How to get a girl who is very angry with you to forgive you. Forgiveness to your girlfriend

Hello friends!

We know how sometimes it is hard for guys with girls, so we specially prepared this article in order to make life a little easier for men. Sooner or later, quarrels occur in every relationship, therefore, if you are overtaken by such a fate, then this is where you will find effective ways for reconciliation.

The well-known French phrase: “If a woman is wrong, ask her forgiveness” is still relevant today. Therefore, regardless of who was the initiator of the conflict, be smarter and carefully study our tips on how to ask a girl for forgiveness.

After the surprise has been handed in, start moving on to action. Tell your significant other that you sincerely regret and love her very much. Such a gesture will "melt" the heart of the offended beauty.

2. An unexpected surprise

In the case when the first method did not give the desired effect, go to the second point. If you are well aware of your girlfriend's taste preferences or know her cherished dream, then give your beloved what she wants. This can be: travel, horseback riding, an old book, hot air balloon flight (or something else meaningful for your chosen one).

3. Poems

It is foolish to think that romance is not relevant these days. The fair sex loves all sorts of sentimentality, so don't miss the perfect opportunity to make amends. Come up with a romantic poem and send it by SMS, on a social network, or, best of all, read it live.

If you do not have such a talent, and rhyme is not your forte, then look for romantic poems in books or on the Internet. Find a poem that fully reflects your feelings and send it to your significant other.

4. Delights

Most girls love sweets. Order a cake with the words "Sorry" or creative cupcakes with themed decoration for your companion. A romantic dinner in a good restaurant will also help cool the ardor of the offended beauty.

Do you live together? Then prepare dinner for your soulmate yourself, light candles, turn on slow music. There is nothing more romantic than a man who cooks - remember that!

5. Share your feelings

Write in front of the windows of your beloved with chalk or paint. Another effective option is to order a banner. Based on your own budget, choose the one that works best for you. Think less about how to ask for forgiveness from your girlfriend, but act! The fair sex loves romance and unusual surprises.

6. Help from friends

In the event that your beloved flatly refuses to meet with you and talk, use the help of your friends. Most likely, you have mutual friends. Talk to them and ask them to tell your lady about your depression. Girls are very sentimental, so if they find out how bad a loved one is, they will certainly forgive him.

7. Heart-to-heart conversation

Sometimes an ordinary conversation between lovers is enough for reconciliation. Tell your companion how you repent of what you have done, love and cannot imagine life without her. In the most difficult situations, it will be helpful to kneel down, thereby showing that you are fully aware of guilt and are ready to improve.

8. Video

A non-standard option for reconciliation would be to shoot a romantic video. While working on it, you can enlist the help of friends. If each friend takes a sign with the words "Forgive him", then the heart of the ice beauty will thaw. Don't be afraid to sound silly or ridiculous. Remember that in love, as in war, all is fair!

We sincerely hope, dear friends, that in our article you will find the most suitable and effective way for yourself to ask your girlfriend for forgiveness. Did your friend find himself in a similar situation and quarreled with his beloved? Then advise him on the social network to read our article. Perhaps it is your help that will help him keep the relationship!

We say goodbye to you, our beloved readers!

Remember that there should be no room for pride in love, so fight for your relationship, no matter what it takes, and be happy!
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Girls are capricious people, take offense with or without. And if a guy made a mistake, and even on a serious matter, then he will have to try to earn his forgiveness. How to do this in an original and sincere way, how to ask a girl for forgiveness? Let's consider different options, maybe you will choose the one that suits you.

What not to say and do

First, remember what not to do when apologizing:

  1. Do not ask for trouble. Give time, let the lady cool down. You can start in a couple of days.
  2. Never say: "But you ... You are the first, you yourself ..." In this case, you will make yourself more O major problems.
  3. Do not wrinkle in place. Have the courage to offend, type it up and apologize.
  4. And you shouldn't fall on your knees, play out a play and put pressure on pity. You can bring, if not expensive, but some funny or symbolic gift. It works especially well if, for example, a modest bouquet of flowers is delivered to her by a courier with a touching note.
  5. If you don’t know the reason why you did this, and she will most likely ask about them, don’t say that “something like that”, “I don’t know how it happened”. There is a great option: "Fool because!"

