What does the color of urine indicate? Reasons for discoloration of urine. Normal urine color

In a healthy person, the color of urine should be light yellow, however, due to the fact that absolutely healthy people are not met very often today, this indicator can be quite relative. In addition, the color of urine can change when taking "Nitroxoline", "Biomycin" or synthetic vitamin C - while it becomes bright yellow, while the drug "Amidopyrine" is able to stain urine red.

They stain urine burgundy and some food products - for example, beets or other brightly colored vegetables.

In the presence of yellow or dark yellow urine, disorders in the pancreas or liver can be suspected. A reddish tint of urine is the reason for contacting a urologist, since it indicates the presence of blood in it. It can be caused by sand or kidney stones, the movement of which is usually accompanied by severe pain in the lower back and fever. In addition, blood in the urine appears in severe diseases of the urinary system and the inability of the kidneys to filter it in the right amount.

Clarity and volume of urine

The clarity of urine is its most important physical property - the turbidity of freshly collected fluid is often an indicator of an acute inflammatory process in the urinary system. In this case, the urine becomes contaminated with pus and a large number of leukocytes, therefore, when turbidity appears, it is imperative to pass the appropriate tests. As for the volume, a healthy person excretes about one and a half liters of urine per day, while its amount depends on the use of diuretic products or drugs.

Exceeding 2 liters of daily urine volume may indicate diabetes mellitus, then a maximum of 1 liter per day is a sign of a blockage of the ureter (not always).

Urine that smells of acetone may indicate diabetes mellitus, brain or liver damage, or an acute infectious disease. Glucose in the urine is also a possible sign of diabetes or a metabolic disorder. Protein can appear in the urine after strenuous exercise, when the kidney tubules are damaged, or when the kidneys are not working properly. Usually, the analysis for protein in urine is recommended to be repeated by taking a hygienic shower before passing urine and excluding the possibility of foreign impurities entering the jar for analysis.

You can learn a lot about what's going on inside by studying the characteristics of your urine.

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the toilet is the mirror of the body. It is necessary to monitor the color of urine, and strive for a light lemonade shade, which will mean the optimal balance of water in the body.

Dehydration can be determined by the color of urine, but a blood test will be more effective. An American study looked at hydration tests in the elderly and found that urine, particularly color, can be altered by too many things to accurately predict water imbalance.

The yellowish color of urine comes from a chemical by-product that is produced when the kidneys do their job of recycling waste. The more the body is dehydrated, the more the urine is concentrated and the darker the color is. The pale yellow color reflects a good balance between excess and lack of water in the body.

Believe it or not, urine can be in all the colors of the rainbow. Heather West, who works in the hospital's laboratory, captured a wide range of colors during his work and even took a series of photographs proving the variety of shades of body fluids depending on various factors.

Red urine

You've probably eaten beets, blackberries, or rhubarb. Reddish and pink gastric juice after eating beets, a phenomenon common enough that it even got its name: bituria. Some of the compounds responsible for the color of red foods are excreted in the urine after kidney treatment.

A pinkish tint should appear within 24 hours after eating, for example, boiled beets, but if the staining lasts, it could be a sign of a bladder or kidney swelling.

If you have not recently eaten beets, rhubarb and blackberries, if you notice any blood clots or other pieces of tissue in your urine, please see your doctor. Both cases are rare in men, diagnosed in women, since their physiology is different.

Orange urine - causes and signs of the disease

Just as your skin can turn orange if you eat too many carrots, so can your urine. This means that you have exceeded your beta-carotene dose, which is then excreted in your urine.

Treatment of UTIs (urinary tract infections) with Uropirin (Pyridium) and Warfarin, blood thinners, can also result in orange urine. If you are taking these medications, your doctor will warn you about changes in the color of your urine, so there is no need to worry.

If you see more neon or fluorescent orange in your urine, then you have liver-related disorders, especially if you notice a yellowish tint to the whites of your eyes.

