When and why prophetic dreams are made. I have prophetic dreams what does this mean

A prophetic dream is a dream that predicts the near future, which subsequently occurs in reality.

Not everything that we see during a night's rest comes true. Sometimes some events, people or places can be dreamed about just because they think too much about them.

So, a nightmare in which someone is trying to catch up with a person indicates that he is worried about some problem or situation that causes negative emotions.

The opposite is also possible, when the appearance of a beloved in a dream is not predictive, since it is the fascination with a person that causes his image during a dream. Not every person dreams of a real prophetic dream. Most often, this ability is manifested in people who have a predisposition to clairvoyance.

Classification of prophetic dreams

The phenomena under consideration can be literal or symbolic. During a literal prophetic dream, an event occurs that later will actually occur.

At the same time, all the detail of the dream is preserved.
The situation is more complicated with symbolic dreams, which are more often a clue about an upcoming event, giving indirect hints with the help of symbols.

It does not matter at all whether the dream was negative or positive, the main thing is to interpret it correctly. Sometimes it takes a very long time to solve the "clue" of a dream using dream books.

So, a broken bowl usually dreams on the eve of deteriorating health. There are a lot of dream books capable of correctly interpreting a dream, so there should not be any difficulties with correct interpretation, but only if a person really sees prophetic dreams.

Dreams by date of the month

  • On the 1st, a person sees a true prophetic dream, signifying a positive event.
  • The 2nd usually has an empty, completely meaningless dream.
  • 3rd: the events will be fulfilled soon.
  • 4th: an event that comes true in the distant future.
  • 5th: what he sees portends good.
  • 6th: dreams that come true in the long run.
  • On the 7th, good events are dreamed of that come true only if you do not tell anyone about them.
  • 8th: a dream promises the fulfillment of desire.
  • 9th: a dream that portends success in the near future.
  • On the 10th, events that promise trouble are dreamed of.
  • 11th: the event will come true within the next 11 days.
  • 12th: a true auspicious prophetic dream.
  • 13th: trouble.
  • On the 14th, empty events are dreamed of.
  • 15th: a pleasant event that will soon come true.
  • 16th: the meaning of sleep is missing.
  • 17th: execution in the next 20 days.
  • 18th: new clothes and material profit.
  • 19th: trouble in the family.
  • 20th: early execution of sleep.
  • 21st: similar meaning.
  • 22nd: trouble soon.
  • 23rd: Rapid execution of sleep.
  • 24th: favorable execution.
  • On the 25th: there is no truth in what he saw.
  • 26th: what he saw will be fulfilled in the near future.
  • 27th: no meaning.
  • 28th: ​​actions will come true within a month.
  • 29th: no meaning.
  • 30th: the probability that the event will come true is very small.
  • 31st: if the plot is love, it will come true within 15 days.

Dreams by day of the week

According to the existing belief, the probability of a prophetic dream is determined by the day of the week. How true this is, you can only find out from your own experience, for this it is enough to start a notebook to record your own dreams.

After some time, you can analyze the records, comparing what you saw with reality. In addition, the patron planets are able to make adjustments, coloring visions with other colors, giving them an additional, less global meaning.