Of course, maybe somewhere you have to lie or embellish. It's okay, sometimes deception is useful if it is harmless. This is exactly the case.

The girl's forgiveness in her own words

If you are ashamed to look her straight in the eyes, you can write an SMS. What is better to say in a message if you do not know how to write poetry or think that you cannot say beautifully.

Speak sincerely in your own words:

  • « My dear man, without you it became sad and dreary. I am guilty before you, and I understand how you feel now. But I beg you to forgive me and smile!»
  • « Forgive my deed and the words that were said in a fever. I was tired, and I had no right to rip off the accumulated fatigue on you. I promise to improve! I miss you!»
  • « Let's not waste the time that we can happily spend on grievances. I sincerely regret what I did and hope for your mercy».
  • « Forgive me, you fool, after our quarrel I do not sleep at all. Everything falls out of hand. I am guilty and it makes me worse. I wait for your call every minute, but the phone is still silent. Please call me back!»
  • « I admit my mistake. You're right, I shouldn't have said or done this. I must have been possessed by an evil demon. I drove him away and this will not happen again! Forgive me, let's meet and spend time together!»

These are general examples. Chances are, after reading them, you write everything in your own words. After all, there are such subtleties in relations between people that we cannot foresee. But if we gave you an idea, that's good.

How to originally ask for forgiveness from a girl in verse?

Women love original men. You can strain a little and come up with poems for her, which you will send via SMS. It's not really difficult:

  1. “Forgive me, I am very guilty. I will never forgive myself that I so offended last night, the one that I love the most! "
  2. “I want to urgently apologize. I know you’re mad at me. But it will never happen again, what I did. I am waiting for a call and sms, I miss a lot from day to day. When you are my princess, you will illuminate me with forgiveness! "
  3. “I love you very, very much. Don't look that you didn't come. Forgive me my (name), I'm guilty, I'm out of my mind. Your resentment gnaws at me, I don't know where to be and how. This disagreement is so disturbing ... I confess that I am a fool! "
  4. “The day when everything suddenly happened was a terrible day for me. I remember how upset you were! I am guilty, I will burn with fire. I don’t stand for your forgiveness, of course, someone will forgive. But I hope I won't hide it. I hope that the moment will come! "
  5. “My dear friend, do not remain in the past. You are probably crying now. The reason for this is my oversight, I have offended you greatly. I will correct myself, expiate my offense, henceforth I will think with my head. Sorry, I'm waiting for a minute when I'll see you! "

It doesn't take much time or special education to write such simple lines. Only a desire to surprise your soul mate.

Social networks

  • Record a video and post it on her page.
  • Create a group and ask your friends to leave comments in it so that you can be forgiven. Then send her an invitation to this group.
  • Use all kinds of postcard apps. There are special ones on this topic.
  • There are even groups on social networks in which others share their experiences, how they apologized.
  • Post the status on your page with touching words or verses.

In general, use all the possibilities of the Internet. Social networks are probably needed to help each other.

If all else fails to earn her forgiveness

Of course, sending an SMS is easier than talking face to face. But words spoken to the face are much more valuable alone. After all, we most often offend personally. But we love to ask for forgiveness at a distance.

Therefore, if your girlfriend does not forgive you even after the original SMS with poetry, then you need to be brave and come.

But before that:

  • Pause. Maybe she is considering the answer and does not want to rush and get excited.
  • Prepare to listen to her by looking into her eyes. Maybe you know what she's going to say. Then think about what you will answer.
  • Practice making a guilty face in front of the mirror. Such that touches, and does not cause pity. Even the most severe heart will melt a good sense of humor and sincerity.

