Why does the child often poop? Stool disorders in infants. If a month-old baby poops badly, that's bad.

Did the kid poop today? It's not scary, - one of the acquaintances will say, - I had the same thing. "Nightmare" - the girlfriend will be indignant. And it will also turn out to be right ... in its own way, because her baby poops several times, and regularly. Someone's child empties the intestines once every two, or even three days, the state of health of the crumbs is not disturbed. And yet, the child has no stool for two days, how many times does he have to poop every day, what poop is normal and why does the baby have irregular bowel movements? How to act in a difficult situation?

The quantity, quality of stool and frequency of bowel movements depend on age.

  • A newborn who is breastfed.

In the first hours of life outside the mother's tummy, the baby poops. Yes, don't be surprised. These poop, scientifically called meconium, are black, homogeneous. After a few days, the color of feces becomes familiar to mothers - yellow.

All babies poop differently. Some in the first 10 days of life empty the intestines 4 or even 6 times a day, and some do not empty their bowels at all for more than 2 days. And such a regime is normal in the absence of anxiety on the part of the child. Mother's milk is a nutritious, fully digestible product. It is better for mom to feed the baby by the hour and not overfeed, and the milk will be absorbed completely. It turns out waste-free production.

It is worth sounding the alarm in case of anxiety, the crying of the child: he twists his legs and pulls to the tummy, the feces leave in the form of dry balls, not abundant.

At 2 months, the frequency of stool in an infant is normalized. Also, do not forget about the consistency of the stool - in infants it is mushy due to the use of exclusively liquid food.

  • Infants from the moment of feeding.

For various reasons, young mothers are forced to introduce milk formulas into the diet of crumbs, for example, Baby, Nutrilon. However, from 6 months, complementary foods are a natural process that prepares babies for adult food. This is where problems await. The first affects most children receiving artificial complementary foods - a violation of the frequency of bowel movements. The second is stool disturbance.

The difficulties are as follows: a young mother cannot always calculate the required amount of fluid. In addition to the Malyutka (Nutrilon) mixture, it is worth adding applesauce, prune puree, vegetable puree, and liquid soups based on them to complementary foods. But be careful, the baby's poop can suddenly become foamy, in other words, an intestinal disorder will occur, adjust the amount of food that stimulates intestinal motility.

  • Children from a year.

With the beginning of the consumption of adult food, the process of bowel movements becomes regular, but not always. Mom's task is to see the problem in time and start solving it as early as possible. The problem sometimes lies in the diet, in low fluid intake. Here, the mother's task is to regulate the baby's water balance, while simultaneously excluding all kinds of cookies, buns and other pastries from the diet.

Baby chair

Before the birth of a child, any woman turns over a mountain of literature on pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care. The same must be done after the birth of the baby, because the care and monitoring of the baby's condition comes to the fore. The most important task is to strictly monitor the processes of emptying the bladder and intestines. We often forget about this process, we get used to it. But the baby, who has just come to our world with you, has a rather serious problem of cleaning the body.

The child's feces with mucus, foam, heterogeneous, sometimes resembling sheep's balls - a reason to see a doctor. He probably will not find serious violations, but it is better to play it safe than underestimate.

Often, doctors turn a blind eye to worried mothers who have addressed the problem of their children about the irregularity of the stool. The usual answer is that everything will go away with age. And, since the child does not have a fever, does not hurt or swell up the stomach, he regularly farts and does not push, trying to empty the intestines, then usually the pediatrician's answer is “so he doesn’t need to go to the toilet yet”. Indeed, why interfere with the natural process? She wants to poop. But the previous statement is not always true.

Modern ecology and incomprehensible products used by the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the constant stress of babies and parents leave an imprint on the quality of life of the newborn. And here the home methods of our grandmothers are very appropriate, they are quite good at helping to cope with the problem of irregular child bowel movements in cases not started. We emphasize that they should not be abused. Use only if the doctor does not find significant deviations, and the problem remains unsolved. A good medical recommendation is the use of Duphalac and Hilak Forte drops. But drugs are not a panacea, and it is better to use this advice together with the methods described below.

Home methods for normalizing poop

So, all the tests have been passed, the child farts regularly, does not suffer from flatulence, you have repeatedly consulted a doctor, but the problem has not gone away. Irregular stools, sitting on a potty and panting until the veins in the forehead are swollen in older children, crying at night, a swollen tummy and leg pulling in newborns, what can I do to help? You can watch numerous videos on the Internet and find the answer to your questions and use the recommendations below:

Is the child crying, no stool for 3 days, stool with mucus, foam, vomiting? See a doctor immediately, call an ambulance. The second reason to sound the alarm is that the child is lethargic, eats poorly, there is a chair, but it is of an unusual color. Then going to the doctor is also inevitable.

