Unusual wedding invitations. How to make unusual wedding invitations with your own hands

Preparing for a wedding begins with invitations. Guests should receive wedding invitations as early as possible, preferably a month before the celebration, so that they can calmly prepare for the festive event.

Invitations-cards can be bought in wedding salons or ordered from a designer, since their choice today is simply huge.

But, if you want your guests to appreciate your respect and special attitude towards them, keep the invitation for many years as a memory of your wedding, then you need to make sure that the wedding invitation looks unusual.

How to make a DIY wedding invitation

The most extraordinary, unusual, unique wedding invitations are obtained only when they are made by ourselves, with our own hands.

Let's remember how in childhood we cut, glued, decorated holiday cards, pick up the necessary materials and tools and get to work.

Simple wedding invitation “three windows”

With the help of our new Master class in just 10 minutes!

Try this creative and simple wedding invitation!

Vintage wedding invitation with lace and bows

Wedding Invitation Crossword

Fans of intellectual games will surely like the invitation in the form of a crossword puzzle. In order to make such an invitation, you will need questions for a crossword puzzle and one of the programs that can make puzzles.

Original ideas for wedding invitations

Fans of original wedding ceremonies can also make appropriate invitations.

Invitation as a memory of the sea and the beach

If you decide to organize your own, then prepare wedding invitations in the appropriate theme.

Wedding invitations for fans of air travel

Fishing lovers will appreciate these wedding invitations

For fans of circus art

If you are big fans of the circus and have decided on your own, then you will definitely love this cute wedding invitation with elephants!


For lovers of sea cruises

Wedding invitation in the form of money: newlyweds family bank

Such dollars will be appreciated by all guests.

Wedding in the best traditions of Las Vegas

Also, these wedding invitations in the form of playing cards are perfect for! With a large number of relatives, in order not to confuse older guests, you need to make several options for invitations.

In this case, it will be possible to give original invitation cards to friends, and to elderly relatives - invitations made in the classical style.

Texts of wedding invitations

The text of the invitation is of great importance, it must match the design of the invitation card, so the text can be simple or unusual, for example, in verse:

Dear aunt Olya and uncle Misha!

We decided to unite our destinies and hearts.

So let me, dear, invite you to the wedding.

We will be immensely glad to see you, your visit will be considered an honor

At noon, the fifth of April, on Sadovaya, in the house at six.

In any case, the following points must be taken into account in the text of the invitation.

  1. At the very beginning, the names of the guests are indicated in the form in which you are used to addressing them, and then the text of the invitation itself follows.
  2. The celebration in honor of which guests are invited is indicated.
  3. Date and time of the wedding.
  4. Venue for the celebration.
  5. The names of the newlyweds.
  6. If desired, you can draw a map of the location of the ceremony.

Can't decide on the type of wedding invitation cards? A selection of the best ideas for decorating wedding invitations will help you cope with this task.

Wedding ... On this most important day in the life of any girl, everything should be perfect: from a wedding dress to a festive table and invitations. Despite the huge selection of ready-made wedding cards for inviting guests, I want to choose one that would correspond not only to the style of the wedding itself, but also to the lifestyle and views of the newlyweds.

Being in the process of planning a wedding celebration and thinking through the details of the upcoming event, it is very important to decide on the style and meaning of the celebration. In this case, the dominant colors and stylistic wedding decoration are present in the design of the invitations.

Wedding Invitation Card Ideas

The invitation card should correspond to the idea of ​​the wedding, reveal its style and character. To emphasize the individuality of the solemn event, wedding invitations can be made by hand. In this case, having shown your originality and creativity, you can create a real masterpiece that guests will remember for a long time.

DIY scroll wedding invitation

An unusual invitation in the form of a scroll can be made in several ways and beaten in different ways. Such an unusual card in the form of an invitation will be appropriate in almost all styles of a wedding. The main thing is to correctly think over its design and components.