If the offense was really serious, only a personal audience will help. Maybe come up with something original for her.

For example:

  • Meet unexpectedly after work at the door with a long-awaited gift.
  • Take your girlfriend to where she wanted to go for a long time. It doesn't have to be a huge journey. No, exactly the original place. Perhaps this is the house where she grew up or the place where you first kissed. Such nostalgic moments of women make their way to tears.
  • Hang a collage of photos from your life and words of forgiveness near her door.

Yes, many will say: "Why strain so much!" But we are now talking about those who knows why.

So, we tried to help you and suggested different options on how to ask the girl for forgiveness. We hope that we were able to make your difficult task a little easier.

Video methods: how to beautifully apologize to your beloved

In this video, psychologist Denis Maratov will tell you about five unusual ways to apologize to your girlfriend, what words and actions will make her melt:

Strive, strive and strive again.

If he doesn’t want to talk, write a letter (SMS will not help in this case). Meet and see off. Perhaps he will forgive ...

Although, of course, it all depends on what kind of offense, and what kind of character the girl has ...

What needs to be done for a girl to forgive?

It depends on what she has to forgive ... Maybe not at all. But you can try. First, explain how THIS (spree, betrayal, set up, deception, etc.) happened, find compelling arguments. Secondly, to make an oath promise that this will not happen again. Moreover, NEVER !!! At the same time, be sincere and believe in what you are saying. Thirdly, gifts, gifts and gifts again !!! Or do something (positive!) That will make an impression on her (for example, do something, that they promised for a long time - to quit smoking or swearing, or something else - you know what). You can publish an apology in a newspaper (for example, "Metro").

As a gift - not necessarily gold and diamonds, but something that she would be pleased to receive or dreamed of, perhaps something super-original or, conversely, just cute - like a bouquet of cornflowers ...


Write her a letter.
Send by e-mail, in contact, or by regular mail.
If we were talking about a stranger whose habits you do not know, then the letter may not always be understood correctly. But you know your girlfriend))) what is written is often perceived clearer and more understandable.
Analyze the situation yourself, namely - find the main reason why you allowed yourself to offend the girl. Why did you do it. And explain it to her.
Don't forget about self-criticism. Scold yourself a little. Do not miss the opportunity to mention a mitigating circumstance (for example, you care, therefore .... so many emotions, etc. :-))

About gifts. If a girl is simple and does not really think about it, then overwhelm her with them, if she is thinking, and puts relationships first, and then everything else, then first you need to explain. Gifts are easier, but I repeat, if the girl is not a "doll", then you have to turn on the brains.


In this regard, the following can be said.

1. It all depends on how and with what you offended her. If the offense was very serious (changed, insulted), then perhaps he will not forgive.
2. Before offending a girl, you should think about the consequences (which, in fact, happened. This is inexperience - it happens in youth and there is nothing you can do about it).
3. If in fact you are to blame, then you need to seek her forgiveness in every possible way (this can take a very long time).
4. Know, if there is love (meaning mutual), then forgive (except for 1 point). Your task is to achieve this. You are to blame.
5. If this happens often and you do not feel guilty, then your girlfriend is the initiator. She plays on your feelings and doesn't love you.
In this situation, it is necessary to leave this girlfriend and not cherish hopes. It is pointless, only you will suffer.
And in general, very valuable advice!
If quarrels between partners occur very often, then you need to ruthlessly break off the relationship. This is not your person. PROVED!

All the best to you!

What needs to be done to make the girl forgive?

If you do not want to forgive, then you have offended not the first time, or seriously offended ... The best way not to offend, then you will not have to forgive, especially if you love, why offend

You can write a letter, read it - maybe forgive, but where is the guarantee that you will not offend again ?! First, you must admit your guilt, draw conclusions because of what you were offended, how serious it is, change for the better, so that you no longer make mistakes and offend, and not ask for a petition with words, but your actions and behavior, your attention and care.

