Cartoon white wolf. Tatar fairy tales Tatar fairy tale white wolf in Russian

In ancient times, there was a man who had three daughters. One day he told them that he was going on a journey.

What will you bring me? the eldest daughter asked.

What you want.

Bring me a fancy dress.

And what do you want? the father asked the second daughter.

I also want a dress.

And you, my child? he asked the youngest, whom he loved more than the other two.

I don’t need anything, ”she replied.

How is that nothing?

Yes, father, nothing.

I promised to bring gifts to your sisters and I don't want you to be left with nothing.

Okay, I would like to have a talking rose.

A talking rose? - exclaimed the father - Where am I

find her?

Father, I only want this rose, you don’t come back without it.

The father hit the road. He easily got out beautiful dresses for his elder daughters, but wherever he inquired about the talking rose, he was answered that he was obviously joking and that there was no such rose in the whole world.

Yes, if there was no such rose, - said the father, - my daughter would not ask for it.

One day he saw a beautiful castle in front of him, from where an indistinct noise came. He listened and heard voices. They sang and talked in the castle. Having walked around the castle several times in search of an entrance, he finally found a gate and entered the courtyard, in the middle of which a rose bush was blooming, all strewn with flowers: it was their voices that he heard, they spoke and sang. Finally, he thought, I have found a talking rose. And he immediately tore off one of them.

At the same moment, a white wolf pounced on him and shouted:

Who let you enter my castle and pick my roses? As punishment, you will die - everyone who penetrates here must die!

Let me go, - said the poor fellow, - I will return the talking rose to you.

No, no, - answered the white wolf. - You will die!

Unhappy me, unhappy! My daughter asked me to bring a talking rose, and now that I have finally found her, I must die!

Listen, - said the white wolf, - I will have mercy on you and even allow you to keep the rose with you, but on one condition: you will bring to me the first one who meets you at home.

The poor man promised to do what the wolf demanded of him, and set off on his way back. And who did he see as soon as he returned home? Your youngest daughter.

Ah, my daughter, he said, what a sad journey!

Haven't you tracked down a talking rose? the girl asked.

I found her, but to my misfortune. I plucked it in the courtyard of the white wolf castle. I have to die.

No, said her daughter, I don’t want you to die. I'd rather die instead of you.

She repeated this so many times that he finally said to her: x

So be it, my daughter, I will reveal to you what I intended to hide from you. Know, I promised the white wolf to bring him the first one who comes across to me when I return home. Only on this condition did he agree to save my life.

My father, - said the daughter, - I'm ready to hit the road.

And so her father went with her to the castle of the white wolf. They walked for several days and finally reached a pound in the evening. The white wolf appeared at once. The girl's father told him:

This is who I met when I returned home. This is my daughter who asked me to bring her a talking rose.

I will not harm you, - said the white wolf, - but you must promise that you will not say a word to anyone about what you will see and hear here. This castle belongs to fairies. All of us, its inhabitants, are enchanted; I am doomed to turn into a white wolf during the day. If you can keep the secret, it will do you good.

The girl and her father entered a room where there was a sumptuously set table; they sat down and began to eat and drink, and soon, when it was already completely dark, a beautiful nobleman entered the room. This was the one who first appeared to them as a white wolf.

You see, ”he said,“ that on this table is written: "They keep silence here."

Father and daughter again promised to keep the secret.

Soon after the girl had retired to the room assigned to her, a beautiful nobleman entered there. She was very scared and began to scream loudly. He reassured her and said that if she followed his advice, he would marry her, she would become queen and the castle would belong to her. In the morning he again assumed the form of a white wolf, and, hearing his plaintive howl, the poor girl wept.

After spending one more night in the castle, the girl's father went home. She herself remained in the castle and soon settled down there; everything she wanted was at her service, music delighted her ears every day - nothing was spared to entertain her.

Meanwhile, the girl's mother and sisters were very anxious. They only had a conversation:

Where is our poor daughter? Where is our sister?

Returning home, at first the father did not say a word about what had happened, but then he gave in and revealed to them where he left his daughter. One of the sisters went to the girl and began to ask her about what had happened to her. The girl braced herself for a long time, but her sister begged her so persistently that she finally revealed the secret to her.

Immediately a terrible howl was heard at the door. The girl jumped up in fear. But as soon as she had time to run to the threshold, the white wolf fell dead at her feet. Then she realized her mistake, but it was too late, and she spent the rest of her life in sorrow.

In ancient times, there was a man who had three daughters. One day he told them that he was going on a journey.

What will you bring me? the eldest daughter asked.

What you want.

Bring me a fancy dress.

And what do you want? the father asked the second daughter.

I also want a dress.

And you, my child? he asked the youngest, whom he loved more than the other two.

I don’t need anything, ”she replied.

How is that nothing?

Yes, father, nothing.

I promised to bring gifts to your sisters and I don't want you to be left with nothing.

Okay, I would like to have a talking rose.

A talking rose? - exclaimed the father - Where am I

find her?

Father, I only want this rose, you don’t come back without it.

The father hit the road. He easily got out beautiful dresses for his elder daughters, but wherever he inquired about the talking rose, he was answered that he was obviously joking and that there was no such rose in the whole world.

Yes, if there was no such rose, - said the father, - my daughter would not ask for it.

One day he saw a beautiful castle in front of him, from where an indistinct noise came. He listened and heard voices. They sang and talked in the castle. Having walked around the castle several times in search of an entrance, he finally found a gate and entered the courtyard, in the middle of which a rose bush was blooming, all strewn with flowers: it was their voices that he heard, they spoke and sang. Finally, he thought, I have found a talking rose. And he immediately tore off one of them.

At the same moment, a white wolf pounced on him and shouted:

Who let you enter my castle and pick my roses? As punishment, you will die - everyone who penetrates here must die!

Let me go, - said the poor fellow, - I will return the talking rose to you.

No, no, - answered the white wolf. - You will die!

Unhappy me, unhappy! My daughter asked me to bring a talking rose, and now that I have finally found her, I must die!

Listen, - said the white wolf, - I will have mercy on you and even allow you to keep the rose with you, but on one condition: you will bring to me the first one who meets you at home.

