Unusual wedding traditions from different countries. Face to the floor. Wedding traditions of Europe

M Many, preparing for the wedding, try to come up with something unusual so that this day will truly be remembered for a long time. Seating at the table and traditional photo sessions against the backdrop of local attractions are no longer interesting to anyone. Some, in pursuit of originality, turn to folk traditions. True, in some countries there are such customs that most people would not even dream of in a nightmare. Passion.ru presents 10 of the strangest and sometimes even shocking customs, traditions and rituals associated with the wedding.

1. Scotland: mud shower for the bride

In some Scottish villages, the tradition of throwing mud at the bride before the wedding is still preserved. Literally. This is done, of course, not during the ceremony, but on any of the previous days after it became known about

And it would be okay to just poured dirty water! But no, the Scots are not like that - a special mixture is prepared to perform this ritual, which may consist of eggs, sauce, butter, noodles, carrots, sour milk and other unpleasant substances (that is, the more disgusting, the better).

2. India: marry ... a dog or a tree!

In some regions of India, it is believed that if a girl was born with a milk tooth in the upper gum, then this is a sign that a tiger will eat her or something more terrible will happen to her, because the spirits are opposed to her.

And so she must ... marry a dog. Original logic, isn't it? Fortunately, the fulfillment of marital duties is not required from either the girl or the dog.

The purpose of this ceremony is just to ward off evil spirits, so that after years the girl can calmly per person.

If the girl was lucky and she was not married to a dog, then under certain conditions she had a chance to be married to a tree. In Vedic astrology, there is such a thing as Kuja Dosha - this is the moment when Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house.

A person born on this day is called "mangalik". It is believed that if a woman was born a mangalik, then her future husband will definitely die. To avoid this, a woman can marry a tree (she can even choose - a banana or a giant ficus pipal).

After the wedding, the "spouse" is ritually destroyed, and the woman finally gets the opportunity to marry a man. For example, a famous actress had to do this. Aishwarya Rai.

There are many reasons for a man to marry a tree, too. For example, in Madras, the younger brother could not marry until the older one married. If, nevertheless, there was a need to play a wedding, then the elder married the tree, the tree was destroyed, thus imitating the death of his wife, and after that the younger could easily marry.

3. Ireland: the shuffling bride

Very unusual existed before in Ireland, it is sometimes still observed in the villages. According to custom, the bride during wedding dances could not take her legs off the floor, so that she would not be kidnapped inadvertently ... by the fairies.

As you know, these cute creatures adore everything beautiful, and the most beautiful "thing" at a wedding is the bride. Earlier it was customary for the Irish to give the bride a bracelet or from human hair. It was believed that this would tie the lovers together for life.

4. Mauritania: for a wedding, for slaughter

Most brides strive lose weight for the wedding, but there are places on earth where there are completely different standards of beauty. For example, in Mauritania, thinness is regarded as ugliness, and therefore, from 5-9 years old, girls begin to fatten up for a wedding.

To do this, parents send their daughters to special institutions, where the guards force-feed their wards, forcing them to consume an incredible amount of food - for example, a child can eat 2 kg of millet porridge and drink about 20 liters of camel milk per day.

There is also a custom of “fattening up” the bride just before the wedding - the girl spends several months (or even a year) in a special hut with practically no movement, eating nourishing and, we dare to assume, unhealthy dishes.

In Mauritania, this tradition was already close to extinction, however, after the military coup in 2008, it began to revive.

Similar customs also exist in Nigeria, Mali and northern Cameroon.

5. Borneo, Tidong tribe: 72 hours of hell

Usually a wedding is the most joyful day in the life of lovers, followed by an equally joyful one. Honeymoon. However, for newlyweds of the Tidong tribe living in Borneo, - this is the beginning of a truly hellish test.

From the moment of the wedding, the newlyweds must not go to the toilet for 72 hours. And so that it does not occur to them to violate the ban, their relatives during all this time closely watch them and try to give them as little food as possible.

It is believed that if lovers have passed this test with honor, then they will have a long and happy life together. If they cheated, then, according to legend, they will face an unhappy marriage, grief and death of their first child at an early age.

6. China, Tujia people: "tearful" month

The Tujia people living in China have a very strange For a whole month (sometimes, however, less), the bride must cry every evening after dark.

10 days after the start of the "sobbing season", the mother joins the bride, after another 10 days - the grandmothers, sisters and aunts, and on the eve of the wedding - the girlfriends. It is believed that if will pay off enough before the wedding, then the subsequent life with her husband will be long and happy.

