Chinese pregnancy conception calendar. Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child

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It is safe to say that all or almost all parents are interested in the question of determining the sex of the child before birth. Of course, only ultrasound can reliably answer this question with a high degree of probability. But there are other reliable methods, for example, the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child. Using this method, according to the Chinese themselves, it is possible to determine the sex of the child with an accuracy of 98 percent. Is it so? Let's check it out now.

Table for determining the sex of the child by the age of the mother

How to use the Chinese gender calendar

Chinese calendar of conception of the sex of the child has been used for several thousand years. Using a table baby gender according to chinese zodiac can be found both after conception and before it.

The method is based on calculating the month of conception and the age of the baby's mother at the time of conception. According to the conception calendar, it depends only on the mother whether a girl or a boy will be born.

  • Horizontally in the table are numbers from 18 to 45, indicating the age of the woman at the time of conception, which is calculated in a special Chinese way.
  • Vertically, numbers from 1 to 12 represent the months of the Chinese lunar year.
  • At the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines, we see squares (M, D) corresponding to the sex of the baby.


It is worth noting that the Chinese calculate the age of the mother by a special method, so the table for determining the sex of the baby using the Chinese calendar may fail if we consider the age of the mother with the usual method.

In particular, according to European tradition, a person's age is considered directly from the moment of birth. But, here, the Chinese think differently: they consider the age of the child from the moment of conception, that is, the newborn is already 9 months old. But the differences in the definition of age do not end there. Next is the most incredible. It turns out that on the first day of the New Year (as you know, in China, the New Year begins on January 28), a baby born during the past year (including January 27, the last day of the old year), immediately turns two years old.

For example, if a boy was born on January 25th, he will be two years old on January 28th! Meanwhile, in our usual understanding, this boy is only four days old! Only taking into account all the above nuances, it is possible to accurately calculate according to the Chinese table who will be born: a girl or a boy.

Dear mothers!

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The Chinese Birth Calendar is a table found at an emperor's burial site near Beijing, China, about 700 years ago. Legend claims that Ba Gua and Wu Xing helped develop the Chinese Gender Table during the Oing Dynasty. The ancient artifact is now on public display at the Beijing Institute of Science.

What gender do the Chinese prefer?

Since boys have always been physically stronger than girls, the ancient Chinese preferred more boys in their families. They could help with farming, which is essential for a traditionally agricultural country. Parents often looked at newborn girls mainly as a source of embezzlement. Girls stayed with families until they were 17 years old, then they got married and joined their husbands' families. The choice of gender was also important for the emperors of ancient China. So it is not surprising that such a table was found in their burial places.

How to use the table?

Below you will find a good example of the Chinese gender calendar. It has an age column from 18 to 45 on the left side of the table. It also has a row of months from January to December - the head of the table. The table is easy to use, but You need to add 9 months to the mother's age to find out what age she is according to the Chinese calendar.

  1. Set the mother's age according to the Chinese calendar when she was conceived.
  2. Write this number in the left column.
  3. Find the month when the child was conceived in the top row.
  4. Draw a straight horizontal line on the table, starting with her age.
  5. Draw another line vertically on the chart starting from the month of conception.
  6. At the point where the 2 lines intersect, you will see an M or D.

M indicates that the mother conceived a boy, D indicates that a girl can be expected.












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Calculation example: The expectant mother was born on August 7, 1983, which means that according to the Chinese calendar we add 9 months to her age, it turns out that her age is 30 years old (at the time of 2012), suppose the conception of a child was in August, at the intersection of age and month of conception there is a letter M - i.e. boy. Everything is clearly shown below.


The table is based on the Chinese lunar calendar and is more than 90% accurate, according to those who have tried to determine the sex of their unborn child. However, there is no scientific evidence that the table guarantees accurate predictions. Most people agree that the main function of the table is to provide some sort of entertainment and food for thought.

Determine the gender of your baby

Some people use the Chinese birth calendar to or according to their wishes. Use the table to determine the future age of the mother and the current month. Draw a horizontal line along the row of months until you reach your desired gender. This will determine the month when conception should occur if you want to choose the gender of your baby.

