Colorless varnish xv 784 reviews. Storage and safety

Material type

Varnish ХВ-784 is a one-packing varnish-and-paint material based on polyvinyl chloride resin.

XB-784 is recommended to be used in combination with XB-785 enamel to protect pre-primed surfaces of equipment, metal structures, as well as concrete and reinforced concrete building structures operated indoors, from the effects of corrosive gases (SO2, CO2, Cl2) as part of multilayer system coatings , acids (sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric), solutions of salts and alkalis at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

The varnish is intended for priming concrete structures.

The composition of the complex coating is selected separately for each type of aggressive environment in accordance with the regulatory documentation for the painting of certain types of equipment and structures.


The products have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, valid throughout Russia.


.................................................. .................................................. ......... colorless

Drying time at a temperature of (20 ± 2) о С:

Up to degree 3
.................................................. .................................................. ......... no more than 1 hour

Up to degree 5
.................................................. .................................................. ......... no more than 24 hours

The proportion of non-volatile substances:

By mass
............................................................................................................. 14 - 17 %

By volume
............................................................................................................. 6 - 10 %

Theoretical consumption per layer
.................................................. .................................................. ......... 200 - 255 g / m 2; (4.6 - 3.6 m 2 / l)

Enamels XB-785
............................................................................................................. 2 - 3

Varnish XB-784
............................................................................................................. 1 - 2


Solvents R-4, R-4A are used to dilute the varnish to the required viscosity.

Application rules

It is necessary to pre-prime the metal surface with primers XC-010, XC-059 or XC-068.

Varnish XB-784 is applied to the surface of products by pneumatic or airless spraying, it is also possible to apply varnish with a brush or roller.

Before using complex coating systems, make sure that the enamel and varnish are well mixed and homogeneous throughout the container.

If necessary, before use, enamel and varnish can be diluted to working viscosity with R-4 or R-4A solvents.

The same solvents are used to flush the instrument.

Precautionary measures

The varnish is flammable! Do not work near open sources of fire.

Perform work with good ventilation, wearing rubber gloves, using personal protective equipment.

Avoid getting the varnish into the respiratory and digestive organs. If the material comes into contact with the skin, wash it off with warm water and soap.

Store ХВ-784 indoors in a tightly closed container, excluding direct sunlight and moisture at temperatures from minus 30 o C to plus 30 o C.


The guaranteed shelf life of the varnish is 6 months from the date of manufacture.


GOST 7313-75

Product characteristics

By material type

By type of protected surface

Concrete / Reinforced concrete / Foam concrete, Stone / Brick, Ferrous metals, Plaster / Drywall, Non-ferrous metals, Primed metal

By area of ​​application

Chemical industry, Steel structures / Steel structures, Buildings and structures / Construction industry

By special properties

Anti-corrosion protection of metal, Wear-resistant coating, Glossy / Semi-gloss, Matt / Semi-matt, For interior use

By resistance to impact

Resistance to moisture, Wear resistance, Protection against mold and mildew, Protection against corrosion, Resistance to radiation, Resistance to mineral fertilizers, Resistance to sea water, Resistance to ultraviolet radiation, Resistance to detergents, Chemical resistance, Acid resistance, Alkali resistance, Salinity resistance, Resistance to aggressiveness and vapors, Oil resistance

By type of binder

HV (perchlorovinyl and polyvinyl chloride)

Chemical resistant varnish
GOST 7313-75


Instructions for applying to metal

General Provisions

The technological instruction regulates the technology of applying one-component varnish XB-784 for protection in a complex multi-layer coating of pre-primed surfaces of equipment, metal structures operated indoors, from the effects of corrosive gases (SO 2, CO 2, Cl 2), acids (sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric ) and solutions of salts and alkalis at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

Coating system

  1. Primer (XC-010, or XC-059, or XC-068, or GF-0119, or FL-03K) - 1 layer, coating thickness (dry layer) - 18-20 microns.
  2. Enamel ХВ-785 - 2 layers, single-layer coating thickness (on a dry layer) - 18-23 microns.
  3. Varnish ХВ-784 - 1 layer, coating thickness (dry layer) - 18-20 microns.

The system (primer + enamel + varnish) ensures the chemical resistance of the coating.

