Makarenko: Very short introduction. Educational ideas and biography Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Love is the basis of any educational process, and it is impossible to grow a happy person without it. This idea of \u200b\u200bthe Soviet teacher-innovator and writer Anton Semenovich Makarenko looks obvious, but does not seem understandable. We will try to explain that Anton Semenovich was meant for love, and color the material with several facts.

For 50 years, Anton Semenovich managed a lot. No wonder UNESCO in 1988 included him on the list of teachers who had determined the development of their science in the 20th century, along with Italian Maria Montesorrrie, American John Dewey and German Georg Kershentainer.

4 biographical facts:

  • Posted by the first story in 1914 and sent him to Maxim Gorky, but he recognized him unsuccessful. However, the correspondence between them resumed in 1925 and lasted another 10 years.
  • The first place of learning Anton Semenovich was the railway school;
  • Defended the diploma of the "Crisis of Modern Pedagogy" in the Poltava teacher's institute;
  • In addition to work on pedagogy, wrote plays and filmcenery.


Why do the works of Anton Semenovich turn again and again, after decades? What did he manage to do?

The same as any talented person: rethink what was done before it and develop our own principles. The Pedagogical system of Makarenko is based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba team, in which teachers and students successfully coexist. The competent leader managed to manage them so that everyone worked with a feeling of a unifying goal, common tasks and principles.

Individualism, considered Makarenko, only interferes with the educational process. Nevertheless, our goal is to educate a person of active and independent. For Makarenko, it was important that the child would have their favorite items, hobbies and "fence" the level of development of those disciplines to which he has no abilities or aspiration.

You can be dry with them to the last degree, demanding to pickyness, you can not notice them ... But if you shit work, knowledge, good luck, then calmly do not look back: they are on your side.

A. S. Makarenko

Anton Semenovich saw in every child a positive, great opportunity and creative principle, which, with proper education, will always take the top. A variety of classes, active labor education and the formation of not forced, and conscious discipline were based on its technique. And he, in contrast to many, managed not only to develop his own theory, but also test it in practice.


Number of homeless in the 20s. The XX century was huge, and there were no working methods with them. Pedagogical communes have become a solution.

The first one was created in 1921 not far from Poltava on the basis of the labor colony and received its name in honor of Maxim Gorky, which actively participated in the fight against child care. Children separated by 7-15 people were self-government, elected positions and even well-established production, which allowed the commune not only to ensure itself, but also to give money to the state budget.

Any activity of children turned out to be useful and meaningful. He developed the "method of promising lines", which assumed that a chain of consistent specific goals was put in front of a person.

Through the educational institutions of Makarenko in Ukraine, many "unfavorable" children and juvenile criminals were held.

The Makarenko system stood the spirit of collectivism, strict discipline and permanent exercise. Before the teacher there was a goal to raise, and not to form. In one of the lectures, he said: "Personally, in practice, I had an educational purpose to have as the main thing: since I was ordained the re-education of the so-called offenders for 16 years, it was primarily put in front of me - to bring up to remake the character."

5 Makarenko's statements:

  • Teach a person to be happy can not, but to raise him so that he is happy, you can.
  • Rises everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all, the longest people. Of these in the first place - parents and teachers.
  • The connection of huge trust with a huge requirement is the style of our upbringing.
  • If there are few abilities, then demanding excellent study is not only useless, but also criminal. It is impossible to force well to learn. This can lead to tragic consequences.
  • Without sincere, open, convinced, hot and decisive demand you can not start upbringing the team.

The first commune existed for five years, and then Makarenko decided to transfer it to Kharkov. One of the reasons was the fact that many guys wanted to master work specialties, and there was no such possibility. In the new place there were already equipped workshops and power plants. The second reason: the growing rejection of other teachers of the Makarenko system and the inability to further head the commune.

It seemed that it was no longer possible to maintain order and built relations in the new commune: at the time of resettlement in the colony there were already 300 pupils. But Makarenko technique worked. The so-called "explosion method", when pupils are included in the work immediately, without training, perfectly affected.