Doctors now use scientific techniques, such as ultrasound, to determine the sex of a child. And these methods usually give accurate results. However, future parents still enjoy using the Chinese birth calendar as well. While most people don't take it seriously, the accuracy of the calendar is staggering.

Zodiac signs

Although astrology is not directly related to gender calendars, the Chinese are also attached to it. Astrology has its origins in the Zu and Han dynasties. They also added the concepts of the elements (or their changes) along with Yin and Yang.

12 signs of the zodiac

  • Aries: March 21 - April 20, ram ♈
  • Taurus: April 21 - May 21, Ox ♉
  • Gemini: May 22 - June 21 Gemini ♊
  • Cancer: June 22 - July 23, Cancer ♋
  • Leo: July 24 - August 23, Leo ♌
  • Virgo: August 24 - September 23, Virgo ♍
  • Libra: September 24 - October 23, Libra ♎
  • Scorpio: October 24 - November 22, Scorpio ♏
  • Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22, centaur ♐
  • Capricorn: December 23 - January 20, goat ♑
  • Aquarius: Jan 21 - Feb 19, carrying water ♒
  • Pisces: February 20 - March 20, Pisces ♓

Chinese astrology

Wu Hing/Wu Ying phase change

Rather than relying solely on the 12 signs of the zodiac, the Chinese have a 12 year animal cycle which creates a 60 year calendar based on a combination of the 5 elements (or phase changes).

Chinese zodiac signs

  • Rat
  • Rabbit
  • The Dragon
  • Horse
  • Goat (ram or sheep)
  • Monkey
  • Chicken
  • Dog
  • Pig

In addition to the 12 year old Chinese animals, they also have animals for each month (internal animals), animals for the day (true animals) and for the hour (secret animal).

Yes, it's something that can be used before an ultrasound and well before birth. But how accurate is this? Have you tried it? Did the ancient Chinese newborn gender chart work for you? Share your experience.


Pregnancy is always happiness and joy. Even in childhood, girls play mother-daughters and nurse toy children. After a while, the babies become girls and seriously think about having a baby. Everything would be fine, but many ladies want to influence fate and give birth to a baby of a certain gender. Why? Sometimes an angry husband looks menacingly at your daughters and shows that he wants an heir. Perhaps you have friends who still have a lot of cute pink vests and bonnets for the baby. And they are happy to give you all their goodness. Perhaps you dream of an older son and a younger daughter, so that a fragile girl will always have a protector nearby.

Boy or girl - how to predict?

The reasons may be different, but this issue needs to be resolved. How? There are several ways to conceive a child of the desired gender:

  1. Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child. It contains 2 tables. In the first tablet you can find the treasured number, which is located at the intersection of the dates of birth of the parents. In the second, you can find the number that came across in the first table and, by the number of crosses in the columns of the boy and girl, determine the desired month of conception. The more crosses under the right gender, the more likely it is to be born. This method guarantees up to 79% accuracy.
  2. Plan the sex of the unborn child by ovulation. Here an important role is played by how long the period from ovulation to conception lasts. This method gives almost no guarantees, but if a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time, it is best suited.
  3. Plan the sex of the baby for blood renewal. There is a theory that in women the blood is renewed once every 3 years, and in men once every 4 years. Then you need to determine in what year you want to conceive a baby. Which of the parents this year will have younger blood, this sex will be the unborn child. This method is very impractical, because it gives only about 49% confidence in the sex of the child.
  4. But the most accurate and correct is the Chinese conception calendar.

About him and will be discussed.

By whom and why was it invented?

An ancient legend says that the Chinese calendar was written several thousand years ago. Both now and in those distant times, boys were and are highly valued in China. Since they are carriers of the surname and successors of the family. At present, China has introduced a law informing about the rules for the birth of a child. This country is overpopulated, so benefits are provided to families with only one child. After the birth of the second baby, the benefits are removed. For this reason, it is very important for the Chinese to know the gender of the unborn baby, and they use the Chinese calendar to determine. Its originals are kept at the Beijing Institute of Science.

