Urine is a wonderful remedy for all diseases. What is treated with urine therapy? Applications and forms of urine treatment. Correct start of urine therapy

Most drugs are expensive drugs containing a minimum of natural substances. However, for hundreds of years ... ordinary urine has been used for treatment. The method of healing is called urine therapy... From what he helps and what are the dangers of such self-medication, it will be useful to know all fans of Gennady Malakhov.

The essence of medical practice

One of the branches of alternative medicine is urine therapy, also called urotherapy or uropathy... All of these terms refer to a practice that uses the healing properties of human urine to combat various ailments.

There are several medicinal uses for urine:

  • Ingestion (or urophagia) - drinking by mouth (orally);
  • External reception - rubbing the liquid into damaged areas of the skin, gums, hair, etc.;
  • Washing - use when cleaning the body from toxins and harmful substances. For example, passing through the nose (with sinusitis), introduction with an enema into the anus, etc.

Uropathy has been known since ancient India. She is mentioned in Ayurveda and yogic texts, Sushreta Samhita and other monuments. In the West, the technique has been widely used for only a little over a century.

To date, there has been no evidence of clinical efficacy for treatment with secretions. That, however, does not prevent urine from being one of the most popular means of folk healing.

In this video, Gennady Malakhov will tell you how he himself relates to urine therapy, in what this technique can help:

Why is urine therapy useful? Urine composition

Urine is a byproduct of the body that is produced in the kidneys. It contains many products of cellular metabolism, which must be cleared from the circulatory system.

Human excretory fluid has the following components:

  • Water (95%);
  • Urea (9.3 grams per liter)
  • Chlorides (1.87 g / l);
  • Sodium (1.17 g / L);
  • Potassium (0.75 g / l);
  • Creatinine (0.67 g / L);
  • Other dissolved ions, inorganic and organic compounds.

Due to the presence of a group of physiologically active substances, urine treatment is akin to hormone therapy. True, to achieve this effect, liquid must be taken orally in large quantities.

Doctors recognize the ability of urine to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms in the wound, tissues and pathological foci.

What does urine therapy treat?

According to the popularizers of this treatment method, it can help with a large number of ailments:

  • Problems with the human integumentary system. Biological catalysts, vitamins and minerals, which are part of the substance, show an effective result in psoriasis, fungus and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • When washing with excretory moisture, the hairline increases in length and quality. It is enough just before washing your hair to add a few drops of urine to the shampoo, and the recipe for a magnificent head of hair is ready;
  • Fight against early skin aging. You can literally wash off annoying wrinkles from your face and look several years younger;
  • If you rub a small amount of urine into the temporal lobes, you can forget about chronic headaches for a long time;
  • Rubbing also treats inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • Acceleration of healing processes for wounds, cuts, bites and burns. According to experts, regeneration is accelerated by 30-40%. Such use is especially important in conditions of inaccessibility of traditional antiseptic agents.

Alternative medicine practitioners advise against urine drinking despite numerous social prejudices.

However, this action must take place subject to certain rules:

  • The substance should preferably be fresh. With prolonged storage in the refrigerator, the quality and content of nutrients drops significantly;
  • Not everyone has the luxury of drinking their own urine. It is contraindicated in patients suffering from diseases of the urinary tract (especially bacterial ethology);
  • Drinking the secretions of another person is not only possible, but even necessary. But in this case, it is necessary not only to inquire about the presence of certain diseases, but also about the age of the "donor". Older and mature people are advised to choose the products of the vital activity of young people (18-25 years old);
  • There are legends about the benefits of urine for pregnant women, but it is extremely difficult to get it due to the lack of a civilized market;
  • You can not drink the selection of the opposite sex;
  • You need to be very careful when choosing your dishes. Plastic containers are only suitable for testing. Glass glasses and even crystal are suitable for urine therapy.

Famous adherents of the technique

Among the pioneers who made their way through the jungle of social stereotypes, it is worth noting the following names:

  • John Armstrong- Founder of the urine therapy movement in Europe and the USA. The fundamental work "Water of Life" belongs to him. Based on this work, he developed a treatment practice in 1918, which he tried with varying degrees of success on thousands of patients;
  • 4th Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai in the program "60 minutes" on the CBS channel, he said that he uses urine for medicinal purposes. According to him, urine is the only medicine available to millions of poor Indians;
  • British theater and film actress Sarah Miles consumed the products of her body for three decades. During this time, she said, she got rid of allergies and strengthened the immune system;
  • Singer Madonna prefers external application of urine on his own legs to eliminate mycosis;
  • Boxer Juan Manuel Marquez uses his secretions for nutritional purposes.

