Beautiful smoky ice. Step by step instructions for applying. What shades are suitable for smokey ice makeup

Many girls are very fond of applying wide smoky shadows of gray or black shades to their eyes, which give the look a special mystery and "zest". This method of applying shadows is called Smokey ice and translates as "smoky eyes". Such makeup allows you to visually increase the size of the eyes and even hide existing imperfections.

Fundamental rules makeup "smokey ice". This makeup is quite simple, you need to have the right tools and materials on hand.

The main principle of the Smokey Ice make-up: Anti-aliasing and smooth transition from one shade to another.

From tools you will need:

  • small flat brush for blending pencil and applying shadows;
  • a large fluffy brush for smoothing out shades;
  • cotton swabs or sponges.

As a cosmetic for the classic smoky ice in black and gray you will need:

  • a base for make-up familiar to you;
  • foundation (cream, or mousse);
  • corrector;
  • a soft black pencil (it is undesirable to use a liquid or hard pencil, this will make it difficult to create a "haze" effect);
  • shadows of three shades (all shades should be in perfect harmony with each other, and one of them should be pearlescent), all colors should be combined with each other.

Stages of creating smokey ice makeup

Main steps for creating smokey ice makeup:

  1. Prepare the skin of the eyelids with a day cream or concealer. After that, the shadows will not crumble, the colors will become more expressive, the makeup will last longer. If there are dark circles or spots on the skin, we carefully correct them.
  2. Next, or with powder, we give the correct tone to the skin of the eyelids. The layer of cream should not be too thick and thick; evenness of application is also of great importance.
  3. Outline the eyes in black soft pencil... The line should be very even, wide enough and paint over the skin between the eyelashes. On the upper eyelid, the line should be slightly larger than on the lower and widen from the inner corner to the edges.
  4. Next, use a flat brush to blend, after which the line should become wide. Some makeup artists advise to do shading. fingertips, but it takes some experience.
  5. Using a flat brush, hammer in the darkest shade of the selected palette on the moving part of the eyelid. We shade carefully from the corner to the edges.
  6. Apply a lighter shade of shadows to the surface of the upper eyelid and closer to the edges. In the classic version smokey ice use dark gray shades. A smooth transition from a lighter shade to a darker one is very important here.
  7. Apply a dark and light shade to the lower eyelid with the same sequence. But here the intensity and brightness of the color should be much less. We shade and make the border of the transition of shades as invisible as possible. To do this, use a wide shadow brush.
  8. Apply a pearlescent shade under the eyebrow and smoothly blend the borders of the shades, making an imperceptible transition.
  9. We bring in a dark shade. It is important that they are not too bright and dark. This is unacceptable for this make-up technique.
  10. Apply mascara to the eyelashes.

Master class on classic smokey ice makeup for green eyes, step by step, watch the video:

Step-by-step instruction

Smoky ice makeup for brown eyes:

  1. We cleanse the face and apply.
  2. We draw our eyes with a pencil along the lash line... For brown gas, you can use a black, dark brown or emerald hue. Shade thoroughly.
  3. On the upper and lower eyelids, densely apply shadows of brown, golden, purple and dark green tones. We shade from the inner edge to the outer and add light shades to them that correspond to the main color scheme.
  4. Easy to apply under the eyebrow pearlescent shadows... For brown eyes, light beige, pale green and smoky purple shades are allowed. Use warm shades and avoid metallic and cold colors.
  5. We apply eyebrow pencil chocolate or black.
  6. The final touch is black mascara and lipstick in brown, coffee or dark chocolate shades.

A video tutorial on the smokey ice makeup technique for brown eyes, look at the video:

Smoky ice makeup for blue eyes:

  1. We even out the tone of the face, use a corrector if necessary.
  2. We draw the eyes with a soft pencil along the lash line and then carefully blend.
  3. Apply thickly along the pencil line the darkest shade of shadows... In combination with blue eyes, bright turquoise, ash or golden shades will be effective. We do the feathering from the inner edge to the outer edge. On the upper part of the eyelid and along the edges, add light shades that correspond to the main color scheme and carefully blend.
  4. Apply pearlescent shadows in cold colors under the eyebrow line. Metallic and milky shades can be used for blue eyes. with moderate shine.
  5. With a wide brush, carefully blend the transitions.
  6. Apply a light brown or black shade.
  7. The final touch is black mascara and lipstick in light beige, coffee and pink shades.