Surface preparation

Surface preparation of metal structures and the use of primers and enamels should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technological instructions for the specified materials.

Operating temperature

From minus 60 ° С to +60 ° С

Priming layer

The following material is used as enamel: ХВ-785 GOST 7313-75.

Before applying varnish XB-784, the surface must be dry and clean from dust and dirt.


Overlap interval

Preparing varnish


Dilution of the varnish is carried out by adding the solvent (R-4, R-4A) gradually in small portions (0.5% by weight of the varnish, followed by stirring) until a positive result is obtained during application: full opening of the torch angle and the torch should be uniform.

Negative temperature


Varnish application

Climatic conditions

Ambient temperature:



The temperature of the surface to be painted must be 3 ° C above the dew point.

Pneumatic spraying

Airless spraying

Manual application


Coating thickness

The total thickness of the coating system primer + enamel + varnish (on a dry layer) is 70-90 microns (primer thickness is 18-20 microns).

Varnish consumption

The consumption of varnish XB-784 with a coating thickness (dry layer) of 18-23 microns is 204 g / m2 (excluding technological losses, depending on the method of application, the degree of spray, the equipment used, the qualifications of the workers).

Negative temperature

Interlayer drying

Equipment flushing

Curing modes

Complete drying


It is not allowed to unload structures by dropping, as well as move them by dragging. Transportation and installation of structures and equipment can be carried out no earlier than 24 hours after application.

Coating repair

If the coating area is damaged to metal, clean it with a hand tool until all possible rust is removed, dust, degrease and paint the area layer by layer (with a brush, roller) with the selected coating system.

If the coating is damaged to the primer or enamel, degrease the surface of the area with a lint-free cloth soaked in toluene, xylene, P-4 or P-4A and wrung out. Wipe with a rag without pressing to prevent thinning and removing the coating layer. Then apply the XB-785 enamel or the XB-784 varnish.

Storing varnish

Transport materials in accordance with GOST 9980.5-86. Transportation time at temperatures below minus 20 ° С should not exceed 30 days.

Quality control of work

Acceptance of varnish

  • name of the varnish;
  • manufacturer's name and address;
  • date of manufacture;
  • shelf life;
  • number.

  • degree of surface cleaning;
  • no dust;
  • lack of moisture.

In the process of applying varnish

  • climatic parameters;
  • uniformity of composition;
  • dry layer thickness.

Safety requirements

Toluene, according to the degree of exposure to the human body, belongs to the 3rd hazard class, butyl acetate and acetone, according to the degree of exposure to the human body, belong to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76, the maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area is 50/10/200 / mg / m 3.

When machining the surface, it is necessary to use respirators, gloves and goggles, as well as observe the rules for the safe operation of the mechanisms and tools used.

When working with paints and varnishes, it is necessary to follow the rules of safe work with toxic and flammable materials.

It is prohibited:


Instructions for applying to concrete

The varnish is a solution of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin in a mixture of volatile organic solvents.

General Provisions

The technological instruction regulates the technology of applying one-component varnish XB-784 for protection in a complex multi-layer coating (primer, enamel, varnish) of previously primed surfaces of facades of buildings and structures (concrete, reinforced concrete, brick).

In the process of production of work, it is possible to adjust the instructions in agreement with the developer of the document.

Coating system

The coating system includes:

1. Primer (XC-010, or XC-059, or XC-068, or GF-0119, or FL-03K) - 1 layer, coating thickness (dry layer) - 18-20 microns.
2. Enamel ХВ-785 - 2 layers, single-layer coating thickness (on a dry layer) - 18-23 microns.
3. Varnish ХВ-784 - 1 layer, coating thickness (dry layer) - 18-20 microns.

The total thickness of the coating system (primer + enamel + varnish) on a dry layer is 70-90 microns.
The system (primer + enamel + varnish) ensures the chemical resistance of the coating.

Surface preparation

Surface preparation of concrete structures and the use of primers and enamels must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technological instructions for these materials.

Operating temperature

From minus 60 ° С to +60 ° С.

Priming layer

The application of the varnish XB-784 is carried out only on the coating system, consisting of a primer and enamel.

