DIY Christmas floristic compositions. New Year's compositions on the table, photos and master classes

Thinking of ideas for New Year's home decor? Do you want to bring bright colors to your interior design? Then start with the traditional and win-win room decoration option - New Year's compositions.

As you know, the symbol of the coming 2019 will be the Yellow (Earthy) Pig, and therefore you need to decorate the house in the appropriate style.

Choosing a palette for New Year's decor

50 shades of yellow.

In the new year, elegant compositions must certainly be present in your house, because Pigs, especially decorative ones, love to dress up so much. Therefore, it is worth adding spectacular colors to them. Don't be afraid to use anything bright and shiny.

Orange, brick, brown, yellow, gold, lilac, red, burgundy, purple, scarlet, terracotta, cherry and other colors of this spectrum are perfect for this. But we put special emphasis on all colors of yellow or gold. All shades of gold from coppery red to blinding lemon are at your disposal.

Classic greens.

Do not forget about the classic elements. After all, it is impossible to imagine New Year's decorative ensembles without traditional greenery, which will make the red color even more intense and expressive. In addition, since the images of the "masters" of the new year came to us from the East, you can decorate the crafts with exotic symbols in the spirit of the evergreen tropics.

New Year's compositions - a tribute to fashion and traditions

Preparing for the New Year is a procedure no less pleasant than a celebration. Therefore, making compositions always brings a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

New Year's crafts are not only indispensable attributes of the festive decoration of the house, but also stylish decorative interior elements that will always be in trend. Usually they decorate a table, doors, windows, walls, furniture, some of them can be hung over a door or window. Also popular are colorful garlands, which will become the final touch in home interior design.

In this article, we will offer you several options for creating do-it-yourself compositions for the New Year. You don't need to be a natural born designer to make them. It is enough just to arm yourself with patience, good mood and imagination. Well, let's get started?

Compositions of artificial and natural flowers for the New Year

You can create graceful and fashionable arrangements of artificial or natural flowers or flowers, which will be a bright decoration for a festive table, living room or kitchen set. For fans of stylish floristry, the following options for floral ensembles are perfect:

Floating flowers.

At first glance, it may seem that making such candles yourself is rather difficult. However, it is not.

To craft them, you will need:

  • glass goblet (wine glass, glass or beautiful jar) with water,
  • small candles for aroma lamps with tin trays,
  • flowers (natural or artificial)
  • and beads (pebbles can be used).

The water can be tinted with a dye. At the bottom of the container, we place beads and flowers, fill them with water, and lower the candle on top of the water (you don't have to worry, it is lighter than water, so it will not sink).

Flowers and candles on the festive table.

The combination of these two elements will give your festive table an atmosphere of luxury and romance. To create such compositions is elementary.

You need to put a long candle on the saucer, around which you need to lay out bright flowers. Candles can be placed in pretty glasses and placed on a wooden stand.

New Year's minimalism.

For adherents of this style, the following decoration option, shown in the photo, is suitable. A Christmas ball (preferably large and variegated) and a flower bud can be placed in a glass candy bowl or cake maker. You can supplement these elements with small branches of needles or sweets.

Lush bouquets.

The "highlight" of the decor for the New Year will be flower arrangements, which can include greenery, spruce branches, citrus fruits or toys. You can combine these elements as you like. For example, choose small flowers for a bouquet, but add more needles to it. Bouquets with oranges, tangerines or lemons will be especially popular in the New Year of the Red Monkey.

Flowers in the interior.

There can be a huge number of variations of flower arrangements for interior decoration. Leaves, Christmas tree decorations, pine needles, fruits, candies and flowers can be placed in beautiful glass vases or on porcelain plates. You can also put them in a beautiful cardboard box or jewelry box, decorate it with ribbons, bows, figurines of plants and animals. Bouquets and wreaths of pine needles and flowers on the tables would be an excellent option.

Below we offer several photos of flower arrangements for New Year's decorations.

It is better to start preparing material for a future composition in advance.