On the meringue of this commune, named after Felix Dzerzhinsky, the FED plant was created (as deciphered as Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky). At the fact that the simplest drilling machines were made and then glorified cameras.

This Community Pedagogue was led to 1935. Then he was transferred to Kiev, and then to Moscow, where he lived until his death.


It is impossible to say that Makarenko was a supporter of humanistic pedagogy in its unawares. He did not think that the teacher should be soft. He did not think that it was necessary to avoid punishments. In his books we find the term "demanding love": the higher respect for the child, the higher the requirements for it. At the same time, punishment should not cause moral and physical suffering, but the child should feel guilty before his peers, in front of the team, which in his life occupies a central place.

If you do not demand a lot from a person, you will not get much from it.

A. S. Makarenko

  • In 1955, the film "Pedagogical Poem" on the main book Makarenko;
  • In 1959, Mikhail Kozakov and Anatoly Mariengof wrote a play "Do not sift" about Makarenko and his commune;
  • In Kharkov, there is a monument to Anton Semenovich.

Feature film "Pedagogical Poem" (Kiev film studio of art films, 1955)

Makarenko was interested not only by the theory of upbringing and organizing this process, but also the personality of the teacher. He argued that the teacher should be a well-developed person, being a key figure in the educational process. According to Anton Semenovich, the work of the teacher demands from the teacher "not only the greatest voltage, but also of large forces, great abilities."

Makarenko always indicated that the primary "team" is a family. And parents affect the child not through words, but through actions, their own attitude to life and to the matter.

Interestingly, the system of upbringing Makarenko, at first glance, impregnated with Soviet values, criticized in the USSR quite strongly. The most famous works of Makarenko on practical work in the colonies "Pedagogical Poem" and "Flags on the towers" were recognized as "fantastic", not corresponding to reality, they went out with large censorship restrictions.

For many of his followers, the new system had dramatic consequences. Some of them, for example, the pupil and the staff of Makarenko Semen Kalabalin fell under the arrest on the false den in 1938, when a big terror began.

Between the lines:

Educational experience of Makarenko and Kalabalin, and the fate of pupils was engaged in Frida Wigdorov, who was able to document the legendary lawsuit over Joseph Brodsky.

Unlike many colleagues, Makarenko hardly divided the process of upbringing and learning, believing that methods should be selected different for them. "Wonderful" education and reading, he believed, does not work so well as collective work and an indicative example. In addition, the teacher prefers preference to multi-age groups of children, and not classes.

In addition, according to Makarenko, it was obligatory to observe discipline, but to strive for ideal studies - no.

In addition, the Pedagogical Risk method was not taken to use the USSR, when the teacher goes to the experiment, and does not prefer the position of the Chekhov teacher, "I didn't happen."

There were many questions to the system that was built on child labor. For some, he was too tough, others did not believe in force, preferring strict control. After all, self-government is an element of democracy, which in the Soviet society was perceived as a disorder of subordination.

In no case, the regime should not be fastened by the drilling carriage. Sherlengi, team, military subordination, marching on the building - all this least useful forms in the labor children's and youth team, and they do not so much strengthen the team as tiring the guys physically and mentally.

A. S. Makarenko

Yes, and the project itself was more in essence by the period of the NEP and did not answer the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "universal equalization". Many researchers note that such an experiment, as the commune, was impossible without the support of some party functionaries, including the head of the NKVD of Ukraine of the Time of Vsevlod Balitsky.

In today's world, to imagine a commune with strict discipline, where children are engaged in "adults" labor, it is impossible. It simply does not meet the request of modern society. But, perhaps, this could solve the issue of socializing "complex" children, if at least partially apply its methods. A social experiment, which was managed to conduct a teacher, gave a huge amount of material for further research: No wonder there is such a branch of pedagogical science as "Makarenkovsky", according to the dissertations.

