Models of sweaters with a description for knitting. Knitted sweaters with needles with diagrams and descriptions

A sweater, pullover, jumper is an irreplaceable element of clothing, without which it is difficult to imagine a winter, spring or autumn wardrobe, especially in our climate. Our portal is regularly updated, new models appear every day, but 2016 is over and it's time to take stock. Or rather, see which sweaters have become the most popular among our visitors. So, we have collected for you the Top 15 popular knitted sweaters and pullovers with knitting needles at the end of 2016 according to the number of views on the handicraft portal site.

15th place with the number of views 1904 takes. The slightly elongated cut is in perfect harmony with the structural pattern. This model is perfect for tall girls. The sweater is made on knitting needles # 6 of woolen yarn mixed with alpaca.

14th place decorated with braids in a slightly unusual way. Two large weaves run diagonally along the front and back, the edges of the sleeves are decorated with small cords. The result is a feminine, sophisticated style that flatter the raglan sleeve.

2016 brought the trend for oversized sweaters into fashion, and just for 13th place we have a representative of this direction, who scored 1946 views. Magnificent volumetric patterns of braids and bumps, collar collar create a feeling of not only warmth, but also comfort. The pullover itself is made of woolen yarn on large knitting needles # 6 and # 7.

In addition to structural patterns, jacquard-patterned sweaters were popular in the past year. But the next popular model was able to absorb a combination of both - and a structural pattern in the form of rhombuses. The sweater is on 12th place and scored 1961 views, a significant figure, given the appearance of the model on the site at the end of October. To knit such a little thing is quite laborious, but the effort spent is worth it. For work you will need yarn (merino, camel wool and polyamide) 200 (225) g of bluish gray and 25 (50) g ​​each of light gray and dark gray, as well as circular knitting needles No. 5.5.

One of the little known varieties of jacquard patterns is the Faroese pattern. scored 2040 views and took an honorary 11th place in our top. The product is knitted on circular knitting needles, so you will not find not a single seam in it. The sleeves and the main part of the pullover are connected at the level of the yoke and slowly, by decreasing the loops, pass into the neckline.

Decorated with a fine structural pattern is on 9th place our list of popular sweaters 2016. He scored 2084 views. To create this model you will need 325 (350) 375 g of brown Novena yarn (50% merino wool, 30% alpaca lamb wool, 20% polyamide, 110 m / 25 g); straight and circular needles number 4.

8th place-. Number of views 2148. And again the model with raglan sleeves. The popularity of this type of cut is due to the fact that such a roll of the sleeves creates a more feminine look. This model is no exception, plus refinement is added by a pattern of openwork rhombuses and small braids that run along the raglan line.

7th place and again braids and plaits presents us. An excellent pullover for every day got 2,297 views. The pullover is decorated with 4 types of different braids, as well as a pearl pattern. In general, the model is not difficult to execute, but it requires painstaking work. To knit such a sweater you will need: yarn (45% wool, 45% polyacrylic, 10% alpaca; 115 m / 50 g) - 450 (500) 550 g pink; knitting needles No. 4,5 and 5; circular needles No. 4.5; hook number 4.5.

Easy takes 6th place with 2609 views. The original model is made on needles 4,5 or 5 from natural merino wool. The pearl pattern of the front and back is uncomplicated in design, and the sleeves are made with simple elastic.

Top 5 most popular sweater designs by the number of views in 2016 starts with the model. Openwork patterns, 3/4 sleeves, rich color - all this in one model, which can be easily repeated using the diagram and detailed description. For work you will need COTON FIFTY yarn (50% cotton, 50% acrylic, 50 g / 140 m) Ecarlate 231.651. Sp. Nos. 2.5 and 3.

We are getting closer and closer to the top three favorites of knitted sweaters of our portal for 2016, and in 4th place we have another soft beige color. At the heart of the pullover is a fake patent elastic band, which does not add a bit of weight to the image, but on the contrary makes it stylish and feminine.