The following materials are used as primers: XC-010 TU 6-21-51-90, XC-059 GOST 23494-79, XC-068 TU 6-10-820-75, GF-0119 GOST 23343, FL-03K GOST 9109 -81.
The following material is used as enamel: ХВ-785 GOST 7313-75.

Apply primers and enamels in accordance with the technological instructions.
Before applying varnish XB-784, the surface must be dry and clean from dust and dirt.

Forbidden painting on wet surfaces, ice, snow!

Overlap interval

The minimum time to overlap the system (primer + enamel) with XB-784 varnish is 1 hour at positive ambient temperatures.

Preparing varnish

Before use, the varnish is mixed in the manufacturer's container with a pneumatic or electric mixer for at least 5 minutes until the sediment completely disappears and uniformity throughout the volume, after which it is kept for about 10 minutes until the bubbles disappear.

To obtain a high-quality coating, the temperature of the varnish during application should be close to the surface temperature of the product to be painted.


Dilution of the varnish is carried out (if necessary) the addition of the solvent (R-4, R-4A) gradually in small portions (0.5% by weight of the varnish, followed by mixing) until a positive result is obtained during application: full opening of the torch angle and the torch should be uniform ...

Negative temperature

Due to the increase in viscosity at negative temperatures, it is recommended to dilute the P-4, P-4A varnish until a positive result is obtained upon application.

Dilute gradually, in small portions (from the weight of the varnish):

  • at temperatures from 0 ° С to minus 10 ° С - 1-2%;

The total amount of solvent should not exceed 10%.
Forbidden use of other thinners!

During breaks in work, the varnish should be stored in a tightly closed container; before starting work, it must be mixed with a pneumatic or electric mixer and held for at least 10 minutes.

Varnish application

Climatic conditions

Ambient temperature:

  • spraying methods from minus 10 ° С to +35 ° С;
  • brush, roller from minus 10 ° С to +25 ° С.

Relative air humidity not more than 80%.
Forbidden produce coloring during precipitation.
Forbidden paint by spraying methods at a wind speed of more than 10 m / s.
The temperature of the surface to be painted must be 3 ° C above the dew point.

Pneumatic spraying

For pneumatic spraying, observe:

  • distance from the spray gun nozzle to the painted surface - 200-400 mm;
  • air pressure - 1.5-2.5 kgf / cm 2.

Airless spraying

For airless spraying (BVR) it is necessary to observe:

  • distance from the spray gun nozzle to the painted surface - 300-500 mm;
  • working pressure of material 80-150 bar;
  • nozzle diameter of airless spray inch (mm): 0.013 (0.33); 0.015 (0.38);
  • the spray angle is selected depending on the shape of the surface to be painted.

Manual application

When applied by hand, depending on the area of ​​the structure to be painted and the configuration, rollers (lint-free, preferably velor) and brushes made of natural fibers of various sizes and shapes are used.


At the moment of application, an even "wet" film should form on the surface in the diameter of the torch print, without gaps, smudges, shagreens.

Painting work on large areas in order to avoid visible joints must be carried out in one pass and using the varnish of the same batch.

Coating thickness

The varnish is applied in 1 layer. Coating thickness ХВ-784 (dry layer) - 18-23 microns.
The total thickness of the coating system primer + enamel + varnish (on a dry layer) is 70-90 microns (primer thickness is 18-20 microns).

The thickness of the coating is determined on metal control samples, painted simultaneously with the concrete surface to be protected.

Varnish consumption

Consumption of varnish XB-784 at a coating thickness (dry layer) of 18-23 microns is 204 g / m² (excluding technological losses depending on the method of application, the degree of spray, the equipment used, the qualifications of workers).

Negative temperature

In subzero ambient temperatures, additional coats may be required to build the required thickness.

interlayer drying

The minimum holding time of the coating before applying the next layer when spraying is not less than:

When applying the varnish with a roller or brush, the intercoat drying time increases by 2-3 times compared to spraying methods.

Equipment flushing

The equipment should be flushed with toluene, xylene, acetone, R-4, R-5, 646.

Coating curing modes

Coating based on varnish ХВ-784 - natural drying (at ambient temperature).

Complete drying

The holding time of the coating based on the varnish XB-784 to a set of optimal properties at 20 ° C is 24 hours.