Negative consequences of urine therapy

Despite widespread propaganda on the pages of cheap newspapers, questionable books and irresponsible TV programs, uropathy remains officially unrecognized methodology.

Evidence-based medicine says that the use of urine can have serious negative consequences for the body:

  • Even a healthy person begins to suffer from chronic nausea and diarrhea. The mucous membrane of the stomach is damaged and the intestines are hit;
  • Urine therapy for sexually transmitted diseases can provoke blood poisoning;
  • Survival Guidelines issued by the US and British Armies prohibit drinking "own-made" liquids when thirsty and free from other sources of moisture. Dehydration will only be intensified due to the presence of salts in the composition;
  • Even rubbing into areas of the skin can turn into big trouble. There are known severe cases when self-medication led to necrosis (death) of large areas of tissue. There is a risk of limb amputation.

Urotherapy is in use in a number of backward countries of the third world (for example, in Mexico), but in developed countries this topic is closed

What can an Indian Prime Minister, an American singer, and a Spanish boxer have in common? All of them, by their own example, confirm the effectiveness of the practice of urinotherapy. What it helps from depends on the method of application. Rubbing in allows you to achieve a disinfecting effect, and drinking fights with a dozen known ailments.

Video: treatment of skin diseases with uropathy

In this video, phytotherapist Boris Tkachev will tell you how urinotherapy can be used to treat arthrosis, allergies, joint pain, most skin diseases:

For those who consider urine therapy a dirty and unhygienic method of treatment and disdainfully reject it, here are some data on the effect of urine on the human body. Such studies were carried out in the 30s in Moscow, at the Institute of Urine Therapy. It was headed by the well-known doctor A. Zamkov at that time.

Prior to this appointment, he studied the works of ancient healers and yogis for a long time and persistently, especially in the field of urine therapy.

At the same time, Zamkov drew attention to the fact that urine, especially of pregnant women, contains a large amount of hormones and antibodies. By treating the urine of pregnant women, Zamkov received the drug Gravidan.

What was this miraculous medicine received by Zamkov, and how did it work?

Here are just a few examples from the publication in the journal "New World" (No. 8.1935).

“The healing effect of gravidan on the whole body and its effect on the sexual sphere of the elderly was traced by me back in 1929: the very decrepit and barely standing on their feet under the influence of gravidan restored their strength and health so much that they often resumed their sex life. In one case, an 85-year-old man developed a strong sex drive. And this is after 27 years of sexual rest! "

Sick artists at Zamkov's at 73 returned to the stage and even got married again; feeble writers resumed their creative lives; alcoholics and morphine addicts returned to healthy and fulfilling lives without feeling the cravings for alcohol and morphine.

What is the secret of the therapeutic effect of urine?

Under certain circumstances - various diseases - vibrations arise in it (ie in the body), which at the energetic level can "extinguish the fire" - an incipient disease.

Information about where and what is wrong with us and how to fix this situation is encoded in urine. It is not for nothing that by analyzing urine, you can determine the state of the whole organism.

And when a person drinks urine, it, getting into the body, immediately begins to create this beneficial vibration, which seeks to align (cure) the diseased cell. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, urine cleanses the body, and also destroys the sources (roots) of the disease with its volatile (ether) salts.

They absorb acids from waste products and thus heal the body.

Urine kills microbes, enriches the body with enzymes and hormones, in particular, the most valuable ones - hormones of the adrenal and gonads.

Recently, American scientists have found the hormone leucumin in urine, which destroys cancer cells and strengthens the immune system.

The urine contains biological energy (remember energy vibrations), which energetically feeds the body, renews it and rejuvenates it.


First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the large intestine from toxins in the usual way. Then it is advisable to switch to one of the diets that are acceptable to you - separate meals, or vegetarian food, or fasting, etc.).

It is good to drink herbal infusions, juices, medicinal teas.

As a result, your urine will be clean, saturated with healing elements.

