Hair mask with colorless henna restoring. Colorless henna hair mask recipes. Mask recipe based on colorless henna against dandruff

Nadezhda Suvorova

Henna is a popular herbal dye made from thornless lawsonia, which gives hair a shiny shine and a perky reddishness. In addition, it has beneficial properties that make the roots strong and the curls thick. If you do not want to have red or red hair color, then use colorless henna, it is obtained from another equally useful plant, cassia blunt-leaved.

For coloring and masks, buy only fresh henna made no earlier than six months ago. Pay attention to the color of the powder, it should be green, not yellow, orange or brown.

How to make masks with henna

It is not difficult to find in the store, it is inexpensive, but the benefits are great. Henna, makes strong and durable, thickens the core, stimulates growth and skin diseases,.

To make a mask correctly, you need to adhere to some rules:

Use glass or plastic utensils and a spoon, as henna reacts with metals and loses its beneficial properties.
Note that the mask can give a yellow tint to the hair, even if it is made of colorless henna. Therefore, blondes should not keep it longer than 15 minutes.
Apply the mixture while it is warm but not hot for maximum effect.
In order for the substances to penetrate the skin and hair, first wash your hair and dry it slightly.
After application, cosmetologists recommend doing a light massage for blood flow to the hair follicles.
Don't forget that henna dries out your hair. So add nourishing oils to your masks.
If you want to not only strengthen, but also dye your hair, then keep the mixture for at least 60 minutes and do not wash your hair for the next 3 days.

These tips will help you make the masks as useful as possible and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Henna and burdock oil

Prepare henna as usual. While it is hot, add honey to it to stir it better. When the mass has cooled to 36-38 degrees, pour in the yolk. Rub the mask into the roots and length, wrap up and wait 40 minutes.

Henna and kefir

It will help to give hair a well-groomed look, shine, softness and accelerate growth. It is prepared very simply:

20 gr. henna;
10 ml of kefir.

Heat the kefir in a water bath so that it becomes hot. Add henna, stir and cover for 15 minutes. Using a paint brush, spread over the scalp and hair to the ends, cover with cellophane and a towel, and rinse off after half an hour.

Henna and clay

Before making this mask, take a look at the clay you are going to use. White is best suited for hair, it strengthens, thickens and makes them thick. nourishes the bulbs, yellow moisturizes, red regulates the production of sebum. Make a choice depending on your hair type.

Ingredients for the mask:

20 gr. henna;
10 gr. clay;
1 yolk;
150 ml of kefir.

Heat kefir, dilute henna in it and leave to steep for 20 minutes, then add clay and yolk. Apply to hair, cover with a shower cap and wrap with a towel. Leave it on for 25 minutes and wash off.

Henna and coffee

With the help, you will not only strengthen your hair, but also give it a chocolate shade. To do this, take:

Henna - 20 gr.;
Hot water - 100 ml;
Coffee grounds or ground coffee - 20 gr.

Brew the henna and, while it is warm, add coffee to it. Stir, cover and set aside for 20 minutes. Then apply the mixture to hair and roots and keep under a towel for 1 hour.

Henna and cocoa

Cocoa in hair masks helps prevent brittleness, gives shine and softness, protects against ultraviolet radiation, strengthens the roots and accelerates growth. Try this recipe:

Henna - 30 gr.
Kefir - 150 ml;
Cocoa - 30 gr.

Heat the kefir to 60-70 degrees, add henna to it, then cocoa, mix and cover. After 20 minutes, apply to hair and leave to act for 30-40 minutes.

How often to make masks with henna

If you have oily hair, apply masks once a week. If or normal, then 2-4 times a month. Practice shows that this is enough to strengthen and restore hair.

Oils and kefir will help smooth out the drying effect. If you add these ingredients to the mask, you can use it more often: 2 times a week for oily hair and 1 time in 7 days for dry and normal hair.

If you want to cure hair loss, dandruff or other dermatological diseases, then apply masks only to the scalp so as not to dry out the ends. This should be done 2 times every 7 days for a month.

Every girl can have beautiful and healthy hair. To do this, it is worth making a little effort and completing a course of home masks. You will be surprised how much henna transforms hair for the better, and you will love it for its beneficial properties and ease of use.

February 2, 2014, 15:08

To achieve the perfect look, women are ready to try a variety of products. Few people know that colorless henna for the face is able to preserve the beauty and health of the skin. Traditionally, it is used to strengthen and thicken hair without dyeing it. However, its properties are not limited to this.

Amazing properties

Due to the huge amount of active elements, the product has a positive effect on the skin:

  • tones up;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • cleans and removes blackheads;
  • has an antibacterial effect.

