Beautiful birthday greetings to an aged woman. Happy birthday greetings to an adult woman in verse

Happy birthday greetings to a woman colleague

Always attentive to everyone, friendly, sweet,
Beautiful, charming, kind and cheerful.
In work, she is obligatory, strict with herself,
Responsible, diligent and all day at work.
And in the evening, tired, she goes home,
To rested tomorrow - to work with your head.
To cope with any task - she is a specialist,
And in the team is famous for the example of skill.
Let your eyes shine with happiness on the path of life,
And, if something "does not stick", then you have us.
And then be hearty; both body and soul
Beautiful, carefree and forever young!

Happy birthday greetings to a woman

Congratulations on your birthday! We wish you to bloom like a rose! Shine like a star in the sky and illuminate everyone with warm rays like the sun! Good mood, good health, happiness, joy, warmth and peace! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday greetings for a female employee

Today is your birthday, God bless you and good health. Let peace live in your family, warmed by happiness, joy, love. And I also want to wish you more joy than worries, more rest than work, more sun than bad weather and great happiness.

Happy birthday to a good woman

We wish you lots of luck
So that joy always helps you,
So that on your life path,
There was always enough happiness and warmth.
We also wish you success
Soul warmth and beauty,
Flowers - a huge basket
We want to give from the bottom of our hearts.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman cool

I'm calling, I'm calling. I won't get through
No way. I'm torn to congratulate you!
I want to wish a little:
So that you sit by the window,
And outside was the ocean.
In the soul - peace. In the hand is a glass.
At the feet is a handsome man in a towel.
And in the wallet, of course, money)))

Comic congratulations to a woman on her 50th birthday

Well, it's time to celebrate the anniversary,
For now, pour some wine into our glasses!
Hear congratulations now
You are a woman, of course - the highest class!
After all, you are the only one with us,
And all your work is successful!
All because you are beautiful and smart,
And age and years are not important here!
Let the anniversary be pleasant
May there be a lot of happiness and friends!
All your family loves you
There is only one such woman in the world!

Congratulations to a woman on her birthday interesting

Live better than yesterday
Don't work like a bee
Sing songs by the fire
Eat some barbecue!
Let it sing in your soul
Only beauty-spring!
Don't let your heart get tired
If suddenly an arrow pierces:
Fiery passion, love,
To walk until dawn!
So that all dreams come true
Happiness sailed ships!

Congratulations to a mature woman

Our congratulations, you
We wish you strength and inspiration.
And successfully solve all the questions for you.
The tone of life is never to be lost.
You are doing great in the house,
And you are not far behind fashion.
You also remain beloved,
And do not give in to your years.
At work, everyone respects you,
And your advice is accepted.
We wish you to be graceful, sweet,
And congratulations to all of you.

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the woman original

Fifty is a mature mind
Fifty - intelligence, beauty,
Fifty is a lot of wins
And success in love and business!
We wish you with all our heart
Stay always young!
Be healthy, always cheerful
Much happiness to you for years!

Happy birthday to a woman

Today will be the best occasion
Tell you all the compliments
You turn any cold into summer
With you, moments are brighter.
There is always joy around you
And again showering you with flowers:
I will say: "Nothing will be a burden to you!
I wish you happiness! Happy birthday dear!"

Happy birthday greetings to a woman from friends

Congratulations on your birthday! May your life be filled with wonderful dreams, success and laughter! May there be only good and kind people on your life path!

Congratulations to a woman on the anniversary of 55 years beautiful in prose

Simple wishes of happiness and love are sometimes more expensive than the most expensive gift! After all, not a single, even the most beautiful thing can replace the warmth of communication and the joy of meetings! May there always be many interesting meetings and sincere friends in your house! May your family and friends always understand you! We sincerely congratulate you on your 55th birthday! This is a beautiful date, just like you, on this wonderful day! Always stay like this and may Faith, Hope and Love always be with you, at all times!

Congratulations to a woman on the anniversary of 55 years

Two fives have become close!
Here's luck! Here is the reward!
You are only 55
You can wish for a lot!
Let the days be different
Every day is just good!
Let luck be near
And add happiness to it!
Let the guests go to your house,
Money is raining down!
Joy let it look soon
And leave a mark on your soul!

Happy birthday to a woman in sweet verse

Let a light and wonderful mood,
You will be met on the threshold of this day,
Let success please, fun,
There will be no regrets or problems.
Let him give long-awaited gifts
And it will become unexpected and bright.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years to a woman

You look great at sixty
Sweet, smiling and cute!
You are a wonderful mother and grandmother is excellent,
The universe revolves around you!
You manage to do everything, you are so energetic,
I wish you only happiness in your personal life!
Good health for many, many years,
And let it be good to you in return!
Good luck, inspiration in business,
And realize what you see in your dreams!

Universal congratulations to a woman

Many winters and many years
We wish you to live without troubles.
Many years and many winters
We want to be irresistible!
Eternal beauty to you,
Happiness is endless.
Love - huge and hot,
And the mood is bright!
Emotions are a fountain
A handful of good
Prosperity, success,
Good luck warm!