SECOND PHASE. Urina is best drunk early in the morning, starting at 3 am, but no later than 7-8 am. At this time, the urine is the purest.

It is best to take the middle stream - the purest and richest - in the amount of 100-200 g.

After taking urine, it is good to eat a spoonful of honey (for those for whom honey is not contraindicated).

In the evening, you can also drink urine, starting from 21-22 hours (before bedtime).

You can take urine constantly, you can take courses - taking breaks. It all depends on the state of the body. Even if you are completely healthy (although this is almost impossible), it is still good to take urine for prevention once a day.

Urine treatment recipes

Flu, cold

If you get sick with the flu or just catch a cold and have a fever, you need to:

  • take 500 g of urine and evaporate it in an enamel bowl (over low heat) to 100 g;
  • soak socks in the resulting urine residue and put them on your feet, pull plastic bags on top and go to bed like that;
  • wash your feet in the morning.

If you do this procedure for five days in a row, nasal breathing will open even with old gai-morite, not to mention a runny nose.

Bowel cleansing

  • Evaporate urine in the above way and introduce it (after it cools down) into the rectum with an enema or a pear.

As a result: mucus, dirt (stones), polyps come out; hemorrhoids, paroproctitis, etc. are cured. A person gets healthier in 2-3 weeks (with hygienic nutrition).


  • Massage of hands and feet with evaporated urine relieves pain in joints, removes salts, increases the energy tone of a person.


In scientific medicine, it is considered an extremely dangerous disease. Doctors with gangrene immediately grab a scalpel or saw: rather, grab what the gangrene has taken over, prevent it from spreading.

But with the amputation of, for example, a gangrenous leg, the cause of the disease is not eliminated, and gangrene can continue its onset.

Armstrong, an American advocate of urine treatment, convincingly argues that gangrene can not only be stopped, but also "easily cured." It is treated with the same urine ...

The first case of gangrene that I undertook to treat, writes Armstrong, was in 1920. The patient is a 53-year-old lady ... She developed anemia, her lungs were severely damaged, gangrene began in one foot, and skin breaks of various sizes appeared on both legs.

The patient drank her urine and water against the background of complete starvation, the body was massaged with urine, urine compresses were applied, and at the end of the 10th day of treatment, the kidneys and intestines were actively working. And although the skin tears on the legs increased, they bothered the patient less. Breathing returned to normal, sleep improved, and most importantly, the gangrenous foot showed clear signs of recovery. On the 18th day of fasting, the foot recovered completely and completely, the urine formed new skin, and no traces of gangrene remained, not the slightest scar ...

And here is a unique case that happened in one Ukrainian village. The soloist of the musical theater told how one day the whole village urinated into a large container, heated the contents, and the patient soared in this "balm" a gangrenous leg, which the doctors had already intended to take away. This collective (by the whole village!) Folk treatment was successful. The leg was saved!


But the most important thing- the growth of the tumor stopped, and then gradually and slowly it began to decrease (after fasting, daily drinking of urine continued). The operation was not required - the doctor said that there was no need for it.

Cleaning urine skin

Rubbing with urine (excluding cuts, burns, boils, and abscesses)

As a result of this procedure, scabies, ringworm and eczema disappear in 10-15 days. However, in some cases, persistent skin diseases are cured only by fasting on urine and water.

Usually, treatment begins with rubbing the body with urine (first wash with soap and wipe the skin dry). Treatment is best done with 5-7 days of urine (at least 36 hours).

The urine must be collected in a bottle in advance and carefully corked. For convenience, it is better to number the dishes and sign: by whom and when the medicine was collected. Old urine mixed with fresh urine is also suitable for rubbing.

A person of average build requires about 300 ml of urine daily for rubdown. When rubbing, you should pour a little urine into a dish with a flat bottom so that it is enough to moisten your palms once. Then the urine is rubbed into the skin until the palms are dry.

Then the procedure is repeated. Rub in without using force. In no case should you rub suspicious growths, hardenings and neoplasms or areas immediately adjacent to them.

If rubdown is carried out once a day, then the ideal duration is 2 hours, and if twice, then 50-60 minutes is enough for one session. The head, neck, face and soles of the feet should be given more attention.

After the procedure, do not wash off the urine for 2-3 hours. After one or two rubdowns, it is advisable to take a bath with cool or warm water without soap.

