How to clean an iron with baking soda. How to clean an iron at home? We learn to do it quickly, efficiently and at no extra cost. How to clean burnt fabric from a Teflon iron

We will tell you how to clean the iron from the burn on the soles at home - in our review you will find the most effective methods that can be implemented in everyday life. We've put together a collection of helpful tips to help you get rid of burn marks on your soles at home quickly and easily - read, explore and bookmark this page so you don't lose!

Main rules

The occurrence of a burn on the sole is not uncommon; it can be associated with forgetfulness, with careless handling or with the choice of the wrong temperature regime. It is possible to cope with the problem - it is available to everyone. Most of the funds can be found in everyday life without much difficulty.

Before you figure out how to clean the iron on the sole at home from burning, remember the following - the tool is chosen depending on the surface. Steel, ceramics and Teflon should not be abraded to damage or scratch the soleplate.

Well, now let's discuss at home from carbon deposits.


Salt can be found in the kitchen cupboard in every home - everyone has this product. Please note that this is a strong enough abrasive that you need to be careful with:

  • Spread a glass of salt on a hard, even surface (paper, board, cardboard) in an even layer;
  • Warm up the device and move it over the surface without pressure.

Hydrogen peroxide

There is a cheap tool in all first-aid kits - it copes not only with disinfection, but also helps to clean the iron at home from burning:

  • Soak cotton or linen in hydrogen peroxide;
  • Plug in the appliance, heat it up and start ironing the folded fabric.

By the way! If you haven't found a bottle of peroxide, you can use a hydroperitic tablet:

  • Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water;
  • Moisten a cloth with liquid and sweep over a warm surface;
  • Iron on a clean, dry cloth to remove any residue.

Nail polish remover or acetone

Acetone helps to wipe away stains on the iron from burning without scratching - you can replace the liquid with an ordinary nail polish remover. The method of application is very simple:

  • Wet a cotton pad;
  • Rub the damaged area;
  • Wipe the sole of the sole with a cloth soaked in water and wipe dry.



To clean the soleplate of the iron from carbon deposits at home using vinegar, it's worth getting ready - open a window to let in fresh air. After all, everyone is familiar with the specific smell of the product?

  • Dampen a rag with acid;
  • Heat the device;
  • Iron the rag several times until the burn is gone.


  • Rub some shavings off the piece;
  • Add a little water to dilute the gruel;
  • Using a sponge, apply it to the surface and leave it on for a while;
  • Rinse off the residue with a damp cloth and wipe the surface.

Finally, you can get a special pencil from the store to clean the surface of the burn - it is inexpensive and sold almost everywhere.

We discussed how to clean the iron at home from carbon deposits - choose the option you like, now you can easily cope with the problem yourself!

Uniform heating, easy sliding, non-stick properties - all these are characteristics that work surfaces have. However, even the highest quality outsole can be covered with a dark bloom. This usually occurs due to the wrong choice of temperature conditions or long-term holding of the device in one area of ​​the tissue. Let's figure out how to clean carbon deposits from the iron using home remedies.

Dirt on the iron is formed from melted or burnt fabric fibers, textile dyes and limescale particles. Before figuring out how to clean the iron from adhering fabric, let's figure out what it is made of.

Traditional materials are aluminum and stainless steel. They warm up quickly and are relatively inexpensive. However, fabric fibers, especially synthetic and woolen fibers, easily adhere to them. To solve this problem, manufacturers apply various coatings to the sole.

The main ones are:

  1. Titanium. Pros - durable, resistant to mechanical damage and scratches. Cons - it takes a long time to warm up, it is expensive.
  2. Ceramics and glass ceramics. Pros - provide easy sliding, quick cleaning, uniform heating. Cons - fragility, tendency to chips, cracks.
  3. Teflon. Pros - artificial fabrics do not stick to it, carbon deposits do not form. Cons - scratches easily.
  4. Sapphire (mineral chips). Pros - resistance to damage, can be cleaned with a metal brush. Cons - high price.
  5. Enamel. Pros - durable and smooth finish. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Many brands combine different types of coatings, for example titanium with sapphire or ceramic with silicon. In addition, some models are equipped with overlays for delicate materials to protect them from burning or melting.

Important: In order not to think about how to clean the iron from the burn on the sole, and to avoid its appearance, things made of synthetics, silk, wool, viscose and other "capricious" fabrics should be ironed through gauze or cotton napkin.