Why does urine have a neon yellow color?

The bright, fluorescent yellow in the toilet bowl is probably related to vitamin intake. B vitamins, especially B12, are the culprit behind the color change. This is not a cause for concern - except that you probably paid good money for these vitamins that you just urinated with!

Green urine

Despite a common misconception, eating asparagus or broccoli in vegetarian meals will not color your urine greenish.

In some cases, greenish gastric juice may be a sign of a specific form of urinary tract infection caused by Proteus.

Green urine can also cause kidney stones, so you should see a doctor and get the necessary tests.

Is urine blue?

A rare genetic condition called hypercalcemia (blue diaper syndrome), which involves too much calcium in the bones, can cause blue urine to appear.

You will most likely never see blue urine in the toilet, but this is rarely the case, so be on the lookout.

Is brown urine a symptom of a genetic disorder?

Porphyria is a rare class of disorders that is usually associated with sensitivity to light and sometimes results in brownish urine due to the destruction of red blood cells in the body of people with the condition.

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that if brown urine is accompanied by abdominal pain, rash or cramps, you may have a genetic disorder.

As the blood particles become unusable, the urine may turn brown, so brown urine can also be a sign of something more serious, such as a tumor.

Keep in mind, however, that cola-colored urine can occur after eating rhubarb, red beans, or beets.

What does white urine mean?

The urine does not have to be green in the case of a bacterial or other infection. Sometimes the urine may just be more concentrated or darker with a urinary tract infection.

This is why we are often told to drink plenty of fluids. But water alone would not heal you, especially if the urine is cloudy white. This color can be caused by either kidney stones or a really bad infection.

White urine means you are urinating with pus !!! Please see a doctor immediately!

Healthy urine can range in color from clear to deep yellow, but if this is any other color of the rainbow and your diet or water balance in your body has nothing to do with it, it is better to play it safe and do the necessary tests to make sure there are no serious reasons for panic.

Most people treat urine as waste. In fact, this is a product of the body's vital activity, demonstrating to a knowledgeable person the state of internal organs is no worse than an X-ray. The color of urine can tell a lot about the state of health and problems in the work of certain organs, how much liquid a person drinks, what he ate and what medications he takes.

The normal color of urine in a healthy adult is yellow. It can be lighter or darker, but always transparent. The tonality changes with age and depends on physical activity. Urine contains several dyes formed mainly from blood pigments:

  • hematoporphyrin;
  • uroerythrin;
  • urorrozein;
  • urochromes;
  • urobilin;
  • uric acid.

Normal urine color

The concentration of dyes may vary. Uric acid, unlike other substances that make up urine, has a pinkish tint. But its content is small and does not change the general picture of yellow pigments. It can dominate the staining of urine in the first month of a man's life and with pathological kidney disease.

The appearance of turbidity, sediment, color change indicates a disease, both of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract - the gastrointestinal tract.

If a white precipitate in the urine is yellow, you should consult a urologist, this is a sign of the formation of kidney stones. At the initial stage, the organ can be restored with proper nutrition. In an advanced form, treatment is complex, operative or with the use of ultrasound.

Normal urine may foam. This is a signal of an increased concentration of protein in urine as a result of its high content in blood and tissues. We urgently need to treat the kidneys, check the stomach and thyroid gland. Pathology in these organs provokes the production of protein in large quantities.

The color of urine changes for many different reasons. Even in a healthy person, it can suddenly turn red or orange.

Urine is never purple and blue, closer to the shade of ultramarine. It can be painted in other colors.

The amount of pigments and other substances is influenced by:

  • age;
  • the amount of fluid you drink;
  • diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • air temperature;
  • physical activity;
  • medications taken;
  • natural products;
  • dyes in drinks and semi-finished products.

A huge number of factors can affect the color of urine.