A step-by-step video on the smokey ice makeup technique for blue eyes, see below:

Smoky ice makeup for gray eyes:

  1. Cleanse the face and apply a makeup base.
  2. We even out the tone of the face or, if necessary, use a corrector.
  3. Draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes with a soft eyeliner. Shade thoroughly.
  4. Apply a dark shade to the upper and lower eyelids with a thick layer. Gray eyes are combined with almost all colors. But the most spectacular there will be sand, silver, olive, pale lilac or golden shades. We make shading from the inner edge of the eye to the outer one. On the upper part of the eyelid and around the edges, add light shades that match the main color.
  5. Apply pearlescent shadows of cold colors under the eyebrow. For gray eyes, you can use silver, beige and milky shades.
  6. Mix the shades thoroughly with a wide brush, achieving a smooth transition.
  7. Apply an eyebrow pencil in a light brown or black tone.
  8. The final touch is black mascara and lipstick in brown, burgundy or bright red.

Smokey Ice makeup is easy to apply and ideal in any range of colors.

Shade options can be very diverse: classic gray-black, beige-brown, olive and golden.

For evening make-up emerald green, deep blue and purple will look especially impressive.

For daytime and everyday make-up it is better to use calm and light shades.

Despite the absolute conviction of some women that Smokey Ice makeup is not created for everyone, we can safely say the opposite. Having chosen the desired color palette, such a make-up can be applied to absolutely any appearance, because it does not have to be black. Its main feature is the ability to change the appearance of a girl, distinguishing her from the rest with a mysterious look, adding seductiveness and attractiveness.

By correctly choosing and shading the shadows, you can change the shape of the eyes and even their color. This dyeing method is popular not only among young ladies, it is also used by successful women with pleasure, because it is an excellent option for holding special events, going to the cinema, and just walking.

Versatile and everyday

Before applying the Smokey Ice makeup in practice, you should learn a little, fill your hand, so to speak, so that you can then defeat others with a perfect and deep look. The "smoky" version of eye coloring can be adjusted to the daily rhythm of life, that is, instead of saturated shades, use less bright and neutral ones, this type of makeup will give the appearance a lightness and will not attract too much attention, which is what a work, office dress code requires. With the help of smoky eyes, you can correct the shape of the eyes, hide the existing imperfections by emphasizing the advantages. You can visually enlarge small eyes, lengthen them, or slightly raise their outer corners, thereby visually tightening the oval of the face.

Learning this technique is not so difficult, you just need to know some rules of work, stock up on the necessary tools and patience. It is not so difficult to carry out the Smokey Ice makeup step by step, following the instructions.

Where to begin

Makeup is a kind of art, and therefore tools are no less important here, that is, cosmetic brushes, a pencil (black, gray or brown), foundation and matching shadows in three shades. In addition to brushes, cotton pads and sticks can be useful for better shading.

The eyeliner should have a soft texture for shading. If you don't have a suitable pencil on hand, you can replace it with an eyeliner. The first thing to remember is that smokey ice makeup should have smooth transitions without visible borders of applying shadows, they should look like a haze.

It is very difficult to gently shade the shadows with a sponge or an applicator, therefore a brush is most suitable for these purposes, it should have medium hardness, but at the same time, it should not prick the delicate skin around the eyes. For a smooth transition of shades, a round brush is useful. As you can see, it is not so difficult to carry out the Smokey Ice makeup yourself. The photo (step by step) presented above demonstrates this quite clearly.

It will be very convenient for beginners to start shading with light shadows, so you can avoid a bright spot on the eye and not be upset if the first time nothing works out. How to make smokey ice makeup and learn how to blend flawlessly, we will consider below. The main thing is to remember that experience comes with time, and only patience and constant practice will help in mastering this technique.

Work process

If it is not possible to take a couple of lessons from a makeup artist, it does not matter, the presented step-by-step instructions will help you:

  1. The foundation of any makeup is beautifully prepared skin. To even out the relief and skin color, apply a foundation, if necessary apply concealer under the eyes, concealer on problem areas where there are acne and redness, and fix with powder. If your skin is in good condition, you can get by with just powder. Do not forget about the skin of the eyelids, it also needs to be powdered. This will make the shadows of any texture smoother and last longer.
  2. Coloring the eyes begins by tracing the contours of the upper and lower eyelids. For evening makeup, use a soft black pencil, tracing the line as close to the lash line as possible. If you need a less bright, daytime version, then replace the black pencil with shadows of a dark shade.
  3. Let's start, in fact, to apply the shadows themselves. They can be of different textures: matte or pearlescent, as well as any color - beige, gray, green, blue. It is important to consider eye and hair color when choosing eyeshadow. Before doing Smokey Ice makeup, it is important to understand that its entire meaning is reduced to one main rule - the transitions of shades should be smooth, carefully shaded, for this you need to choose matching shades.
  4. Line up your eyebrows with the same color as your hair. To do this, you can use a suitable taupe shade, pencil or brow wax.
  5. Applying Smokey Ice makeup, step by step and slowly, you should apply the shadows layer by layer. The most saturated and darkest shade should be applied to the area close to the eyelashes. As you move further away, the shades become lighter. Pearlescent whites or champagne shades can be applied to highlight the eyebrow line and the inner corner of the eyes.
  6. And finally, for a complete look, add mascara to the eyelashes, for a more dramatic effect, it can be applied in several layers. Opt for volume mascara.