How to clean the soleplate of the iron


When figuring out how to clean the burned-in fabric from the iron, you should use a special pencil (crayon). They are produced by several companies (Typhoon, Diaz, Ream, Cinderella), are sold in hardware stores and are inexpensive. Instructions for use are attached to the pencil, which indicate the types of soles that can be processed. As a rule, the product is suitable for all surfaces.

Application rules:

  1. Heat up the iron, unplug it.
  2. Gently rub the dirt with a pencil, not pressing too hard on the surface or touching the sole with your fingers.
  3. After a few seconds, when the carbon deposits have dissolved, run the iron over the cotton cloth.
  4. When cleaning the steam iron, activate the steam release option and then clean the holes with a dry cotton swab.

The heat generated when using the pencil creates an unpleasant odor. Cleaning is best done near an open window. It is advisable to wear gloves on your hands. The same rules apply when using any other chemicals (ammonia, vinegar, solvent).


When figuring out how to clean the iron from burnt fabric, if it is covered with Teflon or ceramics, it makes sense to resort to using 9% vinegar. If the contamination is new, then it is necessary:

  1. Dilute the substance in water - 2 tablespoons per 1 glass.
  2. Dip a cotton swab or cloth into the liquid and wipe the heated, but not hot, sole.

It is better to clean old burns with a cloth soaked in concentrated vinegar. An old waffle or terry towel is ideal for this. It is recommended to use cotton swabs or toothpicks wrapped in cotton wool for processing the holes. At the end, you need to run a hot iron over a damp cloth.


When thinking about how else to clean the iron from carbon deposits and not damage its surface, you should use ammonia. Recipes:

  • table vinegar and ammonia in a 50/50 ratio;
  • juice of one lemon and 2-3 drops of ammonia;
  • ammonia in pure form.

The scheme for such cleaning the iron from carbon deposits at home is the same: you should treat the hot sole with a cloth soaked in liquid. In case of stubborn dirt, you can leave the cold iron overnight on a rag soaked in solution, and wipe it with a dry cloth in the morning.

Hydrogen peroxide

In search of a solution to the problem of how to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home, it is worth resorting to the help of hydrogen peroxide or its dry analogue - hydroperite tablets. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Heat the iron.
  2. Wipe the work surface with cotton wool soaked in peroxide, or treat it with a tablet. When using hydroperite, wipe off the remnants with a cloth.
  3. Iron unnecessary fabric.

Other means

Faced with the problem of how to clean the iron from carbon deposits, you can resort to one of the following methods:

  1. Rub a hot iron with laundry soap. After cooling, clean it with a damp cloth. The method is suitable for fresh dirt.
  2. Treat carbon deposits on a cold iron with cotton wool soaked in nail polish remover or paint thinner.
  3. Heat the iron and clean the contamination with a box of matches - the plane on which the sulfur has been applied.
  4. Rub a warm work surface with a paraffin candle. The appliance should be placed vertically on a pallet so that the melted paraffin can drain into it. Iron the rags.
  5. Apply a special glass ceramic cleaner to the ceramic soleplate. Remove it with a soft damp cloth.

To clean the iron from burnt fabric is a necessity that any housewife has at least once in her life. This is easy to do if you follow proven recommendations and have patience.

Why does carbon deposits appear on the iron

The need to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home can arise for a number of different reasons. Even with the most careful handling, carbon deposits periodically appear on the platform of the appliance, which, staining the laundry, reduces the quality of ironing.

The reason for this is burnt tissue, the particles of which remain on the surface in the following cases of use:

  1. The temperature regime has been exceeded. At the same time, microfibers remain on the iron platform, which accumulate over a certain period of time and turn into carbon deposits.
  2. Use of poor quality water. Limescale, which also forms in the iron, as in the kettle, makes the soleplate of the appliance rough. At the same time, lint and fibers from clothing quickly clog the platform, forming a thin, barely noticeable coating. The glide quality is reduced. Carbon deposits form on the platform.
  3. The appliance was accidentally left on the laundry. In this case, the fabric sticks to the sole, and further ironing becomes impossible. Burnt particles must be cleaned immediately.
  4. Damage to the platform. Any microcracks and scratches also affect the quality of ironing and are the main factor in the fact that burnt fibers and threads remain on the work platform.
  5. When ironing things made of wool, it is often overlooked that it is necessary to pre-cover such items with gauze, which is best not moistened.