How does the Chinese conception calendar work?

This calendar contains only one plate with vertical and horizontal columns. Numbers from 18 to 45 are written in horizontal columns, which indicate the age of the mother at the time of conception of the child. Why these numbers? Because it is during this period of time that it is considered possible to conceive and bear a child. Vertical pillars contain one of 2 letters - "d" or "m", painted in blue or pink.

It is easy to guess that the letter "d" and pink means the birth of a girl, and "m" and blue - the birth of a boy. In the original calendar, the cells were not painted over; Chinese characters were written in them. But when this method was recognized in Europe, the construction of the tablet changed and took on a familiar form. Also the following method is the easiest. You just need to find in the table the age of the mother and the month in which you want to conceive a child. At the intersection of the columns, you will see the gender of the baby.

In a certain month and at a certain age, the probability of having a baby, female or male, is different. At the age of 21, for example, only in January can it turn out to be a boy, and in the remaining months - girls. The system is:

  1. 18 years. A daughter can be born in February and April. And the son - in all the rest.
  2. 19 years. Daughter - February, April, October. Son - other months.
  3. 20 years. Daughter - January, March, October. Son - in the remaining months of the year.
  4. 21 years old A boy can turn out exclusively in January, and at other times girls will please you.
  5. 22. Babies - February, March. Babies - in all the rest.
  6. 23 years Daughter - March, June, August and December. Son - a different time.
  7. 24 years. Boy - January, March, April, June, July. Girl - December, February, May, August and all autumn days.
  8. 25 years. Girly - January, April, May, July. The boy - in all the rest.

The technique is extremely clear, so the rest can be found in the Chinese conception table.

Common Mistakes in Calculation

Many people who are accustomed to the European time division make mistakes in the calculation and then complain about the uselessness of the table. But this is not true.

Some do not know that in China, a person's age is not considered from the date of birth, but from the date of conception.

That is, the child is born already nine months old. That is why another 9 months should be added to the age of the mother. In certain cases, 9 months do not solve anything, and in many cases they are significant. For example, you want to conceive a baby at the age of 24 years and 5 months. If you add 9 months, then mommy is already 25 years old. And this fundamentally changes the results

And why do the Chinese have such peculiar traditions, very different from Western European ones? They have existed since time immemorial in China and were borrowed by Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia and Korea. Everything went because Asians mostly profess Buddhism. In this religion, the human soul is highly valued, it is believed that a newly conceived child already has a spiritual beginning. And the mother should not sin during pregnancy, because the sins of the mother leave a mark on the baby. Also, New Year in China is celebrated according to the lunar calendar and does not have an exact date. In 2013, the new year began on February 10, and the first month ended on March 10; in 2014, the new year is celebrated on January 31. So this is also worth considering.

The desire to "order" the sex of the unborn child has always been inherent in women. The gender of the future baby is of particular importance for those who are already raising two or more same-sex children and really want a child of the opposite sex. What tricks and hoaxes did the fair sex go to in order to “guess” the crumbs with the sex: they participated in mysterious ceremonies, wore amulets, drank the blood of calves, sat down on special diets.

Some methods have come down to our time - in particular, we are talking about the famous Chinese calendar of conception. What is interesting about this calendar, whether it can be trusted and how to use it, we will tell in this material.

History of origin: myths and reality

The Chinese conception calendar is a table that allows you to calculate the probability of having a child of a certain gender, depending on the age of the woman at the time of conception. It should be noted that ancient Chinese culture was sensitive to various kinds of calendars. In the epochs of various imperial dynasties, ordinary Chinese undertook little without consulting the calendars and without consulting the “lao-shi” (teachers and mentors).

Rice was grown according to the Chinese lunar calendar for agricultural purposes, marriages were made according to the lunar calendar "日历的", and the names of children were given in accordance with the calendar patronage of planets and stars. In times of fierce battles for territoriality, China needed more warriors and peasants, so the birth of male children was welcomed and considered a blessing from above. It was in those days, presumably 7 thousand years ago, that the conception calendar was born.

