Synopsis of nodes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations (femp) "walk with dunno! Nodes for the formation of elementary mathematical representations


  • develop the ability to count within ten;
  • develop the skills of ordinal and quantitative counting;
  • forward and backward counting skills;
  • to consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes;
  • to form the ability to group them according to various criteria;
  • teach to solve math problems;
  • develop logical thinking;
  • develop memory;
  • foster the desire to complete the task;
  • get a positive assessment of your work.

Methodological techniques:

visual, verbal, playful, surprising, practical.

Materials and equipment:

cards with numbers, geometric shapes, dummies of vegetables and fruits; cards for individual work.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Children, today I invite you to a trip around the country "Mathematics".

Do you want to go there?

But first, guess riddle:

My favorite warm air

You work wonders with me!

And, as in a beautiful, wondrous fairy tale,

I lift up to heaven.

My lovely gondola

Very cozy and light

And young travelers

There will be enough room in it, as always.

Friendship will help us on the road

And we need courage too ...

You guessed it. Who am I?


Educator: To take a seat in the gondola, you need to find a chair with the same number as shown on your ticket. And to take off, you need to cast a magic spell (cribble, crabble, booms) ...

Here we are in the air. How beautiful around! What extraordinary clouds! What color are they? Size? Forms? (Children describe imaginary clouds.)

Beneath us, the extraordinary understood the colors. Let's get down! There is a swamp on the way to the meadow. It can only be overcome by bumps. Moreover, it is necessary to advance in the order indicated by the numbers (1,2,3,4,5, etc.)

Educator: So we got to the clearing. See how beautiful she is, how many flowers she has on her. But this glade is not simple, but "mathematical problems", and the flowers on it are extraordinary, let's see.

Children solve problems.

On the way, friendship helped us. In memory of our flight, I give you balloons.

general developmental kindergarten

No. 9 "Vasilek", the town of Mud

Gryazinsky municipal district

Lipetsk region


Mishina Galina Anatolyevna , senior educator Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten No. 14 "Firefly" Khimki, Moscow region

Occupation type: intellectually developing.

Theme: " The game is a journey to the country of Mathematics ”.

Age: 6 - 7 years old.

Location: music hall.

Duration of the lesson: 30 minutes.

Preliminary work: FEMP classes, making attributes, manuals for didactic games, didactic games with mathematical content, learning dynamic pauses, gymnastics for the eyes.

Target: Strengthen children's ideas about elementary mathematical concepts.



  • Strengthen the ability to lay out a number series.
  • Improve the skills of forward and backward counting within 10.
  • Exercise in ordinal count.
  • Strengthen the ability to guess mathematical riddles, write down the solution and answer to riddles using cards with numbers and signs.
  • Consolidate knowledge about the days of the week, seasons.
  • To consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes, the skill of grouping shapes according to certain criteria.
  • Freeze spatial representations: left, right, center, below above.


  • Develop logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization.
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
  • Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.


  • To foster a culture of communication, emotional responsiveness, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently or in pairs, to act according to the teacher's instructions.
  • Cultivate interest in math studies.


  • Teach children to monitor their posture.
  • Continue to develop movement coordination.

Priority educational area: “Cognition”.

Integration of educational areas:"Communication", "Socialization", "Labor".


  • to educate children in curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills.


  • develop in children free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking
  • activate the children's vocabulary.


Clean up the workplace, keep it tidy

Methodical techniques:





Material:Demo: Magnetic board, cards with numbers and signs, multimedia presentation, pointer, chest with coloring pages. Dispensing: Geometric shapes, cards with numbers from 1 to 10, laminated white cardboard sheets.

GCD move:

I. Organizational moment (5 min.)

II. Main part (22 min.)

III. Outcome (generalization of the educator) (3 min.)


Organizing time.

Guys, guests came to our class today to see what you have learned and how much you know. Say hello to the guests.

Let's stand in a circle, join hands and smile at each other .

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends stood up.

We will now go right 1, 2. 3.

Now let's go left 1, 2.3.

In the center of the circle we will gather 1, 2.3.

And we will all return to the place 1, 2.3.

Let's smile, wink

And let's start the lesson.

Children, together with the teacher, perform the exercises in accordance with the text 1 time.

Take your seats at the tables. (children take their places)

We have a math class now. Mathematics is a very necessary science, Tatiana will tell us about this poem.