Useful links and publications

  • Makarenko's profile on the UNESCO website, compiled by George Nikolaevich Filonov (in English)
  • Gotz Hillig "Makarenko and Power"
  • Gotz Hillig "A. S. Makarenko and Bolshevsk Commune ยป
  • Gotz Hillig, Marianne Kruger-Pottz

Anton was born on March 1, 1888 in the city of Belopol, Kharkiv province. His father, Semyon Grigorievich, was a highly qualified malar, worked at the railway depot. Anton studied at the railway school and when the family moved to the hooks, he continued his studies in the same school. He studied diligently and successfully. Obviously, therefore, when she graduated from studying, Semen Grigorievich told her son: "Let the teacher!" It became the word of the father of the whole life of Anton Makarenko. After the end of the pedagogical courses began working in his native school at 17.

Huge influence on the young man was the creativity of A.M. Gorky. Under his influence he spoke his first literary experiments. "Moreover, Gorky, according to Makarenko himself, became the organizer of his world care of real humanism. "My life went under the sign of Gorky," Anton Semenovich will write on the sorrowful days of farewell with the great writer. "

Working by the teacher, Anton Semenovich Makarenko examines the pedagogical and philosophical literature. His attention is attracted to the piles of A. I. Pirogov, V. G. Belinsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, but it is especially deeply studied by the work of K. D. Ushinsky. After 9 years of pedagogical activities, Makarenko enters the Poltava teacher's institute, which ends like a school, only with excellent assessments in all subjects. For the exhaust work "Crisis of modern pedagogy" A. S. Makarenko received a gold medal.

Those who claimed those who claimed that Anton Semenovich was poorly understood in pedagogical theory. After graduating from the Institute, he returns to the Kryukovsky Primary Railway School, where he works first by the teacher, and then the director until September 1920, when he accepts the proposal of the Poltava Department of People's Education to become the head of the orphanage for juvenile offenders under Poltava - subsequently children's labor colony named A. M. Gorky.

In the 30s of the XX century. Some teachers and figures of public education said: "Makarenko is a good practitioner, but in theory ...".

One of the best articles written for the anniversary collection about the fifth anniversary of the F. E. Dzerzhinsky commune, Anton Semenovich called "teachers shrug." These people did not understand that the moment had long had come when, without the theory, it was impossible to become a good practice, and the main thing was not understood by the creatures of the pedagogical innovation A. S. Makarenko. Biography Makarenko Promoting Punishment

The history of pedagogy teaches that all the great pedagogical teachings grow from understanding a new experience, first of all their own, the very practice. So the pedagogical views of I. G. Pestalotski, who K. D. Ushinsky called the father of modern pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich, who laid the foundation of pedagogy as science, and the genius L. N. Tolstoy, and sincerely devoted to children S.T. Shacksky, and the great teacher-humanist XX century Anton Semenovich Makarenko.

Pedagogical experience is an inexhaustible inheritant source and at the same time a way of increting scientific knowledge, the criterion of its truth. For Anton Semenovich Makarenko, such a source was his work in a colony named after A.M. Gorky and Commune named F.E. Dzerzhinsky. To this work, which lasted about 16 years, he began in 1920, being an experienced and mature teacher. He was then 32 years old.

It was not by chance that Makarenko defended such a name to the educational institution leading to them. The fact is that in the official documents of the Poltava provincial department of the national education, it was called "Colony of moral and defective children." The teacher spent a lot of effort, proving that juvenile criminals, from among whom, especially at first, a team of pupils were formed, not defective, and ordinary children, only unfortunate, with a broken fate, and the main goal he saw her in making them Happy.

In the practical implementation of this goal, he was helped by the life example of Alexey Maximovich, who passed the path from the street bosia to the Great Russian writer. Talk about the life of the Gorky colony, about painful search for Makarenko himself - an ungrateful occupation. It is easier to re-read the "pedagogical poem." But the main thing is worth saying a few words.

First of all, it was during these years a pedagogical creed of a teacher formed. Makarenko then recalled that he had never felt so helpless as at the beginning of work in the colony. But there was no time to worry and think: the first pupils appeared. All of them sprinkled the bitter bowl of nonsense. Many came embittered, hungry and torn off. Part had a significant experience of criminal offenses. We all had to wash, wear, shove and feed, it was necessary to establish a normal life, study, work, reasonable leisure.

And then, first, intuitively, then more and more intelligently Anton Semenovich comes to understand that the establishment of the normal life of children is the very essence of educational work. He is increasingly aware of the main law of pedagogy: life raises. And not an abstract life at all, but the real life of every particular child is his upbringing.

