New year horoscope and celebration. How, where and with whom to celebrate the New Year? Recipes for delicious snacks

New Year is a special holiday in the life of every person. It doesn't matter if you love it or not - the new year brings us both fear of change and hope for the best. “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it” is a phrase familiar to each of us. Many do not believe in this, but still, the majority tries to adhere to the generally accepted rules for celebrating the New Year.

You still have some time to prepare for the celebration of the New Year and welcome its future owner - the Red Fire Rooster.

What will 2017 be like?

According to the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Rooster begins on January 28th. The red fiery rooster is a very unpredictable and interesting symbol. Do not underestimate the host of the next year - it is not as simple as it seems. He is observant and fastidious, he is persistent and straightforward, he is generous and mysterious. The Rooster loves those who work hard and are constantly trying to "jump above themselves" - for such people, he will be especially supportive next year.

The rooster loves attention to his person, he is not one of those characters that is loyal to everyone. His attention must be earned.
According to astrologers, next year will be very ambiguous. It will be difficult, but effective, it will be loud, but in the name of silence. This is an ideal year for those who want to improve their financial situation - the rooster will generously reward all workaholics. But lovers of easy prey should not rejoice - your laziness will play a cruel joke against you.

In family relationships, conflicts and violent quarrels cannot be avoided; the scale of passions will heat up more often than ever. The year of the rooster will put everything in its place. But divorces will be much less than in previous years. The fiery rooster appreciates real feelings very much, so couples who love each other should not be afraid. Next year will be very fruitful for weddings.

The rooster appreciates sincerity and kindness, perseverance and effort, he loves responsiveness and generosity. This is a very grateful symbol that will not leave without attention all those who are not bluffing. Greed, cruelty, weakness, laziness - these are the qualities that enrage the rooster.

2017 will be a decisive year for many in every sense. This year is very favorable for introspection and proper prioritization. The fiery rooster will help you understand yourself and reassess what is happening.

How, where and with whom to celebrate the New Year?

If you have planned a trip for the New Year, try to postpone it. The rooster is a very family symbol, so it is advisable to drink champagne to the chimes at home.

Restaurants, concerts and other events with a crowd of strangers are not the best option for celebrating 2017. The rooster will appreciate if only relatives and friends surround you. No one else around - that's what the rooster likes. Meet the holiday among those whom you are really glad to see. The company should be cheerful and mobile, and the celebration itself simply must last until the morning.

No quarrels, conflicts and other varieties of "cockfights".

Wherever you celebrate the New Year - do not forget about the decor of the room. Christmas wreaths and garlands, candles and New Year's toys - everything should indicate the atmosphere of the holiday. But do not overdo it - the rooster does not like bust in decorations: both in the interior and in clothes.

What to wear?

For girls, this is a great occasion to dress like on the red carpet. In clothes, it is preferable to choose outfits in red or gold. They should be bright and showy, but not vulgar or flashy. Elegance is what your New Year's outfit should be associated with. Put aside your favorite jeans and dress pants. On this night, you must be more feminine than ever.

Heels - that's what will complement your image and please the eye of the future owner of the year. As for the choice of jewelry, it does not matter whether it is jewelry or jewelry. Just do not forget that you do not need to wear everything at once - just neat earrings and a thin bracelet with a pendant are enough.

For men, the choice of outfit is not limited to the previously announced colors. Men should be dressed as close to the classical style as possible. You will have to forget about T-shirts, elongated raglans and torn jeans for one night.

New Year's table. What to cook?

You probably already guessed that no poultry meat, especially chicken, should be on the table. This applies not only to main dishes, but also appetizers with salads. Eggs can be used, but not recommended.

The table should be rich, colorful and beautiful. The more food on the table, the better. Sausage and cheese products, and snacks, side dishes and hot meat dishes, pickles and herbs, pastries and fruits - all this should be on the table. Pay special attention to bread products. Sandwiches and tartlets, and salads with crackers - show your imagination in the New Year's menu.

The rooster does not welcome strong alcohol. But light wine or good champagne are quite suitable for meeting with the symbol of 2017.

How the New Year will pass is up to you. What it will be - only time will tell. But there are not so many holidays in our life to deprive ourselves of faith in the best, right?!

It would seem that just recently we celebrated the year of the Monkey, and now it is time to see her off and meet the new master of the year - the Fire Rooster. How to welcome the new year 2017. What festive outfit to choose, how to decorate the table, what dishes to prefer in order to comply with all the rules and traditions - these and many other questions are now occupied by many of us. The rooster is a symbol of everything new. After all, it is he who notifies with his loud ku-ka-re-ku about the onset of dawn. Therefore, the year of the Rooster will certainly bring something new, drive the evil forces of the dark time away, and dawn awaits us. But at the same time, it must be remembered that the Rooster is a brave fighter, and he will appreciate those who are ready to stand up for themselves, and will not wait on the stove when happiness comes to him.