Top 3 Models sweaters and pullovers starts with cherry blossom. A feminine jumper for sophisticated women of fashion is made according to the knitting pattern. It is fashionable to wear it both separately under trousers or a skirt, and over a dress or blouse.

On 2nd place with 3293 views. Stylish model with a golf collar and set-in sleeves. Embossed patterns and a voluminous braid adorn the product, a discreet beige color emphasizes taste and style. To repeat the sweater, you will need 450 g of Meribel sand yarn (50% wool, 40% polyacrylic, 10% alpaca, 90 m / 50 g); straight and circular needles number 7.

1st place in our Top 15 popular knitted sweaters and pullovers with knitting needles in 2016 ranks by a large margin (number of views 3859). An airy look is created by this model, which will suit both young beauties and a little older fashionistas. To repeat the pullover, you will need: yarn (54% alpaca, 24% polyamide, 22% merino wool; 199 m / 25 g) - 125 (125) 150 g pale pink; knitting needles number 3.5; circular needles No. 3, 60 cm long; 50 (55) 60 cm white lace.

Summing up the results of 2016, we noticed that sweaters and pullovers with a pattern of braids, structural patterns in pastel, beige and gray colors are leading among the models chosen by our subscribers.

A warm sweater knitted of high-quality yarn is able to warm and adorn us even on the most cloudy and chilly day. Instead of freezing in autumn or winter in huge robes and countless acrylic vests, it is enough to get one solid wool product and forget about the discomfort.

Why yarn quality matters

Many novice knitters who choose the material by eye, and not according to the data indicated on the label, make the same common mistake: they buy acrylic. Visually, it can look like cotton, rayon, wool or even mohair. However, this does not change the fact that acrylic is a man-made fiber. It does not possess the properties of those materials that it imitates.

Acrylic yarn can be chosen for the manufacture of products that will not be used often (dolls, decor, disposable costumes). If you plan to create clothes, you should take care that the thread does not roll, stretch, deform and contribute to the appearance of a greenhouse effect.

When creating women's sweaters with knitting needles, you can do whatever you want with the patterns. So, if the craftswoman does not need such a large number of arans, she may well leave only the central large braid, and tie the rest of the canvas with a double pattern.

A warm and cozy sweater is one of the basic things in a woman's wardrobe. You can knit a sweater with knitting needles from both light and delicate mohair, melange yarn, and warm woolen yarn. Sweater models are very diverse. Women's suits well both with skirts and with trousers and jeans. Knitted sweaters with knitting needles for women's patterns and a description of knitting can be found in our article.

Women's mohair sweater with collar collar with diagrams and descriptions

This very beautiful model of a women's sweater will suit both a girl and a girl and an older woman. The color can be chosen according to your taste. We will now tell you how to knit a sweater for women of such a model.

You will need:

  • 350 gr. mohair (50g / 250m.) - we knit in two strings;
  • knitting needles number 3 and number 5.

Size: 46/48.

Knitting density: 16p. x 19r. = 10 x10cm.

Knitting technique: we knit the wave pattern in accordance with the pattern. In out.r. yarn yarn yarn. pet. Repeat rows 1 to 36.


We start knitting sweaters for women from the back. On cn. No. 3 we collect 83 pet. We knit the first row like this - 1 chrome p., 3 l. P. * 10 l. P. + 3 l. P. * 4 times. Then we knit like this - 1 cr.p., 3 sts. Worn out ironing in front of the rapport, * 13 p + wave pattern * five times, 1 chrome st. There should be six rapports in one row. The armhole is knitted like this - in row 93 we close 5 loops from each side. Then we close in every second row 2 pet. 2 times, 1 loop twice. There should be 61 stitches. We continue knitting up to 136 rows. Then we close all the loops.