In a separate box you can collect decorative stones, beads, beads, silk ribbons, artificial flowers, candles, colored cords, double-sided tape, cones, corrugated paper, wire, organza, sisal fiber, felt and much more that can be useful for decorating a composition ...

Elementary simple: making a New Year's bouquet

One of the options for such a New Year's craft is a bouquet of flowers and needles in a basket. To make it we need: three types of flowers (preferably in different shades), spruce branches, a basket, apples, a floral sponge (you can replace it with a regular one), good adhesive tape, thin wooden sticks, artificial snow in a can, glue, jewelry and a candle.

Everything is ready? Let's start then.

  1. First you need to cut the sponge so that it follows the shape of the basket.
  2. After that, it must be placed inside the basket and firmly fixed with tape.
  3. Flowers and branches of needles must be placed on the sponge evenly, in a spiral.
  4. We will insert a candle in the center of the bouquet.
  5. We will fix the apples and cones at the ends of wooden sticks with glue (it is better to use hot glue for a heat gun).
  6. Is the composition ready? Then you can cover it with a light layer of artificial snow. This New Year's miracle will be a wonderful decoration for a festive table or room.

For greater clarity, we offer you a step-by-step photo instruction, which shows how you can quickly and easily make such a composition.

Evergreen beauty: New Year's compositions from coniferous branches

New Year's holidays, of course, cannot do without pine needle crafts. Quite often, candles, ribbons and Christmas tree decorations act as additional components in them. We bring to your attention several possible options for such decorations.

Spectacular bouquets of spruce paws.

Compositions of spruce branches in the form of bouquets will look very bright in the interior decor. They are usually placed in low vases, on dishes, plates or trays.

In the center of such an ensemble, you can place a tall red or white candle or a decorative candle in a glass. This year, they can be supplemented with exotic fruits, for example, oranges decorated with clove buds.

Wreaths for doors and walls.

These attributes of New Year and Christmas are considered classic. There can be many options for such decorations.

  • The basis for such wreaths can be both natural needles (thuja or Christmas tree), and New Year's tinsel, birch branches, paper, fruits, sweets and even pasta covered with golden paint.
  • You can decorate the wreath with whatever your heart desires: bows, homemade boxes, ribbons, toys, Christmas balls, decorative straws, pine cones and even cinnamon sticks. In the photo you see various options for such wreaths.

In the next video, a professional florist designer will show and tell you how to make a wreath of their needles yourself.

To make such a wreath stylized to the theme of the New Year of the Golden Dog, you can attach small toys in the form of doggies to it, weave spikelets into it or sew small puppies from yellow fabric. Such elements will make the New Year's wreath unique.

Small compositions.

To prevent the interior from being overcrowded with bulky compositions, make several small crafts from pine needles. For example, you can tie twigs and some buds with a large bow (preferably a bright color).

Also popular today are small compositions of balls for a Christmas tree and branches of pine needles on wooden dishes in the Dutch style.

Needles are a very convenient material for crafts, because they retain their color and properties for a long time. Therefore, compositions from spruce branches or thuja will delight you with their splendor for more than one week.

Popular decor: candy compositions

Crafts made from sweets and other sweets will look no less beautiful. In this case, it is important to choose those that have a bright wrapper. Compositions of them are considered the easiest to manufacture. There are a great many ideas for them. We will give a few.

Candles and candies in glass.

Small candies or colored sweets are placed in a large glass jar or wine glass, and a candle is placed in the center. Simple, fast and beautiful, isn't it?

To make such a composition in the style of the Year of the Fire Rooster, you can place a small felt chicken in a container with sweets. On the jar itself, you can make the inscription "2017" or some short wish (motto) for the New Year with colored markers or acrylic paints.

Making a composition in the form of a Christmas tree from sweets, a master class on video

Such compositions have a conical base (usually cardboard, but champagne bottles can also be used). Sweets, tinsel, bows or organza flowers are attached to them. Its appearance completely depends on your imagination. In the photo you can see possible models of such an unusual New Year's tree.

At first glance, such a composition may seem complicated. Therefore, we invite you to see the whole process of creating a caramel Christmas tree with your own eyes in the video.