In order not to spoil the item of household appliances, it is necessary to periodically remove the resulting contamination in the form of burnt tissue, carrying out preventive cleaning.

Features of cleaning the iron from carbon deposits at home

Before choosing a means for cleaning the iron from a burn and starting work to remove dirt, it is important to learn about the material from which the sole of the device is made. It is on this that the choice of a product that can qualitatively clean and not spoil the product depends.

For modern irons, the sole can be made of aluminum and stainless steel, as well as have a ceramic and Teflon coating. Some of the materials require a more gentle treatment and do not allow the use of aggressive and abrasive substances. Therefore, it will not work to clean all products from burnt fibers with a standard tool.

Features of materials:

  1. Aluminum platform. This surface is the most difficult to clean, since this soft metal is prone to microcracking. Then the coating begins to accumulate villi, which over time form a burnt plaque.
  2. Stainless steel. A working platform made of such a material can be cleaned by almost any means, and it is allowed to use even mechanical action with a blade or knife. But after such manipulations, light grinding of the working surface will be required in order to avoid the formation of burnt plaque.
  3. Ceramics. This coating needs careful maintenance. It cannot be cleaned with abrasive substances, brushes and sponges with a hard surface. Removal of burnt tissue and villi should be carried out with special compounds.
  4. Teflon coated. You can clean the sole with household chemicals, and folk methods are also used. But you will have to spend a lot of time to put the coating in order; you will also need to be extremely careful in your work.

After the material from which the working platform of the iron is made has been determined, you can start cleaning it from burnt elements.

At the same time, it is important to take into account a number of typical mistakes that housewives make in their attempts to clean the burnt tissue as quickly as possible:

  1. Cleaning the iron with sharp objects. It is forbidden to scrape off burnt-on fabric and fibers with a knife or razor. Such exposure is permissible only on hard metal surfaces with the utmost care.
  2. Rub the working platform with sandpaper. It is unacceptable to use an abrasive object when trying to clean burnt-on cloth from the soleplate of the appliance.
  3. Treat the ironing soleplate with water or other means when the iron is connected to the mains.

To avoid the problems associated with the occurrence of burnt deposits on the working surface of the electrical appliance, you can buy a special attachment for Teflon irons. The main advantage of such a device is that there is no need to clean the platform every time after ironing. The only disadvantages are that the pad is not removable.

How to remove carbon deposits on the iron using folk methods

You can use a variety of media to wipe off adhering fabric from the iron. It is important to take into account not only what is at hand at the moment, but also the degree of pollution. For example, salt will quickly and thoroughly clean any carbon deposits, but it cannot be used on delicate surfaces, but paraffin will not harm the sole, but it will not cope with serious deposits of burnt tissue.

How to clean the iron from burnt synthetics with salt

Salt acts as an abrasive, so it can only be used dry on stainless steel. For more delicate coatings, it is better to use a salt solution with the addition of other ingredients.

The first way to remove burnt-on fabric from the iron:

  1. Place a piece of rag on the ironing board.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp on the fabric. l. salt (preferably sea).
  3. Turn the iron on to the maximum setting, without the steam function.
  4. Iron out the salt, being careful not to press on the appliance.
  5. Unplug the iron and wipe off the remaining salt from it with a damp sponge.
  6. Let the surface dry.

Second cleaning method:

  1. Sprinkle salt between two layers of fabric.
  2. Iron on maximum setting without steam.
  3. Turn off the device and wipe the cooled soleplate with a soapy sponge.
  4. Allow to dry.

Third cleaning method:

  1. Mix a spoonful of salt and 2 drops of detergent in hot water.
  2. Wet the cloth with the solution.
  3. Iron it at maximum power.
  4. Dry.

Important! The latter method is suitable for removing burnt-on fabrics on surfaces of any material.

How to remove carbon deposits from an iron with vinegar

You can use ordinary vinegar to remove burnt fabrics from the surface of the iron. It can be used alone or mixed with salt, which is more effective.

Cleaning the working platform:

  1. Place equal proportions of salt and vinegar in a container.
  2. Heat the mixture until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Cool the mixture so that it is comfortable to use.
  4. Soak a piece of cloth in it.
  5. Wipe down the work surface.
  6. Remove the most stubborn burnt-on dirt with a brush or sponge.
  7. Dry the platform with a cloth.
  8. Turn on the appliance and iron a dry piece of cloth, which you will not mind throwing away afterwards.

