, smoked, fried, do not get carried away by sweets and citrus fruits. With regard to alcohol, experts have voiced the maximum figure - 25 ml of wine. But it's better to get by with non-alcoholic drinks.

In the meantime, the New Year has not yet arrived, you can please yourself by having a New Year's photo session with a baby in a themed costume: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a snowman or another character, depending on your imagination. Surely later, the child will like to look at the photos from his first New Year.

How to celebrate the New Year with a child from 1 to 2 years old?

The second year of a baby's life is a very hectic time for parents. On the one hand, the child is no longer a helpless infant, but his curiosity and activity now require constant attention from adults. He understands a lot, but so far he will hardly be able to become an active participant in the holiday. It will be problematic to arrange a photo session with a child older than a year - the toddler still needs to be caught in order to photograph! How to spend your holiday? And at a year old, and at one and a half, and at two, it will be interesting for kids to watch the decoration of the house (and even help you a little), listen to New Year's and simply “winter” songs and poems, and make a snowman together with family.

Making Christmas tree decorations is an incredibly exciting experience! Paper lanterns and garlands will add a special charm to the decoration of your forest beauty. It is unlikely that a child under 2 years old will be able to make some kind of toy on his own, but even watching his mother and, perhaps, a small independent "touch" will let the baby understand that you can create beauty with your own hands. Cut out and stick snowflakes on the window panes: this easy-to-make decoration is very popular with children.

Be sure to read books with your child on the holidays, telling about the New Year, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. For a one-year-old, this will be an excellent contribution to the development of speech, and a two-year-old will most likely be interested in New Year's characters, and you can satisfy his curiosity. Cartoons, even "specially designed" and classical ones, are not recommended for young children to watch, but New Year's songs from them can and should be sung.

It will be interesting for kids over one year old to look at the "real" Santa Claus. It is, of course, too early to attend children's parties, as well as to invite Grandfather and Snegurochka home. Strangers will simply scare him. If you really want to create a festive atmosphere, it is better to invite friends with children to visit - this will both benefit the kids and bring a little variety into your own life.

How to celebrate the New Year with children 2-3 years old?

Children over 2 years old already understand a lot, they are no longer so impulsive and can become this New Year, or rather, before the holiday, your active helpers. Of course, when decorating a house, you will still need to monitor the safety of your fidget, because with all his conscientiousness, he can accidentally hook some wire, drop a Christmas tree or break a glass toy. But in general, the New Year with a two-three-year-old child will already be much more interesting and meaningful than the previous one.

A baby of the third year of life (most likely closer to his third birthday) will be able to evaluate the prepared by you, or, speaking in Russian, the calendar of waiting for the holiday. Its meaning is to give the baby every day for a certain period of time small gifts that help to feel the spirit of the New Year. The calendar can be made in any form and from any material, depending on your imagination and taste. The simplest option is paper, with a list of dates and pockets in which small gifts are laid out for each day of waiting for the holiday (usually in Russia it is the 31st day of December, in Catholic countries where the main holiday is Christmas, the Advent calendar includes 25 cells ). Even if the crumb does not quite appreciate your idea, wishing to receive gifts from all the pockets at once, in any case you will enjoy the process of making this craft for your beloved man.

In addition, you can give yourself and your baby a fabulous mood by writing a letter to Santa Claus. Here is his address:

162340, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Ded Moroz

Explain to the child that the magical Grandfather lives in the far north, and on New Year's Eve he comes to the children to fulfill their cherished desires. Place the letter together in the freezer or behind a window frame, and demonstrate the next day that it is gone. Do not be afraid to "deceive" the baby, the myth about Santa Claus is a harmless little miracle that is natural for a small child to perceive.

A few days before the holiday, start making Christmas tree decorations from paper, thread, foil. The kid can easily spread glue in the right places, paint the toy with gouache and hang it on the Christmas tree - and what pride he will feel for himself! Taking into account how much children of this age strive for independence, decorating the Christmas tree with mom and dad is a very useful activity for them.

