Can pregnant women take espumisan capsules? Danger of increased gassing. In what cases is assigned

Increased gas production, or flatulence, worries many expectant mothers, bringing inconvenience and discomfort. The reasons for this condition in the early stages of pregnancy are associated with a change in hormonal levels, malfunctioning of the pancreas, as a result of which digestion is disturbed. In the second half of gestation, the enlarged uterus presses on the internal organs, provoking a slowdown in intestinal motility. To solve such a delicate problem during the period of bearing a child, a soft and safe remedy is required, for example, Espumisan, which is prescribed even in the first trimester.

How does the drug work?

Espumisan is a medical preparation used for intestinal disorders of a functional nature, in particular with increased gas production. The therapeutic effect is due to the action of the main active component - simethicone

It should be said that gases in the stomach and intestines are not in their natural state. They mix with liquids and transform into small bubbles surrounded by mucous secretions and a kind of foam.

With an increase in the amount of gas in the stomach, foam expands the intestines and interferes with peristalsis and the absorption of nutrients. All this is accompanied by a rumbling in the stomach and unpleasant painful sensations. Simethicone, an organic substance containing molecules of silicon dioxide and polymethylsiloxane, fights these symptoms. This chemical compound has the following medicinal effects:

  • carminative - suppresses the formation of gases in the digestive tract and removes those already accumulated;
  • defoaming - reduces the surface tension at the interface between liquids and gases, while the foam settles, and the bubbles "collapse".

As a result, the membranes of the digestive tract are cleared of foam and mucus, thereby improving the absorption of food, nutrients and medicines.

Espumisan is a carminative agent that effectively fights against increased gas production

In addition, simethicone is a chemically inert compound, that is, it does not interact with other substances, including drugs. The component is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is excreted unchanged from the body along with feces.

Forms of issue

The German manufacturing company produces the drug in three dosage forms:

  • gelatin capsules with a colorless liquid inside (called Espumisan);
  • an emulsion, which is an almost colorless cloudy liquid with a fruity aroma (Espumisan 40);
  • drops in the form of a white emulsion for oral administration (Espumisan L).

There is also a children's version of the drug - Espumisan baby. This modification of the drug is also approved for use in adult patients.

Espumisan dosage forms - gallery

Espumisan baby is specially designed for newborns. Emulsion Espumisan 40 is a colorless liquid Espumisan L - drops for oral administration
Espumisan capsules - the most common dosage form of the drug

Is the drug allowed during pregnancy

According to the annotation to the medication, Espumisan is approved for use in any trimester of gestation and during breastfeeding. Due to its chemical inertness, the drug does not have a systemic effect on the body of a pregnant woman, and the drug does not penetrate into the bloodstream, which means it cannot harm a growing child.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not identified a risk category for embryos when taking Espumisan. There is no data on simethicone - the active substance of the drug. This means that there is no definitive clinical evidence to support the safety of the carminative in pregnant women.

At the same time, in the entire 15-year history of the use of the drug by expectant mothers, there were no cases of negative effects of Espumisan on the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Thus, the need to use the drug, as well as the exact dose, must be agreed with the doctor.

Indications for use

In the medical manual, general indications are noted for which Espumisan is recommended. So, carminative is prescribed to all categories of patients in the following cases:

  • increased gas production and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract with:
    • aerophagia (gastrointestinal disorder, manifested by the ingestion of air and its subsequent regurgitation);
    • Remheld syndrome (gastrocardiac disease in which a heart attack can occur after eating);
    • excessive gas production after surgery on the digestive tract;
  • functional dyspeptic stomach disorders, which are manifested by heaviness, overflow, a feeling of early satiety and gas formation;
  • poisoning with surfactants, which are foam-forming components found in detergents.

Espumisan is prescribed for insufficient bowel function, accompanied by increased gas production

In addition, there are indications for use that relate only to the period of bearing a child. The doctor may prescribe Espumisan to a woman with flatulence caused by:

  • frequent constipation, which are associated with insufficient bowel function due to squeezing of the internal organs by the uterus;
  • the use of iron preparations in the treatment of anemia in pregnant women.

In addition, all categories of patients, including expectant mothers, are prescribed a carminative before ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, in order to avoid possible image defects due to the increased content of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications and side effects

Espumisan is considered a fairly safe remedy, as evidenced by the minimum number of contraindications. The drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy for the following diseases and conditions:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to simethicone or other components of the drug.