A natural herbal remedy is added to masks for all skin types, it is safe and hypoallergenic. Side effects are extremely rare, the use does not cause burning and itching. But in order to exclude undesirable consequences, it is necessary to apply a small amount to the inside of the hand. This should be done with every new product.

Does colorless henna suit everyone?

You can start using the product from a young age, because it fights adolescent acne well, dries them out and destroys bacteria that cause redness. In addition, henna has antifungal properties. It helps to establish the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminating excess fat. Cleans pores from sebaceous plugs, the skin becomes silky and without blackheads. Thanks to this, the cells breathe, and the nutrients from the cream applied after the procedure are absorbed in a larger volume.

An often colorless, non-marking mass is used to prevent premature aging. It promotes the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the youthfulness and firmness of the skin. Better is the withdrawal of metabolic products, so that the face remains fresh and clean. Due to its astringent properties, it tones and tightens, makes the contours of the face visually clearer. The regenerating qualities help the skin to renew itself, which also has a positive effect on its health.

Another problem that henna fights with is age spots. It is used to whiten and brighten the skin. Those who don't enjoy freckles may make them less noticeable. Colorless henna powder is also used for medicinal purposes: against hematomas, boils, manifestations of herpes.

Signs of the need for a henna mask

Masks, which have added neutral henna (aka colorless), are suitable for any skin type, they can be made at any age. The main thing is that an allergic reaction does not occur, but this is unlikely. It is worth paying special attention to this product if you have the following troubles:

  • redness and inflammation;
  • oily sheen;
  • lethargy, drooping;
  • wrinkles.

It is not difficult to prepare such a mask at home. You just need to take into account the characteristics of your skin and the desired effect in order to choose the right additional ingredients. Henna should be of high quality, it is better to purchase it in a pharmacy or a specialized store. Before carrying out the procedure, the skin should be cleaned, in addition, it is advisable to treat the face with a tonic or lotion so that the active elements better penetrate into all layers.

Mask recipes

  1. The simplest face mask consists exclusively of henna. The substance is poured with hot water and stirred until smooth. It shouldn't be too runny to keep the mask from dripping. The resulting mass must be evenly distributed and left for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water with gentle massaging movements to get rid of dead cells and refresh the skin of the face. For good cleansing, you can mix henna and clay in equal proportions. These masks are suitable for everyone.
  2. To put in order the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the colorless gruel is diluted with kefir. Any fermented milk product that can be found in the refrigerator is also suitable, a few spoons are enough. Or you can take a small amount of liquid honey - one tablespoon. And in fact, and in another case, you need to mix the components until smooth and hold on the face for 20 minutes. It is useful to carry out a similar procedure at night. In the morning, the skin will be rested, radiant and without an unpleasant shine.
  3. Skin prone to dryness can benefit from cosmetic oils. It is enough to add a teaspoon of any of them, for example olive, jojoba, almond, and the mask will not only tone, but also moisturize. Another useful option is enriching henna with vitamin A, an oil solution of which you can buy at a pharmacy. Also in this mask, for the best result, fatty sour cream is used. First, henna is poured with boiling water. After the mass has cooled down, a capsule of the vitamin solution and a large spoonful of sour cream are poured into it. An improvement in the condition will be noticeable even after a single use.
  4. In order for colorless henna to effectively fight acne, add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to it. It enhances the antibacterial properties of the mask and dries up inflammation. This is the best option for teenagers and those who suffer from acne.
  5. A colorless mask, usually diluted with boiling water, if a little sandalwood or rose essential oil is dripped into the gruel, will have a wonderful lifting effect on the face.

So that the substance does not lose its miraculous properties, the dishes for preparing the mask should not be metal. Regularity is also important: a single application will either not give an effect at all, or it will be short-lived. There are many ways to use neutral henna, each woman can choose the most suitable recipe if she wants.

By secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

Often women test a lot of expensive cosmetics, which are designed to make the representatives of the fair half of humanity even more beautiful and attractive. But sometimes an affordable and simple remedy shows excellent results. So, colorless henna for the face can transform girls. To do this, it is necessary to regularly make masks with henna, which cleanse, nourish and remove inflammatory processes on the skin.

Properties of colorless henna

Colorless henna has remarkable properties that have an excellent cosmetic effect. So, it is able to eliminate inflammatory processes, cleanse, whiten the skin, restore it, provide nutritious, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects.

It is also important that colorless henna, a natural product, can be used even by people with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, since henna does not cause skin itching and allergies.

Areas of application of colorless henna

For cosmetic purposes, such henna is often used in the form of a mask. Such a henna face mask can have different effects depending on the additional components that are added to the mask.

