Karmic connection at a distance. Karmic connections and meetings

Psychologists say that only those relationships in which you do not need to grind will develop harmoniously. It is easy in them from the very beginning, as if people have known each other for many years, they know each other's pain points very well, skillfully bypass the "sharp corners". It also happens in another way: it is difficult for partners to find a common language, but some inexplicable force keeps you close. Perhaps such meetings are predetermined by fate?

What is a karmic relationship?

Why do a man and a woman enter into a relationship? This is understandable - to be close to loved ones every minute, to create a happy couple, to give birth to children. Over time, many ask themselves the question: was I not mistaken with the choice?

Why does a smart, sweet woman meet on the way those who like to drink and hang around behind every skirt, and for a successful businessman - stupid beauties who are ready to do anything just to get another new thing and a ring with a scattering of diamonds.

A person understands that he is not the one next to him, but he cannot do anything. This phenomenon is called "karmic relationship between a man and a woman." The origins of choice lie outside of conscious reality. How to recognize a fateful meeting?

Karma refers to the influence of the past on a person's life. Believe it or not in such astrological things is everyone's personal business. There is no doubt that additional knowledge has not prevented anyone from becoming happy.

What is a karmic connection and how can it manifest itself? A striking example can be the following situation: the spouses decided to leave, love is gone, the children have grown, and there are fewer and fewer points of contact.

However, on the way to the breakup, obstacles arise all the time that the couple is forced to overcome together - the diseases of the parents, the problems of the children, their apartment is flooded by neighbors, and robbers enter the country house. The situation lasts forever, deliverance will not come until the debts of the past are worked off.

A karmic connection arises for a reason - the souls of people were familiar in the past, they are connected at the mental level. They were given a new chance to find happiness or, breaking the vicious circle, to part forever.

Connections arise due to the concluded karmic agreements. For example, a man and a woman met and fell madly in love with each other. Both are tied by the knot, out of respect for the spouses they cannot leave the family.

The attraction between souls is so strong that they agree to meet again in a future life. Energetically, the tension in such couples is incredible, even after saying goodbye, they cannot find the strength to stay at a distance. People quarrel, suffer, but do not find the strength to stop and get out of the relationship.

How do you recognize them?

Meeting with a karmic partner always causes unreasonably strong emotional outbursts. In his presence, you are unable to control your feelings, react too hotly, or, on the contrary, fall into a stupor.

On closer acquaintance, you understand that the relationship does not work out, disputes and conflicts arise for any reason, no one wants to give in, it is almost impossible to reach a compromise, but none of the two dares to break the connection. If you imagine energy connections in the form of threads connecting a pair, then it will be entangled by them from head to toe. It is impossible to stop communication.

Love at first sight? Not at all, love from the past. When a karmic partner is around, something inexplicable happens. Your moral principles did not allow dating a married man, acquiring the status of a mistress?

And now, after the first informal conversation, you do not let go of the phone, forget to eat, waiting for a call, cancel important things for the sake of a date with him. No amount of willpower is able to get rid of the obsession.

Sometimes there is an irrational craving for a complete stranger that does not lend itself well to logic. We met with our eyes on the subway, exchanged a few words on vacation, exchanged posts on social networks, and both cannot stop thinking about a stranger, they are attracted by an unknown force. Getting to know each other better, you never cease to be surprised, every word, habit, gesture falls on the soul, like family.

Karmic connection between a man and a woman, the main signs:

  • uncontrollable physical attraction;
  • inexplicable trust in a stranger;
  • the rapid development of relations;
  • crazy heat of emotions - jealousy, passion, endless showdown;
  • powerful emotional attachments, the love triangle generates the strongest sense of guilt;
  • a marriage union in which one of the spouses is an alcoholic, drug addict, not completely healthy mentally or physically;
  • big difference in age, multiple of 5 years;
  • lack of children in marriage.

Karmic scenarios

The cause of a karmic connection is unfulfilled promises that leave a mark on the energy shell. The following situations can be a manifestation of the relationship:

  1. Unrequited love. You understand that there is no chance, but you cannot get rid of the attraction. What does it mean? In the past, a person took an oath of allegiance to another partner.
  2. Insurmountable Barriers to Marriage. The reason is the same.
  3. The inability to love. Unfulfilled Promise to Dedicate Oneself to God.
  4. Guilt-driven aggression.
  5. Connection with a person suffering from addiction. His partner needs to root out the victim role.