Important! The holes in the sole of the appliance must be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in an acetic salt solution.

The use of vinegar can be slightly modified:

  1. Pour the solution into a small container.
  2. Boil.
  3. Install the iron on top so that the entire platform is treated with steam.
  4. Withstand the device until the carbon deposits are completely removed.

Attention! You can add some baking soda to the vinegar. Such a solution will quickly soften the burnt tissue and allow to clean the dirt efficiently.

How to clean a stuck iron with laundry soap

It is also able to effectively clean the iron from carbon deposits and remove burnt-on fabric.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Heat the device to maximum temperature.
  2. Switch off steam mode.
  3. Rub the platform gently with soap.
  4. After it starts to melt, the carbon deposits will soften.
  5. After turning off the iron, you must remove the dirt with a dry cloth.
  6. Then wipe the work surface with a damp sponge and dry.

Important! This method is ideal for Teflon coatings.

There is another method for cleaning the sole. You can wipe the iron from carbon deposits with soap crumbs. This requires:

  1. Grind the laundry soap.
  2. Spread it on a piece of cloth.
  3. Iron the soap.
  4. Clean the iron on a cloth by ironing.
  5. Repeat the procedure until the dirt is completely removed, alternating ironing with soap and clean rags.

To effectively clean the platform with this method, care must be taken to avoid getting melted soap on your hands.

How to clean a burned iron with a candle

You can wipe off adhering clothes from the iron with an ordinary candle. In this way, it will be possible to eliminate only recent pollution. Paraffin may not cope with strong carbon deposits.

Application of the method for cleaning the working surface of the iron:

  1. Wrap the candle in a cotton cloth so that you can hold it without fear of dripping wax.
  2. Heat the iron by turning it on to the maximum setting.
  3. Draw the resulting pencil over the working surface of the device.

Important! The iron must be held with a slight tilt so that the paraffin can drain off, taking with it the burnt scale.

At the end of the process, you need to wipe the sole with a damp cloth. If grains of wax remain on the iron, the device must be turned on again and the platform must be cleaned with a dry cloth. To completely remove the paraffin particles, you will need to use the vaporization mode.

How to remove baking soda from an iron

In the home, soda is used in many ways. She can also clean the iron from burnt fibers. Since it acts as an abrasive substance, it cannot be used on all working surfaces of the ironing appliance. The metal soles will, however, withstand dry exposure to baking soda.

How to clean:

  1. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of warm water. l. soda.
  2. Moisten a cloth in the composition.
  3. Spread it out on the ironing board.
  4. Iron with a hot iron.
  5. Remove the remaining soda with a dry cloth.

More effective will be a method that will rid the smooth surface of strong carbon deposits. For cleaning you need:

  1. In a suitable container, mix baking soda and water so that a gruel is obtained.
  2. Apply the mixture to the soleplate with a sponge.
  3. Grind.
  4. Remove powder residues with a damp cloth.

Attention! To perform the procedure, the iron should be slightly warm, not scalding your hands.

If it is necessary to clean the Teflon surface with soda, then the composition of the cleaning agent will need to be changed:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. starch, 1 tsp. dishwashing gel.
  2. Bring everything to the consistency of thick sour cream, gradually adding water.
  3. Apply the mixture to a warm iron bed.
  4. Wipe the surface with a soft cloth.
  5. Remove residues with a damp cloth.

Important! There should be no undissolved crystals in the mixture.

How to clean carbon deposits on an iron with toothpaste

The toothpaste is also able to quickly and effectively remove fumes from the iron. It dissolves burnt-on tissue particles well, but only if they are fresh. Otherwise, in order to achieve the desired result, you will have to spend more time and effort on cleaning.

How to remove contamination:

  1. Heat the iron to the maximum value.
  2. Remove the burn with a sharp object (as far as the degree of soiling allows).
  3. Apply toothpaste (you can use a brush or sponge).
  4. When the iron cools down, the paste will harden. It will be necessary to slightly moisten a sponge for washing dishes and clean the platform of the electrical appliance with its hard part.
  5. Rinse off the remaining cleaning agent with a cloth and allow to dry.

Toothpaste can be replaced with powder, but in this case it can only be used on metal surfaces.