The kid of the third year of life will be happy to "start" making New Year's cards for grandmothers and grandfathers. And, despite the fact that it is still very small, the child is quite able to help you set the table - arrange fruits, cookies and sweets in vases, arrange plates, bring napkins. Bake special, holiday cookies on New Year's Eve, such as cinnamon and ginger - little ones are very susceptible to different flavors. Choose a recipe to your liking and let these cookies become a new family tradition!

If you wish, you can prepare a beautiful New Year's costume for your child. True, the little one himself, most likely, will not understand why he was dressed up like that, but then you will have excellent memorable photos from the holiday.

For all the pleasant chores, do not forget to read books on winter and New Year with your child; cut paper snowflakes together; sculpt snowmen and Christmas trees from plasticine. Even if the baby already speaks well, it is still too early to learn poetry, as well as to require the baby to tell them to Santa Claus. You can already visit the New Year's party for children, but keep in mind that the child will probably be afraid of a crowd of strangers, so be with him. Still, you shouldn't invite Grandpa home - until the kid simply appreciates it.

A child 2-3 years old will be very happy with a gift from Santa Claus, found in the morning under the tree. Children at this age do not yet need any valuable, expensive things - it will be much more pleasant for them to receive several small toys than one large one.

New Years Eve is a magical time. And no matter how old your baby is, a few weeks or years, next to him the holiday becomes even more beautiful. We wish your family to celebrate the New Year bright, fun and unforgettable!

Photo from photo stock and photo bank Lori

On the eve of the New Year, when everyone is actively buying gifts and Christmas tree decorations, making up a festive menu and planning entertainment events ten days in advance, families with a baby are at a loss: they also want joy and a holiday, but unfortunately, there is no opportunity to celebrate on a grand scale. So is a happy and memorable New Year with a small child really a myth? In fact, everything is not so sad!

Firstly, this is a great opportunity to feel real closeness with the most dear people, to feel their love, warmth and care. Secondly, the need to adhere to the usual daily routine and moderation in libations will help maintain excellent health and vigor throughout the holidays.

And thirdly, New Year's Eve for a kid is a time of fairy tales and magic, and to give a child a real miracle, looking at how delight his eyes light up - incomparable happiness. Yes, this New Year will be slightly different from the previous ones - but undoubtedly for the better.

Holiday with baby

Happy parents, whose family was added in the fall or in December, have no time to think about large-scale entertainment, and there is no need: the fragile immunity of the crumbs excludes any visits and visits, caring for the baby takes up all their free time, and there is no desire to celebrate , no strength. Well, it's time to make this evening an unforgettable experience for your family.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that making New Year's Eve a holiday of the belly is not at all necessary. If there is not enough inspiration for culinary feats, you do not need to force yourself, especially since three of us (four, five or more - depending on the number of children) celebrating the New Year does not dispose to gluttony. A couple of easy-to-prepare and tasty dishes can be easily built, and high-quality semi-finished products are not in short supply today. But creating a festive atmosphere will have to work. Is the Christmas tree obligatory? Of course! Nice table setting and candles? Necessarily! Stunning (or at least irresistible) outfit, hair and makeup? Undoubtedly!

The secret is that if the baby lives according to the regimen, there is no point in breaking it: when the baby snores sweetly in the crib at 9-10 pm, it’s time for two. A light pleasant conversation over a glass of champagne, an exchange of gifts and declarations of love, gratitude to each other for a small quietly sleeping miracle - such an evening will still be remembered more than once, despite the absence of fireworks and extreme sports.

If the New Year with a baby can be spent very decorously, then with a grown-up toddler older than six months this number will not work: not a single trifle escapes his close attention, especially if he already knows how to crawl. In this case, the holiday promises to be more emotional, and in order for these emotions to be exclusively positive, it is important to take into account the following nuances.