  1. Monday is a day under the auspices of the emotional moon. Everything that will dream that night will to some extent be associated with emotional color, experience and feelings. What is said in the dream book is worth believing, however, what is said in it will be fulfilled in bright emotional colors, and, most likely, you will have to experience more than it should be. Also, dreams on this night may turn out to be ordinary, reflecting only emotional experiences, unfulfilled dreams and feelings. One should not expect that what he saw will be repeated in reality, since the Moon is changeable and cunning.
  2. On Tuesday most often important dreams are dreamed. Tuesday is under the auspices of Mars - a planet that symbolizes strength and determination. Any promises from the dream book will be associated with fortitude. Any favorable vision will come true with the manifestation of strength, character and determination. Dreams on this day are prophetic, but require the manifestation of will for fulfillment. If the interpreter indicates unpleasant predictions, it is necessary to gather courage and exert strength to prevent trouble.
  3. Air Mercury is the patron saint of the environment and you definitely don't need to show confidence in him, since everything that appears in a dream on that day will remain just a hint and fantasy. But if the interpreter predicts incredible happiness or great wealth, then you must definitely believe - this will help to attract what you want into reality. It is worth remembering that everything on this day depends on the person, and not on the dream.
  4. Thursday is the day of Jupiter. During the night's rest, you will see how things are and what the future prospects are. These visions tend to come true. Most of all, trust should be shown precisely to the dreams that were dreamed on Thursday, since they are often prophetic. It is also worth remembering that everything seen on this day is associated with activity, and even in those cases when feelings, romance and love are predicted in dream books, it is necessary to rethink the meaning, translating it into a business course.
  5. On Friday what you see in a dream is worth believing. It is on this night, under the auspices of Venus, that events are dreamed of, which in the future can be accurately embodied in reality. Most often they are associated with love and romance. Even if the dream book predicts a profit or increase, a rethinking of the vision in the direction of amorous affairs is required.
  6. Dreams seen on Saturday, have a small chance of being realized in reality, therefore, everything that is said by the interpreter rarely comes true in reality. Saturn dictates rules and patterns, which are often a warning or advice. On this night, not entirely bright and pleasant events are usually foreseen, which should be interpreted as advice or warning, which must be taken into account.
  7. Visions dreamed on Sunday night are all-round perfect. They are created by the sun, which represents life, love and happiness. Any negative vision can be safely forgotten if you dreamed about it on Sunday. What he saw that night does not bode well.

The dreamer may at first find all this rather complicated, many prefer to ignore knowledge and not go into details, however, it is important to take into account the time of dreams, which will help to better understand the essence of the phenomenon in question, it is not in vain that such importance has been attached to it since ancient times.

Lunar dreams

The lunar calendar will help to determine the likelihood that what you saw in a dream will come true:

  1. The waning moon will not allow dreams to come true in reality. Even if a feeling of anxiety arises, you should not attach importance to it. Most likely, you will see things that are best to get rid of as soon as possible.
  2. The growing moon promotes the manifestation of waking sleep, so the events that dreamed on this night will come true in the near future. Visions during this period are prophetic.
  3. The full moon has an emotional impact on sleep events. Any event seen during this period will become vivid and will be remembered for a long time.
  4. The new moon is considered the time of rebirth. What is seen at night during this period will prepare a person for a new stage in his life. Such dreams often show what the dreamer's thoughts are currently focused on.
    The prophetic dream that was seen before the full moon is usually fulfilled much faster than the one that you saw after the full moon.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Everything previously described is only approximate systems, since each person can see a prophetic dream on any day of the week.
Usually, such dreams are associated with a person's emotions and brain activity.

Somnologists claim that a prophetic dream can be seen on any day, since in a dream a person receives a certain answer to his question, but in a veiled, peculiar form.

In addition, it is common for a person to negotiate with his own subconscious, which allows him to get an answer to any question asked for a specifically modeled situation.

The occurrence of the dreams in question is likely both on the eve of the tragedy, and in the fact of its accomplishment. In the first case, such a dream causes a nagging feeling in the chest and a strong desire to cry in the dreamer. In the second case, a person has an overestimated emotional background, which contributes to the active work of the brain, which in the future generates ways to solve the problem.

A prophetic dream can be seen on the night before a big religious holiday. These visions need to be well remembered, as they often tend to come true. In addition, there is a high probability that the event will be executed one-to-one. The sorcerers recommend paying attention to dreams on New Year's Eve or on your birthday.

Such dreams are also often prophetic. If it is necessary that the vision does not come true, it is imperative to retell it in water. This element is capable of taking the event with itself, neutralizing the danger. If it is necessary for a dream to come true, be silent about it, not even telling your loved ones, otherwise there is a possibility that the dream will become empty.

How to induce a prophetic dream?