It is allowed to tilt structures (with soft slings) no earlier than 24 hours after applying the finishing layer, in order to avoid scuffing the coating.
It is not allowed to unload structures by dropping, as well as move them by dragging. Transportation and installation of structures and equipment can be carried out no earlier than 24 hours after application.

Coating repair

If the coating area is damaged, clean it with a hand tool, remove dust, degrease and paint the area layer by layer (with a brush, roller) with the selected coating system.
If the coating is damaged to the primer or enamel, degrease the surface of the area with a lint-free cloth soaked in toluene, xylene, P-4 or P-4A and wrung out. Wipe with a rag without pressing to prevent thinning and removing the coating layer. Then apply the XB-785 enamel or the XB-784 varnish.

Storing the composition

The guaranteed shelf life of the XB-784 varnish is 6 months from the date of manufacture.
Transport materials in accordance with GOST 9980.5-86. Transportation time at temperatures below minus 20 ° С should not exceed 30 days.

The varnish should be stored in a closed container in a dry room, protected from direct exposure to sunlight and moisture at temperatures ranging from minus 20 ° C to + 35 ° C.

Quality control of work

All materials used in the production of anti-corrosion work must have quality certificates confirming their compliance with the requirements of technical conditions.

Acceptance of varnish

Upon receipt of varnish for work, it is necessary to make sure that the container is intact, it should not be damaged and be clearly marked with the following designations:

  • name of the varnish;
  • manufacturer's name and address;
  • batch number;
  • date of manufacture;
  • shelf life;
  • number.

After cleaning the surface

When accepting the prepared surface, it is necessary to control the following parameters:

  • lack of fat and oil contamination;
  • degree of surface cleaning;
  • no dust;
  • lack of moisture.

In the process of applying the composition

Before starting the application and during the application of the varnish, the following parameters are monitored:

  • climatic parameters;
  • uniformity of composition;
  • the quality of the applied varnish layer;
  • drying time for each layer;
  • dry layer thickness.

During visual inspection with the naked eye, gaps, sagging and smudges, foreign inclusions, areas of coating delamination should not be detected on the controlled coating.

Safety requirements

Labor protection and safety measures are carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.005-75 and according to the technical documents of the manufacturer of the work, taking into account the properties of the material.

The toxicity and fire hazard of varnish is due to the properties of solvents: acetone, butyl acetate, xylene, toluene. included in its composition.

Toluene, according to the degree of exposure to the human body, belongs to the 3rd hazard class, butyl acetate and acetone, according to the degree of exposure to the human body, belong to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76, the MPC in the air of the working area is 50/10/200 / mg / m³ ...

When applying varnish outdoors, ensure that the work area is well ventilated. Coating workers should use rubber gloves, protective pastes such as "biological gloves". Use gas-dust respirators for respiratory protection.

Varnish XB-784 is a fire hazardous material due to the presence of acetone, butyl acetate, toluene, xylene. Flash point of acetone -18.0 ° С, butyl acetate 29 ° С, toluene 4 ° С, xylene 23 ° С; autoignition temperature of acetone 500 ° С, butyl acetate 370 ° С, toluene 536 ° С, xylene 450 ° С.

It is prohibited to use open flames (including matches, lighters, etc.) in the room for storing and performing work with paints and varnishes and solvents, artificial lighting must be explosion-proof, these rooms must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation and fire extinguishing means.

The electrical equipment used must be grounded reliably.
When machining the surface, it is necessary to use respirators, gloves and goggles, as well as observe the rules for the safe operation of the mechanisms and tools used.
When working with paints and varnishes, it is necessary to follow the rules of safe work with toxic and flammable materials.

It is prohibited:

  • in an area with a radius of 25 m from the place of work, smoke, make a fire and carry out welding work;
  • store more than a day's supply of materials at the workplace; at the same time, store materials at the workplace only in a properly sealed container.

In case of fire, the following fire extinguishing means must be used: sand, felt mat, asbestos blanket, foam or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, foam installations, finely sprayed water.


Information on the use of the products of JSC "Morozovsky Chemical Plant" is based on laboratory research and practical experience in the use of this type of product.