  1. It is better to put off a gorgeous, luxuriously decorated Christmas tree from floor to ceiling for a couple of years: the baby, of course, will admire this fabulous sight - and then he will take all measures to bring the tree to a horizontal position. Natural research interest in this case can threaten with dangerous consequences, so it is better to limit yourself to a small elegant Christmas tree, placing it at a height inaccessible to the crumbs.
  2. Even if decorating the whole house with tinsel and "rain" is a long-term family tradition, this year it is better not to observe it: children under 12-15 months old learn the world exclusively through their mouths, and it is not easy to keep track of the nimble little one. The consequences of eating tinsel can be the most deplorable, so it doesn't hurt to play it safe.
  3. The first year of life is not yet the time for carnival costumes. Even if the baby looks charming in him, most likely, he will experience discomfort: as a rule, such suits are too warm, and the hats tend to slip. If you do not want to spoil the mood of the baby and those around you, it is better to postpone the fabulous outfits.
  4. Children are very susceptible, and the child will certainly be excited by everything that happens: a mother fussing in the kitchen, iridescent lights on the Christmas tree, constantly playing music on TV can lead him to a state of heightened excitability. So that the baby does not experience problems with sleep and well-being, it is very important not to go astray , therefore, timely walks, feedings and the usual lullaby before bed are required.

And most importantly, if guests are still planned, it is necessary to watch closely so that the child does not suffer from an excess of communication: all attempts to stir up the baby and transfer him from hand to hand should be abruptly stopped. Even if the baby is at first kindly disposed, the excess of impressions can overwork him so much that he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

From 1 year to 3 years

Early age is a wonderful time for babies. Every day promises new discoveries and wonderful surprises. In addition, the child's ability to communicate develops by leaps and bounds, so they are able to understand many things. Obviously, a holiday with a little explorer just starting to comprehend the world is very different from the New Year with a newborn. The parent is faced with an important task - to introduce the baby to wonderful traditions.

Many parents ask themselves the question: does it make sense to prepare a carnival costume for a child? Should Santa Claus and Snegurochka be invited? Is it possible for a kid to stay at the table a little longer or to go with the adults to put out fireworks? The only thing that will help you find the answer to this question is taking care of the condition of the baby.

Early childhood - up to three years old - is notable for the fact that every month in the development of a baby is of great importance, and there is a huge difference between a one-year-old and a three-year-old child. And planning the celebration of the New Year should be based on the age of the beloved child.

Festive evening with a child who turned a year and a half , should not be too different from ordinary days: compliance with the regime and a calm atmosphere are all that he needs now. Decorating a Christmas tree and giving gifts, of course, will delight him, but he is not yet able to realize the meaning of New Year's rituals, and therefore interest in events will be instantly lost.

Child aged two to three years - a much more conscientious person with a certain area of ​​interest and his own views on life. Many boys and girls at this age go to kindergarten, and their socialization process goes even faster. This is the time when the New Year begins to have a special meaning for the baby.

The first thing that the little one will surely like is the joint decoration of the Christmas tree. By the age of three, the child is already able to understand that it is impossible to pull, drop and touch, so the installation of a lush evergreen beauty is quite possible. If at first the baby is usually fascinatedly watching the swaying of shiny tinsel and the mysterious flickering of toys, then they are already trying their best to help. In no case should you interfere with the child: it is better to come up with a funny story for each Christmas tree decoration, thanks to which the baby will treat them more carefully.

Another important point is reading New Year's poems and fairy tales. This will not only significantly broaden the baby's horizons, but also improve his memory: at this age, children are already able to learn a short poem and learn small New Year's songs. For such exciting creative pursuits, a festive mood will arise by itself.

As for the New Year's costumes, this should be left to the baby. In kindergartens, as a rule, they do not insist on the indispensable presence of carnival clothes, and in many preschool institutions they try not to hold matinees for children under 4 years old. But the outfit for the New Year's Eve is the business of the mother and the child. If your son really wants to turn into a fairy teddy bear, and your daughter - into a magic princess, do not mind. This New Year will be remembered by the kid for a long time, and funny photos will remain forever.