A.S. Makarenko advanced further: he not only went along the path of the pedagogically expedient organization of the life of children, but also opened the basic form of such an organization - an educational team. Much later, in 1932, in one of its artistic works, he will formulate this conclusion so: "... our way is the only one - the exercise in behavior, and our team is a gym for such gymnastics."

And then, in the 20s of the last century, Anton Semenovich with his comrades, teachers and the best pupils did not bother hands, selflessly and stubbornly worked on creating such a team. The guys worked in the field, began to learn, the elders reached out on Rabafak, created a magnificent theater, where residents of the surrounding villages went on Saturdays. But the main thing in this friendly work, collective affairs and hobbies grew a new person, the friendly team of Gorkkovtsev, which was a mighty educational force, was increasingly solved.

Anton Semenovich accepts a proposal to transfer the Gorky Colony to Kharkov in the smoking. It was a very risky step. The Kuraza Colonia, in which there were 280 pupils, by the time there was in a terrible state. To say that she was collapsed, meant to say a lie. It was a street and criminality under the roof of the colony. In addition to a small group of girls, the guys stole and dried out, the scores were reduced in the stabbing, they were offended and exploited by kids. Educators at night climbed into their camorks, locating on all sorts of constipation. In short, this, with the permission to say, the Kurazhsky "Community" was an antipode of the well-coordinated and organized team of Gorkovtsev, who, by the way, was only 120 people.

The "Chicken Operation" entered the history of pedagogy as a striking example of the complete superiority of the Makarenkov educational concept. Literally a few days began, speaking by Anton Semenovich, "Transformation". And soon there are no memories from the "Chicken Malina". Just the colony of the name of Gorky healed in a new place. Now it was 400 pupils. It is impossible without tears and spiritual excitement to read the Pedagogical Poem Pages dedicated to the Kuryazh Epopea Gorkovtsev! A new rise in the life of the Makarenkov team began.

Now it is just surprising to learn that Makarenko had a lot of opponents among the figures of Socalus (Social Education) of Ukraine, "but they were, put sticks in the wheels and waited for an hour to strike him.

In early 1928, the Magazine "People's Teacher" published an article by N.F. Ostrovatsky about the colony of Gorky. Nadezhda Felixin In 1926, three months worked in a colony by a club worker and an educator. She enthusiastically wrote about the work of Anton Semenovich, but something hyperbolized and distorted. Gorky article liked. He wrote Anton Semenovich: "... Your letter received with Article Ostriatsk; Reading the article, almost spun from excitement, from joy. What a wonderful man you are, what good, human power. "

Makarenko, reading the article, wrote to the author: "... From your article, I, perhaps, will not last here." And it turned out to be right. Soon on the VIII Congress, Komsomol was N. K. Krupskaya. She reacted sharply on the article. Anton Semenovich was forced to leave the colony. But it was not the worst. The years of massive political repression are approaching, and it can be submitted than such an assessment from the mouth of one of the leaders of the country's pedagogy threatened.

Saved Makarenko's fact that he was invited by the Chekists of Ukraine to lead the Compem name of F.E. Dzerzhinsky - a teaching and educational institution built on the money of the NKVD staff in memory of Felix Edmundovic. And here A.S. Makarenko takes a truly brilliant solution. Having a successful mining operation, which can be compared with vaccination, it organizes the translation of the fifty pupils of the Gorky colony, which became the mature and experienced core of the new team, which brought all the best traditions of Gorky, organizing grip and the vision of the prospects. So the commune named after Dzerzhinsky immediately began to their feet and continued the forward movement of the Makarenkov team of pupils. And it was another wonderful discovery of Makarenko.