The products of JSC "Morozovsky Chemical Plant" are intended exclusively for professional use, which implies the fact that the final consumer has a sufficient set of knowledge about its use, is familiar with the technological instructions for this type of product and follows the rules of technical and fire safety during work.

In case of incorrect use of materials, as well as failure to comply with the requirements of the technological instructions and additional recommendations, JSC "Morozovskiy Chemical Plant" is not responsible for the service life and quality of the coating.

JSC "Morozovskiy chemical plant" reserves the right to change technological instructions unilaterally without prior notice to buyers. The latest revision of the technical instructions posted on the official website for each material separately is valid. If necessary, you can request the latest version of the technical instruction directly from JSC Morozovskiy Chemical Plant.

Short description

Application area

  • Equipment surfaces
  • Metal constructions
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete building structures

Purpose of application

  • Protection in a complex multi-layer coating (with XB-785 enamel) of pre-primed surfaces, operated indoors, from the effects of aggressive gases (SO 2, CO 2, Cl 2), acids (sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric) and solutions of salts and alkalis at a temperature not higher than 60 ° С
  • Priming of concrete structures

Polyvinyl chloride varnish XB-784 is a solution of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin in a mixture of volatile organic solvents with the addition of a plasticizer.
The varnish is a SINGLE PACKAGE.


  • The varnish is applied at a temperature from -10 ° C to + 30 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 80%.
  • Conditional viscosity at a temperature of 20 ° C according to a VZ-246 viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm 20-35 s.
  • Mass fraction of non-volatile substances 14-17%.
  • Drying time at a temperature of 20 ° C: up to degree 3 - no more than 1 hour; up to degree 4 - no more than 24 hours.
  • Flexural elasticity of the film no more than 1 mm.
  • Film adhesion no more than 2.
  • Resistance of the coating to static effects of acid and alkali: after testing, the coating is unchanged.
  • Thinners: solvents R-4, R-4A.
  • Approximate consumption for a single coat 20 μm thick is 80-120 g / m 2.
  • Recommended coating thickness: 20-40 microns.
  • Recommended number of layers: 1-2.
  • Interlayer drying: at t ° 20 ° C - 1 hour.
  • Colour: light yellow.

To protect surfaces of various kinds from atmospheric and other influences, to give them a more attractive appearance, special protective equipment is used. Among them is the varnish XB-784. Its technical characteristics are such that they can be used on various bases (metal, wood, plastic, and so on). It is produced by various enterprises for the production of paints and varnishes. But its basic properties remain unchanged.

Varnish XB-784. Specifications

This product consists of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin. It is produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7313-75.

XB-784 is a solution that has, according to the iodometric scale, no more than seven milligrams of iodine. Its density is approximately 0.95 g / cm 3. The amount of non-volatile compounds contained in it is fifteen percent by weight or ten percent by volume of the entire substance.

Varnish XB-784 for wood can have different shades: walnut, maple, plum, oak, pear, red It gives the surface a noble color and protects against moisture, acid solutions, alkalis, alcohol. In addition, it dries quickly.

Furniture varnish forms a protective film on the surface, which can be washed and wiped with a damp cloth. This eliminates the need to cover the wood with other types of wood stains. XB-784 is used both indoors and outdoors.

It is applied in one or two layers about twenty micrometers thick. For an area of ​​one square meter, about two hundred and fifty grams are needed for one layer. This means that one liter of varnish can cover up to four and a half square meters of surface.

The drying time of each layer to the third degree at twenty degrees does not exceed one hour. The product will dry up to the fifth degree in a day.

For use, a certain viscosity of a product such as XB-784 varnish is required. Its technical characteristics will be preserved if P-4 is used as a solvent.

Application area

Varnish XB-784 is used together with other means in the composition of a multilayer coating of various types of bases. It can be metal, concrete, wood, reinforced concrete. It is used to protect against aggressive substances (gases, alkalis, salts, acids).

Some manufacturers produce this product as furniture varnish. In such cases, it is used at home to treat doors, baseboards, railings and other wooden surfaces. It is also suitable for use in joinery, for processing plywood, wooden structures, and so on. No HV-784 varnishes are used to cover the floors.

Consumer reviews claim that the product adheres well to the surface, protects the wood from various kinds of influences. At the same time, the product itself is not damaged or erased, it can withstand wet cleaning with napkins.