What does the color of urine indicate? If a person has a transparent and almost colorless urine, then he is an infant at the age of several days or drinks a lot of water while inactive. It is in optimal climatic conditions, does not freeze and does not overheat, the body spends a minimum of energy to maintain life. Ethyl alcohol makes urine colorless. After drinking strong drinks, there is an increased urinary excretion and discoloration of urine. But this does not mean that everything is in order with health. The kidneys work with increased stress and are not able to filter and remove toxins from the blood, only water.

The greater the load, the person sweats from the heat and drinks little, the urine will darken. Color changes with age. Dark yellow urine with a high content of pigments and uric acid in people of advanced age and with dehydration of a healthy body.

Often people notice that the color of urine has changed dramatically, it has become dark red or orange, brown. The reason is simple, you need to analyze what you ate yesterday. Urine can be painted in bright colors:

  • beetroot;
  • carrot;
  • cherries;
  • blueberry;
  • blackberry;
  • rhubarb;
  • beans;
  • beer;
  • drinks with dyes.

Some foods can stain urine after being eaten.

Apples and cucumbers can affect the color of your urine, but they brighten it. The staining passes quickly. The exception is beer and food colorings. They load the liver and kidneys, make them work with overload, removing toxins from the body. There is irritation of the walls of the urinary tract, stomach, bladder.

Taking medications and vitamin and mineral complexes, you can notice a change in the color of urine. Fixed assets, used more often than others and actively affecting the staining of urine, are shown in the table.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that this is the color that urine will acquire. Quinine can color the urine dark brown and make it black. It all depends on the body's response to a particular drug. Triamterene gives urine a bluish tint in some patients, emerald in others. Ethyl alcohol discolors the urine, making it clear. At the same time, the urge to go to the toilet is more frequent and abundant urination.

The use of herbal decoctions with senna leaves leads to the staining of urine in a light green and green-yellow color.

Drinking a decoction from senna leaves can change the color of urine

When treating with drugs containing: nitrofurans, metronidazole, chloroquine of normal yellow color, urine gradually darkens in a jar and acquires a brown tint.

Sick person urine

In case of malfunction of the organs of the genitourinary system, especially the kidneys, the color of urine changes. It affects the staining of urine and disease of the liver, stomach, gallbladder and cardiovascular system.

The first sign of the disease is the appearance of various types of precipitation and turbidity.

  1. Proteins are in the form of white flakes, which gradually settle.
  2. Pus resembles cream tinted with brilliant green.
  3. The mucus is like a transparent poorly cured jelly.
  4. The excess salt content is colored in different colors and settles to the bottom of the jar as a fine powder.
  5. Blood that is not mixed with urine can be irregular and slow to settle.

The color of the urine has changed, which may mean. Even a yellow pigment, a more saturated tone than usual, indicates a violation in the work of organs.

Renal failure, diabetes of all types, renal glycosuria - an increased content of glucose in the kidneys - lead to a decrease in the amount of pigments that color urine in a normal color.

With dehydration, which has arisen as a result of intoxication - diarrhea, vomiting, urine becomes dark yellow. Stagnation of bile, infectious diseases lead to a similar staining of urine. When a person gets burns, the immune system is rebuilt to heal and as a result, the urine darkens.

Dark yellow urine with dehydration

The urine is green, what is it. If the intake of drugs that stain it in this color is excluded, rhubarb was not eaten, then there is a high probability of a viral liver disease, namely obstructive jaundice. Why is urine green - it contains a lot of bilirubin.

A green with a brown tinge color appears in parenchymal jaundice, when the bile pigment urobilinogen, which is the end product of the breakdown of hemoglobin, is added to bilirubin. Symptoms of liver diseases are poorly expressed and at the initial stage of development is determined by changes in urine staining. When shaken, a foam is formed, which has a greenish tint.

Urine becomes dark brown with a greenish tinge when the body is intoxicated with a large amount of beer, especially dark unfiltered varieties. After taking a malt alcoholic drink in large quantities for about a week, the kidneys are restored, the secretion of enzymes and toxins is enhanced.