For example, for a classic, romantic, vintage celebration, an invitation scroll message is complemented by ribbons, lace, brooches, and can be placed in a case or box.

For a Hawaiian, beach, Greek wedding, the scroll invitation card has the look of a message, with an antique effect and a twill print.

To make such an invitation masterpiece with your own hands, you will need:

  • A5 paper
  • twine or satin ribbon
  • candle, matches
  • print with imprint
  • sealing wax or wax
  • tea, coffee or turmeric (you can add vanilla and cinnamon for flavor)

How to make a wedding invitation scroll:

  • First, write down the text of the wedding invitation on paper. This can be done with your own hands or with a laser printer.
  • To give the paper the effect of antiquity, it must be slightly crushed and placed for several minutes in a tea or coffee solution. Dry in a warm place

Interesting! To give the message a light pleasant aroma, add vanilla or cinnamon to the solution.

  • Sing the dried sheets of paper to give "old age" from all sides with a candle

  • Roll the burnt leaves into a scroll and secure with a satin ribbon or twine. To heighten the effect, the ends of the twine can be fixed with wax or sealing wax and stamped.

Video: Invitation scroll in a box. Master Class

wedding photo invitation

When creating a wedding invitation, you can show all your originality and creativity with the help of photographs. A series of photo cards assembled into a photo collage and designed in the form of a wedding invitation is truly unforgettable.

To make your own photo postcard, you can take existing pictures, group them beautifully and arrange them in Photoshop, or make new, thematic ones, in which you indicate the time, date and place of the wedding celebration with signs.

Design ideas for wedding photo invitations are truly endless:

Jigsaw wedding invitation

Another original idea for a wedding invitation consists of jigsaw puzzles, which are presented to guests in a beautiful box or envelope. The design of the invitation and the packaging itself can be the most diverse - from a photo collage to the imprinted thematic paraphernalia of the event.

Wedding invitation in the form of a poster, flyer, announcement

The invitation poster idea is useful for both classic and gangster weddings. You can play with the idea in different ways:

Video wedding invitation

A video postcard can become an original and unforgettable invitation. The plot of the video depends on the fantasy of the lovers and the theme of the upcoming celebration. The disc itself is placed in a beautiful envelope, on which information about the celebration and other nuances are duplicated.

Video: Mission Impossible wedding invitation

Video: Wedding Video Invitation Landon & Kristen: Save the Date!

wedding newspaper invitation

This original informative wedding invitation, if desired, can be made independently. When creating a black and white invitation, it is enough to have basic knowledge of Photoshop, a printer and A4 (A3) paper. The idea of ​​a wedding newspaper-congratulations, not only consists of indicating the time, place and date of the celebration, but also the personal information of the newlyweds: history of acquaintance, plans for the future.

  • The text of the invitation is placed on the title page of the invitation newspaper.

  • On the spread - a love story, acquaintances of lovers or marriage proposals are indicated.

  • The third page of the invitation newspaper can be dedicated to the guests. It contains information about the wedding celebration, its theme with its justification and indication of the dress code.

  • The last page can contain a map, funny sayings of the newlyweds and a crossword puzzle about them.

wedding invitation magnets

Small invitations in the form of magnets will undoubtedly please the guests and will be a wonderful reminder of the solemn event. Both a photo of a couple in love and thematic attributes of a wedding can become magnets.

Balloon wedding invitation

The idea is to prepare the desired invitation text and print it on colorful balloons. Such a wedding invitation is easy to make on your own with the help of markers or felt-tip pens.

How to sign a wedding card? Texts for invitations

Depending on the chosen style of the wedding celebration, the text for the invitation card may be different. The classic invitation text can be written in verse or in a common pattern.

Dear guests (names)!
We decided to unite our hearts and destinies,
And let me, dear ones, invite you to the wedding.
We will be immensely glad to see you, we consider your visit an honor,
At noon, the third of April, on Sadovaya, in the house of six.