The poor man promised to do what the wolf demanded of him, and set off on his way back. And who did he see as soon as he returned home? Your youngest daughter.

Ah, my daughter, he said, what a sad journey!

Haven't you tracked down a talking rose? the girl asked.

I found her, but to my misfortune. I plucked it in the courtyard of the white wolf castle. I have to die.

No, said her daughter, I don’t want you to die. I'd rather die instead of you.

She repeated this so many times that he finally said to her: x

So be it, my daughter, I will reveal to you what I intended to hide from you. Know, I promised the white wolf to bring him the first one who comes across to me when I return home. Only on this condition did he agree to save my life.

My father, - said the daughter, - I'm ready to hit the road.

And so her father went with her to the castle of the white wolf. They walked for several days and finally reached a pound in the evening. The white wolf appeared at once. The girl's father told him:

This is who I met when I returned home. This is my daughter who asked me to bring her a talking rose.

I will not harm you, - said the white wolf, - but you must promise that you will not say a word to anyone about what you will see and hear here. This castle belongs to fairies. All of us, its inhabitants, are enchanted; I am doomed to turn into a white wolf during the day. If you can keep the secret, it will do you good.

The girl and her father entered a room where there was a sumptuously set table; they sat down and began to eat and drink, and soon, when it was already completely dark, a beautiful nobleman entered the room. This was the one who first appeared to them as a white wolf.

You see, ”he said,“ that on this table is written: "They keep silence here."

Father and daughter again promised to keep the secret.

Soon after the girl had retired to the room assigned to her, a beautiful nobleman entered there. She was very scared and began to scream loudly. He reassured her and said that if she followed his advice, he would marry her, she would become queen and the castle would belong to her. In the morning he again assumed the form of a white wolf, and, hearing his plaintive howl, the poor girl wept.

After spending one more night in the castle, the girl's father went home. She herself remained in the castle and soon settled down there; everything she wanted was at her service, music delighted her ears every day - nothing was spared to entertain her.

Meanwhile, the girl's mother and sisters were very anxious. They only had a conversation:

Where is our poor daughter? Where is our sister?

Returning home, at first the father did not say a word about what had happened, but then he gave in and revealed to them where he left his daughter. One of the sisters went to the girl and began to ask her about what had happened to her. The girl braced herself for a long time, but her sister begged her so persistently that she finally revealed the secret to her.

Immediately a terrible howl was heard at the door. The girl jumped up in fear. But as soon as she had time to run to the threshold, the white wolf fell dead at her feet. Then she realized her mistake, but it was too late, and she spent the rest of her life in sorrow.

Library of the newspaper "Yuldash"





In 14 volumes




Edited by the editor-in-chief

newspaper "Yuldash" R.R. GAZIZOVA


F. I. UMANCHEEV (guide), Akhmetova F.V., Zakiev M. 3., Zamaletdinov L.Sh., Makhmutov Kh.Sh., Nadirov I.N. (scientific editor), KHASANOV M.Kh.