So, colorless henna promotes skin rejuvenation. The specific acid contained in it binds collagen in skin cells, and this leads to a visible rejuvenating effect.

Colorless Henna in face masks? | Ancient traditions of the East in modern cosmetology # 107

Facial mask with wow effect. We are transforming before our eyes!

Henna is also effective for the face against acne. It is able to transform problem skin by eliminating blackheads, acne and acne. You can achieve the desired effect by mixing it with a few drops of tea tree oil.

Colorless henna also lightens freckles a little. To give the face a matte shade, it should be mixed with boric acid infusion.

The healing property is manifested in the ability of the remedy to cope with boils, inflammation, hematomas and even herpes.

How to make colorless henna face masks

Masks that use colorless henna can be made for almost any skin and for various problems. It is important to understand the basic principle on the basis of which such masks are made. So, colorless henna must be brought to a mushy state by mixing the product with other components:

  1. To cleanse the skin, colorless henna for the face should be mixed with white clay and diluted with water (the best option is a decoction of medicinal herbs).
  2. For nutrition, you need to add an ampoule of vitamin A to the composition, as well as a little sour cream.
  3. To remove unattractive blackheads, henna diluted with hot water should be applied to the skin in order to achieve steaming, and after removing the dried mixture with its remnants, you can slightly massage your face.
  4. To reduce the oiliness of the face, mix the product with low-fat and sour kefir.
  5. In order to rejuvenate the face, you can use drops of pink or sandalwood oil.

Having made a mask in one of these ways, it is necessary to apply the product to the face, ideally cleaned with a scrub, wait 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and apply a cream suitable for the face.

Masks should be done regularly at least once a week or in a course every day, 10 days in a row. Then, as testimonials testify, you can count on an excellent effect - beautiful and healthy skin!

I bought various hair products, and I also did not disregard colorless henna!


In a box of 125 g of selected colorless henna, it cost 45 rubles.


I have not used colorless henna for a long time, since I used to apply it to my hair, and it was long and I was uncomfortable with it. But since now I am growing my hair and I have a square, using henna is not difficult for me!


Henna is very useful for the hair and scalp, as well as for the skin of the face and body !!!

A precious product for female beauty, for little money!


100% natural product, strengthens hair roots, removes dandruff

ideal for cosmetic masks, prevents skin irritation, replaces shampoo, conditions hair, accelerates hair growth

It is impossible to pass by such promises!

Here is a bag of henna in a box, nothing wakes up!

I usually pour such a bag of henna into an empty jar of hair balm, a 200-300 ml jar is enough, it is very convenient to store in this form.


How to cook henna mask:

I take a small plate, pour 90-100 degrees hot water into it, gradually add henna powder.

I knead the mask until a thick sour cream consistency is obtained. This is how I get a green scented mask.

"mask for the face"

After letting the mask cool down a bit, you can apply it!

At first I used a mask on the hair, it perfectly cares for the scalp, makes the hair healthy and shiny. But I don't really like to wash henna out of my hair, therefore, I accidentally found henna in a slightly different way.

Once, while studying the information on the box, I read that the mask can be applied to the face. Previously, it never crossed my mind to make a henna mask on my face, but over the years everything changes.


I decided to try applying a henna mask on my face. The result surprised me very pleasantly, and so much so that I began to buy henna now not for hair but for face !!!

It turns out a very budgetary version of a face mask, one package of henna is enough for me for about 4 - 5 months, and this is about 1.5 rubles for one mask - ridiculous money !!!

And she is completely natural !!!


I apply a mask on the face (avoiding the eyes and lips), neck and upper décolleté, using a wide brush that I once bought for dyeing hair. Such a wide and flat brush distributes the mask well on the face, making an even layer.

After 15 minutes, the mask dries on the face, there is a slight contraction, as when using a clay mask.


How I wash off the mask:

when the mask dries on the face, I slightly moisten the skin, begin to massage and, as it were, rub the henna over the skin, I do this as a small skin peeling, since henna consists of particles and perfectly cleanses the pores.


Result after applying such a mask is ideal for me.

Millions of years ago, they discovered the wonderful properties of Colorless Henna and began to use it in various directions: for treatment, body decoration and fabric dyeing, in countries such as India, Pakistan, Egypt, North Africa and many Arab countries.

Women have often used it for hair restoration and treatment. In our everyday world, of course, you can take care of your body with the help of new, modern shampoos and balms. There was even an opportunity to take advantage of various procedures in beauty salons.

But it is easier to try to use the natural properties of an environmentally friendly product - Colorless Henna. She has proven for a long time that she really has a storehouse of all kinds of useful properties for the restoration and rejuvenation of our curls.