What needs to be done to make the girl forgive?

It depends on what he has done, if he just offended nothing terrible, then the roses will do, but there is something that cannot be forgiven at all, and nothing will help.

Lay out her name in flowers under her window

Baby excuse me please
I don’t deny, I screwed up a lot
You gave me a dream
I swam with you in happiness.

I'm sorry, please don't be mad
Let's sign the world
Rodnul, please, smile
Let's forget the bad things!

After all, there is no peace without you,
I languish all day in sorrow,
Forgive me please
You are the only one I always need!

Forgive me for my quick temper,
I know that it is very difficult with me!
I love you with my heart and soul,
Darling, I'm so anxious without you!

Sorry for this bitterness of stupid phrases
That flew from the mouth like bullets!
I really miss your eyes
Which brought me happiness back to life!

I hated myself
I became disgusted with myself -
I offended my beloved
Thus, he fell very low.

To forgive me - it may be difficult
In anguish I await an answer:
Is there even the slightest hope?
Will you forgive me or not?

Darling, I'm sorry, now I know
How fragile everything is, how easy it is to break
That fragile bridge that connects us
The gentle world that we were able to create.

Darling, I'm sorry, I know it's hard
Forgive me, and restore everything.
I'll try to do my best
After all, I cannot live without you.

Forgive me please, I know
True, my act was not good!
This will not happen in the future, I promise
Believe me, my words are not lies!

Let go of the offense from your heart,
So that there was understanding between us!
Please, I pray, forgive me -
This is my main desire now!

How sad I am that we are in a quarrel
I blame myself for everything.
Believe me, it hurts a lot
That I offended you.

I'm so ashamed, I'm suffering
And the guilt gnaws at me.
Excuse me, dear!
I'm sorry ... Forgive me!

I'm sorry honey, I'm sorry.
For the fact that I offended you.
For not understanding longing
And I did not see your pain.

I'm sorry that I was rude to you
And sometimes he got angry, noticing
Like thin lips
Tremble from offensive moments.

Forgive me for being so blind.
Now I understand everything perfectly.
That happiness is just to be near
And kiss your palms.

I ask you about one thing -
Give me a chance to correct my mistake.
And your every tear
I will now turn into a smile.

Forgive me for everything, I promise
This will not happen again!
I am very guilty, I know it
But I'm ready to change for the better!

I ask with all my heart now forgiveness
In my soul I tremble with excitement!
I love you to the point of insanity
I treasure you insanely!

Forgive me, dear, that I offended
I didn't mean to, I'm sorry ...
I didn't see your sadness
And I hurt myself.

I'm sorry good, I know
That you do not harbor resentment.
I love you and miss you so
And I believe that you will forgive me.

Forgive me, my dear.
I behaved ugly.
I offended you very much, I know
And therefore you are fair

You look at me angrily
Not hiding his resentment.
I will change for you.
Forgive me, my dear!

Once, having met a girl you liked, you did not even notice how, until recently, a stranger was called your beloved. Surprisingly, with her you share your joys, share troubles, discuss news, you can say everything is fine with you.

But, alas, we are all not ideal people, and therefore there comes a time when, having made a mistake or made, something that greatly touched your soul mate, you have to apologize. Regardless of your desire, in a quarrel with your soul mate, just one rude word or incorrect intonation can detonate a strong disagreement.

Whether we like it or not, this is an indispensable condition for gender relations, it will not be possible to live your whole life smoothly, there will certainly be moments when you have to take all the blame on yourself and ask for forgiveness from your loved one. In order for all your words to be heard and accepted correctly, there are several important points to remember.

It is important to firmly understand that asking for forgiveness is not an act of a weak-willed person. Rather, on the contrary, only an internally adult and accomplished man can take the first step towards rectifying the situation, apologize, ask for forgiveness from a friend.