Show the Rooster with your outfit that you are a bright personality, as the master of the year is a fiery color. And this means that in favor, first of all, there will be red and gold colors. The rooster loves frilly brightness, so do not hesitate to decorate your outfit with rhinestones, sequins, wear catchy jewelry and, of course, do not ignore feathers and boas. Particular attention when choosing an outfit should be given to accessories and hairstyles. Massive jewelry, sequins (on clothes, on the body) are more welcome than ever.

In general, you can choose a dress of any color, except for leopard print. The rooster, as you know, is not very fond of cats and foxes, so try to avoid even a hint of them and the entire cat family in your outfit. Animal prints will also be absolutely inappropriate. If you opt for a dress in soothing colors, then dilute the outfit with a bright scarf.

What to give for the new year 2017

A lot of happiness will be brought by things presented for the New Year with embroidery, made with shiny threads and, of course, the image of the Rooster. If you give jewelry to loved ones, then remember that the Rooster prefers real luxury, so give preference to real stones and gold.

Don't forget to send your family a New Year's card. Read about the tradition of sending such postcards

What hairstyle to choose for the new 2017

When choosing a hairstyle, keep in mind that it is best to gather your hair up, decorate it with a headband or diadem, symbolizing the “golden comb”. When choosing a pedicure polish, opt for red and burgundy tones. As for makeup, then, of course, you need to do one that suits you, and it will be enough to add a little sparkle or decorate the corners of the eyes with rhinestones.

How to organize a meeting of the new 2017

The rooster is for active pastime, so think over the New Year's program to the smallest detail: what will you play, what competitions will be. By the way, it is good to arrange such competitions in which each of the guests will be able to show their acting talent. For example, let the guests break into pairs, and one decorates the other using any means at hand: from Christmas tree decorations to tinsel and napkins. The most interesting thing is when each of the participants must present their “creation” with the help of a song, advertisement, poem, proverb.

Don't forget to make a New Year's wish on New Year's Eve. How to make a New Year's wish read

Be sure to prepare fortune cookies for the new year. Enclose a piece of paper with a wish in each cookie. Then each of your guests will receive a unique holiday greeting. Such an original congratulation will delight your guests, make New Year's Eve unforgettable. Learn how to bake fortune cookies

What to put on the New Year's table

The rooster is for luxury and prosperity, he loves to have a lot of everything, but at the same time he is for simple food. That is, your New Year's table should be varied and rich in choice of dishes. But delicacies for the Rooster are not at all necessary.

The rooster prefers natural products in order to fully appreciate their original taste. The rooster wants to see on his table a lot of dishes from grains, herbs, vegetables. Will be appropriate. To create an image of a Rooster, you will need grated eggs, olives, black peppercorns, bell pepper for the tail. Be sure to put on the table sliced ​​​​vegetables or canned tomatoes, peppers or assorted vegetables. The owner of the year will like a salad made from sprouted grains of wheat or lentils. This should be taken care of in advance. It takes time for the seeds to germinate.

Try to have as many different pastries, sandwiches and canapes as possible on the table. The rooster loves the taste of wheat very much. When choosing meat, try not to abode the host year by choosing chicken. You can give preference to fish dishes - this will greatly please the Rooster. Do not spare spices, especially pepper when cooking, because we are meeting the Fiery Year with you.

How to decorate the house for the new year 2017

The best decoration for the new year will, of course, be a beautiful Christmas tree. It can be both natural and artificial. Find out which is better to choose an artificial or natural Christmas tree

If you have given preference to a natural Christmas tree, then it is better to save it using my advice described.

Let there be New Year's candles in your house on New Year's Eve. They will create a special fabulous New Year's mood in your house, give your loved ones a wonderful mood. Find out about the best New Year's compositions To make the candles burn longer, just before the holiday, put them in the cold for 2 hours.

You can decorate the house with festive compositions with ears of wheat, if you stocked them in the summer. If you failed to do this, then you can make a green lawn in a bowl by growing wheat grains on it. Rooster will love this. He will understand that he is expected, that he is welcome.

My dear readers of the blog “Secrets of the Brownie”, today I told you how to celebrate the New Year 2017. May the year bring you a lot of kindness, warmth and smiles. Warmth and comfort for all. Happy New Year.