We knit the front of the sweater in the same way as the back. Only at 116 p. we begin to draw up the neck. To do this, close the middle 13 loops and close on both sides of these 13, 2 loops 4 times in each 2nd row. There should be 16 stitches left on each side. In row 136, close all loops.

We start knitting sleeves. Both sleeves are knitted in the same way. We cast on 44 loops. We knit the first row in the following way - 1 chrome p., 3 l. P. * 10 ip + 3 l. P. * 2 times. Then we knit like this - 1 cr.p., 3 sts. Worn out ironing in front of the rapport, * 13 p + wave pattern * 2 times, 1 chrome st. There should be three rapports in one row. To expand the sleeves in the 10th p. from the beginning of the work, add on the 1st stitch on both sides, and then add the 1st stitch every 10th row. 6 times. There should be 58 stitches on the needles. In order to get an okat sleeve, it is necessary in the 84th p. make decreases - close 4 loops on each side, and then close every second row 1 time for 1 pet., nine times for 1 p., and four times for 2 p. 12 loops should remain. At 114 p. close the hinges.

It remains to complete the assembly and tie the neck. Sew the sides and shoulders. Then we sew the sleeves and sew the sleeves into the armholes.

We knit a sweater with a collar. To knit it, you need to dial 84 loops along the neckline and knit a cn. No. 3 elastic band 1x1 seven rows. Then it is necessary to change the joint venture. to number 5 and continue to knit with an elastic band for another 43 rows. In the 51st p. close all loops. A beautiful knitted sweater for women with mohair knitting needles is ready!

Delicate white mohair knitting sweater with a diagram and description

In order to knit a white sweater of such a model, you only need yarn and knitting needles. Read how to link it in the description.

Pink fashion mohair sweater with fishnet braids for beginners

Sweater with knitting needles from melange yarn with diagrams and descriptions for beginners

The front of the sweaters made of melange yarn is knitted similarly to the back, but the neck is knitted separately. To do this, at a height of 50 (51) 52 from the beginning of knitting, you need to close 8 (9) 8 central loops. Continue knitting each of the parts separately. Then, in every second row, make decreases 7 times on both sides, one loop at a time. The shoulders are tied like a back. At a height of 70 (71) 72, close the loops.

To knit sleeves, you need to dial 34 loops on the needles No. 5 and knit 10 cm with an elastic band. Next, we knit with the front stitch cn. No. 6. To design the bevel, sleeves must be added in each 14th row from the elastic 4 times 1 loop, 5 times in 12 p. on the 1st loop and 6 times on the 1st p. in each 10th p. After 45 cm from the beginning of knitting, we form an okat. To do this, 13 times in every 2nd row we make decorative reductions of 1 loop and close 2 pet. 2 times. At 60 cm, close 4 (6) 8 sts.

Assembling the product. Sew shoulders and sides. Sew on sleeves. Cast on 84 stitches along the neckline. Knit in a circle with an elastic band 18 cm. In every second p. do 1 yarn over from two front loops in the middle of the neck in front. The next row is knit according to the pattern. Your knitted stylish sweater from melange yarn is ready!

Beautiful pink sweater made of melange yarn

Original white women's sweater with knitting needles with a round yoke with patterns and descriptions for beginners

A very delicate white sweater with a round yoke will suit most girls and women. How to knit a stylish and youth sweater, read on. Knitting a round yoke is not difficult, and at the same time it looks very feminine.

You will need:

  • 750 gr. cotton yarn with viscose (120 m / 50 g.);
  • straight and circular needles with number 3 and 3.5.

Size: 44-46 (48-50).


The main pattern is knitted according to scheme 1. Plank pattern - 1 p. persons, item, 1 p. out hinges. The yoke is knitted with the following pattern - scheme 2 front circles, purl circles - we knit the loops in accordance with the pattern, and the yarn overs.