Therefore, from childhood, girls are taught how to cry and sing special "weeping" songs. Tujia firmly believe that if a girl does not succeed in this art, then her marriage will be unsuccessful.

7. Bali: wedding dentistry

In Bali, it is impossible to have a wedding without sawing the fangs and incisors. This ritual is of great importance to the people of Bali and marks the entry into adulthood. Both men and women pass it.

The islanders believe that human canines are akin to animal canines, and therefore need to be filed to curb animal instincts. In total, 6 teeth are filed as a result, which corresponds to six defects, which include anger, greed, envy, gluttony, stupidity and lust.

If a person dies with uncut fangs, then the ritual is performed immediately before cremation, since it is believed that if this is not done, then the gods may confuse the deceased with an animal.

After the girl's fangs are filed, the father is no longer responsible for her, and if the ceremony is performed before the wedding, then the girl immediately finds herself under the “wing” of her husband. Interestingly, this is not the case with young men.

Traditionally, the boy's father must fully organize and finance son.

8. Russia, Chechnya: quieter than water, lower than grass ...

Modesty and restraint are wonderful qualities for a wife, and this is well understood in the Chechen Republic. Therefore, during the celebration of the wedding, the bride is placed ... in a corner, away from the guests.

Moreover, according to custom, she cannot sit down for the whole day, and also speak with relatives of the husband, until they turn to her.

The restraint of the bride is tested as follows: each of the relatives in turn asks her to bring a glass of water, and when she does, they try to talk her out.

They do this in a variety of ways: for example, they make fun of her appearance, praise her character, or discuss If the girl does not restrain herself and responds to some trick, then this will speak of her stupidity and intemperance.

The maximum that she can say (and even then - not right away!): "Drink to your health."

Another strange feature of the Chechen marriage: after the wedding, the newlywed is forbidden to call her husband's relatives by name. Instead, she should use words like "dear", "good", etc.

9.Uzbekistan: wedding 40 days

In most countries for the first wedding night follows, but in Uzbekistan the groom finds himself alone with the bride only on the second night after the registration of the marriage, and on the wedding day her relatives - mother, grandmother, aunt - stay overnight with the newlywed.

10. Libya: testing the heel

In Libya, the wedding is celebrated on a grand scale and it lasts about 8 days. A rather unusual ritual takes place on the sixth day of the wedding, when the groom gives the bride a guffa - a basket of gifts. The standard contents of the guffa are fabrics, perfume, incense.

The bride should not just look at everything present, but also try out some of them. For this, one of the girl's relatives is called - for example, her aunt, who has to get the incense sent from the basket and ... rub it on the bride's heel.

Get to know the world's wedding traditions. Some peoples celebrate this day in a very interesting way. Some traditions seem so sweet and romantic that they inspire even foreigners, while others simply impress with their unusualness. So how are weddings going around the world?

Release of pigeons, Philippines

In a traditional wedding ceremony in the Philippines, the bride and groom release two pigeons into the air. It is believed to symbolize a long, happy and harmonious union. It should be noted that a similar custom is widespread in other countries, for example, among the Slavic peoples.

Confetti, Italy

In Italy, confetti are not pieces of paper flying out of crackers, but sweet candies, most often candied almonds. The guests of the wedding ceremony receive them as a memento. According to tradition, confetti was thrown at the bride and groom, but then this part of the custom was changed, now they use corianandols, tiny pieces of paper, and almond candies are left as a keepsake for guests.

Sake drinking ceremony, Japan

A popular Japanese tradition is to drink sake in a specific way: the bride and groom must drink three times from each of three small cups, after which the parents do the same to symbolically unite families. This is a beautiful and meaningful custom.

Sawing logs, Germany

In Germany, newlyweds should immediately put their relationship to the test: they need to saw a log in half right in the presence of guests. This custom tests the ability of the bride and groom to work together and to cope with the difficulties that will arise in the future married life. It also makes great entertainment for the guests.

Kransekake, Norway

Norway has its own interpretation of the widespread custom of making a multi-tiered wedding cake, here it is in the form of kransekake. This is the name of the tower of almond rings decorated with sweet glaze. Often, a wine bottle is hidden under the rings, so that guests, eating a dessert, can find a pleasant surprise.

Duck for the bride, Korea

According to Korean tradition, grooms give wild geese or ducks to their mother-in-law. These monogamous animals showcase the groom's pure intentions and loyalty to the bride. In a modern interpretation of the custom, the bride and groom exchange wooden figures of ducks to show their affection. It's much easier than finding a live wild duck!