Life, life, achievements of the F. E. Dzerzhinsky communes are described in detail by Anton Semenovich in the MARCH 30, FD-1 and Flags on Towers. The last book has gained wider fame. Almost 8 years old worked Makarenko in the commune named after Dzerzhinsky, and now we can safely say: the team led by him was the best and higher achievement of practical pedagogy in the XX century. Already then, in the mid-30s, in fact, all communary received a complete secondary education. Working at a first-class machine-building plant, which issued the power tools first, and then the best Soviet camera "FED" - Way, they provided the transfer of the commune to the commune and, moreover, purchased three or four professions at the level of high discharges. In the commune, a substantive club work was deployed, the soul of which was another talented teacher - Viktor Nikolayevich TERSKY, Pupil and Comanor Makarenko.

During these years, Anton Semenovich simultaneously creates one of the masterpieces of domestic literature - "pedagogical poem." He thought it in the mid-20s, but, obviously, an important impetus for the work was already mentioned essay N.F. Ostrovatsky.

In 1935, Makarenko is translated into Kiev to the post of Deputy Head of the Department of Labor Colonies of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR, and in two years he moved to Moscow, where entirely; Suggested literary activities. Here, with the participation of his wife, he creates a "book for parents", an amazing symbiosis of art essays, journalistic essays and pedagogical pondays. Anton Semenovich writes a number of articles, often stands up with lectures: together they amounted to the main fund of its scientific and pedagogical works.

A lot of facts indicates a dual attitude towards Makarenko in those years. About one of them shows the prominent Soviet teacher Ele Isaevich Monozon. He then worked in the main management of the schools of the People's Commissariat of the Education of the RSFSR and invited A. S. Makarenko to read several lectures to employees. Anton Semenovich in January 1938 delivered a cycle of lectures, now known as the "Problems of School Soviet Education", so that we have the opportunity to study the most complete and systematic presentation of the views of the Great Teacher.

He worked in those years, as, however, and all his life, a lot, without sorry forces. Excessive loads, undeserved trauma did their job. On April 1, 1939, Makarenko died suddenly in a commuter train car at the station Golitsino of the Belarusian Railway. He lived only 51 years old.

1. Your own behavior is the most important thing in the upbringing.
Do not think that you raise the child only when they talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise it at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How do you dress, how do you talk to other people and about other people, as you enjoy or be sad, as you contact your friends or enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this has great importance to the child. The slightest changes in the tone of the child sees or feels, all turns of your thought reach it the invisible paths, you do not notice them.

If at home you are rude, or boastful, or get drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about the upbringing: you already raise your children and raise badly, and no best tips and methods will help you.

2. Education of children requires the most serious tone, the simplest and sincere.
In these three qualities, the limit truth of your life must be concluded. And the seriousness does not mean that you must always be pompous, pompous. Be just sincere, let your mood correspond to the moment and the essence of what is happening in your family.

3. Every father and mother should be good to imagine what they want to raise in their child.
We must give yourself a clear report regarding your own parent desires. Think good over this question, and you will immediately see and many mistakes you have made, and many right paths ahead.

4. You must know well what is doing where your child is surrounded.
But you must provide him with the necessary freedom so that it is not only under your personal influence, but under many diverse influences of life. You must develop a child in a child to deal with alien and harmful people and circumstances, fight them, recognize them in a timely manner. In greenhouse education, it is impossible to work out this in an isolated survival.

5. Educational work is primarily the work of the organizer.
There is no trifles in this matter. There are no trifles in educational work. A good organization is that it does not produce the smallest details and cases. The little things operate regularly, daily, hourly, of them and there is life.
For education you need not a great time, but a reasonable use of a small time.

6. Do not impose your help, but always be prepared to help.
Parent assistance should not be intrusive, annoying, tedious. In some cases, it is absolutely necessary to grant the child to get out of the difficulty, it is necessary that he get used to overcome obstacles and resolve more complex questions.
But you need to always see how a child makes any operation, one cannot allow him to be confused and came to despair. Sometimes it is even necessary that the child see your alertness, attention and confidence in its forces.

7. Do not pay and do not punish the results of labor.
I strongly do not recommend applying any promotion or punishment in the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Labor task and its decision must themselves deliver such satisfaction to the child so that he felt joy. The recognition of his work of good work should be the best reward for his work. The same award will be your approval of his ingenuity, its resourcefulness, its ways to work.
But even with such verbal approval, it is never necessary to abuse, especially the child should not praise for the work done in the presence of your acquaintances and friends. Moreover, it is not necessary to punish it for bad work or for the work not made. The most important thing in this case is to achieve it to be fulfilled.