We start knitting the back of a sweater with a set of loops 98 (106) on the joint venture. No. 3. Knit the next 7 centimeters with a 2x2 elastic. In the last row of elastic, add 35 (37) stitches evenly along the entire length. Next, knit with the main pattern with needles No. 3.5. Having knitted 32.5 centimeters from the beginning of the fabric, close 2 loops on both sides and then close 8 times 1 pet each. and 2 pet. alternately in each. second row. When the length of the canvas reaches 39 cm, the loops must be set aside.

The front part is knitted in the same way as the back.

Knitting of sweater sleeves begins with a set of 50 (54) stitches per cn. No. 3. Continue to knit with elastic band 6 centimeters. In the last row of elastic, add evenly 29 (25) cm. With knitting needles No. 3.5, continue knitting with the basic pattern, starting with the arrow on the diagram No. 1. To design the bevel of the sleeves, you need to add 16 times, one loop in every sixth row. Having knitted 40.5 cm from the edge of the part, you need to close two loops in each second row alternately eight times, 1 pet. and 2 pet. There should be 83 stitches on the needles. Set aside the eyelets at a height of 47cm. We knit the second sleeve in the same way.

Knitting of a yoke begins with collecting all deferred loops for a circle. No. 3.5. We knit the next row of faces. Then we touch the chrome stitches and knit two stitches together 11 (12) times. Total - 361 (380) sts. We continue knitting with a yoke pattern. Having knitted according to pattern # 2, we move on to the circle knitting needles # 3 and knit 2.5 centimeters with a strap pattern. In the fifth round, distribute the decreases evenly - six times, 2 loops each.

It is advisable to join the finished parts with a knitted seam.
Congratulations! Women's white sweater with an elegant model with a round yoke is ready!

Beautiful red sweater with a round yoke with a collar

Such a red sweater with a round yoke and a wide collar looks very impressive. Red color suits girls and women with a bright appearance, most often brown-haired women. But if the red color does not suit you very much, then you can take threads of any other color. We suggest you link it according to the description.

Original white women's sweater with braids with patterns

Pink openwork original sweater

Pink openwork sweater is knitted with knitting needles No. 4.5 and from woolen yarn. The openwork pattern is knitted according to the diagram below.

Openwork sweater knitting video master class for beginners

Women's raglan sweater

To associate a very popular watch this video.

The diagram below shows in what ways you can knit raglan.

Methods for decreasing raglan sleeves.

Reduction of loops with raglan sleeves.

Decorated raglan sleeves.

Beautiful gray raglan sweater with diagrams and descriptions

Green women's sweater with a hood

A hooded sweater of this model is ideal for walks, trips out of town and informal meetings, both for a girl and a woman. Such a beautiful and original sweater with a hood and a beautiful pattern will become an irreplaceable item in your wardrobe.

You will need:

  • 600-700 gr. Merino Air sheep wool yarn (130 m / 50 g);
  • knitting needles number 4.5.

Size: 36/38 (40) 42/44.

Knitting elastic bands - 2 edging pet + loops multiples of 4. Face rows - 1 ip + 2 lp + 1 ip. Purl knit in accordance with the pattern. The diagram shows only faces.r., and purl.r. knit according to the pattern. Repeat the rapport between the edge loops. Pattern with braids (A) - loops are multiples of 4 and two edging pet. Knitting is carried out according to the scheme No. 1. Repeat rows 1-4, finish 5-6. Pattern with braids (B) - loops are multiples of 8 and two edging pet. We knit according to the scheme number 2. We knit once 1-14 p. and repeat 5-14 p. Honeycomb (pattern) - loops are multiples of 4 and two edging pet., We knit according to scheme No. 3 with 1-4 p.

Pattern A - the sequence is as follows: elastic band - 28 rubles, 34 rubles. pattern A, 74 p. pattern B, 30 (34) 38 honeycomb pattern. Total 166 (170) 174 rows, depending on size.

Pattern B - the sequence is as follows: 68 rows knit with an elastic band, 42 p. pattern A, 22 p. honeycomb pattern. A total of 132 rows.

