Body lotion - why you need it, how to choose moisturizing, nourishing or anti-cellulite by brand and price

Before you start comparing the products - lotion and tonic, you need to figure out how the lotion differs from the tonic. They differ in purpose and composition.

Before choosing a care product, you should determine your skin type, determine the problem that needs to be solved.

In this article:

The difference between tonic and lotion

  • If on the face there are signs of acne, pimples, rosacea, which means you need lotion.
  • With the expansion of pores on the skin of the face, but the absence of inflammation and other undesirable manifestations, a tonic is sufficient, it will tighten pores and prevent problems requiring a medicated lotion.

What is Lotion?

Lotions are divided into cosmetic and medicinal. Both types are intended for deep cleaning of pores. Remembering only the names of lotions, one immediately comes to understand that they all have natural ingredients in their composition:

  • Cucumber;
  • Rose petals;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Decoction of oak bark;
  • Willow bark;

Perhaps, of all the listed ingredients, it is difficult to find oak bark in the composition; you can determine its presence by the name of the lotion. Salicylic acid is produced from willow bark. Such cosmetic products are used to treat inflammation, just like chamomile. For the elasticity of the skin, a decoction of oak bark is used, cucumber water tones the skin, makes it soft, lavender relieves tension.

But this is not the main thing, alcohol may be present in lotions. This ingredient is unacceptable because it dries and tightens the skin. on the contrary, it is recommended to remove oily sheen. And what for combination skin - lotion or toner?

For combination skin, alcohol lotions can be used, but only on oily areas. When used on dry skin, it will cause flaking.

Attention! Based on the etymology of the word "lotio", which in French means ablution, washing is easy to highlight the direct purpose of all types of means. The purpose of a cosmetic lotion is to replace water when you wash your face. The use of an alternative to washing is especially relevant for urban residents.

Chlorinated water causes dryness, dermatitis and other allergic reactions. Many skin problems arise from the urban environmental situation, and again lotions containing vitamins, minerals and other nourishing ingredients will help.

What is a tonic?

How is toner different from face lotion? Tonic cannot replace washing, although it is considered a cleanser.

It is used after washing or any other way of cleansing the skin. Just like lotion, it cannot be used without a cotton pad or soft natural tissue flap.

By wiping your face with a cotton pad dipped in toner, it will be possible to remove the remains of detergents that clog the pores, preventing the penetration of nourishing and moisturizing creams into the epidermis.

The difference between lotion and face toner is that toner is low in alcohol.

Attention! The tonic cannot contain more than 5% alcohol. Most tonics don't use alcohol at all.

Tonifier - translated from French means an increase in general tone. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, this cosmetic product should neither tighten the skin, nor hide wrinkles, it should contribute to the effect of specially developed creams, serums, gels.

But nevertheless, the tonic gives some effect to the skin due to the use of various ingredients in its manufacture, which determine the group to which it will belong.

Attention! The hyaluronic acid atom is very large in order to penetrate the cell. This high molecular weight ingredient in a cosmetic product is completely useless.

Low and medium molecular weight hyaluronic acids are used in medicine.

Manufacturers are disingenuous, offering consumers a cream with a tonal effect as a tonic. But it is precisely such cosmetics that give an instant effect of radiance, moisturizing, smoothing.

Only after the next wash, there will be no trace of this visual improvement. The skin will not become healthier in one day. These remedies are not intended to be cleansed, which is contrary to the original purpose of the tonic.

Advice! There is no need to look for an answer to the question: "Which is better - a lotion or a tonic for the face?" It is impossible to compare these means, they do not replace, but complement each other's action.

How to use

Application of the lotion is possible several times a day, because it replaces washing with water. Only he is not able to cope with all pollution.

After deep cleansing the pores with lotion, it is necessary to continue cleansing the skin. Here you need a tonic with a certain set of ingredients that will enhance

If a lotion with alcohol is chosen for washing, it means that it should not be in the tonic, so as not to dry out and not burn the skin. When using a medicated lotion, it can be enhanced with an exfoliating tonic.

It is better to use a tonic from the age group in the morning, and it is preferable to cleanse under a night cream with one that will calm and relax.