Friends, we cannot live without mathematics.

We have been given mathematics for many hundreds of years,

Even mammoths were considered by the most ancient people.

Without mathematics, a person will not be able to decide, measure and count. It is impossible to build a house, count the money in your pocket, measure the distance. If a person did not know mathematics, he would not be able to invent an airplane, a car, a washing machine, a refrigerator, a TV and other equipment. All over the world, children are taught math.

But before we start doing math, let's remember the rules of behavior during class:

During class, you, sit calmly and behave ... (with dignity)

A chair and a table are not a bed and you cannot ... ... (lie down)

If you want to answer - do not make noise, but only your hand…. (pick up)

I ask you to keep these rules in mind throughout this lesson.

And before you raise your hand, think carefully about the answer, do not rush. Remember what they say about those people who are always in a hurry? ("Hurry to make people laugh")

Do you guys like fairy tales? (children's answer) Then listen ... In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was a king.


And he ruled a country called Mathematics. And he decided to go around his cities in the kingdom, to see if everything is okay with him, if everything is fine with him. He looked around, but he had no assistants. What to do?

(children express their assumptions)

Father Tsar, and our children can help you, although they are small, they are very smart. (the teacher turns to the king).

Guys, what do travelers need while traveling in order not to get lost? (children's answers)

That's right, card!


And here it is, a strange kind of map, and one question mark. Guys, and the tsar prompted me, in order to start the journey and find out the name of the first city in which we will get, we need to conduct a mathematical warm-up called "Don't yawn, answer questions quickly!"

1. What day of the week is it today?

2. How many days are there in a week?

3. What day is after Tuesday?

5. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?

6. What are the days off?

7. How many seasons?

8. What time of year is winter?

9. What time of year is summer?

10. What is an extra word in a row of words:

a) winter, Wednesday, Spring Summer Autumn;

b) one, two, three, circle, four five;

c) plus, minus, Friday, equals;

d) circle, square, December, polygon.


Well done, we coped with the warm-up! And the first city to which we will go appeared on the map. This city is called Chislograd, numbers live in this city, they have been preparing for a meeting with you for so long that they completely confused their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place.

Didactic game "Find a place in a row".

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to compose a number series, to exercise in forward and backward counting.

You have cards with numbers from one to ten on your tables in envelopes. Please arrange these cards in order, starting with the card with the number one, just do not forget that the number series must be laid out from left to right. (children complete the task)

Let's count in chorus from one to ten, and now in chorus from ten to one.

Didactic game "Neighbors of a number".

Purpose: to exercise in determining the next and previous number to the named number.

Each number has neighbors, a previous and subsequent number.

Masha, name the neighbors of the number 5.

Leonid name the neighbors of the number 8.

Nastya name the neighbors of the number 3.

Didactic game "Colorful trees".

Purpose: to train children in ordinal counting, in the ability to correlate a number with the place of an object in a given row.

The guys in Chislograd have a park where colorful trees grow. Count and show with a card with a number how many trees are growing in the park.

Show with a card with a number what is the yellow tree in the park, if you count from left to right.

With what number was the card raised? Why? (because the tree with a yellow crown is the fifth in a row if you count from left to right).

Show with a card with a number what is the blue tree, if you count from right to left?

With what number was the card raised? Why? (because the blue tree is the seventh in a row if you count from right to left).

Show with a card with a number what is the gray tree if you count from left to right?

With what number was the card raised? Why? (because the gray tree is the ninth in a row if you count from left to right).

Well done! The task is completed! Place the number cards in the envelope.

(children remove the cards, the teacher removes the easel)



Dynamic pause "How pleasant it is to swim in the river!"

How pleasant it is to swim in the river!

Bank on the left, bank on the right.

(Tilts left and right.)

The river is in front of the ribbon.

(Stretching - hands forward.)

Above the bridge - look.

(Stretching - arms up.)

To sail even faster

We need to row faster.

We work with our hands.

Who will follow us?

(Swimming movements.)

And now it's time for us, brothers,

(Hands in the lock behind the neck)

To lie on the sand.

We get out of the river

(Walking in place.)

And we rest on the grass.


So we got to the town of "Merry Tasks"!

- All animals live here in peace and harmony.


They have prepared mathematical riddles for you, if you correctly guess all the riddles, the map will show which city we will go to next. ----- Let's try to guess these riddles?