It is also important to consider that at an early age, children can react extremely painfully to strangers, unusual people. Therefore, you should still refrain from visiting Santa Claus and Snegurochka (or dressing in them): the child's reaction in this case may be unpredictable. With communication with fairy-tale characters, you should wait until 4-5 years. As for gifts (and children have already known what they are from about two years old), it is best if they appear under the tree by themselves: this way the feeling of magic will only intensify. By the way, it is desirable that the baby finds his gifts not for the coming sleep, but at 5-6 o'clock. In this case, he will have time to rejoice at them and it will be easier to put him to sleep.

The regime at this age is still very important, but if the child is too excited, the daily routine can be slightly adjusted on New Year's Day: when the kid asks to play more or expresses a desire to wait for the festive fireworks, do not contradict him. Many children, as a rule, fall asleep before they even sit until 11 o'clock - this is enough to feel the New Year's atmosphere and begin to gradually realize all the charm of this holiday.

On a visit with a child

Particularly active and sociable parents often cannot fully come to terms with a closed lifestyle. It is these energetic mothers and fathers who believe that the New Year with a baby of 1-3 years old can be seen at a party. In fact, why not? However, one should be especially conscious here: in order for the festive visit to go smoothly, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Sitting as a one-year-old child at a party before the chimes will not work: tense due to unfamiliar surroundings and lost from the daily rhythm, the baby will surely react with whims and crying. You should go home as soon as your child shows signs of fatigue.
  2. If you plan to spend the night at a visit, special attention should be paid to the baby's collection: at least three changeable sets of clothes, a warm blouse and a favorite toy will make the child feel more comfortable and calm. If necessary, it is recommended to take with you everything that you may need in the slightest degree: bottles, wet wipes and other familiar things.
  3. You should also take care of the baby's nutrition: he is still too small for unfamiliar food. Therefore, you need to take his favorite dishes with you, and before going out, you should properly feed.
  4. It is desirable that the guests were children of about the same age as the child: in this case, it will be easier for him to get used to the new environment, and the parents may feel more free.
  5. Drinking alcohol in a company is strongly discouraged for both parents! When all the adults around are having fun and do not deny themselves anything, control over the baby should be especially close.
  6. When going on a visit, you should carefully examine the child. The slightest hint of poor health - moodiness, lethargy, loss of appetite, shiny eyes and even a slight increase in temperature and a slight runny nose - are a good reason to stay at home.

Celebrating the New Year with your beloved baby is always associated with the most touching moments in life. A properly organized holiday will allow both adults and children to enjoy the magic of the evening. Parents should show a little patience and care - in this case, their rest will be pleasant and complete, and the child's familiarization with New Year's miracles will go smoothly.

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A real miracle happened in your life - a baby was born? This is incredible happiness. Or maybe the baby is already 3 years old, and there was an opportunity to sleep at night and enjoy the first achievements of the baby? After all, it is so exciting to look at ridiculous drawings and help a child learn the world.

Are you already 5 or 7 years old? And again the next year has passed unnoticed? New Year is knocking on the window. How to celebrate it so that both parents have fun and the kid will remember the holiday. Here are some interesting ideas for you, with a small child.

For loving and successful parents, small and big secrets of the original New Year's holiday with children of different ages from newborns to 6 years old will come in handy.

You are madly in love with your little miracle, which has become the center of the Universe, around which all events, emotions, and all life revolve.

But with the New Year holidays approaching, melancholy, a feeling of deprivation appears in the soul. After all, the best friend was going to spend a vacation at a ski resort.

And the wife's friend gathers a huge company to organize a noisy gangster-style party on New Year's Eve. And a carnival show will take place on the neighboring square. And such entertainment is not available to you.

Is the holiday hopelessly ruined? And will you have to give up interesting options for celebrating the New Year?

No. You just don't know yet where to celebrate the New Year with young children and how cool it is to organize an unforgettable holiday.

