How to develop intuition. Exercises to develop intuition. How to Develop Intuition and Hidden Abilities - Exercises

Everyone has intuition, but not everyone has a well-developed intuition. It is also called the sixth sense of a person. Let's see what this feeling is?

Intuition Is the ability of a person to anticipate an event, to foresee it even before it occurs. A well-developed intuition is the first step towards clairvoyance.

In other words, intuition is a tiny part of a person's lost powerful ability to see clearly, that is, to penetrate with an inner eye into the essence of things and phenomena.

Why is it even possible to predict or foresee events that have not yet taken place?

According to esoteric concepts, any phenomenon, thing or event, before appearing in our physical world, first appears in the spiritual, subtle-material world. And it is this that people "feel" intuitively, subconsciously.

People with a developed "sixth sense" feel not what will happen, but what ALREADY happened, ALREADY happened, ALREADY exists. This is a simple transfer of information from the subconscious to consciousness, from the right hemisphere to the left.

How to develop intuition?

As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres - left and right. The left is logic and sober calculation, the right is anticipation and impulsive decision-making. In most people, the left hemisphere is more developed and dominates over the right.

The right hemisphere, as a receiver of high accuracy, receives signals from the Subtle World in the form of images, pictures, and the left hemisphere is able to translate them into phenomena that are understandable to our mind.

Thus, in order to develop intuition, it is necessary to develop the right hemisphere more, as well as the connection between both.

Intuition Development Exercises

Intuition can be developed in the same way as muscles in a sports gym. To do this, you need to exercise regularly. Here are some exercises to develop your sixth sense:

Exercise "Deck of cards"

Take in your hands a regular deck of playing cards "face down", take 4 cards out of it at random and put them in front of you. With your left hand, make several circular motions over each of them and try to "see" the suit of each of them. Let go of all your thoughts, turn off logic and trust only your feelings. Red should feel warm, black should feel cold. Make your choice and flip the cards over to see if you "saw" the color correctly. After you can accurately identify the colors, move on to the suits, then to the pictures, etc.

Exercise "Traffic light"

The purpose of this intuition exercise is to develop a signaling system in yourself, like a traffic light. Green - yes, red - no. Close your eyes and imagine a two-color traffic light. Ask yourself questions out loud that require a definite answer - yes or no. For example: "Is my name Anya?", "Am I 27 years old?", "Am I a brunette?" etc. Ask both right and wrong questions and watch the colors of the traffic lights. You may see other colors, each one differently. Once the signaling system is established, use it to find answers to questions you don't know.

  • Develop your right hemisphere

As you know, the right hand is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain, and the left - with the right. That is why the majority of people are dominated by the left side of the brain, so 90% of people are right-handed. Conclusion - you need to develop the left hand. To do this, try to "turn on" and load it as often as possible. For example, get into the habit of brushing your teeth with your left hand, holding a spoon or fork in it while eating, combing, writing, drawing, and so on. Personally, I make myself "left-handed days" a couple of times a week, that is, I try to do everything with this hand all day.

  • Practice meditation

When meditating, your whole body relaxes, logic and mind are turned off, the flow of thought stops, and intuitive sensations come to the surface of consciousness. Regular practice of meditation significantly develops intuition and increases the ability to anticipate and intuitive insight.

  • Listen to yourself often

Listen to your inner feelings. When you are going to an important meeting, a date or a visit, try to feel the future event in yourself. Just think about it and listen to yourself. Did you feel easy and joyful, or did you have a heavy and oppressive feeling? Do not forget to compare your feelings with real events.

The development of intuition according to the Silva method

Below you will find a video clip, which tells you how to learn to develop the "sixth sense" with the help of.

From it you will find out if it is possible with the help of intuition:

  • Understand other people without words and feel their thoughts?
  • Make the right decisions and avoid mistakes?
  • Seize opportunities and always go the right way?
  • Planning a personal life?
  • Get a "Route Map" for your whole life?
  • Learning to heal yourself and others at a distance?

Developing intuition with Reiki

The music in this video is charged with special energy " Intuition 999 " to activate and strengthen the "sixth sense". This system is designed to stimulate the ajna chakra and open the "third eye".

Develop your intuition and listen to your heart!

Arthur Golovin


In life, everyone wants to avoid as many mistakes as possible and come to the best version of their future. How can intuition work better? There are 5 simple techniques to help you train your sixth sense.