When apologizing to your girlfriend, you need to create an appropriate environment and choose the right words. Agree, the word “I'm sorry” said on the run will be like a blank shot, no positive effect will happen, and may even aggravate the current situation. Psychologists say that the best time to forgive is the day after the quarrel. During this time, emotions will die out, and the words spoken in the heat will be still fresh, moreover, this is enough time to realize that you are wrong.

How to properly ask for forgiveness from a girl

  1. Be sure to confirm that you perfectly understand the situation in which you find yourself. We'll have to give up general apologies, ask for forgiveness "for everything said and done," this means getting off with hackneyed phrases. Point out that you know exactly the reason for the disagreement and that you are ready to fix everything.
  2. Don't make excuses. An important condition for a long-term relationship is to be able to take responsibility, for actions and their consequences, upon yourself. When apologizing, do not be afraid to emphasize that you made a mistake, but you are ready to fix everything.
  3. Look at the current situation from all sides. Forget about your own opinion, your goal is to renew, a cracked relationship, and not to decide who is right in this case.
  4. Be sure to ask whether you can count on forgiveness or not. Very often, it seems to us that a few words of apology are obliged to correct the situation and the relationship to return to the previous level. Alas, sometimes it is impossible to return everything back, so do not hesitate and ask directly if you are ready to forgive you or not. Perhaps this will not fix anything, but it will show your respect for your partner.
  5. Be patient. Having quarreled, we strive to smooth out all corners as soon as possible and find points of restoring mutual understanding. If in the process of apologizing, you saw that at this stage the situation cannot be corrected, do not insist. Try to unobtrusively find out what actions you can take to resolve the situation in which you find yourself. In any case, you have to be patient.
  6. Everything said should sound solid, it will show your determination to fix everything. When accepting responsibility, speak boldly without raising your tone. The main condition is sincere words of forgiveness. If the interlocutor sees in them bitterness and regret, he will accordingly understand that you have experienced the situation internally, which means that in the future you will try not to repeat mistakes.

Forgiveness in prose

My dear man, you can't even imagine how lucky I am in this life. Until recently, I did not even think about it, but the situation in which we found ourselves showed how dear you are to me. Forgive me for the words I said in anger, please do not be offended. I'm truly sorry, love.

Sunny, how insanely sorry I am for every letter that I told you after succumbing to emotions. Of course, this in no way justifies me, but please do not make hasty decisions, give me a chance to fix everything. I promise you will see a completely different person who can move mountains for the love of a loved one. Sorry kitty, this will never happen again.

My love, alas, in our life there are different situations, sometimes they are very deplorable. It's incredibly hard for me to realize how painfully I hurt you, in my own words. I beg your pardon, beloved, let's try to forget everything, like a bad dream and, if possible, avoid repeating mistakes. For my part, I promise that I will make every effort to fix everything and strengthen our relationship. Love you.

Every day, waking up without you or seeing your favorite chair empty, I am torn from the inside. How stupid and presumptuous he was, that he did not appreciate near, such a sensitive person like you. They say that we do not value, having lost weeping, how can I now understand the deep meaning of this phrase. I miss your presence in my life to tears, laughter that fills everything around, gentle hands and wise advice. Sorry, my dear.

It's hard for me to understand how people who have not known love live !? How can you be happy without this bright feeling? Now I know the answer for sure - no way! But lately my conscience has been tormenting me, I regularly remind me of how disgusting I acted with my love. I ask you to forgive me for the insult caused to you, the love of my life. Let the moments of sorrow go to the distant past, and the light of the present illuminates our relationship.

What a terrible word - loneliness! The thought that I cannot see you all the time turns everything in me upside down. Of course, all the blame for what happened lies entirely with me, I have played our quarrel thousands of times in my head and it is impossible to understand how such a trifle can cause such problems ?! I only hope for your forgiveness, dear, well, some trifle cannot interfere with the happiness of two adults. Sorry kitty, let's not fight anymore.