Types of karmic relationships

Experts distinguish between two types of karmic relationships:

  1. Healing. Having met, people complement each other, respect and care, without trying to change their partner. Their compatibility is perfect. Sometimes a misunderstanding arises between them, but such situations do not degenerate into a conflict, but are resolved easily and quickly.
  2. Destructive. Does your new relationship seem perfect? Do not hurry. Over time, the unresolved problems of the past will certainly come out, the lesson will have to be worked out. Intense suffering most often has nothing to do with true love, emotions are exhausting, but it is very difficult to break a painful addiction. All this will continue until you find reasonable arguments for getting out of the relationship. It is useless to hope that everything will change eventually. Some women, whose husbands drink deeply, are not going to leave and break the bond, they are sure that they should stay close, this is their fate.

How long does a karmic relationship last?

The duration of a karmic relationship depends on the type of connection. No reason can separate the couple apart, if they have a healing bond, people have already become so close that they have become one. Such couples can be happy in several lifetimes.

A destructive relationship will last until the partners get tired and find the strength to understand that the connection between them causes only suffering. It's time to untie the knot.

Prospects for karmic relationships

A couple in a karmic relationship has three paths:

  • admit that both have exhausted their resource of patience, decide to leave;
  • discuss problems, understand that there is a likelihood of maintaining relationships and breaking out of the vicious circle, charting paths, agreeing to treat each other with care, and acting in accordance with the plan, not stepping aside a single step;
  • to act "at random", continuing to go with the flow, to maintain a position that is obviously losing from the point of view of psychology.

How to calculate karmic relationships by dates of birth?

Entering into new relationships, people are on the rise of emotions, no one thinks about the bad. However, when concluding a marriage union, it would not hurt to draw up a horoscope and try to determine the compatibility of the couple.

Karmic marriages, with a healing bond, are considered the most durable. People are united not only by feelings, but also supported by higher forces. Deciphering astrological charts, compiled according to the signs of the zodiac, allows you to determine the prospects for the harmony of relationships.

Numerology comes to the rescue, which makes it possible to calculate by the dates of birth of partners, and to understand whether they have a karmic relationship. The calculation method is quite simple. All the digits of the date of birth of a man and a woman are added up, and then the amounts are compared.

  • For example. The man was born on 21.12. 1970. Determine the sum 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 23.
  • Date of birth of a woman 02/01/1973. 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 23.
  • 23 = 23 - karmic connection. The amount received is significant. For these people, the cycle between fateful events will be equal to 23 years, it is also called the age of change.

If there is a ten in the date of birth - a day or a month - it is added in full, this is important. The discrepancy between the amounts does not mean that the marriage will be unhappy.

Numerological calculation allows you to look into the future of karmic relationships by the dates of birth of partners. It is required to sum the numbers in the dates of birth of a man and a woman, as in the previous example, with the only difference that all zeros are not taken into account: 10 = 1 and 01 = 1.

  • 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 46. we subtract the karmic number 22 so many times to get the number less than 22.
  • In our case, 46-22-24, 24-22 = 2. We are looking for number 2 in the table for decoding karmic connections.

Your connection is rooted in the depths of the past. The union will be filled with romance, mysticism and many secrets. However, don't lose touch with reality. A pretty positive omen. Is not it? If the prophecy turns out to be filled with many warnings and promises misfortune, perhaps it makes sense to look for another chosen one?

How to end a karmic connection

Nobody will live your life, only you yourself will be able to untie the karmic knot. How to break a karmic connection with a man? This will happen when the mind takes over the senses. You will receive incredible relief and you will not be able to find reasonable explanations why you did not decide on this earlier, which made you suffer, endure pain and humiliation.

It’s like a stone will fall from your soul, and when you remember a person with whom you have been tied with invisible threads for so long, nothing will respond in your soul, only a feeling of gratitude for science, happy moments that, no doubt, there were.