1. Contact with the right hemisphere

Since everyone is taught from childhood to develop logical thinking, we by inertia try to listen to the voice of reason, which in practice does not always justify itself. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of intuition, and the left hemisphere is responsible for the work of logic.

In the body, contact with the hemispheres is fixed in the hands: the left hand contacts the right hemisphere, the right hand contacts the left. To develop the work of the right hemisphere and, as a result, intuition, you need to train, performing the usual actions with the left hand. The simplest example is learning to eat or brush your teeth with your left hand, ideally writing or drawing. This will improve contact with the right hemisphere of your brain and at the same time make your intuition work better.

2. In which hand is the coin?

You will need a second person for this exercise. Ask a helper to put his hands behind his back and hide a coin in one of them. As soon as he is ready, let him stretch his arms forward, and you try to guess which hand is currently holding the coin.

Repeat the exercise 10-15 times. After that, pay attention: what were your sensations in the body before you managed to guess where the coin was, and what they were before you gave the wrong answer. Notice and document the difference. Continue the exercise, paying attention to the sensations. Your efficiency will increase.

3. For the coming sleep

To perform the following technique, you need to get yourself a new habit. When you go to bed, first release all tension and completely relax. And then proceed to dialogue with the unconscious. To do this, think about the question that worries you the most, and mentally ask the subconscious mind to give you an answer to it in a dream.

It is possible to develop the work of the right hemisphere and, as a result, intuition, if you perform the usual actions with your left hand: eat, brush your teeth, draw, write

Keep a piece of paper with a pen next to the bed. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember about your dream. The answer can be given in the form of a metaphor that only you can understand, or in plain text. For the purity of the experiment, repeat the exercise several times with one question, for example, throughout the week. Then you will better learn to understand the answers of the subconscious and be able to unravel them.

4. Who and why?

Make it a rule to not look at the screen every time the phone rings, but try to guess who it is. After two to three days, you will notice a positive change in the way your intuition works.

After this skill has been honed, proceed to the second part of the technique: after guessing who is calling, try to feel for what purpose, and then pick up the phone and clarify the purpose of the call.

5. A weighty argument

Another interesting way to develop intuition is to determine the weight of a solution. There are situations when you hesitate between two answers and cannot decide in any way how to act correctly. This exercise will help you.

First, practice getting an answer to a question for which you know the correct answer. Sit up straight, relax, bend both arms at the elbows, palms facing up, while they should be suspended in the air, and not lie on your knees.

Every time the phone rings, don't look at the screen, but try to guess who it is. After two to three days, you will notice a positive change in the way your intuition works.

For example, you remember exactly what you ate scrambled eggs for breakfast today. Place in your mind the answer "scrambled eggs" in one palm, and in the second, for example, the word "cabbage".

Then ask yourself the question: What did I eat for breakfast today? Pay attention to the feeling in the palms. The correct answer will, as it were, put more pressure on the palm, having more "weight". Repeat the technique for several days with different questions, the answers to which you know. And then move on to the questions in which it is difficult for you to make a decision.

The benefits of developing intuition

When you learn to listen to your sixth sense, you will be surprised how often it can be beneficial. Choose a profession or decide to leave for a new place, make useful contacts, improve the quality of your diet by choosing good products, get rid of many unnecessary habits and doubts, determine if you are starting a relationship with the right man.

Start training your intuition and celebrate positive results.

about the author

Coach, personality transformation consultant.

Many today live as in a dream: home-work-home. But in order to achieve something in life and climb up, you need to have certain traits, such as intuition. But not everyone has these qualities. Therefore, the question arises: how to develop intuition and hidden abilities? Let's find it out together.

What are we talking about?

Before we figure out and hidden abilities, let's find out what is meant by this expression? What are these qualities that should help and make our life easier?

So, hidden abilities are understood not so much as extrasensory perception, but as skillful mastery of psychology, hypnosis and suggestion. These three qualities will help, with the proper level of development, achieve any goal and convince people of their point of view (up to the fact that the sky overhead is green). Some people are given this by nature, but most of them have to develop all these traits in themselves.

So let's find out how to develop intuition and hidden abilities in ourselves? Let us stipulate right away that, like any science, this practice requires a certain investment of time and patience. Exercise must be regular to develop a habit, and practice must be carried out in life. After all, theory is theory, and without skills you will not go far on the text.

How to develop intuition?

