Summaries of thematic classes in the senior group. Synopsis of an open lesson in the senior group for FGOS "in search of a seven-color flower" outline of a lesson in mathematics (senior group) on the topic. cultivate observation when comparing groups of objects

This is Victory Day.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. To expand the knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War, about the feat of Soviet soldiers, to activate the dictionary on the topic.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about military professions.

3.To teach to carry out the proposed task in a friendly and harmonious manner.

4. To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with paper, to develop fine motor skills.

5. To cultivate love for the motherland, a sense of pride in their country, respect for the people who defend it.


Illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, pictures of military professions, a model of a ship, a drawing of the order, gel balloons, a tape recorder with a recording of military-themed music.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about the Great Patriotic War.

Reading fiction: K. Simonov - "The Son of an Artilleryman", K. Tvardovsky - "Vasily Terkin", "The Tale of a Tankman".

Listening to songs of the war years, looking at pictures depicting military professions, memorizing proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland, reading M. Isakovsky's poem "Where would not go ...".

Carrying out plan:

The lesson takes place in the music hall. The hall is decorated. Children enter, greet and stand next to the teacher.


Let's go to the table.

On the table there are illustrations about the Great Patriotic War.


Take a look. What is shown in these illustrations?

Children's answers.


Right. The illustrations show some of the events of the Great Patriotic War and the soldiers who defended our Motherland. Motherland… .This word expresses the greatest and dearest, deepest and strongest feeling of a person. What is Homeland?


Homeland is our home, street, city. Homeland is our land. Homeland is the country where we were born and live.


That's right, children. Our homeland has been attacked more than once by enemies. In the early morning, June 22, 1941, when people in cities and villages were asleep, the Nazis attacked our Motherland. The German fascist invaders attacked without declaring war. The Great Patriotic War began. Everyone, young and old, rose to defend the Fatherland. In those terrible years, like an oath to the Motherland, the song "Sacred War" sounded, the music to which was written by Alexander Alexandrov, and the words by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach. Let's listen to this song.

Listening to the first verse of the song "Sacred War".


You have heard. What mighty music is this, what are the words calling for heroism? Now sit down on the chairs.

After listening to the music, the children sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle. The teacher continues the story.


Our soldiers were the first to meet the enemy. Children. What military professions do you know?


Border guards

Foot soldiers



Rocket men






Right. And tell me which troops they serve:

Border guards - border troops

Infantrymen - infantry troops

Pilots - Air Force

Paratroopers - landing troops

Missile Troops - Rocket Troops

Tankmen - tank troops

Sailors - Navy

Artillerymen - artillery troops

Signalers - signal troops


During the war, many proverbs and sayings were invented. You and I know the sayings about war. Let's remember them.

1. The hero does not pursue glory.

2. The hero never dies - he lives forever.

3.Fight courageously for a cause that is right.

4. To live - to serve the Motherland!

5. Whoever stands for a just cause will always win.

6. At the front to fight - to gain glory.

7. The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

8. Stand up for each other - you will win the battle.

9.Fight to victory, as grandfathers fought.

10.A smart fighter - a good fellow everywhere.

Well done, we remembered a lot of sayings!


Over the long years of the war, our soldiers have accomplished many feats and heroic deeds. Our soldiers were distinguished by extraordinary courage. For heroic deeds, soldiers were awarded orders and medals, such as the Order of Glory, the Medal For Courage, etc. But the highest award is the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. See how she looks.

The teacher shows an illustration with an award. Children and a teacher are looking at an illustration of a star of a Hero of the Soviet Union.


This award represents a five-pointed star. Five rays diverge in different directions. And this is the order bar. This is the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. What is the name of this award?

Choral and individual responses of children - the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.


Among the soldiers, warriors who have this award, there are our fellow countrymen - Yegoryevites. In our city, near the Konin Palace of Culture, there is the Walk of Fame, where the names of Yegoryevites - heroes of the Soviet Union who defended our Motherland - are immortalized.

The performance of the song "Eternal Flame" by children.


Over the grave, in a quiet park

Tulips bloomed brightly.

There is always a fire burning here

Here the Soviet soldier sleeps.

We bent low, low

At the foot of the obelisk

Our wreath bloomed on it

Hot, flaming fire.

The soldiers defended the world

They gave their lives for us.

Let's keep in our hearts

Bright memory of them!


Such an award was awarded to soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles and performed a feat. Among them were pilots. And infantrymen, and tankers, and sailors. See what I'll show you.

The teacher shows the children the table on which the ships of the teacher and children are located.


Children, these are warships. Such ships protect the peace and tranquility of our Motherland. Warships lined up in a specific order are called a squadron. What are their names?

Choral and individual responses of children - squadron.


During the war, our ships sailed under the crane flag. Let us make red flags for the ships.

Children sit at tables, soft music sounds. The teacher explains the sequence of work. Doing work by children.


Now let's try whether our ship will sail or not. Place the ship on the table and gently blow on it. Floating? Very good. Now let's put the ships in a certain order again. We have a squadron with you.

Choral and individual responses of children. Children sit on chairs.


Soviet soldiers fought bravely against the enemy and accomplished many feats. defending our homeland. Many soldiers did not return from that war. But we will always remember them. Each city has a monument to the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. And people always bring fresh flowers to their foot.

Reading a poem by M. Isakovsky.

Wherever you go, you go

But stop here.

Tomb this dear

Bow down with all your heart.

Who would not be you - a fisherman, a miner.

Scientist il shepherd -

Remember forever: here lies

Your very best friend.

For you and me

He did the best he could.

He did not regret himself in battle,

And he saved his homeland.


This war continued for a long time. Almost 4 years. And, finally, that happy day came, which was waiting for the entire Soviet people - this day on May 9, 1945. What day is this? Who knows?


Victory Day


Right. May 9, 1945 was declared a Victory Day, a day of national celebration. Tell me how do we celebrate this day?


We listen to songs of the war years, watch films about the war, congratulate veterans, go to the parade, lay flowers at the monument.

Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov.


To the deceased -

To be invariably at the post,

They live in street names and epics.

Their feats sacred beauty

The artists will be shown in the paintings.

Alive -

Honor heroes, do not forget

To keep their names on immortal lists

To remind everyone of their courage

And lay flowers at the foot of the obelisks


And how does this holiday end?