Nothing keeps you next to him against your will. You are not interested in sorting things out with him, your mind is able to listen. You can talk about anything, laugh, you are not drawn to it, the painful addiction is defeated. With a light heart you wish your former partner happiness.

At this point, it’s safe to say, "the happy ending of the story." All the best in your life is yet to come!

In our life, everything is ordered according to special laws, one of which is the law of karma, that is, reward for actions, thoughts and deeds committed by a person. If you delve into this topic in more detail, then you will inevitably come across such a thing as a karmic connection between a man and a woman. What are the causes of its occurrence and how to eliminate it - read about it in our material.

What is a karmic connection

Karmic connection- this is a kind of energy-informational connection between the souls of two people, embodied in reality by the Laws of Karma for specific reasons and for a specific purpose.

Links can be of two types:

  • bright(positive) - these are observed in the examples of kindred spirits, to act harmoniously with each other;
  • dark(negative, gray) - when people are connected because of their negative deeds committed in past incarnations.

There is also such a thing as karmic knot- it is also a kind of very powerful dark connection that ordinary people cannot break on their own until they receive permission from the Higher Powers.

You can give a vivid example of a karmic connection between people when they want to divorce, but cannot do this for a long time (there are always some obstacles on the way that prevent people from separating). And even if they are trying with all their might to end their relationship, they are forced to continue communication, as well as deal with joint problems (joint children, property, and so on).

This will last exactly as long as people need to solve their karmic debts, until negative karma is completely worked out and permission from above comes to eliminate the karmic connection.

Varieties of karmic connections

There are such types of communication:

  1. A bond that goes deep into past incarnations, in which the souls of people repeatedly intersected and filled each other with negative or positive energy. It should be noted that most of the people who have a close relationship with us are our past karmic connections, both good (making us stronger and better) and negative, carrying destructive energy.
  2. A connection that was planned even before the physical manifestation of souls... This means that two souls have agreed with each other to meet on Earth at a certain period of time in order to perform some kind of joint activity. They prepare in advance for their incarnation, consider the tasks that they will have to jointly solve in the material world. And Karma establishes in what place, at what time and under what conditions their joint activity will take place.
  3. Communication option is also possible who are not relatives. This category includes spouses, friends and comrades, colleagues, business partners - in general, all people in whom we are in close contact throughout our lives. Such connections can also be both constructive and destructive.

Watch this video, which will tell you a lot of interesting things:

Signs of a karmic connection

Yet the most popular type is love attraction between the sexes. How easy is it to tell them apart from a harmonious relationship? You should take a closer look at the presence of such signs.

  1. Relationships have incredibly strong emotions.(jealousy, passion, fear, guilt). As a result of these intense emotional experiences, people become dependent on each other. At the same time, one of the partners, or both, tend to exaggerate and respond inadequately to certain moments in life.

The main reason for this- unresolved personal conflicts. This is why people are attracted to each other in order to eliminate such misbehavior. And when the lesson is worked out, and people can completely exhaust their negative karma, then the conflict will gradually come to naught, the partners will either quietly disperse, or remain in a relationship, but they will become much more harmonious.

  1. Another clear sign will become a relationship that has arisen very rapidly. In this case, partners, as a rule, differ greatly in their characters, life positions, worldview, and also have different social status. They often, deep in their hearts, do not relate to each other in the best way, but as if succumbed to the strongest hypnosis and are not able to get out of the relationship on their own.

Usually in such relationships, the sexual aspect prevails - people are so strong subject to passion that they cannot tear themselves away from each other, they want to be filled with sexual energy again and again. An emotional connection is also possible. In especially rare cases, there are couples in which the beloved are closely connected at all levels. This is the most powerful connection that is incredibly difficult to break. Partners will be able to part only when they know everything they need in each other, after which the karma counter will be reset.

