Bad smell from washing machine. How to remove bad odors from a washing machine. The smell of sewage and swamps in the washing machine

An unpleasant smell in the washing machine is the worst thing that any housewife can face. And then the question arises, how to eliminate the smell in the machine yourself and what to do so that it does not reappear? There can be many reasons that cause mold and a rotten smell, and they all indicate that the washing machine was not properly cared for, so fungus appeared there. Where is the first place to look for hot spots of mold and fungus in order to get rid of them? You will find out here.

Causes of a rotten or swampy smell

  • The most common - the machine is not ventilated after washing. After the final stage of washing or spinning, you need to pull out the laundry, and wipe the tank with a clean and dry cloth and leave it for a while so that it dries well. If this is not done, then moisture remains in the machine, in which bacteria appear and fungus develops. They become the cause of the smell and damage to equipment;
  • Use of poor quality detergent. Cheap and poor laundry detergents do not completely dissolve in water, remain on the fabric of the laundry, stick to the walls of the drum and cause mold to develop;
  • Poor quality washing machine. A musty, unpleasant odor can also appear due to a poorly washed tray, on which particles of powder remain, if the drain pipe is clogged or the pump filter is clogged with small debris;
  • Incorrect dosage of detergents. If you put in too much powder, it won't rinse out completely and stays in the machine. After a while, a rotten smell appears there;
  • Frequent washing of very dirty laundry at low water temperature;
  • The washing machine must not be used to store dirty laundry.

A damp drum and dirt is an ideal place for mold to thrive.

  • The smell of stagnant water and mold spots can appear due to the fact that moisture remains in the rubber cuff. The sides of the drum and the cuff must be thoroughly wiped after each wash;
  • The rotten smell comes from washing dirty laundry with crumbs, leftover food, scraps of paper or tissues in pockets. All these particles stick together into lumps and become a great place for mold or bacteria to grow. After a short period of time, you will feel an unpleasant odor;
  • Leads to mold or mildew excessive use of fabric softener or fabric softener, due to its thick structure, its particles remain on the internal parts of the machine and then their pleasant aroma can turn into a stench.

Why does the sewer smell from the washing machine

  • The problem is in the old communications at home. Sometimes the cause is not a car or improper care for it, but old, rusty pipes at home;
  • The smell of sewage appears due to errors when connecting the hose of the washing machine to the drain. When properly connected, it should take the shape of the letter U, then a shutter is formed, and the stench of the sewer does not enter the drum of the machine;
  • Scale from the remains of detergents, small litter and villi on the heating element can also cause a rotten smell. If you rarely use the washing machine or wash only at low temperatures, then over time this mixture begins to stink;
  • The smell of sewage may appear due to a drain pump clogged with small debris in the washing machine.

Where do bacteria most often settle in a washing machine?

Mold or fungus can form anywhere in the washing machine. But the masters noted some places where an unpleasant smell appears most often:

  • Tray for filling the powder or pouring the air conditioner and its rear or side walls;
  • Hose from the tray to the drum of the machine;
  • Rubber sealing cuff;
  • Drain pipe filter and its inner part;
  • The bottom of the drum, where some liquid remains;
  • Heating elements where scale is formed;
  • House sewer, which sometimes becomes clogged.

How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine

How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine, if it still appears and bothers you? First you need to find out because of what it could have arisen, and then eliminate it. After all, some factors that cause odor can also cause damage to the car.

  • Make sure the hose is connected correctly and in the correct position. If you cannot do this, call the wizard, he will prompt and correct the error.
  • Also, the master can clean the tube that leads from the detergent tray. Usually there is formed dirty mucus with an unpleasant odor.
  • Check if the pump filter is clogged and if so, clean it.
  • To definitely remove the smell from the washing machine, you need to thoroughly clean the drum and the inside of the equipment.

