Events for the 10th anniversary of the construction company. The birthday of the company. Ideas for

What is a company's birthday? This is a long-awaited holiday for the entire team, this is a loud statement that the company is alive and well, despite the crisis and competition.

It will be costly for a large company to spend a birthday party in a restaurant, but you always want to save on something. Organizing a "corporate clearing" with your own hands, you can not only have a great time, but also save a lot of money on rent and maintenance. Celebrating a company's birthday in the bosom of nature is fashionable, creative and cool!

This scenario is ideal for holding a corporate birthday party outdoors, and has passed a trial run.

For equipment an impromptu meadow will need awning tents, tables and chairs (you can rent them), as well as a desire to have a good time and a positive mood!

Briefly about the main thing:

As conceived by the author, the founders and directors of the company are reincarnated as tsars, and middle managers - into governors, all other members of the team - into soldiers. The presenter acts as the king's herald. The script can be easily adjusted to the required theme and played in a different way.

What you need to prepare in advance:

  • Royal crowns (can be made from improvised material: foil, cardboard, glitter, glue, rhinestones);
  • Improvised thrones (decorated chairs: red and gold fabric, brocade);
  • Royal letters, name badges, medals;
  • Pillows, pans, ladles (for games);
  • M food and spoons.

Holiday program:

1. Official part.
2. Rewarding tsarist diplomas of distinguished employees.
3. The game "No fluff, no feather."
4. Game "Twist and twist".
5. The game "Flowed down the mustache, did not get into the mouth."
6. The game "Musical frying pan".
7. Karaoke or ditty competition.
8. Disco.

The invitees sit down at the tables, the royal persons sit at the head of the table.


Attention! Attention! A royal decree has been issued! Everyone should eat and drink, forget about work, play and have fun, just don't fight, don't boast about ranks, sing and have fun, pour cups and congratulate each other. And now it's time ... Happy Birthday, hurray! The floor is given to our great sovereign.

Award lists (certificates) for services to the fatherland are awarded:

1. To the great treasurer (accountant).
2. The chief groom (mechanic or garage manager).
3. The best plowman (manager).
4. To the Tsar's defender (lawyer).
5. Merchant department (sales or purchasing department).
6. Master of Computer Networks (department ...).
7. To the main housekeeper (cashier).
8. To the king's strongman (loader).


In the thirtieth kingdom, in the distant state, there were kings, and then one day they called their army and began to keep advice on how to become stronger. So that the glory of them went to all of Mother Russia, so that things would go uphill. How long did they decide for a short time, but they decided. Their lands were united, the tsarist state became powerful, like a hero's mace. And so the tsars thought that the king's land would not be enough for them, they called people together, they named managers. They shod iron horses for them, but they galloped into the fields. They got bread for the yard, and they themselves did not starve. Yes, the royal treasurers were sitting in the chambers, they counted gold and silver, twice a month they gave people away. In the barns of the tsar's wealth is innumerable, but everyone was proud of that, and there were no rats in those barns. And if which of them ran, then get on you, so that it would not be enough! It must be said that everyone worked together in the kingdom. Some rode through the fields, got bread, some sat in the mansion and looked out the window, some loaded, and some carried water. Someone counted money, someone was completely tired. Those who were tired were given a ticket to the sea. In general, they all lived well, but made good money. This is the end of the fairy tale. And who listened - well done. And now a feast for the whole world!

After a small feast, the host invites everyone to knead the bones and play the game "No fluff, no feather".


Come on, our army is brave and skillful. Yes, you are tsars, but boyars stand in a circle, and have fun! Pooh and feathers fly, they tell you to rejoice. Whoever is the most clever and courageous - forward, victory awaits him. Enemies attacked the power, they need to be thrashed with pillows so that they know from now on and not poke their nose!

Game "No fluff, no feather"

A fun game "No fluff, no feather" consists in the fact that two participants fight with pillows. It will be fun to arrange an impromptu "goat" on which the participants sit and beat each other with pillows until one of them falls to the ground.

The winner of the game is awarded a personalized pillow by audience voting , where all comers leave murals and wishes and a badge with the inscription: "Heroic pillow" is attached. Further, the herald invites everyone to go to the table.