  1. Fatality and tragic end- another indication of the presence of a karmic relationship. A striking example of this is the love triangle. Relationships of this kind are based on powerful emotional or sexual attachments. Being in such a relationship, a man and a woman feel that they are not able to leave, but at the same time they cannot harmoniously be near, since they all the time face various obstacles and obstacles. In most cases, the end of such a relationship is tragic enough.
  2. Another indication of the karmic connection between lovers Is a marriage union in which one partner is a drug addict, alcoholic, mentally ill person or has a disability. And the second partner takes such a relationship for granted and believes that he has no right to leave his beloved. Such a connection is brightly imbued with a strong sense of guilt (usually the fairer sex suffers from it), which stretches from previous incarnations.
  3. If a man or woman dies ahead of time(up to thirty-five years old) - this also indicates a karmic relationship. In this case, the second partner consciously chooses a punishment for himself for certain actions from the past.
  4. There is a variant of a harmonious connection in which both parties are related to soul mates. In such a couple, there is excellent mutual understanding, respect, acceptance of all the positive and negative qualities of their soulmate without the desire to change the beloved. The relationship between soul mates is very harmonious and filled with love and peace.
  5. Significant age difference (more than fifteen years)- another of the indicators of powerful karmic attraction. Such people cannot harmoniously let go, even if they have a strong desire for it. This is a variant of a very difficult relationship in which a man and a woman can both help their partner to take the true path, and, on the contrary, push him in the wrong direction, which increases the number of karmic debts in the present incarnation.

What's the perspective?

Now is the time to talk about the future forecast.

How long will the karmic relationship last? This is largely due to their variety.- whether they will be healing or destructive (we talked about this at the beginning of the article).

In the case of a healing bond, when partners fill each other with positive energy, share the necessary experience and contribute to creation (create a happy family, raise children together, have a common job, and so on), one can observe cases when it lasts throughout life. Such relationships make people stronger and more harmonious, contribute to their development in all plans.

If conflicts arise in such a relationship, then they pass very quickly, rarely when they end in a serious showdown. In such couples, there are practically no cases of divorce. This is due to the fact that two souls are closely related already during many incarnations. They belong to the category of soul mates.

If there is a negative destructive connection- such a relationship will last exactly as long as it takes for both partners to be able to fully return to each other the energy that they owe from the past incarnation and fill it with it completely.

A typical example of such a relationship is unrequited love, when one person begins to lose his head for love for another, and the second either does not feel anything, or feels sympathy, which is much weaker. The most sensible advice in this case is to let go, continuing to fill him with positive energy from a distance. Of course, this is very difficult, but it is the only method that will allow you to break the bonds harmoniously without breaking any more firewood.

Typically in a non-reciprocal relationship partners simply switch roles from past lives. For example, if in a previous incarnation the husband was crazy about his wife, and she treated him indifferently, then in this life the situation will repeat itself, but in the opposite context: a man will, for example, walk and change, and a woman will love him and fight indifference towards yourself.

It should be noted that at the same time, two souls do not necessarily enter into legal relations again - it is quite possible that the exchange of energies will take place at a distance.

It becomes clear that any karmic connection for the most part will not be harmonious, requiring the solution of certain issues that have arisen in past incarnations. It may be unrealistic to resolve them on your own, but there is an option of contacting a specialist (numerologist, psychic, astrologer) who, based on the partners' personal information, will help to find the root cause of the problem and successfully cope with it.

Throughout their lives, people intersect with thousands of their own kind. We meet some of the people for the first time, and some have already met in past incarnations. There are many such people, but not all of them leave an indelible mark in our life.

Very often in life it happens that a seemingly absolutely sane person loses his head from love at first sight. This happens both in youth and in adulthood. This can also happen at the moment when a person is not free or so many relationships have gathered in his luggage that he decided - that's enough!

What happens at the moment when the eyes of two meet and a spark flashes between them? This can be explained by the birth of love. And yet, in most cases, this has the following explanation: there are former "halves", those who in past lives were spouses, lovers, or had a platonic relationship. When the eyes of two people meet, the energy of past lives, which is recorded in their energy fields, is activated. "Recognition" occurs.

Karmic meeting

A relationship begins. Two people can have a real coincidence of tastes, harmony of thoughts, etc. A whirlwind of emotions picks them up and makes them dizzy. These two in this life did not know each other before, and they may not know anything about past lives. And it seems to them that this meeting, when they felt such a pull for each other, such an inexplicable attraction, is the finger of fate.