You know, preparing for our conversation, I tried to find beautiful words to justify myself. I flipped through many books and magazines, but nowhere did I see the right words for you to forgive me. And then I decided - I will speak from my heart, because it was thanks to him that I realized how dear you are to me. Don't judge me baby, because you know perfectly well that I love you with all my heart, with all my soul. I beg your pardon, the fairest woman in the world.

My little one, I just can't understand what is happening to me: no matter what I do, wherever I go, all my thoughts return to you. I just can’t forgive myself for the stupid act that I did. I can only hope for your pure and disinterested soul, which will be able to understand and forgive, even such a fool.

Baby, I need to tell you, everything that has accumulated inside me. From the day of our quarrel to the present moment, I can’t do anything, I can’t concentrate on business, whatever I do, nothing happens. Thinking for a long time what is the reason, I came to only one conclusion - I need to ask you for forgiveness. Sorry for the nonsense said in the hearts, for the actions done in anger. For a normal existence, it is vital for me to receive your forgiveness.

You know, I had enough time to realize the depth of the insult I have inflicted on you. I ask you to excuse me, I am really very ashamed for what I said. This behavior is characteristic only of egoists, but I no longer want to be such, on the contrary, my whole nature longs to share with you, everything I have. Let's not quarrel anymore, darling.

My beloved to madness and gentle person, well, how can you take offense at me for so long ?! All the words that I can say to you, in my defense, are nothing compared to how I punished myself. Every minute spent in a quarrel with you is an eternity for me, and in every breath, oxygen is sorely lacking. Please find the strength and excuse yourself, your stupid boy.

Kitten, let's go through this difficult period together in our life. As a poet, I would like to describe all the disappointment that I feel from the current situation, but alas, I cannot. Therefore, everything I said will flow from my wounded heart, and every letter is saturated with bitterness and regret. Excuse me, dear, if there is a thing that will help me smooth out the guilt, tell me and I will do my best to get it.

Remember how many joyful and happy days we spent together! Let's not let this unfortunate incident ruin our lives. I apologize to you, for my part I promise that from now on I will behave more restrainedly, and what I said will be carefully balanced. Excuse me baby.

Beloved, during our quarrel, an insane amount of words of justification has accumulated in me. But they can all fit into one short word - I'm sorry. It is extremely foolish to seek an excuse for your careless actions, and therefore, I want to tell you that I take all the blame for the actions I have taken. From you, I ask only a little understanding and forgiveness, oddly enough, but this is what is vitally necessary for me. Forgive me my love.

I want to ask forgiveness from the dearest and most beloved person - my wife. You are the most beautiful, most caring spouse in the whole wide world. I ask you, light of my eyes, show condescension and forgive your rude husband. I know very well about your unusually large, kind heart, and I have to count on it, because there is nothing else for it. Sorry, my darling, let all the troubles go away forever from our lives, and their place will be taken by love and mutual respect.

Short sms messages

If there was an opportunity, I would return everything back, I would not think for a second, I would return it and fix everything. But, since this is impossible, it remains only to ask for forgiveness, in the hope of your apology. I love you, I'm sorry.

I have no excuse, this realization drives me crazy. I beg your pardon, not even forgive me. Please don't make any quick decisions, let me fix it. Infinitely loving you (name).

Oh, light of my eyes, I can not forgive myself in any way, the stupidity which I told you in anger. You are not worthy to listen to such sayings and I assure you, I have spoken these nasty things to you with passion. Forgive the fool!

How I want to become a happy person back, but I can't, without your presence in my life. Sorry, my dear woman, let's forget everything and continue to live happily and carefree.

How hopelessly stupid I was when I took actions that could hurt you. Forgive me if I humiliated you in my own words or offended you with actions, if you can forgive, then I am sure we are able to rebuild everything.