Editor Ranis Gazizov

Artist Niyaz Khaziakhmetov

Technical editor Nurania Gazizova

Typesetting and layout Marat Urmayacheev

Artistic editor Firaya Gimadova

Proofreader Nurania Gazizova

From the editorial board



1. FOX AND WOLF. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

2. BEAR AND FOX. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

3. BEAR, WOLF AND FOX. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

4. FOX, WOLF AND BEAR. Translation by A. Bessonov

5. FORGED FOX. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

6. LION, WOLF AND FOX. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

7. LEO, FOX AND WOLF. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

8. QUACH AND FOX. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

9. SALAM TORKHAN AND THE FOX. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

10. FOX AND CRANE. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

11. ABOUT WISE CREEPY. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

12. COCK AND FOX. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

13. FOX, HEDGEHOG AND HEDGEHOG. Translation by A. Bessonov

14. HUNGRY DOG AND WOLF. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

15. GOAT AND WOLF. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

16. GOAT AND LAMB. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

17. GOAT AND SHEEP. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

18. CAT AND BEAR. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

19. KOTAN IVANYCH. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

20. BEAR AND WOMAN. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

21. BEAR SERVICE. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

22. BEAR SON OF ATYLAKHMETGEREY. Translated by E. Nigmatullin

23. THE OLD WOMAN AND THE BEAR. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

24. BEAR AND THREE SISTERS. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

25. OLD MAN, BEAR AND FOX. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

26. NAKED WOLF. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

27. SAVRASKA. Translation by K. Dubrovsky

28. CAT, TIGER AND MAN. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

29. SHURALE. Translated by S. Gilmutdinova

30. SHAH-COCK. Translated by L. Lesnoy

31. THE BRAVE COCK. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

32. THE ALMIGHTY COCK. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

33. FOUR FRIENDS. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

34. PEA TROOPS. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

35. WISE OWL. Translated by I. Minnekhanov

36. NIGHTING. Translated by I. Minnekhanov. 49

37. SENSE CROW. Translated by L. Zamaletdinov

38. WHO IS STRONGER ?. Translated by L. Zamaletdinov

39. MOON AND SUN. Translated by I. Minnekhanov


40. TAN-BATYR. Translation by R. Akhunova

41. TURAY-BATYR. Translation by B. Sulimov

42. AYGALI-BATYR. Translated by A. Sadekova

43. KAMYR-BATYR. Translation by R. Akhunov

44. DUTAN-BATYR. Translated by E. Nigmatullin

45. WHITE WOLF. Translated by E. Nigmatullin

46. ​​GOLDEN APPLE. A. Sadekova

47. THREE SONS. Translated by R. Taktash

48. ELEVENTH SON OF AHMET. Translation by B. Sulimov

49. FORTY BROTHERS. Translated by E. Nigmatullin

50. SHAKHMARA - SNAKE PADISHAH. Translation by R. Akhunov

51. SPEAKER. Translation by F. Urmancheev

52. ZUHRA. Translation by R. Akhunov

53. BLACKWING. Translation by R. Akhunov

54. MYSTERIOUS BAG. A. Sadekova

55. THE POOR AND THE YUHA-WOLF. Translation by R. Akhunov

56. MAGIC ROD. Translated by A. Sadekova

57. FISHERMAN AND IFREIT. Translation by R. Akhunov

58. OLD FISHERMAN. Translated by A. Sadekova


60. HULCHEK. Translated by R. Kozhevnikova

61. For kindness - evil. Translation by F. Urmancheev

62. THREE FRIENDS. Translation by F. Urmancheev

63. BRAVE JIGIT. Translation by F. Urmancheev

64. PUSSY. Translated by E. Nigmatullin

65. GOLDEN FISH. Translated by E. Nigmatullin

66. SYLU-BEAUTY - SILVER SCYTHE. Translation by R. Akhunov

67. NURSYLU. Translation by F. Urmancheev

68. LUCKY FALL. Translation by F. Urmancheev

69. JIGIT-HUNTER. Translation by F. Urmancheev

70. WHITE MALE. Translation by R. Akhunov

71. THIRTEEN. Translated by E. Nigmatullin

72. THIRTY SONS. F. Urmancheeva

73. GOLDEN BIRD. Translated by A. Sadekova

74. YUZMI. Translation by F. Urmancheev

75. SHEPHERD. Translated by A. Sadekova

In ancient times, there was a padishah. He had four sons. The wife of this padishah was a beautiful woman. Once the padishah and his wife harnessed good horses to good-quality carts and rode out into the wide steppe, set up a tent.
At night, the wind suddenly rose and threw back the tent. The lord of the divas swooped down from the sky, snatched his wife from the hands of the padishah and soared upward with the prey. The padishah woke up and saw: there was no wife. He quickly woke up the coachman and went to look for his wife. They searched all night, but what's the point, they returned to the city at dawn. Padishah sent out to all the ends of the horse, and where the horses could not gallop, he sent letters to find her.
A year has passed since his wife disappeared. The eldest son returned home from school to his father, and said:
- Father, I have reached the limit of knowledge. Let me go look for my mother.
The father replies:
- I give my consent. What is needed for the road?
The son took a hundred soldiers, took money and supplies to last for a year, and went in search. They rode for a month, rode for a year, and when a top grew on the spinning ground, and on the idle land a beautiful meadowsweet grew, and millet on the stone, wheat on the ice, and squeezed all this with a crash like a sickle, then the travelers drove into the dense forest. We drove up to a spring, to a clearing.
The eldest son thought: "Let's make a halt here, rest the day, feed the horses." The travelers dismounted from their horses, set up huts and went down to the water. They brought water, cooked supper, sat in a circle, when suddenly he approached the tent. He greeted and said in a human voice:
- Hey, you fools, who allowed you to enter my forest and trample the grass? No permission, leave immediately.
The son of the padishah said:
- Go yourself where you came from. You see, one hundred of my soldiers, now I will order to shoot you.
The White wolf was angry, hearing these words, stands on his own, drives the newcomers. Do not obey. Then the White Wolf looked at them point-blank, chanted a spell, blew, and everyone froze like idols.
Now about the padishah. He waited for news from his son for five months, waited for six months, and no news.
A year later, two middle sons returned from school. They greeted their father and asked permission to go and look for mother.
“We’ll go looking, too.” Padishah replied:
- For a year now, there is no news from your older brother. If I am separated from you, what am I, a lonely one, to do?
The sons continued to insist every day. Finally, my father gave in, gave permission to go, and set the deadline for a year.
- See that they will be here in a year.
The sons also took a hundred horse soldiers each, took money and provisions for a year, said goodbye to their father, with friends and set off, two hundred and two people. The morning drove, the evening drove, and when the necks were hardened and the faces turned brown, they reached that very forest.
We saw a spring, a clearing, stopped to rest. We got off our horses, set up tents, brought water, cooked supper.
A right here:
- Who gave permission to enter the forest and trample the forest grass? There are so many of you - soldiers and horses! There is no permission - and began to drive them away.

cartoon white wolf

The brothers think: their strength is behind them - two hundred mounted warriors. The wolf was attacked:
- Go yourself where you came from.
I tried to persuade the White Wolf in an amicable way, but it did not work out. They did not obey. Then the White Wolf cast a spell, then blew. The travelers froze like idols.
Now back to the padishah. A year has passed since the middle brothers left. The youngest son is from madrasah, returned from school. He greeted his father and asked about the brothers. The father replied:
- It has been two years since your older brother left, and already a year since your middle brothers left. No hearing.
Hearing about that, the younger brother decided:
“Know something happened since they didn't come back. Dyke and me permission. I'll go look.

Padishah said:
- If I am separated from you, so who will I have to look at? The one who disappeared is lost, you, however, do not have my permission.
The younger brother began to beg his father, every day he begged, and the padishah reluctantly agreed. The son reassured him:
- Father, I will not ask for an army and provisions. Give me only money for a year.
His father gave him a lot of money.
The youngest son saddled a good horse and set off. Many months passed, many days, hours, minutes, and finally the horseman reached the very forest in which his brothers were. I wanted to go through the forest, I saw a beautiful clearing by the road, I thought: “For many days I have not given my horse a break. I will make a halt, feed the horse. " With these words, he dismounted from the horse, tied the horse to a high branch. He took the gun off his shoulder, loaded it and went into the forest: maybe I'll shoot a bird for dinner. Not even ten steps to meet him :
- Hey, horseman, why do you wander here, where are you going, from which parts? It is forbidden here to trample the grass-ant without my consent, and you, as I see, are going to hunt for forest birds.
Dzhigit answered:
“I was thinking of shooting that bird over there and making myself dinner.” I'm very tired, I'm falling off my feet. A long way passed. Since you do not order, I will not shoot the birds or feed the horse without your consent. You see, I tied the horse, "lifting his head so that he would not get the grass. Now I am leaving the forest. And the wolf answered:
- I see, horseman, you yourself are handsome, your words are honeyed, everything is as it should be. In this case, I allow you to walk in the forest, feed the horse, shoot birds. Do as you decide. Only don't touch this bird. Behind that tall poplar there is another, large bird sitting on a branch. Go shoot her, aim for the chest. It will fall off with one shot. Then bring it, roast it. I, too, will come to dine with you, - and the wolf set off on his way.