Yes, of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But the reasons for it can be very different. Perhaps they have to complete something that they did not complete in a past life. Perhaps they need to be aware of something. Karmic energy can attract two, but they don't even know about it. And it is not at all necessary in this incarnation they will have a happy love or even marriage. Very often such meetings take place precisely for karmic reasons.

When two meet, and “recognition” arises, and it seems to them that there is so much in common between them that they are “brought together by fate,” one must remember that, having the memory of past lives, which everyone has in the subconscious, a person begins to impose on a partner some expectations, their projections and so on, in connection with the qualities and circumstances that existed then, in that life.

But now the partner is a completely different personality, somewhat similar to that, but in many respects new, since, being at the moment the quintessence of our past incarnations, we still carry the features of many people, and not one specific person. And this other person (or rather, both new personalities who entered into a relationship) think, feel, act in a completely different way. And it is not at all necessary that relationships from the past can continue now. Even if it was love to the grave.

When faced with reality, such relationships often die out. Powerful attraction dissipates, everyday life invades, past and present realities collide and conflict.

Zero karma

If people are wise enough, if the feeling that they have is really strong and light, they can find a common language, build relationships and, perhaps, somewhere on a deep level, realize or feel the reason that brought them together and work it out. And continue the relationship, free from karmic addiction.

More often it happens the other way around - people break up. Karma remains unused and goes on to the next incarnation. Cases when men in adulthood "lose their heads" from love and leave the family for young mistresses - from the same series. Most often this is also a meeting of the former "halves". Even in families where there is love between spouses, but problems constantly arise in relationships, when one or both do not want to understand, accept the closest person, the topic of separation constantly arises.

It is very easy, of course, just to get away from a problematic relationship, to part and forget. This is the easiest way out. Yes, it’s the easiest, and many people do it. But without understanding why they are not comfortable, without realizing WHAT we are working with this person, without neutralizing karma and learning a lesson, such a separation will not remove the problem. Karma with this person will remain unsettled and will be carried over to the next incarnation, the message that he carries will not be deciphered, and the lesson will not be learned.

And in the near future, another person from a past life will be attracted with the same message and with the same lesson, and everything will start all over again.

Many people all their lives do nothing but run away from their lessons and step on the same rake. But ask yourself, is this correct? And isn't it worth a more conscious approach to understanding the true reasons for your connection and finally breaking the Gordian knot of karma? ..

How to understand if a relationship is karmic?

The most reliable way is to compose a synastry with a good astrologer. If for some reason this method does not suit you, then it remains to analyze the relationship, having studied the main signs of a karmic connection, given below.

So, the main signs that will help you understand that we are dealing with a karmic relationship:

- At the first meeting, there is a strong mutual attraction to each other, strong interest. There may be a feeling that you already know this person, have seen this person somewhere.

- Another person evokes feelings or emotions in you, the origin of which you cannot explain to yourself in any way. These feelings can be completely illogical and not peculiar to you. This also includes not quite adequate actions. That is, actions that are not characteristic of a person in relation to other people, but with this partner, it seems as if something forces you to do just that, and not otherwise.

- Relationships start quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, it seems that even the partners themselves can change little here. In such a relationship, there is a certain predetermination.

- To break off such a relationship is very difficult. Even if you do it by force, then later the image of this person will haunt you for many years. And all because you left working off without finishing what you started.

- A karmic connection often resembles a love spell in its action. Even if people part, they are drawn to each other with irresistible force. This connection is characterized by dissatisfaction with the existing situation. Dissatisfaction and inability to change anything.

- H its surprise. Relationships are struck out of the blue for both partners or one of them. They can be completely different in character, differ in social and material status, have a big difference in age. Alternatively, partners may know each other for years, but the very decision to get married turns out to be a sudden continuation of the relationship: for many years they communicated only as friends, but suddenly one evening the situation turns into an intimate channel and after that the couple decides to get married.

Karmic marriage - greetings from the past

Karmic relationships are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. The concept of "karma" comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like "What you sow is what you reap" or "As it comes around, it will respond." The doctrine of karma says exactly the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who were already closely acquainted in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, parents of each other, lovers or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again, so that they would repay each other's debts and work out their karma (redeem their guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the largest purgatory on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is it too confusing? An example will help to understand. Suppose in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left him because the son of your boss had an eye on you. A marriage with him promised mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. As in a computer game: level two, attempt two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about bad things and usually does not look through karma. But in vain. The very reasons that people are guided by when entering into marriage can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion... This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it with a specific example.