At that time, there was no birth control policy, so Chinese women on average gave birth to 5-7 children. The rule "one family - one child" was introduced only in the 1970s. And then the ancient calendar was remembered again. All over the world, it is believed that Chinese women - even now, when the rule allowing only one child is abolished - continue to refer to the table of their ancestors.

Some sources describe that the Chinese calendar, carved on stone plates, was discovered near Beijing during archaeological excavations. Allegedly, stone tables were found on the ruins of an ancient temple. This information is taken for granted by everyone who is little familiar with the history and culture of China. In fact, in the 14th century, in which such a calendar supposedly appeared, there were no months of the Gregorian calendar. All Chinese lived, grew rice, married and gave birth exclusively according to the solar and lunar calendar. The day was divided into light and darkness, sun and moon, night and day.

The tables that are now presented as ancient Chinese cannot be such in principle, since they are compiled according to the Gregorian calendar. In Catholic countries, it was introduced in the 16th century, and came to Asia much later. Most likely, the Chinese calendar, which is attributed to an ancient and mysterious origin, is an invention not so ancient, and perhaps not at all Chinese. In addition, there is no evidence of the existence of the finds of archaeologists: not a single museum in the world has those same stone tables of conception that many sources refer to.

The second version of the origin of the conception calendar says that the manuscripts with tables and the hieroglyphs “??” (son) and "????" (daughter) were discovered about 600 years ago during excavations and research of the tombs of Chinese emperors. It is believed that the tables were used only by representatives of the ruling dynasties, because for them the birth of a son-heir was a matter of state importance, and the birth of a daughter was sometimes important in terms of concluding state alliances based on inter-dynastic marriages.

It should be noted that the Chinese authorities at all times very reluctantly agreed to excavate the tombs of the country's rulers. Basically, they are allowed to dig out the burial halls, but not the tombs themselves. So, in the burial halls, a terracotta army, ancient household items, weapons and coins were found. All of these burial halls are now available as tourist sites. But the very places of rest of emperors and members of their families in China are inviolable, they are protected by religion and law. Therefore, this version looks very implausible.

In the end, the Chinese themselves categorically deny the method, arguing that they have always used other methods and have never seen the Gregorian-based calendar. But, according to the religious teachings of China, there is some connection between the age of a woman and the sex of her children. True, the lunar age is meant, and not for the last earthly life, but for the last few reincarnations. Agree, few of those planning a pregnancy clearly remember who he was in a past life and at what age he died!

In general, if you do not go into inconsistencies and dubious moments in the history of this method, we can safely say that the conception calendar has a right to exist. Let's look at how it works and whether planning the sex of the child using these tables is effective.

Efficiency and accuracy of the method

From the point of view of official medicine, the sex of the child does not depend on the age of the mother, the date of birth of the father, the schedule of basal temperature, the horoscope for the day, the renewal of the blood of the spouses and other factors and tricks. The only thing that affects the sex of the baby is the type of sperm that will fertilize the female egg. In other words, a boy or a girl will be born, 100 percent depends only on the man.

During ejaculation, both types of spermatozoa enter the genital tract of a woman: some carry the XX genetic set, others XY. If sperm XX reaches the egg first, a girl will be born. If fertilization produces an XY carrier, then a boy will be born with one hundred percent probability. Both types of sperm are in absolutely equal conditions: they have the same speed of movement, the same ability to survive. All other characteristics of cells of different types are also identical.

Thus, it is possible to plan whom to conceive only if you are completely sure that the egg will be fertilized by a certain type of sperm. Today, only assisted reproductive methods provide such an opportunity: ICSI, IVF. Only a laboratory assistant, if necessary, can select the desired cell from the biological material of the father and perform artificial fertilization. Such a need can arise only if the spouses cannot, for objective reasons, give birth to a child of a certain gender. For example, a mother is a carrier of the hemophilia gene, which affects only boys. Such a couple only needs a girl. They will help to conceive it in the laboratory.