According to the official instructions, there were no side effects when taking Espumisan. However, drug manufacturers warn of the possibility of allergic reactions to the dyes and flavors contained in the drug.

Instructions for use in the first, second and third trimesters

Before using Espumisan, the expectant mother needs to consult a doctor. It is the specialist who must determine the duration and frequency of taking the medicine, which will depend on the severity of the symptoms of increased gas production.

The instructions indicate the following rules for use, depending on the dosage form:

  1. If necessary, take the capsules with a little water.
  2. The emulsion is shaken before use. Using the measuring spoon, which is attached to the package, measure the required dosage.
  3. The drops are also shaken before use. Dose the product in drops or in milliliters using a special measuring cup.

Espumisan in all dosage forms is taken 3 to 5 times a day after each meal. If necessary, the medication is used for a long time.

How to replace Espumisan

Pharmaceutical companies offer analogues of Espumisan that contain the same active ingredient, simethicone. Among them:

  • Disflatil (Switzerland);
  • Sub simplex (France);
  • Simikol (Israel);
  • Bobotic (Poland);
  • Simethicone (Germany);
  • Antiflat Lannacher (Austria).

In pharmacy chains, you can also find drugs that differ from Espumisan in composition, but are similar in their effect. In any case, the expectant mother should consult a doctor before replacing the drug.

Equivalents of Espumisan in terms of effect - table

Name Dosage forms Active ingredients Indications Contraindications Features of use during gestation
Mezim forte pills pancreatin
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • flatulence;
  • digestive disorders due to diet;
  • preparation for the diagnosis of abdominal organs.
  • acute form of pancreatitis;
  • intolerance to active and auxiliary components.
The effect of the drug on a pregnant woman and a child has not been studied enough. The appointment is possible if the benefits for the expectant mother are significantly higher than the possible harm to the fetus.
  • pills;
  • lozenges;
  • suspension.
  • increased gas formation;
  • bloating;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating;
  • epigastric pain;
  • nausea.
  • increased prolactin levels;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bleeding from the digestive tract.
There is not enough clinical data, so the doctor makes the decision to take the drug after examining the pregnant woman, taking into account the likely risks.
Activated carbon pills fine-pored carbon
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • flatulence;
  • preparation for endoscopic examination.
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Allowed according to indications in all trimesters of pregnancy.
Dicetel pills pinaverium bromide
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • flatulence;
  • preparation for diagnostic procedures.
  • intolerance to active and auxiliary substances;
  • lack of lactase.
There is insufficient information about the safety of the drug, so use is allowed if the benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk to the child.
Linex capsules lebenin
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • epigastric pain.
intolerance to active and auxiliary substances of the drug Prescribed in all trimesters of pregnancy according to indications.

Bloating at different periods of carrying a baby brings discomfort to a woman. This phenomenon is perfectly handled by the drug Espumisan, which is classified as a harmless drug approved for use by pregnant women, as well as babies from the first days of their life, with colic in the abdomen.

In contact with

Can Espumisan be taken by pregnant women?

Changing hormonal levels (increased progesterone) and the restructuring of a woman's body during pregnancy lead to intestinal disorders, constipation and gas formation.

The appearance of flatulence is influenced by a change in the enzymatic apparatus of the pancreas and poor digestion of food.

The growing uterus also puts pressure on the intestines, which can be the cause of increased flatulence, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Improper nutrition of a woman: excessive consumption of carbohydrates in food (baked goods, sweets, grapes, sugary carbonated drinks), as well as legumes, some vegetables (cabbage, beets) can cause fermentation in the body.

Espumisan taken during pregnancy is a safe drug that:

  • able to relieve a woman of discomfort and discomfort in the abdomen, psychological experiences due to flatulence;
  • not subject to intestinal absorption;
  • safe for any period of gestation, has minor contraindications, passes without side effects;
  • contains no sugars (suitable for pregnant women with diabetes);
  • recommended for some dysfunctions of the digestive system.

Espumisan is well tolerated without adversely affecting the fetus. It contains the substance simethicone, which converts intestinal gases into another physical form, removing bloating and pain associated with it. Simethicone does not cause allergies and is absolutely harmless; it is a success both for the treatment of pregnant women and children, from the first days of their life.