Everyone is familiar with the situation when skin tightness is felt after a shower or bath. The fact is that soaps and shower gels wash away the protective layer of fat from the surface of the skin, thus drying it out. Dry skin quickly becomes covered with wrinkles and stretch marks, becomes dull and dull.

However, today, body moisturizers are just as popular as face creams. If you want to make your skin firmer, body lotion is perfect for you.

Body lotion will not only provide comfort, but also save you from stretch marks!

What is body lotion?

It would seem that there is no difference between cream and lotion - but in reality they are two fundamentally different products. Lotion is a liquid emulsion that is quickly absorbed by the skin. Because of its liquid, it is sometimes called milk. Unlike a cream, the lotion is lighter, it contains less oils, so that it does not leave a greasy film on the skin surface.

Types of body lotions

Since body skin is not as specific as facial skin, there are not many types of lotions. They are available for normal, dry and sensitive skin. There are also lotions for allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children. They are distinguished by a mild hypoallergenic composition with a minimum amount of preservatives and flavors.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, there are lotions for the décolleté, abdomen and buttocks. Firming ingredients (cinnamon extract) are selected in lotions for the décolleté area, firming ingredients (seaweed) for the abdomen, and fat-burning ingredients (red pepper extract) for the buttocks. Lotions are also divided according to the seasons: summer lotions contain solar filters, and winter lotions contain twice the amount of nutrients.

Applying body lotion

The lotion is applied once or twice a day after contact with water. The moisturizer is applied to the skin in a circular motion. It is important to apply the lotion to slightly damp skin - this will accelerate the absorption of the product and "seal" the moisture in its upper layers, leaving the skin velvety and moisturized.

Body lotion at home

You can enrich ready-made lotions with a variety of essential and base oils, vitamins and minerals. But if your skin is too capricious and you are not able to choose the right lotion (or want to create an environmentally friendly product without artificial preservatives), you can prepare the lotion yourself. This does not require special skills, it is only important to choose high-quality oils.

Moisturizing lotion

  • Purified water - 20 ml;
  • Glycerin - 1 tsp
  • Sweet almond oil - 0.5 tsp
  • Rose essential oil - 5 drops;
  • Vitamin E oil solution - 5 drops.

Whisk all ingredients thoroughly. Pour the finished mixture into a dark glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Emollient lotion

  • Chamomile decoction - 20 ml;
  • Shea butter - 1 tsp
  • Vitamin E oil solution - 10 drops;
  • Honey - 0.5 tsp

Dissolve the shea butter in a warm broth of chamomile. Add the rest of the ingredients and beat until smooth.

Soothing lotion

  • Aloe Vera gel - 25 ml;
  • Lavender essential oil - 5 drops;
  • Jojoba oil - 0.5 tbsp
  • Coconut oil - 0.5 tsp

Melt the coconut oil in a water bath and mix with the rest of the oils. Gently add the mixture into the aloe vera gel and grind until smooth.

Homemade lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months. Such a remedy is completely natural and safe, therefore it is suitable even for children. However, before using homemade lotion, you should test for allergic reactions, because essential oils can provoke a skin rash.

No one doubts the benefits of daily skin cleansing. For this, manufacturers of cosmetic products have released many expensive and cheap products. The lotion has taken a stable place in the range of cosmetic products for complete care. It is an important stage in daily skin cleansing, as it penetrates deeply through the pores and successfully copes with various skin problems (acne, blackheads, excessive pigmentation, make-up impurities). They are economical, easy to use and effective.

Lotion is a liquid cosmetic product for the care of skin, hair and other parts of the body in the form of an aqueous-alcoholic or aqueous solution, which contains active substances (vitamins, herbal infusions, organic substances).

Classification of cosmetic lotions

There is no single generally accepted classification of lotions, therefore the division of this product is based on the properties and declared characteristics of the manufacturer.

Depending on the purpose, they are hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic, special-purpose. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the skin of the face or head - lotions for normal and dry, oily, combination and problem skin. Lotions are made for hair, hands, feet and the whole body.