8. Teach a child to love is impossible without upbringing human dignity.
Teach to love, teach to recognize love, teach to be happy - it means to teach respect to yourself, to teach human dignity.

9. Never make yourself sacrificing to the child.
Usually they say: "We, Mother and Father, we all give the child, sacrifice him all, including our own happiness." This is the most terrible gift, which parents can make a child.

10. To teach a person to be happy can not, but to raise him so that he is happy, you can.

A few words about the forgotten now in Russia labor education.

Makarenko A.S. - Outstanding Soviet teacher of the twentieth century

Legend and Friend

Few, who in our country now knows that once in the USSR produced beautiful film cameras "FED", abbreviation from Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, and that these cameras have mastered and began to produce in the labor colony for young criminals, which was led by Chekist Anton Semenovich Makarenko, and the production of which only then handed over to one of Kharkov city specifically built for the modern plants. And the first buses of this camera were called:

"FED-NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR.

Labor communes them. Dzerzhinsky. City of Kharkov "

Therefore, I want to tell about this man whose name was once not just popular, and beyond popular in the USSR, and now it is completely unknown to anyone in the country. It is not known because it was crossed out of the history of the USSR "our" historians with liberals in the nineties of the last century, when all the Soviet people were abundantly dirty.

This is the name:

Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1 () Martha, Belopol, now Sumy region, Ukraine - April 1, Golitsyno, Moscow region) - Soviet teacher and writer, "Chekist".

Anton Makarenko is a teacher who entered the four specialists who determined the method of pedagogical thinking in the XX century. True, the merits of men admitted after the death of a talented teacher. However, for Makarenko himself, it did not play a big role.

His own calling, Anton Semenovich devoted most of the life of the re-education of difficult teenagers. Former disciples that have experienced innovative methods of Makarenko, have achieved notable success and wrote a lot of books devoted to the teacher's activities.

Childhood and youth

On April 1, 1888, in the family of an employee of the railway station, located in the city of Belopol, Sumy County, was born firstborn. Happy parents called Anton's child. Soon after the Son, Makarenko's spouses appeared another boy and a girl. Alas, the youngest daughter died back in infancy.

Senior Anton also rose painful. A sly boy did not participate in common yard fun, preferring time to spend time with books, which in the house Makarenko was enough. Despite the position of Handeller and Malar, the father of the future teacher loved to read and instill this feature to children.

The closedness and myopia, which makes the Anton wearing glasses, made the boy unpopular among the peers. Over the boy often and cruelly mocked. In 1895, parents gave a child to a two-class primary school, the study in which Anton was easy. The image of the beast did not add a child in the eyes of the opposite of the authority.

Young Anton Makarenko in the army

When the boy turned 13, the family moved to the city of Kryukov, so that the children of Makarenko could continue their education. Anton entered the Kremenchug 4-class urban school, which graduated with honors and commendable certificates.

In 1904, Anton for the first time thinks about the future profession and comes with a listener on pedagogical courses, after the end of which receives the right to teach in elementary school.


The first students of Makarenko became the children of the city of Kryukov. But almost immediately Anton realizes that knowledge for work is not enough. In 1914, the young man enters the Poltava teacher's institution. In parallel with the acquisition of new knowledge, Anton devotes a lot of time writing activities. The first story is "Stupid Day" - Makarenko sends.

In response, the writer sends the letter to Anton, where the work ruthlessly criticizes. After the failure of Makarenko, 13 years will not attempt to write a book. But the relationship with bitter teacher will support throughout life.

The man began to develop his own re-education system in the labor colony for minor offenders in the village of Kovalevka, located next to Poltava. Makarenko introduced a technique at which difficult teenagers were divided into groups and independently equipped life. A peculiar commune attracted the attention of the authorities, but the news of the beating of children (Makarenko once hit the pupil) deprived the teacher of his position.

Find a new job as a teacher helped bitter. The writer highlighted the transition of Makarenko to the colony, located next to Kharkov, and advised again to try to create a literary work.