After the next feast, the host invites everyone to go to the clearing for the next game.


Come into the clearing, the sun is at its zenith. Someone shook the earth - just look. We will play a fun game with you: the most sober will run like a drunken hare. And others mind not to yawn, clap loudly and shout!

Game "Twist-twirl"

The next game is called "Twist-twirl". For her, a couple of participants are selected, who are strongly promoted by two people. The task of the participants is to run a certain distance. The game is funny because any person, after being strongly promoted, will not be able to run straight. Applause and laughter is guaranteed.

Game "It flowed down the mustache, did not get into the mouth"

Two participants are blindfolded and tied with bibs. They have to blindly feed each other honey.

The next game "Musical Pan" is slightly erotic in nature, but it is guaranteed to amuse the audience like no other.


Men, how many knows what a frying pan and a ladle are for? Three brave ones walk into the center of the circle, but choose a lady for yourself. And now we'll see whose ladle knows its business better - knock the ladles on the pan boldly, and you girls help the guys - wag your hips in the dance.

An unprofessional organizer may not be able to do such a volume of work, especially since it is not enough to simply organize, it is also necessary to ensure the well-coordinated work of all the components of the holiday. It is best to trust such complex developments to specialized agencies, especially since now there are many options for both the customer's taste and the size of his budget.

But some points can still be implemented on your own. These tips will come in handy for those who, for whatever reason, cannot afford a full-fledged celebration. But a birthday, there is a birthday, certain attributes must be present even at the most modest celebration.

Room decor in festive colors

What item is associated with the birthday of almost any person? Of course, these are balloons. There is never too much of this attribute of a holiday. The balls can be scattered on the floor, hung from the ceiling, and made into a company logo. They will perfectly fit into any interior, be it a restaurant or an assembly hall.

Huge figures, and smaller sculptures can be created from polystyrene, more precisely, ordered. You can come up with not only funny volumetric figures, but also inscriptions, for example, you can put the name of the company in letters. Such objects are wildly popular among those who like to be photographed. Such letters can be hung on the walls, installed in the middle of the room, and smaller versions will perfectly decorate festive tables.

In general, the decor of the room largely depends on the style of your event, maybe it will be a corporate party in the style of super-heroes or a pirate corporate party, or maybe the company's management has sympathy for the chic palace halls and is ready to arrange a noble evening royally.

Place for a photo, or "Attention, you are being photographed!"

Most likely, everyone who comes to the event, timed to the birthday of the organization, will want to be photographed as a souvenir. So that the photos are not trivial, you can provide for some interesting place. It can be a tantamaresca - a banner in which holes are made for the faces. With the help of such a device, everyone will be able to instantly transform into ... But who depends on the field in which the birthday company is working, how friendly its employees are with humor.

If you don't feel like fooling around, order a press wall. This is a banner with the name of the company and the date of the holiday. Photos can also be used to create memorabilia. For example, a photo of a team on mugs or T-shirts will become a great little thing that every employee will enjoy using. And every year you can create some interesting creative solution with the help of employees' photos: “Photo tree”, or “Gallery of stars”.

Stylish buffet for the best company

There is a good option for celebration, completely different from the usual feasts - a buffet table. And not just a buffet table, but thought out to the smallest detail. That is, not only some snacks that you can take and eat right away (tartlets, small pies), but also snacks and decoration in the appropriate style. Any "quirks" are connected here: small photos on stands, flags, skewers, cups with company logos, some figurines, cups and product examples. All together should merge into a harmonious picture. It is quite possible to organize such a table on your own.

By the way, another type of buffet table may well be applicable for a birthday - a lady buffet. If a girl is dressed in a company uniform, or a dress in the colors of the logo, then such a table will be just a godsend. Correctly selected nuances will provide a beautiful, unusual and attractive buffet table.

Congratulations to employees on a significant date!

Different firms have their own traditions. Somewhere partners congratulate, somewhere employees prepare a surprise for the management, and sometimes vice versa. All this, in fact, is not important, because the means for the implementation of such congratulations are the same.