Happy birthday to a married woman

Happy birthday to a woman

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you health and happiness, so that in life and in work you are lucky. Always stay the way you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have, everyone loves and appreciates you for it.

Congratulation-toast for a woman

To make the songs sound
So that all sorrows go away
Pour some wine into our glasses.
Let the bad weather go around!
And for women's happiness
Drink with us today to the bottom!
Be cheerful and beautiful!
May God take away the trouble!
And of course be happy
Every day of the year!

Happy Anniversary to a 45 year old woman

There is a reason to meet again
Congratulations on your anniversary!
You are forty-five today!
And you are more beautiful and sweeter than everyone!
Today you are wiser, and perhaps
Only now your star has risen.
And frankly, it doesn't look like a bit
That this date has come to you!
Let your life be like a sweet chocolate!
Full of love, happiness and surprises.
Be an enchantress, an unsolved riddle,
May life measure your joy in full!

Anniversary poem for a woman

We wish you much joy and light,
So that life is full of smiles
So that it’s not Indian summer that blooms in the soul,
And young spring sang forever!

Happy birthday to a woman

Does a woman need a lot?
Warm hearth and love
To take a long look
Husband, having lost his gift of words.
I congratulate the woman
With a date as beautiful as life!
I sincerely wish her:
Hold on tight to your husband!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of the woman - the head of the department

Celebrated its first 55 years, our leader - head of department. Dear _________________!
With a feeling of deep respect, we congratulate you on a glorious date in your life. For many years already your labor activity has been connected with our enterprise, with your native team. You are always distinguished by high demands on yourself, high responsibility for any assigned task, sincere and kind attitude towards people. you are always in the thick of things, do not separate yourself from the life of the team of the department and the enterprise.
You have a wonderful family, beloved grandmother and mother, wonderful friends. Happiness to you, health and kind recognition of people. What is our happiness? It's a new dawn, it's a new day. Happiness is in human love, in communication with people dear to you, in overcoming life's hardships, in the joy of work. To be happy means to save your face, your convictions and your human dignity. You have all this, our dear birthday girl!

Congratulations to a beautiful woman in verse

We wish you on this day
great fun,
And we wish you forever
We are happiness and luck.
We wish you to see your daughter happy
Have a good life in your family
To be yourself, as now, beautiful
Good luck, success for the year.

Congratulations to the woman who can do anything

Beautiful woman, we congratulate you,
We know very well that you can do anything.
You have long possessed such a rare gift,
Whatever you want, you get right away.
Success in skill and further strength,
So that the coming day brings you joy.
Love, eternal youth will not hurt you,
Happiness, mood - superfluous does not happen.

Happy birthday to a woman in verse beautiful

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish:
Don't get sick and don't get old
Young in mind and body.
The sun, people smile,
Never get upset
Be rich and happy
And always, always loved.

Happy birthday to a woman in verse

Let harmony and happiness fill your home!
And adversity and bad weather bypass you!
Your life was rich in success and love!
Hundreds of cool adventures life gave again and again!

Warm congratulations to a woman on her Anniversary

_____________(Name Patronymic name)! We wish you a Happy Anniversary! We wish you great happiness, smiles, health for the whole century! May all your dreams come true, and all the good things that you have done come back to you!

Happy Anniversary to a 65 year old woman

Today is sixty five years old
Together we celebrate you!
By deeds you have earned authority,
Raising a glass to a good heart!
Drive away sickness and anxiety,
May the future bring only happiness!
We wish you peace and patience,
Let fate save you from adversity!
Let the house be a full bowl
We wish you all the blessings of the earth!
With a wonderful date, with a triumph
We heartily congratulate you!

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to a Veteran Woman

Our dear (). Let your wonderful human qualities and professionalism help you in your work and life. Always remain as cheerful, purposeful, creative, full of strength and energy. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Happy birthday to a woman - a colleague in the department

Employees of the department congratulate their wonderful employee ________________, Over the years of work, she has earned universal respect and admiration for her ability to work, energy, professionalism, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, desire to help in difficult times in word and deed to every person who needs it.
Our dear birthday girl! God bless you for many, many more years, may your work bring you only joy and satisfaction. Please accept our warmest congratulations:
We wish you a happy birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today, tomorrow, all year round!
Your employees.

Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman in prose

Dear (name)!
We congratulate you on such a round date. And just as wine gets better with age, so you are just now truly blooming. And just as graphite turns into a diamond over time, so you turned from an ordinary girl into a woman whom we all cherish. We wish you positive emotions, peace and harmony in your soul!

Beautiful congratulations in verse for a woman

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
We carry a lot of wishes,
Let your face shine with a smile
And success is everywhere.
Let kindness and affection warm
May love inspire you
And, like in a good old children's fairy tale,
Wishes come true again and again.

Comic congratulations on the birthday of a woman

Happy birthday to you,
You are beautiful like a rose in bloom
And do not be afraid, hiding for years,
Calling the date is not the right one.
We won’t believe it, having tried on years for you,
You are amazingly young!
We will believe our eyes more:
After all, years are not subject to you!

Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of a woman

We know that at 45
Baba berry again!
We've come to check!
Sing walk and dance!
Wish love as in 20!
And hug you tight!

Happy Anniversary for a 55 year old woman

wonderful hostess,
Open soul!
"Dear, - Happy Anniversary!", -
Whisper slowly!
Live happily lady
Away from adversity
And may the star of heaven
It will bring you a miracle!

Original congratulations on the anniversary of the woman

Invite guests to the party
Pour everyone a glass,
You, my dear,
Personal anniversary.
As always on birthdays
They will sing and dance
And one you, dear,
Congratulations in person.
For your family in the world
All relatives, of course, you
And children will give you
Personal flowers.
Well, we are on a birthday,
Respect and love
We send congratulations -
Personally for you.

Congratulations to a 40-year-old woman

Women beautiful
Age is not a hindrance!
Roses are blooming
From loud laughter
Oncoming men
Heads turned -
And tears of happiness
Glittered before the eyes!
Congratulations, honey!
Let the soul sing
And simple happiness
It always lives in it!
I wish with youth
Maturity combine,
All the men in the world
Conquer together!

Congratulations to a woman for 55 years in verse

Accumulates your life golden years,
Pass them with a smile!
You will never get back those years!
But trust me, you don't need it!
You are in perfect health, fresh and sweet!
All relatives and friends are nearby!
Happy birthday, give flowers!
That's all we need from life!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a woman

Fifty sounds like a reward
And a nice date to hear!
You know how to appreciate loved ones,
Help us live happily!
You admire optimism,
Despite the vagaries of the weather!
And you will find a way without problems,
On any of the selected topics!
You are charming and smart
In difficult situations are strong!
We wish you happiness, health,
Congratulations on a lot of love!

Congratulations to the woman head of the insurance company

Dear our (). I wish you to take an active position in all spheres of life, but at the same time remain a real woman who is able to subtly feel and empathize, support and take care of what is dear and beloved to you.

Congratulations to a woman on her birthday beautiful from a colle

Oh, how I would like more solemnly
And so that she remembers
Congratulations to an amazing woman
Whose birthday is today!
She deserves serenades under the windows,
And deeds, and odes in honor of her.
Accept, most beautiful, modest
This is my congratulations.

Congratulations to a woman on retirement

We congratulate the newcomer
Countries without haste and fuss!
Be healthy and be cheerful
Accept our friendly greetings!
We want to work harder
Already for grandchildren and myself,
And be so proud of your grandmother
Your whole family is ready!
Let them touch you a little
Adversity, years, counting troubles.
And don't forget your friends!
And the pension ... is also waiting for us!

Happy Anniversary greetings to a woman in verse

____________(name)! Congratulations on your anniversary! We wish you many years to live without sorrow and troubles! Be always cheerful, cheerful and beautiful! Let the years go, it does not matter! The main thing is that close friends are always there!

Congratulations to a woman on her birthday from relatives

________(name)! Congratulations on your birthday! With great love we wish you success, joy, warmth and good health! So that life is good, and all good things come true! So that your spiritual strength never diminishes!

Happy birthday to a woman comic

Let life be happy
And desires and aspirations
You are only taken up
So that children, husband love
And the flowers bloomed for you
Be beautiful like today
To be able to old age.

Happy birthday to a woman in verse

Of course, I'm not a poet,
A stranger and a pirouette!
And I sing, so-so,
More - on your wave!
But in one thing I am an expert,
And for ladies it is always eloquent!
Congratulations prepared
Birthday with love!
You are beautiful and smart
And always lucky!
You draw attention
In short, you are adorable!
Be happy and beautiful
Let life be like a fairy tale!

Happy Anniversary for a woman

Our dear birthday girl. We hasten to congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish that fate send you a lot of vigor and strength, and may your years never become a burden to you, but only a bright and pleasant memory.

Congratulations for a woman at 35

You stand in front of the mirror sad
Fixing a fallen strand
But you are the very best
A woman who is 35!
You are innocent, you are the one who gave birth,
Turning back the past
Surprised by her beauty,
A woman who is 35!
Inaccessible and desirable
I admire you again
You are close, but so far away
A woman who is 35!

Entries 1 - 20 from 210

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you women's happiness.
To have good health
Never failed.

Also a sea of ​​​​positive
Less negativity in life.
So that you always live in love,
They didn't grieve, they didn't grieve.

So that there is success in work,
So that you are more beautiful than everyone.
To have a fun life
Lasted for many years!

Colleague charming,
Insanely attractive
And very hardworking
In place of not sitting
We send a bunch of congratulations
And the occasion is a birthday.
And you need to live, shining,
Excited to love, dreaming.
Be loud, creative,
Still active.
May happiness be eternal
And the joy is endless!

I want to get up to work with a smile,
To start work with inspiration, with a desire
And to be with the boss forever in high esteem,
And the days end on a happy note.