Resin, Scotland

According to Scottish tradition, the bride, groom, or both of them, on the day before the wedding, all friends and relatives are stained with tar, ash, feathers and flour. Everything is accompanied by alcoholic drinks. It is believed that this tradition helps to defeat evil spirits and brings good luck. It turns out not too neat, but a lot of fun!

Flower ring, Pakistan

There is a tradition in Pakistan that the groom should wear a ring of flowers around his neck.
Sometimes the bride also receives such an adornment. Garlands of flowers go well with the luxurious outfits of the newlyweds.

Croquembush, France

French weddings often feature croquembush, a tall tower dessert made of small choux pastries that can be eaten with a variety of sweet sauces. Croquembush replaces the wedding cake, the cakes are held together by caramel. Dessert is decorated with fruits, nuts, glaze - the spectacle is amazing. There is also a less pretty tradition: the leftovers from the festive dinner are collected in a bowl, from which the bride and groom should eat for good luck.

Stealing the groom's shoes, India

During a traditional Indian wedding ceremony, the bride's sisters steal the groom's shoes after he enters the wedding tent. The groom must bribe the sisters so that his shoes are returned to him and he can go out. Similar ideas exist in other countries, but it is shoes that are bought only in India.

Black wedding cake, Jamaica

In the Caribbean, weddings are often served with a black cake made with dark fruits and rum. The same cake can be served at Christmas, in many ways it resembles the common Christmas cupcake. This is an amazingly tasty and aromatic dessert that can be stored for a very long time.

Spitting on the bride, Kenya

In Kenya, as soon as the newlyweds are ready to leave the village, the bride's father spits on his daughter's head and chest to bring her happiness.

Money dance, Poland

According to Polish tradition, guests buy dances with the bride during the ceremony. Her witness collects money, they go to the couple's honeymoon. Each guest tries to dance with the bride and give the newlyweds some money.

Breaking the White Bell, Guatemala

In Guatemala, during a wedding ceremony, the groom's mother breaks a white bell to invite the newlyweds to the celebration. A bell full of flour, rice and grain is a symbol of good luck and prosperity, which is why it serves as a good start to the celebration.

Polterabend, Germany

German parties for the bride and groom before the wedding originated from the tradition of half-terabend, during which relatives broke dishes in front of the doors of the future spouses. Now the tradition looks a little different, but the dishes are still beaten. It is interesting that in Denmark it is customary to break dishes on New Year's, there it is a custom for good luck.

Ransom of the bride, Romania

In Romania, it is common to jokingly kidnap the bride just before the ceremony begins. The bride is kidnapped by friends, family, or hired actors, and the groom must rescue her and pay the ransom with alcohol, money, or romance. This custom is quite widespread throughout Europe, there are different versions in Russia, Germany, Wales. For example, in Wales, the witness leaves with the bride before the wedding in a pub, and the groom must find them and return his beloved.

Wedding cars, China

The traditional Chinese wedding is a luxurious procession, the bride is taken to the ceremony in a wedding car. The color red is considered a symbol of courage, good luck and love, so the bride has a red veil that hides her face, and her mother holds an umbrella over her to ensure the couple's happiness and addition to the family.

Henna painting, India

Part of the exquisite and picturesque traditional Indian wedding ceremony is the exquisite henna painting on the hands of the bride and other female guests. The drawings symbolize happiness, hope and love. There are similar traditions in some Arab countries, but the pattern is used there a little different, although it is applied in the same technique.

Two bouquets, Mexico

In Mexico, a bride often has two bouquets: one is for herself, and the other is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Fire transfer, South Africa

In South African tradition, the parents of the bride and groom bring the fire of their own hearth to the newlyweds' home. The bride and groom use the flames from their homes to rekindle a new fire in their own home.

Chalice of Unity, Australia

An Australian wedding ceremony introduces the tradition of the oneness bowl. Guests are given stones that they need to hold during the ceremony. At the end, all the stones are collected in a decorative bowl, which remains as a keepsake for the newlyweds. The stones will remind them of the support of everyone who was their guest on the momentous day.

The wedding is a rather mesmerizing and interesting ritual. Since ancient times, there are different customs and traditions associated with the wedding. From an early age, all girls dream of being a wonderful bride, and boys dream of creating a strong, reliable family, of being a good owner.

Each country has different traditions and rituals. Sometimes they can be very unusual, strange, interesting and shocking. In all countries of the world, a wedding has the same meaning, but it is held in different ways. Of course, it is not possible to see all the countries of the world, but at least approximately to know about unusual traditions at a wedding is interesting for everyone.