If urine treatment begins with rubdown, a quick recovery is ensured. Sometimes after 4-5 days of rubbing, poisons begin to leave the body in the form of skin rashes, small acne, boils. Do not be upset and treat these manifestations with drugs, it is better to continue rubbing with urine.

Urine cleaning of internal organs

Drinking urine. The taste of urine depends on the food we eat. The more often we use urine, the more transparent and tasteless it becomes. First, urine cleanses the body, then removes all obstructions and blockages in it, and finally restores vital organs and ducts after they have been destroyed by disease.

Urine restores not only the lungs, pancreas, liver, heart, etc., but also the membranes of organs and mucous membranes. Urine therapy does something that can never be achieved with fasting, drinking water and fruit juices.

We hope that the experience of patients who have been cured by urine, the experience of well-known doctors of past years and today have convinced you enough of the amazing healing properties of the "living water" of our body.

Urine therapy - true and false

Periodically, on the pages of our website, we review with you the methods of treatment of alternative medicine, discuss their advantages and disadvantages ..., herbal medicine ... However, today we want to talk with you about the field of alternative medicine, in which the liquid produced by the human body acts as a medicine ... No, this is not about blood, but about ... urine.

About urine treatment and about all the secrets of urine therapy, about the benefits and harms of such a direction in alternative medicine and about who and why it is strictly forbidden to be treated with urine- about all this on the pages of our article ...

What is urine therapy

Urine therapy is one of the methods of alternative medicine, the essence of which is the internal or external use of urine (urine) as a therapeutic agent. In order for you to understand that what is written above is absolutely serious, we will give some facts. So, for example,

in Russia, in 1930, the institute of urogravidanotherapy was opened - however, it was closed very quickly, since the studies of urine carried out in it, as a medicine, showed a complete absence of the clinical effect of this fluid.

All this could be called the fruit of the sick fantasy of scientists, if not for the information that urine treatment was carried away in ancient India, by the way, it was from there that urinotherapy came to us as a field of alternative medicine.

As we already wrote above, the only cure for almost all diseases in urine therapy is considered to be urine itself or urine, which is evaporated in a special way. Moreover, the followers of this trend firmly believe that only thanks to this "golden" liquid they live on earth.

Before making your verdict about what urine treatment really is - another way of charlatans to extract money from gullible people or, perhaps, an innovative and universal method of treatment, we propose to understand what a person's urine is. ... What is so special about her that can make her a medicine ...

Human urine - as a cure for diseases

Blood plasma, which is formed in the process of passing through the kidneys, is a complex solution of catabolites and metabolites and foreign substances that cannot be in our body. This is our urine or urine. So,

in one day, up to 1500 liters of blood circulate through the vessels of our kidneys, and at the same time the kidneys filter all this blood mass. The result of such filtration is primary urine - it is produced up to 180 liters.

In its composition, it is very similar to the composition of blood plasma. Moving along the renal tubules, valuable substances and water from it are absorbed back into our blood, but toxic substances that are dissolved in water form secondary urine, which our body naturally removes outside. Therefore, it is not surprising that urea, ammonia, uric acid, creatinine can be found in the urine of even the healthiest person, and if we are talking about the urine of a sick person, then pathogenic bacteria, heavy metal salts, acetone and other pathological impurities can be found there.

Urine composition

Types of urine therapy

Properties of urine therapy

So that we can finally deliver our verdict with you - is urine treatment beneficial or only harmful to the human body, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the properties of urinotherapy. So, in particular, today many traditional healers use it as an effective method of cleansing the body and for the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, recently more and more popular cosmetologists say that there is no need to use any anti-aging creams and serums, it will be enough just to use urine as a cosmetic product that cleanses and cares for the skin.

But what about science? Someone might ask. Is she really standing on the sidelines? Not at all, recent research by scientists suggests that

in the composition of human urine there are metabolites of steroid hormones, which allows us to conclude that hormone therapy and urine therapy are two sisters who have a lot in common in their method of affecting the body.

Moreover, when a person consumes the amount of urine that his body excreted in a day, he provides him with an average dosage of the hormones he needs, and the need for additional intake of hormonal drugs by itself disappears.

And, now we invite you to figure out which of all this is the real truth and which is not.