Always be beautiful, cheerful, perky,
Deal with any business promptly.
Achieve all goals, plans,
Be successful, wise, chic, desirable!

And at home to bathe in boundless love,
Always be in a great mood.
Let the guardian angel give you guardianship!
Wonders unearthly and good to you, colleague!

Happy Birthday
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Lots of happiness and health
Peace, money and love!

So that health is normal.
Beauty and kindness.
So that there is joy in the house,
So that all dreams come true!

Huge success, good weather,
Good luck and happiness for many years,
Beautiful dreams, a huge salary,
To bags - from Prada, Dior to - dresses.

To have breakfast in bed and a massage before bed.
More manicure, pedicure, spa...
So many smiles and looks after.
And to live for a long time without tears and without troubles!

happy Birthday
And we want to wish you
Women's happiness, patience,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged.

inspiration, enthusiasm,
Easy working days,
Let your career go uphill
Big bonuses and salaries.

Don't let the years scare you
Let the light not fade in the heart,
We appreciate you, respect!
Long and happy years!

Today your "eighteen" has arrived.
The muscles are already strong, and the nerves are made of steel,
And the look is still the same, from timid youth,
Like splashes of champagne in a glass of vodka.

We wish you always enjoy your work,
It's nice to be surprised by your salary.
May your life be "all inclusive":
Cars, men, resorts, wine.

Always stay as beautiful
Responsive, kind, cheerful and stylish.
Let love burn in your heart with fire.
Health, good luck, luck in everything!

Peace, joy, warmth,
Happiness, light and goodness,
Long years, happy days
Eye of shining lights.

Friendship devoted and strong,
And in the work, the grip is tenacious.
May you always be lucky in business
Six-figure bank account.

Be beautiful day and night
And good luck in love.
Let dreams come true
Everything will be as you want.

It only remains to add:
Leave all sadness
In a life of true success,
Happy birthday, colleague!

We wish to live and prosper,
Fly on the wings of joy.
Anything you want to do,
Soul rejoice and sing.

Shine a smiling face
In work, always be a specialist,
New ideas to give birth,
Shine with mind and appearance.

In love, do not give up positions
And charm everyone around.
Accept, slowing down the run of life,
All congratulations from colleagues!

Meeting your birthday
Smile gently with happiness.
Let sorrows be forgotten
So that dreams come true easily.

Enough money for everything.
Peace, joy, love!
So that you catch luck
Just live positively.

Congratulations! Bless you,
Let love live in the soul.
And let again and again
The heart sings joyfully.

We congratulate you today
We are sincerely happy for you
And on your birthday we wish
So that the supply does not run out.

So that beauty does not fade,
Health did not fail
To always have enough
Satisfied to be yourself.

So that happiness with tender care
Surrounded you forever
And so that love was without a quota
For very long years.

Congratulations to our team
The one that does not require awards,
All day in labor, like a bee,
Not resting at all.

And congratulations on your birthday,
From all we wish you
Income, joy, success,
And in the house - warmth and laughter.

Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you all the best.
Let your career grow up
And let luck come.

Lots and lots of happiness
And health and love.
Let the bad weather pass by
Let dreams come true!

Let this day play loudly
Gives the keys to happiness
And the heart of anxiety does not know
Lucky rays shine.

We wish you prosperity in the house,
Comfort, kindness, warmth.
Let your life be smooth
Your dreams will come true!

We work as one team.
We all confess to the birthday girl that
What better colleagues we all can not find,
So let them wait for you good luck on the way!

We want to congratulate and wish you well,
So that in life you don’t get bored for a single day,
So that every morning a bouquet is waiting for you,
Happy to have you for many years.

In a career - success, big salary,
Be loved and love with all your heart.
To be a classy woman - such as now.
Accept congratulations from all of us!

Working together brings us closer
You will find the truth in that.
We have more time sometimes
We go to work.

We warmly congratulate you
And we wish you a lot:
Love, work and more
You live easily and long.

Celebrate the holiday "one hundred percent",
Be full of positivity.
And in this difficult life
Hold on to the team!

Good clients, career growth,
Higher pay but less hassle.
Issues are resolved quickly and easily.
Good luck pursues from year to year.

I wish you a vacation on the warm sea,
Where palm trees and cicadas sing at night.
There are more wonderful stories in life.
And let there be peace and comfort at home.

May your work always
It just goes like clockwork.
Let the boss call
Only awards.
Let the work day begin
Not from eight, but as needed.
Everyone needs a vacation
Let there be seven months.
Here, colleague! Happy Birthday!
In life, only pleasure!

What to wish you dear
Wealth or beauty?
Wouldn't it be better if in life
Will you always be happy?
So that there is no place for trouble,
And that no one guessed
Which year suits you.

Today is the birthday of the most beautiful of women.
And let fate not promise you an easy way,
On the road of life you go without losing heart.
Inaccessible to someone, well, to whom dear.

I want recognition and a gentle look,
Let the music in your heart sound like a reward!
Let joy sparkle in the eyes of a wondrous light,
And the sun shines in winter, like in summer!