With natural fertilization, it is impossible to predict the likelihood of having a child of a particular gender. The probability is always exact, it is estimated strictly 50/50. And no method: neither the Chinese calendar, nor conception by ovulation, nor the choice of the day according to the method of blood renewal - can guarantee a shift in this proportion by at least half a percent up or down.

Is it worth talking about special diets, which, by the way, are also attributed to the Chinese, the Japanese, and even the Scandinavians? Knowing that the sex of the baby depends only on the father, there is no reason to believe that the type of mother's diet and the foods that she consumes can somehow affect the outcome of fertilization.

In defense of the Chinese calendar and in fairness, we note that the age of the mother, although it does not affect the sex of the child, predisposes to certain nuances. So, a woman over the age of 35 has a higher chance of conceiving and giving birth to twins, and women who decide to become mothers after 40 have a higher chance of giving birth to a boy, provided that the husband is also at least 40 years old. Age increases the risk of developing pathologies in a baby, and this is due to the natural age-related aging of the egg and sperm.

Otherwise, the Chinese calendar is a great way to tell fortunes, just like coffee grounds, candle wax poured into water, and solitaire cards laid out. The accuracy of the floor planning method according to the Chinese calendar is 50%, which means that half of the women who plan to conceive a child according to these tables will definitely succeed exactly as they want. However, the second half of women will definitely have a child of the opposite sex.

Women planning a pregnancy can try to get to the bottom of the truth on their own. They will definitely come across articles and materials on the Internet (even on highly respected services) claiming that the accuracy of the Chinese conception calendar exceeds 85-90%.

A large percentage of discrepancies in such editions is most often justified by the fact that a calendar suitable for the Chinese may not be entirely suitable for Europeans.

In the anatomy of Chinese women and men, there is nothing different from the anatomy of the Russians, and, as we have already found out, the Chinese are unlikely to have anything to do with the creation of this calendar.

How to use?

If, nevertheless, the decision is made to try to plan the floor using the Chinese calendar, you need to know exactly how to use it. Existing instructions indicate that the calendar may refer not to the calendar, but to the lunar age of the woman. Lunar age is measured from the month of her conception. For example, a woman is now 25, then according to the lunar calendar she is already 25 years and 10 months old, if she was born exactly on time, not earlier. If a woman is 25 years and 6 months old according to the ordinary calendar, then the number 26 should be looked for in the Chinese table, since it corresponds to her lunar age (26 years and 4 months).

It is important to understand that pregnancy does not last nine lunar months, but ten or exactly 40 weeks. That is why not 9, but 10 are added to the actual age of the fair sex.

In the table we find the column "Age" and the number 24.

Now we evaluate the estimated month of conception and see that for a woman who is exactly 24 years old (taking into account the lunar months), when conceived in January, there is a high probability of having a boy, and in February - a girl. Children conceived in March and April, according to the Chinese calendar, are more likely to be boys, and conception in May gives the chance of having a daughter, etc.

Different calendars have different designs (this certainly has nothing to do with the ingenuity and artistic abilities of the Chinese): in some, at the intersection of the age and month of conception, there is a specific letter “M” or “D”, which means “boy” or “girl”, in others - the rectangle at the intersection is simply painted over in pink or blue. Understanding this is quite simple.

What else needs to be considered? Yes, only the fact that conception usually falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and it is not at all a fact that the cycle that began in February will end in February. With menstruation in the second half of February, you can expect conception only at the beginning of March, and therefore it is important to focus not on the beginning of a new cycle, but on a specific date of ovulation and look in the table not February, but March.

Father's data: his age, blood type and other information - for using the Chinese calendar of conception and gender planning are not required at all.

We already know for sure that without a father, conception is impossible, and the sex of the child is solely his merit. Therefore, the Chinese calendar is not seriously considered by any doctor and by a more or less educated person who understands the mechanisms of conceiving a child.

The article describes in detail how to determine the gender of your child using the tables of the Chinese and Japanese calendar.

Not all parents plan in advance who they will have a girl or a boy. And not everyone will believe that this is possible to plan. But there are ancient methods by which you can conceive a child of the desired sex. It is a pity that these methods are not always effective and do not give one hundred percent result.