Mode of application

The surface must be prepared before applying XB-784 varnish. Otherwise, the technical characteristics will not correspond to those declared by the manufacturers. To do this, the base must be cleaned of dust, dirt, oil stains and other types of contamination. This can be done with a high pressure stream of water.

The agent is used at an air temperature of ten to thirty degrees and an air humidity not exceeding eighty percent.

The varnish is applied by brush, roller or by spraying.

The product itself should be homogeneous. To do this, mix it thoroughly. In the case of thickening, the required viscosity is obtained by dilution with solvents. It is applied in one or two coats with an interval of at least two hours. To make the surface perfectly smooth, it is permissible to sand the first layer after drying.

Used inventory is cleaned with solvent.

Storage and safety

Varnish XB-784 is flammable. Therefore, it is forbidden to use it near an open source of fire. The product releases harmful substances into the air. Therefore, good ventilation of the room must be ensured during operation.

It is permissible to work with varnish only with the use of personal protective equipment. If the substance comes into contact with the skin, the affected area should be washed with warm water and soap.

The varnish is stored in an airtight container in the temperature range from minus thirty to plus thirty degrees in places excluding the penetration of sunlight. Shelf life in a closed container is six months.

Varnish XB-784 is a paint and varnish material used to protect wood, concrete, reinforced concrete and metal surfaces from the harmful effects of moisture, alcohol, alkaline and salt solutions. It is used in joinery for varnishing wood products, plywood, including those covered with veneer. Suitable for work at home - with XB-784 varnish they open handrails, platbands, doors, skirting boards. The material is not used for floor treatment.


LKM KhV-784 is made on the basis of chlorine-containing polymers, the main part of which is perchlorovinyl resin. It is obtained by chlorination of polyvinyl chloride resin to a chlorine content of 62-65%. Perchlorovinyl varnish forms a film that dries quickly in air, which is characterized by increased hardness, water resistance and wear resistance.

The composition of the varnish XB-784 also includes:

  • plasticizers;
  • dyes;
  • organic solvents.

Among the characteristics of the XB-784 are:

  • consumption per 1 sq. m of the working surface is 210-220 g;
  • layer thickness - 18-20 microns;
  • the number of layers - 2 or 3;
  • the proportion of non-volatile substances is from 15 to 17% by weight.

XB-784 is produced in Russia in accordance with GOST 7313-35. The main purpose is the priming and coating of concrete building structures.

The varnish has a certificate of conformity - this is a certificate of state registration, which was issued by the Office of the Federal Service of Rospotrebnadzor. There is also a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance.

It is produced in 0.5 liter glass bottles, 1 liter galvanized cans, 20 liter euro buckets, 200 liter steel barrels under the name "Bleached oak", "Mahogany" or in other color variations. By agreement with the customer, the packaging can be of any volume.

Application area

LKM is designed to protect concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, asbestos-cement and other mineral surfaces. Black and red-brown varnish is used as part of a complex coating, which is selected individually for each type of aggressive environment in accordance with the normative documentation for painting. XB-784 is used in multilayer compositions that are applied both to a previously primed and unprepared surface.

A distinctive feature of PVC coatings is their high resistance to mechanical stress. In addition, they are excellently resistant to atmospheric phenomena. They can be operated from -30 to +40 ° C. Perchlorovinyl coverings:

  • are resistant to ultraviolet light;
  • without loss of characteristics withstand prolonged exposure to water;
  • have high wear resistance.

Important! Vinyl-coated surfaces can be cleaned with synthetic detergents.

XB-784 is used together with XB-785 enamel. At the same time, the protection of such a coating from acids, alkalis, salts, harmful corrosive gases, such as CO2 and SO2, will be guaranteed. Working temperature +60 ° C.

Acids that can compromise the integrity of the coating:

  • sulfuric;
  • salt;
  • phosphoric.

Another purpose of the varnish XB-784 is toning and wood protection. If you want to get a lighter shade, the product is combined with a simple colorless varnish.

Among the clear advantages of using XB-784 for wood processing, the following can be distinguished:

  • resistance to water, weak solutions of acids, salts, alkalis;
  • ease of use - the varnish dries quickly, so the next layer can be applied after a short time;
  • beauty of the processed products - toning emphasizes the natural color of the wood.