Strictly speaking, what is intuition and what is it "eaten" with? This quality is also called the sixth sense, which helps to anticipate or, if you like, to anticipate events and people's reactions to one factor or another. All have this trait from birth, like sight, smell or touch. But because of the "settled" and insipid life, we suppress it for years, we stop listening to the inner voice. Therefore, it is necessary to develop not the intuition itself, but the ability to listen to it. Do not start with global issues, but small ones. With a well-developed intuition, her responses can be manifested in tactile, olfactory, visualized, auditory effects. For those who are just starting to work with it, these may be signals from the outside, such as the words of a bystander, news from the media, and so on - everything that people usually call "signs".

There are several rules to guide you on how to develop your intuition and latent abilities. The first is an unshakable belief in the existence of the subconscious and everything connected with it. The second rule is that self-confidence should be at the proper level. Without it, you are unlikely to succeed. The third rule is that in order for intuition to give you an answer, you need to ask a question to the subconscious, to your inner self, and of such a nature that the answer is either "yes" or "no". Rule four - any feeling sent by intuition cannot be ignored. Fifth - the vital importance of questions to intuition: "Should I go to the shower?" - don't even think about it. Sixth - do not ask the way to solve the problem, but listen to yourself and your feelings. Seventh - at first, you should do it alone. Any practice in the initial stages should be accompanied by a calm environment. When receiving an answer, do not "turn on" the logic, but just listen to yourself. In case of failures, do not give up. On the contrary, they should stimulate you to move forward. But if the answers of the subconscious mind are unclear or do not coincide with reality, you should understand what could interfere with the process. Maybe the same logic intervened in the process?

How to develop hidden abilities?

Consciousness and subconsciousness are two different things. And they are radically different. Consciousness belongs to the field of reflection. All the thoughts that have ever been born in your head were generated by consciousness. The subconscious is the area of ​​unconscious, unclear feelings. It is in him that an individual understanding of the surrounding world is born.

Also referred to as the subconscious. Experts have singled them out into separate concepts: telepathy, foresight, clairvoyance, retrocognitivism, psychometry.

Each of these abilities can be developed, but to be honest, it is very difficult and will take much more time than the development of intuition, which is given to us by nature. There are a number of exercises that will help you test one side or the other of ESP, allowing you to identify exactly your data. And there are a number of exercises to work with. And believe me, it will be very difficult. You will be discouraged more than once. Some people take years to move a plastic cup a couple of millimeters with their eyes. Therefore, if you firmly decided and believed that you need these abilities, you need to practice a lot of exercises, about which many books have been written.

So, for example, quite a lot of exercises are given in the book "Parapsychology" by the author Ch. Litbiter. Moreover, not only theoretical knowledge is given, but also exercises, additional information about preparation before the start of training. We hope that the article "How to develop intuition and latent abilities?" turned out to be useful to you.

Every person has a sixth sense, but not everyone is able to recognize their inner voice and feel it. In order for us to use intuition in our lives, it must be constantly trained and developed, like other human abilities. And if you decide to seriously engage in the development of your intuition, then you should learn how it works.

Intuition, how to understand it?

To understand what intuition is, you need to understand how our brain works. It is divided into two hemispheres - left and right. The left is responsible for thinking and logic, this is what becomes the backbone of the charter of life for most people. Such people follow only the voice of reason and do not pay attention to the signs that the sixth sense gives. As a result, they make wrong and sometimes disastrous decisions.

The right hemisphere is more developed in creative people, as it encourages rash actions and is responsible for inspiration. It is here that the subconscious of a person is located, and in it ours and feelings. The subconscious mind accumulates a lot of information in seconds and stores all the knowledge gained for years, all this helps it to make the right decisions.

Regarding what intuition is, it is a kind of channel that connects us with. It is through this channel from the right hemisphere that information comes in the form of insight, which helps to make illogical solutions to problems, and also provides answers to the most difficult questions of life.

If a person manages to reveal his abilities and gain psychological skills, then he will be able to fully use his brain. According to research by scientists, it was found that the development of two hemispheres is in the most successful people.

How to develop intuition?

  • To develop intuition, you need to constantly listen to your subconscious and increase self-esteem.
  • If a person does not believe in himself, then he will not be able to use his intuition, as he is afraid to follow the advice she gives.
  • Someone who has low self-esteem does what more confident, successful and strong people dictate to him.
  • When you become confident, you will see that intuition works. If there is no belief in this, then using her channel will not work, since it opens up to those who believe in it.
  • Learn to ask your subconscious mind the right questions. Speak each of them clearly, clearly, meaningfully and always in an affirmative way.