Brown urine can be caused by drinking a lot of beer

With a high content of urobilinogen in urine, it becomes brown, brown and gray-red. This is the result of the development of hemolytic anemia in the body - a pathology in hematopoiesis, in which red blood cells are destroyed. The disease is serious and requires immediate action.

The red cloudy color of urine is observed with a large number of diseases accompanied by bleeding:

  • Lead anemia - uroporfinuria;
  • tumors, including malignant ones, in the urinary system;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diffuse and erosive gastritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • kidney infarction.

In diseases of the stomach and intestines, most of the bloody inclusions are excreted in the feces. With severe bleeding, it enters the urine, first paints it in a pink tone, with a neglected disease during the period of remission and exacerbation in red.

Bloody urine may indicate gastrointestinal diseases or hematuria.

Defining the color as meat slop means staining with a muddy reddish-brown tone, as when mixing blood with water when washing the liver or red meat. This becomes urine with hematuria - blood diseases, acute and chronic glomerunephritis.

Black urine reports an excess of melanin in it, hemoglobinuria, homogenized acid. Such substances are excreted in large quantities during an exacerbation of a hemolytic kidney - the form of acute renal failure and a type of progressively developing cancer - melanosarcoma. Gives a black tint to urine alcaptonuria - a hereditary disease associated with disorders in the exchange of urine enzymes.

If there is a large amount of pus, proteins, fats, phosphates in urine, it turns white, as if milk was added to it. Sediments of different shapes are gradually formed, the turbidity remains. Most often, this indicates the degeneration of the kidneys, the formation of fatty deposits in them.

With a milky color of urine, indicating renal lymphostasis, attention should be paid to additional symptoms of the disease - swelling. The neglect of the disease leads to complications in the work of the heart, the development of oncology.

It is necessary for each person to periodically look at the color of their urine in order to detect diseases in time that do not manifest themselves in another way at the initial stage.

Urine (urine) is a biological fluid that is the end result of the kidneys' work to cleanse the blood. It contains many different components, including metabolic products of proteins, drugs, toxins, excess water and other compounds unnecessary for the body. Urine analysis is widely used to diagnose various pathologies of the kidneys, liver, metabolism and other diseases.

Important information about the state of health can be obtained based on such an indicator as the color of a given biological fluid. What color should urine be if normal? In a healthy person, it should be straw yellow. The saturation or intensity of the color can be different during the day, depending on the volume of liquid drunk, as this changes the concentration of pigments.

Determination of urine color

The color of urine, as well as its physical properties such as odor, specific gravity, transparency and pH reaction, must be determined in the laboratory when prescribing a general urine test. To obtain reliable results that really reflect the processes occurring in the body, it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements:

  • exclude the day before the collection of the analysis the intake of products or drugs that can change the color of urine;
  • observe the usual drinking regime;
  • prepare a clean dry jar or special container;
  • immediately before collecting the analysis, conduct a thorough hygienic toilet of the perineal area;
  • after collecting the analysis, it must be quickly delivered to the laboratory; it is allowed to store the collected urine in a cool place for no more than 2 hours.

The morning portion is used to determine the color of urine in the laboratory.

In a laboratory setting, the color of urine is determined by a simple visual examination. For this, the sample is preliminarily defended in a transparent vessel, and then analyzed against a white background in transmitted light. Normal urine color can range from light yellow to amber. This color is associated with the presence in it of various derivatives of bile pigments, mainly urochromes. In addition, the urine of a healthy person should be 100% transparent, without clouding and sediment.

Important: If, while observing all the rules for collecting the analysis, an inconsistency with the color norm and the degree of transparency of urine was revealed, then this is considered a sign of the presence of some kind of pathology in the body and requires the consultation of a specialist.

Factors Affecting Urine Discoloration

What determines the color of urine? Many factors can influence this indicator. The main ones include:

  • pathological processes in the body;
  • taking medications;
  • the use of certain foods;
  • the age of the person;
  • drinking regime;
  • peculiarities of metabolism.