Each nation has its own customs and traditions


There is a rather strange custom in this country. If a couple in love is going to get married, then the future spouses should spend a night of love and affection in their parents' hut. All the relatives of the newlyweds gather in the hut that night, as well as livestock. We need to spend this night in complete silence so that Olin’s relative does not wake up. If the hero-lover nevertheless woke up one of those present, then he has to run away from his relatives, who are very angry.

If he manages to catch up, then the future husband has to endure beatings from relatives. The groom before such a night lubricates his body with palm oil, it helps to endure the beatings much easier.


Among the inhabitants of the Sahara, it is believed that the beauty of a woman is indicated by her fullness. The fuller a woman is, the healthier and more beautiful she is. Therefore, parents begin to fatten girls at the age of twelve. The fullness of the girl guarantees her a successful marriage. If a girl is thin, it means that she does not have a wealthy family, so few people want to connect their lives with her.

Poor girls are put in special huts, where they sit alone and are fed high-calorie food. They are given fatty couscous, millet balls cooked in butter and milk, milk.

Mothers are usually responsible for feeding their daughters. If a mother is not able to fatten her daughter on her own because of poverty, then she exchanges daughters with a friend or relative for some time. If the girl resists eating, then the father intervenes in the process.


In this country, equality between wife and husband is welcomed. Newlyweds spend their wedding night in a rather unusual way - they are locked up in a basement covered with pine needles. Previously, young people are given traditional gifts - boots and a hat. In the basement, they compete to see who will get these trophies.

If the wife gets a hat, it means that in marriage she will be loved and happy. If she still gets a shoe, then this will mean that the rest of her life the husband will be under her heel.


On their wedding day, the newlyweds head to the hupa. They will make this trip while passing through the synagogue, while they are accompanied by their parents. The Huppa is a canopy that symbolizes the tent in which the newlyweds lived in ancient times. Under the chuppa, the young people take a ritual sip of wine, after which the blessing of the bride and groom is performed by the rabbi.

After the blessing, the groom will present a ring as a gift to his bride. The ring must be gold, without stones and dyes. The simpler the ring, the better, because if the ring is too expensive, the guests present may think that the bride chose the groom only because of his wealth. After this, the official part of the Jewish wedding ceremony ends.

Jews never have a wedding on holy holidays or on Saturday. When a marriage is contracted, two witnesses must be present.


In this country, the wedding ceremony begins with the morning chant of the monks. After that, the bride, groom and their relatives treat the monks. The head monk sprinkles holy water on the newlyweds and all the guests present, while the rest of the monks continue to sing. After that, everyone follows to the temple. In Thailand, there is such an interesting tradition - friends of the bride and her relatives on the way to the house of the future wife give gifts to people they meet on the way. This procession is called Khan Mark.

In Thailand, it is generally accepted that the most favorable month for a wedding is August. Therefore, the largest number of weddings falls on this month. It is believed that a couple married in August will have a strong, happy and reliable family.

In villages in Thailand, people mostly get married at the age of nineteen to twenty, and in cities at the age of twenty-nine to thirty-five.


In Greece there is such a custom that the children must first run around on the bed of the newlyweds, on which they will spend their wedding night. This is done to ensure that the couple has healthy offspring. Also, at a walnut wedding, an eye should be depicted on the clothes of relatives and friends of the newlyweds. It is believed that such an eye is able to protect a newly-made family from misfortune and failure.


In Kenya, it is customary to paint the bride's nails and hands with special ritual patterns on her wedding day. In this case, paints of red and black colors are used. Such a pattern is kept on the body and on the nails of a woman throughout the year, it symbolizes that women are now a new status.

A very interesting tradition in Kenya is that the husband must wear women's clothing throughout the year. It is believed that in this way he will at least a little be able to feel the gravity that has fallen on the female share.


In this country, a couple in love who have decided to get married turns to a fortuneteller who helps to set a wedding date. In ancient times, Korean forecasters determined not only the wedding day, but also the most prosperous hour for a wedding. It is customary to invite a large number of people to a Korean wedding.

It is believed that the more people there are, the happier the married couple will be. After the wedding, the young people present each guest with a glass of wine and bow. The guests, as a sign of respect for the young, present them with money. There is also a very long tradition - the mother-in-law and father-in-law throw a jujub into the bride's skirt, which is a symbol of male offspring. Thus, the wish is expressed to the bride to have healthy sons.

The wedding ceremony is different everywhere. So, different peoples of the world have their own unusual wedding traditions. Each country, each of the many peoples of the world has something of its own, something unique and inimitable. And most importantly, they have an explanation and deep meaning that goes back to the distant past.