Not all of us see such phenomena in a way. If you manage to remember your own dream, then the first step towards prophetic dreams has already been taken. Otherwise, you will need to work with memorization. Moral tuning is required. It is necessary to present in your own hands an object from a night's dream. The growing moon positively contributes to prophetic dreams. Also, do not forget about focusing on the problem that you would like to solve in a dream.

Requires complete relaxation and tranquility. The room where you sleep should be dark and the air should be fresh. Before going to bed, think about what you want to see in your dream. It can be a person, a way to solve a problem, a pleasant event, or an interesting place.

Try to imagine the object of interest as clearly as possible, feel the emotions that it evokes. Place paraphernalia around the bed that you associate with the object of desire - a photo of a person, an image of a beautiful house, shells or stones found near the coast, fir cones or branches. Concentrate on what you want and fall asleep calmly. Repeat this kind of ritual on a daily basis until you reach your goal. Develop the ability to receive important visions in your sleep.

If you have not yet managed to accomplish your plan, you should not be upset and higher forces will definitely provide support.

Video on the topic: "Dreams that come true. Prophetic dreams."

Look into the future. find out your destiny - these questions are of interest to every person. During Christmas week, you can make a prophetic dream that will reveal the secrets of fate and tell you the right direction in life. There are also special rituals for making a prophetic dream. However, prophetic dreams can come without rituals. When do prophetic dreams occur on days of the week? Let's consider this issue.

Do prophetic dreams always come true, and how to determine the nature of the dream? It is believed that during a night's rest, the soul can fly away to the other world, and after awakening, return. It is at these moments that a person sees dreams. If the soul has flown not far from the body, ordinary plots related to daytime problems are dreamed of. If the soul has flown far away, a prophetic dream comes.

Scientists can neither confirm nor deny this statement. Psychologists are involved in dreaming, but research results are more like guesswork. Esotericists do not engage in conjectures, but simply interpret the scenes they see according to the images that came in a dream.

True and False Visions

Prophetic dreams are true and false. A true dream is always filled with a special meaning, pictures come bright and memorable... Such a vision is not forgotten for many years and is being fulfilled exactly. It is characteristic that a true prophetic vision cannot be “drained” or somehow prevented: the dream will come true exactly.

False visions are always confusing, devoid of meaning and specificity.... Usually these dreams are frightening, so after waking up, you just need to tell about what you saw flowing water. The ritual is simple to perform: you need to open the tap in the bathroom and tell about everything with a stream of water, then ask the water to take the words with you.

When prophetic dreams come

Such visions often happen. on Christmas week when the border between the worlds gets thin. On these days, deceased relatives can come to sleep in order to predict events in life.

A prophetic dream can be dreamed for any church holiday... According to popular beliefs "holiday dreams" always come true before noon. Prophetic dreams come and on the third day of any month... Dreams are also prophetic. on friday night- they come true.

Friday dreams

Dreams on Friday night are marked with a special meaning. There are 12 Good Fridays in the year that bring dreams from heaven:

  1. in the first week of Great Lent;
  2. before the Annunciation;
  3. on the eve of Palm Sunday;
  4. on the eve of the Ascension;
  5. on the eve of Trinity week;
  6. before the birth of John the Baptist;
  7. on the eve of Elijah the prophet;
  8. before the Assumption of the Virgin;
  9. before Archangel Michael;
  10. before the day of Kozma and Demian;
  11. on Christmas Eve;
  12. before the Epiphany.

Each of these named Fridays carries a special grace. Dreams these days come from heaven.

Days of the week and time of day

Also, prophetic dreams can appear on certain days of the week - this was noticed by our ancient ancestors.

  1. on Monday, dreams are empty;
  2. on Tuesday empty dreams come;
  3. on Wednesday, dreams can come true;
  4. empty dreams come on Thursday;
  5. prophetic dreams on Friday;
  6. on Saturday - dreams do not come true;
  7. on Sunday - may come true before noon.