To knit the back of a sweater with a hood, we need to dial 114 (122) 130 pet. and knit with pattern A. After 40.5 centimeters from the beginning of knitting (this is about 110 rubles), we close eight loops on each side for the armholes. After 59 (60.5) 62 centimeters from the edge of knitting for bevels, close in a caj. In the second row of 7 (8) 9 sts. at both sides. After 61.5 (63) 64.5 cm from the edge of the knit, close the loops.

We knit the front part of the sweater with a hood like the back, but to knit the neckline we will do it every 55.5 (57) 58.5 centimes. close the central 12 loops and finish the resulting two sides separately. To get a beautiful roundness of the neck, we close 1 x 4.5 x 2 and 1 x 1 pet in each second row. Focusing on the back, close the hinges.

To knit the sleeves of a sweater with a hood, we need to dial 58 (62) 66 pet. and knit with pattern B. In each. In the eighth row we add 13 times one loop at a time and in each sixth row three times one loop at a time, in the next eighth row 1 time one loop and in every sixth one loop one time. 49 centimes later. (32 rows) from the edge of the product, close all the loops.

Start knitting the hood from the left half. To do this, we collect 18 pet. and knit with a braid pattern (A). Additionally, we collect from the set edge for the side bevel on the right in each second row 4x6 and 4x7 pet. and include them in the pattern. After 21.5 centimes. from the edge we close for rounding inward to the right 1 pet. and in each. 2nd row 4x1.4x2.1x3.1x4 pet. After 29.5 centimes. put all the loops aside. Tie right side symmetrically and join detached eyelets with knit seam and join back seam.

We collect the product. To do this, we sew the shoulders, sew the hood to the neck of the sweater. Sew on sleeves, sew sides and sleeves at the seams. Congratulations - your beautiful hooded sweater is ready!

Blue sweater with arans with a description

A sweater with beautiful arans looks very impressive. We suggest that you connect this simple model with the Arans. It will suit girls and women of all ages.

To knit a sweater with aranas, you need to learn how to knit them. In this video master class, you will learn how to do this.

Pattern for a sweater or sweater - 1

Pattern for a sweater or sweater - 2

Pattern for a sweater or sweater - 3

Pattern for a sweater or sweater - 4

In the description for each model, the patterns and the principle of knitting are described in detail, but it must be borne in mind that there are no two identical women. That is why we recommend changing the model in accordance with your characteristics (figure). The selection contains patterns only with knitting needles, the hook can be found in the catalog of the crochet blouse.

How to choose yarn for a cardigan

When choosing a yarn for a pullover, the first thing to pay attention to is the composition. Choose thread according to the season, cotton and linen for summer models, wool and mohair for rainy autumn and cold winter. Most use a mixture of materials of various combinations, rarely 100% composition of one material is found. Keep in mind that wool itself is quite prickly, therefore, in combination with acrylic, it will be more pleasant to wear and more comfortable for knitting sweaters, but it will slightly lose its warm properties.

When planning your budget, consider the thickness, the thicker the yarn you choose, the more skeins you will need. The length of the thread in a skein is also important, it is always indicated in the description on the label. This indicator may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, so you may need more threads from the same manufacturer when knitting, despite the similarity of the skein.

Correctly calculating how many threads you need is a whole science, but it is better to buy with a margin and keep the label, as it may turn out that this particular yarn is no longer on sale. In your opinion, similar threads from the side on the model will catch the eye, standing out sharply, it is better to avoid this. You should be more careful when choosing a yarn for a sweater, and before buying, turn the edge of the thread in your hands, whether it is pleasant and suitable for you.

A few words about knitting needles

There is a direct relationship between the size of the knitting needles, the selected yarn and the result obtained. The smaller the size, the longer it will take to knit and the work will be more delicate and graceful. Pay attention to the combination of thread thickness and needle size. If you take a thick thread and small knitting needles, the jacket will be denser and, conversely, with a thin thread and a larger size, you get free knitting.