So that when using the product there are no microcracks and scratches on the sole of the iron, it must be supplemented with a simple component - glycerin. The sequence of the procedure:

  1. Mix equal proportions of tooth powder and glycerin.
  2. Heat the composition in a water bath.
  3. Apply the mixture to the working surface of the appliance.
  4. Grind a little.
  5. Remove residues of the product with a damp sponge.
  6. Dry the platform.

How to remove carbon deposits from an iron with ammonia

Among the many ways to clean the iron from carbon deposits, there is also a method using ammonia. The main advantage of the product is that it can be used to clean any surface. At the same time, medical fluid is considered one of the most effective, capable of removing almost any contamination.

Cleaning method:

  1. Moisten a soft rag in ammonia.
  2. Wipe down the cooled platform.
  3. Use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to remove the debris from the holes in the sole.
  4. Allow to dry.

Attention! The vapors of ammonia are extremely harmful to the human body, so you need to work with the product in a ventilated room or in a medical mask.

Ammonia can be mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Sequence of steps:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp into a container. l. ammonia.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. peroxide.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture.
  4. Rub the work surface.
  5. Treat the holes in the sole with a cotton swab.

Important! Unplug the iron during the cleaning procedure. However, it should be warm, but not hot.

How to clean burnt-on fabric from iron with acetone

Acetone is a corrosive substance that can quickly remove stuck fabric from the iron. But it is not recommended to use it on Teflon coating.

Contamination removal process:

  1. Moisten a cotton swab with acetone.
  2. Wipe off the dirty areas of the working surface.
  3. Clean the product with a damp cloth.

Acetone can also be replaced with nail polish remover. If the solution does not contain the above substance in the composition, then it can be used for irons with any work surface.

It is also convenient to use white spirit instead of acetone. This product is more aggressive, but it can even clean old and plentiful carbon deposits. It is important to consider that this solvent can damage Teflon and aluminum surfaces. But it can be applied to ceramics.

How to clean the iron from burning with citric acid

You can wash the sole of the iron from carbon deposits using citric acid. At the same time, the ability of the product to clean delicate surfaces depends on the concentration of the composition.

First way:

  1. Mix citric acid and water in a container to make a gruel.
  2. Apply the mixture to the soleplate of the appliance with a dish sponge.
  3. Turn on the iron at maximum power.
  4. As soon as the smell comes from the mixture, the electrical appliance must be turned off and immediately cleaned with a damp sponge.

Attention! Work can only be carried out with cotton gloves, since the soleplate is hot and steam is generated during operation.

The second method is suitable for delicate coatings:

  1. In a glass of water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. citric acid.
  2. Soak a piece of cloth in the resulting solution.
  3. Treat the surface of the device (it must be warm).
  4. Remove residues with a damp sponge.

Third method:

  1. Pour a few tablespoons of citric acid onto a damp cloth.
  2. Turn on the iron and heat it up to maximum power.
  3. Iron the material with citric acid.
  4. Remove residues of the product with a damp cloth.

Important! From time to time, the lemon must be replaced with a new one, especially if the ironing device is too dirty. Otherwise, it will not be possible to clean the platform from burnt plaque.

How to remove carbon deposits from the soleplate with hydrogen peroxide

The usual hydrogen peroxide, which is available in every first aid kit, will help remove black plaque on the iron. This disinfectant is capable of removing many contaminants, including burnt-on tissue. To clear the platform, you will need:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in liquid.
  2. Warm up the work surface slightly.
  3. Treat it with a damp disc.
  4. Use a cotton swab to remove dirt from the holes in the sole.

If the carbon deposits are too large, you can use a more effective cleaning solution to clean up your iron. The peroxide formulation will help cleanse any burnt formation. Sequencing:

  1. Pour peroxide into a tray or small baking sheet.
  2. Put an electrical appliance in it.
  3. Wait at least 30 minutes.
  4. Connect the device to the mains and iron a rag with it in order to completely clear the platform from burnt deposits.

Important! This method will help to remove carbon deposits from the iron on the inside and outside of the soleplate.

How to remove burnt-on fabric from the iron using specialized tools

In addition to folk remedies, there are specially designed preparations that allow you to quickly, efficiently and safely clean the working platform of the ironing device. Among them are the following funds:

Instructions for using the pencil are indicated on the packaging and, depending on the manufacturer, may have some peculiarities. To properly clean the iron from carbon deposits with a pencil, you must complete the main steps:

  1. Heat up the appliance.
  2. Pencil on the working platform.
  3. When it starts to melt, burnt fabric will come off the sole and foam will appear.
  4. Clean off any remaining dirt with a soft cloth.
  5. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


You can remove burnt-on fabric from the iron in any convenient way. Whichever method is chosen, it is important to follow the operating rules so as not to spoil the work surface and not be injured.