May all the minutes be happy
Tender words and smiles are full,
Life gives beautiful emotions,
And captivate the aroma of novelty!
Complements, flowers, admiration,
Fulfillment of dreams, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And keep the warmth in your heart!

The wisdom accumulated over the entire interesting life of the birthday girl becomes a pleasant gift and a divine gift. She accepts him with gratitude and mercy.

A wall or tear-off calendar with the best birthday wishes for an adult woman will be a pleasant surprise to enjoy every day and believe in the best moments, give hope, convey the warmth of those who handed this message.

Live, dear, for a long, long time
And don't count your years
May happiness, joy and health
You are always accompanied!
It doesn't matter how old you are today
After all, it won't matter anymore.
We wish you happiness, good health
And the most beautiful thing in life is given to us!

We wish you not to grow old,
Stay young at heart
We also wish you forever
For everyone to be needed to stay!
There is no peace and it is not needed -
Upcoming things are endless.
Good luck, health, strength,
May your happiness find you!

How much can we whisper today,
How much we need to tell you.

And I want to wish you sincerely now,
May joy come to your house exactly so many times,
How many smiles you gave to your relatives and friends.
Let them share everything in life with you in half.

May joy be with you forever
And let your happiness know no bounds.
May these moments last forever.
You are worthy of the honors of empresses!

And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

I sincerely wish you
One year before anniversary
Live happily and cheerfully
Not whining, not sick.
So that sons and grandsons
They carried you in their arms
For a long, long, long time
You to be in beauty and strength.

We wish you lots of luck
So that joy always helps you,
So that on your life path,
There was always enough happiness and warmth.
We also wish you success
Soul warmth and beauty,

Do you like good books?
Candies in colored wrappers.
On the shelves - funny bears
And a hedgehog with soft needles.
Do you like cartoons and fairy tales,
Crying from sad movies.
Let life spare no affection
Leaving you naive.

Let the sun shine gently
Radiant and welcoming
Flowers in a crystal vase
They stand coquettishly in the water,
The smile will be joyful
Always like a birthday
And the whole year will be
Happy continuation!

Aromas of velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
The fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday be happy!
Gentle, sincere words warmth
Let it warm with magical breath
So that there is always happiness in the soul
And every wish came true!

Everyone knows you sweet, gentle,
Although you can flare up.

I wish your eyes
Like a hundred candles burning
And like nightingales in May
Soul and heart sang.
Comfort, warmth and kindness
Moved to your house
And so that all your dreams
Turned into reality!

Happy Birthday to You!
You listen to my poem
I love you very much!
In life, let everything be folded -
Home, work and family.
So that everyone sits at the table together
And congratulated you!
So that there are a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgifts
And flowers

Let surprises please
Smiles and flowers
And hurry up in life
Dreams will come true!
Let every day come
To give happiness
And in life there will be a reason
Always be happy!

I want to tell my beloved Sagittarius,
Not words, not feelings, not regretting the heart,
Like beauty and youth to face
You, dear, a year before the anniversary.
I want the main thing in fate to come true,
So that the children justify all hopes,
So that everything beautiful in the soul responds,
Making you happy as before.

Like a rose in dewdrops
May happiness be gentle
Like a turquoise sky
Boundless and boundless!
And life will be full of warmth
Smiles, admiration,
lovely, joyful, bright
Always like a birthday!

I want to be blooming and strong,
Do not notice gray hair and wrinkles,
To appreciate all your efforts
Husband and son

Warmth and happiness on this holiday
With all my heart I want to wish
So that from smiles, beautiful feelings
All days could be happier.
And so that the words were more tender,
Than the silk of flower petals
And all the moments

Happy birthday congratulations!
We wish you many blessings.
May the angel protect you
And God sends affection from heaven.
We wish you bright days
Sunshine and warmer.
May your friends respect you
Never forget.
Let relatives take care
And they will come to your aid.

I'm afraid just words are not enough
For warm wishes!
I wish you interesting dreams
Fulfilled desires
Bright events ahead
Peaks to conquer.
All this is for you, whatever one may say,
Today, birthday!

You are an extraordinarily beautiful woman,
You only need to write poems about you,
I congratulate you on your birthday
I want to wish you success and happiness.
I want to wish you prosperity and peace,
Never lose your beauty
You are a feast for the eyes, the dream of millions,
I also wish you to win hearts!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish you success, love, warmth,
Next to happiness, good luck, go
To argue all your affairs.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Good health, patience,
In everything, let you be lucky
And let life only bring joy.
Don't fall behind life
And keep up with the times.

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish troubles not to know
Only with a smile and passion
Walk the path of fate.

May wishes come true
There will be only comfort in the house.
And in the soul, in the garden of dreams,
The birds of paradise are singing.

Let happiness burst into your house,
Side bypasses sadness
And health and luck
Let them be with you.

Years go by, and you are still the same:
There is no you more beautiful and more beautiful,
No more amazing, more beautiful
No you smile, happier!