Pineapple candy.

2019's eastern hostess, Pig, should be surrounded by tropical paraphernalia. Therefore, we offer you an original decoration for the New Year - a pineapple made of sweets and a bottle of champagne.

It can be done in a matter of minutes by fixing alternately chocolates (preferably round) on the surface of the bottle using a glue gun. In this case, the candy is glued to the orange sticker, and then to the bottle.

As you can see, using imagination and the simplest materials, you can create real New Year's masterpieces. On New Year's Eve 2019, try to decorate homemade compositions with oriental symbols, buy several small toys or figurines in the form of pigs, make them from felt, fabric or a quilling kit.

We wish you good luck in making New Year's compositions and, in the end, we offer a photo selection of interesting ideas that will certainly inspire you.

Winter is often perceived by us as a monochrome season, where everything is filled with snow-white color. But in fact, this is a time of contrasts: white snow and juicy-red berries of viburnum and mountain ash, purple beautiful fruit and rich green conifers.

In winter, even the aromas are thicker and more intense. All this can be conveyed by your bouquet! Combine soft, airy cotton and pine cones, vibrant roses, oranges and fir branches.

Combine elements opposite in texture, color and shape in a bouquet. What would be too much in summer will enrich the bouquet and create a mood in winter.

A real work of art! How could it be otherwise? Indeed, in a winter bouquet, not only flowers are often used, but also other natural materials that correspond to the season:

  • bunches of mountain ash, beautiful carp, viburnum
  • twigs with fruits of snowberry, barberry, rose hips
  • birch branches
  • dry flower boxes with seeds, physalis
  • bumps
  • bark and graceful tree branches
  • branches of conifers (spruce, juniper, thuja, cypress)
  • cotton bolls
  • cinnamon sticks
  • star anise
  • dried oranges
  • fruits and nuts
  • dry herbs
  • hydrangea inflorescences and other dried flowers

Your imagination can suggest the most unexpected options for the elements and decor of the bouquet. Choose something that will not freeze, will not fade quickly, which we associate with the winter season. For example, florists advise choosing flowers of dark shades for your bouquet, they are more persistent and even if the petals are slightly affected by the cold, it will not be noticeable.

A rose, chrysanthemum, calla lily, carnation, gerbera, tulip, gypsophila, freesia, hydrangea, snowdrop, cymbidium are ideal for a winter bouquet.

Additional accessories for the bouquet can be knitted items, ribbons, lace, cords, buttons, foil, Christmas balls, beads, organza, figurines of angels and birds.

Bright, intense, and at the same time, winter bouquet with piano roses, ilex, orchids and cotton.

This bouquet is composed of pine branches, "snowy" spruce cones, brunia, thuja branches, snowberry and eucalyptus. Small flowers resembling cherry blossoms look delicate and light in a bouquet. The handle of the bouquet is decorated with handmade lace, twine and waxed cord with wooden buttons.

Interior composition will perfectly decorate your home on snowy winter days, complement the table setting and may well replace the Christmas tree. Use the advice of florists and create your own unique decorative object. So:

The winter composition will have a beautiful shape if you arrange the flowers in it at different angles and at different levels.

Any composition has a focus - a point that attracts attention (a bright flower, a large bud, a candle, a branch of the original form). It is not necessarily located in the center, but it is around it that the whole composition is built.

Choose a composition container that matches the style of your interior.

If the composition will consist of fresh flowers, use a floral sponge. It will also come in handy when creating a Christmas wreath for table setting.

As the basis of the composition, you can choose foam or plasticine. Such a basis is suitable for New Year's compositions, when it is necessary to fix spruce branches, balls, animal figurines, garlands, and set candles.

For single cut flowers, thin narrow vessels (test tubes) can be used, which are easy to fix inside the composition.

Use branches of different lengths (vines, willow twigs, branches and tree roots). With their help, you can add dynamics, direction to the compositions.

A stand in the form of a saw cut from a tree is perfect for a New Year's composition. The composition itself is not installed in the center on such a stand, but is shifted to one side.