But before you start sketching the script and choosing options where you can celebrate the New Year with your child, get acquainted with the peculiarities of children's holidays, especially on New Year's Eve. First of all, find out the prohibitions related to the safety and health of the baby, which cannot be ignored in any way.

Immediately give up the idea of ​​parties in a noisy company with loud music.

A large crowd of people, loud sounds will inevitably negatively affect the mental state of the child. And the harsh sounds of exploding firecrackers, fireworks can even scare.

Never leave your baby unattended, even when he is sleeping, especially in unfamiliar places. Do not trust your little one to unfamiliar and unreliable people.

Think carefully about how to dress up your child for the New Year. A snowflake or musketeer costume is great. But if he embarrasses the child, crushes, causes discomfort or moral rejection, the holiday will be ruined.

If you plan to spend part of the holiday with your child on the street, consider clothing options in which the baby can change, both for a walk and after it.

Your Snow Maiden in a light suit will look great on a holiday and a photo, but she will not delight at all when she goes to bed with a high temperature the next day after the holiday.

An important point in the preparation of the holiday is food. Even if you do not prepare a separate children's table, provide dishes that will meet the requirements for baby food.

The same applies to the nutrition of nursing mothers. Do not forget that salty, fried, spicy dishes and alcohol with mayonnaise are contraindicated for you.

Any holiday is a momentary pleasure. And troubles, illnesses, frustrations provoked by a careless attitude to safety, will remain for a long time. Therefore, do not ignore simple rules that will help you avoid problems.

Where to celebrate the New Year with newborn children?

Definitely, when the child is not yet 6 months old, he absolutely does not care how the holiday goes.

Whether the parents will have fun at night or go to bed without waiting for the chimes to strike is absolutely not interesting to the tiny lump. For him, the most important thing now is sleep and feeding.

Therefore, in many ways, how to spend the New Year with newborn children depends on the wishes of the mother.

After all, she will have not only to have fun, but to devote time to the child in order to feed, rock. If mom is ready for such a test, feels the strength to arrange a holiday, feel free to choose not too eventful celebration options.

If you have to do it through force, it is better to refuse the party. Remember, irritation, fatigue will inevitably affect both mood and lactation. And a "fun night" is guaranteed for you.

As for the celebration with children from 6 months to a year old, here you can already consider interesting options.

The kid will certainly be interested in a multi-colored, flashing Christmas tree. Therefore, it is important to think about how to safely install and decorate the New Year's beauty.

The child will be happy to touch toys and prickly needles if brought to the tree. It will not be superfluous to dance with your baby to cheerful music.

And be sure to do a photo shoot. It is necessary to capture the first New Year in the life of the crumbs.

By the way, you can spend a family holiday not at midnight, but by adjusting to the child's regime. If you are planning a night program, let the helpers take care of the preparations. There were none? Get by with the minimum program. A quiet light family dinner in beautiful dresses and suits, candles, flashing garlands and a lot of photos.

For those who are ready to organize a holiday for themselves, we offer several non-trivial ideas on how and where to celebrate the New Year with children under one year old.

Early New Year's Eve Dinner

Whatever it was, but a newborn child makes certain adjustments in the relationship of young parents. There is absolutely no time and energy left for romantic moments. And the New Year is a great opportunity to devote time to each other and arrange a romantic dinner.

Ask a family member, friend, or parent to be with the child. No, not on New Year's Eve, but in the evening or even during the day. Go to a restaurant or cafe yourself. Feel the holiday atmosphere and stay together. Find a place that offers evening or daytime programs rather than nightly.

The festive New Year's atmosphere will give strength and charge to a married couple. Even 2 - 3 hours spent together will be unforgettable and inspiring.

It is here that you can congratulate each other on the holiday, present prepared gifts.

No one to leave the baby with? Dont be upset. Find a restaurant that is not very crowded and noisy, where you can take a small child with you. Even a couple of hours during lunchtime is enough to enjoy the unusual family New Year.