Spoke types

In shops you can find metal, plastic and even wood. Metallic ones are the strongest and most durable. The needles also vary in length and thickness. It is important that the knitting needles are smooth, otherwise this will negatively affect the quality. Differ in type:

  • Circular
  • Conventional
  • Hosiery
  • Subsidiary

Circular knitting needles are two knitting needles that are held together with a thick fishing line. With their help, it is convenient to knit products across. Used for seamless items.

Ordinary knitting needles are the most popular, they knit most cardigan sweaters. One end is pointed, on the other there can be a stopper, this is convenient so that the loops do not sleep.

Hosiery are shorter than usual and are usually sold as a set. Both ends are sharp and can be used up to 5 at a time. They are very convenient when knitting round, so you can make the neck of the sweater.

Auxiliary ones are needed to knit a pattern on a model with a knitting pattern, in which the loops must be removed for a while. They can be straight or curved.


Whenever you knit, always start with a control piece. A small rectangle or square will help you avoid many mistakes and therefore rework. The sample will show whether the size of the needles corresponds to the thickness of the selected yarn and whether they are suitable for a given pattern.

Stretch the resulting sample slightly and measure with a measuring tape. Count the number of stitches and divide by the width of the specimen. The resulting number of loops in one centimeter, multiply by the measure of the part you are going to knit (the value is indicated on the pattern), or make a calculation according to your measurements.

To knit a back, dial the required number of loops on the knitting needles, according to your calculations. Knit with 1x1 elastic (alternate knit one and purl one) 5 centimeters. Then move on to the needles number 7. Knit the canvas straight 65–79 cm, close the loops.

Before knit in the same way as the back, only knit the neckline. To do this, after 60 centimeters from the beginning of knitting, close 10 loops in the middle and knit each side separately. Decrease for rounding in every second row 5, 3 and 3 times 2 loops. Close the remaining shoulder loops after 65-70 cm from the beginning of knitting.

Next, start knitting the sleeves. Cast on needles # 6 about 40 stitches and knit with 1x1 elastic. After 3-4 cm from the beginning of knitting, go to the needles number 7 and knit with the front stitch. For beveled sleeves, add one stitch in every sixth row. Close all loops after 50-55 cm from the beginning of knitting.

Pin all the details to the pattern with safety pins, moisten and let them dry flat on a horizontal surface. Complete all seams. Sew sleeves into armholes.

Raise the stitches on the circular needles around the neck and knit with a 1x1 elastic to the desired length of the facing. The golf collar is knitted in the same way. The seam can also be tied separately and sewn by hand with a stitching stitch to the neckline.

Helpful advice

A simple sweater will be more effective if knitted with melange yarn.


  • Knitting patterns for women's sweaters and pullovers
  • knitting simple sweaters

You can please your loved one with a gift without any special financial costs. Knit a sweater made of natural wool for him, and he will warm him in the cold no worse than your love.

You will need

  • Knitting needles No. 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5
  • Wool weight - 700g (for size 44-46)


Cast on 76 sts and tie 5cm with 1 * 1 elastic.

At 62cm to form a shoulder bevel line, fasten on each side 2 times 7 and 1 times 6 loops through a row.

Cast on 76 sts and knit with 5cm elastic 1 * 1. Add 21 stitches in one row: 10 times every 4 loops and 11 times every 3 loops.

To cut the neckline from the middle of the front, fasten 3.2.5 times, 1 loop through a row. Simultaneously with knitting the neckline by 62 cm to form a line of the shoulder bevel, fasten 2 times 8 and 1 times 9 loops through a row.

Cast on 37 sts and tie 5cm with 1 * 1 elastic.

Knit 40cm in stocking stitch, adding one stitch every 3cm on both sides.