Dzhigit obeyed the advice, went up to the poplar, took aim at the bird's chest and fired. The bird fell, and the horseman, returning to his horse, gutted it. Then he set up the tent, prepared supper, let the horse graze, waited White wolf... Suddenly an unfamiliar young man approached the tent and greeted. The son of the padishah warmly greeted the guest and invited him to dine together. The guest agreed and entered the tent. We sat down to eat. We were hungry and almost ate everything clean. The padishah's son suddenly remembered about the White Wolf; “There is little food left. If a wolf comes, what will I treat? " The guest noticed the horseman's concern:
- Oh, my friend, well, we sat there. Why did you suddenly feel sad? What's troubling?
The son of the padishah told about how he shot a bird, how he met the White Wolf, how they agreed to dine together.
The guest reassured him:
- Well, do not twist. The white wolf is me. I know seventy crafts, I can take seventy forms.
The son of the padishah calmed down, they began to talk about this and that. The son of the padishah told why he set out on the road, how the brothers got lost. He told everything how it was. The white wolf asked:
- Well, do you think they are safe and sound now? The son of the padishah answered:
- And how, it is clear, safe and sound. Because they did not embark on a bad path, they did not set out with a black thought. Three brothers, three of a hundred soldiers each, money, supplies.

If you saw your brothers now, would you recognize them? Come, I will show you one place, - and he led the young man to the place where the oldest of the brothers stood like a stone idol; the stone had time to overgrow with moss "
- Look, do you know? Can't you guess? Then I'll tell you:
“This one is your elder brother, and the stones scattered nearby are his brave team. They were willful, and I turned them into stones.
The horseman found out who was turned into these stones, and wept. Begs the White Wolf to return them to their former appearance.
- Okay, - answered , - I will respect your request, I will return them to a human form. Yes, only your brother and his soldiers are not suitable for you as companions. As soon as they come to life, send them back to your city.
The white wolf looked the other way, uttered a long spell, blew on the stones. The stones moved, jumped, turned into people: some were holding a gun, some were saddling a horse, some were twisting a cigarette, lighting a cigarette. The elder son of the padishah woke up and shouted:
- Get ready to live! We slept for a long time. It's time to go.
Then the younger brother went up to the older one. At first, he did not recognize him, the younger told about himself.
- I am your youngest brother. When I was studying, you went to look for mother, there was no news from you, and father almost went blind from crying, waiting for you. I'm looking for my mother too. I came to this forest, met the White wolf. You yourself have ruined yourself, you have contradicted the wolf. I made friends with him, found out about you, begged him to return your previous appearance. Feel sorry for me, he revived you. Come back, you are in good health.
The elder brother returned with his soldiers to the city.

I asked the younger White Wolf to revive the middle brothers. The White Wolf obeyed, only advised against taking them as comrades:
- If you really need it and you want it yourself, leave your brother with you, who is a year older. The rest are not good for helpers, let them come back.
The wolf, like the first time, revived the rest with a spell, and they, having said goodbye, returned to their lands. Dzhigit kept his brother with him, who is a year older.
- Well, White wolf, I am a traveler, I should be good on my way, do not hold me back. Let me leave the willows of your forest.

Good. Only I myself will accompany you to the edge. There are wild animals in the forest, no matter how they harm you.
We removed the tent and set off. On the way, the White Wolf said:
- You, horseman, have a long way to go, I will teach you where to go, maybe my advice will do. Where we go, this is my forest. From here, travel for three days, three nights, and you will find yourself in the possession of the padishah of the divas. You will ride on the land of divas for three more days, three nights, you will meet a golden poplar with sixty girths on your way. There will be a small lake at the foot of the poplar.
As you reach the lake, dig a dugout, leave your brother in the dugout. Dig a hole near the poplar yourself, hide in it, cover yourself with earth so that two eyes only remain. In a few hours a herd of horses will come to the lake to drink. The horses will get drunk and gallop away, in an hour thunder will break out, the earth will hum, whirlwinds will rise, a stomp will be heard sixty miles away, a piebald stallion with sixty girths will appear and begin to rub his mane against a golden poplar in sixty girths. As soon as he gets tired, he will drink all the water from the lake, will come up to the tree again and rub his mane, turning the other side. Fish will remain at the bottom of the lake. Let the elder brother drag her to his dugout for food. The stallion will rub for a long time until he breaks a golden poplar in sixty girths. You will hear: the tree is cracking, immediately jump out of the hole and sit astride a piebald stallion with sixty girths. If you fail to sit on horseback, strive to grab hold of the mane, if you fail to grab the mane, grab the tail. If you can mount a stallion, maybe you will find mother. And if you climbed, follow where the horse - even into the water, even into the fire. God forbid letting go of your hand. If you let go, you will perish. If you manage to overcome the torment, you will find mother. Dzhigit in response:
- I will endure everything, no matter what I have to meet, I'm ready for anything.

Okay, horseman, I believe you will find your mother. When you return, do not forget to turn to me. Stop in the forest where you want, give your horse a rest, eat whatever you like. Just don't forget to be my guest, otherwise my blessing will not be there. And when you get to my forest, I will find you myself.
The son of the padishah said goodbye to the White wolf and left the forest.