Walk in the afternoon

Who said that you need to celebrate the New Year at night. There are no less interesting options where to spend the New Year with children under 1 in the afternoon.

Head to a nearby park and have a small outdoor picnic. Hot mulled wine for dad, herbal tea in a thermos and light fruit tartlets for mom are a great menu for such a holiday.

Visit your parents, close friends, congratulate them on the holiday.

You should not linger for a long time and distract your relatives from preparing for the night party. It will be enough to give gifts, say words of congratulations.

Sit in a small, cozy coffee shop. Hot chocolate and holiday pastries will cheer you up.

Everyone will like a walk on a holiday. Mom and Dad will be able to enjoy communication with each other while the baby sleeps sweetly in the fresh air.

You might even be able to ride the slides and play snowballs. Do not forget to take family photos among the furry snow-covered Christmas trees.

Home bachelorette party

Take a night out with your best friends. How, many young mothers will ask. Easy. Invite them to your pajama party. Let the festive night pass in a quiet, pleasant atmosphere.

You can reminisce or arrange a fortune-telling evening. This mystical night will be full of emotions and impressions.

No need to waste time preparing a lush feast. Ask guests to bring along. You can simply order sushi or pizza, or take advantage of the gala dinner delivery service.

Don't pick up special ones.

The bachelorette party will turn out to be especially cozy if the girlfriends agree to spend it in their pajamas.

But a logical question arises, where did dad go. After all, not only single mothers will like the option of holding a bachelorette party for the New Year. And the presence of a husband at such a party would be simply inappropriate. Girlfriends will have complexes, and the hostess of the house will not be able to talk about "forbidden" topics.

Therefore, you will have to decide in advance the issue with your beloved man. Perhaps he will like the idea too. And the husband will want to spend a festive night with his parents or also have a get-together with his friends.

Keep in mind that this type of celebration provides for complete trust between the spouses so that afterwards there are no ambiguous questions.

Where can you celebrate the New Year with children from 1 to 3 years old?

Children from one to three years old require special attention, especially during the preparation and holding of the holiday.

Their curiosity and irrepressible energy are simply amazing. But at the same time, they still cannot evaluate their actions and distinguish what is safe from what is harmful.

Therefore, when attracting your baby to decorate the Christmas tree and at home, make sure that the toys are not breakable.

Take care that there is no access for the baby and to the place where the garlands and illumination are connected. There is no need to refuse the child's participation in the preparation for the holiday. This is a great opportunity to spend time with benefit. You can tell your child about the shape, color of objects. And serving toys is so exciting.

A child at this age will already be able to feel the mood of adults and even appreciate his costume. See how your son or daughter happily posing in front of the camera or looking at their reflection in the mirror.

But children 2 years old cannot yet grasp the connection between the holiday and gifts. This does not mean that you do not need to give them New Year's gifts. Let the child rejoice at the new toy, and the understanding of the significance of the holiday will come later.

The task of the parents is to begin to acquaint the kid with family traditions, which include the New Year.

Give up the idea of ​​inviting Santa Claus to visit or dressing up your dad as a fabulous grandfather. At this age, a child can easily be frightened by a stranger who appears in the house.

Moreover, this fear can remain for many years. It is better to start your acquaintance with Santa Claus and Snegurochka in public places, at a matinee.

Children from 1 to 3 are happy to take part in age-appropriate holiday programs. Therefore, you can safely select options for where to celebrate the New Year with children. Keep in mind that long trips will be tiresome - it is better not to consider the idea of ​​going abroad, to the sea, to another city.

Family celebration

Arrange a holiday "only for your own people." Gather brothers, sisters, and parents in your home. Or go to visit someone from your relatives, where only the closest ones will gather. Let the child feel the warm atmosphere of home comfort. Here mom can take a break from the daily chores, change the environment. And the baby will be given special attention.