How to choose the right shadow for your own type of appearance in order to create a harmonious image? Look below for the types of smokey ice makeup.

Blue eyed

A lighter shade of blue eyes coupled with a milky skin tone often requires a neutral or cool tone. Most often, shades of silver, sand, blue and gold are applied to blue eyes. On the lightest skin, silvery and gold shades can give the impression of a painful look, so you should be careful with them.

Dark-haired and fair-skinned girls should prefer gray tones; You can replace the black pencil with a dark gray for a more natural effect.

For girls with dark skin, you can safely choose shades of a brown scale, golden shades will emphasize the expressiveness of blue eyes.


Brown eyes are distinguished by extraordinary expressiveness; brown and olive shades are perfect for this color. It is important to carefully shade the shadows, making the transitions smooth. Owners of fair skin and brown eyes can safely use purple, lilac and cornflower blue shadows.


There is a wide choice before green-eyed girls, since there is no universal shade for green eyes. Here you can experiment and select different options for matching colors. For everyday life, you can use options for a brown, gray or gold palette. Blue or cornflower blue eyeliner can favorably emphasize the shade of the eyes, and for the evening version, you can apply shadows of a purple tone, with a certain skill and choosing the right green, you can create a green "smokey ice" - makeup, coupled with a shade of dark chocolate, without fear of distracting attention from the natural color iris of the eyes.


There is also a lot of room for creativity. The good thing about gray eyes is that with the help of a certain color palette, you can change the shade of the eyes themselves. For example: chocolate and purple eyeshadows will bring the color of the eyes closer to green, while golden ones can achieve a blue sheen. To emphasize the contours of the eyes and create a deeper look, you can draw them along the contour with a suitable pencil in gray, cornflower blue or green.

If you expect to apply smokey ice makeup every day, then for a daytime make-up the shades of brown and gray will fit the most, they will not look too catchy and at the same time will favorably emphasize the look, give it mystery and depth. Also, instead of black mascara, it is preferable to give the choice of brown.

Important points of the right "smokey" - makeup

  • It has already been mentioned more than once that the main highlight of smoky makeup is to create an accent on the eyes, while the shade of lipstick should not be bright. It is worth giving preference to nude, delicate dusty pink tones or transparent lip gloss.
  • The shape and fit of the eyes are also important when creating makeup. If they are planted closely, then the inner corner should be underpainted or highlighted.
  • For a successful make-up, 2-3 shades are enough.
  • Eyebrows are an equally important detail, they should be neat and evenly colored.
  • Before doing Smokey Ice make-up, you should make sure that your eyes are not tired, without redness, otherwise applying shadows can only aggravate the situation, no matter how professionally they are shaded.

The main thing is to try to use quality cosmetics. For beginners, and not only for beginners, we can recommend semi-professional Polish cosmetics Inglot. Their assortment is truly diverse, from shadows of incredible colors to breathtaking pigments for the eyes. The shadows of this brand are perfectly shaded and are perfect for the first experience and subsequent use. Go for it, and you will succeed. Be beautiful!

For almost 90 years, Smokey Ice (or "smoky eyes") makeup has remained a favorite of many girls and women. He got this name because of the special technique of applying shadows and their careful shading. With its help, you can hide flaws: to raise the overhanging eyelid and lowered corners of the eyes.

How to make smokey ice makeup for brown eyes

A healthy complexion is the basis of any makeup. When you start creating a smokey ice make-up, be sure to even out your face tone. The main secret of this technique is to create a smooth and barely noticeable transition between shades.

Step-by-step photos of smokey ice performance

This make-up used to be done exclusively in dark colors. Now, makeup artists recommend experimenting with shades of shadows and are not afraid to use both bright and light colors.

