A neat appearance is a guarantee of beauty. Look impeccable as always. Sloppy and unkempt appearance Split hair ends

Being seductive is not a matter of a couple of momentary tricks, but a whole art, the ability to behave like a “goddess”. and feel the same. How to achieve this, the American Marie Forleo wrote in her bestseller “You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy. " We are publishing an excerpt from the book dedicated to typical female mistakes that scare men away. So, here they are:

1. Pitying behavior

Here are some classic examples of pathetic behavior that should be avoided:

When you tell a man that you need him to be happy;
When you keep repeating “I miss you”;
When you maniacally check your email or voicemail;
Obsessive emails and calls (especially to make sure “everything is okay”);
Authority demands an answer, where he is and what he does 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
Quiet - and not so - fits of anger when he does not devote his attention to you;
A constant, insatiable desire to hear that he likes your appearance and that he approves of your actions.

2. Endless uncertainty

"Doesn't it make me look fat?" "Do you still love me?" "You probably think she's prettier than me?" "Am I attractive enough for you?" Endless insecurity infuriates men and feeds the illusion of your self that you are full of flaws and are somehow worse than others.

You can learn not to feed insecurity, and this is absolutely essential if you want to be irresistible. Either you invest in uncertainty or irresistibility. I suggest the second option.

Here's a hint. If you think you look fat in a particular outfit, you probably are. I know this is tough, but this is the reality. Not every type of clothing is suitable for every body size. Wear clothes that look fabulous on you and that flatter your figure. Check out your wardrobe with a trusted friend and tweak it so that clothes that make you wonder if you look fat in them are removed from the list of options.

3. Inability to communicate

First, most women don't really listen. When you really listen, you instantly become attractive. By truly listening to a man, you make him feel special in a very powerful way, your interest. If you really want to drive men crazy, become a skilled listener.

The second communication mistake is that women talk about other men in a manner that arouses jealousy or self-doubt in their current partner. Ex-boyfriends, husbands, other people you meet, your wonderful male friends - all of these topics are dangerous and uncomfortable if you are not tactful enough in touching them. Hint: If you are in doubt about your ability, leave other men outside of your relationship.

Third, many women feel the need to talk during or after sex, believing that this is the perfect moment to get him to reveal his true feelings. No, no and NO! You can't pressure a man to open up to you during or after sex, especially at the dating stage. The side effects of this pressure are dissatisfaction, alienation and, at times, extreme confusion.

4. Sloppy and unkempt appearance

So many beautiful women launch themselves and then wonder why they can't attract a man. How you look affects how you feel. And if you look inconspicuous, then most likely you do not feel so hot, and men catch this feeling of you. When the relationship is such that women feel too comfortable, they often stop trying to look attractive. Some men may briefly retain sympathy for you (especially if they don't look after themselves in the same way), but for many, this neglect can trigger a withdrawal response. And when you become a couple, it is very easy to relax. Do not do this under any circumstances. The same applies to personal hygiene (teeth, breathing and ... yes, there too). And while sweaty sex after the gym can be passionate and fantastic, irresistible women make sure they are always clean and fresh.

5. A hard and bitter outlook on life

A hard and bitter outlook on life is caused by suppressed anger. We were taught that anger is bad, a real lady should not show it. We do not allow ourselves to feel angry and, therefore, get used to suppress this feeling in the hope that it will go away, or at least not be noticeable to others. The problem is that the suppressed does not disappear anywhere. In fact, trying not to feel something is a form of resistance, and since what YOU resist stays and builds up strength, it’s not surprising that suppressed anger translates into a hard and bitter outlook on life.

Fortunately, you don't need years of therapy and anger management courses to get rid of it. Just allow yourself to feel anger when it comes up. If expressing your feelings and responding appropriately to the situation is appropriate, then don't hold back. If not, just feel angry and come back to life.

6. Is sarcastic and critical

Many of us find it difficult to acknowledge and compliment other irresistible women, especially in the presence of our man. Insecure people will speak unflatteringly about a competitor's clothing, shoes, hair, purse, figure, makeup, or success in life.

Criticism directed at another woman makes you look bad. People around you see you insecure and jealous. And let's be honest, your boyfriend must have noticed her ten minutes earlier than you, so why pretend like it isn't?

Here's what to do. When you spot another sexy woman, bless her and say, “That's right, girl. Take action! " This will tune your brain to approve of the attractiveness, and the universe will only have to say, "Yes, lady!" and help you be as seductive as you can.