  • The sand show, which became popular a few years ago, is still relevant. The artist creates one picture after another on the sand with his hands, the story is projected onto a large screen, where everyone present can recognize both the characters and the events. This performance takes about 20 minutes and can be burned to disc if desired. In any case, the memories will certainly last for a long time. By the way, if you can't invite the sandmaker to the place of celebration, then order such a recording from him in advance and just scroll it on the big screen.
  • The cake, which is made in the form of some kind of plot related to the life and work of the enterprise, will be an excellent congratulation for everyone. Or maybe it will be a cake with figurines of workers? It all depends on the wishes of the customer. Sometimes it's worth coming up with something very humorous, the main thing is that the team understands what exactly the pastry chef has portrayed.
  • A comic or serious film about company employees will be a great birthday present. If you shoot such a tape a little at a time throughout the year, then the viewing pleasure will be increased. "We shot a movie for so long and fun, what happened there?"
  • The photo book will show the most unforgettable moments that the company has experienced. Significant events, memorable dates - such a book will become not only a good gift, but also an excellent souvenir that reflects the history of the formation of the company celebrating its birthday today.
  • Personalized souvenirs for each employee - it is difficult to think of something more pleasant. Such a gift will remind you of an important event, and the employee will increasingly feel like a part of one large team. It can be a nice personalized pen with a company logo, or a mug with a photo and logo - the choice is yours!

Good entertainment - guaranteed experiences

Of course, at any birthday party there should be entertainment, they will not allow you to get bored and provide a good mood. Which options should you choose?

  • Everyone deserves what they deserve! It sounds threatening, but in fact, highlighting those who excelled in something in the next year of work is a great idea. People with great enthusiasm start to guess who has snatched off the next "prize". You can come up with not only serious nominations, but also comic ones, the main thing is to try not to forget anyone, because everyone will want to hear at least a few phrases about their achievements. Use ready-made awards ideas from our article: "Corporate awards - comic nominations and more ..."
  • Birthday in poetry and prose. In principle, there are quite a few ready-made scenarios for corporate events on the network. But there is one big "but", there are no absolutely identical companies, each team has its own characteristics, jokes and secrets. Therefore, you can try to compose such a script yourself, or turn to professional authors for help.
  • Corporate quest. Quest is a more and more popular entertainment option on holidays, such as a company's birthday, for example. The topic is the life of the company, but everything gets confused to such an extent that even the most "seasoned" is drawn into the game with passion, learning new information for himself and unraveling the tangle of mysteries and strange stories. Agencies that organize such entertainment are developing so rapidly that now you can already arrange a really exciting action that will absorb every employee without exception with its storyline.
  • Creative birthday. If you want a real holiday, in which there will be a place for fun, for new knowledge, and for unforgettable emotions, invite some non-standard creative team to the company's birthday. You can learn to play musical instruments and rehearse a corporate number, or all together paint a picture of life in the company. If you buy a batch of white T-shirts, then you can paint them all together in the style of the enterprise. The choice is yours, but do not forget to take into account the preferences of the majority.
  • Festive cartoon. If you invite an experienced caricature artist to the celebration, you can get a lot of good mood, laughter and positive. A person working in this technique practically sees people through and through, highlights their features both in appearance and character, and depicts them in a somewhat exaggerated form in the picture. The result is humorous portraits that will become not only a catalyst for a good mood, but also an excellent souvenir. As a rule, a master can draw about 6 portraits in an hour, take this into account when deciding to hire an artist.

We offer a selection of excellent contests "Contests for the company's birthday".

The birthday of the company, even if it is an ordinary tea party within the office, remains a symbolic holiday in the life of the company. One more year is over, past difficulties and joys remain there. Celebrating this day is a must! Use the tips to ensure that the event leaves only positive emotions in the memory of employees.

It is very important that such important components of the wedding as the bridegroom, bride, parents and witnesses on the wedding day are freed from unnecessary hassle of holding the event, and simply enjoy the holiday on an equal basis with the guests. In the modern sense, a professional wedding toastmaster is, first of all, the leader, and in most cases the organizer of the wedding celebration.

