Who is a "real man"? Who is a real man? Introduction

Let's be honest - whether you are a man or not is determined not only by physiology. And no "feats" in the field of physiology make mama's son a man. And you need to be a real man. At least for the sake of falling in love with you, and never falling out of love with yours - a real woman.

What is real masculinity, the psychology of a man, and how to acquire it?

Everyone needs: Distance course "Basic principles of building a family."

A man shouldn't feel sorry for himself

There is no such thing that a person walks courageously all his life. In the morning I got out of bed and all so courageous. At lunchtime he became even more courageous, but by evening he gave up a little with his courage. And at night I went to bed and that's it. And where is the courage?
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A man must create problems for himself

A man needs to constantly create problems for himself, training situations. Create and overcome. And then he will be shaped like a man ...
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We are responsible for everything that surrounds us

It seems to me that a real man is one who honors his parents, honestly serves his Motherland and feeds his family. He is the defender of the Fatherland, he is the father, the head of his family, he honors his fathers, and he is that transitional link that will pass on the consciousness and faith of his nation to its future generations. These three categories seem to me to be completely masculine ...
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Imaginary and real courage

I had time to go in for sports: 1st adult categories in the barbell, boxing, swimming. Before the army, in street battles, in all sorts of fights, he asserted himself. In the army - training for junior commanders, they broke pride abruptly for 6 months (thanks for this school). After the army, I got married a year later (otherwise I am worn out for whores - there was such a passion). For seven years, three times a week, they were very serious in karate. He felled four hooligans freely, without even using his legs ...
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A real man does not throw words to the wind

We have always owned and now we must possess the necessary qualities to defend and protect ourselves, our territory, our faith, our loved ones, parents, and everyone, everyone, everyone around us. I am for our children to be imitations of our fathers and grandfathers: - no matter how much they climb up to us, everyone always gets rebuffed.
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A man is brought up by activity

In principle, both men and women have the same set of qualities, but in different proportions and with different accents. Those. and a man should be kind and gentle, but at the same time firm and responsible and strong and more precise ...
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The way of a man

The documentary The Way of a Man prepared by the information center "Cradle" is an interview with several real men, each of whom sincerely shares his idea of ​​making a man real.
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A weak man is hiding behind the image of a macho

Here are the pronounced features of a man's psychology: a man takes care of his family, is distinguished by reliability. If we say about a woman that she should be soft, meek, internally subtle and sensitive to others and to her chosen one, then a man should be distinguished by a pronounced responsibility and maturity.
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A man is one who knows how to take responsibility for himself

Kirill Verbin
Real masculinity, male psychology outwardly does not manifest itself in any way until the right moment comes. Today men, even having will and character, try to show them where it is not worth doing at all - for example, they express them in rude behavior with women.
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Fatherhood as a quality of a real man

When a child is born, someone appears who can be commanded, over whom you can rule, in relation to whom you can show your physical strength. And often a man who cannot dominate his wife starts yelling at his child. He finds an object on which to throw out his irritation, his anger, finds someone to blame for everything.
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How I liked the so-called metrosexuals all the time. Seemingly not blue, but dressed like a dandy, combed, well-groomed, handsome. Not a man, but some kind of holiday. Even watching is a pleasure. And the strangest thing is that not a single candidate for my hand and heart possessed a similar appearance and worldview, and my husband, too, was not a metrosexual one. Real, hairy, powerful and even smelly in places.
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Hosting the House - Mission, Role or Dream?

Maria Kirilenko, Anna Yatsenko
What qualities should be present in the psychology of a man so that he can become the head of the family? First of all, a man needs to be imbued with the idea that it is the family that is most important in his life ...
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Where did the real men disappear?