7. Boring in bed

While no man in his right mind would say this, boring sex often leads to breakups and dead-end relationships. This does not mean that you need to set up a striptease pole in your bedroom or hit a hard bandage (although both could be extremely entertaining), but you should study your own ideas about sexuality and honestly admit to yourself that you are holding yourself back. in bed or not.

For many of us, whether we realize it or not, our upbringing has taught us that sex is bad. Even though we say we like him, we grew up in a society where sex is considered dirty, shameful and sinful. And often we are embarrassed to even speak frankly about him, and even more so to develop our sexuality.

I suggest being a sinner more often and initiating sex much more often. I also recommend that you buy beautiful lingerie that makes you look and feel sexy.

Learn to have fun in bed with a man. Letting him satisfy you during sex. This will be the best gift you can give your man.

Let's highlight the main thing. If a woman is bored in bed, it is due to her fear. Fear of looking stupid, not knowing what to do, thinking that they will laugh at her, that she may be rejected. Irresistible women are afraid too, but they still yearn for great sex. Remember, skill comes with practice!

It's easy and pleasant to blame recruiters for your problems. But isn't it better to start with yourself? After all, if a candidate has at least one of the forbidden qualities, it may simply not come to a serious discussion of skills and experience.

Recruiters are strange people. They have a bad habit of rejecting candidates, regardless of their experience and professional qualities - just like that, because they didn't like them. Do you seriously think so? Then read what kind of people HR people have to deal with from time to time. Most likely, our dear readers themselves would not entrust a responsible position to someone who behaves or looks defiant.

1. Non-punctuality

"Punctuality is the courtesy of nerds" is Evelyn Waugh's dictum that should not be applied to interviews. Business people value each other's time. And if for some reason they are late, they try to warn in advance. Non-business people act differently. The question is: why should non-business people work at all?

Tatiana Orlova, General Director of the company "Adoleks", member of NP "Labor Market Experts":

“We live in a big city, with long distances and traffic jams. This is a known fact. Job seekers are often forgiven for some lack of punctuality. However, it is important to warn about possible tardiness. Everyone at work has a busy schedule and does not have enough personal time. People get annoyed when their time is neglected. Punctuality is the courtesy of kings. This quality in people is always pleasing! ".

2. Untidy appearance, untidiness

In the literal, hygienic sense of the word. Dirty hair, smells of sweat and unwashed clothes (or even onions and garlic) are unacceptable even on public transport. What can we say about a business meeting with a stranger?

Vladimir Yakuba, CEO of Tom Hunt recruitment agency:

“A professional must be professional in everything, even in appearance. Nothing justifies an unkempt appearance. I believe that slovenliness is a manifestation of disrespect for the people around you. But ... this factor does not always play a decisive role. Of course, looks are important, but not paramount.

Our company is engaged in promoting the career of top managers. So, we undertook to promote a super professional person to a large international company. Our specialists arranged a meeting for him with a recruiter, but he came to the interview in ripped jeans. The recruiter of that large company wrote to our employees: "The reason for the refusal is the appearance."

3. Arrogance, self-confidence

Employers often demand self-confidence from candidates. But not overconfidence. The first is an objective assessment of one's own strengths and a tendency to use them in the right direction. The second is an overestimation of oneself, evidence of a shallow mind and disrespect for others. Arrogance is the “privilege” of high-ranking applicants.

Tatiana Orlova:

“We have to deal with this more often when candidates for high positions are considered. Some job seekers feel that this adds solidity and weight. In fact, this behavior in most cases does not provide advantages to the applicant. It is always best to be confident and friendly. It is much easier to win over the interlocutor if you communicate with him on an equal footing, and not downwardly. Arrogant behavior often provokes arrogance in response. And then it is not the interview that begins, but the competition "who is cooler than whom."

4. Excessive shyness

There is nothing wrong with shyness in and of itself. Especially if you are a girl from a patriarchal family. But it is difficult to conduct a dialogue with shy interlocutors. In addition, they are less likely to be able to reveal their best qualities. If there is an alternative, employers would rather be risk-averse. However, this quality is forgivable and often indeed is forgiven.

Vladimir Yakuba:

“I suppose that by excessive modesty we mean false modesty, because when a person is naturally modest, he does not exaggerate his achievements, but does not hide them either. If he is asked a question about what he can do, he lists all his competencies. But false modesty, perhaps, is visible immediately, as soon as a person begins to cringe and grimace. "

5. Refusal to answer questions

"What can I say if everything is written in the resume!" - it is logical, on the one hand. On the other hand, you never know who can write something, all the more so - write off from other ads. But if a job seeker can maintain a casual conversation about his job responsibilities - that's a completely different matter.

Tatiana Orlova:

“I can’t remember a candidate refusing to be interviewed on competencies, although there are probably such cases. Basically, I can say that some candidates simply do not know how to go through such interviews, get lost, do not know what to say, do not find examples from their work activities. Because of this, by the way, sometimes a standing specialist cannot pass the selection stage. And it also happens the other way around - a person has learned very well how to pass such interviews and makes an excellent impression. And only after a while, when he has already become an employee, it becomes clear that in fact he is a good artist, and that's all ... The experience of passing different styles of interviews must be developed and know how interviews are conducted. But you also need to understand that each form of interview has its pros and cons. "

An attempt to cheat in employment is the rarest, but perhaps the most serious of the possible sins of a job seeker. If the forgery is revealed, the candidate will definitely be denied employment. Regardless of any achievements.

Vladimir Yakuba:

“In our country, written recommendations are not required, unlike in Western countries. If a candidate provides written recommendations, they should know that they can be verified. After the deception is revealed, the candidate will not be hired under any circumstances. "

7. Lies or obvious exaggeration

Sometimes, out of desperation to get a job (if you do not take into account pathological liars), job seekers increase their value in the eyes of the employer by distorting the facts. Most often this concerns the reasons for dismissal, work experience and functionality. But is it worth building partnerships on lies? Recruiters are convinced not.

Tatiana Orlova:

“Repeatedly I had to deal with the facts of lies on the part of applicants. I can say for sure that almost no employer is ready to forgive a candidate for this. Nobody wants to start working together, life with lies. Exaggeration is a somewhat different matter. A candidate, for example, thinks that his achievements are enormous, and within the company where he is currently interviewing, such achievements are the norm. It is a matter of assessment and experience on which we rely in this assessment. ”

8. Frivolity and familiarity

Many job advertisements seem to only reward these qualities. And thus impudent people walk around. Who, having got to an interview in a serious organization, are surprised to find that their "sociability" (read - insolence) is not welcome here.

Vladimir Yakuba:

“Among business owners and top managers, we sometimes come across eccentrics who like it when young professionals behave a little more insolently than they should at interviews. But recruiters do not tolerate such people. This behavior causes irritation and dislike. A recruiter will never give such a person a positive rating.

Each of these factors is critical. What is more annoying and what is less depends on the specific HR. I am equally annoyed by each of these shortcomings. Sometimes anxiety influences the behavior of candidates. However, this does not justify them either. It should be remembered that in most cases recruiters have a psychological education and see through the candidates. It is the characteristics of the recruiter that play the most significant role in deciding which of the candidates for the position will be enrolled in the staff. "

Remember that your strength lies in your skills and experience. Don't give employers a reason to neglect them. Avoid punctures such as those described above.

Very important for those who want to always look neat and impress others. A person's appearance can be very different. Even with model facial features, a person will not look perfect if his appearance is untidy and unkempt. In this article, you will learn how to look well-groomed and beautiful in any situation.

What is a neat appearance

The fashion industry dictates its own standards, based on which people decide who is beautiful and who is not. But contrary to popular belief, you can look great no matter what facial features you were endowed with at birth.

A neat appearance is, first of all, the cleanliness and well-groomed person. Such people make a positive impression on others and achieve favor in any society.

How to look neat

If you are going to a meeting with your friend or significant other, it is very important to look neat and tidy. Otherwise, the person might think that you don't respect them and don't want to take the time to look good around them. To avoid this situation, you need to learn how to create a neat appearance.

Always keep your hair clean and combed, even if it doesn't seem necessary. Practice personal hygiene at all times, not just when going out. It is worth being prepared for any situation, so as not to run to a meeting with a dirty or wet head after washing.

Wear only fresh, washed items and remember that clothes are not only clean when they are not stained. Train yourself to iron things immediately after washing them or wrinkling them after use. Then it will be easier for you to maintain a neat appearance at work or in any other place where you can not be late, since you will already be ready to go out in clean, ironed clothes.

Sometimes it seems that you can not pay enough attention to shoes, since they still come into contact with dirt and earth. However, if dust and sand remains on your boots, the appearance will deteriorate markedly. Clean and take care of your shoes so they last longer and look like new at all times.

Do not forget that the clothes should fit perfectly on you. Choose only the outfit that fits your size. A jacket hanging over your shoulders or a shirt with tightly pulled buttons will look ridiculous and untidy.

Why a well-groomed look is important in any situation

Sometimes people believe that they should be neat only when they have to leave the house for important meetings or special events. But this opinion is erroneous, since it is necessary to look good even with ordinary daily activities or sitting at home in front of the TV.

It is especially difficult to take care of yourself after retirement, working from home, being on maternity leave after the birth of a child. A neat appearance fades into the background when a person has too little time for himself or, on the contrary, frees up hours for lonely evenings in company with himself. Looking good is important even when no one sees you, because being neat and tidy set a person up for work, cheer up, and boost self-esteem.

Be neat and tidy, do not be lazy to iron your home clothes and comb, style your hair. This way you will not let yourself go and will be ready to interact with others, will start leaving the house more often and will feel more comfortable and happier.

To make it easier for you to look neat and well-groomed, you should use the following tips.

Don't keep old, unnecessary things in your wardrobe. Clothes that you have not worn for a long time will only take up space in your closet. If the item becomes small or stretched out for you, throw it away or give it back. Otherwise, you risk, without thinking, putting it on yourself, going for a walk, and spoil your look.

Clean your shoes in advance, not before going out. Dust and small debris will stick to the wet surface of the boots, when you find yourself outside, your freshly cleaned shoes will become dirty and untidy.

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When we talk about an unkempt appearance, the image of a person in dirty or torn clothes, with oily hair immediately pops up before our eyes. But there are other little things that, imperceptibly for us, give the image a sloppy look.

We are in site have put together for you a list of marker parts that make the look messy. Pay attention and try to avoid them in life.

1. Regrown roots

It is not so important whether they are dark or light, the impression suffers from this.

If you radically change your hair color, tint the roots regularly;

And if the constant coloring tires both you and your hair, you can always return to your natural color.

2. Elastic band for hair on the wrist

This is the case with very busy women who are used to fixing their hair on the run. Of course, this is convenient, but it spoils the whole image. After all, an elastic band is not a watch or a bracelet, its place is on the hair and nowhere else.

Way out: wear beautiful jewelry on your hand, and use the pocket of your bag to store rubber bands.

3. Hair, half-gathered at the back of the head

What do we usually do if the hair gets in the way and there is no time for styling? We collect them in an incomprehensible bunch, something like a tail, but with strands sticking out in different directions. This option is good for a home environment when no one sees, but in society it is unlikely to arouse approval.

Way out: set aside time for styling, or at least just collect your hair in a ponytail.

4. Untreated cuticle and burrs

Hands are our calling card. It seems such a trifle, who will notice? But they will see and from such trifles they will form a general impression not in our favor. And the carefully chosen image will be hopelessly spoiled.

Solution: regularly watch your hands. Just 2 minutes a day and the problem can be avoided.

5. Incorrectly selected shade of powder or foundation

If the tone color is too dark or too light, the face will contrast strongly with the neck. It looks ugly.

Exit: when choosing a tonal basis, take several shades for trial. Apply them along the jawline and leave the one that matches the color of the neck.

6. Carrying 2 bulk bags at once

A canvas shopping bag is a good option to bring your purchases home. But you shouldn't carry them with your bag every day. Otherwise, there is every chance to look unassembled.

Exit: carefully sort through the contents of the bags. Do you really need all the things from the shopping bag?

7. Underwear peeking out from under clothes

If the strap of the bra is constantly sticking out from under the clothes, and the shaping underwear is constantly sticking out from under the belt, this does not add charm. On the contrary, others may think that you were too lazy to look at yourself in the mirror.

Exit: underwear should remain underwear.

8. Dry skin

We all know skin needs to be hydrated. And not only because wrinkles appear faster on dry skin, but also because dryness and flaking of the face and hands look sloppy.

Solution: regularly use moisturizers.

9. Split hair ends

Even if you've been letting go of your hair for months now, that's not a reason to go with split ends. They look very untidy and generally create a neglected image. Do you need it?

Exit: rather to the hairdresser.

Women's habits that scare men away

Pitying behavior

Here are some classic examples of pathetic behavior that should be avoided:

When you tell a man that you need him to be happy.

When you keep repeating "I miss you."

When you maniacally check your email or voicemail.

Obsessive e-mails and calls (especially to make sure “everything is okay”).

Authority demands an answer where he is and what he does 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Quiet - and not so - fits of anger when he does not devote his attention to you.

A constant, insatiable desire to hear that he likes your appearance and that he approves of your actions.

Your feeling of inferiority, which causes pity, puts unreasonable and absolutely unnecessary pressure on a man. He will constantly feel that he must fulfill his role for you, be ideal and / or correspond to your ideal idea of ​​himself ... otherwise ... If he makes a "mistake", he will not only have to deal with the consequences - he, on top of that, it will also be responsible for your happiness.

Plus, if you have the false idea that you need it to be happy, you are deprived of all your strength. Your well-being will always be at the mercy of the other person. You make yourself powerless, and a powerless woman, my dear, can be anything but irresistible.

Endless uncertainty

"Doesn't it make me look fat?" "Do you still love me?" "You probably think she's prettier than me?" "Am I attractive enough for you?" Endless insecurity infuriates men and feeds the illusion of your self that you are full of flaws and are somehow worse than others. Your insecurity is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled, no matter how many reassurances you get. This is because the idea that you are somehow worse than others is false. This is an illusion. The illusion cannot be corrected, because it is initially unreal, unreal.

You can learn not to feed insecurity, and this is absolutely essential if you want to be irresistible. Either you invest in uncertainty or irresistibility. I suggest the second option.

Here's a hint. If you think you look fat in a particular outfit, you probably are. I know this is tough, but this is the reality. Not every type of clothing is suitable for every body size. Wear clothes that look fabulous on you and that flatter your figure. Check out your wardrobe with a trusted friend and tweak it so that clothes that make you wonder if you look fat in them are removed from the list of options.

Here's another important note. No matter how slender, successful, and attractive you become, insecurity will never go away. Because the inner false thought cannot be corrected by the outer reality. The only way to get rid of insecurity is by allowing yourself to feel it when you actually feel it (in other words, don't resist it). But you can’t dwell on this feeling. Switch your attention to what is happening around you. For example, listen carefully to the interlocutor or simply tidy up your table. Where you direct your attention, energy flows. You will simply notice insecurity without taking it to heart and not giving it importance, you will find that it will appear much less often. You will also strengthen your ability to be present in the here and now, to fully surrender to life, and this is the key to unleashing your true irresistibility. ...

Inability to communicate

Women often make communication mistakes that undermine their irresistibility and cause men to run away before you can say: "Marriage, children!"

First, most women don't really listen. We decide whether we like what the man says, whether we agree with his words or not, we determine whether we knew this before. We also listen to understand if what we hear fits into our plans (such as, for example, getting a young man, getting married, having children). This is not a real hearing.

When you really listen, you instantly become attractive. By truly listening to a man, you make him feel special in a very powerful way, your interest. If you develop genuine attraction to each other, he will open more and more to you. After all, you are so sensitive and so subtly understand who he really is (and not who you are trying to make him). I cannot convey how important this is. If you really want to drive men crazy, become an expert listener.

The second communication mistake is that women talk about other men in a manner that arouses jealousy or self-doubt in their current partner. Ex-boyfriends, husbands, other people you meet, your wonderful male friends - all of these topics are dangerous and uncomfortable if you are not tactful enough in touching them. Hint: If you are in doubt about your ability, leave other men outside of your relationship. You should not paint the details of your romantic and sexual history, nor should you praise other men in order to provoke your partner into competition. Pictures and stories of the past will haunt him and create a karmic circle of jealousy-based games with which you will wear each other down.

Third, many women feel the need to talk during or after sex, believing that this is the perfect moment to get him to reveal his true feelings. No, no and NO! You can't pressure a man to open up to you during or after sex, especially at the dating stage. The side effects of this pressure are dissatisfaction, alienation and, at times, extreme confusion.

It goes like this: Sex is an incredible opportunity to just let yourself loose and be passionate, thirsty, and free. There is no need to try to achieve anything through sex or reach a new level in a relationship. Making love means liberating yourself, discovering new things and giving pleasure to yourself and your loved one ...

Sloppy and unkempt appearance

So many beautiful women launch themselves and then wonder why they can't attract a man. If you've put on weight, stopped grooming yourself, or think a tracksuit is your best outfit, it's time to see what's really going on. How you look affects how you feel. And if you look inconspicuous, then most likely you do not feel so hot, and men catch this feeling of you. When the relationship is such that women feel too comfortable, they often stop trying to look attractive. Some men may briefly retain sympathy for you (especially if they don't look after themselves in the same way), but for many, this neglect can trigger a withdrawal response. And when you become a couple, it is very easy to relax. Do not do this under any circumstances. The same applies to personal
hygiene (teeth, breathing and ... yes, there too). And while sweaty sex after the gym can be passionate
and fantastic yet irresistible women make sure to always be clean and fresh. ...