We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you a heap of health
The car of emotions, impressions,
And a hundred of the best birthdays!

To have everything you dreamed of
To have friends around you
Appreciated to be respected
Always, in life, helped!

You are at the age when the mind with beauty
In an embrace go on the fate of the golden.
And on your birthday we will emphasize
What you should always remember about one thing:

You are better, you are brighter, you are kinder than everyone.
And let it give you success
Good luck and happiness, warmth, beauty,
To make any dream come true.

So that the path of life becomes stellar and bright,
Love did not let you sleep
And spring would always reign in my heart.
Believe us, only she is needed for happiness.

Happy Birthday! Be happy
Stay beautiful and successful.
Let your path lead to luxury
Live like in a fairy tale, enjoy.

I wish you comfort and warmth in the house,
Harmony, sincerity in the family.
Let finances please in volume,
Love and happiness are doubly pleasing.

The years are like birds of passage
Outside the window they flicker in succession,
Be happy and free at heart
Stay forever young

Being in the ranks is much more important than age,
If your eyes are full of joy,
On your birthday, let the stars converge
And your path will be illuminated with radiance!

You are beautiful at your age
You are both wise and young
Rich experience behind
And there is no reason to be sad.

There is a reason for joy -
Your birthday! in your honor
Everyone will say the best words.
You are the queen of celebration!

Let there be no black stripe
I want to wish you today.
Let them give compliments and flowers,
Let there be someone who could hug you.

Live, love, believe in your luck
Let the years run slower
More good news to come
And in your house - light, goodness, comfort.

As they often say: "What are our years!".
People don't lie, that's the way it is.
And day and night, in any bad weather,
Endless worries do not allow us to sit down.

But on this day I wish you
What would be enough strength, and in everything there was interest,
What would you live with a positive, do not get tired,
She was beautiful with and without makeup.

May the gods be fair to you
Let prosperity and comfort fill the house,
Let it be smooth and beautiful every day,
Happiness floats like a ship into a port.
Happy birthday to you,
I wish the rose to bloom for many years,
To tear off was not able to look,
All the men you meet along the way.

I wish you the best changes in life
To be beautiful and fresh as always,
To take luck into eternal captivity,
So that the husband appreciated and simply adored.
Happy birthday to you today
I wish to be always a happy wife,
I wish more simple feminine joys,
And let all sorrows pass by.

I wish to be always beautiful, young,
I wish you to always be in a great mood.
Be cheerful, do not grow old with your soul,
All this I wish for my birthday.
Let the house, car, cottage be luxurious,
So that your husband pays a lot of attention to you.
Let your eyes cry only from happiness,
And may God always protect you.

Charming, bright, beautiful,
Smart, kind, hardworking,
Gentle, honest, eloquent,
Our most beloved daughter

On your birthday we wish
Be soft, but with a steel rod,
Don't forget how you were raised
And live as we always dreamed.

Let for your beloved daughter
Opportunities will open!
Let the prospects multiply
And the complexity is gone!
May happiness be sunny
The dream shines like a star!
Boole, like a bird, joyful,
Pretty like a rose!

Today is your beautiful day!
When were you born!
The stupid shadow of sadness has gone!
And smiled in a whirlwind of happiness!

You are my dear daughter!
You are my baby doll!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I love and adore you!

May you have prosperity!
Always love your loved ones!
Do not know you any worries!
Until the farthest days!

Daughter, you are only at the beginning of the road.
You shine with beauty and patience,
So manage this life like this
So as not to choke the conscience of remorse.

So that you can look into my eyes
The people that surround you
For a star to shine brightly
What accompanies you everywhere!

I congratulate you
Daughter! my copy!
I wish you happiness
My dear, dear.

Be beautiful, be nice
Charming, slim.
You are my life flower
My joy is the "source".

Congratulations to my beloved daughter
With all my heart today I wish
So that you are beautiful yourself
I could always get my way

To play a blush on the cheeks,
A smile to shine on the lips
Always be as beautiful
After all, youth cannot be turned back!

I congratulate you on your birthday
With joy I fulfill your dreams.
May there always be joy in your life.
Tenderness for you will never subside!

What can I wish my dear?
To be the best? To be the most beautiful?
There is no louder, more important voice in the world.
I wish you happiness, my daughter.

Sweet, darling and most beloved
Daughter these words:
Be, my sun, the happiest,
Fairy tales, kindness and warmth!

Be beautiful, but not only externally -
Be beautiful soul
And be happy, not only today -
May happiness always be with you.

Be sincere like a child
Like rose petals, be gentle
I congratulate you, my sweet kitten,
You know that I love you!

Here again the year has come, you, daughter, have become older,
But now you have a great time,
You have become older, and everything is subject to you,
Only youth has left your yard.

Instead, it's time to grow up
It's time for hope, success and love.
Hold fate by the tail, it is your creation.
Catch a beam of luck, live, love, create!

Happy birthday to you, daughter
Let everything be as you want
May you be lucky in your career
You just have to believe in luck.