About male psychology. To be a man, a man must want to be a man. To want to be a man, he must be proud of the right to be called a man. And what is there to be proud of when social and family attitudes towards a man are in the common expression: "Well, this is a man, what can you take from him? Well, what do you want from men!"
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How they make a mama's boy

Valentina Moskalenko, psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences
It is easy for the son to feel guilty about his mother, perhaps because he did not really satisfy all the claims of the mother, she expected too much from him. Feelings of guilt can be projected onto the wife in the form of aggression, not necessarily a fight, sometimes it is the aggression of feelings, words, relationships. There is something vengeful about the entire female tribe in his position ...
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Raising boys

Men are not eager to become school teachers. But even in a family, not all children have an example of male psychology before their eyes! The number of single mothers is growing ...
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Mom won't let you into the army

Pavlik evoked a strong association with a calf in tow by a tank. A couple of times he made an honest attempt to answer the doctor's questions, then glanced at his mother, appreciated the curvature of her eyebrows, pressed his head into his shoulders and spent the rest of the time peacefully grazing on the sidelines, just didn't mumble ...
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Raising a Warrior

Teenagers are drawn to the ideal of a courageous man, want to be like him, copy him, meeting him in real life, even in gait and habits. But even those few men who are offered by the school, in a significant percentage, are far from such an ideal. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for a male teacher in schools to "cut himself off" from the army - this is especially typical for rural schools.
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Love, girls, simple romantics

Behind all the words about responsibility, prudence, and adult behavior there is only one thing - cowardice. After all, if a person behaves faint-heartedly in one situation, he will do the same in another. You should not think that the quiet man, calmly observing someone else's misfortune, will suddenly reincarnate into a gallant superman when it comes to his loved ones. Nifiga. He will also watch and shake his head mournfully ...
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The image of courage in literature

The closer to our time, the more literature tells about how people are torn apart by numerous passions, but true men also live on the pages of later literature.
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Perfect man

Valentin Lebedev
Someone must defend the Motherland from enemies, and beautiful young ladies from hooligans; fly into space and descend to the bottom of the ocean. Perhaps, for the sake of these great deeds, a man can be forgiven a certain number of "minor sins", that is, broken women's destinies?
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How to be a man and a Christian

Another quality very akin to courage is equanimity. The ability not to lose your temper where it can be very difficult to maintain composure. I was once a witness of a family scene: the wife "ran over" her husband with all the fury inherent in some women. She screamed, made noise, spoke unfair and offensive. And he silently listened to everything and said: "Wife, you are certainly wrong, but I forgive you." And, taking a cigarette, he went to the balcony. What is this, weakness, defeat?
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Over the past years, I have made one important conclusion: life constantly throws problems at us so that we do not remain at the same level of development. Either we solve these problems and become stronger, or we do not solve these problems and fall down. A man is not just a male. A man must be strong in everything, otherwise he is not a man, but just a gray, nondescript person. And if we constantly struggle, remaining men, we will never experience weakness and humiliation.

First of all, we must find our own, that is, correctly assess our strengths and weaknesses and understand what we can offer to the world around us. I am imperfect, all people are imperfect, but this gives tremendous opportunities for growth. And the more harmony we feel with the world around us, the happier we become.

The qualities of a real man

Here are 15 qualities that, in my opinion, a real man should have.

  1. A real man treats women with respect. If you don't respect a woman, then you are not a man.
  2. A real man understands that the joy of life is to help others, and not to take care of only oneself. He always lives for the sake of something, and this goal is not related to his personal gain. At least - for the sake of the family, this is inherent in both men and women evolutionarily. But a man should be able to distinguish when someone really needs help from those cases when his kindness and honesty are simply used.
  3. A real man does not stand in one place, constantly developing and improving.
  4. A real man should be a leader in at least one aspect of his life - in the family, at work, among friends. But at the same time, a real man must respect authority and be able not only to make decisions, but also to follow other leaders. A person who strives to be the main thing in everything will not find a place for himself in this world.
  5. You can always rely on a real man. If it is impossible, then it means that this is not a man, but a boy.
  6. A real man does not change his beliefs. Men are proud, and very often women try to teach men, and in the end it turns into a scandal. If a real man is wrong, then do not try to hammer it into him by force, he must figure it out himself.
  7. A real man these days is relieved of the need to protect his family from enemies and wild animals on a daily basis, but this does not mean that he should not learn to be a protector. The main goal of a man is to ensure the safety of his family in any life situation.
  8. A real man always cares about his health. Otherwise, he, at least, will not be able to fulfill clause 7.
  9. A real man can be upset and disappointed, but he never quits his business. He goes, albeit through force, but towards his goal. "Many of the world's greatest achievements have been made by weary and desperate people who have not given up working on them."
  10. A real man has the right to make mistakes. It is very important to understand this. "If you mock others with your finger, remember that the remaining four point to you."
  11. A real man learns from his mistakes, no matter how much damage they cause.
  12. A real man knows how to laugh at himself.
  13. A real man is always proud of himself and his life. He is not ashamed of how he looks and what he does, even if he is trying to change something in himself.
  14. A real man has fears, but he is never at their mercy.
  15. A real man does what is necessary. No matter how difficult this decision was.