Didactic game "Fun tasks".

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to guess mathematical riddles, write down the solution and answer of the problem using cards with numbers and signs. 1. Four goslings and two ducklings

They swim in the lake, shout loudly.

Well, count it quickly -

How many babies are there in the water?

How did the number 6 come about? Maxim, use cards with numbers and signs on an easel to lay out the solution and answer to the riddle. (2 + 4 = 6)

2. Seven tiny kittens

What they give them, everyone eats,

And one - asks for supplements

How many kittens are there? (eight)

How did the number 8 come about? Pasha, use cards with numbers and signs on an easel to lay out the solution and answer to the riddle (7 + 1 = 8)

3. The hedgehog walked through the forest,

Found mushrooms for lunch.

Two - under a birch, three - under an aspen,

How many of them will there be in a wicker basket? (5)

How did the number 5 come about? Masha, use cards with numbers and signs on an easel to lay out the solution and answer to the riddle


- Well done, you have guessed all the riddles, and look, the next city has appeared on the map, to which we will now go, it is called "Geometric Shapes". The entrance to the city is locked. In order for the lock to open, we must do gymnastics for the eyes.

We've been studying for so long. Nyour eyes are so tired

We'll give them rest

And the palms of the eyes (children rub their palms, warm them up)We will close slowly(they close their eyes with their palms, then follow the text)Let's sit in the dark.

The paint is black everywhere.

Now we open them

And blink a little: one, two, three, four, five.

Don't turn your headLook to the left

Look to the right.

Eyes up, eyes down

Work, don't be lazy!


The castle has opened, and we are greeted by the inhabitants of this city, geometric shapes, look how different they are!

How can they be divided into groups? - How many shapes will be included in the group of large geometric shapes? (6) - Nastya, name these figures.

How many shapes will be included in a group of small geometric shapes (9)

How many shapes will be included in a group of triangles? (3) - Yaroslav, name these figures.

How many figures will be included in the trapezoid group? (2)

Maxim, name these figures. - How many pieces will be included in the group of red pieces?

Masha, name them.

Didactic game "Collect the pattern".

Purpose: to teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.

The guys, geometric figures, presented the king with a gift, a carpet with their image, so that the king would never forget about them. On this carpet, the geometric figures are arranged in a certain order, if you correctly arrange the figures you have in the trays on the sheet that you find under the trays, then you can also admire the beauty of this carpet. - Let's try? -Then put the leaves in front of you and listen carefully.

Place the circle in the center of the sheet.

The square is in the upper left corner of the sheet.

Oval - in the upper right corner of the sheet.

The rectangle is in the lower right corner of the sheet.

The triangle is in the lower left corner of the carpet.

Rhombus in the middle above the circle.

Trapezoid in the middle under the circle.

SLIDE 11. - Well done, and coped with this task! And look on the map there is a final stop, "The Tsar's Residence", this is where our today's journey ends, but you and I will travel more than once through the cities of the magical land of MATHEMATICS where we will meet old friends and make new ones.


The result of the lesson.

Now let's remember what cities we visited when traveling through a magical land where everything is connected with mathematics? (children's answers) - What did you like? Which tasks were easy for you and which ones were difficult? (children's answers)

And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who believes that he has completely coped with the tasks - let him raise the yellow star, and who thinks that not everything he succeeded today - let him raise the red star.

Children make their choice.

The king decided to thank you for your good service and gives you a whole chest with mathematical coloring, now we will return to the group, and you can examine and color your pictures at will.


  1. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the preparatory group for school kindergarten. Lesson plans. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2012.

Abstract of GCD on FEMP in the preparatory group for school "In the country of mathematics"

Abstract of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations for children 6-7 years old

Andreeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna. MKDOU d / garden "Buratino" s. Chunoyar of the Boguchansk region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
In the lesson, modern educational technologies were used: H. Kuisener's sticks and Dienesh blocks.
The material can be useful for teachers of the preparatory group for school.
Target: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.
Program tasks
Continue to teach to solve and come up with problems to find the whole
/ with + signs; - /
Continue to learn to highlight the condition and question of the problem, to exercise in solving problems by adding single-digit numbers.
Teach children to give complete, common answers to the teacher's questions.
Strengthen knowledge of the composition of the number 9.
Strengthen the ability to solve arithmetic operations for addition within 10.
Continue to learn to orient yourself on the plane relative to yourself.
Continue to consolidate concepts - horizontally, vertically.
Learn to break geometric shapes into sets according to several criteria using Euler circles.
Develop logical thinking, visual attention
Modern educational technologies: H. Kuisener's sticks, Gienesh blocks; ICT.
Health-saving technologies: Finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, physical exercises.
Equipment and materials: Screen, multimedia projector, laptop, color tracks made of cardboard, flowers from paper.
Preliminary work: Games with sticks by H. Kuisener and Dienes blocks.
Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.
In a wide circle, I see
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we will all return to the place.
Let's smile, wink
And let's start playing again. (Children do the exercises according to the text.)
Exercise. "Don't yawn, answer questions quickly!"
If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ...?
Children: Below the table.
Educator: If a ruler is longer than a pencil, then a pencil ...?
Children: shorter than the ruler.
Educator: If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?
Children: Thinner than a rope.
Educator: If a sister is older than a brother, then a brother ...?
Children: Younger sister.
Educator: Well done!
Oh, guys, you hear someone crying (zero enters). Hello zero.
Why are you crying what happened?
Zero. In our country of Mathematicians, a great misfortune happened, our country was attacked by evil robots and kidnapped by the “Queen of Mathematics”, it can be saved by children who can count well, solve problems, compare, are smart, resourceful and attentive.
I heard how you answered the questions correctly and decided that you can help us. I ask you to help us expel evil robots from our country.
You agree to travel with me and help us. Aren't you afraid of robots? Then let's hit the road.
But you can get into our country only by becoming invisible to robots, for this
you need to complete the task.
First task:"Composition of number 9"
On the table are Kuisener sticks.
The teacher shows the number 9 and tells the children that they must make the number 9 out of two numbers, if they cope with the task, they will become invisible and can go with zero. (Children complete the task) Slide 2.

We check whether we did everything right, if someone did not do it or made a mistake, we correct it. When checking the assignment, we say everything out loud. The number nine consists of 1 and 8; 2 and 7, etc.
Educator. Well done, everyone coped with this task, so we became invisible and we can go to the country of mathematics .. (we find ourselves in a flower meadow)
Second task:"Flower meadow" slide 3
Look guys, a flower meadow, and how many robots there are and some stalks without flowers.

The robots managed to visit here, they cut off all the petals on the flowers and destroyed almost all the insects. There are only a few whole flowers and one butterfly left, so that the flowers bloom again, we need to correctly solve the examples. Let's split into teams, I will give you petals of different colors. On the tables are the centers of the flowers, with a letter indicating the color of the petal, go up and find your center. (Children gather in teams at the table, a team captain is appointed).
Educator: Guys, if you solve the examples correctly, the flowers will bloom again and some of the robots will disappear.
Each team is given their own example, they independently solve and lay out the solution to the example on the table, then one child from the team reads the arithmetic action aloud.
On the screen there is a picture with flowers, under a leaf of each flower, examples are hidden, we open the leaves for each team in turn and solve. After the examples are solved, one of the children of each team reads the arithmetic operation.
Zero checks.
Educator: We have coped with this task. And the butterflies are very happy that they can again flutter over the flowers and admire them, and look, there are fewer robots.
Exercise for the eyes.
Educator: Guys, tell me, what five senses do you know?
Children... Tongue, ears, eyes, hands, nose.
We read the poem "Sense organs"
One, two, three, four, five
Feelings need to be counted.
Sight, hearing and smell
Sweet taste and touch.
Educator: Which of the senses do you think gets the most tired when we look for a long time? (eyes)
And in order for our eyes to relax, butterflies offer to play with them, go to the middle, stand facing the screen and follow the butterflies with your eyes without turning your head. Slide 4

Let's go further.
Third assignment"Smart tasks"
Guys now you must concentrate and be very attentive, a very difficult task awaits us, after completing which many robots will die. But it is hidden under one of these blocks, you have to guess under which one. Children guess with the symbol cards.

Educator. Tell me what parts the task consists of.
We give each team one task. ( Draw tasks on the picture and distribute to the children, there are cards with numbers on the table, the children compose a task on the table and one of them reads out)
The teacher asks the children to give an answer to the problem, / full answer / Well done, a lot of robots died.
Fourth task: Select 4 people using a zero.
Zero. Guys look. This is the road along which the numbers move in our city, but look, robots have destroyed it, we need to help the residents build the road.
The road was laid out from the longest strip to the shortest. Help me lay it out ( cardboard strips like Kuisener sticks).