Monday ruled by the moon whose influence is deceptive and illusory. These dreams should not be taken lightly. However, it is on Monday that you can hold a special ceremony for a prophetic dream by asking a question of interest.

Tuesday ruled by Mars... On this day, you can get a hint to change your destiny.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury... At this time, disturbing dreams may come, which call for control of the emotional sphere: this is what you lack in life.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter... At this time, you can attach importance to dreams associated with professional activities. The rest of the dreams are considered empty.

Runs Friday. At this time, prophetic dreams of fate and personal relationships come. On Friday night, you can see a prediction about a wedding or a loved one.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn... This harsh planet is associated with fatal signs of fate. Dreams do not come true exactly, but they can give a hint - what to expect in the future, good or bad?

Sunday is ruled by the Sun... If at this time an alarming plot is dreamed, take it as a warning against unwanted actions.

Times of Day

The time of day at which the dream is dreamed is important. Usually day dreams do not mean anything: they reflect the bustle of the mind and everyday worries.

Evening sleep, like midnight, is also empty. At this time, the soul did not have time to get into the otherworldly worlds.

The correct meaning is a dream in the morning... It is at this time that we see prophetic dreams.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one

This question worries many dreamers. How, on what grounds can this be done? It is important to understand that a prophetic dream can come any day of the week on the eve of a fateful event. These are dream-messages that do not depend on the time of day and day of the week. You can distinguish this vision from simple dreams:

  • the dream will be vivid and memorable, will cause strong emotions;
  • the picture of the vision will have a clear storyline with a beginning and an end;
  • a dream will bring specific information in the form of numbers, written or spoken words;
  • the dream will be short, not tiring, endless.

The dream will be so vivid and memorable that you will not be able to forget it for a long time.

How to interpret a prophetic dream

Images from a prophetic dream can correspond to images from the interpretation of dream books. For example, a rat would represent an enemy, and a bat and a spider would represent a bad prediction.

If you did not find an explanation for the plot you saw in the interpreter, rely on your intuition. Your inner feeling will be decisive in deciphering a dream: as a rule, it does not fail.

Another criterion for true vision will be the correspondence of the seen to reality. If in a dream you run away from an unknown monster, while you suddenly grow wings with a tail, feel free to refer the dream to fantasy. In prophetic visions, real images come, not fictional ones.

Prophetic dreams exist, but they are very rare. The concept of such dreams is very old. In ancient times, strange and bizarre images that appeared in dreams excited the imagination of people.