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Hello, friends! Briefly distracted or set the wrong temperature regime - and please, a hole flaunts on your favorite blouse. So not only is the thing damaged, the sole of the iron is also covered with carbon deposits, which is why it is now impossible to use it for its intended purpose.

So what can you do? Buying a new device? Of course not. You just need to know how to remove carbon deposits from the iron. Moreover, there are a lot of ways to do this, and you will probably find something for cleaning at home.


Back in time, you probably noticed that its outsole can be made of different materials. We will not analyze the characteristics of each type, but take a look at them from the point of view of the complexity of care and cleaning.

In any case, it is better to discard coarse abrasives. For devices made of aluminum and stainless steel, the impact of small particles in exceptional cases is still possible (although they can leave ugly scratches), but their use on ceramic and Teflon devices is absolutely unacceptable. Scratches can interfere with the operation of the unit and it will no longer perform well.

Therefore, first try soft liquid formulations, and only if they do not help, use heavy artillery.

Cleaning methods

Now let's take a look at how to wipe off carbon deposits and which techniques are best for different types of materials.


In difficult cases or if there is no desire to pick up a folk recipe, there are special pencils for use at home. They are sold in hardware departments or hardware stores next to irons.

This gentle cleansing is permitted on all types of soles. The procedure is very simple.

  1. Heat the technique to the temperature specified in the instructions.
  2. Run the chalk on hot surfaces, paying special attention to difficult areas. The temperature will cause the pencil to melt. Do not press too hard to prevent the rod from breaking and crumbs to fall into the steam holes.
  3. Wipe off remaining dirt with a cloth.
  4. When the device has cooled down, wipe it first with a wet cloth and then with a dry cloth to remove any residual product.

Please note that corrosive smoke is emitted during operation. Therefore, manipulations must be carried out in a ventilated area and try not to inhale vapors.

The price of such devices varies greatly. You can find budget options, or you can choose branded expensive cleaners. From experience I say: there is no difference between them.

Another addition: place an unnecessary rag under the unit, because during cleaning, pencil drops flow down, forming stains.


There are many options for using acid to get rid of burns.

  1. The simplest: suitable for light dirt. Use a piece of cotton wool dipped in vinegar to treat the stained area. There is no need to heat the device.
  2. For more difficult situations, prepare a vinegar solution: a couple tablespoons per glass of water. Saturate an unnecessary towel with this composition and iron it thoroughly with an iron heated to medium temperatures.
  3. A solution for the lazy. Soak a piece of cloth in vinegar and place the machine on it while it is still warm, switched off. Let it stand for several hours.
  4. In a very difficult situation, mix the acid with ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio and walk over the surface.

Vinegar has a specific smell and can cause burns in the respiratory tract. Therefore, all procedures should be carried out with open windows and a protective mask.

When the procedure is over, be sure to wash off the remaining acid with clean water.


A fine abrasive allows you to rather gently remove traces of carbon deposits and rust, but is only suitable for metal. Teflon and ceramics are damaged from such manipulations.

In a small bowl, combine baking soda and water until mushy. Apply the mixture to a cloth and gently rub the sole on the burned-on areas. Next, remove the powder particles with a wet sponge.


You certainly have salt in your kitchen, so it will help out in cases when there is nothing else suitable. If possible, try the more gentle methods first, as the salt leaves scratches.

Place a small amount of salt on a blank piece of paper or cardboard. Iron it with a hot iron without applying much pressure.

Another option: put a couple of tablespoons of salt in a cotton bag and wipe the heated surface of the device with this package.

For stubborn stains, you can intensify the action with vinegar. Add salts to the acid in a 1: 1 ratio. Keep this mixture on low heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. Clean the stains with a cloth soaked in solution. Just remember to put on gloves first.

Those places where the dirt is already very strong can be gently scrubbed with a plastic spatula. Finally, remove the residue with a sponge and water.

Laundry soap

This is truly a folk remedy! The range of its application is very wide, and it includes, among other things, the elimination of burn-in. It is better to use soap for fresh marks.