These are, in my opinion, the qualities of a real man. Do you have any more suggestions?

A true man is one who is able to take responsibility. First of all, for myself. In all my life. For your destiny. For those events that take place in his life. After all, as you know, the law of cause and effect works in life. Everything that happens to us is the result of our thoughts, our conversations, our actions. Well, or a kind of "payback" for actions in previous incarnations ...

True man the one who takes responsibility, the one who cares about someone or someone who takes care of. Be it your own family, an elderly mother, a disabled neighbor ...

A true man displays the qualities of Generosity, Truthfulness and Mercy.

True woman strives for such a man, she feels protected with him, she trusts him ... Therefore, she evaluates a man by his leadership abilities. If a man cannot take responsibility for himself, the woman feels insecure, insecure, uncomfortable….

The true qualities of a man

The main qualities of a real man- responsibility, taking care of oneself and one's loved ones, an active life position, the desire to realize oneself in "one's own business", decisiveness, a manifestation of strength, the search for one's destiny, wisdom.

Many women (unfilled, unmanifest) take such properties of a masculine character as anger, aggressiveness, in some situations even hatred of other people for masculine strength. But this is a great delusion.

A true man is harmonious and negative manifestations are not inherent in him, well, or are inherent in a minimal degree. We are all humans!

Protection (guardianship) of a woman

A man protects a woman and this manifests itself on several levels:

1. materially- financial security of a woman;

2. emotionally- the ability to calm down if a woman is overly emotional, the ability to understand her feelings at the moment and the fact that everything said by a woman is "waiting" for male protection.

A simple example. The wife heals a sore throat and complains to the man that it hurts. Wrong answer from my husband: well, I would buy the medicine more effective and the result would be obvious. And the correct answer: everything will pass, darling, be patient - it will soon be easier.

3. spiritually- a man “sets” spiritual values-standards in the family, including family ones.
And another important fact: a woman shows respect for a man if he is active in everything, first of all, in his business, business, and is independent. Strong attachment to family and home, on the contrary, turns her away from a man.

And again, a vivid example of a causal relationship. Dear men, if you want to see a manifested, filled woman with you, become a true man! The more his masculine qualities are manifested in a man, the more the woman begins to show her feminine qualities, the more the woman is filled with feminine energy.

If a man does not want to take responsibility, cannot make decisions himself, does not seek to provide for his family, then he forces a woman to show her masculine qualities. This law works and vice versa - in both directions.

The life of a man in a family, with a woman contributes to his spiritual formation and development. And if at first he learns to cope with the "financial" burden that has fallen on him, then later his development is manifested in his spiritual component - to love unconditionally. LOVE WITHOUT CONDITIONS. Give feelings, emotions regardless of the manifestations of his wife.

The true strength of a man

What strengthens the male spirit and its true qualities?

1. The most important thing is the ability to control your emotions in relation to his woman, his family and others. Only a real man is capable of this. This is the ability to conquer anger, hatred, irritability, discontent, your selfishness, this is the ability to manage your emotional manifestations, the ability to defeat bad habits, protect yourself from life's difficulties and reach financial heights.

2. Set goals and achieve them Is the essence of masculine nature. To achieve a position in society is one of the main goals of a man, but not in order to be proud of him, or he was proud of himself, but to be himself, a true man.

3. Spiritual and personal growth- a man should be interested in how to live correctly, the spiritual laws of the universe, a healthy lifestyle and guide his woman. A man must strive to become true in order for his woman to accept him.

4. "Strengthen the character"- early awakening, hardening procedures (well, it tastes and colors, for example, dousing with cold water), eating bitter and spicy foods to enhance male energy, which contributes to the development of the mind. Sweet food enhances the female character and develops her emotional component.

5. Happiness in society, society it is possible to achieve with a true filled woman. But nevertheless, a man should strive for this. This contributes to his development as a person.

Only by knowing his true qualities a real man will go his way - The path of a true man.

Edited by Marina Belaya.