In a past life, the conventional Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he gave up scientific research for her sake and did not justify his calling. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, as others are afraid of water, confined spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore in this life our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ...

It would seem, live and rejoice! But no. After a while, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in his previous life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be quite combined, you cannot betray yourself and give up your vocation.

Another classic example is the time has come... If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have already started a family, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously for yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in your past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, a past life mistake deposited in karma is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate pushes a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience... The wedding epidemic usually begins in the last year of college. When old ties are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and guys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They look for a suitable partner for themselves - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when young people have feelings and spiritual kinship. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of a husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in fact, no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we hide (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictatorship), they will certainly overtake us. AND this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

What you value most in your husband is money.- rest assured, sooner or later he will lose them, and you will remain at a broken trough. Do you like its position and reliability? Alas, not far off is the day when he will be left without work ... And these are not the whims of the villainess-fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot.

Many young girls are popping up in marriage as protest or from desire to get rid of unnecessary parental control... And they fall into no less bondage, only now - from her husband. The fact is that they "carry" dependence on anyone in themselves and themselves "produce" it into the world around them. Even someone who was not a domestic despot when he was born will become one only because you subconsciously expect it. You will have to sigh and say: "Well, you can see I have such a karma!"

Change! Become a person! Learn not to depend on anyone else's opinion. Then your life will change for the better..

For women aged or with a child in their arms, an incentive to marriage can be ... fear: “What if in a year it will be too late?”, “Who will need me?”, “Yes, and the child needs a father ...” Sometimes there is such an argument: “I’m tired of waiting for the prince, let there be at least some kind of husband.” In other words, this is the case when a girl does not marry the one she wants, but the one who turns up by the arm. If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a person not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after her marriage, she will indeed meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - each person attracts those circumstances and those people about whom he dreams. It's just that not everyone has the patience to wait for their "request" to be received..

Let's say you are a young girl (guy) in a good position, with a good salary, apartment, car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream of a family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a “non-self-sufficient person,” or you are an “ancient soul”. Distinguishing one type from another is easy enough.

Insufficient people believe that they can be happy only when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of hassle that they have been responsible for. And "ancient souls", from the point of view of esotericists, themselves have developed quite strongly, but they come to this world to help others. The “ancient soul” does not complain about anything; on the contrary, others constantly come to cry to it. And they leave emboldened.

And now let's draw conclusions about the features of a karmic marriage.:

The marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves... Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.

In their relationship there is a lot of symbolic, "fatal" and predetermined... For example, their relationship looks outwardly incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.

Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners... Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just changed places, and now one is experiencing what the other experienced in a previous life.

Absence of children... A sign of the closeness of the future to the genus. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two clans. Such a relationship exists so that partners rethink their own traits that the genus does not want to pass on to future generations. If there is no rethinking, that most often such a marriage is dissolved.

Health problems in one of the partners... This situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and caring, that might not manifest in a happy situation.

Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.

Very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less... In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they were supposedly moved by forces that they themselves were not aware of.

Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they really love, accepting a partner for who he is, with all his flaws and virtues. From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their fates are intertwined, they are tied with strong threads, bonds, and not chains or fetters.

An alluring prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you have lived in past lives and are living in the present. Correct mistakes, walk through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness!

Based on materials from UDuba.com, Econet.ru, newspaper "Oracle"

In everyone's life, sooner or later, a partner appears, the relationship with whom is similar to running in a vicious circle. You both love and hate this person at the same time. It is very difficult for you to be together, but without him life seems unbearable. Almost every adult is familiar with the karmic relationship between a man and a woman, but not everyone knows what they are for.

You are drawn to each other by an irresistible force and you yourself cannot explain why he hooked you so. How to get out of a karmic relationship and what to do if you have met a karmic partner - we will try to dot the “i's” in this article.

What is a karmic relationship between a man and a woman and what is it for?