Among the grandmothers, aunts, grandfathers, there are many who want to entertain the child, and if necessary, feed, put him to bed. The kid will instinctively feel that he has become the center of attention, and will be happy to make contact.

Do not resist such leisure, do not be afraid that relatives with their outdated views will spoil the baby or bring down the regime.

Everyone will get pleasure from such a holiday. Warm atmosphere, favorite dishes on the table, intimate conversations and cool family contests.

By the way, you can take over the preparation.

Home New Year with a small child - "paradise in a hut"

Have not decided where to celebrate the New Year with children? Have a home party. But let it be permeated with a childish mood, so that it would be interesting not only for parents, but also for the baby.

We build a real hut in the form of a tent right in the house from bedspreads so that the whole family can freely fit in it. We throw pillows in it and have a real picnic.

You can watch home videos or interesting children's films about the New Year. Complete the evening with viewing photo albums. It is so interesting to tell the kid about your life and look at wedding photos, pictures of the child. Agree, such a holiday will be interesting for the baby, and for the parents, the rest will be unusual and new.

Would you like to set a more festive table? Make cheese fondue, bake delicious. Replace champagne with freshly squeezed juice. And, of course, tangerines, nuts and sweets.

Hide gifts under the tree and at the appointed time dive under the New Year's fluffy beauty with your child. It's so fun to find and unroll the many boxes. Play with your child with new toys right away.

Party with children

Usually, the circle of acquaintances of a young mother includes the same happy parents. Moreover, the age of the babies is approximately the same.

Nothing that your children are only 1 - 3 years old. This is not a reason to refuse an interesting holiday. Invite all your friends to your home with your children. It is better to arrange such a joint party in the afternoon or not too late in the evening, when the children are cheerful.

Mommies will be able to relax a little, get distracted from constant control. Believe me, children will be happy to play and communicate.

Set up a separate table for the little thugs. Use colorful disposable tableware and decorations made of tinsel and paper. It is better to treat children to regular meals, such as mashed potatoes, steamed chicken cutlets and vegetable salad or pasta with sauce. The main thing is to give the treats an unusual look, it's fun to decorate them. Don't focus on sweets.

Remember, not only candy, but even a large amount of citrus or exotic fruits can cause childhood diathesis.

But do not turn the original holiday into banal gatherings. Be sure to prepare an interesting scenario. Focus on children's games and joint competitions. Why not have a race on all fours or eat porridge for a while.

The result of the holiday can be a competition for the fastest falling asleep. And while the tired kids are sleeping, mothers will be able to talk from the heart.

How to celebrate the New Year with children from 4 to 6 years old?

The age from 4 to 6 years is the age of "why". The child is interested in everything that surrounds him and what is happening around him. Why is the tree green and the snow white? Where do Santa Claus and Snegurochka live? Any event attracts the baby's attention and evokes a sea of ​​emotions.

Therefore, do not deprive yourself or the child of the pleasure of joint preparation of the holiday. You can not only dress up a Christmas tree together, but also make snowflakes, which are so interesting to stick on the windows, or cut garlands to hang around the house.

Help your kid draw cards or make appliques to congratulate grandmother, grandfather, dad, mom. You can start making various crafts for the New Year, which will become both a good decoration for a Christmas tree or table, and a gift for your family.

Children at this age are already familiar with Santa Claus, they know that this wizard grants wishes, gives gifts. Tell your daughter or son how to write a letter to Santa Claus. Of course, not everyone can write yet, but every kid can draw a magic letter.

You can safely invite Santa Claus and Snegurochka into the house, dress up in the costumes of fairy-tale heroes yourself.

The child will be happy to brag about his successes, tell rhymes, sing songs.

You can select places where to celebrate the New Year with children inexpensively outside the home. Children 4 - 6 years old easily tolerate short journeys. Therefore, a family's departure to a camp site, out of town, to festive events in the city is quite appropriate.