The benefits of urine

In some scientific and pseudo-scientific circles, there is an opinion that all water that is in the human body, including urine (as a form of liquid), has its own special structure, and its molecules are ordered in a certain way. In order for the ordinary water that we drink (find out) to acquire such a structure, our body needs to spend a lot of energy in order to transform it. But, if you drink urine, then your body will not need to convert water, which means you will save its strength, it will wear out more slowly, and accordingly, you will be able to live a long and happy life.

Doubt? But, experts say that in the composition of urine, you can find 200 different substances that can cleanse our body and even become an alternative to drugs and dietary supplements. Moreover, diseases such as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, colds and infectious, fungal lesions, eye diseases - all this can be treated with urine.

However, we would still like to remind you that today there is still not a single pharmacological or traditional medicine that could help get rid of all diseases at once. Therefore, it would be very daring to consider urine as such a panacea. Yes,

this specific liquid has an effect on the body, similar to the effect of hormonal drugs, and can temporarily relieve pain, but no specialist will undertake to predict the further course of the disease if such a treatment is chosen, since today the effectiveness of urine therapy has not been scientifically substantiated and proven, and those cases when urine still helps - they are more likely to be attributed to the placebo effect and self-hypnosis, or to a favorable coincidence of circumstances.

No side effects with urine therapy

Many drugs, despite their effectiveness, have an impressive list of side effects that can scare off even the most desperate. Urine is no exception. Moreover, experts say that urine treatment has a whole list of possible complications, and this is despite the fact that the composition contains steroid hormones that have a pronounced antibacterial effect... And, the most serious complication is the high probability that with prolonged treatment with urine (which is an analogue of hormones), your hormonal system may stop working normally, or even completely shut down. As a result of seemingly harmless treatment, you can become disabled.

Urine - natural hormones

Followers of urine therapy firmly believe that the human body cannot be harmed by the hormones that it produces itself. But it is not so. The amount of hormones in the human body is controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, but only until they are in the blood. As soon as hormones are processed and excreted in the urine, they are thrown off balance. But, if you continue to drink your urine or rub it into the skin, then your body receives a portion of unaccounted for hormones that disrupt all the processes of hormonal secretion of the body, which is fraught with serious disturbances and disruptions. You can learn more about the symptoms of hormonal disorders in the body.