The person did not know how to explain these pictures, and everything inexplicable was always associated with the supernatural. So for the interpretation of dreams, a person's faith in all kinds of mysticism became the starting point. For example, those dreams in which the human soul met the spirits of animals and plants were considered the key to the mysteries of the future, which made it possible to know in advance the will of the gods. In addition, they tried to predict from dreams whether the hunt would be successful, whether it was worth starting a battle with enemies, and whether the new place chosen for living would be favorable.
Predictions and fortune-telling by dreams were very popular in India and Egypt, Rome and ancient Greece, but belief in dreams was especially widespread in the Middle Ages. All the rulers in the service had fortunetellers who could interpret dreams. But the role of the fortuneteller was not only honorable, but also very dangerous, since if the dream was incorrectly deciphered, the interpreter was threatened with death. Nevertheless, not only foretellers, but also philosophers and artists undertook to interpret dreams.
The first experiments in the interpretation of prophetic dreams belong to the philosophers of Ancient Greece, in particular, Plato and Aristotle.
In the Middle Ages, dreams were interpreted mainly in a religious-moralistic way, and in the Renaissance, the interpretation of dreams was closely intertwined with occultism. Later, everything changed. In the 19th century, dream books began to be very popular in Europe, the authors of which explained a particular dream in terms of those stereotypes that developed in society. But at the same time, many did not believe in the plausibility of such interpretations.
In addition, psychologists are seriously interested in dreams, who put forward the assumption that sleep is an indication of those things that most excite the human subconscious. But here, too, opinions were divided. According to some scientists, all the images that arise in a dream are chaotic, while another part of scientists said that they are subject to certain laws. The most famous interpreters of dreams are Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud.
Currently, science has taken a big step forward towards unraveling the nature of dreams. But at the same time, dream books are still very popular.
But what is a prophetic dream? According to the traditional opinion, a prophetic dream is something that is sure to await a person in the future, something that his life will lead to, something that will surely happen due to the prevailing circumstances and reasons. Prophetic dreams, as it were, warn a person, make him prepare for the future.
If you do not perceive your life as a kind of program, then a prophetic dream is a signal about the approach of a certain important event, knowing about which you can correct the future in the right direction.
It is impossible to explain prophetic dreams with rational arguments. Sometimes a person in a dream can see those events that occur thousands of kilometers from him. According to skeptics, you should not pay attention to dreams at all, since there is no point in them, they are a simple set of certain pictures that reflect real events. But there are many examples in history that prophetic dreams really exist, and even more, they became the starting point of great scientific discoveries. A striking example of this is the periodic table of chemical elements, which D. Mendeleev dreamed in a dream.
If we talk about a scientific explanation of the nature of prophetic dreams, then it sounds like this: throughout the day a person experiences a large number of different events, but at the same time his consciousness notices all the details, but only those that seem to be the most important. At the same time, the subconscious mind captures absolutely everything. Based on the information gathered during the day, at night, the brain tries to make a forecast for the future. People often see such forecasts in dreams, and they are considered prophetic dreams. Thus, there is absolutely nothing mystical in foreseeing the future, it is only the work of the human subconscious. It is often very difficult for people to separate a prophetic dream from an ordinary one, since they are practically no different. Therefore, in order to determine whether a prophetic dream or an ordinary one had a dream, they go from the opposite, that is, they discard those dreams that obviously cannot be prophetic. For example, if a hungry person dreamed of food in a dream, then such a dream, of course, cannot be considered prophetic. In addition, those dreams that were dreamed under the influence of alcohol, tobacco or drugs cannot be considered prophetic. All sorts of pains, ailments, fever, and prolonged sexual abstinence also have a great influence on sleep. Cold and heat, too loud sounds, and other irritants can have a negative effect on sleep.
Thus, we can conclude that a prophetic dream is one that is dreamed in a healthy, cozy atmosphere.
Scientists talk about the existence of purifying and filling prophetic dreams. So, if such a dream is dreamed of when the moon is waning, then it indicates that something will become unnecessary in a person's life and leave it. That is, if a person has an unpleasant or terrible dream, then this, on the contrary, is very good, since all the bad things will go away from his life. Such dreams are called cleansing dreams.
Dreams that were dreamed with a growing moon indicate that something new will appear in a person's life. These are fulfilling dreams. The plots of such dreams can be both real and fantastic, but both of them may soon come true.
Dreams that a person sees on a full moon indicate those situations in which a person shows excessive emotionality. At the same time, such dreams are just a statement of fact, but in reality nothing can be changed.
It should be noted that prophetic dreams were of great help not only to Mendeleev. The famous Russian poet M. Lermontov liked solving mathematical problems at his leisure. But one day he failed to solve one of these problems, and the poet went to bed. And in a dream he saw a stranger who suggested a solution to him. When Lermontov woke up, he immediately wrote down the solution he had received in his dream and drew a portrait of the stranger. After the poet's death, it was established that the figure depicted the creator of logarithms, John Napier, who lived several centuries earlier than Lermontov.
Paul McCartney dreamed of a beautiful melody. When the musician woke up, he went to the piano and began to play. The artist himself noted that he had never written anything like this. Later this melody became the well-known song "Yesterday".
There are many more such examples. But very often it happens that prophetic dreams are not for good. Often they portend all sorts of misfortunes and even death. So, for example, the queen of Troy Hecuba, during pregnancy with Paris, had a dream in which she dreamed that she was giving birth to a torch. The soothsayer explained the dream to the queen, and the baby was thrown into the mountains. Many years later, nevertheless, when young Paris came to Troy, he was accepted as a family, forgetting about the prophetic dream. And later the dream came true, through the fault of Paris, Troy was burned by enemies.
Mikhail Lomonosov in his youth had a dream in which he saw the death of his father on the sharp in the White Sea. The most striking thing is that his father died at this very time. This example is more often referred to as telepathy than prophetic dreams.
The sixteenth president of America, Abraham Lincoln, had a dream in which he went down to one of the halls of the White House, and saw there a coffin covered with the national flag. He asked who was being buried, and he was told that the president. Ten years later, Lincoln himself was shot at the opera.
However, prophetic dreams are dreamed not only by privileged persons, very often ordinary people also see them. So, for example, a woman named Valentina told how, at the age of nine, she had a bad dream. The girl and her mother were walking not far from the house, and saw white figures approaching them. When the figures came closer, one of them began to strangle the woman, the girl was very frightened and hit her on the head. Valentina recalls that she was sure that she could do nothing to help her mother, because she was sure that the white pieces were ghosts, and her hand would simply go through them. But suddenly the girl's hand touched something hard, and the girl woke up. After some time, the girl's mother had a severe attack of asthmatic bronchitis, and the woman was saved with great difficulty.
And there are many such examples. Currently, scientists cannot answer the question of why prophetic dreams are dreamed. Sometimes they can dream for no apparent reason, and clearly show a picture from the future, which has no meaning for a person. Sometimes prophetic dreams show those moments in a person's life that are key, and help to avoid trouble or make the right decision. The mechanism by which a prophetic dream appears in a person's life is also unknown.
One thing is certain: if at least one of a person's dreams began to come true, this must be taken extremely seriously, because this is a real chance to change your life. It must be remembered that the Mexican shamans believed that dreams are a second reality, and that prophetic dreams are seen by all people, but not everyone can understand them. And when asked when prophetic dreams are dreamed, they answered - always. It is possible that the shamans were right. And, as a matter of fact, why not? ..