Vera Khubelashvili, astrologer:

The Year of the Fire Rooster makes special demands on representatives of all zodiac signs. But do not be afraid of a lively bird, believing that all 12 months will be too difficult. Of course, we all will have to try hard, because the Rooster appreciates diligence, but all his requests remain within reason and only call everyone to more serious responsibility. The Rooster is harsh only to those people who act dishonestly, have selfish motives and behave unfairly. Major changes are to be expected throughout the year, as the lively bird is always looking to bring something to the world. 2017 will be especially rich in marriages, and these unions, concluded under the wing of the Rooster, will mostly be happy and lasting. Wherein a large number divorces should not be expected: the Rooster is a homely bird and will not allow itself to shake family values ​​​​once again. Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that he will be indulgent towards the emerging couples - the symbol of 2017 is strict with them and will require partners to carefully look at each other before they can form a stable relationship. And by the way, the first and second decades of the coming year will favor these undertakings!

And in order to appease the Rooster, you need to meet him well on December 31st. The expression “As you meet the year, so you will spend it” is not in vain passed from mouth to mouth for more than one generation. It really works!

Where and with whom to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the fiery Rooster

The rooster is a domestic bird, loves warmth and comfort. So it is best to celebrate the New Year at home, in the family circle. The table should be generous, but not luxurious. The rooster is a hospitable bird, prepare a small gift for each guest. After a festive feast, go for fresh air, for a walk.

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How to decorate a house for the New Year

To find a common language with the totem of the year, equip the house so that he likes it. Everything is very simple, the main thing is that the rooster feels like a dear and welcome guest.

1. The rooster is a country bird, therefore add rustic paraphernalia, make a decorative nest, and don't forget about the grains for the main patron.

2. A rooster is a domestic bird that loves comfort and warmth. So that decorate rooms with throws, pillows, tablecloths and napkins, all that, in your opinion, makes your home not only more beautiful, but also warmer, more comfortable.

3. Use rooster figurines(the more there are, the better). However, in no case should you use feathers and eggs for decoration, this can take away your luck for a whole year!

How to decorate the table for the New Year

1. Choose a red tablecloth or any other fiery shade.

2. If there is wooden utensils, then be sure to use it.

3. Stick to rustic flair when decorating and setting the table, the rooster will be very pleased.

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What dishes should be on the table in the year of the Fire Rooster

1. Refuse extravagant dishes, let the table be generous, but without frills. Everything unusual and expensive you can submit on January 1st.

2. Opt for Vegetarian Meals. If you absolutely cannot do without meat, then there should not be a bird on the table in any case, this will greatly offend the rooster. And is it worth it to eat junk food at night?

3. Roosters are very fond of sweets and pastries., do not be stingy and bribe the rooster.

And most importantly (which we talked about earlier) - there should be a figurine of a rooster or its image on the table, and they will bring you happiness and prosperity.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

1. The tree should be bright, with a lot of tinsel.

2. Balls and toys should be red and gold. Or, at least, these shades should be predominant.

3. In addition to balls resembling eggs, Christmas tree can be decorated with sweets and tangerines.

4. Required please the rooster with a plate of grain under the tree!

How to celebrate the New Year

Almost all zodiac signs can dress brightly and even catchy this year. Meet the Fire Rooster in red-orange sequins and sequins. Don't forget the accessories too! By the way, men should not neglect this rule either. And if your companion does not want to wear a red suit, you can limit yourself to one red tie or bow tie.

The rooster is a wayward bird, reckons with its own kind, does not like parrots and treats them contemptuously. Therefore, “flashy” shades and the “most of all” principle are not suitable for dressing yourself for the celebration of the New Year and for decorating the interior.

What colors are welcomed by the patron of the year, and which ones can provoke a backlash?

Since the Rooster sympathizes with people like himself, it is better to choose “rooster” colors, for example: Red. Red Terracotta. Carmine. Bordeaux. Pinkish lilac. Sand. These colors are best used as base colors for clothing and interiors. They are allowed to be diluted with black and white. In the form of jewelry, the Rooster allows gold items. Everything should be bright and expensive, but tasteful, so that the patron is satisfied, and we have good luck for a whole year. In order not to upset the Rooster, exclude the following colors: marshy; taupe; bright, flashy: pink, light green, blue.

Every day we are approaching the new 2017 Year of the Red Fire Rooster. Each of us will try to spend the festive New Year's Eve as merrily and joyfully as possible, because as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. But how to meet the Fire Rooster correctly so that the coming year will bring only happiness, good luck and harmony? We will try to answer this question.