As the wolf said, they rode for three days, three nights and reached the possessions of the padishah of the divas, to the golden poplar. Together we quickly dug a hole, buried ourselves in it, only the eyes peep out. How long or not they lay, but then a herd of horses appeared. Having drunk the water, the horses galloped off to the meadow to nibble the grass. An hour passed, suddenly the wind rose, dust swirled, covered the whole sky, a piebald stallion with sixty girths galloped up to the golden poplar and began to rub against it with his mane, then he drank the lake water, rubbed his mane again, turning his other side. A golden poplar of sixty obhatov could not stand it, I broke with a crash at the base. Not hesitating for a long time, the horseman jumped out of the pit, grabbed the horse's mane, but he could not get on horseback, it was high. The stallion, sensing a man, rushed headlong, began to shake him:
clouds, then he threw himself on the ground, on the mountains, on the stones. We reached the fiery mountain. The piebald stallion stopped near the mountain of fire and addressed the young man.
- O Dzhigit, now let go of your hands. I will now jump over the fiery mountain. Your whole body will burn with fire.
Dzhigit in response:
- O stallion, where I burn, there you will not remain intact. I will not let go of my hands.
The piebald stallion carried its rider through the fire. For three hours he dragged him through the flames and heat, finally carried him over the mountain; The horseman burned, his body ached. The horseman looked around - there is no fiery mountain. “The horse was not telling the truth, it’s just a city,” he thought, and gripped his mane even tighter. The piebald stallion with sixty girths again turned to the dzhigit:
- O Dzhigit, now let go of your hands. Dzhigit in response:
- I have no hands that I would let go, where you are - there I am.
So arguing, they reached the sea. Pied stallion:
- Now, horseman, let go of your hands. You got off happily, but you will not be saved from the sea. Water will clog your mouth, nostrils, then you're done. I'll swim to the other side.
- I will not part with you. Where are you, there I am. If he clogs my mouth and nostrils with water, the same will happen to you. To perish, so together.
The angry horse carried the horseman into the sea.
day, three nights they sailed and swam to the other side. The horse dived and began to shake the rider from side to side, but the young man remained alive.
We drove on dry land and reached the forest. The forest is dense, so dense that even a bird cannot fly.
A piebald stallion of sixty girths addressed the rider:
- You see what a thicket. I will make my way through the forest. Let go of your hands, while it is intact, the branches-twigs will tear you apart, only the hands will remain, with which you grabbed my mane.
- I won't let go of my hands, I'd rather die. Where it breaks me, there you will not survive.
The angry piebald stallion carried him through the forest, began to beat him against the trees, but the horseman survived.
After three days, three nights, they finally came out of the forest.
We drove for a long time or not, but then we reached a high cliff. Pied stallion:
- Well, now let go of your hands, stay in this place. Dzhigit:
- I will die, but I will not let go of my hands.
The angry piebald stallion carried him, striking the stones. Three days later, three nights they left for the plain. Pied stallion:
- You have seen a lot, young man. These waters, fires, mountains, stones - all this was set up so that no one would penetrate the possessions of the divas. Now you got rid of the terrible thing, ride me, I will take you where I need to.
And the piebald stallion raced for three days, three nights. Then he stopped at a sandy mountain and said:
“O my friend and companion, I have done my duty. I can't go any further. Get off and pass over this sandy mountain. Behind this mountain is Mount Kaph. On the other side of Mount Kaf there are treacherous divas, bloodthirsty lions, azhdakhs. If you can get to the other side, you will find your mother there.
The horseman got off the horse, thanked him and remained standing at the foot of the mountain. The sixty-girth stallion went his own way.
The padishah's son refreshed himself a little and began to climb the mountain. I did not have time to walk a few steps when the sand crumbled under my feet, dragged down. No matter how hard I tried to climb, the sand kept crumbling. The horseman was tired, exhausted, remembered his mother, twisted, began to cry. Suddenly he saw a dark cloud falling from the sky. I got scared. The cloud is getting lower and lower. When it was already quite low, the young man noticed that it was not a cloud, but a bird. The bird spun and sat down next to:
- O dzhigit, sit on me. I'll take you to one place, she said.
The son of the padishah did not know what to do: "If you sit down, it will destroy, and if you do not sit down, it will destroy," and, entrusting himself to the will of the Almighty, sat on the back of the bird. The bird at the same moment rose to the endless heights. The son of the padishah was mortified. The bird asked:
- Oh, dzhigit, scared?
- Yes, it’s scary. Bird:
- O friend, while I am with you, do not be afraid. Thanks to your courage, you have got rid of many dangers. I think: "Apparently, he rode a piebald stallion to the sandy mountain and cannot climb the mountain." I felt sorry for you, and I took the form of the Semrug bird and flew here. I am your faithful friend the White Wolf. I will take you to the top of Mount Kaf, I cannot go further. You yourself will find your way and find your mother.
The bird Semrug carried the horseman to the top of Mount Kaf and said at last:
“I can't stay longer. I'll fly away as soon as possible. Go, may Allah illuminate your road.
At the top of the mountain, the horseman saw many human and horse bones, was surprised. Then he took a horse bone in each hand to support himself, and began to descend from the mountain! I went down three months later. He walked, walked, and towards him! a flock of lions pounced on him. But one lion made a sign to the others, and the flock did not touch the young man.