By consistency, they can be liquid, emulsion, jelly-like, buttery-like, waxy.

Cosmetic lotion composition

The main component in the composition of the product is water, since the firmness and elasticity of the lower and upper layers of the skin directly depends on the level of moisture. The main task of the cosmetic product is to maintain the moisture level at the optimal level - 80%. The next important component is ethyl alcohol (17-35%). It has the following actions:

  • reduces on the face (the effect of "tightness" of the skin);
  • has a tonic and softening effect;
  • dissolves fatty impurities of the skin, providing degreasing;
  • has an astringent, antibacterial and deodorant effect.

The cosmetic product contains biologically active substances.

Components for the production of lotions



Fragrant substances

Aromatization of a cosmetic product

Surfactants - solubilizers

Reducing the concentration of alcohol to the optimal percentage.

Increasing the solubility of biologically active substances


Softening the skin

oils (such as perfume oil)

Soften the skin, dissolve active substances

Lemon acid

Has a whitening and antiseptic effect

Salicylic acid

Antiseptic and deodorant action

Benzoic acid, camphor, menthol

Antiseptic action

Adipic acid

Improves skin tone

Boric acid

Has a bleaching and disinfecting effect.

Restores slightly acidic skin reaction

Aluminum salts

Softening of the skin

Benzoic and ascorbic acids (weak solutions)

Softening of the skin

Dermatotropic substances

Increase the regenerative capacity of the skin

Tannin, hot alum

Astringent effect

Organic acids, vitamins and trace elements, enzymes, amino acids, flavonoids, essential oils contained in plant extracts

Normalization of the functioning of skin cells, prevention of the process of premature aging

Fruit acids

Provides exfoliation of the stratum corneum and depigmentation of the skin

Ametokaine, benzocaine

Reducing skin irritation

Benzalkonium chloride

Acts as an antiseptic


Product color

Cosmetic lotion may contain extracts of various medicinal calendula, plantain, chamomile.


The table shows the main functionality of the product:

Cosmetic lotions:

Hygienic purpose

  • provide cleansing (from dust, dirt, cosmetics, sebaceous deposits, dead cells of the epidermis);
  • have a refreshing, tonic effect;
  • as an after-shave lotion, it disinfects and reduces skin irritation;
  • reduce unwanted pigmentation, inflammation, acne and blackheads;
  • used for rinsing and preparing baths.


  • help cleanse the skin;
  • have a tonic, astringent and antiseptic effect;
  • promote anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseborrheic action.

Cosmetic lotion for the face must be applied taking into account its type. The alcohol content in them for different skin types is different: the drier the skin, the less alcohol should be. This is due to the fact that even with a small percentage of alcohol in a cosmetic product, the skin is irritated and dried out. Cosmetologists recommend using tonic lotion for people with normal, dry and sensitive skin.

Bath discs are used to cleanse the face and body. They lightly rub the face in a circular motion, without touching the area around the eyes and lips. The figure shows the massage lines along which you need to move. If it is heavily soiled, you can repeat the process with a new disc until you have completely cleansed your face.

Applying body lotions

It is recommended to use after interaction with water from one to several times a day. The cosmetic product is applied in a circular motion to slightly moisturized skin - this will improve the absorption of the product and retain moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis. After these procedures, the skin will become moisturized and retain its elasticity for a long time.

Care for aging skin

Lotion "Hawthorn" - a water-alcohol solution containing hawthorn extract and perfume composition. The composition is dominated by ethyl alcohol (from 70% to 75%). The active substance helps to destroy free radicals.

  • tonic effect;
  • lotion "Hawthorn" has an astringent, wound healing and antiseptic effect;
  • performs anti-aging functions for aging skin;
  • regulates water balance and moisturizes the skin.

Women note that the results are visible after just a few applications - the skin becomes smooth, matte, wrinkles are less noticeable, the complexion is evened out. This is a remedy that not only has a positive effect on the skin, but is also economical.

Dry skin care

Washing with soap in hard water is not suitable for this type of skin. For this, special tonic lotions are intended, which do not contain ethyl alcohol. They may contain glycerin, isopropyl panthenol, propylene glycol.