Let's take a specific example: You want to get an important position, but you don't know if you will be hired. Ask your subconscious mind a clear phrase: "I will get this job." Next, listen to the inner feelings that come from the heart and soul. Those phrases that were constructed in an affirmative form do not affect logical thinking, therefore they do not spoil the answers sent by intuition.

How can intuition be heard

Some people think they will get direct answers to their questions, but this is not at all the case. After all, our subconscious mind sends us its signals in the form of encoded images, sensations, impressions, and even smells.

There were cases when passengers on the plane returned their tickets right before departure, as they subconsciously felt danger ahead, and this saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense that they have learned to listen, especially when it comes to warnings.

The main signals of intuition are a rapid heartbeat, a person is thrown into heat or cold, sometimes feelings are manifested in the form of tingling in the fingers. Therefore, before making an important decision for yourself, listen to your inner feelings. For example, if they are joyful, then from the subconscious you will receive a positive answer. But if it squeezes in the chest, and in the soul a feeling of anxiety, then definitely, the answer is negative. Sometimes it happens that the subconscious mind, with the help of intuition, sends the correct answers in the form of certain smells. For example, before a joyful event, a person could smell oranges, but before a nuisance, a fetid smell of rotten fruit.

Of course, there are also people who cannot pick up the signals of their subconscious and do not receive signs from their intuition. Many people know the cases when you suffer for a long time while making an important decision, but suddenly you come across an ordinary newspaper and a bird beats out the window, and then it dawned on you. Moreover, events can happen different, but they all push a person to make the right decision.

How to tune into the intuition channel

To develop your intuition well is worth it. To do this, you need to find a quiet secluded place and immerse yourself in your thoughts. It is important to completely relax, and then ask your subconscious mind any question that interests you. Then it remains to wait for an answer. You need to be prepared for the fact that the sixth sense does not always respond quickly, but the answer always comes, the main thing is not to miss it. Remember, if you have inspiration and a lot of new ideas, then immediately turn off the logic, follow your intuition, and then see what came of it.

How to use intuition

If you do not want to be wrong in people, then include your intuition. After all, many have met cases when a person is well dressed, has good manners, but absolutely did not like it. In this case, an inner voice told you: "Don't trust him, be careful."

That is, the subconscious at the cosmic level caught the negative energy emanating from a new acquaintance, and then sent a signal through intuition. Therefore, if, when meeting with a stranger, you experienced a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, headache, stomach cramps, then be sure to listen to yourself, do not ignore this signal, trust him.

The subconscious mind will help you distinguish false from truth by sending signals through your intuition. If a person tells you truthful information, then your sixth sense catches his energy vibrations. But if he deceives you, then anxiety and resistance will arise within you. Learning to pick up these signals and use them will help you avoid mistakes in life. Intuition develops when you begin to listen to feelings and take thoughts out of the blue. Also pay attention to the world around you and your natural instincts, catch the inner voice and recognize what it says.

Technique for developing intuition

A special technique from a famous American psychologist called "A glass of water" will help to develop intuition. To make it work, you need to pour a glass of water before going to bed, tune in to your problems and drink only half of the water, saying the following words: "I already know the answer to this question." Then go to bed, and in the morning finish the rest of the water, pronouncing these words.

A few days will pass and your subconscious mind will start giving you signals. Perhaps it will send you a prophetic one that will tell you the answer to your question. The most important thing here is to correctly formulate your question and only in the direction. Never use the particle in any other way.

Practical lessons

If a person has developed intuition, then he gets a lot of opportunities. For example, try using your sixth sense to send your loved ones a specific signal. To do this, you need to think about your loved ones who are far from you every day before going to bed. Imagine them clearly in your imagination, do it for several days. As a result, your energy flows will reach, and they will contact you. Perhaps they will write you a letter, come to visit, or just call you.

Find the lost thing

Thanks to intuition, you can find a long-lost thing. All you need to do is tune into a specific channel and release the energy needed to search. For example, if you lost your phone, keys or other thing in your apartment, then just close your eyes, completely relax and give free rein to your energy waves that come from your subconscious and fill the whole house. Listen to your inner voice, which will tell you where the loss is. Not everyone succeeds the first time, but if you constantly train, then you will be pleasantly surprised by your new sensations.