At 46cm to form the sleeve head, fasten 5,4,8 times one loop at a time. Then 2,3,4 loops on each side through the row. Fasten the remaining loops in one row.

Knit the second sleeve by analogy with the first.

Sew shoulder and side seams.

Cast on 100 stitches around the neck and knit with 1 * 1 elastic band. When knitting, change the diameter of the needles.

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Shops offer a great variety of goods, but as they say, the best gift is one that is made with your own hands. Use your own hands to knit a sweater. Nobody will have this, except for its owner.


Of course, you need to first decide on the style. There are many patterns for knitting, they can be found both in print and. In such schemes, the flow rate is usually indicated,. The choice of yarn in modern stores does not limit even the most exuberant imagination.

For work we need knitting needles and yarn. Correctly selected knitting needles will give you a lot of pleasure and will not discourage the desire to continue knitting. Here are the general principles for choosing knitting needles. You need to pay attention to the fact that their tip is not too sharp, because you can not only damage the yarn, but also get hurt. Also, the knitting needles should not be too heavy and should fit comfortably in. Their surface should be smooth so that the loops are easy during knitting and do not remain on the yarn. Some knitting patterns indicate how to knit.

Before starting work, it would be nice to do some hand exercises to disperse the blood and improve motor skills a little. Don't forget about eye health. You need to take care of good lighting. It is better to start knitting from or back. Well, then it's up to patience and perseverance. Get down to business with love and you will succeed.

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Helpful advice

If you still don't know how to knit yet, knit something simpler than a sweater to start. The time for sweaters will come with experience.

You have learned how to make the first typesetting row, you know how to knit front and back loops. So why not try to knit something. It can be simple to start with. sweater connected in a circular manner. Any budding knitter can handle this task effortlessly. And you are guaranteed a pleasant pastime for several evenings. You just need to have a little patience. And besides, in this way it is possible to bind sweater and for women, and for men, and for children.

You will need

  • yarn, circular needles, knitting marker


Before you start knitting, make a pattern with which you can calculate the required number of loops and knitting density. Knit a 10 * 10 cm square and count the number of loops in 1 cm.Then multiply the number of loops by yours. For example, in 1cm - 2 loops, hip (or waist) girth, depending on the length a, 100 cm.Therefore, to start knitting round, you will need to dial 200 loops. So, you have calculated the required number of loops, now you can start knitting sweater a.

Unwind the required amount of thread from. Make a typesetting row. Draw the thread around your thumb and place it over your index finger. Then clamp both ends of the thread in your left palm. Insert a knitting needle into the loop on the thumb, grab the thread on your index finger, and pull the thread into the loop on the thumb.

When you have all the loops for the shelf, join them in a circle. To know where the beginning of the circle is, hang a marker, it can be a pin or a contrasting color. Start with an elastic band 1 * 1. Knit 1 st and purl 1, continue knitting in a circle. Check if the hinges are twisted, otherwise problems may arise.

After knitting the required length of the elastic, make an increase. If there is an increase on the purl loops, then it will be almost imperceptible. Take a loop from the previous row, put it on the knitting needle and knit as usual.
Knit round the front and back to the armpits.

Set aside a few armhole stitches before starting the yoke. To do this, you need to use a thread of a different color or a pin. Then connect these loops with the loops on. Thread the last stitches to the end of the circle, and the first stitches after the start of the circle, and tie the thread. These loops will be waiting in the wings.

Now start knitting the sleeves sweater a. The set range for sleeves is the same as for the front and back. The only one in size and increase in loops. Make the additions at the end before the last loop of each row. Place the left knitting needle under the loop in the previous row and put it on the knitting needle, knit it with the front loop behind the front wall. This way you will get the correct increase in the row, knit the last loop of the row. Flip the marker over and knit the first stitch of the row. Now put the left knitting needle under the loop in the previous row and put it on the knitting needle, knit it with the front loop behind the back wall. This will enlarge the left side. If you look at the increments, the loops will be on opposite sides. When you knit the front and back, and both sleeves, connect them into one piece on one needle, continuing to knit the yoke.