What will 2017 bring the Year of the Red Fire Rooster:

The Red Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017, with the advent of the Chinese New Year. According to astrologers, the Rooster in the Eastern calendar is a symbol of renewal, the beginning of something new and unknown. Therefore, the coming year promises changes in the life of every person. The situation will change on a larger scale - in the country, as well as on the world stage. Well, whether these changes will be pleasant or not is in your hands.

In 2017, purposeful and stubborn people will be very lucky. This is not the case when you hit the big jackpot out of nowhere. The Red Fire Rooster will help only those who do something to achieve their desires and show willpower.

For the whole world and each country separately, the new year 2017 will be a turning point. If there are elections, the new head of state will show himself from a new side and will do everything possible to change something in the country. Another question is what impact these changes will have on the well-being of the country. Astrologers are silent about this. But one thing is for sure - it is the year of the Red Fire Rooster that will become the starting point from crisis to prosperity. Of course, everything will get better not in one year, but there is still hope for a brighter future.

In interpersonal relationships, it will not be easy to find mutual understanding and compromises. This is due to the nature of the owner of 2017. Well, try not to take everything to heart in the coming year and keep a cold mind in any conflict. And most importantly - this year is an opportunity for each of us to learn how to find compromises in conflict situations. It will not do without strife on the world stage. According to astrologers, the heads of state will now and then find out among themselves who is in charge.

Personality of the Red Fire Rooster:

This is definitely an ambiguous person. Such people are usually family, because they love, and most importantly, they know how to take care of their loved ones. But representatives of this sign, unfortunately, do not differ in exceptional fidelity. Their love of love and craving for flirting sometimes interfere with their family happiness.

Fire Roosters love to show off in front of a mirror, regardless of gender. Moreover, they know how to do it and put a lot of effort into it. One of the best virtues of such people is the understanding that beauty cannot be achieved only externally. Therefore, they try to grow spiritually and intellectually, but not for their own satisfaction, but in order to show themselves.

Representatives of this sign usually carefully select their circle, as they understand that the environment has a close relationship with human development. Therefore, the Red Fire Rooster will be friends only with those people who suit him in terms of mental and spiritual development.

Another quality of such people is love for everything beautiful. Their apartment will always have a special interior, their companions are always an adornment of any company, and the workplace will always be beautiful and original.

As we already mentioned, being around the Red Fire Rooster is quite difficult, in part because it is difficult to earn his trust. But if this works out, then in the end you will get the most caring and gentle companion or friend.

Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster:

If you decide to travel in 2017, it is better to postpone the trip for at least a few days. This is because this sign of the eastern horoscope is an avid family man and homebody. It is this, according to astrologers, that can bring harmony and mutual understanding to the family. If the trip cannot be canceled, then at least go with your family.

The most important rule this year is that in no case should you spend New Year's Eve separately from your family. This can adversely affect relationships between family members. At the same time, if there are any disagreements and grievances, then it is better to deal with them before midnight. Otherwise, if you meet 2017 in a quarrel or with a secret resentment in your heart, then the owner of this year will be extremely dissatisfied and may teach you a lesson. Therefore, it is better to find a compromise, ask for forgiveness and make peace. During the celebration itself, you can’t quarrel, it’s better to restrain your ardor and in some situations it’s better to just keep silent, and later, after the holidays, when emotions completely go away, you can calmly talk and come to a common denominator. If it was a trifle, then it will be forgotten, and the relationship will not deteriorate.

An ideal option for celebrating the New Year 2017 is a large and cheerful group of friends. Invite the very people you would like to rally with in the coming year.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017:

As you may have guessed, the main color of 2017, in principle, like the previous one, is red. At the same time, it is not necessary to stop at the classic red, you can buy an outfit of burgundy, scarlet and even all shades of pink. In general, astrologers say that the owner of 2017 will like all the fiery shades, which means orange and yellow can be included in this list. If fiery shades are not to your liking, then purple and blue will also be good colors. This will definitely attract the attention of the Rooster.

If we talk about style, then this year for girls, asymmetrical outfits will be the best option, and it doesn’t matter what exactly - a skirt with a blouse, a dress or even a jumpsuit. But for men this year, it’s better to completely move away from the casual style and give up funny T-shirts and torn jeans. Take care to stand out and look original, but at the same time elegant. Let it be a pullover or a jumper with trousers, the main thing is that they only emphasize your masculinity. The same applies to women's attire - in it you should be feminine and gentle, and not flashy and daring. Save this image for later.

Accessories should not be too many, not too few. It is very important in this regard to find a middle ground and it is better if there are fewer of them than necessary. Jewelry should only emphasize your image and complement it. Therefore, it is undesirable to wear something flashy this year, stick to minimalism.