Festive fireworks.



Frontline songs

Combat awards,

Red tulips,

Veterans' meetings

And fireworks in half the sky,

Huge like Victory

I want you and me to arrange a fireworks display in honor of Victory Day. I want to give you balloons. But do not let them go yet, we will let them go when I say (the teacher distributes balloons to the children).

And now let's listen to another great song, the lyrics to which were written by Vladimir Kharitonov, and the music by David Tukhmanov is the song "Victory Day".

Children listen to the 1st verse "Victory Day". In the words "Victory Day", the teacher invites the children to release the balloons. Children let the balls go up.


What a beautiful fireworks we got, like a real one. You are great. They answered well, you know a lot of interesting things about the great holiday Victory Day. And I hope that when you grow up, you will be the real defenders of our great Motherland.


  1. An exemplary educational program edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova "From birth to school"
  2. Zhukovskaya R. P., Vinogradova N. F. Kozlova S. A. "Native land"
  3. M. B. Zatsepina "Days of military glory" patriotic education of preschoolers
  4. T. I. Podrezova "Planning classes for the development of speech in a preschool educational institution" patriotic education
  5. N. V. Aleshina "Familiarization of preschoolers with the outside world and social reality"
  6. Zharikov A. D. "Raise children as patriots"
  7. Kozlova S. A. "Moral education of preschoolers in the process of getting to know the world around them"
  8. V. G. Nechaeva, T. A. Markova "Moral education in kindergarten"
  9. Vinogradova N.F., Kulikova T, A. "Children, adults and the world around"
  10. Aleshina N. V. "Introducing preschoolers to their hometown"
  11. L.F. Ostrovskaya "Conversations with parents about the moral education of a preschooler"
  12. E. I. Makeeva "Moral education in kindergarten"
  13. M. Yu. Novitskaya "Heritage". Patriotic education in kindergarten

Conducted by: Kim Alina Narsovna, teacher of GBOU School number 2097/8

Purpose: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the older group; strengthening the skills of ordinal and quantitative counting (including items) within the range of the first ten.


  • continue to study the properties of natural numbers with children
  • exercise in establishing a correspondence between the number and the external properties of objects
  • improve the ability to compose a number series and find the place of a number in a row
  • to consolidate the ability to count within seven, using various techniques
  • to consolidate the ability to analyze objects and isolate from the presented series the extra one by a characteristic feature
  • improve counting skills, the ability to independently compose and solve the simplest mathematical problems
  • to consolidate the ability to correctly name ordinal numbers.


  • develop in didactic games the ability to compare objects, notice minor differences in their features (color, shape, size, quantity)
  • develop cognitive processes (speech, attention, logical thinking, imagination, tactile perception)
  • develop in children curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills
  • promote the development of figurative and logical thinking, the ability to make the simplest inferences.


  • foster interest in mathematics
  • cultivate observation when comparing groups of objects
  • develop teamwork skills
  • foster a sense of mutual assistance through cooperation during educational activities, rejoice at the successes achieved.

Demo: Seven-color core and petals, 5-color pattern, 3 rows of image sequences, applique "Wolf, fox and fish" , fly agaric legs with numbers.

Handout: colored pencils, number cards (for connecting by points), cards with houses, fly agaric hats with dots.

Structure and course of the lesson:

  • organizational stage (3-5 minutes)- a motivating start to the lesson;
  • main stage (15-19 minutes)- the educator explains the essence of the exercises that children must cope with, monitors the progress of solving tasks and tasks;
  • final stage, reflection of activity (3-5 minutes)- the educator thanks the children for their active participation, conducts with them an analysis and assessment of the results of the work done, reflection of the activity and emotional state.

Organizational stage

Educator: Good afternoon, dear children! Today I invite you to go on a journey. And the journey will not be simple, but magical. Far, far away there is a magical land, an extraordinary flower grows there, it can fulfill any desire. What do you think this flower is?

Children: This is a seven-flower flower.

Educator: Right.

At the crown of the flower
Seven magic petals
Making dreams come true.
Do not rush to rip them off, you -

There are many roses, daisies in the world,
Forget-me-nots, poppies, cereals,
But alone in the world
Seven-flowered flower.

Guys, what was the name of the girl who had such a flower?

Children: The girl's name was Zhenya.

Educator: Where did Zhenya get this flower?

Children: The sorceress gave it to her.

Educator: Guys, how many petals do "Flower-seven-flower" ?

Children: The seven-flowered flower has seven petals.

Educator: Right. Once a mischievous wind burst into that country and scattered the petals of a magic flower. The girl Zhenya has only a core left, here it is on the board. Would you like to have such a flower? (Answers of children)... Let us then set off with you and collect all the petals of the magic flower. You are ready? (Answers of children) I see that you are ready to travel.

We need to hit the road.
Mind, gain reason,
Find all the petals
To make a wish.

The main stage

Educator: And first we need to arrange numbers from 1 (one) up to 5 (five) in order, starting with the highest flower and ending with the lowest. (Exercise 1 on the correlation of the numbers from 1 to 5 and the length of the flower; the teacher hangs the drawing on the board, the children answer from the spot).

Educator: Well done, children! You have completed the task. Oh, look, here is the first petal. What colour is he?

Children: The petal is red. (Ask the child to attach the petal to the middle).

Educator: Guys, let's guess the riddle:

The flower slept and suddenly woke up -
He did not want to sleep anymore.
Moved, roused,
Soared up and flew away.

Who are we talking about? (About the butterfly)... To test our answer, let's connect the dots in order and see who works. (Exercise 2 on the connection Point-to-point under numbers 1-10; the teacher distributes blank cards, the children work individually)... In front of you is a sheet of paper, and on it are dots, each corresponding to a number. It is necessary to connect the numbers in order. Who did you get it?

Children: Butterfly.

Educator: And how many circles are on the wings of your butterflies?

Children: Six circles.

Educator: Well done! The task was completed and for this you will be rewarded with a second petal! (Children attach an orange petal to the board)

Educator: How many petals have we already managed to find?

Children: Two petals.

Educator: Right, but how much more do you need to find?

Children: Five petals.

Educator: Let's go in search of further. On the way we met houses. (Exercise 3 to consolidate the concept of a number series, the ability to name "Neighbors" numbers: next and previous number; teacher distributes "Houses" , children fill in the missing numbers)... What numbers are hidden here?