Thus, with difficulty he got rid of the misfortune. I met a mountain again, but lower. I climbed to the top of the mountain and saw something sparkling in the distance. "What would that mean?" - and he went to the sparkling object. Came closer. It turns out to be a huge copper palace. The horseman looked through the window and was dumbfounded: forty girls-slaves laid human meat on the tables and washed it. “And such a fate awaits me, and they will put my meat on the table as well and begin to wash it,” he thought, and began to cry loudly, but then he stopped. Crying is no use. Boldly walked to the door, greeted loudly.
One of the girls, stately and beautiful, cheeks - apples, eyebrows - a crow's wing, opened the door. She answered the greeting, asked:
- O Dzhigit, who are you, a man or a Peri? The son of the padishah answered:
- Human. Young woman:
- How did you get to these places where no one ever went? If the horse goes, the hooves will burn, the bird will fly - the wings will singe.
The son of the padishah answered:
- I fasted for a long time, there was no poppy dew in my mouth. Take me to the palace, order me to feed.
Young woman:
- Then wait. My mistress is a diva wife - from the human race. I'll ask her. As he says, so I will.
The girl went to her mistress and asked:
“O mistress, there is someone from the human race at the door. Begs to feed him. How do you order?
- If from the human race, invite, feed. Hearing the answer, the girl went to the door, let the young man in, led him to the mistress. Dzhigit made a bow. The mistress sat down at a distance and told the girl to bring food. She brought many dishes with fried game, treated the stranger. When the young man had his fill, the mistress went up to him and asked:
- O Dzhigit, from what lands will you be? Dzhigit answers:
- I am the son of the padishah. When I was studying, my mother got lost. Having asked my father's consent, I set out to look for her, and now I reached these places. Now I don’t know where to go.
Mistress to him:
- You came, horseman, from distant lands, you have seen a lot of dashing. If you find your mother, do not go around my palace, you will be guests. The owner of this palace, the nine-headed divas, flew away, in nine months he will arrive. If you come back soon, come, don't be afraid, to my palace.
Dzhigit promised the mistress to fulfill her request. Madam:
- I do not believe your words. Having found your mother, with joy you will forget about me. And in order not to forget, I will do this: the girl who opened the door for you, I will betrothed to you, she will stay here for a while. You will remember her and look here.
Dzhigit agreed. He remembered his brother:
“My brother is probably out of supplies and is starving. I’ll set out on the road as soon as possible - and, taking supplies with me, he said goodbye to the bride and went on.
He walked for three days, three nights and went out to the silver palace. He looked through the window - forty girls-slaves had spread human meat on the tables and washed it. Frightened: "Will my meat be put on the table in the same way and washed?"
But he gathered his courage, went to the door and greeted loudly.
A girl came out, prettier than the old one:
- Who are you, human or peri?
- Human. I was on the road for a long time, I got hungry. Feed the wanderer.
The girl answered:
- I have a lady. I'm going to ask her. I went to my mistress and said:
- Someone from the human race came, got tired from the road, asks for food.
Having received consent, she let the horseman in. The lady asked about everything. The son of the padishah told how it all happened and who he is.
- Very well, on the way back, come to my palace.
In order not to forget, I will marry for you this very girl that opened the door for you, remember her and come.
The horseman spent three nights in the palace. But he remembered about his brother: “You can't stay long,” and, having said goodbye to the bride, went on.
He walked for three days, three nights, he sees - a golden palace, and around a marvelous garden. The padishah's son stood for a while, admired, then went up to the window and looked into it: forty girls-slaves laid human flesh on the tables and washed it. He went up to the door and greeted, a girl came out, even more beautiful than before:
- Who are you, human or peri?
Dzhigit could not get enough of the beauty. Recovering himself, he replied that he was a man. The girl also asked permission from the mistress and let the traveler into the palace, led him to the mistress.
Having greeted the mistress, sat down at the indicated place, tasted the food, drank the offered drinks, the horseman looked at the mistress and asked:
- O madam, what city are you from? The lady answered:
- I am the wife of a padishah, from such and such a city, a div stole me and brought me here. Several years have passed since I have been here. I had four sons. Probably, they grew up, became like you.
- And if one of them came to you, would you recognize him?
- Of course, I would, would a person not recognize his child?
- Who am I? Madam:
- I do not know. Dzhigit:
- I'm your son. I have been looking for you for many months, and here I am. Glory to Allah, I see your bright brow, - and rushed to the mother's neck.
Send questions, tears of joy. The son told that the father was alive, that two brothers had returned home, that one brother remained on the seashore. When he finished his story, the mistress took her son to one of the doors in the palace, opened it and let her son into the room. The son of the padishah saw in the middle of the room a ball weighing five hundred pounds. The mother told her son to take out this ball. The son touched the ball, but could not move it. Then the mother said:
- Your wings are not yet strong. Div flew away and will return in twelve months. Two months have already passed. There are ten left. He feasts on human meat, brings the meat home. Div has an apple orchard, a lake. Whoever tastes the apples from this garden, drinks water from the lake, he will become the first batyr in the world. Eat apples, drink water for three months. Then I will test you, you will raise the ball. While you are not yet a batyr. You can't trust you and hit the road.