1.Sprinkle special disinfectants to kill bacteria and remove scale, and turn on the machine at the highest temperature.
2. Then run another wash cycle with an extra rinse, adding liquid powder or dishwasher detergent.
3. Leave the door open for a while and let the machine dry completely.
* This is the most reliable and effective way to remove odor.

  • If after all these measures the smell remains, then radical control measures must be taken. Pour half a liter of chlorine bleach or an entire bag of sewer cleaner into the powder tray and turn on the wash at high temperature. Then turn on an extra rinse to clean the washing machine of harsh chemical residues.
  • Replace the drain hose if it is too clogged with dirty, smelly mucus that is very difficult to wash out of its corrugated walls.
  • If the sewer smell remains, then it’s not your washing machine, but the old house sewer pipes, which are probably rusted and let the smell into your house. Only a complete replacement of drains will help here.

Prevention of bad odor

To avoid the problem of unpleasant odor, you need to follow some important rules for using the washing machine. The main thing is to adhere to them regularly:

  • Do not throw dirty clothes into the washing drum. It is better to buy a special decorative plastic basket for this - this will save your car from mold;
  • Do not close the washing machine door as soon as you take out the laundry. Let it stay open for at least a couple of days;
  • After each wash, dry the inside and rubber cuff with a dry, clean cloth. Usually there is little water left and any small debris accumulates, if this is not done, then black spots of mold and smell will appear;
  • Use high-quality laundry detergents - this way you will protect your washing machine from damage and keep things in good condition for a long time.

Carefully monitor the dosage of the powder that you pour into the tray.

  • At least sometimes take out the powder tray and wash it thoroughly using a stiff brush;
  • Once every six months, it is necessary to run a preventive idle wash at a high temperature without adding powder;
  • It is recommended to occasionally call the wizard to clean the pump filter. Small debris and crumbs often accumulate there, which become a breeding ground for the reproduction of microbes, because of them the smell appears;

To prevent the formation of scale on the heating elements, you need to include a blank wash at a temperature of 90 degrees with the addition of a few tablespoons of citric acid or 9% vinegar to the washing machine.

How to properly care for the washing machine is written in the attached instructions. The main thing is to carefully read and observe all the nuances, then you will forget about the smell forever.

By following all the rules of care, you will not only protect yourself from the appearance of an unpleasant smell in it, but extend its service life. What to do if the fetid smell from the washing machine has already appeared? Clean the drum and the inside of the machine with special solutions or improvised means.

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without a washing machine. Therefore, its breakdown is akin to the apocalypse. But no less anxiety arises when, after washing, things exude disgusting odors. Unfortunately, it is impossible to 100% protect the assistant from the appearance of amber. Let's look at ways to get rid of unpleasant odors, as well as reduce the risk of their occurrence.

Why does the washing machine smell?

Household appliances do not imply any outgoing stench. Their appearance is associated with a specific problem, the solution of which directly depends on the type of amber.

Table: unpleasant odors and their location

Odors are affected by both dirt and damage. Having dealt with the factors that caused unpleasant manifestations, you can properly build a fight against them. So, why does the repulsive aroma appear?

washing powder

Poor-quality detergents leave plaque on the walls of the drum, hoses. And since the environment in the machine is humid, the decomposition of these residues begins.

If the smell comes from changing detergents, go back to using tried and tested powders and conditioners.

Dirty tray

The main reason for the smell from the washing machine is a clogged drain hose.


Calcium and magnesium salts contained in water, dirt, detergent residues settle on the heating element of the machine. As a result, the machine works worse, consumes a lot of electricity.

Faulty sewer

If the smell comes from the washing machine and from the sink, then you need to clean the sewer pipes. Having corrected the situation, it will be possible to enjoy the freshness of clean linen again.

Blockage in the sewer pipe - the cause of the stench from the washing machine, sink and washbasin

Rational use of powder

Do not try to improve the quality of washing by increasing the dose of detergents. Excess will settle on the drum, hose, drain channel and cause odor.