The excipients included in the medicine require testing for an allergic component if a woman has a tendency to them. The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is better to coordinate its reception with an obstetrician in order to exclude intolerance to the components.

Instructions for use of the drug

The product is produced in the form of round gelatinous oral capsules in blisters of 25 pieces (in a package of up to 50 or 100) or an emulsion (5, 30, 100 ml) with a milky banana smell. There are also chewable tablets (42 mg), drops and suspensions (30, 50 mg).

Espumisan is convenient to take at home and at work: with meals or before bed. With flatulence, a single application is sufficient. The medicine can be taken for a long time, if necessary, and it is prescribed by a doctor:

  • in capsules - 2 pcs. up to 5 times a day;
  • in emulsion - 2 scoops 3-5 times;

In case of acute poisoning with chemical agents, 200 ml of the suspension should be taken.

Indications for the use of the drug in pregnant women are:
  • Constant increased flatulence, pressing on the uterus, at any time and gestosis;
  • Preparation for ultrasound examination, endoscopic and X-ray examinations of the stomach and intestines.
  • Poisoning with household chemicals and detergents (Espumisan acts as an antifoam agent).
  • Accumulations of feces and their stagnation in the second half of gestation.
  • Therapy for anemia, which is accompanied by treatment with iron preparations.
  • Frequent attacks of hiccups and belching, which are signs of indigestion and functional dyspepsia.

It is extremely rare (in isolated cases), Espumisan, with all its positive qualities, may have contraindications in the form of:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to allergies to the components that make up the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction or obstructive digestive system diseases.

In all other cases, the drug is well tolerated by pregnant women, safe for the health of the mother and fetus, and does not cause side effects.

The analogues of Espumisan include:

  1. Sub simplex,
  2. Bobotik,
  3. Gascon,
  4. Meteospasmil,
  5. Simethicone,
  6. Antiflat Lannacher,
  7. Drop,
  8. Espumisan L,
  9. Disflatil,
  10. Simicol.

Reviews about Espumisan from pregnant women

Alena I., 23, 25 weeks:“At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was worried about strong gas formation. I turned to my obstetrician and talked about the problem. After examining me, and looking through the medical card, the doctor explained that this feature of my body is temporary, associated with hormonal changes, and prescribed Espumisan in capsules. Of course, I did not want to take any medications at all so as not to harm my baby, but the obstetrician convinced me of the harmlessness of the medication. Having bought capsules at the pharmacy, I took 2 pieces at home, and I felt relief after the first hour. I am now taking my medication as needed. The unpleasant sensations in my stomach left me. I stopped blushing in front of my husband "

Irina L., 35 y., 32 weeks: “During my third pregnancy, I faced the problem of constant gas formation. This was especially frustrating while at work. The feeling of constant bloating, painful tingling sensations, abdominal discomfort affected my general health and mood. I learned about Espumisan from a close friend. With this medicine, she saved herself with a similar problem, when she was in an interesting position, and then used it for colic in her son. On the Internet, I read a lot of information and reviews about the drug. Now I am writing my own. Girls, do not be afraid to take Espumisan, it is not harmful to a child! If there are no allergies to the components of the drug, feel free to drink tablets or suspension! You will feel relief in the first hours "

Alla N., 41, 16 weeks:“I was constantly worried about unpleasant abdominal pains and a feeling of fullness. I was worried and worried about the child, because during the first pregnancy I did not have this, and the second child managed to become pregnant already at an age. I asked my gynecologist about the problem. After examining me, she prescribed an ultrasound scan for tomorrow, and for today the drug Espumisan, explaining this by the need for an examination. At home, I read the instructions, became convinced of the harmlessness of the drug itself for my body and for the child, and also that it reduces the accumulation of gases in the intestines, preventing colic. I was very surprised when, after 1 hour, relief came and the pains in my abdomen began to disappear. The next day, an ultrasound scan showed that everything was fine with the child, and the doctor explained to me that the cause of the unpleasant pain and distention was the accumulation of gas, and not problems with the placenta, as I thought. Now I am calm, because I have a reliable assistant. I recommend to everyone!"

It is very good for a woman to combine taking the Espumisan medication with a balanced diet, which should be complete, fortified, not cause increased gas formation and be accompanied by normal motor activity.