Educator: We have filled all the houses and can attach another magic petal to our flower! This time it is yellow.

Educator: (Physical minute)

The sun hid behind a cloud -
But this is only a joke!
And we will spend everything together
Sports minute:

We will clap our hands
And we will sink a little.
One - sat down, two - got up,
Three - bent down and took out

Right-handled slipper,
The left handle is the ceiling.
And we'll sit down one more time!
And now we'll sit down.

We are a little tired
Let's rest for a minute.

Guys, look, while we were playing, the wind brought us another magic petal. What colour is he?

Children: The petal is green. (Children attach the petal to the board)

Educator: Guys! The mischievous wind mixed the cards, and each row got one extra image, let's all find them together? (Exercise 5 - didactic game "What's superfluous?" designed to explore the processes of figurative and logical thinking; the teacher takes turns showing the cards, the children answer from the spot)... What is superfluous in this series? Why? (The teacher takes turns showing the rows to the children, the children must find an extra object and explain why).

Educator: Well done, guys! Hold one more petal and attach it, rather, to a magical flower.

Educator: Children, how many petals have we already found?

Children: We found five petals.

Educator: How many more petals do we need to find?

Children: We need to find two more petals.

Educator: And now, together with the wolf and the fox, we will go on a fabulous fishing trip. (Exercise 6 on the formation and development of the ability to independently compose and solve the simplest mathematical problems; the teacher hangs an application on the board, the children attach fish to it)... Look, the wolf caught four fish, and the fox caught one less. How many fish does a fox have? (Three) Place the required number of fish in the fox bucket. Which of them caught less and who caught more? (The wolf caught 1 fish more than the fox) How many fish did the wolf and the fox catch together? (Total 7 fish for two)

Educator: And here is another petal swam to us. What colour is he?

Children: The petal is blue.

Educator: Right, like the color of the water on a wolf and a fox fishing. Children, how many petals are we still missing?

Children: We are missing one petal.

Educator: Guys, look, the mischievous wind scattered fly agarics over the meadow: the caps are separate, and the legs are separate. (Exercise # 7 "Intricate fly agaric" , children must count the number of points and find the corresponding "Leg" with a number; the teacher gives each child a fly agaric hat, the children independently select the right leg with a number for him)... We need to revive the fly agarics, take each one red hat in your hands, count the number of dots on it and select a leg with a number corresponding to the number of dots on your fly agaric hat.

Educator: Well done! So we have found all the petals. (Children attach the last petal to the board)... Now what kind of flower has become, except as a magical one?

Children: Beautiful, bright, colorful, multi-colored ... (Answers of children)

Educator: Guys today you told me that you would like to have such a magical flower! Let's try together to remember the magic words to make the wish come true: "Fly, fly, a petal across the west to the east, as soon as you touch the ground, be, in my opinion, led" . (Magic music sounds, the teacher at this moment turns over the petals, on the back of which are written letters "GOOD MEN!" ) ... Guys, your wish has come true, now each of you has a magic flower "Seven-flower flower" , you will be able to make your cherished desires, which will bring only good, joy and happiness to people.

Final stage, reflection of activity

Educator: (Reflection) Children, did you enjoy our trip? (Answers of children) What was the most interesting task for you to complete? (Answers of children) What was the most difficult task for you? (Answers of children) How many multi-colored petals did we manage to collect? (Seven) Thank you. You know so much, you were attentive, quick-witted, helped each other, so you coped well with all the tasks that we encountered on the way. As a reward for this, I have prepared a sweet treat for you and it is time for us to refresh ourselves after our such magical journey. I am sure you will always try as you do today. Well done!

Modern society raises the requirements for the level of professionalism of the teacher. This is due to the fact that the value of quality education and personal development is increasing. Every educator, teacher, who has deliberately chosen his profession, must strive to meet the new demands of society, improve teaching skills, and master modern technologies. Conducting open classes, participating in the exchange of experience and professional competitions, certification for a higher category - all these are ways of self-development in an effort to become a good educator and teacher.

Theoretical foundations of holding an open lesson in the senior group of a kindergarten

An open class is an activity in which strangers are present. Such lessons are conducted for the purpose of exchange of experience by educators of children's educational institutions and are part of the system of work of methodological associations. If the event is held within the framework of one educational institution, then colleagues, the administration of this institution, may be representatives of the parent committee attending the lesson. If an open lesson is held at the district level, then the number of guests can be much higher.

In an open lesson, the teacher demonstrates his skills and teaching methods

On the other hand, for children participating in an open class, this is a lesson that is part of the overall planning of the group's work. In terms of the time and volume of the presented material, this lesson should not differ from the usual one. Pupils of the older group (5–6 years old) already have sufficient independence, they have developed perseverance, they are able to think logically. The preferred form of the lesson is still a game form or the inclusion of game elements in its structure. In the game, it is easier for preschoolers to gain knowledge and consolidate it in practice.

An open lesson is characterized by a frequent change in the types of activities of children. Various types of exercises, tasks, games, riddles and physical culture breaks should be interspersed with each other.

Types of open classes for pupils of the senior group

Choosing the topic of an open event, the teacher seeks to maximize the novelty and features of a specific topic. You can organize classes using innovative teaching methods and techniques (for example, the use of multimedia technology, the use of logo rhythmics, exercise ball gymnastics) or fill the lesson with unusual content (develop a lesson on a healthy lifestyle, moral education of children).