Bowel emptying is an important factor in assessing a child's health. And they attach great importance to the regularity of this process. If a one-month-old child does not cocoa for a day, then parents, as a rule, begin to fuss. When stool retention, first of all, you should pay attention to the general condition of the crumbs. When a month-old baby does not poop, but does not show signs of anxiety (crying, curling with legs), he does not have a temperature and the discharge of gases is not disturbed, then you should not worry. Most likely, this is a temporary phenomenon (Check out the article :).

Reasons for stool retention

Each baby, as the digestive system develops, develops its own rhythm of bowel emptying. Stool several times a day and stool several times a week will be considered the norm (on GW everything is absorbed and the baby simply has nothing to poop with). If your child poops every day, but suddenly stops pooping every day, then you should pay attention to this if it is violated habitual a bowel movement schedule for more than a day. Such delays can be caused by the following factors:

  • Weakness of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • Weakness of intestinal motility;
  • Psychological factors;
  • Improper nutrition of a nursing mother.

These conditions do not require the appointment of laxatives and disappear over time. As a rule, dealing with them is not difficult:

  1. It is necessary to regularly massage the baby's tummy with stroking movements in a clockwise direction.
  2. Try to exclude events that can scare or disturb the baby.
  3. Introduce fiber-rich foods into the mother's diet (See).

If these measures do not help and the one-month-old baby does not poop for several days, then you should consult a doctor, even if there are no signs of anxiety.

How to recognize constipation in babies

Not all stool retention in babies is considered constipation. You can talk about constipation when a baby poops badly and his stool is hard, in the form of peas. The child in such situations does not feel comfortable and this is noticeable in his condition:

Note to moms!

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  • Crying often;
  • Strains, trying to have a bowel movement, sometimes screaming;
  • Twisting with legs;
  • Cries when touching the tummy;
  • Restless during feedings;
  • He does not emit gases.

Constipation can be associated with a health problem in the mother or child. If signs of constipation are observed in a baby regularly, then you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo a prescribed examination.

In addition, if a newborn child has not pooped for more than a day, you should pay attention to the medicines that were given to the baby (if given) or if the mother was breastfeeding. Sedatives, including herbal medications, and cough suppressants can cause constipation.

It should be noted separately that bottle-fed babies usually defecate less often than those who eat breast milk.

In general, the process of bowel movement takes place on an individual schedule for each child. Therefore, the mother should not be tormented if their baby suddenly did not poop for the whole day. Watch the most important thing for the general condition of the child. And there is no need to sound the alarm, just because other children go "big" more often.

If you are sure that the child has constipation and cannot go to the toilet, does not poop for more than a day, then you should try to put an enema - Before doing an enema, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

Video: what to do if the baby is tormented by constipation?

Poop often. They begin to worry about the frequent bowel movements of the child, especially if it is the first and long-awaited one. Let's figure out together why the baby has a frequent urge to use the toilet and how it threatens.

The frequency of going to the toilet in the first 6 months of life is primarily associated with the mother's nutrition, if the child is breastfed, or from an adapted formula, if he is an artificial person. When breastfeeding, the baby can poop 7 or 8 times a day and this fact is considered the norm. You should also not worry if he does it less often, but does not experience unpleasant sensations at the same time (does not puff, does not push).

Mothers who plan to feed their baby for a long time should monitor what they eat, because some products have a laxative effect (apricots, plums) and, getting through milk to the baby, weaken the immature gastrointestinal tract, which is why the child often poops.

If a child eats mixtures, then his stool is usually thicker and darker than that of those who eat mother's milk and can poop 1-3 times a day, which is considered normal. The main thing is that the discharge is homogeneous and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Separately, it is worth talking about the baby's chair in the first days of life. After birth, you may observe that the stool comes out in black color, which is called meconium. Pediatricians do not see anything wrong with this, after a while the discharge will lighten and become a homogeneous consistency.

What happens to stool after complementary feeding

After about six months, babies are slowly introduced to adult food. By 7 months, most babies are already familiar with some vegetables and fruits. If your child often walks on a large scale, start introducing the child to cereals, which are a little stronger. Starting with the introduction of complementary foods, children go “in a big way” less often, about 5 times those who are breastfeeding and 2-3 times are artificial, with the help of complementary foods, you can adjust the frequency of going to the toilet (fruits allow you to cope with constipation, and porridge - with frequent urge).

The child often poops: how to react and what to do?

Above it was said about the norms in which the baby should fit. You need to start sounding the alarm if the child poops more than 10 times a day. Changes in color and consistency are also cause for concern. In this case, you can suspect that the baby has an insufficient amount of enzymes.