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How a person in a dream manages to look into the future is not known for certain. But the fact remains: such dreams exist. Everyone dreams of them from time to time. Sometimes they are in the form of images, sometimes they directly indicate upcoming events, which happens less often and more often characteristic of the chosen people.

Are there prophetic dreams?

Dreams are prophetic. This is faced by millions of people around the world. But the prophetic dreams of famous people went down in history.

The prophetic dream of Abraham Lincoln

For example, Abraham Lincoln, 10 days before his tragic death, had a dream that he was walking towards a strange sound in a theater room. He sees a large hall, a coffin in the middle of the hall, a guard of honor. He asks the guards who is in the coffin? And they answer him that it is, they say, the president, he was killed. Indeed, Lincoln was killed in the theater.

The prophetic dream of Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte often had prophetic dreams. At the beginning of his military career, he dreamed of a beautiful, but tear-stained and disheveled woman. She cried and begged him for something. Napoleon tried to console her. Leaving, the woman left him a ring. Napoleon correctly interpreted the dream: the woman is France, and the ring is a sign of autocracy and power. Another prophetic dream had a commander after meeting with the Russian Tsar Alexander. It was a terrible dream in which a bear tore him apart. Subsequently, Napoleon was defeated by the Russian army.

Prophetic dream of Adolf Hitler

In 1917, Adolf Schicklgruber, a corporal in the Bavarian army, had a dream that he was killed in a trench from an explosion. Waking up, he climbed out of the trench like a lunatic and wandered away from this place. Minutes later, he was thrown aside by a blast wave. Recovering himself, he returned to the trench and saw that all the soldiers had died. Two decades later, thanks to a prophetic dream, Adolf, who survived, ruined millions of lives in Europe and Russia, going down in history under the name of Adolf Hitler.

Prophetic dreams of other famous people

There is a version that the great Beethoven, who wrote the Moonlight Sonata, at a time of great love and passion, heard music in a dream. And getting up in the middle of the night, he began to transform what he heard into notes.