An open lesson with the Voskobovich square will help children develop logical thinking

Table: types of open classes in preschool educational institutions

Focus of the lessonExamples of
Musical lesson
  • Sadykova Lilia "We are walking up the stairs, looking for a song."
  • Tolstoguzova Alexandra "A Journey to the Country of Musical Instruments".
Patriotic education
  • Anna Nagayskaya "I love you, Russia".
  • Latysheva Ksenia "There is nothing in the world more beautiful than our Motherland."
Promotion of a healthy lifestyle
  • Gavrilova Tatiana "Travel to the country" Healthier ".
Development of logic
  • Egorova Irina "A journey to a forest clearing".
  • Kolomiets Lyubov "A Journey to the Country of Logic".
Classes using ICT
  • Open lesson in mathematics using ICT "Journey through a fairy tale".
  • Kakaulina Natalya "Summary of GCD with the use of ICT Educational area" Cognition ". FEMP ".
  • Vorontsova Tatiana "Beauty Butterfly".
  • Vorobyova Lyudmila "Multicolored Fantasies".
Psychological lesson
  • Kosenko Lyudmila "A fabulous journey into the magical world of Emotions."
  • A psychologist's lesson in the senior group.
Logo rhythmics
  • Zainullina Zulfiya "Oh, you winter-winter, whirled, swept over."
  • Karimova Elmira "Synopsis of a lesson in logo rhythmics in the senior group."
  • Shmatova Victoria "Traveling through dance stations".
  • Kayumova Galina "In Search of Treasure".
Active work on physical education
  • Nolfina Elena Walking through the fairy-tale forest "(with the use of psycho-gymnastics and circuit training).
Fitball gymnastics
  • Malkova Elena "Competition of jumpers".
Etiquette lesson
  • Zakharova Tatiana "Traveling on the Island of Courtesy".
  • Satarina G.N. "Acquaintance with the knife as a cutlery."
Theatrical activitiesProtopopova Maria "Learning to be artists".

Video: a lesson on theatrical activities in the older group

Video: physical education lesson for older children using multimedia technologies and modular equipment

Individual assignments in an open lesson

If there are children in the group who require an individual approach: often skipping classes for some reason, working slowly, overly shy, pedagogically neglected, this must be taken into account when preparing for the lesson. For such pupils, the teacher develops assignments taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, corresponding to the topic of the lesson. At the same time, some of the tasks are performed together with the whole group, so that the child does not feel disconnected from the team.

If necessary, the teacher helps individual pupils to complete the task

Individual assignments can also imply the preliminary memorization of poems by specific pupils, and then speaking in an open lesson.

Techniques to increase the motivation of children to take up classes

Being in the center of attention of strangers, older preschoolers, like toddlers, may feel uncomfortable. When designing an activity, it is necessary to take this into account, paying more attention to stimulating the motivation of children to complete tasks. Much depends on the teacher's passion for the topic and the ability to create a working atmosphere in the classroom. An increase in the motivation of pupils is facilitated by the formation in the lesson of an atmosphere of unusualness, surprise, colorful design, the use of role-playing games, theatricalization of the lesson, awakening children's empathy with the heroes of the script, creating a situation of competition both between teams and individual children.

For children 5-6 years old, it is important for adults to evaluate their actions, the correctness of the work performed. This increases the child's self-esteem and increases interest in the lesson. There are several techniques that are used in practice:

  • Verbal praise of the preschooler.
  • Reward for the correct answer: postcards, chips, sweets. When summing up the results, the educator takes this into account: “Who has 2 chips (the smallest number) - raise your hands, you are great, you worked well; who has 3 chips - did an excellent job, who has 4 - today you are the best mathematicians in our group! ".
  • Use the badges "For the correct solution", "For a quick solution", "For neat work", etc.
  • Organize the Challenge Student of the Day Award.

The introductory phase of the lesson is always important. It must be planned and carried out in such a way as to capture the attention of the children. The arrival of a fairy-tale character in the group always intrigues the guys. Usually this role is played by a doll or a bright poster, or maybe the teacher himself will be reincarnated as the hero of a magical story.

You can start the lesson with an interesting game that will immediately attract the attention of all pupils.

Such a poster can act as a means of increasing the motivation of preschoolers to take classes.

You can start the introductory part of the lesson by showing the poster. It is a good idea to show the children a visual aid made up of individual petals. The selected pictures should be bright, understandable, memorable in order to attract the attention of children. The design of the manual is designed to fit the structure of the lesson. Such a poster will become a support for the teacher during the lesson and will help preschoolers better assimilate new knowledge.

Preparing and conducting an open lesson in the senior group of a kindergarten

Planning an open class begins with choosing a topic and setting goals. Next, you need to think over the logic of organizing the lesson, the relationship and sequence of individual parts of the lesson, the completeness of all stages and taking into account the time allotted for their implementation. A well-thought-out lesson structure, an entertaining plot, individual components of a lesson plastically replace each other - all this guarantees the success of an open lesson.

The duration of an open lesson in the older group, like the usual one, is 25-30 minutes, but the pace of work is quite high.

authorL. V. Kapustyanskaya, methodologist, Pavlovsk.
Choosing a themeThe teacher makes the choice of the topic of the open lesson independently, taking into account the analysis of the material, on which he can better show the improvements he has developed, techniques and methods, the organization of the pupils' activities at different stages of the lesson.
Formulation of a methodological goalIt is necessary to begin training with the formulation of a methodological goal of an open lesson. The methodological goal reflects the main methodology of the lesson. This will help the most constructive and objective approach to introspection and lesson analysis, to assess the correctness of the selected methods and techniques and forms of organization.
The methodological goal of an open lesson can be formulated as follows:
  • the method of using a personal computer in solving practical problems;
  • methodology for organizing independent work of pupils;
  • activation of the cognitive activity of pupils in the classroom in the process of working with visual aids and didactic material;
  • method of using ... (a specific technique, technology is indicated) in the process of presenting new material.
Literature studyWhen preparing for an open lesson, the teacher must use modern information, select materials from pedagogical and methodological literature, apply the results of attending methodological seminars, exhibitions, etc. All this will help make the lesson interesting and informative.
Material and technical equipmentThe material and technical equipment of the lesson must be prepared in advance. You should test the equipment and TCO in action, think over the sequence of their use in the lesson.
Visual aids and audiovisual aids must be selected so that they are used in the best possible way to achieve the stated objectives. Too many visual aids distract the attention of children, and an abundance of unused visuals is unjustified in the lesson. Be humble and don't overload the activity with visualization as decoration. All illustration materials for the lesson should work towards the purpose of the lesson.