The right thing to do is to start working immediately after the trouble. Simply rub the sole of your iron with a bar of soap and then rub over it with a soft cloth.

You can act in a different way.

  1. Stir a tablespoon of grated soap in a glass of water.
  2. Spread the surface with a rag and remove carbon deposits as much as possible.
  3. Apply the prepared mixture to a warm sole and let sit for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth to remove soap deposits.


Nail polish remover, acetone, or another solvent on hand will work. With their help, you can quickly remove the trail from the molten polyethylene.

Please note: the iron must be cold!

Soak a cotton pad in a little liquid and rub over the affected area. After all the excess has been removed, walk over the base with a damp cloth.

A few more methods

In addition to the above, there are other fairly effective cleansing techniques.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide - Soak a cotton ball in 3% hydrogen peroxide and rub hard on the affected area. Unwanted plaque will dissolve and disappear quickly. In this case, the device must be cold!
  2. A matchbox is an unexpected solution, but, judging by the reviews, it is very effective. Take a new box and treat the heated sole with the side on which the match is lit.
  3. Foil - I personally tried this recipe and confirm that it works. Just take the foil and iron it with a hot iron. The burn will flake off and stick to the metal sheet. Turn the foil over or replace it as it gets dirty.
  4. Toothpaste is a delicate polish that removes dirt well. Squeeze out some paste and use a soft brush to brush a slightly warm surface in a circular motion. It remains only to walk on it with a wet rag.
  5. Candle - Wrap an ordinary paraffin candle in a cotton cloth. Run this workpiece over a hot iron, pressing lightly in the most affected areas. The unit should be held at a slope so that drops of paraffin drip down and do not block the steam holes. So lay down the newspapers or pallet underneath.

You will learn a few additional options for dealing with carbon deposits from the video.

Preventive measures

It will be useful to remind you how to prevent the formation of carbon deposits. The recommendations are obvious, but for some reason many ignore them.

  1. Always adhere to the ironing temperatures indicated on the garment label. This is especially true for synthetic and delicate fabrics. If the label has not survived for some reason, there are tips on the iron mode switch.
  2. Iron delicate fabrics, wool and silk through damp gauze.
  3. Never iron previously worn, unwashed items. Dirt particles stick to the substrate and spoil it.
  4. At the end of ironing, wipe the surface with a cloth dampened in a weak citric acid solution.


The iron, like any household appliances, requires maintenance, so do not be lazy and promptly remove scale from the inner walls and carbon deposits from the sole.

Everyone has a deplorable experience with an iron at least once, the main thing is not to get upset and act quickly. You now know many effective methods of how to overcome the marks from a failed ironing.

Which of the following methods have you tried? What helped and what didn't? Share your impressions in the comments.

Modern irons are equipped with different types of surfaces. The usual metal sole is replaced by Teflon, cermets and other high-tech materials. However, the problems of carbon deposits and contamination of the surface of the iron are still relevant. No matter how fashionable and expensive the purchased iron is, sooner or later something will stick to it, burn or melt. This is not a reason to panic and think that the thing is irrevocably flawed. It is only necessary to get rid of unwanted pollution in time and with the right means and remember about preventive measures that will help the device to serve for many years and keep the laundry clean and fresh.

Iron sole materials

When choosing an iron, pay attention to the sole material. Not all materials have the same resistance to dirt.

The traditional metals from which iron soles are made are aluminum, stainless steel and their alloys. Anodized aluminum or polished stainless steel are traditional options for the soles of budget irons. They have a high thermal conductivity, which, on the one hand, increases the efficiency of the device, but on the other hand, increases the risk of carbon deposits and the degree of contamination. Anything that can melt readily sticks to a hot sole without a protective coating. This means that dirt on the surface cannot be avoided.

To solve the problem of sticking and to protect the laundry from burns and stains, manufacturers have invented several options for coatings that are applied to the base base:

  • enamel - improves sliding, easy to clean;
  • titanium - wear-resistant, scratch-resistant, but has a low thermal conductivity, which leads to high energy consumption;
  • ceramics - uniform and fast heating, ease of cleaning, but fragility and tendency to chipping and cracking;
  • Teflon - resistant to dirt, does not stick to synthetic fabrics, but is easily scratched and requires special care;
  • sapphire - mineral abrasive grit is resistant to mechanical damage and scratches, it can even be cleaned with a metal brush.