Yes, you heard right: karmic relationships are not a problem, not an evil fate, this is one of the necessary lessons that the Universe teaches us in accordance with our karma. We need karmic lessons in order to work through situations from the past, “pay” debts for karma, draw the right conclusions for ourselves and acquire skills that will help in the future.

Why do we enter into a karmic relationship?

Repetition is the mother of learning, and this proverb fits perfectly into the situation of karmic relationships. Sometime in a past life (and it is possible that not in one, but several), you have already met this person and each time in a relationship the situation between you remained unresolved. Emotions did not find a way out, you did not draw conclusions and so did not learn anything from your previous meetings in the past.

That is why a karmic relationship between a man and a woman is needed - in order to finally learn an important lesson, and then begin to live in harmony with oneself and the world.

A karmic relationship can be so unbearable that your suffering will eventually lead you to decide to break the connection with your karmic partner. How to do this so that the karmic lesson is not wasted?

  1. Most importantly, you need to understand exactly what the Universe wanted to tell you. teaching this lesson. Analyze your condition, remember the key situations, your behavior and results. State what mistakes you've made, but don't give in to guilt — accept the past as an experience. For convenience, write your conclusions on paper.
  2. Recognize that you and only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Don't shift responsibility to your partner. This is your life and you live it as you see fit. All in your hands.
  3. Answer yourself to the question: "What have I gained in this relationship?"... For example, you have become tolerant of others, you have learned to openly express your feelings, etc.
  4. Thank your partner sincerely for the fact that he went with you through the lessons of the Universe, taught you something new, reminded you of important things (for example, that it is important to love yourself).
  5. Say goodbye to your partner and those unpleasant feelings and thoughts that accompanied you in the relationship. Tell them in your mind: "Goodbye!" and release on all four sides. Letting go is an important part of getting out of a relationship; don't neglect it.
  6. If you live together, move to another apartment, if there is a desire and opportunity - to another city. Stop communicating, do not respond to attempts to contact you - your partner may not want to let you go. Cut off any strings that bind you. Lesson learned - nothing should bind you anymore.
  7. Don't try to dive into a new relationship right away. Learn to spend time interestingly alone with yourself. Practice meditation, yoga, mudras, pamper yourself with gifts, walks in the fresh air, going to exhibitions. Find inner harmony, feel that the main person in your life is yourself.
  8. Do not close yourself off from communication and new acquaintances, but remember the lesson learned and the conclusions that you drew from the experience of karmic relationships. Take your time to live, enjoy every moment, tune in a positive way and the right people will themselves be attracted to your life!

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How to heal a karmic relationship?

A karmic relationship between a man and a woman is not always a negative experience, doomed to an ending. If both of you feel empowered and ready to work on healing your relationship, correct your mistakes, and move towards harmony, you can do it.

Together with your partner, think about what lesson the higher powers taught you and draw conclusions (you can write down) what you learned in a relationship, what qualities you acquired.

Deal with the grudges that you hold against each other. Think back to all negative situations and accept shared responsibility for what happened. Do not blame each other, but honestly admit that each of you is responsible for everything that happened in your couple. Calmly discuss what led you to these or those results.

Think about the pleasant moments you spent together. Think about why you felt good, what actions and thoughts led to this. Thank each other for the time together and for the experiences (positive and negative) each one has.

If both partners sincerely and with an open heart approach the healing of the relationship, karmic zeroing will occur, and you can start from scratch.

Discuss your plans for the future, think about how you can refresh your relationship: perhaps it is a joint vacation or a trip to nature, updating the interior of your home, a new joint hobby. This will bring you closer together after zeroing. Agree on the rules: for example, no longer reproach each other, give everyone personal space and time, not mention unpleasant events of the past (if the situation has already been resolved and feelings have been worked out), give up bad habits, etc.

Finally, an important tip: talk to each other! It sounds simple, but misunderstanding is born from omissions, hints, a wall appears between partners. It can only be destroyed by a word. Discuss with each other your feelings, emotions, talk about what worries you or, on the contrary, makes you happy. If something does not suit you, tell your partner about it, but not with reproach, but in a calm tone. And be prepared to listen and accept what your partner tells you. Relationships are work, and if you don't invest in them, you shouldn't expect a good result.

Good luck and personal happiness!

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