Examples of topics of open classes in the senior group

To help young educators, we offer a list of topics suitable for an open event in a senior group:

  • Nutrition training:
    • "Why eat vegetables?"
    • "Fruit on our table",
    • "Vitamins for Thumbelina".
  • Lessons from the series "Health":
    • "What is it to be healthy",
    • "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health",
    • "To be healthy is to be beautiful."
  • Sports activities:
    • swimming lesson,
    • sports holiday,
    • team competition "Merry Starts".
    • "The Road to the Country of Security",
    • "Stories of the cat Matroskin about the rules of the road."
  • Patriotic education of preschoolers:
    • "Our army"
    • "Motherland",
    • "My city",
    • "Folk traditions in Russian fairy tales."
  • Environmental studies:
    • "Underwater Kingdom"
    • "Experiments with air"
    • "Green Pharmacy".
  • Socialization of children:
    • "A lesson in kindness and politeness",
    • "I am special",
    • "Polite words at home, in kindergarten and on the street."
  • Acquaintance with the outside world:
  • Labor activity of preschoolers:
    • "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it" (tales of labor),
    • "Let's put the toys in order"
    • "Labor troops in the flowerbed",
    • "How to help Fedorin grief."
  • Literacy training, development of logical thinking and cognitive interest:
    • "How to learn to solve riddles",
    • "The world of discovery is always near",
    • "Country ABVGDEIKA".
  • Creative activities with children:
    • "Christmas card",
    • "Holy Easter" (molding),
    • "Land of the fairy of flowers" (coloring, making from napkins, modeling).

Whatever the direction of the lesson, in the middle of the lesson there must be a dynamic pause or physical education minute, which in its content corresponds to the declared topic.

Table: time plan of the lesson

Stage nameDurationContentNote
Organizational2 minutesGreetings, organization of the group's workplace.
Introductory3-5 minutesAnnouncement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Motivating children to participate in the lesson.
Basic20 minutesMay include theoretical and practical assignments. Motivating children for every activity.Health-preserving techniques are taken into account: safety precautions during practical work, change of activity, physical education.
Final2-3 minutesSumming up, analysis of results. Relaxation exercise.

Table: summary of an open lesson on the formation of mathematical representations in the senior group (fragment)

authorGrigorieva OI, educator MK DOE D / s "Fairy Tale", p. Karymsk, Irkutsk region.
Name"Five Keys"
TargetDevelopment of children's interests, curiosity, cognitive activity.
  • Educational:
    • to form knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5;
    • knowledge about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, polygon);
    • the ability to navigate on a piece of paper;
    • develop constructive skills (collect puzzles with cartoon characters).
  • Developing:
    • develop the interests of children,
    • logical thinking,
    • curiosity.
  • Educational: the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.
Demo material
  • Chest,
  • 5 keys,
  • a small glass jar with clear water,
  • blue fabric stretched over a hoop (lake),
  • 5 fish with numbers from 1 to 5,
  • telephone.
  • A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon),
  • puzzles with cartoon characters.
Methodical techniques
  • Game situation,
  • formulation of the problem,
  • conversation-dialogue,
  • speech games,
  • outdoor game "We will buy with grandma",
  • constructive activity,
  • experiment with water in a jar (so that colored water appears in the jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar, after shaking the closed jar, colored water will appear in it).
  • analysis,
  • showing pictures for assignments using ICT,
  • summarizing.
Organizational stageChildren enter the hall and stand in a semicircle facing the guests.
Q: Guys, look at us today, a lot of guests came. Tell me, do you like it when guests come to you? (Yes). Let's say hello to our guests. (Children say hello).
Introductory stageQ: But these are not all guests. Now a guest from a familiar fairy tale will come to us and the name of this guest is Doctor Aibolit.
Aibolit tells the guys that the pirates took the magic water away from him. To find her, children need to complete 5 tasks. Having received 5 keys from the fish, the guys will open a chest with magic water.<…>
Game "Parts of the day" ("Finish the sentence").
  • We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (In the morning).
  • We have breakfast in the morning, and we have lunch ... (In the afternoon).
  • We dine during the day, and we have supper ... (In the evening).
  • We have supper in the evening, and we sleep ... (At night).<…>
The main stageQ: We set off on the way to the lake. We go along the path. Look, there are fish swimming in the lake. To find out which task is the first and which is the second, etc., we need to arrange the fish in order. (Each child lays out fish with numbers from 1 to 5 in a hoop). Find a fish with the number 1. Now you will sit on the chairs, and we will see what task this fish has prepared for us.
Well done! Here is the first fish and task 1.
Game "Say in one word" (generalization) with a ball.
  • Apple, pear, plum, lemon -… (Fruit).
  • Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe - ... (Furniture).
  • Dog, cat, cow, goat - ... (Pets).
  • Dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather - ... (Relatives, family).
  • A cube, a doll, a car, a ball - ... (Toys).
  • Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (Shoes).
  • Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle - ... (Insects).
  • Airplane, helicopter, rocket - ... (Air transport).

Game "What are the objects made of?"<…>
V .: Well done! Here is a key from the fish for the correct answers. Find a fish with number 2. (Children sit in a semicircle near the projector).
The game "We describe the animal."
Q: If you guess the animal, it will appear on the screen.

  • This animal has a gray fur coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hiding under a bush. (Hare).
  • It is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms. (Hedgehog).
  • He is big, shaggy, awkward. Sleeps in a den in winter. In summer he walks through the forest looking for honey and raspberries. (Bear).
  • She is red-haired and cunning. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a burrow. Catches mice and hares. (Fox).
  • He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a den. (Wolf).
  • She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through trees, lives in a hollow. Gnaws cones and nuts. (Squirrel).

Q: Guys, what are these animals called? That's right, wild animals. For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key. Where is the third fish? (Children find a fish with the number 3).
The third fish invites us to just relax.
The game "We will buy with grandmother."
V .: Well done! We get another key from the fish. Next task 4. (They sit down at the tables).
Game "What is where?"
This is a task for the development of memory. Children are encouraged to carefully observe and remember where the geometric shapes are located. Then place geometric shapes on the album sheet in accordance with the scheme.

  • In the middle is a circle.
  • In the upper right corner there is a square.
  • In the lower left corner there is a hexagon.
  • In the lower right corner there is a triangle.
  • In the upper left corner there is a rectangle.

Q: Good. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us a fourth key. And let's see the last task. There is only one fish left. What is the number? That's right, 5.
Task "Collect the heroes of familiar cartoons using puzzles."
Children collect jigsaw puzzles and call a cartoon. (Music is playing).
V .: Well done! The fish gives us another key. So how many keys do we have? (Five). It's time to call Dr. Aibolit.
They call the doctor. Aibolit comes in.