On a light background, a composition of bright and dark flowers will look good, on a dark background - a light bouquet.

You don't have to buy flowers for your winter arrangement. Most houseplants are perfect for creating one. Moreover, many of them have a flowering period in the winter. We choose:

  • poinsettia (christmas star)
  • Schlumberger (Decembrist)
  • hippeastrum, amarylis, vallotta
  • orchid
  • chlorophytum
  • cyclamen
  • azalea

A fragrant, winter composition of scarlet roses and spruce branches with cinnamon sticks and orange.

New Year is such a holiday when you want to decorate your house with magic lights, fill it with New Year's aromas familiar from childhood - pine needles, tangerines, cinnamon and chocolate ... New Year's compositions will perfectly cope with this task! Create them yourself or you can .

Let's discuss how to prepare a house for the holiday and what winter compositions will suit your interior?

We will also learn how to turn a festive table into a magical one, and a house into a real fairy tale! At the same time, we will try to use those materials that we can collect in the forest or buy for little money in stores before the New Year.

With this tutorial, you can make a DIY Christmas composition.

How to choose New Year's compositions for home decoration?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the interior of your home and its colors. And already they will tell you which New Year's decor will suit your home the most.

Most often, in New Year's interiors you will find the colors of the winter forest - white, green, brown. We associate them with real Russian winter - a lot of snow, a beautiful Christmas tree that fills our house with a fresh forest aroma ... Spruce cones, cinnamon, chocolates on the tree - how can we go without them?

And add bright shades to these three colors - for example, lilac, purple, blue! For example, a Christmas wreath on your front door with bright blue-green elements will look bright and impressive. Already at the entrance, he will tune your guests to the New Year's mood and set a special festive mood. Upon entering the house, seeing a wreath, your guests will anticipate - what will they see outside the door of this house? What fairy tale will they fall into?

If you love red (and according to the Chinese calendar, it symbolizes the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster) - feel free to use it as bright accents in New Year's compositions!

What can be used to make New Year's compositions?

Basically, it is customary to create New Year's compositions from live or artificial needles. That is, first, a base of needles is created, and only then decorative materials are added. Various natural materials can serve as an addition - cones, cinnamon sticks, anise stars, snow-covered tree branches, moss balls, driftwood and wooden cuts, bark.

The choice of decorative materials that you can put in a New Year's composition is simply huge! Christmas decorations, decorative branches with berries, foam and plastic snowflakes, textile flowers with sequins, ribbons! And of course, candles! What is New Year's Eve without candles ?!

Yes, and don't forget about fresh flowers! They look very cool in New Year's compositions and will refresh the New Year's interior.

Christmas compositions: ideas for inspiration

And of course, on the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting ideas for creating New Year's compositions and decorating New Year's interiors. For inspiration - some of the best ideas, in our opinion)))

If for you a New Year's wreath is something banal and you want originality in your New Year's decor - decorate your front door or one of the walls of your country house with a pair of cute stylish boots or winter skates with a winter "snowy" composition. Your guests will appreciate your taste and unconventional approach to home decoration.

To emphasize the Scandinavian style in the New Year's interior, such winter powdered compositions and wreaths "with a chill" will help you. And at the same moment there is something very gentle and magical in them ... it is impossible to take your eyes off these winter masterpieces!

The tradition of decorating a house with candles is rooted in the distant past, from time immemorial it is believed that candles symbolize the endurance of the human soul, and also fill the home with light, comfort and warmth. Old Believers believe that on New Year's Eve, all candles in the house must be extinguished, and after the chimes are struck, light them from a new fire (matches or lighters). This tradition symbolizes the beginning of a new life period, the renewal and rebirth of life. Of course, candles can simply be placed around the house, but it is still better to make harmonious New Year's compositions with candles, so we will simultaneously honor age-old traditions, and also bring something new and effective into the interior design.

What to use as candle decor.