New Year with children in the country

The best place to spend the New Year with children inexpensively is a country cottage. It can be either your own country house or rented housing. A suburban camp site is also suitable. Holidays with the whole family are a great way to spend an interesting time. A change of scenery, solitude away from the bustle of the city, outdoor games - all these are the components of a good cozy holiday.

You can decorate a Christmas tree right on the street, have a picnic in the frosty air, launch fireworks, go sledding, play snowballs, make a snowman. The child will enjoy taking part in the winter fun. And even at night he will be able to have fun with his parents.

Just do not forget that in this case, a long nap is required.

If you are not afraid to break the regime, it is better to put the child to bed on December 31 in the afternoon 2 - 3 hours later than usual. It will be nice to take a little walk before going to bed. A well-slept child will not be capricious on New Year's Eve and will have fun with all the heart.

The next day can be devoted to walking in the woods, sleigh rides, skiing. And be sure to arrange a photo session in the winter forest. Such a New Year with a child will be remembered for a long time.

Party in a restaurant, near the city tree

Do not be afraid to visit crowded places with your child 4-6 years old. Beautiful restaurants are waiting for you where you can relax with children for the New Year. Family and children's programs have been prepared here.

Believe me, not all establishments focus exclusively on noisy banquets or youth parties. There are specialized cafes where families with children are waiting for the holidays. There are conditions and rooms where the baby can be changed, calm down if necessary.

You and your child will love the work of the animators, the carefully designed children's menu.

Believe me, it won't be boring. In addition, at such events you can meet interesting people, make new friends, acquaintances.

And after a festive dinner, you can go to the main Christmas tree of the city. Let there be a large crowd of people here. Don't worry about the crumb. The child will like colorful fireworks and endless round dances. Such a holiday will become an unforgettable page in the family chronicle.

Party with friends

If you used to deny yourself the pleasure of spending a festive night with friends and chose quieter options for celebrating the New Year with children, now you can safely organize a friendly party.

Your friends, who also recently became parents, are probably also racking their brains about where to spend the New Year. Take the organization of a fun holiday into your own hands. Feel free to invite close friends with your children to visit for the whole night. Become not only an initiator, but also a screenwriter. Believe me, you will save a few more couples from a boring New Year, who will be grateful to you for the idea.

We'll have to work out all the details, and, perhaps, even attract invitees to help.

You can set the table by splitting or distributing the preparation, as well as among all members of the company. Themselves, take care of the preparation of the children's table. Here you will have to carefully work out the menu, taking into account not only the tastes and preferences of children, but also the characteristics of individual nutrition, the presence of possible contraindications. Therefore, you will have to agree on the children's menu with all the mothers.

So that the children can take a direct part in the New Year's celebration and raise their glasses to the chimes, prepare delicious milkshakes. Consider an alternative option in the form of freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes.

You should not treat kids to children's champagne, which is prepared according to the principle of sweet, not entirely healthy drinks, highly saturated with carbon dioxide.

Create an entertainment program with games and contests. Provide a place where the children can play peacefully. Prepare for this not only rugs, tables, but also cubes, a constructor, coloring books, pencils, board games. While the little ones are passionate about games, parents will have time to socialize and have fun.

Tell your friends to bring the kids' clothes to change. It is not worth watching all night so that the baby does not stain the beautiful outfit or the rented suit. It can be safely removed immediately after the New Year's celebrations and a photo session.

You will need pajamas, possibly sleeping bags. The organizers of the holiday need to think over and prepare the rooms in advance where tired children can be put to bed.

Alternatively, you can invite animators to the holiday who will entertain the children for several hours. Or call a nanny, hire a professional tutor at the agency who will look after the children while the parents are resting.

But this option requires additional costs and is not suitable for those who are looking for ideas on how to celebrate the New Year with children on a budget. Although these costs can be shared among all parents.

There are many great ideas where to celebrate the New Year with young children. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, experiment and choose options that are safe for the baby. And the holiday will surely become the most unforgettable and funniest one.

Video: beautiful New Year greetings for children

Happy New Year to the kids. For the little ones, our congratulations in the video: