Volumetric paper dolls templates. Paper doll with clothes: detailed master class. Disney princess paper dolls with cutout clothes

For the first time, paper dolls with clothes for carving appeared in the 18th century, but in those distant times they were used only by milliners, who were comfortable using these affordable inexpensive dolls to demonstrate new models of hats and clothes.

And then, at the beginning of the 19th century, paper dolls with clothes became available for girls who cut out dolls and clothes for them, thereby, from an early age, having the opportunity to be creative.

In the 1830s, the American firm McLoughlin Brothers created a variety of affordable children's paper dolls and cutout clothes. Dolls with clothes were sold for only a few cents, and therefore became available to most girls.

Following the McLoughlin Brothers' footsteps, other companies began to print paper dolls. True, not all of their products had affordable prices. For example, dolls from the German company Raphael Tuck & Sons Publishing Co. were quite expensive, because they were printed on thick paper, in excellent quality and packed in colorful envelope boxes.

These dolls were collapsible, the head of the dolls was removed in order to make it easier for the girls to change clothes. The dolls were produced in several sizes - large 20-35 cm in height, and small “postcard” versions that could be cut out and, if desired, used as postcards.

During the war, there was no time for dolls, and no one dealt with paper dolls. But after the war, the dolls returned again and played an important role, because everywhere there was devastation, there was a lack of the most elementary, including toys for children, and the production of paper dolls could be set up very quickly and with minimal investment.

The perfect Barbie beauty is coming!
Then the Barbie doll came, it conquered the whole world, filled not only store shelves, but also mini-books from where you can cut Barbie figures and clothes for Barbie.

Soon the Guild of Paper Doll Artists (The Original Paper Doll Artists Guild, abbreviated as OPDAG) was created, which successfully works to this day produces paper dolls for fans, plus its own magazine called Paper Doll Studio Magazine.

Modern paper dolls for cutting.
All photos of dolls are enlarged by clicking, you can print.

Soviet paper dolls with clothes for cutting

In the USSR, there was a great idea, but there was not enough elementary things, including children's things, children's toys. Therefore, paper dolls with clothes were the most affordable joy for little Soviet girls.

The dolls were published in special books, and also printed in magazines. First of all, for children, such as "Funny Pictures", as well as in magazines for women "Rabotnitsa", "Peasant". Later, paper dolls began to be sold in the form of quality books, from which it was necessary to cut out the doll itself and its clothes along the contours.

Particularly caring parents themselves drew and cut dolls, new dresses, skirts, boots for dolls, thanks to this the girls had a huge wardrobe for their favorite dolls!

Today, the Celestial Empire's industry produces millions of dolls, from small bobbleheads to 70-centimeter BJD dolls, one shoe for which can cost more than a pair of shoes for a real girl. Despite this, paper dolls are still with us and are not going to go down in history, because they have many advantages!

Advantages of paper dolls
One of the main advantages of a paper doll is its lightness and elegance.

Countless outfits can be created for paper dolls. This does not require much time from you, and from the point of view of money, it is an affordable hobby that does not require financial investments.

Making outfits for a paper doll is a real flight of creativity, in which you can try yourself as a fashion designer. However, at first, you can simply redraw clothes from glossy paper magazines and fashion portals on the Internet.

A doll can be created without hair, then, in addition to outfits, you can also change her hairstyles by making wigs. Of course, wigs exist for ordinary dolls, for BJD, Moxie Teenz, but their wigs cannot be made by yourself, and they are not so cheap.

If you wish, it is easy to create a whole world for your favorite paper doll - a house, a summer residence, a car, an office, or even a servant. At the same time, a paper princess, even if she has her own palace, will not take up much space in the apartment. It can be stored in a bulky folder, and for ordinary plastic dolls, if they have their own palace, they will have to separate a corner in the room, or the whole room.


Draw the figure and underwear of your future doll. Do not press on the pencil, the lines should be barely noticeable so that they can be erased if necessary. Use a gel pen to trace all the paths. It is not at all necessary to use black. To outline the strands, use whichever pen best matches your intended hair color. For body shadow, use an orange pen. Now you can start the final painting.

To make the doll more realistic, you need to consider which side the light is coming from. Focusing on this, outline the shadows and highlights. It is best to paint with pastels or pencils, the paper can get wet and deformed from paints, and felt-tip pens will not give the realism that is obtained with pencils or pastels. Shadows should be filled with a darker color than the main color, and highlights should be lighter. When the front of your doll is ready, use the same principle to create the back.

Glue both halves together. Now you need one for your doll. It is painted in the same way as the doll itself, but when creating clothes you need to pay attention to some details. Take into account the position of the doll, clothes should match the position of the body.

Outline the shape of the toy, draw the clothes around this base. If the item is tight-fitting, it should fit the doll exactly on the figure. Make rectangular bindings to hold the clothes on to the doll. These attachments should be on the shoulders, around the elbows and calves.

Dressing attachments should not be wider than the doll's parts, otherwise they will be visible. If your doll's hair is loose, use scissors to separate it from the shoulders, but don't cut the neck! This will allow the garment carrier to slide through. If desired, the doll itself can be drawn, and the hairstyles can be cut and decorated separately. Dolls and clothes for them can be created in a variety of ways. You can craft elves, fairies, and other magical creatures.

You can diversify your leisure time by playing with paper dolls. It's fun and interesting, because only with such a toy can you experiment, changing your wardrobe and styles, decorations and stories. The patterns of the most popular dolls for cutting are presented in this article.

The paper doll is an interesting toy for children. Of course, it consists of a fragile material and can tear at any time. But, only such a figure allows you to change colorful clothes in seconds, creating the desired image of the toy.

Depending on preference, the doll can be drawn in the style of popular cartoon characters. If you find modern cartoons not useful for your child, use cutout templates classic baby dolls and dolls.

For little girls from 2 or 3 years of age, use baby dolls... Such dolls are drawn very simply, they repeat the features of babies and have in their arsenal many interesting accessories.

For older girls, dolls that are drawn at an older age are useful. Such dolls are often have a very wide wardrobe: cocktail, evening, business and casual suits, shoes, jewelry and even handbags.

Doll options for young children:

Baby doll for little girls

Baby doll for little girls with costumes Doll "Nastenka" for little girls

Baby dolls for cutting with costumes

Little baby doll for carving A doll for carving, designed for little girls

Each paper doll has its own wardrobe of paper suits. These wardrobe items have small paper clasps that should be used to attach them to the doll itself.

Options for paper dolls for adult girls:

Paper doll for cutting

Chrysalis teen for carving

Little mermaid doll for cutting with clothes Paper doll Jasmine for cutting with clothes

Modern doll cutout model with clothes Paper doll wardrobe

Paper barbie dolls with clothes to cut out print

Barbie doll" classic doll with model parameters... She must have long legs, a thin waist, thick hair and a beautiful face. Such a doll figure allows experiment with barbie wardrobe, creating the most daring models of dresses and suits.

Barbie doll for carving:

Barbie doll for cutting Barbie paper doll to cut out

Classic Barbie and Ken paper cut doll

Barbie - paper doll for cutting Paper Barbie Cut Out

70s Paper Barbie Cut Out

Winx paper dolls with clothes to cut

Winx dolls are modern cartoon characters that have fairy image... They are tall, with long legs and beautiful hairstyles. The difference between these dolls is that they have wings, like butterflies.

Experimenting with Winx wardrobes is very interesting, because due to their uniqueness, they can have very original clothing items.

Winx paper dolls for carving:

Winx doll for cutting Winx doll paper

.paper Winx doll for carving

Winx doll for paper cutting

Paper dolls with clothes to cut out print monster high

Monster Hay is modern cartoon characters. They are sorceresses with an unusual appearance. girls monster high must have a modern wardrobe: stylish miniskirts, high heels, stockings and T-shirts.

Monster High dolls for carving:

Doll templates for carving

Monster High for paper cutting

Variant of the Monste High doll for cutting Carving doll, Monster High

Monster High doll for cutting with a wardrobe

Doll from the Monster High series for cutting

Paper doll Monster High for cutting with wardrobe

Paper dolls boys with clothes for cutting print

Like ordinary dolls, paper dolls need friends and "second halves". That is why you should have boy doll template... Depending on your preferences, you can draw or find on the Internet many drawings of boys from various cartoons.

Paper Cutting Boy Dolls:

Simple doll boy for carving

Simple paper boy doll for cutting Ken doll for carving

Paper doll for cutting, boy pattern

Print paper trivia for dolls

Every doll, even a paper doll, needs accessories: jewelry, bags, hats and shoes. Like the entire wardrobe, they can be depicted on paper. Just like suits, they are fastened with paper clasps.

Little things for a doll, templates for cutting:

Trivia for a paper barbie doll

Trivia for Brats paper doll

Baby doll wardrobe and accessories

Paper furniture for dolls print

In order to create a suitable atmosphere for the paper doll, furniture comes in handy. Having printed out the furniture, you can "build" a house and come up with your own story for the doll.

Paper doll furniture, cutout templates: Paper dolls with clothes for cutting print black and white for coloring

Paper dolls with sets of clothes are not such an easy toy. It's not for nothing that girls love this game so much. After all, here you can show all your creative abilities. Try to think of an outfit for your princess.

Yes, such that no one else would have it. Can you imagine how many skills and abilities this game gives, how it develops fine motor skills. After all, the paper doll must be cut very carefully. just as carefully you need to work with scissors when creating outfits. And the outfits not only need to be invented, they also need to be painted.

But first, you can just download this doll and a set of outfits for her. Look at the dresses here! Just a treasure for a real princess!

And here she is.

Winter outfit - fur coat and hat. Just a Snow Maiden!

A couple of ball gowns. It is difficult to find a girl who would not like to have such fluffy dresses in her wardrobe.

Girls don't always want to play with a big doll. Therefore, I propose to download and print this option. Here is the same doll and her clothes, but in a smaller size.

Paper dolls for dressing up with a set of cut clothes.

Today there are many ways to diversify a child's leisure time, but teenage girls do not stop playing with paper dolls. Routine cutting and dressing turns into a surprisingly exciting experience for a young fashionista.

  • You can add new things to the finished wardrobe, spending hours inventing, decorating as you please, and experimenting.
  • You can change your wardrobe, borrow your favorite clothes from other paper doll sets, create your own story and add decorations cut from magazines.

The material of this article is devoted to paper dolls: cute dolls, slender and beautiful Barbies, Winx and Monster High dolls, boy dolls, which no toy beauty can do without. Here you will find both the templates of the most popular dolls for cutting, as well as clothes for them.

Paper Barbie Dolls with Clothes to Cut: Print Template

A real Barbie doll, which every self-respecting girl has, has a limited wardrobe: a lush ornate dress is difficult to sew on her own. Whether it's a paper slender beauty!

The finished curvy girlish silhouette can be printed on thick paper and cut out. If a girl likes cute babies more, then there is also a large selection of clothes for them. Then everything is simple: the finished clothing template is cut out with the folds left over the shoulders, and you can start the most real girly game - turn on your imagination and develop design skills.

  • If the doll needs to update her wardrobe, then it is enough to outline her figure on a piece of paper and the question of finding the right “size of clothes” is resolved! It remains only to give the thing the desired shape and decorate it with colored caradash or felt-tip pens.
  • Among the ready-made sets of clothes for Barbie, there are a variety of models of dresses, skirts, blouses and trousers. For paper doll wealth, you can select or glue the original box, write a name, and constantly replenish the collection of clothes.
  • If your daughter has a mountain of toys in her room, then it's time to remember the girlish fun, the beginning of children's creativity, which introduces the design of clothes and modeling - the game "Dress up a paper doll."

Barbie doll and carving evening dress

If your daughter still does not know how to draw dolls with cute faces and fashionable hairstyles, as well as come up with dresses for them, then use ready-made templates. You just need to choose a paper doll and print it out.

If the doll's outfit is torn, then it will not be difficult to replace it with another colorful clothes, newly printed. And who knows, maybe your girl, thanks to such an occupation, will become a famous fashion designer in the future!

Model parameters, beautiful face, delightful smile, long thick hair - it's all about the classic Barbie doll. What girl does not dream of having a lot of such dolls in her collection? Create bold looks with your daughter and experiment with your wardrobe.

Barbie doll and cutout clothes templates:

Winx paper dolls with clothes for cutting: stencil for printing

  • The cartoon characters of the Winx Dolls, who embodied the image of fairy girls saving the world from the dark forces, quickly gained popularity among young spectators.
  • Tall, long-legged with thick and lush hair - these dolls have become the embodiment of not only beauty, but also courage, because these girls resist the witchcraft of strong and dangerous enemies.
  • And only bright wings remind of their true purpose of girls - to build a personal life and win their place under the sun in a fabulous country.
  • Unusual Winx girls have unusual clothing items. That is why it is so interesting to experiment and come up with new magical images for them.

Winx dolls and cutout clothes templates:

Winx paper dolls for cutting

Paper dolls Monster High with clothes for cutting

  • Monster High is a series of fashion dolls based on horror films and monster stories. Fairy women with unusual looks and unusual wardrobe items compete with cute Barbie in pink outfits.
  • Adorable, friendly and outgoing, these dolls quickly found their admirers among teenage girls. If the articulated Monster High dolls are too expensive for you, we suggest assembling a paper collection of dolls of this series.
  • You just need to print ready-made templates for dolls, stylish mini-skirts, high-heeled shoes, T-shirts. All this is cut along the contour and the stylish modern wardrobe of the Monster High doll is ready!

Monster High doesn't have as many wardrobe items as Barbie or other doll beauties, but it's fixable! By connecting imagination, the Monster High doll can be dressed up not only in her usual clothes, but also come up with your own original things: fluffy or cocktail dresses, outfits for operetta.

Patterns of Monster High dolls and clothes for cutting:

Video: House for a paper doll

Video: Paper dolls with a house in the album

Disney princess paper dolls with cutout clothes

Disney princesses (Belle, Aurora, Jasmine, Cinderella, Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid) can also be cut out of paper and put together an individual wardrobe for each of them, because each doll comes with different clothes.

IMPORTANT: when cutting out clothes for a paper doll, do not forget about small "fasteners": leave white stripes with which the little thing can be attached to the doll.

Disney princess dolls and cutout clothes templates:

Cutout Paper Doll: Princess Aurora

Paper dolls girls modern with clothes for cutting

  • Paper dolls with clothes to cut can be very different. There are even animals for which you can pick up a set of necessary things. But the traditional and favorite toy is the usual beautiful paper girl doll.
  • It is easy for a young mistress to imagine and draw a wardrobe for such a doll, creating different images. Such a doll is graceful and cute, but, unfortunately, not durable. White valves on clothes, which are used to attach to the doll's body, can also come off.
  • Therefore, it will be difficult for a very little girl to play with a paper-cut doll, because she cannot be planted, bought or fed.
  • No matter how diverse the world of toys is, the girls' interest in the game "Dress up a paper doll" with sets of paper suits, dresses, shoes will not weaken. And if their mothers had to be content with that paper doll for cutting, which was printed in the magazine, then today you can download a doll for every taste, and certainly the girl next door will not have one!

Patterns of modern girls dolls and clothes for cutting:

Paper dolls for cutting

Paper dolls boys with clothes to cut

In this section you will find a "soul mate" for a paper beauty.

Paper dolls-boys are also necessary in girls' games, as are beautiful ladies, because without friends and love you cannot come up with an interesting story! Here, a ready-made boy's template for cutting with a set of clothes will come to the rescue.

  • If your daughter has a classic paper doll, then it is better to choose the "second half" option for her with the appearance of Ken or an ordinary handsome young man.
  • For a paper doll Winx or Monster High and a friend must have the appropriate appearance. Here you should pay attention to the heroes of animated films.

Boy dolls and cutout clothes patterns:

Paper dolls kids with clothes to cut out

Adorable baby dolls will appeal to little girls aged 2-3 years. These dolls repeat the facial features of babies, and their wardrobe is made up of many interesting accessories.

Toddler Dolls & Cut Out Clothes Patterns:

  • Paper dolls for cutting and coloring black and white with a set of clothes
  • Black and white dolls are usually painted in swimsuits and come with a set of clothes to decorate.
  • The advantage of black and white dolls for cutting is that a young fashionista can decorate their clothes at her discretion, which will completely immerse the girl in the world of creativity. This activity develops fine motor skills, attention and perseverance.
  • For a girl keen on creativity, such a black and white doll with a set of clothes will be a wonderful gift! You can cut out ready-made templates for black and white dolls and decorate them, or you can come up with and draw a doll yourself.

Patterns for coloring dolls and clothes to cut:

Print paper trivia for dolls

  • Puppet wealth can be replenished with various necessary little things: jewelry, handbags, hats, and other original accessories. You can even make a laptop for the doll and collect all the necessary gadgets.
  • If they are not in the selected picture with a doll and a set of clothes, then it will not be difficult to find and download them separately. Do not forget about the white clasps, because all accessories are also attached to the doll, like clothes.

Paper Cutting Accessory Templates:

Paper trivia for dolls: newspaper

Paper furniture for dolls print

  • The game will become much more interesting if you create a suitable atmosphere for paper dolls and make furniture.
  • After printing the template, you only need to bend the blanks along the fold lines and glue the parts with glue using white stripes. After that, you can begin to "build" a paper or cardboard house and "populate" it with tenants.

Cutting furniture templates:

Furniture for dolls: pillows, mirror, curbstone

Video: The History of the Paper Doll