Place the sleeves on the sides of the shelf. The removed hinges are placed right side to each other, and they will remain so until you connect them together at the very end of the work.

Tie the first loop tight to avoid holes. Then knit the loops of the sleeves on a knitting needle with a shelf. Now I go to the loops on the back and attach the second sleeve in the same way. Now this detail has become really big. But if you want, you can make it less voluminous by inserting the sleeves inside the shelf.

It's time to knit the neck strap. It is extremely important here to knit loosely so that sweater could be easily slipped over the head. There are several ways to do this. One of them is called "closing the edge with pulling the buttonhole". Knit the first loop, then make a yarn over, knit the next loop, remove it and pull it through the knit and yarn over, one loop should remain on the knitting needle. Knit the next one and do the same. This will give you an elastic edge.

In conclusion, all that remains is to remove a few ends and sleeves. It is important to use a needle with a rounded end to avoid splitting the wool fibers. We introduce a needle with the ends of the thread on the back side under the picture. Then bring the end out to the right side and cut. It remains to connect the sleeve and the shelf. Sew the armhole loops with a knit stitch and secure the threads. Your sweater ready.

Initially, golf was considered to be long socks to the knee or short stockings with elastic for sports. However, in the 60s of the last century knee socks have become a fashionable accessory for women and today you can find models up to mid-thigh. Knee-highs are exactly the trend that never leaves the catwalks for a long time. At the shows of autumn-winter and spring collections, designers combine knee socks different textures with a variety of things: sports, casual and even classic. A knee socks knitted with an openwork pattern look very beautiful, stylish and romantic.

You will need

  • 250 g cotton yarn, 5 knitting needles # 1 and # 1.5


In order to know exactly the required number of loops for a set, knit 10 * 10 cm and determine how many loops are in 1 cm, then multiply the volume of the leg by the number of loops in one centimeter. The sample should have 32 stitches. For example, leg circumference is 35 cm, therefore: 35x32: 10 = 112 loops. You should also check to see if the number of stitches to be cast is divisible by the width of the golf pattern. If for knitting golf, you use several patterns, then you should check if the loops of all patterns are divided by the total number of loops. For example, the “herringbone” motif is divided by 8, 112 we divide by 8 it turns out 14 motives; the "rhombus" motif is divided by 16, therefore, there are 7 motives. The main motive is divided into 36, for a total of 3 motives and 4 extra loops, these 4 loops in the purl strip will need to be subtracted by tying them together with purl loops.

Cast on the needles the required number of loops. Divide them evenly across the four knitting needles. A large pattern is difficult to diminish at the ankle, so knit the first inlaid row and start at # 1.5. Using these knitting needles, knit an eraser and once the entire large pattern, this will be 96 rows, then go to the thinner needles number 1. But, nevertheless, the eraser or can still stretch when worn. If you add a thin elastic to the thread, the eraser will not lose its shape and will hold firmly on the leg. Next, go to thin needles and knit 96 more rows. Tying to heel, subtract 12 sts, six stitches in each row twice. As a result, 24 loops should remain on each spoke.

Place the pattern in the middle of the heel and start knitting it. To do this, knit the fabric on two needles, the length of the heel fabric will be equal to the number of loops multiplied by two. Decrease the heel on the same knitting needles on which the heel was knitted, at the beginning of the fourth knitting needle, knit the first 2 loops with the wrong one, and then knit 2 loops together with the removal. At the end of the first knitting needle, knit the penultimate loops together with the front one, knit the last two loops with the purl. To knee socks turned out to be soft and comfortable, all patterns should be knitted on the top of the product. Knit the lower part of the foot with a stocking stitch (front stitch), but you can also knit a purl stitch.


Cotton yarns can shrink during washing, so wash some yarn first to check this.