Cool text for wedding invitation

Everything is lost! Help! She captured my heart!
The operation to save me begins on Friday, April 13, at 12 o'clock. Location - Palace of Arts.
The victim is easily identified by the black suit, and the invader by the white dress. Come dance on the bones of my fading bachelor life. Dying is so beautiful! Come. It will be fun and interesting.
With gratitude Anatoly and Victoria.

The following text can be sent as an email

Hello dear friend! This is not spam, read to the end. We finally decided to live happily ever after and die on the same day!
We invite you to a unique master class: "How to live happily in marriage and not kill each other", which will be held at st. Komsomolskaya, house 3, September 18, 2017 at 13:00.
All funds collected for participation in the MK will be transferred to the use of the newly-made Ivanov family.
Each participant of the master class is guaranteed a bonus - a piece of our happiness and a lot of positive.

An example of an invitation text for an Italian or gangster style wedding:

Signor and Signorina (surname of the guests)!
Our mafia continues to lose the best of the best. (Names of the bride and groom) twirled cupid and want to make a lot of little bambini.
Come beat the dishes and make a fuss: (date, time, place)
We promise it will be belissimo!

Wedding invitation text template in the style of a la dudes

Hey dude and dude!
Dude Vova and dude Zoya invite you to hang out at the wedding party on October 13, 2017, at 16:00, which will take place here:
Be sure your shoes will be worn out from dirty dancing!
Chmoki-chmoki. Your cool friends.

Video: Wedding Invitation Template

Love unites hearts. Lovers who want to build a serious relationship decide on a marriage bond. The whole wedding commotion begins with an invitation to the wedding. It is with their help that you can evaluate in what vein the event will take place, what the style of the wedding will be and how pompous it will be. Therefore, you can set the tone of the wedding with unusual wedding invitations.

How to start making wedding invitations

There are many types of wedding invitations. These are now offered by online stores, salons organizing wedding events, markets, malls, designers. All that is needed is to decide on the wedding style, budget, idea and originality. Buying or ordering ready-made invitations is always easier and faster, but there is another option. Invitations can be made by hand. Such an invitation from the bride and groom will remain in the memory of the guests for a long time, it will be filled with a certain aura and will be completely unique and unusual.

After the style of the wedding is chosen, the approximate budget is thought out, and the wishes of the young people will need to choose the technique in which the invitations will be executed. There are a large number of techniques and technologies for creating wedding cards. It can be:

  1. Handmade invitations;
  2. Electronic;
  3. Video - invitations.

1. DIY

There are a huge number of styles for making invitations with your own hands.

Scrapbook style

Scrapbooking is the decoration of photo albums, postcards, invitations.

For work, you should purchase:

  • Cardboard.
  • All kinds of decorating pictures, stencils, beads, papyrus, artificial flowers, fabric.

All materials are sold in specialized online stores, hypermarkets, shops selling goods for creativity.

Cardboard 15x15 or other desired size must be bent in half. Cover with scrapbooking paper or other pretty paper. Satin ribbons can be glued along the edges in order to be able to tie them. Further, it all depends on the desire. The front side can be decorated with ribbons, beads, flowers, pieces of fabric. Inside you need to write an invitation text.

Lace cards

These are made using cardboard, stencils, lace, paints, glue and ribbons. For production, you will need to bend the cardboard in half, enter the text into it with your own hands and decorate the front side of the card. These cards are the sweetest.

A very interesting feature of such invitations is that the color of the lace matches the color of the bride's dress.

Old style invitations

Aged paper always looks elegant and expensive. Antiquity attracts with mystery and suspense, so such an invitation will appeal to guests and will look great.