The colors used can be of the widest range, selected at the request of the customer. In addition to the common black and dark brown colors, gray, yellow, ivory and others are used. White is used on request.

Surface and material preparation

The varnish must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass and complete disappearance of the sediment, then wait a little until all the bubbles disappear. The viscosity of the composition is very important:

  • when spraying with a spray gun - from 18 to 25 seconds;
  • when applied with a roller or brush - 25-30 seconds.

On a note. Consumers often ask how to dilute the varnish if it is too thick. It can be diluted with toluene or solvents R-4, R-5 (specified in the instructions for paintwork materials), as well as xylene of the Novbytkhim brand in accordance with GOST 7827. The viscosity of the varnish is determined using a VZ-246 viscometer, which has a nozzle with a diameter of 4 mm.

The surface preparation procedure depends on the material:

  • wood - remove the old paintwork manually or, using solvents, grind with a grinder or sandpaper, pay special attention to efflorescence and oil stains (they must be completely removed), remove dust from the surface and primed with AK-069 or AK-070 compounds;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete - remove dust and oil stains, fill up holes and cracks, primed with the same compounds;
  • metal - the old topcoat is removed, the surface is cleaned and the anti-corrosion treatment is carried out, a primer is applied.

Important! To protect any type of surface, one layer of primer AK-069 or AK-070 is sufficient. Instead of such treatment, you can apply XB-784 directly, and after it dries, apply XB-785 enamel.


The varnish can be applied in different ways:

  1. With a roller - if a two-layer coating is intended, the first layer is applied vertically, avoiding drips. The second, after the first is completely dry - horizontally in stripes. In both cases, the overlap of adjacent layers is minimal.
  2. Swab - convenient for treating small surfaces or products. Dip a swab in varnish and apply light pressure to the product. Try to avoid drips. After the first coat is completely dry, go over the product or surface again, but use less varnish.
  3. A brush is not the best way to apply varnish, or you need to get a very soft natural brush that will not leave streaks and hairs.
  4. With a sprayer - the best method on large surfaces. It is important to choose the correct viscosity, otherwise the nozzle will quickly clog. If there are welding spots or technological seams, then they are painted over with a layer in the form of a "strip" using a brush.

Important! Plastered, sandy or cement-sandy surfaces, due to their high absorbency, are varnished 2 or 3 times.

Security measures

The varnish is flammable, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area, wearing a respirator and gloves. If it comes into contact with the skin, remove the product with a solvent, and then wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Tools are cleaned from varnish residues with xylene or acetone. The rags are disposed of to avoid accidental ignition.

Storage and transportation

XB-784 is stored and transported in a tightly closed jar. The recommended storage temperature is -20 to +25 ° C. In this case, it is necessary to completely exclude direct sunlight on the container with varnish.

ХВ-784 can be considered as a universal paintwork material, which is suitable for the protection of surfaces of any type. Among the advantages is giving wood products and natural wood coatings an exquisite appearance along with high-quality protection against external influences and moisture.

Instructions for applying XB-784 enamels and XB-785 varnish.

1 area of ​​use.

The instruction applies to chemically resistant enamel XB-785 and varnish XB-784.

Enamel and varnish are intended for protection in a complex multi-layer coating of pre-primed surfaces of equipment, metal structures, as well as concrete and reinforced concrete building structures operated indoors, from the effects of aggressive gases (SO2, CO2, Cl2), acids (sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric) and solutions of salts and alkalis at a temperature not higher than plus 60 ° C.

Enamel XB-785 of black and red-brown colors are also intended for protection in a multilayer coating of pre-primed surfaces of equipment, metal structures operated in atmospheric conditions, from the effects of aggressive gases of chemical and other industries at a temperature not higher than + 60 ° C, and varnish - for priming concrete structures.

2 Surface preparation.

2.1 The surface to be painted must first be painted in one layer with primers AK-069, AK-070.

3 Preparation of material for application.

3.1 Enamel XB-785 and varnish XB-784 are thoroughly mixed with a stirrer before use until homogeneity and complete disappearance of sediment throughout the volume, then kept for 10 minutes until the bubbles disappear.