Step-by-step instruction:

Particular attention should be paid to the eyelashes. For those who have them by nature thick - it will be enough to curl them, for the rest it is better to use overhead. By following these simple guidelines, you can easily achieve the desired "haze" in your eyes and bewitch those around you with just one look.

You can emphasize the charm of blue eyes with the right makeup. The smokey ice technique is very popular today among the fairer sex. The universal make-up looks good in any look, looks appropriate for day and evening events. With the help of the presented makeup, you can gently correct the overhanging eyelid, emphasize the expressiveness of the look. Smoky eyes is a gorgeous creation that actresses and show business stars tirelessly demonstrate.

How to make smokey ice makeup for blue eyes: a classic version

Smoky ice or "smoky makeup" involves the use of bright and crisp accords that are neatly combined with lighter accents. Technology helps to create a magical image, with languid dragging on the eyes. The presented make-up originates from the times of the USSR, is popular with girls from all over the world.

The standard way to perform Smokey Ice make-up is to use rich black and gray chords. Carefully shaded transitions and beautiful lines should be present in a vibrant creation. Smokey ice technology for blue eyes involves constant experimentation with color. You can pick a few of your favorite colors and create a colorful picture. Daytime makeup is performed in a nude range. A light look will paint everyday work, shopping trips and walks in the park with bright colors. A universal creation, made in shades suitable for blue eyes, is able to highlight feminine virtues and successfully hide flaws.

The process of creating smoky ice blue eyes makeup involves the use of the following products:

  • soft pencil;
  • shadows of several shades;
  • thin brush for creating clear contours;
  • medium brush for blending shadows over the upper area;
  • thick brush for creating an expressive center;
  • ink.

1. Draw the boundaries of the century with neat lines.

2. Shade the strokes thoroughly.

3.Wrap the area above the work surface with dark brown accords.

4. Paint the eyelid with dark shadows.

5.Add dark pigments to the bottom border.

6.Longer and separate the cilia.

What shades to choose for the look of smokey ice

For girls with light eyes, skin color should also be considered. Shades such as deep blue, rich purple, light turquoise and juicy green are suitable for Snow White with blue eyes. For owners of dark skin and blue eyes, it is appropriate to use delicate accords with brown pigment: chocolate, sand, beige or golden.

The following shades will help to create a spectacular Smokey Ice makeup: soft pink, rich black, lavender, silver and taupe.

Tips for creating smoky ice makeup for blue eyes

  • A neat make-up will be obtained using a pencil. Experienced makeup artists often use eye shadow, but this option requires some experience and dexterity.

  • It is not recommended to use liquid products for eyeliner, as they create clear lines. The drawn stroke should softly outline the shape of the eye, emphasize the graceful curves.

  • Draw the line towards the outer corner. The end of the arrow can be slightly raised and the thickness increased. We outline the lower section with a thin stroke.

  • When creating smokey ice makeup for big eyes, it is better to do without pronounced lines, narrow eyes require the obligatory drawing of a stroke.
  • Each contour should be carefully shaded to create a soft smoky effect.
  • Darker chords should cover the outer area and most of the main surface.
  • We apply light accents over the movable area and in the inner corner.

  • The evening version of Smokey Ice involves the application of several layers of mascara. Elongated and slightly curled eyelashes look beautiful.

  • To focus on the eyes, cover the lips with restrained shades. Evening makeup can be diluted with red accords on the lips.

Smoky ice makeup for blue eyes (step by step photos)

Soft shadows are able to focus on the eyes, give the image lightness and brightness. We cover the main area with blue chords, and over the surface we apply bright blue accents. We emphasize the lower contour with a light purple stroke. We cover the inner corner with light shades. The final touch is the staining of the cilia.

Charming makeup for blue eyes

Delicate shades of gray blend beautifully with fair skin and blue eyes. Apply soft accords to the upper eyelid, outline the lower border. Draw light brown strokes over the main areas. We emphasize the contours of the eye with black lines, complement the romantic image. We cover the cilia with ink, make the look wide open and deep. Rich makeup can be complemented with coral or pink lipstick. A romantic date, a meeting with friends - a gentle smokey ice will not go unnoticed.

Romantic image

An expressive accent on the eyes will help create shadows of brown shades. Delicate sandy and deep chocolate accords are beautifully combined with a natural blue eye. The contour of the eyes can be emphasized with dark gray or black strokes, the inner corner can be lightened with white or silver shadows. The beautiful look can be worn to work, for a walk or an evening meeting. Universal makeup is suitable for blondes and brunettes, perfectly set off the whiteness of the skin.