Physiological causes of urine discoloration

One of the reasons for the deviation of the color of urine from the norm is age. This primarily applies to children under one year old. Their urine color intensity is much lower than that of adults. In newborns, urine is very faintly colored and almost colorless; as the child grows, it becomes light yellow. However, there are times when, during the first days of life, urine in children has a brick-red hue, which is associated with the high content of uric acid salts in it. As a rule, after a week, the color of the child's urine returns to normal due to the spontaneous disappearance of these salts.

Kidney function, including the process of urination, is regulated by the neuro-humoral route. The color of urine changes depending on the time of day. The most intensely colored urine is observed in the morning. This is due to the fact that at night the body increases the production of vasopressin, a hormone that leads to a decrease in urine output and concentration of urine. With too much excess of this hormone, even a complete stop of the process of urine formation in the kidneys can occur.

The color of urine is also influenced by the use of certain foods, drinks and medications. This fact should be taken into account by people who are going to take a urine test.

When carrots are eaten, the urine becomes orange.

A change in the color of urine, which is caused by its concentration due to increased sweating or insufficient fluid intake, does not apply to pathological conditions. When the water balance is restored, this indicator will return to normal. The more fluid enters the body, the less concentrated and, accordingly, the lighter the urine will be.

Important: Physiological reasons lead to a temporary change in the color of urine, while in pathology there is a constant deviation of this indicator from the norm.

Changes in urine color as a result of pathologies

Urine color, as well as its clarity, sediment or odor are important diagnostic criteria for many diseases. When you first visit a doctor with any symptoms, it is very often the first thing to prescribe general urine and blood tests. These are quite simple, but rather informative methods of laboratory diagnostics, which allow making a preliminary diagnosis and prescribing additional specific examinations.

What color should urine be for certain diseases? Pathological processes in the body can cause the following changes in the color of urine:

  • Pale yellow color. It is a consequence of polyuria. This condition can be observed in diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus and in the initial stages of chronic renal failure.
  • Dark yellow color. It is noted with dehydration of the body (due to constant vomiting or diarrhea), with congestion in the kidney, burns or fevers.
  • Dark brown color. Indicates a high concentration of urobilinogen in urine, which is characteristic of hemolytic anemia of various etiologies, malaria, hemophilia, etc.
  • Black color. Due to the high concentration of toxic substances. It is observed in alkaptonuria, melanosarcoma, acute hemolytic kidney.
  • Red or. Indicates the presence of blood (erythrocytes) in the urine. This symptom is noted with glomerulonephritis, the presence of neoplasms in the organs of the urinary system, kidney infarction, urolithiasis.
  • ... It is due to the high content of bile pigments - bilirubin and urobilin. This is caused by some liver diseases: hepatitis, obstructive jaundice, cirrhosis.
  • ... May indicate the presence of pus, salts, white blood cells, bacteria, mucus, or fat in large quantities in the urine. It is often observed with nephrosis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys.

Meat-colored urine is caused by traces of blood in it.

In the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system and other organs, much attention is paid to the color of urine. It may differ depending on the characteristics of nutrition, lifestyle, the presence of pathological diseases in the body. A change in the color of urine is often a signal of the development of inflammatory and tumor processes in the urinary system.

It is necessary to regularly observe what color of urine when urinating, this will not allow you to miss the moment of the onset of acute pathology and its transition into a chronic course.

What determines the color and factors of its change

The urine of a healthy person normally has several shades of yellow - saturated, light, straw. To find out what urine should be normal in a healthy person, an understanding of the composition and the phenomena that affect the formation of its color will help.

The shade depends on the content of a number of special pigments - coloring components - urobilin, urochrome, uroerythrin, the more there are, the richer the color will be in urine. The amount of excreted urochromes depends on factors such as water intake, nutrition, drugs, metabolic processes. With abundant formation, urine has a light shade, but if there is a lack of fluid, it becomes saturated, gets a bright yellow color.