  1. Fresh or artificial spruce branches;
  2. Decorative beads;
  3. Christmas toys, balls;
  4. Fresh foliage;
  5. Fresh berries;
  6. Nuts, cones, acorns, chestnuts;
  7. Christmas candies - sticks;
  8. Tapes;
  9. Chains;
  10. Tinsel;
  11. Dry twigs;
  12. Artificial Poinsettia Flowers;
  13. Dried fruits.

Birch logs as a candlestick.

In birch log cabins of different heights, it is necessary to create shallow holes with a chisel, the size of a candle-tablet. Install candles in these holes (it is better not to go far from such a candlestick, safety is above all).

Candle decor with candies Christmas sticks.

A spectacular composition can be obtained by decorating a large candle with Christmas sticks. Place the candy sticks around the perimeter of the candle and tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

Compositions of candles and fir branches.

To create a composition, it is enough to lay a branchy spruce branch on a flat surface (table, tray or shelf), put three red candles of different sizes in the center. As a supplement, you can use fresh cones, Christmas tree decorations or New Year's figurines.

Branched candlestick chandelier.

If your home has a spectacular candelabrum, then it should definitely be used to create a stunning composition. For example, in addition to candles, a branched candelabrum can be supplemented with Christmas balls, beads and earrings.

Composition with tinsel.

Put a transparent vase on a plate, drip wax from a lit candle into it, to which you glue the candle itself. Put red matte tinsel around the vase, paste over the tinsel around the perimeter with large beads.

Candles decorated with Christmas balls.

Pick up a vase to match the candle, for example, you can pick up a purple bowl for a lavender candle. Put the candle in the bowl, and fill the space around it with the smallest colored Christmas balls.

Compositions with candles and glasses.

This decor is perfect for a festive table. Pour some water into tall straight glasses and set them on a spruce, thuja or fir branch. Next, in small transparent gravy boats, set a tablet candle.

Arrangements with candles in a row.

On a rectangular dish you place four bright candles according to your height, and put Christmas-tree balls matching in color on the front.

Composition with red candles.

Place two large red candles on a red dish, place artificial Poinsettia flowers next to it, or sprinkle sparkles and lay a large Christmas ball.

Composition of candles with viburnum branches.

Put a twig with ripe and green viburnum in a ceramic or earthen glass, and place a candle in the center.

A candle in a glass with thuja sprigs.

Place the thuja twigs in the glass, place a candle in the center.

Composition of candles and dried fruits.

String various dried fruits on a thread: apple, orange, tangerine slices, as well as cinnamon sticks, tie both ends, forming a wreath. Place a large candle in the center of the dried fruit ring.

Candles in the form of cones.

By themselves, such candles look festive, so it is enough to line them up on an oblong dish.

Composition in a glass with a floating candle.

Pour water into a large glass, put the leaves of viburnum, hawthorn or lingonberry on the bottom, and on top of the fruits of one of these trees or shrubs, "lower" a floating candle into the center. The whole composition in a glass can be placed on a spruce twig.

Spruce wreath with candles.

A ring is formed from the spruce branches so that it does not fall apart, wrap it with a transparent fishing line, place four candles around the perimeter, decorate the composition with decorative beads and Christmas balls.

Candle among the nuts.

Pour various nuts into a transparent vase: walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, and also add a few bright orange fruits - small kumquats. Place a candle on top in a transparent cup. The rest of the examples with nuts can be seen below in the photo.

Christmas candle decor:

New Year's compositions with candles are quite easy to bring to life, besides, this activity is very exciting, after the first composition, you want to create at least a couple of other even more spectacular decorative elements based on the use of candles.

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compositions with candles

another attribute of the New Year holidays

Compositions with candles are the safest option for creating a special Christmas comfort in your home. Soft candle lights will set everyone in a romantic mood, and lovely compositions with winter berries, pine needles and glass candlesticks will make the atmosphere truly festive.

Remember the main thing - having bought just a few candles, rummaging through a box with New Year's toys and armed with a small spruce branch, you can decorate your windowsill or table with a stunningly beautiful New Year's composition! How can you miss such a chance? Show your imagination! How about a composition in white? For this, you need a medium-sized spruce branch, which you need to cut into small branches. However, artificial needles will do, but nothing beats a real, tasty-smelling spruce paw.