To make such invitations, you will need to buy already aged paper or age it artificially by soaking it in tea or coffee concentrate. At the edges, the paper must be set on fire - this will give a more interesting look. Such a message can be rolled up in the form of a scroll and stamped on it. Or you can tie it with twine.

wedding quilling

Wedding quilling involves the creation of patterns and long cut strips of paper twisted into spirals. Paper can be either colored or white. For better work, it is advisable to purchase ready-made quilling kits.

To create a wedding masterpiece, you will need to fold paper strips into rolls, giving them the desired shape. Finished figures from rolls are glued onto a paper base, after which they are decorated with various ribbons, artificial flowers, lace or any other shapes. Such original pictures will appeal to sophisticated ladies.

2. Electronic invitations

This option is suitable for those couples who do not like creativity, but prefer modern technology. With the help of a computer and graphic editors, beautiful invitations are made, decorated with beautiful fonts. There are a huge number of templates on which you can overlay photos and choose inscriptions and design options.

3.Video invitation

The video in which the main characters of the future newlyweds will look exclusively and can be a real surprise. Such a video can be shot independently, or you can order from specialists.

Whatever option for creating marriage cards is chosen, the main thing is to follow the basic rules of good manners:

  • Invitations must be handed out or sent in advance. It is considered good manners to send an invitation one month before the celebration. This is necessary so that the guests have time to prepare, buy tickets, take a vacation. If possible, invitations must be presented personally.
  • It is necessary to make a list of guests in order to send invitations to everyone who wants to see at the holiday.
  • Wedding cards, of your own making, are highly valued, so they will serve as a pleasant gift for guests.
  • It is considered good form to enter the names of the invited people with your own hand.
  • For each of the guests, it is desirable to select a certain style of invitation. For work colleagues - the official style. For friends - comic. For older people - poetry. Parents - sincere style.

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Every bride strives to stand out, to demonstrate her creativity. But you should not start with a dress or a holiday theme. You can impress your guests much earlier than the planned date - when you give them invitations. About the most unusual wedding invitations and how to present them - further.

An invitation is a great way to officially notify guests of an upcoming celebration. It must contain the following information:

  • the name (or names, if the invitation is paired) of the guests
  • wedding date
  • address and time of the wedding ceremony or banquet
  • names of future newlyweds

As a rule, the names of the bride and groom are indicated at the very bottom - as signatures. And with the address by name to the guests, the text itself should begin.

As for the address and time of the wedding, each newlyweds decide for themselves whether they want to see all the guests at the wedding ceremony. Sometimes, due to the large number of invited people, the bride and groom order 2 types of invitations. Some - with an indication of the venue and the ceremony, and the banquet. Others are invited to attend only the official banquet.

Sometimes in the invitation to the wedding they additionally indicate:

  • attendance form
  • dress code for invited people or other additional wishes of the bride and groom

In cases where a large number of guests are planned at the event, the newlyweds resort to the need to confirm their presence. Together with the invitation card, another one is handed - it is necessary to make a note in it: “Yes, I will come” or “No, I will not come.” The text and form of confirmation may be different, wear the same. This answer must be sent back to the bride and groom.

The practice of a dress code for guests at a wedding in our country has recently appeared. Now, if the newlyweds organize a celebration in any theme or color scheme, they can ask the invited people to follow it in attire for the event. You should also indicate your wishes in the invitation card.

Read also:

When to hand out wedding invitations? The answer to this question depends on your relationship with the guests. For example, if a quiet family holiday is planned, then all loved ones will most likely know the date of your wedding from the moment it is scheduled. Therefore, the presentation of official cards turns into just a pleasant formality. According to the rule of etiquette, invitations should be sent 2-3 months before the celebration.

TOP 10 most original wedding invitations

Even if you are planning a classic wedding, the choice of invitations is just the moment when you can move away from the templates a bit and allow yourself maximum creativity. In the case when the newlyweds are planning a themed celebration, then the more unusual their wedding invitation is, the better!