Iron soles: variety of materials (photo gallery)

Some manufacturers, in order to ensure the safety of the ironing process and increase the service life of the devices, offer special nozzles for the sole of the iron. Non-stick pads exclude the possibility of burning through delicate, synthetic fabrics and products with drawings, stickers, etc.

Types of contamination

The main types of contamination of the soleplate of the iron are carbon deposits, deposits, burnt-on synthetics, salt accumulations in the steam holes, etc.

The method of cleaning must be chosen taking into account the material of the surface and the type of contamination.

Methods for cleaning burnt-on fabric (synthetics)

Try cleaning a small area with synthetic fabric or polyethylene stains with acetone (nail polish remover). To do this, moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe off the dirt.

Freshly burnt synthetics must be removed immediately, without waiting for the iron to cool. To do this, turn on the device at full power so that the synthetics are completely melted, and scrape off the dirt with a wooden spatula, and remove the rest with a soft, clean cotton cloth. Then press down on the terrycloth for final cleanliness.

Stainless steel and aluminum iron can be cleaned with baking soda. To do this, cool the device, mix the baking soda with water and the resulting gruel with a sponge, remove traces of burnt tissue.

Baking soda gruel can be used to wipe dirt off metal surfaces

Coated irons can be delicately cleaned: rub a hot, dirty surface with laundry soap, then turn off the iron and cool. After that, wipe the cooled surface with a sponge soaked in water. Cloth adhering to the iron will peel off easily with the soapy water.

Removing carbon deposits with special and home remedies

The easiest and most effective way to remove dirt from any coating is to use a special pencil (REAM, DIAS, Typhoon, etc.), which can be purchased from the household chemicals department. The heated iron is rubbed over the contaminated area with a pencil. The pencil will melt during processing. You just have to wipe the surface dry: the melted pencil will "eat" any carbon deposits and deposits, including scale. To clean the steam vents, line them up with a pencil and then use the steam blowing function. For maximum effect, wipe each hole with a dry cotton swab.

Remove any residual dirt in the steam holes with a cotton swab

Important: in order not to spoil the surface of the table or ironing board, first place unnecessary cloth or paper under the iron.

Sulfur copes with carbon deposits on the iron. Try to rub the heated surface of the iron in the place of contamination with the sulfur side of the matchbox.

The uncoated iron can be cleaned with salt. To do this, sprinkle a couple tablespoons of rock salt on a clean cotton cloth and iron it for a few minutes without much pressure at maximum power. Remember to turn off the steam function. The contamination should disappear. Never try to clean Teflon-coated irons this way.

How to clean an iron with salt (photo gallery)

Sprinkle salt on a clean napkin Set the iron to maximum power by switching off the steam function Iron the salt lightly

For irons with enamel, teflon and ceramic coatings, abrasive cleaning agents are not suitable, and knives and metal brushes are all the more contraindicated.

Here are some products that can be used to clean all types of soles:

  1. A 1: 1 mixture of ammonia and table vinegar. Wipe the heated, but disconnected from the network device with the resulting mixture. Only use rubber gloves when handling the solution. The smell will not be pleasant, but the effect should please. For stubborn dirt, you can leave the iron on a cloth soaked in vinegar overnight.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide or hydroperide. Wipe the surface with a cotton pad moistened with liquid.
  3. Toothpaste. Apply toothpaste to dirt and wipe with a damp cloth. Then wipe dry with a woolen cloth. Make sure that no toothpaste gets into the steam holes.

Video: how to clean an iron

Prevention of contamination

If you use the iron in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers, then you may not need the above recommendations at all. Therefore, when purchasing an iron, carefully read the rules for using the device and temperature conditions for various types of fabrics. Keep in mind that modern irons often have a self-cleaning function, which must be used to get rid of scale on heating elements, holes and soles in time.

It is preferable to iron things made of synthetics through cheesecloth. So you will protect both the iron and the thing. Iron the clothing with stickers on the wrong side. Then you simply will not face the problem of stains on the iron.

Always check to see if you have turned off the iron when you finish ironing. After using the iron, wipe the surface with a soft cloth dampened with citric acid solution.

Typically, wisdom comes with experience. And if you are reading this post, then most likely you have managed to spoil your iron a little. There is hardly a mistress who would not go through this. But now you have learned how to get rid of the problem with simple improvised methods.