What to cook for the New Year 2017:

This year, hostesses can not limit their imagination and fiction. Meat dishes, various salads, snacks, seafood and fish - all this will surely please the symbol of the coming year. But in order to consolidate success and achieve their goal, astrologers advise putting meat dishes next to seafood. This will allow you to catch the bird of happiness in the coming year and increase your income.

The owner of the coming year is extremely negative about everything unnatural. Therefore, there should not be any semi-finished products on the table. The same applies to prepared food from restaurants. If you want pizza or rolls, then it’s better to make them yourself, it’s not so difficult.

Nevertheless, the representative of this sign has its own preferences - it is sweet. Therefore, it's time to get your signature dessert recipes and please your loved ones. In addition, so that money and prosperity are always found in the house, be sure to put a vase of fruit on the table.

How to decorate the table for the New Year 2017:

If you still have candles and elegant candlesticks from last year, then you can safely get them this year as well, since the Fiery theme is still relevant. You can also use last year's red decorations. It can be anything - napkins, figurines, compositions, tablecloths and so on.

But unlike the outgoing year of the Monkey, when meeting the Year of the Rooster in 2017, you should not abuse excessive brilliance - there should not be too much tinsel, it should simply emphasize and create a festive mood.

Be sure to decorate the dishes, the Rooster loves beauty and elegance very much. In this case, it is advisable to add a treat decorated with something red - tomatoes, pomegranate or red caviar.

How to decorate your house so that the Rooster likes it?

A rooster in its natural environment is easy to spot - it always stands out among its hens in color and importance. Therefore, to decorate the house, table and Christmas tree, it is also necessary to use shades of red with gold accents or decorations. For example, a Christmas tree decorated with red and gold looks very rich. The cockerel will be pleased with such a gloss. Although the Rooster loves bright things, he is his country boy. And the design of the house in a rustic style will also appeal to him. Be sure to use for this: a tablecloth made of natural materials, you can even with an embroidered pattern; wooden plates; figurines or a pattern with the image of a Rooster should be in a conspicuous place. Any of these home design options will help to get the location of the patron of the year for the entire period of his reign.

How to please the symbol of the year?

There are signs for this: Large selection of dishes and small portions. In order for any undertakings in the new year to have a favorable outcome. You can’t throw away New Year’s food after the holiday - luck will turn away from you for a whole year. Celebrate the holiday surrounded by family or people you like - you will be surrounded by love and care all year round. You can’t quarrel - the whole year will pass in quarrels.

A holiday is a holiday, but in order for the New Year 2017 to have a favorable outcome, do not forget to leave a plate of grain and a saucer of water under the Christmas tree to please the Fire Rooster on his holiday.

Signs for the New Year 2017:

They say that there are signs that will tell you exactly what awaits you. Folk omens are especially important on the threshold of the change of years.

See what interesting signs for the new year 2017 we have collected to laugh or think together ...

What if exactly what you read today will affect your destiny?

It will take a lot, it is especially important to remember those that have been accumulated for centuries - they always come true.
In the New Year's fuss, even in the house, it is not an accident to stumble over the threshold.

Which leg hit him? If the left, oh what a pity - to failure, and the right - everything will be just great! To reset a bad omen, scroll three times in place around you, always only counterclockwise. Be careful, otherwise you will fall in the bustle!

All together decorate the Christmas tree, children and parents gathered. And then a Christmas toy fell out of my hands - so this is for profit! The more fragments, the greater the profit, if completely shattered, then there will be a lot of small incomes, large pieces - to big profits. Don't forget to make a wish when you throw away the shards. It will definitely come true!

The signs on New Year's Eve 2017 should also include this one: buy a new broom, tie it with a red ribbon and put it in a corner with the handle down - next year you will live in abundance. A broom will still come in handy for you, and a red ribbon on it, moreover, in the year of the Fire Rooster - to financial profit. You can also purchase a decorative herb broom, but keep in mind that the ribbon should still be red.

It is better not to lend money and be sure to pay off your debts. There is no way to repay all debts - just borrow exactly for a day, return to your creditor with a request to delay the return, and luck will definitely smile at you! And yet, on New Year's Eve, you should not bother with money and debts, pay for everything - it will be better.

Be sure to put a large bill in one of your pockets and try not to exchange it for a year. This is the irredeemable banknote that brings good luck and financial well-being. Try to keep it with you all the time - good omens always come true.

When meeting the New Year 2017, there are also actions for good luck: prepare a coin in advance, preferably a “yellow” color, and while the chimes are striking, squeeze it tightly in your fist. Monetary will be a year, profitable. And another nuance to this sign: the smaller the money in your hands, the larger the profit will be next year.