Video invitation

A brand new format for wedding invitations! No cards, envelopes or calligraphy! Instead of a dry text, the newlyweds present their guests with “live communication” - a video. To create it, you can invite a professional who will help you shoot and edit some interesting clip to the music. If desired, a video invitation to the wedding can be filmed even with an amateur camera - in it you will notify the guests about all the details of the upcoming event and make them an equally original surprise.

Message in a bottle

An interesting alternative to traditional cards. To create such a “message”, it is recommended to take designer paper and stylize it like papyrus - a professional print designer will help you with this, or you can try to do everything yourself. It is better to write the text by hand or in the technique of calligraphy - this way the “message” will be more realistic. After that, everything happens in the best traditions of the works of Jules Verne: you fold the paper into a tube and place it in a bottle with a narrow neck.

Surprise in a balloon

Who doesn't love balloons? Especially when inside there is a surprise with wonderful news! Making such a wedding invitation is very simple: a card with text is placed in a rubber balloon, after which it is inflated, and the message remains inside. On the gift, you can write the name of the guest and solemnly hand it to him. Of course, to find out what is written on the card inside the balloon, it will have to burst. But this method of wedding announcement is likely to be fun entertainment.

Programming language prompt

A small adventure in the format of a quest. A very modern and original version of the invitation to the wedding - for those who are on the "you" with a computer. The guest receives the text in HTML-code format. When you switch it to the standard reading mode, a window opens with the text of the invitation and graphic symbols, for example, hearts. The same principle can be applied to owners of Apple gadgets - place a QR code on the invitation, which, when scanned, will provide all the information.


Quite expensive, but very unusual wedding invitation. The bride and groom can individually order puzzles with the text they need. With the correct collection of the puzzle, an invitation card will appear before the guests. Please note that there should not be too many puzzles - a 5x5 picture will be enough.

3D invitations

Unusual wedding invitations in 3D format can only be viewed with special glasses. Otherwise, the card looks like a painting by Malevich - just a black (or other color) square. You will also have to present guests with special glasses with which they can read the text.

Read also:

scratch cards

You won’t surprise anyone with the scratch card format for a long time - but only if we are not talking about wedding invitations. Newlyweds who decide to use this method of notifying their guests will definitely earn the reputation of real originals! People who receive the card will only be able to find out about the “secret” time and place of the celebration if the special protective coating is erased.

Photographic films

To create such a product, you will need the help of a designer or old photographic films. There are 2 options for its content. The first - we replace the tape with pictures with paper and write the text. The second option requires more time to prepare, but fully pays off with its creativity: inside there is a film with undeveloped frames. On them - a series of pictures of the bride and groom, on which they hold signs / posters with the date of their wedding. The only caveat: you can’t write complete information on this kind of invitation.

Volumetric invitations

A creative take on classic cards is for conservative honeymooners. Such invitations are made in the form of postcards. But when you open them, a voluminous application appears before your eyes, as in some children's books. The advantage is that the card will contain the full text according to all the rules, but it will be supplemented with such an original detail.


Surprise 2 in 1: unusual wedding invitation and fun entertainment! As you understand, an explosion of firecrackers and a lot of confetti will follow first. And then - the guest will find among the multi-colored "peas" a letter addressed to him. Few people expect to find a wedding invitation in a cracker, right?

How to present a wedding invitation in an original way?

Let's talk about exactly how to present your unusual invitation to this or that guest. After all, this moment should be no less special than the surprise itself.

According to the rules of etiquette, such messages must be delivered personally or sent by mail. However, today there are many much more creative ways to do this.

Date: 01.08.14 / 10:11

Creative wedding invitations, step by step instructions and best ideas

Wedding bustle envelops and tightens. Excitement, worries, preparation and thousands of moments that need to be carefully considered - all this is sure to await the young before the happiest day in their life together.

Feelings are amplified many times over if you have to stretch a far from rubber budget, but at the same time, you want to bring creativity and diversity to a traditional event. It's easy to save money and be unique. It is enough to take materials for work, add a bit of perseverance, a bit of imagination and quite a bit of talent.