In Russia, a wedding is a long-awaited event, with a large number of invited guests, with its own traditional elements, which have no analogues in any other part of the world.

Interesting traditions of Russia include the following:

  • The groom is forbidden to see his beloved before the wedding. The young couple should spend the night before the wedding separately, and the next day the groom comes to fetch the bride and, together with the witness, "redeems" her.
  • It is customary to greet newlyweds with bread and salt. Bread must be carried out on a beautiful towel. Anyone who can break off or bite off a larger piece will become the real master of the new family.

The tradition of throwing a bridal bouquet is a new tradition that has its origins in the West. All lonely relatives and girlfriends of the bride gather. The one who is caught, according to the belief, will marry in the near future.

  • Many newlyweds in front of them distribute sweets to children in their yard.
  • The groom brings the bride into his house in his arms. In ancient times, they said that in this way he protects his beloved from evil spirits and evil eyes. Then it was still necessary to put an unlocked lock on the threshold, which the groom stepped over. And then the lock was closed, and the key was disposed of. Thus, the family became strong, and all sorts of disagreements did not bother the young.
  • Evil spirits will try with all their might to poison the life of the new family. To scare them off, the newlyweds used to spend their wedding night in the entryway.

Unusual wedding traditions of the peoples of the world

Among the interesting traditions there are those that have been adopted from other cultures and have become a novelty in recent years. There are noble traditions and not so much that are forgotten and remain only in folklore.

So, for example, earlier in Europe there was a tradition - all those invited wore the same clothes as the bride and groom in order to confuse the spirits and protect the young family from their harmful influence. After all, it is not so easy to find the right pair among exactly the same dressed people.

Interesting wedding traditions of European countries

  1. In Sweden, it was believed that a woman has the right to marry only after bearing a child.
    Thus, she proved the possibility of becoming a mother and fulfilling her female function. Only after that it was allowed to link his life with the child's father by marriage.
  2. In Finland, the collection of the dowry fell on the shoulders of the bride. But only this had to be done not with the help of the family, personal savings, or through handicrafts. The bride had to walk around the neighbors and ask who could give her what. Refusing was fraught with consequences, since the young family could easily take revenge. For example, wet coal or throw a stone into the garden.
  3. In Albania, a woman after the wedding had to keep her honor for another 3 days. Thus, the evil spirits could make sure that the woman's intentions are the purest.
  4. In Germany there is a tradition when the groom and his friends break something from the dishes before entering the house of the chosen one. This is a kind of wish of good luck to a young family.
    ... This tradition does not end with the beating of dishes. After the girl let the groom into the house, he must remove the fragments himself. The bride is obliged to check how well the cleaning is done.
  5. In Germany, the newlyweds had to jointly cut a log, thereby indicating that from now on they would do everything together.
  6. In Germany, it is also customary to put grain in a jacket pocket. It is believed that it can bring good luck and prosperity to a young family.
  7. In Bulgaria, during an engagement, a young man throws an apple at his beloved.
  8. In Scotland - the country of kilts, colors and patterns denoting a particular clan, there is a tradition to throw a scarf over the bride's shoulders to match the color of her kilt.
  9. It is a wild custom in Scotland to throw mud at the bride before the wedding. All garbage is collected: broths, brines, fermented milk products, vegetable skins, etc. The bride, drenched in the mixture of ingredients, must be led through the streets. It is believed that as many people as possible should see it. After all, after such a walk, no hardships are terrible anymore!

In England, the bride wears 4 things on her wedding day: a new thing is a symbol of a good family life, an old thing of one of the closest relatives is a symbol of belonging to one's family, a thing borrowed from someone with a successful marriage is a talisman of one's happy life, a blue thing is a symbol of fidelity.

Wedding traditions of the peoples of the Americas

  • The Indians of one of the tribes of America did not have the right to marry until they accomplished the feat. Only after that was it not a shame to come to the bride's house and ask for the blessing of her parents.

A Mexican wedding is sponsored by all sorts of things: parents, godparents and other relatives of the bride and groom. Ancient ceremonies of pre-wedding initiations, bride washing and sacred Indian rituals are held near the oldest tree.

There are a lot of wedding traditions of the peoples of the world. All their diversity is simply impossible to cover in one story. Traditions change, new ones replace old ones. The meaning of ancient traditions is gradually being simplified and distorted. But it is the traditions that make our wedding unique and beautiful.