A modern wedding toastmaster not only determines the order of congratulatory speeches of guests, but is responsible for organizing all entertainment events, holding competitions, supervises the performances of musicians or other artists, fully takes care of the guests and the general atmosphere of the holiday.

October 15, 2014

Subtleties of planning the anniversary of the company

The working life of any company should not consist only of workdays, business meetings and formal New Year greetings. Often, it is the joint celebration of the holidays that forms a real team and even contributes to the resolution of some conflicts within the team.

One of the great reasons to organize a celebration for employees is the birthday of the company, and even more so, its anniversary.
This day is very important for the company, because it is for round dates that it is customary to sum up global results and evaluate the success of the entire business. In order for the holiday to be a success and to give employees a new boost of vivacity for at least a year, planning for the anniversary should begin a few weeks before the celebration.

Drawing up a detailed plan for organizing the anniversary
The first step in preparing an event is to appoint a person responsible for the holiday. If the anniversary is quiet, modest, with a small number of participants, you can entrust this responsible mission to one of the employees. He will order a restaurant and select a menu. As for the competitive program, such holidays are usually held for quiet friendly conversations.
In case of organizing a celebration for a large team and also when employees are too busy with business tasks to bother with gifts, script preparation and festive decoration - they turn to specialists who are able to prepare the company's anniversary and spend an interesting evening at the highest level.
It is of fundamental importance for every employee to feel involved in this important event at a solemn event. To do this, the presenter, as a completely outsider, gets to know the team in advance or even conducts a small survey in order to understand the mood of the people and identify the main wishes for the celebration.

Choosing an anniversary format
The second question to be answered before starting planning is, "Why is the holiday being created?" After all, he may have at least two goals - to congratulate employees or to remind partners and clients of himself. Based on the foregoing, anniversary celebrations are held in the following formats: offsite events, corporate parties with banquets or in the form of media advertising presentations for the press.

A banquet in a restaurant takes a confident first place in the rating of forms of corporate events. It is always beautiful, sophisticated and comfortable. So that the evening does not go dull and the guests do not forget about the purpose of the invitation to the evening, it is necessary to hire a professional presenter who will help to think over and implement the anniversary program in the spirit of the best corporate traditions of the company.

A few ideas for celebrating an anniversary in a restaurant:

  • drawing and staging a thematic scenario (for example, on the topic: "Time Travel", "Save the Boss", "Visiting the Mafia", where each employee gets a certain role and tries to bring his character to life as realistic as possible);
  • watching a pre-prepared video that tells a short "biography" of the organization, as well as funny stories about each of its honored workers;
  • congratulations and awards (with personalized medals, diplomas, certificates) to team members who distinguished themselves before the company by certain merits or have worked in it for more than 5, 10, 15 years;
  • decoration of a banquet hall or an open area in corporate colors and logos, as well as table setting and decoration of the anniversary cake in the corporate colors of the company (this will give the team cohesion and once again remind you of which event the holiday is taking place);
  • agreeing on the dress code for the guests: evening dresses, suits, tuxedos with bow ties (this idea will make the evening more solemn and ceremonial);
  • large-scale fireworks, a grand fire show or a massive launch of balloons with the company logo at the end of the day (these spectacular performances are always delightful and cause a lot of positive emotions).

The next form of the anniversary is an outdoor event or team building. This is perhaps the most active holiday together. Organization of a holiday in this vein is perfect for a young and creative team. The program may include team building games, fun relay races, or more in-depth training aimed at building mutual cooperation.

There are a lot of options for holding a celebration in nature: paintball, kayaking, rest in a rope town, a walk on ATVs, as well as any other sports and entertainment competitions. However, it is necessary to plan trips in summer, early autumn or late spring, when the air and water are well warmed up by the sun. It should also be taken into account that it will not be possible to organize a VIP-class party in this format of the anniversary.

Media anniversary is a holiday aimed at clients, partners and journalists. The goal is to attract attention and inform people about the company's field of activity. Such presentations are rather similar to advertising campaigns and are carried out in the form of a presenter's speech with an official speech from the company, as well as organizing a buffet table for guests. Various entertainment activities for employees are not provided.