The horseman obeyed and for three months ate apples and drank lake water. His mother told him to pick up the ball:
- The diva had fun. In my free time I took out this ball, threw it to the top of the mountain, caught it with one hand and threw it again.
The mother's words offended the dzhigit, he with force threw the ball to the top of the mountain and wanted to catch it, but failed. The ball knocked him off his feet and rolled towards the foot of the mountain.
Mother said:
- Son, your wings are stronger than steel. A couple more months, and you will gain strength.
Dzhigit continued to eat apples, lived in the garden. After a month and a half, the mother said:
- Well, sonny, we'll try it again. Time is running out.
Dzhigit threw the ball, caught it with one hand, threw it back to the top of the mountain. Mother said:
- Now your strength is equal to that of a diva. If he comes back, you will have the strength to compete with him.
After that, the mother took her son to the barn and showed him the flying machine. They rolled it out of the shed, repaired, patched it, shook off the dust, prepared it for flight. We ate and drank, took forty-one girls and the bride of the padishah's son from the palace and took off. Mother read a spell, turned the golden palaces and the garden into a golden egg, which she put in her pocket. We flew by car from morning to evening, flew to the silver palace. Dzhigit said to his mother:
- Mother, let's stop here, turn the steering wheel of the car. I have another bride here. We'll take her with us.
Mother turned the steering wheel, went down at the silver palace. There they were eagerly awaited. After resting and having eaten and drunk, they turned the silver palace into a silver egg, took with them forty girls and a bride and flew on.
We flew up to the copper palace. At this time, the divas of the copper palace returned, so no one met the guests. The mother told her son;
- Son, let's fly away from here. See, nobody meets us. So the div has returned. If you enter the palace, divas can do harm. Dzhigit replied:
- Mother, I must not stop by. This is where my third bride stayed. I ate so many apples, drank so much water. Should I be afraid of the diva, - and entered the copper palace.
He was greeted with crying and screaming by the diva's wife and slave girls:
- We have no happiness! Div returned. Sleeps in his dungeon. If he wakes up, he will kill us and you.
Dzhigit looked at the diva's wife:
- Where does he sleep? And he went into the dungeon. There I saw a diva. Div putting
nine heads on nine sides and slept serenely. Dzhigit took out his diamond sword and wanted to chop off the diva's heads, but could not resist: “Wait, everyone can kill a sleeping man. I will wake him up and face off. If I die, then according to my conscience, ”and sat down at the head of the sleeping man. Div still did not wake up. Returning to the palace, the horseman said to the diva's wife:
- Go, wake up your diva. I want to measure my strength with him.
Diva's wife:
- He can be awakened with an awl. Take this awl and stick it in his heel. He will smell, wake up. Waking up, she will persuade you with gentle words, but do not give in. He is very cunning. The more tender and affectionate he is, the tougher you are. Otherwise it will deceive. Look, don't be fooled!
The horseman took the awl and stuck the diva in the heel, he did not smell anything. He stuck it in the other heel, the div woke up, shouted to his wife:
- Hey, wife, we have a human being. Why don't you meet, don't you treat?
Dzhigit to him:
- I'm not hungry. Let's get up, come out, measure our strength.
The divas got angry when he heard the impudent words, "jumped up from the couch. We went to the site, began to fight. They fought furiously, "so that the flat place turned into bumps. Finally, the horseman contrived, lifted the diva into the air and threw it to the ground, so much so that the diva went knee-deep into the ground. Div jumped up, threw the young man to the ground, he went into the ground up to his waist. Dzhigit got excited.
- No, we don't throw it like that, but like that, - and the diva threw to the ground, and he went into the ground up to his waist.
Div began to ask:
- About horseman, we fought for a long time, we are not inferior to each other. I'm hungry, I'm going to eat.
Dzhigit in response:
- Shameless, aren't you ashamed to eat alone? I am also tired. And invite me.
Div agreed, invited the horseman into the house. There were two tables in the diva's room. One table was for the owner, guests sat at the other. Div told his wife to bring food and water. And the water was different: one water added strength, the other took away strength. The diva's wife, realizing what was the matter, gave the diva water, which takes away strength, and the dzhigit - water, which adds strength. Div drank and guessed:
- You decided to destroy me! - I wanted to deal with her, but he was afraid of the horseman.
The opponents again went out into the steppe, and again began to fight. The horseman raised the diva and threw it on the ground, so that the diva sank into the ground up to his neck. Dzhigit snatched out his diamond sword, cut off all nine heads of the diva. Then he returned to the palace. The diva's wife and girls began to thank:
- Finally I had a chance to see a happy day.
- Now get together with us on the way, - said the horseman.
- Wait, our tribesmen are still here, rescue them, - the diva's wife begged and gave the keys.
They opened one door and saw that there were many old people in the room. The elders knew the diva's habit, thought: "He will grab the fattest of us and eat it now," and began to hide behind each other. Seeing the commotion, the horseman reassured:
- Hey, elders, do not be afraid of me. I, like you, a person. I release you from the diva's grip. Come out!
Then they opened another door, there were many old women in the room. They got scared too, they show each other: "This one is fatter, this one is fatter."
Dzhigit them:
- Do not be afraid, come out, I will release you. The diva's wife said:
- The diva has a mill, on which he grinds people, then ate them. Take the diva's body to the mill. Let him learn his own punishment ...
... After the meal, the horseman took a gun and went to hunt in the nearby forest. Nobody knew where he had gone. And his mother said:
“We stayed here for a long time,” and hurried the others.
Everyone got into a flying car and flew away. There was no one left in the palace. After two days of flight, they looked around: there was no horseman with them on the airship. They would return, but they are afraid: suddenly one of the diva's relatives will meet them and destroy them. Therefore, having flown a little more, we descended near the big city, turned around the silver and gold palaces and began to wait.
In the meantime, the horseman wandered through the forest, shot the game, filled his pockets with berries to treat the women to a skullcap, and returned to the copper palace. And there is no one in the palace. A hundred walk from room to room and came across a small room. In the middle there was a table, on which lay a rod an inch long. Dzhigit took a cane in his hands and swung it. Suddenly, an ifrit rose in front of him.
- What do you want? the ifrit asked.
Dzhigit guessed about the magic property of the rod and said:
“My mother and the others have left this place. I was left alone. How long will it take to get me to them?
Ifrit replied:
- I'll deliver it in three days.
The term seemed long to the dzhigit. He waved the cane again. The second ifrit appeared and asked:
- What do you want?
- How long will you take me to my companions? - the horseman asked him.
Ifrit replied:
- Per day.
Dzhigit waved the cane again. The third ifrit appeared and said:
- In two hours.
Delighted, the horseman sat down on this ifrit, and the ifrit carried him to his place.
“It’s not good to go straight into the palace,” said the horseman. “They played a nice joke with me. I'll joke too. Take me to the outskirts of town.
Ifrit fulfilled the will of the sovereign and disappeared. Dzhigit entered the city on foot. On the way I caught up with one old man. Curious: "Where will the old man go?"
The elder entered a house. Dzhigit behind him. The elder drank some drink from the bottle and left. Dzhigit followed him. The old man looked around, took the rest of the money and went in again, drank. Then we went into another house. It turned out that the old man was a shoemaker.
- Grandpa, I see you are a glorious shoemaker, - the horseman says to him. - From now on you will not overstrain. I have business with you. If you do it, I will give you a thousand rubles of money.
“I'll try what I can,” the elder promised.
- You know, on the outskirts of the city you will see two palaces. There is a girl with whom I am in love. Be a matchmaker to her.