Sometimes, with violations of the gastrointestinal tract, they talk about lactose deficiency (lack of the enzyme lactose), in which it is very difficult for a baby to digest breast milk and a stool disorder occurs - it becomes very frequent and liquid, or, conversely, can torment constipation. Therefore, if your child poops too often, get tested for lactose deficiency to rule out a lack of enzyme.

In addition, pediatricians name several other reasons why a child may defecate too often:

  • Diarrhea, or stool disorder, is associated with poor baby nutrition. It may be that you gave your child a lot of fruits that relax the intestines. This condition can be corrected at home by giving the child a remedy for diarrhea. If diarrhea persists, it is better to consult a pediatrician. Remember that diarrhea can be very dangerous for a baby, so give him water as often as possible, adding a drug such as Rehydron to the water, which prevents the salts from being washed out of the body.
  • Intestinal infection. If, in addition to diarrhea, the child also has a temperature, you need to immediately show it to the doctor. If untreated, an inflammatory process may develop due to the ingress of bacteria into the fissures of the rectum.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Quite a common phenomenon, characterized by a sharp decline in "good" bacteria. With dysbiosis, there is an unpleasant odor, loose stools, undigested pieces of food. Need a doctor's consultation and competent treatment.

Treatment of frequent bowel movements in toddlers

"By eye" even the most experienced doctor will not be able to determine if frequent or loose stools. To do this, you will have to pass some tests. After receiving the results, the doctor will determine if the child needs to be treated.

If the test results showed nothing wrong, then you should calm down and stop counting the number of urges to use the toilet. It's another matter if an intestinal infection is found. In this case, the doctor prescribes treatment that can be done at home.

If lactose deficiency is detected, the doctor will prescribe special enzymes and advise a diet to improve the situation. A lack of one or another enzyme in a baby under 1 year old is considered normal, since his digestive system is not perfect and will work in full force over time.

How should a child poop after 1 year

After a year, the child usually has regular bowel movements, but here parents should also monitor the color, texture and smell. At the age of 3, we can already say that the child's gastrointestinal tract has matured and is working at full strength, but still differs from the adult. Therefore, at the slightest changes in the stool, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. Monitor the health of your child and then you can avoid many problems later.

Stool disorder in children is one of the common problems. Frequent stools can be a sign of intestinal dysfunction, but young parents are not always able to figure out on their own whether the baby really has a disorder. Therefore, before talking about stool disorders and finding out why the child often poops, it is necessary to figure out what is the normal frequency of stool in children.

How often should a child poop?

Stool frequency in a young child depends on many conditions, and primarily on the diet. In breastfed children, the normal stool frequency in the first months can be up to 7-8 times a day (that is, after each feeding), while in artificial children it is less: 3-4 times a day. The child's stool should be uniform in consistency and color (mushy and yellow). Artificial babies have thicker and darker yellow stools.

As the child develops, the frequency of stool decreases: in babies fed on breast milk, it decreases up to 5 times a day, and after 6 months - up to 2-3 times a day. In children who are bottle-fed, starting from 6 months, stool frequency is set 1–2 times a day.

Some breastfed babies may have bowel movements every 3-4 days. Usually this is due to the peculiarities of the development of the baby, whose body has learned to absorb mother's milk very well. As a rule, mothers in such cases notice that the child began to poop often after the introduction of complementary foods. If at the same time the child does not show signs of anxiety and feels well, and he does not have any other reactions to complementary foods, increased stool frequency after the introduction of complementary foods can be considered normal.

For diarrhea, stools in infants may be watery, runny, brown, or dark green. It has a pronounced unpleasant odor and usually contains mucus. However, according to such indicators as the frequency and type of stool, it is far from always possible to conclude that there are any violations. Stool changes can be caused by normal physiological reasons, therefore, attention should be paid to the child's behavior: as a rule, with problems with the intestines, the baby begins to cry and show anxiety. In such cases, you should seek the help of specialists.

Why does the child often poop?

The most common reasons for a baby pooping often include:

  • diarrhea caused by eating disorders, eating a lot of foods with a laxative effect, or an intestinal infection;
  • lactose intolerance, one of the main signs of which is foamy, watery stools;
  • lack of enzymes responsible for the digestion of food.

Only a doctor can establish the cause of diarrhea, and often one examination of the child is not enough for this: laboratory tests will need to be carried out to make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, if the child began to poop often and you have suspicions of an intestinal disorder, you should not treat him on your own: you should immediately consult a doctor.

Lactose intolerance is associated with a lack of the lactase enzyme and requires a special nutritional supplement to be prescribed by a doctor.

Lack of enzymes is considered a relatively normal phenomenon: it is associated with the developmental characteristics of a child, whose gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to function at full strength. As a rule, in case of enzymatic insufficiency, the doctor prescribes drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora, and the stool gradually normalizes without any special treatment.