Educator. Guys, how many strips does the road consist of? Let's name them by color, now name the number they represent. What is the order of the number 4? What is the next number? What is the number between 5 and 7? What number is to the left of 9? What number is to the right of 8? Name the neighbors of the yellow stripe by numbers? (Questions are asked clearly, to each team).
Educator. Nolik, did the guys lay out the road correctly?
Zero checks.
And now we need to rest, in order to go further, to save the inhabitants of the country of Mathematics.
Physical education
I went swimming on Monday
And on Tuesday he painted.
I washed my face for a long time on Wednesday
And on Thursday I played football.
On Friday I was jumping, running,
danced for a very long time,
And on Saturday, Sunday
I was resting all day
Fifth task:"Divide the figures into sets"
Guys, not only numbers live in the city, but also many figures. On the tables, each team has 1 red circle and 1 green and Dienes blocks (all red pieces and yellow, blue squares, small and large) arrange the pieces in circles in two ways (all red in a red circle, and all squares in green). Then we check the execution of the task on the slide. Why did you put so many red squares in the intersection of the circles?
Children: Because they have common features they are squares and red.

After completing the assignment, the children are thanked and offered to move on to the next assignment.
Sixth task:"Key to the lock"
Look guys, here we come to the palace in which the Queen of Mathematics was locked. But we don't have the key. But zero has a hint how you can make this key yourself.
Take a raspberry stick and put it vertically, pink from the right down to the raspberry, horizontally. Put a white stick on top of the pink one, and another pink one on top. Put the pink one horizontally on top of the raspberry stick. To the right and left of the pink stick, place the blue sticks vertically. Between them at the top of the pink stick horizontally. Let's check if the key we see on the screen is similar. If we did everything right, then the door should open.

Zero. Hooray, thanks guys. Here is our queen and free, look how happy the people of the country are. And we became visible again and again returned to the d / s.
Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with all the tasks correctly, helped the little residents of the country. Mathematics, I am very glad that you have such smart and capable children, ready to come to the rescue at any moment. Let's dream up, and everyone will come up with a house for the inhabitants of the country of mathematics and build it with sticks and blocks.
E.A. Kazintsev "Formation of mathematical representations"
Presentation on the topic: Journey to the Land of Mathematics

Municipal state educational institution Mulymskaya secondary school


directly educational activities

on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

for older children

"On the islands of mathematics"


Prokopovich I.G.

the village of Mulym'ya 2015

Target: development of interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity.


Educational... Promote the formation of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical tasks, continue teaching children to count within 10, find neighbors of numbers, compare numbers, develop spatial representation, logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills. Ability to answer questions, control the pronunciation of the sounds "S", "U".

Developing... Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation.

Educational... Promote the maintenance of interest in mathematics, the formation of the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: letter, math problems, numbers, sheets of paper, pen, scissors, squares. Slides depicting the islands "Tsifrograd", "Computers", "Craftsman", emoticons.

The course of educational activities:

Educator: (slide 1) Someone invented it simply and wisely,

About the meeting to greet "Good morning!"

"Good morning!" the sun and the birds

"Good morning!" To smiling faces.

Guests have come to us today, let's say "Good morning!"

Educator : Guys, a letter has come to our kindergarten, let's read it.

“I have trouble in my country, I need your help

I invite all children to hit the road soon!

Trials and difficult tasks await you.
Hurry to our island and put things in order!

Queen of Mathematics "

Educator: Let's go on a trip?

Children: Yes, let's go.

Educator: What can you go on a trip with?

Children: By plane, train, rocket, car, helicopter, boat.

Educator: You have named everything correctly, you can travel by all types of transport. Do you want to fly on an airplane carpet?

Children: Yes.

Educator: We will go on an airplane carpet. But the plane is not easy, it can fly when we solve math problems. Are you ready to travel?

Children: Ready. (Everyone sits on the carpet)

1. Five crows sat on the roof.

and two more arrived

Answer quickly, boldly,

How many of them flew in

- Children: Seven crows. (5 + 2 = 7)

2.On a saucer at Andryusha

four yellow pears

Did the child want to eat and ate two pears? (4-2 = 2)

How many pears are left?