Video: how to neutralize the source of mold in the washing machine

Folk ways to deal with odors

Having decided on the source of the amber, we proceed to its removal.

Idle wash in the "boil" mode

Boiling water removes plaque and mucus from the surface of working parts.

  1. In the car without linen, set the highest temperature.
  2. Optionally add 1 capful of powder.
  3. We start washing.

Hot water is a good helper in preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor and scale.


A well-known enemy of mold, scale and limescale is vinegar.

Please note: the first start of water pours out, so it is better to add funds to the tray after filling the machine with water.

soda and vinegar

With the help of baking soda and vinegar, we destroy the bacteria that spread the putrefactive odor.

  1. Pour ½ pack of baking soda into the powder container.
  2. We set the standard wash at 30 degrees.
  3. After the end of the cycle, pour 1 tbsp. vinegar.
  4. We wash in the same mode.
  5. We select a cycle at low temperature, do not add cleaning agents.
  6. We wipe the machine after use, leave it open to dry completely.

This is interesting. In the same way, the smell of gasoline is removed from the machine, which appears if you wash a soiled item without pre-soaking.

Baking soda and vinegar - an all-purpose household cleaner

Lemon acid

Juice is not used for mildew odor cleaning and descaling, as the acid concentration in it is much lower than in the powder.

  1. Pour 100–200 g of citric acid into a container.
  2. Choose the longest wash at the highest temperature.
  3. After the end of the program, wipe the drum, dry the tray and remove scale from the drain.

I once accidentally closed the door - the smell was terrible. Washing machine repairman. machines advised: about 500 g lim. acid, 90 degrees, pause after an hour, let it stand for 3 hours, and then wash it. The smell is gone.

soda ash

You can buy this tool in hardware stores. Soda does an excellent job of cleaning the drum, detergent container.

  1. Mix baking soda with water 1:1.
  2. We wipe the door, drum, rubber rim on the loading hatch.
  3. We leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the rest of the powder.
  5. We run a quick wash idle.

You can buy soda ash in household chemical stores or at points of sale of household goods.

copper sulfate

He is blue vitriol - an ardent fighter against the fungus. Manufacturers of washing machines recommend using it for preventive purposes.

  1. Mix copper sulfate with water 1:1.
  2. We process the drum, rubber cuff.
  3. We leave for 24 hours.
  4. Pour a little powder into the tray and set the quick wash mode.
  5. We run the cycle again, but without powder.

Copper sulfate actively fights mold

Radical cleaning method

If the smell in the machine is ingrained, for example, when the equipment has not been used for a long time, then you can start washing at high temperatures with a sewer pipe cleaner. Only now the rinse mode should be run twice. And one more nuance: it is absolutely impossible to mix a cleaning agent with chlorine-based bleach - the reaction will provoke the release of chlorine in its pure form.

professional tools

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer three types of products for removing fungus, plaque and scale:

  • powder mixtures;
  • liquids;
  • tablets.

Fresh-active - mucus remover in the powder tray and drum. Available in liquid form. Experts recommend it to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Magic Power is considered a safe cleaner as it is based on citric acid. Available in the form of a gel or powder. Gently acts on limescale, which allows fragments to freely exit through the drain.

Dr. Beckmann removes odor from the drum and nozzles, has a disinfecting effect.

Instructions for the use of these funds are indicated on the packages.

  1. Powder or liquid is placed in the powder container.
  2. We set the temperature to 60-90 degrees.
  3. Turn on laundry.
  4. Final step: 1-2 rinses.

Another radical way to get rid of stench.

... The husband first washed the compartment of the machine with Domestos, where the cuvette is inserted (powder is poured into it). We had mold inside from moisture. Then I poured a cap of this product into the powder compartment and ran a full cycle at 90 degrees. Then I opened the door to dry completely.