"They have their own wedding, we have our own!" - a famous phrase from a popular movie. In fact, there are as many features of this solemn ceremony as there are peoples. How do different peoples hold this significant event, how do they prepare for it? Italian women cook a huge pot of spaghetti the day before the wedding. The day before the Germans beat the dishes with passion ... And these are just some of the traditions that are strictly observed before the wedding in different countries. A short tour of different countries will show us some of the specific details of the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of China

It would seem that when preparing for the wedding, everyone should be happy and congratulate the bride and groom. But the people living in China prefer to do the opposite. The crying of the bride and family begins a month before the wedding. An unusual wedding ritual involves the performance of crying with lamentations every day for half an hour. After 10 days, the mother-in-law picks up the baton, and on the eve of the wedding ceremony they are supported by their friends and other women from the clan. But the ubiquitous red color at the wedding personifies joy, love, prosperity. There is so much of it in the wedding theme in China that it is impossible to think of a sad event. Wedding gifts are wrapped in red cloth or paper, and only a red ribbon is used to tie the glasses from which the newlyweds drink at the wedding.

During the matchmaking, the groom sends a kerchief to his chosen one and patiently, albeit with a sinking heart, awaits her answer, which, according to tradition, consists of house shoes knitted by her; they are certainly accompanied by either a bunch of sweet bananas, meaning an unconditional "Yes!", or a bunch of bitter green onions - a symbol of a categorical "No!" In the southwestern part of China, this custom is preserved to this day.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of the Philippines

Only a man who is rich enough can now be a groom in this country. Pre-wedding events and ceremonies require non-stop expenses, you even have to pay for the right to visit the bride! Food and drink in the presence of the bride is paid separately, as well as the conversation with her. Most likely, there are strictly worked out tariffs for these pre-wedding "chores". Curiously, what if there are several suitors for the girl's hand? The parents of the bride can directly enrich themselves by “taking the due according to tradition,” especially if they also have several daughters ...

American wedding ceremonies and traditions

In America, it is considered a good omen if the bride's attire follows the formula: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Everything is clear here: in the bride's dress there must certainly be something that has long belonged to her or her family; something new - never worn; something alien, taken for a while, in order to be sure to return; and you also need some item of blue or blue color. An obligatory and main requirement is that all this should be in plain sight. Another noteworthy detail: it is the bride's family that takes care of the wedding expenses. About 80% of the US population belongs to one of the Christian denominations, so, as a rule, everything starts with a beautiful ceremony in the church. Alternatively, you can invite a priest to marry at any other convenient place for the newlyweds: a private house, a park, the ocean coast. An important detail: one to two weeks before that, the lovers are sent to the office of state registration of marriage. The marriage certificate is sent to the newlyweds by mail.

After the ceremony, the holiday moves to a restaurant (bar, rented hotel or private house), where dishes change according to the menu, and alcohol flows like a river - in this, Americans are not much different from us. Walk so walk! They start planning an event at least six months in advance, and more often even a year in advance, right after the engagement. The question of wedding gifts in America is usually solved as follows: newlyweds register in one of the large stores (Macy "s, Nordstrom, Target), where they make a list of gifts - utensils, decor items, electrical appliances. Everything is available, inexpensive. Guests can only realize one of their wishes. - for this, they do not even need to go to the store, a gift from the list can be ordered via the Internet.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of Great Britain

The Scots are skillful masters of coming up with all sorts of signs, and they themselves strictly monitor their observance. Grooms, for example, are obliged to put on a special, "personalized", checkered shawl on the bride's shoulders. a shawl with a cage of some kind - this is considered a sign of connection; brides should sew some talisman on the back of their wedding dress. A large dish with fresh bread and buns is smashed for good luck over the bride's head. The old shoe, which is thrown out of the car of a young couple after the wedding ceremony is completed, must be caught by the bridesmaids; the one who catches him will be the next to marry. This symbol of future marriage may not be very elegant, but such are the signs and customs of the Scottish highlanders.

The ceremony of initiation into a wife involves throwing mud, in the truest sense of the word. The custom says that the more the girl is smeared, the less negative there will be during the married life. The ritual is unusual. All invited guests diligently throw mud at the bride, smear with soot, pour sauces on the wedding dress. The mixture is sticky and unpleasant. It is such a beauty who will have to walk the streets. In the summer, she is obliged to visit all the pubs that come her way. It is customary for grooms to wear on their wedding day a national men's skirt - a kilt, which, as usual, is worn without underwear underneath.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of the French

The French are romantics known to the world. And what could be more romantic than unexpectedly releasing a large flock of light-winged and beautiful butterflies during a wedding? Or: at a wedding banquet, the bride and groom are required to drink from a special two-handed wedding cup. This cup is a family heirloom; it is passed down from generation to generation as a talisman of a successful marriage. Being loud is one of the annoying wedding traditions. It is common in some parts of France and is called chavari. This means that people must have metal accessories that make a lot of noise. The families of the bride and groom gather near the house where the wedding night is to take place and begin to arrange a concert. But instead of singing, young spouses hear screams, and spoons, pots, and pots serve as musical instruments. This is done in order to kill the romance, to lure the newlyweds out into the street with drinks and snacks. Then they are released, giving them privacy.