And let love be bright
The best gift for you
Let the money come
And let your friends not let you down.

Pleasant joyful minutes
And boundless delights.
Let dreams come true
And you will achieve everything!

Every day you live
Wish you sincere love.
Let only the best things happen
May the world be kind to discoveries.
Visit your loved ones every day
Sincerely and honestly congratulate.
Their role is always important to you,
After all, everyone needs friendship.
Let children and loved ones be happy nearby,
Let life caress with its eyes.
There are obstacles when
We will dispel them immediately without haste.

You are happy today
Around only congratulations and flowers.
So many memorable events
And amazing discoveries.
Only life will give each of us,
The best gift without embellishment.
And only smiles light up the heart,
And today they mean the highest joy.
Prosperity is strong and stable,
The man is sweet, but strong.
Let a close person be near
Will understand sadness and erase despondency from the eyelids.

The age of congratulations is coming
And what does it mean for us?
There are many charming moments of happiness -
There is our truth, the foundation of truth.
We wish you better days
We wish sincere friends.
Love your family, love yourself
Remember pride, don't forget it.
And where you wake up
May joy return to you.
And let it flood with happiness
And let love come to you.

So many sincere wishes
We repeat them to you over and over again.
Let everything be always
May you have good years.
And if in life whims happen,
They don't affect you in any way.
And if there is suddenly an emergency at work,
Then let him quickly forget about you.
Where happiness is a new ray, light,
There life will give you postcards and a bouquet.
Where sadness will ghostly pass the road,
There, luck will pass you by.

Every day is happy, dear,
Let it be unique.
Every day is like a fairy tale of sincere miracles,
Let the forest open in the life of happiness.
Let good friends be near
They will never forget you
Best Happy Wishes Words
Only sincere, honest confessions.
Only events will fill every day,
And you will definitely not be lazy to work.
All dreams come true today
We all want kindness, of course.

We congratulate you today
With all our hearts, we wish you more.
Always be sincere
Serve the work faithfully.
And let the emergency not happen
Vacation starts early.
And magical moments of rest,
Let him remove sadness, worries of fetters.
And every day is unique
So glorious, wonderfully happy.
Let the trouble turn into a joke
Luck will not recede even for a minute.

It's good to be a woman in a mink coat,
Maybe not in mink - but not that!
It's good to be a woman in your own car
You can also take the bus - but not the same!
It would be nice if the salary of a hundred thousand commercials,
It is possible and four - but not that!
So darling let's drink to
So that in our life there was only THAT!

Blooming like a spring garden

And bright as heaven!

Smile more often to loved ones
Give the warmth of the soul loving!
Cheerful, stay bright!
All the colors of happiness are for you!

May your life be wonderful
Blooming like a spring garden
Magical, easy, interesting
And bright as heaven!

Smile more often to loved ones
Give the warmth of the soul loving!
Cheerful, stay bright!

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom day by day!
Much, much happiness to you
Joy, love, kindness!
Have fun walking through life
Be loved, be gentle!

Forget about adversity!

Everyone wants happiness, but what is it?
Alas, only a few know this.
Happiness - waking up to see the dawn
And know that there is no sin in your soul;
Walk barefoot on the cool grass
Go to work calmly, on foot;
See the smiles of happy children
Have a few, but true friends;
Do not hide heavy grievances in the heart
And act as our conscience tells us;
Live in peace with yourself, with nature, with people,
And in old age to be surrounded by children;
And be grateful for it to Fate ...
I wish you this happiness.

They say love is not verbose
Suffer, think, bite.
It's all conditional, I think.
We are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want
To make your head spin with happiness
Speak, speak, speak
The best words!

On my birthday I want to wish
So that happiness spills like honey!
In life, everything to be on the shoulder!
To be loved forever!
So that the native voices of friends
They were distributed more often in this house!
And so that in your eternal music
There were only happiness dawns!

You are the woman that captivates so much
You always look like spring.
Nature wants you today
Plunge into the blue sky!

We wish you unearthly beauty,
And radiant love for life.
Revel in the soul of eternal May,
And fly like a swallow up!

Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.

If you do not have the opportunity (or desire) to call a friend and congratulate her on her birthday, then you can simply send a beautiful birthday greeting in prose or poetry. Try to find words that would best fit a particular person, given his occupation, desires and aspirations.

Happy birsday, my dear! I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, vivid impressions. May warmth and comfort always fill your home, may the sunlight warm you in any weather, and may wishes come true at the mere thought of them.

Happy Birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events for you!

Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, loved ones give attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surround you with sincere understanding and support, colleagues respect and cherish. May everything that seemed unrealizable come true, and let the most desired thing happen!

Congratulations on your birthday! May any day of your life be filled with positivity and optimism, interesting ideas and pleasant meetings. May your health never let you down and give you a cheerful mood. Let good luck and success be your constant companions, and let any few difficulties be easily overcome.
Happiness, luck on your birthday!

Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

I congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you to always remain as sincere, cheerful, sincere and joyful, because everything that happens is ultimately for the better! Always remember this! Let your life be not only a bright stripe, but also full of all the colors of the rainbow, excluding gray and black! And I wish that all your plans end with the expected result, and that you are always proud of yourself! May all your hopes and desires come true, turning life into a real fairy tale! Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman on earth!

Happy birthday queen! I wish this year to be full of amenities, surprises, love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance and good news! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, richer, more necessary, more interesting and happier! And I wish you a great birthday!

Let life become a long journey full of adventures and discoveries, every day promises a holiday, and the night - a fairy tale! Happy Birthday!

You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements!
Happy Birthday!

I congratulate you, my joy, and wish you all the best. Always remain as cheerful and cheerful, and may your beauty always enchant everyone around you. I wish you eternal youth, happiness and more smiles. Let nothing ever bother you, and good luck will always be with you. All earthly blessings, prosperity, warmth and love to you!

Let the aroma of the presented flowers and the attention of loving people give pleasant moments and great happiness on your birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness and in the best mood. Let health and money by default only multiply, and dreams and desires come true as often as possible, allowing you to rejoice at new victories and always smile.

Happy Birthday!! I wish you to swim in the ocean of positive, to live on the island of Joy, not to know grief and evil! I wish you lots of money! So that three whales are always present in your life: happiness, health and good luck! Let them carry you with the flow of your life and never let go!

Let every day be full of fun and drive! Feel free to implement all your ideas! And may all your dreams come true!

Happy Birthday! I want to wish that life is full of pleasant events, brilliant ideas and real victories! Let your soul shine with positive and good mood! And in difficult moments of your life there will always be friends and people close to you! Of course health and long life. Joy and laughter, respect of friends and love of relatives! Happy holiday, happy birthday!

I wish you only bright days
More joy and laughter.
I want loyal friends
And in undertakings - success.

Love - to the very brim.
Good health, like rocks.
Absolutely no enemies
And there was plenty of money!

Let them say that years are like water,
May your years be full of water
And may you always remain
No less years than today.
To friends for joy, but to spite fate
We want you to always be lucky
So that life was not life, but a feast for the eyes,
And make every day a birthday!

Happy special day!
Good luck in everything!
Prosperity and cash prizes!

Great moments!
From all the compliments!
And eternal luck in life!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

Years go by, and oblivion to nothing,
No matter how hard you try, life does not want to give,
But every time a birthday comes
To believe again, to win again.

So let it be bright and encouraging,
Like a ray of sunshine through a frozen window.
And you don't have to be sad about anything.
Trust in the coming spring.

With all our hearts we wish you laughter
Fun, joy, success,
Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat well, sleep soundly
Never worry
Do not get angry, do not swear
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow like a river
Among the rocky shores
And may they always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

A nightingale song on your birthday is not enough,
How little one drop for a heavy rain,
I’ll tell you about the most important thing: so that life flourishes all the time,
Be nice and beautiful, live, create loving.

And these words are a bouquet, albeit modest, but from the heart,
And congratulations to the crumbs, but still - from the heart,
Accept and be happy, close the door of sorrow,
And all the pages of life with a smile just write!

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom day by day!
Much, much happiness to you
Joy, love, kindness!
Have fun walking through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way into impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love to you, faith, hope, goodness!

Let surprises please
Smiles and flowers
And hurry up in life
Dreams will come true!
Let every day come
To give happiness
And in life there will be a reason
Always be happy!

May a series of happy years
Will make a bouquet of bright days!
Let happiness, like a moth,
From flower to flower!
May every passing moment
The bright glare of the sun illuminates,
And every passing hour
Let it be a holiday for you!

Today, on this day
Let sadness and shadow disappear
I want to always be beautiful
Happy, young and sweet.
Let the sky clear azure
Will dispel all your troubles.
Hope, Faith and Love
Let your years inspire!

Beautiful day and the sun is shining
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of my heart,
And you are the happiest person in the world
Where is the birthday, there are dreams,
And I congratulate you now
I wish you great joy
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday
I want a colorful smile
And the cake is higher than the ceiling,
To make all the cards shine
So that everything was like never before!

A woman doesn't need much in her life
Better health, earthly happiness.
For the health of relatives and friends,
So that thoughts are happy, thoughts are pure.
May the sun smile at you from the bottom of my heart
And everything you want, quickly comes true!

For a whole year you have become older -
But the years only make it more beautiful:
Stay young just -
It takes a little perseverance!

You wake up early in the morning
Without grief and deceit -
And with love and hope,
And a sweet, gentle smile!

Happy day you were born
Congratulations on a significant holiday!
What would you, dear, not take -
I wish you success!

It can be stated with certainty
That there is no more beautiful woman in the world,
It's time to congratulate you again
On your birthday - the best on the planet!

May all wishes come true, all dreams
Be loved and happy every day
Let the flowers grow only for you
So that the fabulous life was beautiful!

Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
May this day when you were born
Happiness will smile at you radiant,
Troubles and sorrows pass the attack.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring
May all dreams and hopes come true
Fairy tales and dreams become reality...