Photo gallery: special cleaning products for washing machines


As already noted, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the appearance of a smell - there are too many objective reasons for its appearance. But every owner of a washing machine can reduce its intensity. To do this, you must follow the simple rules for the operation of household appliances:

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

After acquiring an expensive automatic washing machine, the housewives expect that now they can forget about the mountains of dirty laundry forever: whether it is necessary to collect things, sort them, put them inside and press a few buttons. However, after a year or two, and for some owners of such equipment even after a couple of months, the device begins to smell from the drum. The unpleasant smell from the washing machine may well not only spread throughout the bathroom, but also remain on the linen. What to do in this situation, how to return the device to its former purity?

Before you start fighting a musty smell, you need to understand what causes it to occur.

Why does the washing machine smell: looking for problem areas

A fetid odor in the machine is formed after improper operation of the device, as well as in connection with the failure or partial damage of some working elements. The main reasons for the occurrence of negative consequences:
  1. Accumulation of water in the car. Some owners from the smell, but close it tightly after use. There may be very little water left inside the device, which begins to turn sour.
  2. Partial blockage of the drain hose. Here we are talking about the accumulation of mucus, debris, particles of powder or other detergent on its walls. Often a similar problem is typical for machines that are more than 5 years old. In this case, you can try to get rid of the smell by using a high temperature wash cycle without laundry.
  3. . The smell appears as a result of the accumulation of deposits on the heating element. However, the main share of this plaque is the remnants of the detergent, litter, mineral salts. The stench is felt mainly when washing is done at low temperatures (up to 40 degrees). If a different temperature regime is chosen, then you can catch the smell of burning.
  4. Failures in the functioning of the sewerage system and connection errors. If the smell comes not only from the car, but from other plumbing fixtures, then the problem is in the general house communications.
  5. An accumulation of bacteria. It is relevant when washing is carried out at low temperatures and with little rinsing (programs like "express" and "daily").

How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine: the most affordable ways

It is not at all necessary to immediately contact the master or send the device to a service center, eliminate the smell in your washing machine. You can solve the problem yourself by using affordable and quite cheap means. Let's name the simplest ways to remove stench from the device.

Idle washing

The powder flask is completely filled with detergent (you can use an industrial cleaner). There is no need to load laundry. Of all the existing modes, it is necessary to choose one where the maximum time and temperature are set (usually it is about 90-95 degrees). Similar washing of the drum.

Selecting a flushing mode

Descaling with citric acid

The heating element is prone to scale formation, since the water in multi-storey buildings, and even in private houses, leaves much to be desired. Also, powder granules can stick to the heating element, forming a thick layer.

Washing with baking soda

First, a paste is prepared from soda and water - it is obtained by combining them. When it is done, they lubricate the sealing gum, cuvette, drum and other contaminated places as far as possible. The product is left on the surface for 40 minutes, then washed off. You can also carry out a washing cycle with the addition of 400 grams of soda.

Accumulation of dirt on the sealing gum

Cleansing with copper sulphate

In order to combat mold on an elastic band, 3% copper sulfate is used (the product is diluted in an amount of 30 grams in 1 liter of water). The ring is lubricated with the resulting solution and left for 1 day. Then carefully rinse off the surface, wipe dry.

Preparing the Vinegar Mix

Washing the drum with a mixture of washing powder, apple cider vinegar and citric acid helps to get rid of the smell of dampness and fungus. Take 2-3 tablespoons of detergent, 100 ml of vinegar and half a glass of acid. All this is placed in a cuvette, and the machine is started at maximum temperature. It is advisable to repeat this "wash" 2-3 times. To achieve the maximum effect, the device is turned off in the middle of the cycle and left for 2 hours.

Washing with oxalic acid

Produced without loading linen. Acid is placed in the powder container and the device is turned on for 30 minutes. Temperature is maximum.

Acquisition of industrial facilities

If there is no desire to independently engage in mixing and selecting chemical compositions, then you can buy special products for washing washing machines in the store. It can be powders and gels from scale, fungus, mold. Among them: Calgon, Dr. Beckmann, Scrubman and others.