According to French tradition, the groom and his friends should meet the bride and her family at her home. They take a whole motorcade of cars, often honk and yell to announce their happiness to the whole world. And passers-by shout good wishes to them. The bride must be wearing a white dress, which symbolizes her purity and innocence. The sock dance is an integral part of any French wedding. The unmarried siblings of the bride or groom are forced to wear funny socks and dance a fun dance, and guests throw money on the performers, which the bride and groom will later collect. Some couples include traditional French tunes in the music as a way to show respect for their French roots. The French, in order to avoid unnecessary wedding gifts, do not hesitate to point out invitations so that guests bring only money.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of the Greeks

A traditional Greek wedding is replete with numerous rituals dedicated to the Holy Trinity. In Greece, brides wear yellow or red veils representing fire to ward off evil spirits. Some modern brides still decorate their bouquets with a mixture of herbs and plants that symbolize fertility. Among the Greeks, small children first enter the bedroom of the newlyweds and jump, having fun on their marriage bed. Only after them do the bride and groom appear. This procedure is considered to be a guarantee of healthy offspring and well-being. Small eyes, which their best friends attach to their clothes, protect the bride and groom from the evil eye. Another feature is that just before the wedding, the happy bride writes the names of her unmarried bridesmaids on the soles of her shoes. But only those of the girls are destined to get married soon, whose names will be erased from the soles even before the end of the celebrations.

Greek weddings sometimes turn into cooking contests, and guests bring pastries and sweets to the ceremony to earn praise. Greeks dance a lot during weddings. Kalamatiano is an energetic circular dance performed at the very beginning at the front desk. Sometimes, the bride and groom perform a "money dance" during which guests throw bills at them. At a Greek wedding, it is customary to beat dishes on the floor as a sign of happiness. At the end of the ceremony, the groom cuts the ribbon used to tie the newlyweds, and the couple "sells" the pieces to the guests.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of India

In a society ruled by caste, they believe in reincarnation, wedding traditions are strong. Here, temporary marriage is practiced for girls who are ugly or with a teething. The groom is chosen from among our smaller brothers. Hindus believe in the introduction of all evil spirits into girls with an unsightly appearance. The only way to expel an evil spirit from an Indian woman is to marry her off to a pet. The Indian wedding is all painted yellow and red, and this is probably why every celebration on the occasion of the birth of a new happy family usually takes place next to a large blazing fire. Bright red should be the color of the bride's wedding dress, in addition, the groom smears the forehead and the hair parting on the bride's head with red paint - all this as a symbol of the fact that now she is becoming his wife.

For hundreds of years, rituals have been preserved in India unchanged, however, depending on the area, they can have their own characteristics and differences. Following an ancient tradition suggests that on the wedding day, neither the groom nor the bride should eat anything until evening. Only after completing the marriage ceremony can they interrupt this miniature fast. So, there are as many customs as there are nations on the earth. In Russia, for example, it is customary to decorate a wedding party with balloons, while in Mexico they prefer freshly picked flowers that are still fresh, they are used to decorate the bride's hair, the hall, tables, and cars.

One thing remains common and unchanged everywhere - wishes to newlyweds for happiness and love, and a long married life. There is a belief: a younger brother should not be married earlier than an older one, so as not to bring trouble. If the latter is still single, he chooses a spouse - a tree, thus approving the marriage of the younger. The newly made spouse is cut down after the ceremony. An integral part of the Indian pre-wedding ceremony is the mandap muharat, when the bride and groom are coated with turmeric, a yellow powder that makes their skin smooth. In addition, the bridesmaids hand-paint the girl's arms and legs with henna patterns. Red symbolizes good luck in Hinduism, which is why brides in India wear traditional red saris with white and gold details. The most important part of the Hindu wedding ceremony is the Saptapadi, or exchange of vows. At this time, the bride and groom must go through three circles with the sacred fire. After the first round (seven steps), they exchange vows. After the third, the groom gives the bride a silver ring as a sign of love. The couple also exchange flower garlands as an additional symbol of their feelings. Guests at Indian weddings are dressed in traditional, subdued attire. Instead of cake, Indian newlyweds usually feed each other with honey and other sweets.