IMPORTANT! A pregnant woman should not prescribe a drug for herself on her own. Even products with a natural composition, safe in terms of functional effects on the body, require prior consultation and permission from a doctor. Be healthy!

Bloating during pregnancy is felt from time to time by any woman, which means that Espumisan during pregnancy is a medicine that must be in your home medicine cabinet.


The first question that directly relates to the topic of Espumisan during pregnancy is how safe it is. If you disassemble the composition of the drug, you will notice that none of them can cause an acute reaction.

The instruction indicates the presence in the dosage form:

  • simethicone;
  • glycerin;
  • methyl 4 hydroxybenzoate;
  • dyes.

The main active substance is generally recognized as harmless, since it leaves the body in an unchanged form, only destroying the accumulation of gas, the rest of the substances are conditionally harmless (in the absence of serious allergic reactions).

Naturally, if you abuse the drug or are allergic to specific components, you may notice unpleasant allergy symptoms, for example, slight redness of the skin, slight itching, rash. You do not need to take risks if you experience similar symptoms after taking Espumisan during pregnancy. You should stop taking and consult a doctor. Generally speaking, the instruction does not prohibit taking during pregnancy, even in the early stages, but in any case, the use should be preceded by a visit to the doctor.

This drug can be taken even by pregnant women with diabetes mellitus: it does not contain sugar, and therefore is safe to use even in the presence of this ailment.

If you look at the reviews, it seems that Espumisan is a real panacea. Yes, if you use it correctly and consult with your doctor about the specifics of using the medicine, then you will get relief very quickly. This is evidenced by the multiple grateful posts from those who, using this medication during pregnancy, could return to normal life without discomfort and pain. If you look on the Internet, you will find entire forums about Espumisan - and almost 90% of pregnant women write that Espumisan has helped!

Of course, the reviews are silent about the fact that there are a number of contraindications to the use of this medication, one of which is problems with intestinal permeability. If your bloating and discomfort is accompanied by vomiting, pain, you need to see a doctor urgently - no Espumisan will solve such a situation.

Indications, contraindications, analogues, alternative

As with any drug, Espumisan has specific features of its administration, which include indications, contraindications and alternative methods of treatment. Let's figure it out in order.

This drug is contraindicated for you if you have:

  • there was an increased sensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • narrowed stomach;
  • there is bleeding from the digestive tract;
  • pain in the abdomen of varying intensity, but you do not know their root cause.

Like any popular drug, Espumisan has analogues, including:

  • Espumisan L;
  • Antiflat Lannacher;
  • Simicol;
  • Disflatil;
  • Bobotik;
  • Simethicone;
  • Sub simplex;
  • Meteospasmil.

Their difference is mainly reduced to the price, dosage (concentration), since the active substance is the same, as well as the indications for use, contraindications, peculiarities of the reception.

Espumisan comes in different forms to make it easier to use. The most common are:

  • Convenient chewable tablets (40 or 42 milligrams)
  • oral capsules;
  • emulsion (5, 30 or 100 milligrams of packaging);
  • drops;
  • suspension (30 or 50 milliliters in a vial).

If you do not trust modern drugs and prefer the use of traditional medicine, you can try to drink instead of Espumisan, for example, a decoction of dill seed. You can also help the expectant mother by adjusting her diet. Eliminate foods that stimulate gas formation (cabbage, pastries, legumes), reduce (or better even remove from the diet) carbonated drinks, monitor the consumption of fermented milk products.

If you do not observe any contraindications for use, and the doctor advises taking Espumisan or its analogues to alleviate your condition, you can use this medicine when:

  • increased gas production at any stage of pregnancy with gestosis;
  • stagnation of feces in the second half of pregnancy;
  • treatment of anemia, accompanied by the intake of iron supplements;
  • the consequences of a cesarean section;
  • strict diet while breastfeeding the baby.

General indications for the use of Espumisan are:

  • flatulence (almost any etiology);
  • belching;
  • attacks of hiccups;
  • poisoning;
  • preparation for examinations of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract by methods of endoscopy, X-ray, ultrasound.

This drug can even be given to newborns, of course, subject to prior consultation with a pediatrician. Babies are prescribed it if they experience colic, excessive gas formation in the first weeks when adapting to breastfeeding or taking alternative formulas or during the introduction of new complementary foods.