Do you want your chosen one to be with you all year round? dreaming of keeping him next to you? If you put a photo of your chosen one in your pocket closer to your heart, you will firmly attract his attention to you.

Funny Prediction: if you sneeze on December 31, then the year will be happy for you, you will be lucky in everything.

Features of the design of the festive table 2017:

Since next year 2017 is the year of the Red Rooster, it is worth choosing red and gold motifs from natural fabrics to decorate the table. In order for everything to turn out beautifully and tastefully, it is not necessary to lay only a red tablecloth on the table. You can dilute these tones with bright colors and white napkins.

In addition to a beautiful red tablecloth, you can decorate your New Year's table with beautiful candles and other decorative materials. Candles on the table are an essential attribute of all New Year holidays. Usually, many families put these candles on their festive table, thus creating a romantic and very favorable atmosphere.

New Year's candles are a great opportunity to beautifully complete the decoration of the festive table and successfully create a pleasant atmosphere. If you want to guess with the color of candles or candles, then put a red candle on the table. Red candles will create a pleasant atmosphere on the table and will be very well combined with a red tablecloth and white napkins.

You can decorate the New Year's table 2017 not only with the help of ordinary church or store candles, but also with the help of candles of an unusual shape and shape. Candles in the form of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, in the form of beautiful stars and snowflakes, will be relevant. Today, in a special souvenir shop, you can choose the most unusual and cool New Year's candles for yourself and your table. Let them sparkle beautifully on your festive table and will certainly invite the bright and self-confident Rooster 2017 to visit “for a light”!

In addition to beautiful candles, in the gift shop you can buy many different New Year figurines for yourself! For example, look for a bright, beautiful and elegant figurine depicting a charming Rooster for your family! Let this bird be on your table and be a symbol of your next successful year! You can also buy other bright decorations for the festive table in the department of souvenir gifts. For example, a joyful and cheerful Snowman, a handsome Santa Claus or unique deer striving for the holiday! All this will create a unique festive atmosphere in your home, and will be your good support!

Under no circumstances should plastic utensils be used on the table. It is best to give preference to clay, porcelain or wood. If we talk about colors, then green, red or blue plates are suitable here.

What to prepare for the New Year 2017?

If you are going to cook delicious and mouth-watering dishes for the New Year, try to make something that the Rooster 2017 will definitely like, and will also be tasty and appetizing for the whole family. Everyone knows that roosters are very fond of different fodder grains and cereals, which means that you have every chance to impress him with your culinary masterpiece and please your loved ones.

Cereals are a fairly diverse and large culture that can boast of its taste characteristics and its abundance. But among them are those most delicious cereals and crops that both you and Rooster 2017 will certainly like!
Corn kernels or canned corn is the most consumed ingredient on New Year's Eve. It is he who complements many salads and dishes, making them tasty, fragrant and varied. If you want to make these cereals stand out in a special way, then decorate any salad or dish with them! They will look very bright and beautiful, and most importantly appetizing!

Other cereals such as oatmeal, millet, rice, millet can also be present on your table, and will mean your wealth! Rooster 2017 will definitely fly to such a table and will definitely see all the delicious dishes prepared for him.

New Year's muesli is a great way to invite the future symbol of the year to the feast and enjoy this unusual dish! You can cook muesli according to the most unusual and rich recipe, adding the most delicious and mouth-watering fruits. By the way, fruits and vegetables are another good way to appease your beloved Rooster and diversify your menu.

Pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, apples, beets, zucchini - all this would be a pleasure for the Rooster to peck, and would gladly share with you. This pet is very gluttonous and likes its food to be tasty and varied. In general, based on the track record, we can conclude that it will be very important if there are a variety of cereal dishes, as well as delicious salads on the New Year's holiday table 2017. By the way, salads are the main dish on the table!
Also, the Cockerel does not mind pecking excellent greens from the table, namely parsley, dill, celery and other herbal plants!


✔ The rooster will obviously not like it if you decide to treat guests with poultry meat, in particular chicken.

✔ You should also refuse to serve stuffed chicken eggs to the table; you should not use them in decorating other festive dishes. Do not be afraid, you can add eggs to salads, and choose quail eggs for serving dishes.

Sweet table:

What is the New Year without a sweet table, delicious tea and a festive cake?! The preparation of a delicious sweet table must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility, especially if you like "sweet". In general, you should not have any problems with the preparation of delicious sweet dishes, especially when you consider that the Rooster loves a variety of pastries and will be glad to see them on your table!