In the new institution, Anton Semenovich quickly established already proven order. Under the leadership of a man, hard teenagers began to make FED cameras. In parallel with the news about the innovative methods of Makarenko, three works of the teacher are published: "March 30," "FD - 1" and "Pedagogical Poem".

And again representatives of the authorities, carefully follow the teacher, stopped teaching experiments. Makarenko was transferred to Kiev to the post of assistant chief of the department of labor colonies.

Realizing that it will not allow to return to your favorite case, Makarenko devotes himself to writing books. The sensational "pedagogical poem" provided a man in the Union of Soviet writers. A year later, anonymist comes to the name of the former teacher. Makarenko accused of criticism. Anton Semenovich, warned by former colleagues, managed to move to Moscow.

In the capital, a man continues to write books. In collaboration with his wife, Makarenko ends the "Book for Parents", where it describes in detail his own look at the raising of children. Anton Semenovich claims that the child needs a team that will help adapt in society. No less important for a person the possibility of free implementation.

Labor activity was the next condition of harmonious development - Makarenko's pupils independently earned their own needs. Later, the work, like many other creations of Anton Semenovich, shields. Already after the death of the teacher, the films "Poetic poem" will be released on the screens, "Flags on the towers" and "big and small".

Personal life

Makarenko's first love became Elizaveta Fedorovna Grigorovich. By the time of the meeting with Anton, the woman was already married to the priest. In addition, the beloved was the older chosen one for 8 years. Acquaintance of young people organized her husband Elizabeth.

At 20, Anton laid badly with peers and even thought about suicide. To save the soul of the young man, the priest led from Makarenko a long conversation and also attracted to the conversations Elizabeth. Soon young people realized that they were in love. The news stuck everyone. Senior Makarenko kicked the son from the house, but Anton did not throw his beloved.

Like Makarenko, Elizabeth received pedagogical education and, together with her beloved, worked in the colony of the name of Gorky (Colony in the village of Kovalevka). The novel lasted 20 years and ended at the initiative of Anton. In a letter, Brother, teacher stated that the "Atavisms of the Old Popovskaya family" woke up in Elizabeth.

Married Makarenko in 1935. With the future wife, the teacher met at work - Galina Stakhievna worked as an inspector of the Narkomadzor and came to the colony with the inspection. The woman brought up the son of Lion, who Anton Semenovich adopted after registration of marriage.

By giving all his time to pupils, Makarenko never became a father. But replaced the parent of Pasyanka and the niece of the Olympiad - the daughter of the younger brother. Vitaly Makarenko, from his youth served in the White Guard Regiment, was forced to flee from Russia. A pregnant wife remained in his homeland. After birth, the niece completely passed under the custody of the teacher.


Makarenko died on April 1, 1939 with strange circumstances. A man who returned from the recreation of writers in the suburbs was late for the train. Anton Semenovich was waiting in the publisher with new prepared articles on the principles of education. Having killed into the car, Makarenko fell to the floor and no longer woke up.

The official cause of death is a heart attack. It was rumored that in Moscow Makarenko had to arrest, so the teacher could not stand the tension. An autopsy showed that the heart of the talented tutor is damaged in an unusual way. The body takes a similar appearance if a poison hit the body. But confirmation of poisoning was found not.

Makarenko buried on the Novodevichy cemetery. Soviet newspapers posted a necrologist on the pages, where Anton Semenovich was mentioned as a deserved writer. About pedagogical activities of a man did not printed a word.


  • 1932 - "Major"
  • 1932 - "March 30 years"
  • 1932 - "FD-1"
  • 1935 - "Pedagogical Poem"
  • 1936 - "Methods of organizing the educational process"
  • 1937 - "Book for parents"
  • 1938 - "Honor"
  • 1938 - "Flags on the towers"
  • 1939 - "Lecture on the upbringing of children"


Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you raise the child only when they talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise it at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home.
For education you need not a great time, but a reasonable use of a small time.
If you do not demand a lot from a person, you will not get much from it.
The team is not a crowd. The experience of collective life is not only the experience of the neighborhood with other people, through the team every member is included in society.