Children: Two pears.

Educator: How did you guess that there are two pears?

Children (group and individual answers)

Educator: Well done, we solved the problem correctly.

3.Murka-cat mousetrap,

Ate 3 mice in the pantry

And now I crept up to the hole,

Another tsap got caught,

So Murka, how old is she

Did you manage to catch the mice?

Children: four mice. (3 + 1 = 4)

Educator: How did you guess? (children's answers) That's right, four mice were caught by a cat.

Educator: Well done, we solved all the problems.

Breathing exercises."Inflate the airplane carpet" (children "inflate" the airplane carpet with a pump) pronunciation of the sound "C".

"We flew" pronunciation of the sound "U" (slide 2)

Educator: Here we flew to the 1st island, which is called Tsifrograd. Numbers live here (slide 3)

1 task"Expand the digital series from 1-10"

2 task"Expand the number of numbers from 5-9, from 2-8"

3 task"What are the neighbors of the number 5,9,4"

4 task"What is a number greater than 7, but less than 9", "What is a number less than 5, but more than 3"

5 task(on your own) "Compare the numbers" (put a sign longer, less than or equal)

Educator: And now we will go to another island.

To get to this island you need to know the days of the week.

Children name the days of the week.

Game "Days of the Week"

(children perform movements according to the text)

(slides "Days of the week")

On Monday I went swimming and on Tuesday I painted.

On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time, and on Thursday I played football.

On Friday I jumped, ran, danced for a very long time.

And on Saturday and Sunday I rested all day.

Educator: What is the second day of the week? What is the fifth? What day is the middle of the week? (children's answers)

We got to the island of Computers. (slide 4) And computers don't work. Can you fix computers? (Answers of children)

Educator: To do this, you need to draw geometric shapes in a certain order. (Children draw geometric shapes):

In the upper right corner is a rectangle

In the lower left corner is a square

In the upper left corner is a circle

In the lower right corner - a triangle

In the center is an oval.

Children complete assignments.

Educator: What is the geometric figure in the upper right corner? Where is the circle? etc. (children's answers)

Well done, guys, coped with the task. Fixed all computers.

Fizminutka "Raketa"

One, two - there is a rocket, Three - four - an airplane

1.2-clap, then every count,

1,2,3,4-arms are higher, shoulders are wider.

1,2,3,4- and looked like on the spot.

You and I got to the Masterilka island. (slide 5)

Educator: Guys in front of you are a square. How many corners (sides) does a square have?

Children: four.

Educator: Now turn the square into a figure without beginning and end. Children use scissors to cut the corners of the square.

Educator: what figure did you get? - Children (individual and choral answers): circle.

Educator: Well done, we coped with this task.

Educator: Turn the square into 4 triangles. Think about how to cut a square?

How did you get the triangles?

Children: Fold diagonally twice and cut along the fold line.

Educator: Well done, children. We also coped with this task.

I think Queen Math will love that you have completed all the assignments.

Did you enjoy our trip?

If you liked it, then why - what did you do, what was difficult, what was interesting. (Children remember and tell).

And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. If you liked our trip, then choose a funny smiley, if not, then a sad one.

Children take seats on the flying carpet and "fly away" into the group (pronunciation of the sound "U"). (slide 6)

GCD summary for formation

Educational area: Cognitive development

Age group: middle preschool age (4-5 years old)

Theme: "In a forest clearing"



To consolidate ideas about numbers within five, their relationships, exercise in the use of terms denoting magnitude.


To develop in children logical thinking, attention, visual memory, fine motor skills. Activate speech. To develop in children the ability to give detailed answers.


Encourage children to be friendly to the animal kingdom,emotional responsiveness,encourage children to cooperate and help.Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

Occupation type: anchorage

Equipment: an envelope with a letter, counting sticks for each child, a scheme "carrot" made of sticks for each child, numbers from 1 to 5, a ball, pictures on an easel: 5 butterflies, 4 snails, 3 ladybugs, 2 wasps, 1 spider; numbers from 1 to 5; butterfly on a stick. Projector, screen, laptop. Track.