In principle, you can buy this medicine at any pharmacy without a prescription, but this does not remove your responsibility at all: the pharmacist is not a doctor, he is not responsible for making such decisions, which means that the final choice - to drink or not drink - is exclusively yours.

Espumisan is considered by both doctors and ordinary people to be such a safe drug that it is prescribed even to newborns with abdominal colic. Knowing about this feature, many of pregnant women, completely not fearing for the condition of the baby in the womb, use the same drug for bloating, flatulence and heaviness in the stomach.

How safe is it? After all, a "ready-made" baby and a fetus at a certain stage of intrauterine development are a complete difference in organisms and possible completely inadequate consequences from the use of drugs of the "light" category by the expectant mother.

Unexplored drug

What is known about Espumisan?

  1. The drug has practically no contraindications.
  2. There are no side effects after application.
  3. The active substance helps to break down the bubbles formed in the intestines and removes gases.

But this is with standard use. And the appointment of the drug to pregnant women cannot be called ordinary and standard. Here - each case with its own characteristics, under which it is necessary to adjust the therapy.

Future mothers should know that no studies of the effect of Espumisan substances on the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman have been carried out. Therefore, if you take Espumisan on your own, then you take it at random, which, unfortunately, is not nonsense during pregnancy, but this should not be the case.

The presence of dyes in the composition of the drug should also be a cause for concern - this is, unambiguously, chemistry, the presence of which in a pregnant body is highly undesirable.

About the composition of Espumisan in detail

Simethicone is an active substance, due to the mechanism of action of which in the intestines all sorts of ugliness in the form of stagnant gas bubbles stop. The drug does not contain sugars, but other substances can be dangerous for the mother and the fetus (cause allergic reactions, for example).

So, what does Espumisan contain as excipients?

  • Glycerol;
  • white gelatin (not dangerous);
  • methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (preservative);
  • dyes E104 and E 110 (potentially hazardous).

Is it worth talking about the safety of a drug for pregnant women if it contains a chemical that can manifest itself in the body in the most unpleasant forms?

Take Espumisan, or limit yourself to folk remedies?

Flatulence, bloating are the phenomena that haunt every second pregnant woman. They appear at different times, and it is much more convenient to deal with them for women who have gone on maternity leave. And what to do for future mothers, whose bodies are already working hard to form a new person, but those around them are not yet very noticeable, and even before the decree is still a long time?

It is very difficult to be surrounded by employees and at the same time to constantly control yourself from unsightly manifestations of pregnancy. It is much easier and calmer to take a pill and not think about what the body can "give out" the next minute.

But such mental balance of a pregnant woman is not always justified, especially in cases where it is not known exactly how the drug will behave once it enters the body. Therefore, it is wiser to limit the use of folk remedies, although some of them are not as convenient for taking in the workplace as Espumisan.

But it is quite possible to carry with you a small thermos with a warm decoction of chamomile, mint or dill water.


Espumisan is prescribed as an effective carminative for:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including those that annoy most pregnant women with flatulence and heartburn.

Features of using Espumisan for pregnant women

First, and this should not become a feature, not an accident, but a pattern: do not take the drug without medical advice. If the doctor considers the appointment of Espumisan necessary, adhere to the dosage and the duration of therapy that he prescribed for you.

Even with the appointment, carefully read the contents of the instructions: perhaps there you will find information characterizing the drug as undesirable for you, which the doctor did not notice.

Do not overdose while taking Espumisan. Take the tablets during or immediately after a meal. In some cases, it is possible to appoint Espumisan for the night.

The period of use of the drug by pregnant women differs from the standard period of therapy - it is shortened by several days.

Espumisan by trimester

1 trimester

The period that does not even allow us to talk about the use of medications: they are dangerous, or safe, prescribe them with caution or without ... In the early stages, official medicine recommends using folk recipes, and there are plenty of them to get rid of flatulence, so you can do without Espumisan.

2 trimester

Prescribed with caution, therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician. The drug is relatively safe, but in some cases allergic reactions are possible. The substances of the drug do not penetrate the placental barrier, but some caution must be observed, since the drug has not been properly investigated.

3 trimester

The use is allowed under the responsibility of the attending physician and the pregnant woman herself. Cases of negative effects of the drug are rare, but allergies are quite possible. It is not known whether it will be passed on to the fetus, so it is better not to risk it.