Burgundy creation in the style of smoky ice

The presented makeup expresses the richness of color, is able to fall in love with oneself at first sight. We wrap the upper eyelid in a burgundy tone, surround the outer corner with dark accents. We gently shade the picture, add brown shades above the work surface, cover the inner area with light colors. Draw a dark stroke along the bottom border, which with the help of a brush we turn into an elegant haze. The elegant look is suitable for special occasions, romantic dates and fiery parties.

Summer makeup for blue eyes

You can create a beautiful look with luscious greens, soft browns and bright yellow accents. Apply a gentle green shade to the upper eyelid, leave a light yellow color for the inner area, and apply dark green chords to the outer corner. Draw brown strokes above the moving eyelid and along the lower border. You can add brightness using the yellow arrow. A beautiful summer look attracts with its carelessness and brightness, which is intelligently combined with blue eyes. The presented image can be tried on for daytime and evening celebrations, surrounded by fiery rhythms.

Casual look

The smoky ice technique is suitable for everyday events. A trip to work, a trip to the store will not go unnoticed along with adorable makeup. Make-up in brown tones fascinates with its lightness and simplicity of execution. We cover the upper eyelid with the main shade, apply light strokes over the moving area. Outline the lower border with brown chords, add a cool blue tint. We underline the border of the upper area with a black pencil, gently shade the borders. The final accord is a line on the lower eyelid and eyelash coloring.

When you look bad, make a smokey ice - such an accent on the eyes will distract attention.

What is the essence of this technique? Smokey means smoky. To create the effect of smoky eyes, it is necessary to blend the dark shadow color applied along the eyelashes into a lighter haze.

Smokey ice makeup is considered one of the simplest makeup options, so it will not be difficult to master it.

It can be both evening and daytime. For evening smoky, classic black shades of shadows are chosen, and for daytime - brown translucent ones.

  • Smokey ice makeup preparation

So, before you do your eye makeup:

Even out skin tone on your face with foundation

Concealer mask the area around the eyes, make it uniform in color

In order not to stain the skin on the face with shadows, use special patches that are applied to the space under the eyes

Powder the skin around the eyes with a brush

Evening makeup smokey ice shadows

1. With a flat brush, apply the darkest shade of shadows along the lower eyelid along the lash line.

Then also along the upper one, capturing the area of ​​the entire movable eyelid.

If you have drooping eyelids, apply shadows from above directly to the crease as if it does not exist - paint a beautiful eyeball with shadows.

It is easier to apply shadows with dotted movements, rather than rubbing - it will turn out more neatly.

2. With a black pencil, always soft, paint over at the very roots of the eyelashes from above and below to paint over the light space. This gives depth and penetration to the look.

3. Now with a fluffy brush, blend the clear borders of the applied shadows, stretching the shadows to the outer corners of the eyes.

So that the look does not look sad, we raise the line of the corners of the eyes up to the eyebrow.

4. With a black long-lasting eyeliner or pencil we emphasize the corners of the eyes along the lower and upper eyelids.

5. Apply pearlescent pearl shadows on the upper eyelid in the middle of the eyeball in order to create the illusion of a voluminous eyelid, and this will also add a luxurious evening glow to the makeup.

6. Remove patches.

7. The final stage - curl and thickly paint the eyelashes.

Evening smokey ice with false long eyelashes will look more impressive.

  • Smokey ice makeup video tutorial

Day makeup smokey ice pencil and shadows

  1. 1 On the upper eyelid along the lash line, apply a medium-thick line with a brown soft pencil.
  2. 2 With a brush, blend it upwards so that we get a "haze".
  3. 3 Take a wide flat brush and with point movements apply brown translucent shadows on the entire upper movable eyelid and blend them towards the outer corners of the eyes, lifting the line up. For the overhanging eyelid, we apply shadows on it as if we do not notice it - we emphasize the round shape of the eyeball.
  4. 4 Draw the lower eyelash growth line with the shadows of the same shade with a flat brush. Apply a darker brown shade to the middle of the line - this will make your eyes look even bigger.
  5. 5 Add relief to the eyes. To do this, take matte brown dark shadows and apply the same flat brush inside the fold of the upper eyelid, emphasizing the round shape of the eyeball.
  6. 6 With the same color, paint over the outer corners of the eyes and shade up towards the eyebrow.
  7. 7 To add shine to the inner corners of the eyes, near the bridge of the nose, apply quite a bit of pearlescent pearl shadows.
  8. 8 With a brown soft pencil, paint over the light space inside the eyelids at the roots of the eyelashes.
  9. 9 We paint the eyelashes with black ink.