Young parents who have their first child in the family are often worried about why the baby often poops. Is it okay? Are there any norms for infancy, one year old and two years old? Of course they are. But it must be borne in mind that the human body is individual. In some babies, breast milk and complementary foods are absorbed quickly. Emptying occurs several times daily. And other babies can poop every other day, but if they do not show concern, then this is also considered the norm.

Why does the child often poop?

When a child has frequent bowel movements, is it good or bad? It depends on many reasons and factors: children's intestines, nutrition, daily regimen. There are certain norms for a child's stool for different ages, but one cannot forget about the individual characteristics of the child's body.

In the first months of life, babies feed only on mother's milk, and it is excreted from the body by the intestines quickly, immediately after each feeding. With age, bait and the gradual consumption of solid foods begin. Accordingly, the work of the intestines and stomach is added and the stool is no longer as frequent as in infants.

How often do newborns poop: first week

The first two days after birth, babies defecate with meconium. This chair is dark green, sometimes almost black. A newborn must necessarily poop in the first two days after birth. During the first week of life, the baby defecates after each feeding.

Young parents are frightened by this, and they are interested in why the child often poops. You should not worry about this, such a frequency of bowel movements is considered the norm. If the baby poops more often, then he can be given baby teas that normalize the stool.

How should a baby poop one week after birth?

A week after the baby is born, the frequency of bowel movements usually does not change. If it is emptied six to eight times a day, then this is considered normal. And it does not mean that the child often poops too much. Again, a lot depends on feeding. With artificial or mixed nutrition, babies are emptied three to four times a day.

Frequency of emptying a baby up to a year

If a child is a month old, does he often poop or not, how to determine? The amount of feces in a baby is approximately 15 grams. Gradually, it will increase up to 50 g. Gradually, the frequency of bowel movements of the baby decreases. He may poop less often, but in larger quantities. In this case, you need to monitor his tummy so that it is not swollen and soft. Otherwise, you should contact your pediatrician.

In the first months when breastfeeding, the child poops up to 7 times a day. Immediately after feeding. On artificial nutrition - a little less often. If, while breastfeeding, the child poops 10-12 times, this is already frequent emptying. It is possible that the mother's diet contains foods that have a laxative effect. Therefore, first of all, you need to reconsider your diet.

With age, the frequency of bowel movements decreases to 5 times a day. After six months - up to 3 times. If a child is artificially fed, then the frequency of emptying his intestines is only 1-2 times a day. The stool of a newborn baby is loose or mushy. But it doesn't have to be hard. There should be no blood, lumps, mucus in the feces.

When breastfeeding with the addition of complementary foods, many parents worry that their baby is often pooping. But if the baby feels good and does not show anxiety, does not cry, there are no negative reactions to additional food to breast milk, then this is considered the norm.

How often should a child poop at the age of one?

The baby, who is one year old, feeds not only on mother's milk. After 6 months, complementary foods begin, and after a year, the diet becomes more varied. Juices, meat purees, etc. are included in the food on a daily basis. This can greatly affect the frequency of baby bowel movements.

When a child often poops a year, most likely, this is the result of introducing new food products into the diet. If the baby defecates 4-5 times a day, then this is considered the norm. If less often or more often, this is already a violation of bowel emptying. In this case, you must first change the diet, remove from it foods that may have a laxative effect. If this does not help, contact your pediatrician.

Reasons for frequent emptying in a child

If a child (2 years old) poops often, then why? The reasons for frequent bowel movements in a child of this age can be different. Of these, three main ones are distinguished:

  • or its insufficiency. At the same time, the stool is watery, sometimes with foam and sour odor.
  • Lack of enzymes. The digestive system produces many of them. Each of them is responsible for individual batteries. If some enzymes are not enough, then normal digestion is disrupted.
  • Diarrhea. It can start due to intestinal infections or eating disorders. In any case, you need to limit the child from products that have a laxative effect (plums, beets, apricots, etc.).


If the child poops frequently, it could be an upset stomach. According to statistics, children get diarrhea about 3 times a year. Parents often try to treat the baby on their own. In this case, the diarrhea may go away, but remain untreated. Symptoms are simply dulled.

The child's stool becomes normal, and the frequency of bowel movements remains the same. But the disease that caused the diarrhea still remains in the child's body. Therefore, if the consistency and frequency of the stool is disturbed, it is still necessary to consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe a course of therapy.

Diarrhea is dangerous because dehydration quickly sets in, metabolism is disturbed. And due to the withdrawal of electrolytes, the activity of the baby's internal organs may change. For example, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which has not yet had time to form completely, is disrupted, or the child's nervous system is damaged.