Anniversary day planning
In order to control your actions and not miss anything during the organization of the anniversary, it will be useful to record the progress of the plan for its preparation in the diary. Namely:

  • script writing(in the style of official identity or comic and entertainment);
  • choosing a place for a banquet(office, restaurant, recreation center, sports and entertainment center, pleasure boat);
  • selection of an invitation form for employees(for the anniversary, this should be something unusual, for example, an official order from the management or sending out personal postcards by mail);
  • buying all sorts of festive little things: items for decoration, competition props, greeting gifts, flowers, fireworks;
  • preparation of the technical base of the holiday(music, lighting, transport);
  • ordering a photo and videographer(after all, it's good when all the important moments of the jubilee day will be remembered for the history of the company; and in order for the shots to be successful and the employees to be satisfied, real professionals should shoot).

Notes for the organizers of the company's anniversary
At first for the event to be fun and dynamic (after all, the team is tuned in to the holiday, and not to the continuation of the working week), it is necessary to shorten as much as possible the solemn and welcoming part with the delivery of official speeches from the management. The task of the organizer or presenter for a corporate event (anniversary) is precisely to detente and distract the team from daily and routine work tasks.

Secondly, the nature of the event largely depends on the skill and professional qualities of the presenter. It is he who sets the rhythm of the holiday, “ignites” the guests, arouses in them the desire to participate in sports competitions or competitive programs, therefore, approach the choice of the coordinator of the anniversary with special attention.

Thirdly, the corporate party format should fully correspond to the mood of people, corporate traditions and generally accepted norms that have developed within the company.
For example, there are groups that categorically deny strong alcoholic drinks. In order to avoid embarrassing situations during the celebration, the presenter personally meets the team in advance or coordinates the plan of the celebration with the HR manager and with the company's leaders.

And finally, holding a really good anniversary or corporate party for another reason for a company is not only a creative idea, but also painstaking work and attention to detail, especially if the team consists of several dozen people. Plan an event with professionals - and the holiday will become a real gift for you and your employees.

In companies, it is customary to celebrate various dates, including you may be lucky and you can celebrate the anniversary of the company and even volunteer to organize a corporate party on this occasion. How to do this not only interesting, but at the same time comply with the rules of corporate ethics? If you have to take the most direct part in the preparation of this event, you can use our advice. We sincerely believe that they will be useful to you!

How to celebrate the anniversary of the company

First, it is very important to think over the holiday program. It should be designed so that you do not cheat a single employee, do not offend colleagues, and be sure to remember all their achievements. That is why, when congratulating the team, it is wrong to name only the most successful people. Remember that every employee has contributed to the development of the company. Yes, some worked more, and some less, but overall, the work efficiency was high, and this must be noted.

It is very good if your company can invite public people, show business stars to the holiday. Many firms even issue special lists in which famous personalities are listed. Employees simply choose those who, in their opinion, will brighten the holiday. After that, the votes are counted, and the people with the highest number are invited to the anniversary of the company.

It's great if you can write a script for a corporate party and bring it to life. A lively presentation style, a large number of competitions, games, and other events are encouraged. You can watch a presentation film about the company and its history, arrange a solemn ceremony to award the best employees. Either way, get creative and you can craft a great event scenario.

If the corporate party will take place outside the office, then it is important to think in advance where it will take place. You can always celebrate the anniversary of the company in a restaurant, a nightclub (rent it specifically for employees), a bowling club, a water park, a paintball club. Also popular are trips outside the city for fishing, barbecue, for the purpose of swimming and sunbathing. In an informal setting, employees can relax and have a good time.

If the holiday will be held in the form of a banquet, it is important to think about inviting not only creative teams, but also the toastmaster. Discuss the program of the celebration with him in advance, review all prepared games and contests. Remember corporate culture and ethics - keep all entertainment within the limits of what is permitted.

Now you know how to celebrate the anniversary of the company, and you can perfectly organize a holiday!