The final stageAibolit: You have 5 keys. Now you have to pick up the key to the casket, open it and get the magic water.
Children with a teacher pick up the key. Open up and take out the magic water. (It is transparent.)
V .: In my opinion, this is ordinary water.
Aibolit: But no! Look. (Aibolit covers the jar with a cloth, chatters, it turns out colored water.) The most real magic water! Thanks for the help! Rather, I am going to Africa to treat animals. And I give you a surprise in the chest so that you don't get sick. Goodbye.
The teacher and children find vitamins in the casket.
Educator and children: Thank you. Goodbye!

The way the educator performs his work, what results he achieves, determines his professional status. Education, continuous improvement on the way to higher professionalism for him is one of the ways of self-realization, a source of inner satisfaction. It is impossible to educate and develop children if the teacher himself stands still, because the modern world is changing very quickly.

Summary of the certification lesson

Direct educational activity Open lesson on the formation of mathematical representations "Five Keys" in the senior group.

Completed by: Educator of the senior group "Ocharovashki"

Olga I. Grigorieva

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development" "Cognitive development" "Social and communicative", "Health".

Topic of the lesson: Directly educational activities Open lesson on the formation of mathematical representations "Five keys" in the senior group.

Purpose: Development of the interests of children inquisitiveness and cognitive activity

Educational: to form knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5; knowledge about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, polygon); the ability to navigate on a piece of paper; develop constructive skills (collect puzzles with cartoon characters).

Developing: develop the interests of children, logical thinking, curiosity.

Educational: the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.

Demo material:

A chest, five keys, a small glass jar with clear water, a blue cloth stretched over a hoop (lake), five fish with numbers from 1 to 5, a telephone.


A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon), puzzles with cartoon characters.

Methodical techniques:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, speech games, outdoor game "We will buy with grandmother", constructive activity, experiment with water in a jar, analysis, displaying pictures for assignments using ICT, summing up.

Secret experiment with water. In order for a colored one to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar. After you shake or shake the closed jar, colored water will appear in it.

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle facing the guests.

Educator. Guys, take a look today, a lot of guests came to us. Tell me, do you like it when guests come to you?

Educator. Let's say hello to our guests.

Children. Hello.

Educator. But these are not all guests. Now a guest from a familiar fairy tale will come to us and the name of this guest is Doctor Aibolit.

Aibolit. Guys, help me please.

Educator. And what happened?

Aibolit. Imagine, they called me from Africa and asked me to come urgently. In Africa, all the animals fell ill. I took the magic water and already, I was about to set off, but the evil pirates took the magic water away from me! They closed it in a chest and threw the key into a deep lake.

Educator. How can we help? What do we have to do?

Aibolit. You have five tasks to complete. For each correctly completed task, you will receive a key from the fish. If you collect five keys, you can open a casket with magic water. I would go with you myself, but other sick animals are waiting for me.

Educator. Can we help you guys?

Educator. We must hit the road. But first we will check if you can help Aibolit. I suggest you play a game called Parts of a Day. I will read the sentence, and you try to finish it.

Game "Parts of the day" ("Finish the sentence")

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (in the morning)

We have breakfast in the morning, and we have lunch ... (in the afternoon)

We have lunch during the day, and we have dinner ... (in the evening)

We have supper in the evening, and we sleep ... (at night)

How many parts are there in a day?

Educator. Name them.

Children. (morning afternoon Evening Night).

Educator. Tell me, when does our journey begin, what time of day? Children. (In the morning.)

Educator. What time of year is it?

Children. (Spring)

Educator. Name the spring months

Children. (March, April and May - don't forget them).

Educator. Well done! Doctor Aibolit, maybe you also want to check the children? Ask them a question.

Game "What time of the year?"

What time of the year does everyone swim and sunbathe? (Summer).

What time of the year do birds fly south? (Autumn).

What time of the year do snowdrops bloom? (Spring).

What time of year do they play snowballs? (In winter)

What time of year does the snow melt? (In the spring)

What time of the year do the leaves fall from the trees? (Autumn)

What time of year do thawed patches appear? (In the spring)

Aibolit. Well done! I think you can handle it and get all the keys.

Aibolit leaves.

Educator. Then we hit the road to the lake. We go along the path. Look, there are fish swimming in the lake. To find out which task is the first and which is the second, etc., we need to arrange the fish in order. (Each child lays out fish with numbers from 1 to 5 in a hoop). Find a fish with the number 1. Now you will sit on the chairs and we will see what task this fish has prepared for us.

Well done! Here is the first fish and task 1.

1 TASK - The game "Say in one word" (generalization) with a ball.

Apple, pear, plum, lemon -… (fruit).

Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe -… (furniture).

Dog, cat, cow, goat -… (pets).

Dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather - ... (relatives - family).

A cube, a doll, a car, a ball -… (toys).

Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (shoes).

Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle -… (insects).

Airplane, helicopter, rocket -… (air transport).

Game "What are the objects made of?"

Rubber ball -… rubber.

The ball is made of plastic -… plastic.

Glass glass - ... glass.

Matryoshka made of wood -… wooden.

Rubber duck -… rubber.

Fur toy -… fur.

Crafts made of paper - ... paper.

Iron nail - ... iron.

Educator. Well done! Here is a key from the fish for the correct answers. Find a fish with number 2. Well done.

Task 2.

Children sit in a semicircle near the projector.

2 TASK - The game "We describe the animal."

Educator. If you guess the animal, it will appear on the screen.

This animal has a gray fur coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hides under a bush (hare).

It is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms (hedgehog).

He is big, shaggy, awkward. Sleeps in a den in winter. In summer he walks through the forest looking for honey and raspberries (bear).

She is red-haired and cunning. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a burrow. Catches mice and hares (fox).

He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a den (wolf).

She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through trees, lives in a hollow. Gnaws cones and nuts (squirrel).

Educator. Guys, what are these animals called? That's right, wild animals. For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key. Where is the third fish? (Children find a fish with the number 3).

Task 3. She invites us to just relax.

Game "We will buy with grandmother"

Educator. Well done! We get another key from the fish. Next task 4. (They sit down at the tables).

4 TASK - The game "What is where?"

This is a task for the development of memory. Children are encouraged to carefully observe and remember where the geometric shapes are located. Then place geometric shapes on the album sheet.


In the middle is a circle.

In the upper right corner there is a square.

In the lower left corner there is a hexagon.