The reasons for the color change also lie in the presence of different salts. With a large number of them, it becomes cloudy. At a high urate content, it becomes close to orange, and oxalates give a whitish (milky) hue. Such phenomena are not considered a deviation, and therefore, when assessing the appearance, many points must be taken into account.

So, the key factors affecting what color urine should be:

  • quantitative indicators of the composition, the concentration of urochrome, urobilin, the presence of salts;
  • predominant food products, level of water balance;
  • medicines, especially laxatives.

However, urine often changes its appearance due to pathological changes. In this case, the violation is persistent and is a signal of the need to correct nutrition, water regime and the work of a separate organ.

The color for different diseases can vary, ranging from transparent to dark and even black. Significant changes are observed in a number of pathological processes. An altered urine color is considered a deviation if it:

  • reddish, bright red, pink;
  • Brown;
  • green;
  • black;
  • colorless;
  • deep yellow, orange;
  • purple;
  • blue.

Men and women usually have the same color change factors, and children already have their own characteristics. At different ages in people, the indicators of the norm and the violation will differ, which is taken into account when passing the analysis. For example, newborns may have a red tint due to high uric acid levels.

It is recommended to fix the color for study before mixing with the toilet liquid. You should urinate in a transparent container, collecting the middle portion of the morning urine. It can also be monitored throughout the day by analyzing how the color changes, depending on the foods and drinks used.

Light (straw)

Light yellow color is an ideal indicator of what color urine should be normal. This means that the urinary organs are working steadily, and urination occurs normally, the required number of times.

Bright (orange)

Bright yellow - This is normal, but additional verification is required. Various drugs, when taken for a long time, become a factor in urine staining. This mainly concerns antibiotics (Nolitsin, Norfloxacin and others). But with a detailed analysis, you need to take attention to many other drugs.

Urine is deep yellow and even orange often indicates disorders of the biliary tract. It is also a sign of dehydration. At the same time, increased foaming may occur, which indicates the presence of protein or a high urinary rate. If this phenomenon is persistent, it is better to seek the cause with your doctor.

A rich yellow tint indicates a high number of urochromes. Fasting and fever may be the cause. The factors are drugs and products with dyes, as well as enhanced metabolic processes. The orange color is given by the drug Riboflavin.

The reasons for the change in the color of urine to dark may be associated with an excessive amount of coloring components. It is dark yellow with stagnant processes in the kidneys, diarrheal syndrome, toxicosis, profuse vomiting, severe burns.


Red urine in an adult can be of several tones:

  • scarlet - there are unchanged erythrocytes, saturation is from intensely scarlet to "meat slops", the causes are malignant neoplasms, traumatic injuries, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis;
  • raspberry-brown - with an admixture of hemoglobin, which occurs when erythrocytes are destroyed inside the vessels, such a violation is characteristic of poisoning the body, blood diseases.

Often, urine acquires a red tone due to the use of foods saturated with the corresponding pigment. It is important that then only the color of the urine of a healthy person changes, but it remains transparent, without various impurities.

Urobilinogenuria (when urine is brown) is a sign of anemia of hemolytic origin. When there is fresh blood (and the urine is red) it is a sign of a kidney infarction, nephrolithiasis, lead anemia.

Acetylsalicylic acid gives urine a reddish and pink hue. Phenyl salicylates can result in a dark brown color. The rich red color is given by the components of laxatives.

In the case of inflammation of the bladder, which is more common in women, it is not only blood that gets into the urine. It also contains various clots, films, pus, as evidenced by the color of urine and a violation of the level of transparency. Also, this is accompanied by pain along the urethra and lower abdomen when urinating. Such a complex (red urine and soreness) probably already speaks of a pathology that has arisen or its exacerbation.

Women should not be tested during menstruation, because this will certainly affect the final color of the material when blood impurities get into it.


A reddish or pink tint can be caused by eating a lot of beets or blueberries. These are harmless reasons when there is no question of violation. However, a pathological pink or reddish color may also occur.