Pine and spruce branches, mossy branches, dry branches of larch and linden, decorative branches of berry bushes with preserved fruits, dry roots, flowers and herbs, dried fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as fresh flowers - cut or in pots, are perfect for arranging. moss.

How about natural decor? Place the candles in straight-walled glass glasses and decorate their walls with thuja sprigs. The twigs can be glued or simply wrapped with red thread - the composition in any case will look very New Year's.

Another option is special candlesticks on a sawn tree knot. You can buy ready-made compositions with flowers and berries, or you can make them yourself using pine needles, mountain ash or any other winter fruits.

Cinnamon sticks tied around the candles look spectacular. In addition, cinnamon, heated by a candle flame, will begin to exude a pleasant aroma. You can tie the cinnamon with either a “Christmas” red ribbon or a simple twine - it looks equally stylish.

The basis for the New Year's composition can be dry branches, bark, decorative pieces of roots, cuts of tree trunks, knotty grapevines, metal trays and trays, ceramic and glass vases, a frame made of wire or rods, pieces of foam plastic.

Use transparent glasses or vases, bright mountain ash and artificial snow! If you pour artificial snow into a glass candlestick, the composition will become incredibly New Year's! Install several candlesticks at once and surround them with lush spruce branches or rowan branches. Red has always been considered the main color of the Christmas holidays!

An interesting idea for New Year's decor is candles in glassware (glasses, glasses or medium-sized jars). Wash and dry the dishes so that there are no streaks and dust on the walls, buy simple white candles and glue them to the bottom of improvised "candlesticks" using melted wax. Decorate the glass with plain confetti or paper cut masks, musical notes, stars or snowflakes. Candles will light up the paper beautifully, and paper figures will cast fancy shadows on the walls.

Use colored candles for your compositions! Of course, they are more expensive than white ones, but they also look much more spectacular. The most New Year's colors are blue and red. If possible, complement the composition with accessories of the appropriate color - for example, pastel blue Christmas balls on a platter look great with blue candles, and red candles are effectively complemented by red winter berries, ribbons and even leaves. Combine shades of the same color - for example, soft lilac and light blue, light blue and bright blue, red and dark pink.

If a tall candle is light and discreet, then there is a high probability that it will simply get lost against the background of a festive table and a snow-white tablecloth. But low white candles, immersed in a luxurious spruce frame, will contrast very well with the green coniferous background.

Figures of animals - symbols of the coming year according to the Eastern calendar - are appropriate in New Year's compositions. Soft toys with a long nap do not go well with fluffy needles, but porcelain, plastic, glass, stone and clay figurines will be very useful. The central element of the New Year's composition can be a beautiful Christmas tree toy - a bell, a bird, a fish, a golden cone ...

From additional materials, glue, nails, plasticine, sand, thin wire, needle holders, a floral sponge, test tubes, small containers, Christmas tree decorations and candles, satin ribbons, serpentine, rain and other tinsel can be useful.

It will not be superfluous to stock up on spray cans with silver, gold and white paint for New Year's chic-shine. You can gild and silver branches, cones, nuts, which, as if by magic, will instantly turn into something fabulous and magical.

So that you can include fresh flowers in your New Year's composition - hyacinths, freesias, carnations or rosebuds, buy a piaflor flower sponge or green florist flasks in a flower shop, into which you can pour water and insert live flower stems or branches so that your the composition remained fresh for as long as possible and delighted you with its pristine appearance.

You can buy candles in different shapes, in any color and scent, or you can make them yourself, with the scent you love.

New Year and Christmas table compositions will bring a real atmosphere of magic to the house, and the warm flickering of candles will emphasize the mystery of expectation of a miracle. And let dreams come true in New Year and Christmas, and a miracle will surely happen!

There are many options for using candles in the decor of a festive interior: they can be placed on the fireplace, placed in the fireplace, placed on the windows, on the floor, on the steps - it looks elegant, festive, romantic and magical.