Fulfilling the order of the horseman, the elder went to the outskirts of the city and headed for the palace. The girl stood at the entrance. At night she had a dream that someone would come to her. Seeing the elder, she went to meet him, brought him to the palace. The elder thought: "This is the same girl that the young man was talking about."
- O my daughter! A horseman is visiting me. Seeing you, he flushed with love and sent me to you as a matchmaker. What do you think?
Girl to the elder:
- Okay. Only the kalym will be big. Not the strength of an ordinary mortal. Will execute - I agree. Kalym is this: a silk dress. So that it fits without a single seam and fits me; so that you can stretch through the ring and
fit in the palm of your hand. And also galoshes. So that without a single carnation and that they were on my leg.
And I thought to myself: "If the condition is fulfilled, then it is he, my husband." The elder answered:
- Very good. And when he returned, he reported to the horseman.
- Okay, wait here, I'll get you. A horseman went out into the steppe, so that even a dog
no barking could be heard, waved a magic rod. Ifrit appeared in front of him.
- O lord, what do you order?
- How long will it take to get such and such a dress and such and such galoshes? - asks the horseman.
“I'll get it in three hours and bring it,” the ifrit answers. The term seemed long, and the horseman again waved the cane.
The second ifrit appeared, said:
- I'll get it in an hour.
And it seemed long, and the horseman summoned the third ifrit.
“In half an hour, I’ll put what is required in front of you,” he replied.
- I'll wait here.
Ifrit went to the golden palace, took measurements from the girl, brought a dress and galoshes. And the dzhigit really liked them, brought them home and handed them over to the elder. The elder took it to the palace, gave the dress and galoshes to the girl. We fell just right. The girl thought: “This can only be done by a person who has been in the state of divas,” and ordered the elder to bring her groom to her in the evening.
Evening came. Dzhigit and the elder came to the palace. They were greeted with joy by the slaves, the mother of the horseman. The elder was given the promised money, they rolled the silver and gold palaces into an egg, and boarded a heavenly ship.
Mother ordered:.
- Let my son sit down first.
And, having put the horseman in front, everyone set off. A few days later flew up to the place where the elder brother of the young man was. They put him on a ship and flew to their city. On the way, we went down to the forest where the White Wolf lived, to a beautiful meadow. right here. He turned into a handsome fellow, greeted everyone. At the sight of the handsome man, the girls' eyes blazed with fire. The son of the padishah, recognizing the White Wolf, introduced him to his friends, treated him well and then turned to him:
- My friend, , my word to you is this: these three are my wives, and these three are for my older brothers. Choose from the rest.
The wolf chose the one that appealed to him. The girl was delighted:
- I got a fine fellow. Saying goodbye to the White Wolf and his young wife, everyone
the rest flew on.
A few days later the city appeared. The mistress of the silver palace, the ex-wife of the twelve-headed diva, said:
- This is my hometown, I will stay in it, - and, thanking the horseman, I stayed.
We flew to another city. The ex-wife of the nine-headed diva said:
- This is my hometown, - and, asking for consent, thanking, she stayed.
Dzhigit thus left in this city all the people liberated by him, except for his betrothed and the girls chosen for the brothers.
Soon the hometown appeared. We landed. There were five miles to the city, but it was evening, and they decided to spend the night. The young man's mother took out an egg, and palaces and gardens arose from it. When the sons and their wives went to bed, the mother left the palace, took the ring taken from the diva off her finger, and whistled. One can count the specks of dust on the ground, but it is impossible to count the efreet who crowded in front of her.
What do you want, madam? The woman told them:
“Before dawn breaks, throw gold across the bridge from the palace to the city. Let two rivers flow on both sides of the bridge, one flowing in that direction, one in this direction; let unprecedented, outlandish ducks and geese float on the rivers and announce the surroundings with pleasant voices. Let apple trees grow along the banks, and let the apples, pouring, ripening, fall into the water, and the birds pick them up. There should be three horses on the bridge so that the wheels of the cart are made of gold, and the coachman should plant a bogeyman - ifrit, blacker than cast iron. Do as you ordered before morning - and, having said this, went to bed.
In less than a few hours, the arriving efreet knocked on the door of her bedchamber. She left the palace and saw that everything was done according to her wishes. She sent the efreet away. Soon it dawned.
When dawn broke, the padishah got up from his bed, left the palace and saw a bridge stretching to the very threshold.
- Oh, trouble, the water has risen to the threshold! he shouted and told the viziers to find out what had happened.
The viziers went out to look at the spectacle and reassured the padishah:
- Oh, my lordship, this is not water. Look for news soon. Looks like your wife or children have returned.
To celebrate, Padishah put on festive outfits, sat on the throne and waited. His wife sent him a letter through ifrit, in which it was written: “Your Grace, dear sir, my request is to you: glory to Allah, we are safe and sound, we have returned. At ten o'clock, wait on this bridge with your relatives, the mullahs-muezzins. Ifrit will drive you.
He summoned the padishah's relatives, mull-muezzins. Soon ifrit drove up and put everyone in a luxurious carriage drawn by three horses, instantly rushed to the palace. The guests were greeted by the sons, daughters-in-law of the padishah, given appropriate honors, and treated them to glory. Then many guests left, the padishah stayed with the mullahs-muezzins and his sons. The youngest son of the padishah told his father that he had brought his mother safe and sound, and asked his father to marry her again. The Padishah agreed. They arranged games, celebrated a wedding, stabbed an unborn mare, and the bones of her padishah and his wife, they say, are gnawing to this day.
Padishah brought his wife to his home, and they healed happily. The sons also played a wedding. For thirty days there were games, forty days we walked at the wedding. The youngest son of the padishah remained to live in a golden palace with three wives. Former wives of divas wrote letters to him, invited him to visit. He was visiting. We were greeted with honor, generously presented and accompanied. And the dzhigit, having returned, healed in his palace for his own pleasure and to this day, they say, he lives.

Tatar folk tale

Mardjani, 2009
[fairy tales]

  • The text is read by Sergey Shakurov
  • Music - Aydar Gainullin
  • Literary arrangement - Alena Karimova
  • Illustrations for the disc - Azat Minnekaev.

“He knows seventy kinds of witchcraft, he knows how to turn around in seventy different animals. And he can appear as a young man, and as an old man. He is the master in the forest. You will get into his possession - be polite, do not forget to ask him for permission to drink water from clean streams, pick berries and mushrooms, hunt game, walk on his tender grass ... "- with these words, probably, in the old days he admonished the young hunter aksakal.

He is strict and stern, but also fair. A good person is a defender and helper in a good deed. And the bad is better not to meet with him. Once, they say, the White Wolf saved an entire tribe from death - he took it out of the forest, sheltered it from enemies.

Whether or not he was, Ak Bure still lives. He lives in the memory of the tribal, lives in strong-minded people. And in fairy tales, of course. Fairy tales also need to be able to tell. Tell him badly or start a speech at the wrong time - Ak Bure will get angry. The time of fairy tales is evening and night - that's what grandparents say. And they also say: Condez ekiyat soylegen keshene ak bure ashar. Which means: "If you tell a story in bright daylight, a white wolf will eat you." Why - go figure it out ...

But don't tell, you read and listen. There is such an old Tatar fairy tale - that's what it is called - "White Wolf". For a long time people retell it to each other - for many centuries. During this time, probably, much has been forgotten, lost. And something was invented by the storytellers themselves and the storytellers. But the White Wolf has not gone anywhere.

The Mardzhani Publishing House, within the framework of a project to publish fairy tales of the peoples of Eurasia for children, has released a new audiobook "White Wolf". This disc precedes the release of the new book "Tatar Folk Tales".