Urine therapy and female diseases

Women's diseases are mainly the result of non-observance of elementary rules, namely, emptying on time. Constipation, insufficient stool, a scourge of modern women, the result of their improper diet of refined food, unnatural foods, etc. As a result, the contents of the large intestine accumulate, compressed, rotting and poisoning nearby organs and all the blood. From this, the organs adjacent to the large intestine become inflamed, and various female diseases begin. The first step is to cleanse the large intestine, then the liver. / Cleansing the body. /. Then, drink your own urine in one gulp once a day, 50-100 grams; douche with it, inject tampons (first from fresh urine or children's urine, then from urine). It is useful to use hot half-baths with the addition of 500-1000 grams of urine to the water. Additionally, tampons from various types of urine can be used at night. If there is a violation of the menstrual cycle and other hormonal disorders (for example, the growth of facial hair according to the male pattern), then drink 100-150 grams of urine 3-4 times a day, lubricate the body with urine (diuretic). In stubborn cases, after changing the diet, you can consume 50 grams of diuretic orally in the morning on an empty stomach. All these activities will allow you to align hormonal imbalances and get rid of troubles. Example: “I am 45 years old, I was operated on for an ovarian cyst. I drank urine for three months. The menstrual cycle has returned to normal, the pain has disappeared. " Example: “Erosion of the cervix. The method of treatment is to heat the baby's urine to a boil, cool it sharply to the temperature of fresh milk and do douching. " Comments and recommendations. The urine should be from a child under 10 years of age (the younger the better). When it heats up and cools sharply, it is heavily saturated with energy. Example: “A woman had an enlarged uterus (fibromyoma), with pain. She was treated unsuccessfully by doctors and healers. She was advised to drink urine and put cotton swabs moistened with urine in her vagina. After a while, everything went away. " Example: “Patient I. is 20 years old. Married. Has a child. Inflammation of the ovaries. Launched erosion of the cervix. Very bad tests ... The patient began to make night tampons from her urine and morning douching. I couldn't drink urine. She was treated in this way for 14 days. Then she went to the attending physician. Analyzes showed that the ovaries are at the stage of healing, there is almost no inflammatory process there. Erosion has become much less. There is only a very small area left. " Comments. Your own urine is an excellent remedy for the prevention of female diseases. First, it normalizes the acidic environment, which kills parasites, etc .; secondly, if there are pains, then it relieves them with its analgesic effect; thirdly, urine can be a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Example: “It was discovered by accident: the daughter got married, there were no children for a long time. At some point, her daughter and her husband got into such conditions that they could not wash with urine and soon became pregnant. " Later on, other women also spoke about the contraceptive properties of urine. Comments and recommendations. It is necessary to douche with urine after intercourse. For this, urine is harvested in advance. The acidic environment paralyzes the sperm. Example: “A woman was diagnosed with fibromatous nodes of the uterus, ovarian cystoma, endocervicitis. Urine was used once a day for a month, douching and tampons with urine daily at night for a month. Result: the diagnoses were canceled during the functional examination ”. (Sent by a doctor.) I really liked the section "Women's Diseases" from the book by A. N. Maslennikov "The Secret of the Drink of the Gods." The section is purely descriptive, but I decided to combine it with my explanations and, I think, it turned out what we need. Example: “Several women have reported to me about successful cases of healing of uterine fibroids. The method of their treatment turned out to be even simpler than the previous one: in the morning, once a day, do douching with your fresh, still warm urine. In the same way, bilateral inflammation of the appendages is cured. Here is what S. from Komsomolsk-on-Amur told: With bilateral inflammation of the appendages, she doused her son's urine. -How many days were you treated? -Week. In the morning, once a day. If relapses occur, when a sheet is applied, then three days were enough for the mend. These douching, as I noticed, has a beneficial effect on the entire female genital area. (Does it surprise you why the female genital area is connected to the urinary system? Nature herself took care that this place was reliably protected by the beneficial effects of urine from infections and other disorders. own "hot" properties. Urine, combined with other substances, further enhances the healing effect. For example, this is what Avicenna wrote: "Human urine, boiled with leek, if you sit in it for five days, once a day, is useful for pain in the uterus ".) Now let's examine the question of a woman's infertility. What can urine do in this case? FIRST. If infertility is the result of a disease of a woman's genital area, then douching, cleansing the large intestine, tampons will bring everything back to normal. SECOND. If infertility is caused by a violation of hormonal regulation or underdevelopment of the female genital organs, then massaging the body with urine and using it inside, as well as doing sitz baths, you can remove these problems. Urine, due to feedback, will establish hormonal regulation and make it possible for a normal pregnancy to proceed. THIRD. In difficult cases, to stimulate fertility, you need to fast on urine for two to four weeks. This is especially true for those women who have one child, and the second, with all their desire, can not give birth. And finally, some women conceive, but there is no full-fledged gestation - spontaneous miscarriage. What should you do in this case? First, go through a complete cleansing of the body. Next, massage your own body several times with activated types of urine (diuretic) and regularly consume sprouted wheat or wheat bread on an empty stomach. (Bread from sprouted grains is made like this: washed grain is poured into a large cup, poured with clean water so that the grain is very wet, covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place. refrigerator, so that it does not grow further.As needed, they take grain from the cup, grind it in a meat grinder, make "cutlets" 0.5-1 centimeter thick and fry in butter for 30-40 seconds.) Before conception, actively engage in physical education, run, take contrast shower (warm-cold-warm-cool-warm-cool.) You can drink your own urine during pregnancy once in the morning for 50-100 grams. Here are some more tips for dealing with infertility. “Elephant urine, which is given to a woman to drink, belongs to drinking substances with special properties in this case; it is a wonderful means to induce conception and should be done shortly before intercourse or during intercourse. Ivory sawdust is also given to drink - they immediately help. " (Avicenna.) Urine activated by cold (its own urine is kept in a dark, cold place at a temperature of +2, + 4 ° C for 4-5 days) stimulates the body incredibly strongly. It is better to apply it on the skin. Massage her for a week and you will feel her powerful influence. And now an example from the book of A. N. Maslennikov: “After reading Avicenna, I remembered one of my acquaintances. Young woman, 18 years old. Just got married. Cyst. Ovarian rupture. Urgent operation ... Inflamed, swollen suture ... Medical diagnosis: “A relapse is possible. Reoperation is possible, removal of the second ovary. It is very likely that you will not have children ... ”Autourine therapy (drinking, compresses on the suture, douching). Now this woman is doing well. “As good as I haven't felt in a long time,” she said. Along the way, she noticed that she stopped suffering from colds, especially in the frosty winter time, although she used to get sick every year and several times a winter. She also noticed that if before the menstruation were so painful that almost always had to resort to painkillers, now the menstruation is completely painless, although their days have increased by one day. But most importantly, now she is pregnant ... And in April 1990, she came to visit us, happy and rosy, with her eleven-month-old son. " Comments and recommendations. Lovely women, girls, girls! Monitor your bowel movements. If it does not work well, then first of all it poisons your reproductive organs. The first signs of this are colds and painful periods. Taking painkillers - only worsens the general condition of the body, gives additional medicinal slag. An increase in menstruation by one day is quite normal and good - your body began to cleanse itself more completely, work better (this is indicated by painlessness). Remember-URINA will help you in solving such problems, otherwise you can be comprehended by a life catastrophe.