Maps and cards

A standard deck of cards helps to develop intuition. You need to lay out four cards on the table, hiding the picture, then try to guess which suit they are. Slowly move your hand over the card and listen to your inner feelings. Feel the warmth or coldness that will come from the card. Trust your impressions, and then turn the card over and see if you guessed its suit or not. Conducting such training, your intuition will be stronger every day, and after a while you will be able to determine the card and its suit without mistakes.

Blind reading

Another method of getting an answer to a question is blind reading. This method is easy to use and can help you develop your intuition quickly. For example, if you are haunted by a question or a specific situation, then collect your thoughts about it. Next, put three sheets of cardboard next to you and write possible answers on each. Lay these sheets down on the table, relax, slide your hand over them. Tune in to the flow of information, after a few seconds you will feel warmth in your palms or a slight tingling sensation. If these sensations were very strong over some card, then the answer is obvious.


Mantras are a great way to develop intuition. These include special Sanskrit verses that have a mystical meaning. Many people believe that mantras improve the quality of life and help dreams come true.

There are mantras that develop the sixth sense. They are read only on the growing moon and are combined with meditation. this technique opens up hidden abilities in a person, thanks to which he can see the future or heal people with his biofield. Of course, not everyone succeeds in achieving such results, since constant training will be required to develop intuition, and you also need to spiritually develop your soul. With such a gift, a person becomes responsible for how he uses his knowledge.

If a person has a developed intuition, then extrasensory abilities are opened to him, thanks to which he can heal his diseases and other people. It is enough for such a person to hold his hands over the diseased organ of the patient, concentrate and listen to his signs and sensations. The energy waves of the biofield will quickly find the patient's pain points and give the palms a sign in the form of cold or warmth. Using the power of healing is very difficult, as it requires intuitive experience and a lot of training.

In order to develop intuition, you need to learn one rule: intuition is not a gift to the elect, but a reward for your work, which everyone can receive, and then use it to help loved ones and yourself.

Amazing stories about how one moment brought a person closer to success or saved a life are amazing. Unusual and spontaneous decisions made by people in a particular situation were based on a mysterious inner feeling. No one could really explain what these sensations were. “At one point I felt something terrible and did not get into the minibus,” say those who managed to avoid the accident.

Outstanding people often attribute their luck to being in the right place at the right time. They seem to feel where to go, what to choose, etc.

Scientists call this "luck" phenomenon simply - intuition. Moreover, they believe that intuition is the result of the work of the brain, and every person can develop it.

How to develop intuition - 7 easy ways?

From the point of view of science and psychology, intuition is the opposition of reflection. From this we can conclude that in order to develop intuition, you need to learn to relax and not concentrate on exciting problems. The following exercises will help you with this:

  1. Write down everything that bothers you on separate sheets of paper. That is, one sheet is one problem. On other cards, indicate solutions to existing problems in the same way. Turn over and shuffle the cards in each group. Get out the cards from each deck in turn, relying on your intuition. Funny and ridiculous results will cheer you up and distract your attention.

    Sit down, turn on soulful music, pick up pebbles or other objects and count them out loud. Try to focus on the process itself.

  2. When communicating with a person, listen to his mood, track his emotions, embarrassment and insincerity. This method perfectly develops the subconscious and the ability to feel "here and now."
  3. Keep a diary of glimpses of your sixth sense. Write down the prompts from your inner voice and their results. For example, in the morning you felt that it was better to walk than to crowd in a stuffy bus. Trusting your intuition, you chose to walk. What happened in the end? Are you satisfied with your choice?
  4. Set aside one day, preferably a day off, and live it by following the fleeting sensations. At first, you will doubt and feel uncomfortable, but then you will realize that the first stage to the formation of intuition has already been passed. Do not be afraid, what if this day turns out to be the best of your life?
  5. Intuition develops faster in those who are in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Think about what kind of person you are, what you want, how others treat you, etc. You must have a clear understanding of yourself and your relationships with loved ones, colleagues and friends.
  6. When making decisions, try to ask yourself a question in an affirmative and specific way. For example, instead of asking: "Should I or should I not go to the meeting?", You need to ask: "Should I go to the meeting?"
  7. As you know, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the processing of non-verbal information, the ability to fantasize and dream. Therefore, to strengthen intuition, it is it that should be developed. There are many exercises for this purpose, such as writing with your left hand.

Trust your intuition, but don't forget your mind. How did you learn to understand people and develop your inner flair in the form of intuition?