No one in the New Year 2017 forbids you to bake delicious muffins with poppy seeds or raisins, delicious buns or rolls with condensed milk, as well as delicious buns. As they say, to each his own, so - act!

Delicious desserts are especially good on such a festive day, which can please you and your loved ones, and especially children! Pay attention to delicious jelly, which can be very appetizing, and most importantly bright and beautiful. Multi-colored cups with tasty and healthy jelly will look very handy on the New Year's table and will be able to please all your relatives.

Brightness is an important aspect of New Year's dishes, as Rooster 2017 loves everything very fresh, colorful, tasty and appetizing! Be sure that your efforts with the preparation of New Year's dishes will not be in vain, and your relatives and friends will appreciate them and enjoy them with pleasure.

To surprise all the guests and please yourself first of all, prepare for the New Year 2107 some special and original cake that you have been dreaming about for a long time! If you like variety and experimentation in food, then make a cake in the shape of something New Year's! For example, in the form of a Christmas tree or a snowflake, in the form of a rooster or a beautiful chicken! Be sure that such a culinary masterpiece, and such a culinary experiment will surely please you and benefit you!

Don't forget delicious drinks!

What is the New Year 2017 without delicious, hot and cold drinks? It will be especially important to drink red wine from deep beautiful glasses this night! But this is not the limit of all your possibilities and wishes.

On New Year's Eve 2017, make sure that there are a couple of cocktails on your table, as the rooster 2017 especially loves this drink and will be waiting for it. By the way, the word "cocktail" in English means "rooster's tail", so be happy to prepare these delicious drinks for your table and delight your friends with them!

For children, you can also prepare delicious children's cocktails, fresh juices or milkshakes with pieces of real fruit can go especially well.

Summing up, I would like to say that your New Year's table 2017 should not only be varied, tasty and appetizing, but also desirable, because what kind of person or symbol of the year would like to eat something that you do not want?

When cooking for yourself and your family, remember their tastes, wishes and favorite dishes. Do not focus too much on some special rules and conventions, show your unique originality and imagination in everything. It is she who can help you choose the right holiday menu and decorate the New Year's table correctly!

Together with the first snow, the most fun and favorite holiday of the year is approaching - the New Year. What it will be like, what it will bring with it, how to celebrate the new year - many people are already thinking about this. New 2017 according to the Eastern calendar will be the year of the Red (or Fiery) Rooster.

Rooster - a symbol of 2017
New Year 2017 will be held under the symbol of the red Rooster according to the eastern or Chinese horoscope. The time of the new year according to the Chinese calendar will be January 27 next year. The Eastern or Chinese horoscope has existed for more than 2000 years and basically has the same 12 cycles as the zodiac, but the countdown is not by months, but by years. Each year of the Chinese horoscope has its own totem animal, and accordingly, it has the character of this animal. Also, the year belongs to one of the five elements, which also interact with each other - harmonize and complement, or come into conflict and oppress. The Chinese horoscope can be used to understand which animal year is coming, what astrological trends of the year will prevail, what it will bring us, what to expect from the new 2017 year of the Rooster, and what to fear. If you know in advance the characteristics of the upcoming year of the Rooster, its symbols and the nature of the year and the animal of the Rooster, the color of 2017, then you can already plan gifts in the year of the Rooster, dishes for the New Year's table in the year of the Rooster, and also understand your horoscope in advance in the new 2017 Year of the Rooster!

2017 Year of the Red Rooster. Characteristics of the year: what awaits us and what to prepare for

2017 will be held under the sign of the fiery or red Rooster. The rooster is a bird with a loud voice, bright plumage, it brings new life, cheerfulness, drives away darkness and evil spirits. The rooster always brings something new - hewakes up with the first rays of the sun and informs everyone about the onset of a new day.

This totem of 2017 can be compared with the character of a person - he distinguished by iron willpower. Roosters of the elements of Fire have the bright qualities of a leader, a strong-willed, stubborn character, so everything they undertake is brought to the end, moreover, successfully. They always achieve their goals. The rooster of the fire element is not afraid to express his opinion, moreover, he does it quite loudly and openly. By itself, the element of Fire adds energy to the already active Roosterand, more importantly, purposefulness. This Rooster knows where to apply his strength and what to strive for. An additional supply of energy makes him an inexhaustible source of activity, this Rooster will be able to infect large crowds of people with his ideas and optimism, he can become a real spontaneous leader with high charisma. All this has a very beneficial effect on his affairs and projects.

Rooster means hard work, assertiveness and ambition. If he has set a goal for himself, he will overcome all obstacles and achieve his goal. The rooster is ready to win at any cost. In love, representatives of this year show great selfishness, so building partnerships with them is not easy.