Descaler for washing machines

Some housewives, when the machine smells of rotten water or rotten meat, try to wash the drum and other elements with chlorine-containing preparations. Of course, there is definitely a benefit from them, but there is also a risk of damage to the case or components of the device. Chlorine can corrode not only scale, mucus and dirt, but even rubber, plastic and metal parts if they have been in use for a long time.

industrial cleaner

How to prevent odor

So that from the drum, the cuvettes for the powder or the filter does not smell like a swamp, dampness, mold, you need to remember the simple rules for using a washing machine. Of these, one can name:

The big mistake of many housewives is to think that the bad smell from the washing machine is only for old appliances. In fact, such a nuisance can lie in wait for any typewriter, if you do not properly care for it. Why a fetid odor appears from the typewriter and how to get rid of it is the topic of the article.

How to remove the smell from the washing machine - reasons

The smell of mustiness or dampness is exuded by certain microorganisms that are able to “settle” in any part of the washing machine. For example, fungi and bacteria often settle in a drain hose, rubber seal or filter.

The following factors contribute to the reproduction of such bad-smelling microflora:

  • Frequent washing at low temperatures - microorganisms on dirty clothes do not die and spread throughout the equipment.
  • Spin at low speed - the machine remains very wet, which contributes to the rapid reproduction of mold.
  • Storing dirty things in the drum is a green light for all the bacteria that are in pockets, on food stains.
  • Erasing things with not removed crumbs, pieces of paper, other debris - particles of dirt get together, settle in the filter and serve as a breeding ground for microbes.

How to remove the smell from the washing machine - idle boil

The choice of a remedy for odor and the method of processing the machine depends on the cause and location of its localization. The "boil" idle mode is an excellent method of getting rid of plaque and mucus accumulation in all parts of the machine. Pour 100-120 g of powder into the drum and turn on the long wash cycle at the highest temperature. You can repeat twice in a row if the smell is too persistent.

How to remove the smell from the washing machine - vinegar treatment

Vinegar neutralizes mold and limescale. You need to clean up like this:

  • Pour 400 ml of vinegar into the tray;
  • select the maximum temperature;
  • after 5-7 minutes, stop the machine for 1 hour;
  • resume washing before the end of the regime;
  • after washing, treat all available parts of the machine with a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1).
  • Clean the filter and dry the drum.

Advice! If the washing machine has not been descaled for a long time, instead of vinegar, it is better to use 250 g of citric acid with the same performance algorithm.

How to remove the smell from the washing machine - soda ash treatment

The method is suitable for the fight against mold fungi. With this tool, the drum, the powder container and the compactor are manually processed:

  • Mix soda in water (ratio 1:1).
  • Spread the paste on the parts of the washing machine, leave for 30-45 minutes.
  • Rinse off the soda with a wet sponge.
  • Run a short idle wash.

How to remove the smell from the washing machine - cleaning with copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is able to completely remove the smell of mold. It can also be used for prevention purposes. The processing of the machine is carried out in this way:

  • Mix 30 g of copper sulfate and 30 ml of water.
  • Dampen a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the drum, tray, door, cuff.
  • Leave the machine for 24 hours.
  • Then run the machine once with the powder and once with just hot water.

How to remove the smell from the washing machine - household chemicals

Household remedies will also help to eliminate the terrible amber from the drum of the machine. For example, you can easily clean the equipment with such detergents:

  • "Calgon" - tablets, gel and loose powder, which eliminates scale, odors, bacteria.
  • "Alfagon" - a similar tool designed to remove plaque and dirt.
  • "Frish active" - ​​a liquid chemical agent from mucus in a powder tray, drum, hoses.

The simplest solution to the problem of unpleasant smell in the washing machine is prevention. Open the door more often, wash containers, change filters, and your machine will never get an unpleasant smell.