How to decorate a room for the company's anniversary and inflate balloons with helium

Bright, colorful balloons create an atmosphere of fun and warmth and will help celebrate the anniversary of the company, and therefore, it is not surprising that they are actively used to organize a variety of celebrations. The balls look beautiful, they can soar in height and at the same time cause a storm of emotions not only in children, but also in adults. If you decide to use balloons filled with helium, you need to know how to inflate them. This is what we'll talk about right now.

To begin with, let us explain why recently it is helium that is most often used to inflate balloons, because previously only air was used for this. Everything is very simple! The fact is that helium is lighter than air, and this gives the balloons the ability to fly high. So, it is best to use balloons filled with helium.

You can buy or rent from a specialized company a helium cylinder and a stand for it, which will ensure the convenience of working with the balloons. In addition, you will need a pressure gauge that monitors the amount of gas in the bottle, as well as replaceable nozzles.

We put the ball on the hole of the nozzle and open the cylinder valve. After that, fill the balloon with helium to the desired size, after which the valve is closed. Most often, we need to get balls with the same amount of helium inside, that is, the same size. But in the process, it is very difficult to control. The following device will help - a sizer.

A sizer is a piece of cardboard or plastic, inside of which a hole of a certain diameter is cut. The balloon is inflated, inserted into the sizer hole, and it is seen whether it is necessary to add or reduce the volume of helium.

Remember to first fill the balloon with air, deflate it and then start filling it with helium. This technique will help to pre-straighten the ball, make sure its integrity. Inflate the balloon until it becomes pear-shaped. If you inflate the balloon completely, it will fly for a long time. But keep in mind that helium balloons deflate faster than regular balloons. However, you can increase the life of the helium balloon to 5 days if you use a special compound that covers the porous surface of the product with a thin layer of plastic, making it waterproof. Such a composition is simply injected into the inside of the balloon before inflating it.

Now you know how to inflate balloons with helium. Give it a try and celebrate your birthday in an appropriate setting!

"Idea : celebrate the birthday of the company in an official setting with guests of honor. "
This scenario will be of interest to large companies that want to pompously celebrate their anniversary, in an official setting, and invite guests of honor. The budget for this holiday will not be cheap, taking into account the costs of the presenter, creative teams and musicians.

Write a list of guests invited to your event, these can be honorary veterans of the organization, there can be officials of state administrations, as well as officials of partner enterprises

"Idea : to create for the guests the atmosphere of a "Social party", musicians play jazz, men in formal suits, and ladies in evening dresses. "
This scenario is suitable for those companies that want to celebrate their birthday at a high cultural level. How to achieve this and what needs to be done for this, I will explain.

Write a guest list for the event and invite officials

"Idea : to unite the company's employees and management in the celebration of the company's birthday ".
This scenario will be of interest primarily to banks or other financial institutions.

You can spend this holiday in a restaurant, or within the walls of your favorite company, if space permits.
First of all, you must decorate and decorate the hall. It can be balloons with a campaign logo, or there can be banners with campaign slogans.

Idea : organize a chic feast with contests on the "banking theme".
And if you are looking for an unsurpassed corporate party scenario that all your employees will remember for a long time, then we are in a hurry to offer you interesting ideas for organizing your event.

Choose a good, expensive restaurant. It is not a matter for bankers to sit in cheap bars. Therefore, find out more about this establishment and spend time in it, taste the "cuisine" in order to understand the atmosphere and atmosphere of the restaurant as best as possible.

Idea : dress up company employees in “show business” stars and give them the opportunity to act as invited guests.

Gather a working group of the most active employees of your organization, tell them about your idea and invite them to provide all possible assistance in organizing the holiday.
Make a list of stars and employees who are somewhat reminiscent of the stars of the Business Show and can parody them

Idea : organize a trip to the nature for the company's birthday with eating a delicious barbecue.

Choose a location where the event will be held. Better if it was a sports base in the forest or a sanatorium. Because nature is good, but you also need the benefits of civilization (light, electricity and water.)
Calculate how many products you need to buy and buy meat

Idea : to spend the birthday of the company in nature with employees and their families.

Book a boat for employees and their families. A trip to nature should be memorable. Record the company's hymn on disc, or songs that bond the company with shared memories. Take a CD with these songs with you on the boat.
Hire clowns or animators to keep the kids entertained