In the lower right corner there is a triangle.

In the upper left corner there is a rectangle.

Educator. Good. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us a fourth key. And let's see the last task. There is only one fish left. What is the number? That's right, 5.

5 ASSIGNMENT - Collect the characters of familiar cartoons using puzzles.

Children collect jigsaw puzzles and call a cartoon. (Music)

Educator. Well done! The fish gives us another key. So how many keys do we have? (Five). It's time to call Dr. Aibolit.

They call the doctor. Aibolit comes in.

Aibolit. You have 5 keys. Now you have to pick up the key to the casket, open it and get the magic water.

Children with a teacher pick up the key. Open up and take out the magic water. (It is transparent.)

Educator. In my opinion, this is ordinary water.

Aibolit. But no! Look. (Aibolit covers the jar with a cloth, chatters, it turns out colored water.) The most real magic water! Thanks for the help! Rather, I am going to Africa to treat animals. And I give you a surprise in the chest so that you don't get sick. Goodbye.

The teacher and children find vitamins in the casket.

Educator and children. Thanks. Goodbye!



Summary of the certification lesson

in the older group.

Completed by: Educator of the senior group "Ocharovashki"

Olga I. Grigorieva

Integration of educational areas:"Speech development" "Cognitive development" "Social and communicative", "Health".

Lesson topic: Directly educational activity Open lesson on the formation of mathematical representations "Five Keys"in the older group.

Target : Development of children's interests curiosity and cognitive activity


Educational:to form knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5; knowledge about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, polygon); the ability to navigate on a piece of paper; develop constructive skills (collect puzzles with cartoon characters).

Developing: develop children's interests, logical thinking, curiosity.

Educational: development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.

Demo material:

A chest, five keys, a small glass jar with clear water, a blue cloth stretched over a hoop (lake), five fish with numbers from 1 to 5, a telephone.


A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon), puzzles with cartoon characters.

Methodical techniques:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, speech games, outdoor game "We will buy with grandmother", constructive activity, experiment with water in a jar, analysis, displaying pictures for assignments using ICT, summing up.

Secret experiment with water. In order for a colored one to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar. After you shake or shake the closed jar, colored water will appear in it.

GCD move:

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle facing the guests.

Educator. Guys, take a look today, a lot of guests came to us. Tell me, do you like it when guests come to you?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Let's say hello to our guests.

Children. Hello.

Educator. But these are not all guests. Now a guest from a familiar fairy tale will come to us and the name of this guest is Doctor Aibolit.

Aibolit. Guys, help me please.

Educator. And what happened?

Aibolit. Imagine, they called me from Africa and asked me to come urgently. In Africa, all the animals fell ill. I took the magic water and already, I was about to set off, but the evil pirates took the magic water away from me! They closed it in a chest and threw the key into a deep lake.

Educator. How can we help? What do we have to do?

Aibolit. You have five tasks to complete. For each correctly completed task, you will receive a key from the fish. If you collect five keys, you can open a casket with magic water. I would go with you myself, but other sick animals are waiting for me.

Educator. Can we help you guys?

Children. Yes

Educator. We must hit the road. But first we will check if you can help Aibolit. I suggest you play a game called Parts of a Day. I will read the sentence, and you try to finish it.

Game "Parts of the day" ("Finish the sentence")

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (in the morning)

We have breakfast in the morning, and we have lunch ... (in the afternoon)

We have lunch during the day, and we have dinner ... (in the evening)

We have supper in the evening, and we sleep ... (at night)

How many parts are there in a day?

Children. (4).

Educator. Name them.

Children. (morning afternoon Evening Night).

Educator. Tell me, when does our journey begin, what time of day? Children. (In the morning.)

Educator. What time of year is it?

Children. (Spring)

Educator. Name the spring months

Children ... (March, April and May - don't forget them).

Educator. Well done! Doctor Aibolit, maybe you also want to check the children? Ask them a question.

Game "What time of the year?"


What time of the year does everyone swim and sunbathe? (Summer).

What time of the year do birds fly south? (Autumn).

What time of the year do snowdrops bloom? (Spring).

What time of year do they play snowballs? (In winter)

What time of year does the snow melt? (In the spring)

What time of the year do the leaves fall from the trees? (Autumn)

What time of year do thawed patches appear? (In the spring)

Aibolit. Well done! I think you can handle it and get all the keys.

Aibolit leaves.

Educator ... Then we hit the road to the lake. We go along the path. Look, there are fish swimming in the lake. To find out which task is the first and which is the second, etc., we need to arrange the fish in order. (Each child lays out fish with numbers from 1 to 5 in a hoop). Find a fish with the number 1. Now you will sit on the chairs and we will see what task this fish has prepared for us.

Well done! Here is the first fish and task 1.

1 TASK - The game "Say in one word" (generalization) with a ball.

Apple, pear, plum, lemon -… (fruit).

Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe -… (furniture).

Dog, cat, cow, goat -… (pets).

Dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather - ... (relatives - family).

A cube, a doll, a car, a ball -… (toys).

Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (shoes).

Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle -… (insects).

Airplane, helicopter, rocket -… (air transport).

Game "What are the objects made of?"

Rubber ball -… rubber.

The ball is made of plastic -… plastic.

Glass glass - ... glass.

Matryoshka made of wood -… wooden.

Rubber duck -… rubber.

Fur toy -… fur.

Crafts made of paper - ... paper.

Iron nail - ... iron.

Educator. Well done! Here is a key from the fish for the correct answers. Find a fish with number 2. Well done.

Task 2.

Children sit in a semicircle near the projector.

2 TASK - The game "We describe the animal."

Educator. If you guess the animal, it will appear on the screen.

This animal has a gray fur coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hides under a bush (hare).

It is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms (hedgehog).

He is big, shaggy, awkward. Sleeps in a den in winter. In summer he walks through the forest looking for honey and raspberries (bear).

She is red-haired and cunning. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a burrow. Catches mice and hares (fox).

He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a den (wolf).

She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through trees, lives in a hollow. Gnaws cones and nuts (squirrel).

Educator. Guys, what are these animals called? That's right, wild animals. For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key. Where is the third fish? (Children find a fish with the number 3).

Task 3. She invites us to just rest.

Game "We will buy with grandmother"

Educator. Well done! We get another key from the fish. Next task 4. (They sit down at the tables).