Although, in most cases, using the Chinese or Japanese calendar, you can make a forecast for the future. Let's learn how to use the tables to find out the sex of the future newborn.

Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child for 2019-2020

The most reliable medical method for determining who will be born to a future mother is ultrasound diagnostics. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the floor of the crumb is established. But, how do you plan for a boy or a girl to be born in nine months?

More than two centuries ago, in China, a table was used to give birth to an heir to a noble royal family. It is very interesting that the calculations according to that calendar table coincided, no matter how ironically the skeptics treated them. And the most unexpected thing is that it is in China that today it is forbidden for pregnant women to test for the sex of the future baby.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

The Chinese table is the calendar by which you can pre-plan the gender of the newborn. This ancient manuscript was found by archaeologists in Beijing. To be more precise, it was found in the place where the famous Chinese emperor was buried.

This tablet was invented by the ancient sages. It takes into account the phases of the moon and some features of women, namely, the change of blood in their body, which occurs every month. According to these pundits, it is the monthly menstrual cycle that affects who the future mother will have - a girl or a boy.

IMPORTANT: By Chinese standards, the age of newborns is calculated differently. If we have a child at the time of birth - 0 months, then in China - already seven or nine months. There, age is calculated from the moment of conception.

What is the Chinese calendar?

  • There are 336 cells in this plate, in each of these cells the gender of the future newborn is indicated: "Boy", "Girl"
  • Numbers are written vertically - this is the full age of the future woman in labor. To make assumptions in the future more accurate, keep in mind that you need to add seven to nine months to your age (we talked about this above)
  • Even according to Chinese rules, the childbearing age of ladies begins at eighteen and ends at forty-five. These are the numbers that go vertically.
  • Months are shown horizontally. If you want a son, then choose the cell with "M" - which means a boy. See in which month according to the table you have a boy, in that month and try to conceive a baby

How to use the table correctly?

Using the calendar is quite simple, because the Chinese have always been famous for inventions that are easy to use. So any mom can figure it out in this calendar, because for this it is not necessary to solve logarithmic functions.

Let's look at an example:

  • EXAMPLE: Now the girl is 23 years 6 months old. We consider the age of the expectant mother from the moment of conception: 23 years 6 months + 9 months, it turns out 24 years 3 months. We look at the calendar vertically - we are looking for the number 24. We found it, now we look horizontally, in which month - a girl, in which - a boy. If parents dream of a girl, then the favorable months for conceiving a baby are from August to December

IMPORTANT: There are errors in the calendar. It is often because of this prediction that does not come true. Especially, this happens when the child is conceived at the very beginning, at the end of the month.

Japanese baby gender calendar

In Japan, childlessness is considered a great misfortune for the family. And when a Japanese woman gives birth only to girls, then this is bad luck for men. After all, according to their laws, every respected man must have a son-heir.

For the sake of this, some families even decided to adopt a child just to get an heir. And men cheated on their wives, hoping that their mistress would give birth to a son.

The problem of the birth of an heir has long been considered one of the most important in Japan. Many sages have wondered how to solve it. And they came up with a simple, effective method that is effective in 89% out of a hundred - the Japanese calendar.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child for 2019 and 2020

Determining the gender of a baby according to the Japanese calendar is relatively easy. To do this, you only need to know the month of birth of a man, a woman. Then find the point of their intersection in the proposed table. This cell (intersection point) will contain a number. Remember her.

Go to the second table. Find that number in the chart below. Then the month of conception. At the intersection of these two data, you will find the gender of your child.

To make things clearer, let's look at example

  • The expectant mother was born in May, and the father - in September. We look at the first plate, look for the number where these months intersect. The cell contains the number - nine
  • We pass to the second scheme. In the vertical column we are looking for the number nine, and in the horizontal column, the month of conception, for example, July. Looks like you're having a boy

Of course, these methods for determining the sex of babies do not give a one hundred percent accurate result. However, there is no need to despair. The most important thing is that your baby is born healthy, and parents surround the baby with care, attention, love.

Video: planning the sex of newborns according to the Chinese calendar