What's special

Now this henna powder is often used to improve the structure of strands, especially in masks. Its composition is the dried leaves of the lawsonia shrub, which during processing is devoid of dyes, without pigment. Henna pigmented is also often used in a variety of treatments. One of the most common is used.

Homemade phytocosmetics are capable of fast:

  • recovery and rejuvenation;
  • giving elasticity and smoothness (smoothes hair scales - bio-lamination effect);
  • improved flexibility and easier styling;
  • getting rid of dandruff, itching and excessive sebum production on the scalp;
  • prevention of hair loss and acceleration of hair growth;
  • protection of curls from the effects of the external environment;
  • giving volume and shine.

Fito cosmetics (Iranian)

It will help to give the skin a fresh and well-groomed look. Find out how to make a yeast face mask for acne.

Beauty is easy

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Proven home spa treatments

The masks in which we use this powder are suitable for any hair color, as it does not dye or tone. The simplest and most affordable recipe is the basis of any henna procedure:

  • dilute the required amount of powder in hot water (based on the length and thickness of the hair); - cool this mixture a little (60 '- 45');
  • wash your hair with shampoo;
  • lightly dry the strands with a towel and then apply the mask;
  • for the effect, you need to wrap your head with foil or cellophane, and then wrap it in a warm scarf;
  • leave the mask for a time from forty minutes to two hours;
  • then, be sure to rinse the strands without additional detergents.

Before using the mask, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test of this composition in advance. To do this, apply a small amount of powder to the crease of the elbow. If no allergic reaction occurs after the time has elapsed, the entire mask can be applied.

The best recipes for oatmeal face masks are presented.


You can also strengthen the curls using the following recipe:

  1. Take 2 cups of warm boiled water, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 4 bags of colorless henna to it, mix thoroughly.
  2. Stir 2 tablespoons castor oil and 2 tablespoons burdock oil and 2 yolks separately.
  3. Mix everything and apply to hair.

The amount of this composition should be enough to completely cover the curls with a very thick layer. Be sure to wrap your head in cellophane and tie it with a towel.

The first time it is enough to keep this mask for 35 minutes. After that, rinse everything thoroughly. It is effective to repeat this procedure 2 times a week, and each time to extend the amount of time by 25 minutes. The maximum period is 1.5 hours.

To improve hair growth- Boil 1 glass of water, add 2 bags of colorless henna, and cool. Then add 1/3 cup of kefir and 4 drops of Bay essential oil to this mixture - mix everything thoroughly. Apply this composition to the hair along the entire length. Wrap your head in cellophane and a terry towel. Keep it on for 45 minutes, then rinse everything thoroughly with water.

Home cosmetics

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Nutrition and cell regeneration -. And it will provide a noticeable rejuvenation.

Application features

The use of masks with henna will not lead to a change in the tone or color of the strands, but important nuances must be taken into account:

  1. Colorless henna, during the use of masks, penetrates into each curl, envelops it from the outside with an invisible film along its entire length. From this it follows that you should not dye your hair after applying the mask, since the paint may lie unevenly, or the color will turn out completely unexpected. There must be breaks between painting and applying the mask for at least 3-4 days.
  2. For blondes, especially colored ones, it is recommended to initially conduct a reaction test - apply the mask to a separate strand. Chemical discoloration and natural henna can cause a reaction and lead to a change in hair color, strands can become yellowish or even greenish.
  3. There is a small chance that your hair will feel dry. Masks with such a natural powder can only be applied to the roots in order to get rid of the problem of oily roots. It is also suitable for those who naturally have normal to oily hair types. If there is a tendency to dryness, then you should be careful, it is recommended to add various oils to the masks.

Colorless henna is a natural product. It should not be confused with White Henna, which is a chemical (bleaching) hair dye and has nothing to do with natural.

With tea tree oil and clay.

Real impressions and user ratings

So many years have passed since they began to use white henna, and its wonderful properties have not lost their strength and continue to benefit from them:

  • Olga, 27 years old, Kazan:“I have already used it twice for hair. With henna, the hair does not become greasy as quickly after use. The strands have become more elastic and voluminous). "
  • Isabella, 21 years old. Moscow:"I used a mask with Colorless henna on the dyed ones, all OK!"
  • Natalia, 34 years old, Krasnodar:“And I made a mask: yolks + Colorless henna + kefir, very good, the hair began to grow faster. I will try others, because usually all the ingredients are at home. Thanks!"

Care result

Colorless henna is a cosmetic composition of natural origin for the care, restoration and renewal of hair. Now this powder is quite popular and is in great demand, occupying a worthy place in the arsenal of beauties of all ages!