Urine therapy refers to one of the methods of alternative medicine. Its essence lies in the external or internal use of urine as a remedy. Note that the issues of urine therapy are of concern to many and are constantly raised.

For example, in Moscow, in the 1930s, an institute of urogravidanotherapy was even opened, which was soon closed safely. The studies carried out in it revealed the complete absence of the clinical effect of the use of urine therapy. Treatment of the body with urine was used in ancient India, and it was from there that this trend came to us.

What is urine?

Formed during the passage of blood plasma through the kidneys, it is a solution of metabolites and catabolites, as well as foreign substances for our body. Just imagine, in just one day, through the vessels of our kidneys, about 1500 liters of blood circulate. At the same time, the kidneys filter the blood.

The result is primary urine - about 180 liters. Its composition resembles blood plasma. Moving along the renal tubules, valuable substances and water are absorbed back into the blood. Poisonous substances dissolved in water form secondary urine, which then naturally comes out.

The urine of a healthy person contains urea, ammonia, uric acid, creatinine. The urine of patients also contains acetone, pathogenic bacteria, heavy metal salts and other pathological impurities.

Urine composition

Urine is a rather complex product in terms of its chemical composition. The urine contains purine bases, uric acid, the most important, a set of nucleic acids, as well as enzymes, hormones and vitamins.

It is believed that such a rich composition is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and will replenish a certain part of drugs, as well as dietary supplements.

What are the types of urine therapy?

  • Internal therapy - when urine is taken through the mouth.
  • External therapy - using urine as compresses, wraps, rinsing damaged areas.
  • Washing the body cavities - ears, nasopharynx and, naturally, the large intestine. The latter is washed with an enema.

Useful properties of urine therapy

  1. Currently, urine therapy is used as a method of cleansing the body and as a way to get rid of diseases.
  2. Urine therapy is also used as a cosmetic product.
  3. Some scientists agree with the fact that urine contains steroid hormone metabolites. It follows from this that hormone therapy and urine therapy are quite related methods of treatment.
  4. It turns out that the internal use of urine released during the day will lead to the body receiving its average dosage of hormones.

Harmful properties of urine therapy

  1. Evidence-based medicine suggests that internal human urine is harmful and dangerous. It has been noticed that healthy people who apply urine therapy to themselves have diarrhea, chronic vomiting, irritation of the intestines and stomach. Patients are hospitalized with erroneous diagnoses - typhoid fever,. Further research shows that there is no infection, and all symptoms disappear immediately after stopping urine therapy.
  2. Those who nevertheless wish to undergo a course of urine therapy should consult a doctor without fail.
  3. Many people know the positive effect of the use of hormonal drugs. But many also face side effects, such as suppression of the body's production of its own hormones. As a result - disruption of the brain, early aging, an increase in body weight and a decrease in sexual function.

Contraindications for urine treatment

With severe diagnoses, urine therapy can aggravate the symptoms of the disease, while also losing precious time at those stages where surgical intervention is necessary.

People with pyelonephritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system should not take their own urine. Once in the body, pathogens can cause blood poisoning, and can also provoke gangrene.

Whether to use urine therapy on yourself or not is, of course, up to you. But in order not to harm your health, do it with extreme caution.