So, do-it-yourself wedding invitations are sure to surprise and delight guests. Creative personalized crafts will remind you of the date when your union will be officially registered for a long time to come.

Updated classic

You won't surprise anyone with a simple postcard. Uninteresting pieces of cardboard purchased at ultra-budget print stores will quickly get lost or end up in the bin right after the wedding. Another thing is postcards in a classic style, but complemented by beautiful silk bows. Of course, all the work will have to be done manually.

What will be needed?

Double-sided dark-colored cardboard for the base, rulers, pencils, scissors (including curly ones), colored paper (a shade different from the color of the cardboard), a figured hole punch, double-sided tape, glue, additional decorations (small sticker, paper flowers, etc.). etc.), silk ribbon, lighter.

How to do?

First of all, we print on colored paper plates with the word “Invitation” (4x1.5 cm) and the text of the invitation itself on sheets of 9x9 cm (or any other). To do this, we mark up an A4 sheet on the computer for the required number of cards, select an ornate font, adjust the text size, print and cut. We decorate the corners of the cards with curly scissors and a hole punch.

From cardboard we cut out a square 10x10 cm and a rectangle 20x10 cm.

We cut the ribbon into pieces of 25-30 cm, melt the edges with a lighter and tie a bow.

We bend a sheet of cardboard 20x10 cm in half. On the outside of the postcard we paste the decoration and the “Invitation” card. We attach a silk bow to the cardboard, fixing it with a piece of double-sided tape. We wrap the ends of the ribbon on the inside of the card. We fix them with double-sided tape.

To hide the ends of the ribbon, glue a 10x10 cm cardboard rectangle on the inside of the postcard.

Glue the text of the invitation printed on colored paper. The postcard is ready.

Computer design

Do you like to draw, but do not like to glue and cut out details? Computer design is what you need. We create a kind of “yellow pages” issue with a photo of you and your significant other, print the news about the upcoming event there and go to the printing house, where your creation will be printed on real newsprint in a limited edition, designed for the number of invited guests. It remains only to distribute the "newspaper" to the guests or put it in their mailboxes.

Most likely, the two of you will not cope with such an undertaking. You will need a photographer or operator who will capture your video message to the guests, take vivid pictures or a photo collage. You can send such an invitation by e-mail or by sending it in envelopes to each guest.

The most beautiful and memorable invitation is made using the decoupage technique. You can apply beautiful images on small plates or candles.

Video - how to make decoupage on candles

Scrapbooking and origami

Very beautiful invitations, made with your own hands, are obtained using the scrapbooking technique. There is only one drawback - if you want to invite a sufficiently large number of guests, then it will take a lot of time to prepare.

Consider how to make a card with silk ribbons - ties.

What to cook?

Beautiful and edible wedding invitations are a very original idea. One option is to buy a few chocolate bars and change their packaging, additionally decorating it with ribbons. Another, even tastier option is a jar of homemade jam. We prepare glass jars for baby food, sterilize them, lay out delicious jam, close the lid on top and decorate with a piece of checkered fabric and a string. Directly a card with text can be glued to the wall of the jar or hung in the form of a tag on a string.

If you are planning a wedding with the theme of the romantic comedy "Hipsters", you can get vinyl records at the flea market, and paste the text of the invitation directly on top of the original label.

Pirate wedding and invitations to "board" a romantic party

A wedding invitation can be even more interesting and memorable. It is not difficult to make an original invitation with your own hands - a pirate ship.

Preparing materials for the flotilla

You will need cardboard for the sail and sides, paper for the flag, a wooden skewer - a mast, polystyrene foam, double-sided tape and scissors, a hole punch. The inscriptions can be made with stamps, printed on a printer or painted with paints by hand. As an additional decor, you can prepare thin twine and metal pendants of a marine theme (anchor, lifebuoy, etc.).