Preliminary work: Repetition of the names of wild animals, insects. Drawing up pictures from counting sticks. Didactic games: "Count not be mistaken", "Fold in order", "Say the opposite"

Methodical techniques: use of ICT, visual material, riddle, use of gaming technologies, conversation, questions.Receptions of health-saving technologies: change of types of activity, physical minutes, walking along the path.

Form of organization of work in the classroom: group, individual.

Course of the lesson

The teacher and children enter the group, stand in a circle.

Wider is our wonderful circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Turn left, right.
And smile at each other.

- Guys, would you like to visit a forest clearing now, where birds sing, butterflies flutter, smells of young grass?

Children: Yes!

- And the "magic screen" will help us with this. Now we will close our eyes and say the magic words.(Children pronounce the words, open their eyes and see an image of a forest glade on the "magic screen")

Stand on your toes

And turn around twice

Find yourself in the clearing.

Slide number 1 (forest glade, birds are singing)

- Here, guys, we are in a forest clearing. Look how beautiful it is here! Wait guys - there's some letter here! What's interesting, listen:"Hello guys! Forest dwellers write to you. An evil sorcerer has bewitched us. Help us please!"

- Well, guys, you must definitely help out the animals. But for this you need to correctly complete all the tasks. Sit down in your seats.

2.Main stage

15 minutes

Task number 1 "Confusion"

To disenchant the first inhabitant of the forest, we must complete the task. The evil sorcerer wants to play with you. He is very fond of swapping numbers. And you will have to arrange the numbers in order.

(On the blackboard there are numbers from 1 to 5. The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and changes the numbers in places. Children open their eyes and restore the order of the numbers.)

- Guys, the sorcerer did not manage to confuse us. We completed the task and disenchanted the first inhabitant of the forest - a bear cub.

Slide number 2: (bear cub)

After each completed task, a "disenchanted" forest dweller appears.

Task number 2: "Fold according to the scheme"

- And in order to disenchant the next forest dweller, you need to prepare a treat for him. Guess the riddle:

I grow in the ground in the garden,
Orange, long, sweet. (Carrots)

- That's right, it's carrots! Fold the carrots out of the counting sticks.

- Well done! We did the job! Which forest dweller do you think loves carrots? That's right, you and I have disenchanted the bunny.

Slide number 3: (bunny with a carrot)

- Azaichonok invites us to the meadow to rest a little.This path will lead us to him. Let's straighten our backs, put our hands on the belt and walk along it one after another.(children follow each other along the path)

Slide number 4: (physical minute with a bunny)

Children look at the screen and perform movements.

Slide number 5: (clearing)

Task number 3 "Correct the mistake"

- We got some rest! We will be able to disenchant the next inhabitant of the forest if we complete the task "Fix the mistake."(Children sit at tables). - And there are also many different insects living in the meadow. What kind of insects do you see? See if the number of pictures corresponds to the figure next to it.(On the easel: 5 butterflies - number 5, 4 snails - number 4, 3 ladybugs - number 3, 2 wasps - number 2, 1 spider - number. Children close their eyes, and the teacher changes the numbers in places, removes one of the pictures. Children open their eyes and find mistakes).

Well done, we coped with this task! We have disenchanted the fox.

Slide number 6 (chanterelle)

Task number 4 "Reverse" with the ball.

- It remains to complete the last task, which is called "Say the opposite"

The road is wide and the path is ... (narrow)
The titmouse has a short tail, and the magpie has ... (long)

The pine is tall, and the herringbone ... (low)

The tights are long, and the socks ... (short)

The cobweb is thin, and the rope ... (thick)

The sun is big, little star ... (small)

The bush is low, and the tree ... (high)

The stream is narrow, and the river ... (wide)

Slide number 7 (squirrel )

- Well done guys, you have bewitched all the inhabitants of our fabulous meadow.

Slide number 8 (all residents of the meadow)

3. The final stage. Reflection.

2 minutes

- Guys, now it's time for us to go to kindergarten.

Stand on your toes

And turn around twice

Feel in kindergarten.

We are in kindergarten.

Slide number 9: (Kindergarten)

- And a butterfly flew to us from the clearing. She really wants to know if you liked helping the residents of the meadow. What was the most difficult task for you? Which is the most interesting? Which task did you like the most?(Children pass a butterfly to each other and express their opinion)

GCD summary for formation

elementary mathematical representations

in the middle group

"In a forest clearing"

Compiled by:

Educator of the middle group E.N. Gagloeva