Dmitry Mendeleev, a great chemist, saw in a dream how chemical elements formed into the periodic table.

Sergei Korolev, as a child, found himself in a dream inside a rocket built by him.

American mechanic Elias Howe, having seen a dream about aborigines dancing with spears, figured out how to make a sewing machine with a double stitching - the hole for the thread should be at the bottom of the needle point.

Why do prophetic dreams have?

Many scientists of the world have tried to explain prophetic dreams. Sigmund Freud, a scientist of the last century, wrote in his work that prophetic dreams are dreamed of by especially sensitive people whose brain is constantly working. And at night, when extraneous thoughts do not interfere, the brain gives out the result of a logically built chain in the form of a prophetic dream.

John Beslow, professor of medicine, hypothesized about the material nature of biofields. That is, everything in the world is interconnected, special people manage to connect to the World consciousness and get answers to questions. Academician Leonid Prishchepa also confirmed this hypothesis, adding that all matter and energy of the universe are related by the general law of electromagnetic motion.

And if so, then theoretically any person can connect to the World mind. I would only know how this happens and how to make this process natural and not random.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Prophetic dreams can occur on any day. But you can distinguish them from meaningless dreams on the basis that prophetic ones are memorable and vivid dreams. "Empty" dreams are confusing and incomprehensible.

It is believed that prophetic dreams are most often dreamed on Christmastide week, since the line between the worlds becomes thinner, and our departed relatives want to convey to us the information that, in their opinion, is important for us.

Sleep theme:

Every person needs to know when prophetic dreams are made. Such night visions become important signs for sleeping people, which help to avoid various problems, or tips on how best to act in a particular life situation. The main thing is to correctly recognize a prophetic dream.

What is a prophetic dream?

Prophetic are called night dreams, predicting events that will soon occur in real life.

But not every dream should be taken as an important clue for the future.

Much more often, in night visions, a person simply once again experiences the emotions experienced during the day.

Many esotericists are sure that not all people can see prophetic dreams. This is a certain skill that is required not only to recognize, but also to develop endlessly. There are even special techniques for this purpose.

Prophetic dreams are divided into two types:

  1. Dreams are called literal dreams that accurately convey the events that will later occur in reality.
  2. Symbolic dreams are made up of symbols and subtle clues. To understand the warning from them, the dreamer has to carefully decipher the plot. It is almost impossible to do this without special dream books.

When and on what days do prophetic dreams occur?

First of all, you need to figure out what days you have prophetic dreams. They are most likely in the period from January 7 to January 19. It is believed that it is on the Christmas week that friends and / or relatives who have gone into the world of another appear in the night dreams of the sleeper, who suggest further changes in fate. In general, a prophetic dream can be dreamed on any holiday from the church calendar.

Expect prophetic visions on the third of the month. Always predict the future and the plots seen on Friday. There is a belief that on the last working day of the week, you should never start important business, as it only rarely turns out to be successful.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

  • On Monday night, the sleeper sees plots that may come true only in a few years. If one of them is perfectly remembered, it is worth writing down its details and checking for veracity after a while.
  • On Tuesday, dreams are usually considered empty. They can only come true if the plot is very vivid and memorable. In this case, a repetition of events from a waking dream must be expected in 10 days.
  • Dreams seen on Wednesday night have been considered prophetic since ancient times. Usually these are "literal" plots that will come true exactly in the very near future. They are understandable even without additional decryptions.
  • Plots from Wednesday to Thursday are considered blank. If some plot, seen that night, turned out to be very vivid and memorable, then it can partially come true in reality for three days.
  • Dreams on Friday are considered prophetic. They usually come true in the next 8-12 days. If a person saw an unpleasant plot that night, do not ignore it. Need to heed the signs - it can help avoid trouble.
  • Dreams on Saturday rarely come true. They usually do not carry any important information.
  • Plots for Sunday come true right away - until lunch the next day. If this did not happen, then you should not consider the dream prophetic.