Why the urine turns reddish and pink:

  • infectious processes of the genitourinary system;
  • in men, it can be disorders of the prostate gland;
  • urine often has this color with pathologies of the urinary system;
  • the factor is also oncological diseases, cancerous tumors.

In chronic viral liver damage, urobilin gives pink color to urine. This also happens when the body is severely poisoned with drugs, melanosarcoma and after blood transfusion.

Laxatives, antibiotics, and chemotherapy drugs can affect the appearance of a pink tint. The risk group includes people undergoing drug treatment for tuberculosis.

Brown and black

If the urine has acquired such a shade, it can be associated with severe dehydration. Not less often, infectious diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems are the cause. This color is typical for diseases of the kidneys and hepatobiliary organs. Also, this shade can cause:

  • Foods that contribute to color change - rhubarb, beans in large quantities, aloe juice.
  • Certain antibiotics, muscle relaxants and laxative drugs also give this shade. Dark urine color occurs when standing in the sun after taking Metronidazole, nitrofuran drugs and chloroquines. The urine is often stained with antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis.
  • Under the influence of hunger or with fever, the concentration of urochromes increases, which affects the color. Sunlight darkens the urine. Hemoglobinuria (when the urine is black) is a hemolytic kidney or alkaptonuria.
  • Brown urine can help recognize diseases of the hepatobiliary system, including cirrhosis of the liver. This is a signal that the kidneys are working poorly and are not able to excrete toxins. In older men, darkening of urine often occurs with a benign proliferation of the prostate gland. In this case, you need to immediately consult a urologist.
  • Quite often, the dark brown and honey tint of urine indicates a viral liver damage. When the biological fluid is agitated, a yellow foam is formed. This may be accompanied by yellowness of the skin. This color of urine can also be the result of hemolytic anemia with increased destruction of red blood cells. Thus, the increased breakdown of blood cells increases the level of bilirubin, provoking an icteric color of the skin.

What other colors can there be?

Urine in women quite often changes color when carrying a fetus. This is due to increased secretion of cervical fluid, which mixes with urine, making it cloudy. This is not a violation, which means it should be taken into account in the analysis.

Clarity of urine

Changes in the level of transparency, the appearance of impurities are often associated with infectious pathologies, the presence of urolithiasis. This is accompanied by painful urination, which may immediately indicate the development of cystitis. It is necessary to pay attention to symptoms such as fever, a constant feeling of thirst, a change in appetite, an increase in blood pressure, weight loss, a change in the color of feces.

Considering the normal color of urine, the level of transparency should be determined:

  • turbid - it is a manifestation of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, impurities are caused by an increase in the level of epithelium and leukocytes, that is, purulent exudate is formed in urine;
  • an abundance of foam is a factor in a high protein content, which indicates problems from the hepatobiliary system.

How do you determine the exact color?

Urine analysis helps to understand this, during which the doctor assesses not only the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the composition, but also how the urine changed its appearance (transparency and color).

To determine the color of urine for diagnostic purposes, you need to properly prepare for the analysis. Physiological factors can affect a one-time study, then the norm can be mistaken for a deviation and vice versa. Everyone, including babies, pregnant women, seriously ill patients, should be prepared for the delivery of biological material. On the day of urine delivery, a person should feel good and tell the doctor what he ate on the eve of the study.

For accurate determination of the color of urine, it is collected in a special sterile container. You can buy it at the pharmacy. You need about 25-50 mg. It is important that the urine is delivered to the laboratory within a few hours and not exposed to direct sunlight. Sometimes clinics offer containers of preservatives to increase the shelf life of the material.

There are dozens of diseases from different organs, in which a change in the color of urine will be a mandatory symptom. There are three main factors to consider. This is the color of urine, disease and its causes. The color is determined along with other features - the composition, the predominance of individual elements, the amount of urine excreted per day, which is closely related to each other.