3.3 The viscosity of the enamel is indicated in the quality certificate for it. The viscosity is measured with a VZ-246 viscometer with a nozzle with a diameter of 4 mm at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С.

3.4 If it is necessary to dilute and bring to the working viscosity, use solvents (acetone, toluene, solvents R-4 and R-4A). The degree of dilution of the enamel to the working viscosity can reach up to 30%.

3.5 During breaks in work, enamel and varnish should be stored in a tightly closed container, before starting work, the enamel and varnish should be mixed and kept for at least 10 minutes.

4 Dyeing process.

4.1 The enamel is applied in at least two layers by means of pneumatic spraying, roller, brush.

4.2 Painting is carried out on a dry, degreased surface at an ambient air and substrate temperature of 10 ° C to 40 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 80%.

4.3 In pneumatic application, the distance from the spray gun nozzle to the painted surface should be 200-300 mm, air pressure 1.5-2.5 kgf / cm2, nozzle diameter 1.8-2.5 mm. Application modes are specified in each specific case, depending on the operating conditions and the brand of the application device.

4.4 On welded seams, end edges, hard-to-reach places, before painting, enamel is applied in the form of a "strip layer" with a brush.

4.5 Metal primed surfaces are painted in 2-3 cross layers with intermediate drying between layers “tack-free” 0.5-2.0 hours depending on the ambient temperature.

4.6 Concrete, asbestos-cement, plastered, cement-sand surfaces are painted in three layers.

4.7 In case of cold curing, each layer of enamel is dried at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С and a relative humidity of no more than 80% for 1 hour. The time for complete drying of the enamel coating before its use is 5 days after staining.

4.8 When the coating is hot cured, each layer is dried at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C for 1 hour, the coating is completely dry at a temperature not higher than (60 ± 5) ° C for 2 hours.

4.9 The number of coating layers is determined by the thickness of a single layer coating obtained depending on the method of application, the total thickness of the coating and on the polymerization conditions.

4.10 Thickness of the dried enamel coating XB-785 in a complex multilayer coating (with varnish XB-784) of previously primed surfaces with AK-069 (AK-070) primer, operated indoors from the action of aggressive gases, acids, alkali solutions at a temperature not higher than 60 ° С, should be 40-60 microns with enamel consumption (per layer) 80 - 120 g / m2, excluding technological losses.

4.11 Thickness of the dried coating of varnish XB-784 in a complex multi-layer coating (with enamel XB-785) of previously primed surfaces with primer AK-069 (AK-070), operated indoors from the action of aggressive gases, acids, alkali solutions at a temperature not higher than 60 ° C, should be 20-40 microns at a varnish consumption (per layer) of 100 - 120 g / m2, excluding technological losses.

4.12 Consumption of enamel and varnish depends on the nature of the surface to be painted, on its configuration and porosity, the availability of work skills.

5 Quality control.

5.1 Quality control of XB-784 enamel and XB-785 varnish is carried out according to the indicators of the quality certificate corresponding to the characteristics of the technical conditions.

6 Safety requirements.

6.2 The toxicity and fire hazard of enamel and varnish is due to the presence of solvents in their composition. Solvents in terms of the degree of impact on the human body belong to the 3rd hazard class (MPCrz - 150/50 mg / m3).

6.3 When applying enamel and varnish outdoors, ensure that the working area is well ventilated. Workers involved in applying enamel should use rubber gloves, gas and dust respirators.

6.4 It is forbidden to apply enamel and varnish in closed rooms, pits, wells without personal protective equipment. Use an insulating hose mask for respiratory protection.

6.5 Enamels and varnishes are flammable liquids due to the presence of aromatic solvents in their composition. When working with them, it is necessary to comply with fire safety requirements: have fire extinguishing equipment at the workplace, use tools and devices made of intrinsically safe material, do not use open fire at workplaces, do not smoke.

6.6 In case of fire of enamel or varnish, it is necessary to use the following extinguishing means: sand, felt mat, asbestos blanket, foam or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, foam installations, finely sprayed water.

7 Storage conditions.

7.1 Enamel XB-785 and varnish XB-784 are stored in a tightly closed container, protected from heat and direct sunlight at temperatures from minus 30 ° C to plus 40 ° C.