Spanish wedding

In Spain, the bride's outfit must include orange elements, and the wedding bouquet must contain orange tree flowers. Orange-orange is the color of beauty, passion and vitality. The groom, along with the wedding ring, presents the bride with thirteen coins, confirming with this gesture that now he will always take care of her.

Italian wedding

They have been preparing for a wedding in Italy for at least a year. But first, the engagement must take place - the moment when a man gives a ring to a girl and meets her parents. A very serious step! All cars of the wedding cortege are decorated with white ribbons. Driving through the streets, they constantly hum - notify everyone about the event. After the ceremony, the newlyweds leaving the church are sprinkled with rice. Everyone in the restaurant shouts "Bacio!" (kiss). Usually the newlyweds are given a separate table, but they cannot sit at it: they need to pay attention to all their relatives, take pictures with everyone, take part in friends' jokes, spin in a dance, drink wine and ... many times "Bacio!" Something, but the profession of toastmaster in Italy is not in demand: temperamental Italians do not need verbal entertainment, they themselves will utter whatever flowery speech you want. But singers and musicians are invited, so they can entertain guests. And, of course, accompany the young people during the first dance.

As for gifts, the Italian newlyweds echo the American and German ones - they leave a “marriage list” in the store and send the shop's business cards along with an invitation to the guests. There is another curious tradition in Italy: friends of the newlyweds trick the keys to the house by trickery in advance and prepare "ambushes": sprinkle the matrimonial bed or set alarm clocks at an unfortunate time and hide them all over the room, trying to "annoy" the spouses on their wedding night, more precisely, to make the night sleepless and stormy. But more often the company just knocks on the window in the middle of the night and demands ... to feed them. Fortunately, the young wife always has a pot of spaghetti ready for this occasion. It only remains to add that Italians get married late. Early marriage is considered to be between 30 and 35 years old.

Jewish wedding

At the beginning of the ceremony, the bride's head is covered with a veil. Then she follows the groom under the ritual canopy of the hupu, where the people closest to them await them. Here, under the chuppah, a new family is being born. While the rabbi is reading the prayers, the bride walks around the groom 7 times. God created the Earth in seven days, and the girl is building the walls of her future family. And so a man puts on a gold ring to his beloved. According to tradition, it should be without stones and officially belong to the groom - be bought by him with his savings or be considered a family heirloom. After that, a marriage contract is read out - a ktubu, which contains the rules that from now on a man must observe in relation to his wife: to provide, to protect, to take care that her beauty is preserved as long as possible. The amount that will be paid to a woman in case of divorce is also spelled out here. True, this part of the agreement is more a tribute to tradition than a true agreement, the amount is indicated symbolic.

Then the newly-made family has to go through the third wedding ceremony - to visit the seclusion room. Earlier, having entered there, the newlyweds found themselves alone for the first time and the man was allowed to touch his wife. Today, when marriages are concluded more often for love than for "conspiracy", this part of the ceremony is observed as a sign of respect for tradition. Young people retire for 3-5 minutes and soon join the guests. It's time for a feast. Jewish weddings are usually held on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. Shabbat-khatan is held on Saturday. Moreover, the Ashkenazim spend it on the last Saturday before the wedding. And Sephardim - on the first Saturday after the wedding. On this day, a man goes to the synagogue, where he reads the Torah with special solemnity. With this honorable act, the community (although not only those who pray in this synagogue come to Shabbat-Khatan, but also relatives, friends of the families of the bride and groom from other communities and even from other cities are invited) gives parting words and wishes a happy family life. After morning prayers, the groom treats everyone with desserts and sweets.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of Denmark

In this Scandinavian country, it is compulsory for the bride and groom to dance their first dance at a wedding surrounded by invited guests. During the dance, the circle is constantly contracting. Finally, all the guests converge so tightly that the bride and groom can no longer move - they can only kiss each other hard. The men immediately grab the groom and quickly take off his shoes, after which they cut off his socks from the heels and toes with scissors. At the same time, the girls are trying hard to tear the bride's veil into ribbons. These ribbons are subsequently tied for good luck to the antennas of cars.

Japanese wedding

In the Land of the Rising Sun, a couple in love during their engagement exchanges special coins, yuino, which symbolizes their boundless trust in each other. At the obligatory wedding banquet, the bride and groom should take no less than nine sips of traditional Japanese sake. Moreover, they are considered husband and wife after the first sip. Recently, weddings are increasingly being held in a new manner. So, for example, the European custom of releasing balloons in flight is becoming popular.