4 JOB - The game "What is where?"

This task to develop memory.Children are encouraged to carefully observe and remember where the geometric shapes are located. Then place geometric shapes on the album sheet.


In the middle is a circle.

In the upper right corner there is a square.

In the lower left corner there is a hexagon.

In the lower right corner there is a triangle.

In the upper left corner there is a rectangle.

Educator. Good. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us a fourth key. And let's see the last task. There is only one fish left. What is the number? That's right, 5.

5 JOB - Collect familiar cartoon characters using puzzles.

Children collect jigsaw puzzles and call a cartoon.(music)

Educator. Well done! The fish gives us another key. So how many keys do we have? (Five). It's time to call Dr. Aibolit.

They call the doctor. Aibolit comes in.

Aibolit. You have 5 keys. Now you have to pick up the key to the casket, open it and get the magic water.

Children with a teacher pick up the key. Open up and take out the magic water. (It is transparent.)

Educator. In my opinion, this is ordinary water.

Aibolit. But no! Look. (Aibolit covers the jar with a cloth, chatters, it turns out colored water.) The most real magic water! Thanks for the help! Rather, I am going to Africa to treat animals. And I give you a surprise in the chest so that you don't get sick. Goodbye.

The teacher and children find vitamins in the casket.

Educator and children.Thanks. Goodbye!

Now your child, not long ago so small, and completely in need of your care and attention, has reached the age of five (no matter how round the date!) And moved to the senior group of the kindergarten. This means that he is already in some ways independent and can cope with feasible tasks. Of course, he also needs your support, dear moms and dads. And if you know what expectations apply to children in it, you can better prepare your child and help him fit into his first social group - after all, this is where it all starts. It is considered the third age, children from 5 to 6 years old are recruited there.

In almost any, even the simplest kindergarten, there is a plan of developmental activities that are held daily and correspond to the age and needs of the children. The duration of such classes, agreed with the instructional and methodological letters of the Ministry of Education, is 20-25 minutes. Often in the middle of classes, physical education minutes are provided, and between classes there are breaks of at least 10 minutes.

Training sessions

Classes in the older group, which are the most cognitive and require strong mental activity, are planned in the morning, on the most efficient days (Tuesday, Wednesday). To prevent fatigue, music lessons and physical play exercises are added.

What knowledge your five-year-old will gain and what skills he will have to learn. Here is a rough outline of the classes that are taught in the older groups:

Days of the week

Senior group


9.00-9.25 Child and the world around;

9.45-10.05 Musical lesson;

10.15-10.40 Drawing lesson


9.00-9.25 Development of speech, fiction;

9.35-10.00 Manual labor,

10.10-10.30 Physical exercise


9.00-9.25 Fundamentals of Mathematics

9.35-10.00 Formation of an ecological worldview

11.00-11.20 Outdoor exercise

15.15-15.40 Do it yourself


9.00-9.25 Development of speech and poem

9.45-10.05 Musical lesson

10.15-10.40 Painting with paints


9.00-9.25 Modeling and applique

9.50-10.10 Physical culture lesson

Let's give an example of such a training session in the older group.

By the way, parents can practice such teaching moments at home, this will help your child develop better in kindergarten and keep up with their peers.

Wildlife world

The purpose of the lesson: help children distinguish pets from wildlife, develop drawing skills, develop speech.

Material: pictures of wild and domestic animals, a sheet of blank paper.

First, the educator talks about animals that are considered wild and explains why they are called that. How to identify a pet, what are their characteristics.

Then the children are shown illustrated examples of wild and domestic animals, they are told about the habitat and lifestyle of each. The seasonal features of their residence are briefly described. This story takes no more than 8 minutes.

Then a physical education is carried out, during which children can be asked to portray some kind of animal.

Then sets of cards with wild and domestic animals are distributed to children. The task is to divide animals into two types. An example of possible card options:

After the children have completed the task, they depict the animal they like on the sheets prepared in advance.

The lesson ends with a game: the teacher reads a story in the text of which various animals are encountered, when children hear the name of an animal from the wild - they clap their hands when the named pet does nothing. The story should take 5-8 minutes.

Educational games

Of course, this does not mean that the child is busy with developing learning all the time in the garden, it is very tiring for a child of this age. The main activity of preschool children is games, in which it also contributes to the development of abilities and communication skills. There are several types of games: plot-role-playing, didactic, games - observation, mobile, stimulating the independence and initiative of the child, his creative thinking abilities.

Let's take a separate look at what role-playing games and educational activities for older children are.

Preschoolers have a more developed game content. In games, along with actions, all kinds of social relations and emotions are added. The games reflect the peculiarities of the activities of adults, their mutual cooperation in work, their relationship to work itself and personally to each other during work.

Little by little, more and more personal practical experience of children penetrates into the games, as well as knowledge that was learned from books and conversations with adults.

By the fifth year of life, the child is already coping with the basics of role behavior quite well, so the teacher needs to help the child develop various plots during the game. The theme of games is also expanding, their content and semantic load are deepening.

With age, the number of participants in games becomes larger and ranges from 3 to 5 people.

The purpose of such games is to develop independence and self-organization in children, develop the skills to agree on the essence of the game, define roles, create the main course of the plot, and prepare the environment for the game.

It is also extremely important that the child can observe the regime established in the garden, and it should be taught to do this at home. Knowing the regime in kindergarten, try to create a similar home rhythm of life.

Approximate daily routine

Security posts in the senior group

Reception and examination of children, games, morning exercises, duty

from 6.45 to 8.25


from 8.25 to 8.50

Preparation for classes

from 8.55 to 9.00


from 9.00 to 11.05


at 10.00

Games, preparation for a walk, a walk (or games, work)

from 11.05 to 12:35

Returning from a walk

from 12.35 to 12.45


from 12.50 to 13.15

Getting ready for bed, naps

from 13.15 to 15.00

Getting up, exercising after sleep

from 15.00 to 15.10

Games, labor, individual work

from 15.25 to 16.20

Afternoon snack

from 16.20 to 16.40

Games, preparation for a walk, a walk, taking the children home

from 16.40 to 18.45

Of course, despite all the efforts of kindergarten educators and teachers, the main responsibility for the mental, physical and emotional development of the child lies with the parents. Therefore, be attentive to your children and everything will be fine.