The element of fire in the eastern horoscope is also considered uncontrollable and unpredictable, depending on the method of use and application, fire can both warm and give warmth and food, and burn dwellings and land. In such too active and energetic years, you can drastically change your life in the most unexpected direction, make your most cherished and old dreams come true, and start moving towards real success.

In order to catch the year of the red fiery Rooster by the tail, you will only need to understand its character and become as active and assertive as the Rooster itself. In this case, the Rooster reward will not bypass you side, and success in business and plans will be ensured. The monkey gives his sympathy and rewards to the strong, who are not afraid of difficulties and, in spite of everything, move forward towards their goal, their dream, casting aside fears and doubts about failures.Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded those who do not look for easy ways and a bypass road, do not violate moral and legal laws, say little and do a lot, stubbornly, grain by grain, create the foundation for their success and well-being.

If you like to wait for the right moment and calculate every step in advance, then this year will not be able to please you with anything. Here it will be necessary to act quickly, actively and spontaneously, without worrying about the consequences. In this case, the win will be guaranteed. The symbol and concept of the year of the fiery Rooster can be summed up in the words: "Live to the fullest now."

There are also negative aspects of the character of the Rooster, which should be avoided in your life in 2017.It is better to tune in to spend this year as responsibly and seriously as possible, in balance and with a clear, well-thought-out plan. Beware of rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts - the Rooster is almost the biggest lover of showdown among all signs. Therefore, in 2017, he will often arrange such situations in which it will be easy to get into conflicts.Be careful, vigilant and prudent, behave reasonably, do not make hasty decisions!Who is forewarned is forearmed.

The Rooster loves scope and globality in everything - both in thinking, earnings, career, purchases, and in general political events of the year. In the year of the Rooster, large and significant events of an international scale take place that affect the life of all countries of the world. The previous years of the Rooster have already proved this to us: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Horoscope 2017 Year of the Rooster

Symbols of 2017: color, stone, material
The main symbol of 2017 will be the element of fire, which is included in the five-year cycle of elements - Fire, Water, Air, Wood, Metal. Fire is a strong element and it is best to handle it carefully and carefully, in which case it will bring all the good that it owns.

The main colors of 2017 will be all associated with fire - red and orange, as well as all sorts of shades of these colors.
Talisman stones of 2017 are also painted in all shades of red - the king of stones is a bloody ruby, deep cherry garnet, fire opal. This also includes all stones, the origin of which is also associated with the element of fire, for example, volcanic glass obsidian. The natural mineral amber is also suitable for the Rooster. To meet the new 2017, you can choose all these stones and shades of color.

How to Celebrate 2017 the Year of the Red Rooster

To meet the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, choose clothes in bright, colorful and memorable colors - the Rooster will pay attention to everything bright, lush and shiny. It is best to celebrate the New Year itself in society, very cheerfully and joyfully - at a carnival evening, a costume party, where you can show your bold and unusual outfit. The colors of the year should prevail in clothes and in the interior of the New Year's Eve. The biggest glamor will be New Year's costumes of all kinds of colors, with natural prints - peacock feathers.

The most important details of the New Year's outfit will be jewelry - jewelry and jewelry. Choose natural red stones: blood ruby, cherry garnet, fire opal. Classic amber can also be a beautiful addition to your New Year's look.

As a hairstyle for the New Year of the Rooster 2017, everything unusual is also suitable - do something for yourself that you usually don’t have time or money for. The rooster loves big bouffants, false tails, jewelry in the hair. Do not forget about the convenience and practicality of your outfit. You should feel as free as possible in it in order to please the owner of the coming year with fun and dancing.

What to give for 2017 the year of the red rooster
New Year's gifts for relatives and friends this year should also be unusual and extravagant. Therefore, the choice of gifts should be approached carefully and responsibly. The most important condition for choosing a gift for the Year of the Rooster is practicality, that is, your gift should not only please, but also should find practical application in the life of the one you will congratulate on the Year of the Rooster.

Jewelry, various certificates for cosmetic services or sets, travel vouchers are suitable as a gift for a woman.

For a gift to a man, look for something that will bring him the joy of the soul most of all. For example, something for his hobby or passion. Do not forget also that men's cosmetics or clothes can be a gift. Parents in the New Year of the Rooster can be presented with household appliances. And children will be happy with any fun and entertaining toys for the mind. All unusual souvenirs are suitable for gifts in the work team - show your ingenuity and creative talent. A box of chocolates, fireworks and candles, decorations, certificates for a fitness center, business accessories, etc.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.