Lotion-tonic "Pure Line" is intended for daily use and contains nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort and celandine. The active ingredient helps to cope with irritation, cleanses dry skin from make-up and epidermal cells, tones and softens the skin.

After application, women note that Pure Line tonic lotion is suitable for all skin types: the medicinal herbs included in the composition soothe and nourish it. However, you need to be careful when using the product for sensitive skin.

Oily skin care

This type of skin is characterized by excess sebum production, which is why acne, acne and inflammation appear on the face.

Cosmetic alcohol lotions are produced using alcohol (from 35 to 40%). It is not recommended to increase its content, since regular exposure of the skin to a cosmetic product causes dryness and irritation.

Recently, manufacturers of face care products have opted to produce alcohol-free lotions for oily skin, as alcohol is believed to dry out the surface of the skin, causing sebum to develop.

A cosmetic lotion for oily skin should have a simple composition and not contain dyes and fragrances - this is especially emphasized by ladies with such cosmetic problems.

Care for all skin types

Cosmetic lotion "Bread" contains cereal extracts. It has a moisturizing, toning and soothing effect. The lotion refreshes the face and tightens pores. The cosmetic lotion manufacturer used herbal extracts.

Lotion "Honey aroma". It is based on honey extract, propolis and oat extract. It can be used for face and body. Many women note that the skin becomes velvety and hydrated after using it.

Cosmetic lotion has found its place among a huge number of cosmetic products.

Lotions are classified into different groups depending on their function.

Cleansing lotion

A very popular cleansing lotion is a liquid that removes sebum, dust and other impurities from the face. The composition of such products includes both chemical and natural substances. The way to use the lotion is very simple: you need to apply a cosmetic product to a cotton pad and wipe it over your face and neck area. Then you need to wait a few seconds until the moisture is completely dry. There are also lotions that simply prepare the skin for the next step in cleansing.

Makeup remover lotion

A type of cleansing lotion is a special remedy used to remove it. Usually, such lotions are also easy to use: with a cotton pad on which the product is applied, you need to gently make-up off your face. But for some cosmetics, additional ones may be needed.

Toning lotion

The next group is toning lotions. They make the skin of the face elastic, smooth and even. If you do not use a foundation, then you can use a tonic cosmetic product throughout the day. And if you plan to use a tonal foundation, then it is recommended to wipe your face with a tonic immediately before applying makeup. The method of using this product is the same as for other types of lotion: you need to apply a small amount on a cotton pad and lubricate your face with it. Then you can rub in the product lightly with your fingertips.

Soothing lotion

Lotions that soothe the skin of the face are widespread. They help relieve irritation, skin inflammation and pain. Such funds can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Soothing after-sun lotions are especially effective and help the skin. Cosmetics with a soothing effect are applied with the palm of your hand to the body and face using a cotton pad.

Moisturizing lotion

Such cosmetics perfectly soften the skin, replenish the missing amount of moisture and give it. Their consistency can be different: from liquid to creamy. Apply with your fingers or a cotton pad.

Nourishing or revitalizing lotion

The tool can be presented in the form of a watery emulsion or a light cream with a low density. The nutrients found in these lotions regenerate the skin overnight and give it a well-groomed, healthy look.

Sun protection lotion

There are special liquids that protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. They help prevent premature skin aging and damage. They are available as sprays or creamy emulsions. The protection rating of the sunscreen is usually written on the packaging. The whiter the skin, the larger the number should appear next to the SPF letters.

Anti-cellulite lotion

These lotions are formulated to maintain a harmonious lipid balance in the skin. They help to strengthen and smooth the skin, regulate the moisture content of the tissues. Thus, they prevent the formation of "orange peel" on problem areas of the woman's body. The lotion should be applied with the palm of the hand, massaging.

The gold standard of a skincare kit for women of all ages and status is lotion, toner and moisturizer. But few people use the first position.

What can a high-quality store-bought or self-made lotion made from improvised products do? The remedy is real:

  • replaces matting wipes. With a correctly selected product, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized, problems with gloss, untidy appearance disappear;
  • men's face lotion will eliminate irritations and breakouts. The products contain aseptic ingredients. They have anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effect;
  • evens out the tone of the face. With daily use, cellular metabolism, oxygen supply and excretion of metabolic end products are improved;
  • removes desquamation, keratinized epithelial cells. Some options contain seed particles, fiber, organic acids. These substances act on the upper ball of dead cells. If you do not clean it regularly, then the surface looks untidy;
  • will establish the processes of trophism of the subcutaneous tissue. Plant extracts, minerals and valuable oils eliminate nutrient deficiencies. After application, regeneration processes are quickly established. This is important after any course of medication or rest in hot countries when the skin is under stress;
  • relaxes the surface of the skin. Those recipes that contain lavender and citrus essential oils have an effective effect on the nervous system. As a result, spasm is relieved, blood circulation is improved.

Lotion types

Types of facial lotions

Cosmetologists and dermatologists identify several options for a skin care product:

  • alcohol based. The substance has strong antiseptic properties, dries up pustules and rashes. But it upsets the water balance. With regular use without a moisturizer and a special gentle tonic, the dermis quickly begins to experience a moisture deficit, irritation, rashes, redness, and peeling appear. At home, to eliminate discomfort after using ethyl alcohol, a strong decoction of linden or chamomile is used;
  • water recipes. They are ideal for any type of dermis. Without fear, such a liquid with plant extracts, essential oils and other biologically active substances can be used daily;
  • sour. Recipes contain organic fruit (apple, lemon, citrus), lactic and fermented milk, inorganic mineral acids (boric, salicylic). All of these substances have whitening and antiseptic properties. Therefore, they are suitable for eliminating the problems of age spots, acne marks and acne. Acidic liquids help the owners of oily, problematic and combination dermis always look fresh. Decorative cosmetics after using such formulations does not roll, the skin surface does not shine during the day;
  • alkaline. Necessary for the normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Also, endocrine pathologies, antibiotic treatment, dysbiosis and other internal problems often cause an acidic skin reaction. Alkalis of organic or mineral origin normalize pH, narrow pores.

How to choose a face lotion

From a variety of options and recipes, it is realistic to choose the lotion that is right for you. The main thing is to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist, read positive reviews about the composition.

Overview of branded products

The pharmaceutical industry does not stand still. For home use, there are ready-made formulations:

  • moisturizing products. They contain micellar water, minerals, plant extracts, essential oils. Popular: Oriflame, Avon, Bioderma Hydrabio;
  • tonic. Indispensable at the onset of natural age-related degenerative changes. The dermis begins to age after 25 years. From this point on, the production of elastin and collagen decreases. Toning agents help the skin to invigorate. They often include coffee, milk protein extract, nuts, whey. Positive reviews have: Natura Siberica, Magicduet with milk and coffee, "Granny Agafia's recipes", Nature;
  • with toning effect. These are BB and CC lotions. In addition to the complex for skin care, they have mineral pigments that even out the shade. Such options exist for each type of dermis and age of the woman. Beauty bloggers recommend: A-NOX Face Lotion, St. Moriz Instant Face Tan, White Label;

    A-NOX Face Lotion face cosmetics

  • protecting from ultraviolet radiation. Products are necessary in the recovery period after chemical peeling, laser procedures or at the time of fighting age spots, traces of old acne. This category includes: Lumene MATT TOUCH, LOREAL Nutribronze, Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess;
  • cleansing. The most common category. Removes decorative cosmetics, dust, sweat, dirt from the surface. Products are also selected for the type of dermis, age and skin condition. Consultants or pharmacists will help you make the right choice. Popular among women are: Avene Cleanance lotion purifiante (anti-acne), Naris Upcosmetics Аcmedica, NIVEA Stay Clear.
  • Safe use of lotion

    It turns out that it is not enough to prepare a product for a cosmetic session at home. After all, many women then ask the question: how to use it? This will help the simple rules of dermatologists and cosmetologists:

    • Before applying a recipe with an acidic pH, it is necessary to cleanse the skin. Without such preparation, he will not show a positive result. To cleanse dust, sweat and sebum, use products from the line for your type of dermis. You can prepare your own substance. If you are going to wipe your face with a liquid with a neutral or alkaline pH, then you can skip this step;

      Micellar Cleansing Lotion

    • Liberally moisten the surface of the cotton pad with liquid. Rub your face along the massage lines until all dirt is removed. Use an extra cotton pad if necessary;
    • do not press, do not stretch, apply only along the massage lines. Otherwise, it is easy to damage the dermis, reduce elasticity. Correct movements are always from the center to the periphery;
    • after using the lotion, apply a toner. It is needed to remove the remnants of the previous product, equalize the pH, narrow pores, prepare the surface for the action of a moisturizer;
    • after all procedures, apply a cream according to your type. It is necessary to restore water balance in the subcutaneous tissue. Many women, especially those with oily and combination dermis, ignore this exercise. But in vain. Even they need hydration and nutrition. Therefore, choose the right cream for yourself, which has a light texture, is quickly absorbed and does not leave sticky marks on the surface.
    • Quick options

      For washing, you can prepare:

      • liquid based on propolis. The beekeeping product has anti-aging, regenerating properties. Propolis is indispensable for the aging, tired dermis, which has lost its tone and elasticity. For the recipe, it is necessary to warm the product in a water bath to room temperature and a liquid state. To enhance the therapeutic effect, additionally add 1 teaspoon of fresh liquid honey, the same amount of parsley juice. The mixture is diluted in a glass of water;

        Face lotion Novaya Zarya Cucumber

      • face lotions for oily and combination types are often prepared on the basis of alcohol or brandy. The substance has antiseptic properties. But it should be remembered that ethyl alcohol dehydrates the skin very much. Therefore, after using a homemade product, a moisturizer is imperatively applied. Traditional medicine experts recommend choosing recipes based on cognac for a swarthy shade, and white wine is suitable for white-skinned people for cosmetological purposes. 2 tablespoons of alcohol-containing liquid, strong infusion of green tea, natural grape juice. Mix all. How to use? Just wipe the surface with a cotton pad dipped in tincture;
      • cucumber lotion with setafil. The applied composition restores the water balance, fills the subcutaneous tissue with minerals. Finely chop 1 fruit into a gruel with a blender. Add some Setafil face medicine. Use 2 times a day;
      • strong decoction of oak, willow bark. 1 tablespoon of plant materials is poured with 1 liter of water. Cook in a water bath for 1 hour until boiling;
      • a decoction of chamomile or calendula has been successfully used for home use.
      • You can create your own options for cosmetic manipulations. It all depends on your imagination and personal preference.

        Available options from improvised means

        Chamomile tea can act as a facial lotion

        There are many options for preparing a care product. You can try to cook:

        • bay leaf face lotion. The spice has a large amount of essential oils, trace elements and vitamins. All components are selected in such a proportion that they have antiseptic properties. Therefore, the recipe is suitable for normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands for the oily and combined type. Take 2 leaves of laurel tree for a glass of boiling water. Insist the night in a thermos. Filter the broth in the morning. Wipe the surface twice a day. In case of violation of the integrity of the skin and acne in the active phase, the liquid from the bay leaf can tingle, but the irritation will quickly pass;
        • aloe vera remedy. For a homemade recipe, you must use the leaves of the plant at least 3 years old. After this age, the optimal amount of biologically active substances is concentrated in the tissues of aloe. Place the plant in a dark room for 5 days before cooking. Stress will activate biological processes, accumulate minerals and anti-inflammatory substances. A couple of the lower leaves are crushed, filled with a glass of boiling water. Insist at night, and filter in the morning. Due to its balanced composition, the liquid is suitable for the care of oily, combination young and mature skin. The recipe does not include preservatives, so keep the product in the refrigerator for only 3 days;
        • The best decoction for mature dermis is an infusion, a decoction of rose petals. For care, wild rose hips or house plants that are not sprayed, not treated are suitable. A flower from a bouquet does not fit. It is processed with a variety of chemicals. 1 tablespoon of crushed petals are poured with water. To clean the surface, a little of the product is applied to a cotton pad. Use rose petal lotion 2 times a day.

        Broth of rose petals